SIAL China 2017

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SIAL China 2017


ESTONIA Dear Guest! Purity, quality and craftsmanship – these words express the very nature of the food and beverage products from Estonia. As part of Northern Europe, Estonia benefits from its geographic location in various ways. Typically to the Northern countries (like Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark), Estonia is rich in pure natural resources such as forests, agricultural land, clean water and pure air. According to various reports (by WHO, OECD and EEA for example), Estonia belongs to the top cleanest countries when it comes to measuring the air quality. The fact that more than half of Estonia’s area is covered by chemically untreated forests, natural water quality is one of Europe’s best and around 16% of the farmland is already organic in itself contributes to the high quality of Estonian food and beverage products. Due to its favourable location, Estonia has been an important trading hub between West, North and East, with also goods from China coming to Scandinavia via the Silk Road through Estonia. As part of the Hanseatic League, Estonian cities developed a long tradition of trade and craftsmanship and even later in history were strongly influenced by the German culture of quality provision. Changing times in recent history provided Estonia with an opportunity to make excellent use of its young state system in order to introduce innovative solutions in the fields of IT and technology. Thus today, Estonians are known both for their hard-working nature and appreciation of traditional craftsmanship as well as high-tech solutions which help to upgrade the local industries. The companies present at SIAL China 2017 represent all these qualities and beyond. You will find secret recipes for liquor mixing, craftsmanship in spirit distilling, tradition in beer brewing, innovation in dairy product development, best quality of bottled water as well as safe and healthy formulas for mother and child. I am pleased to welcome you to Estonian stands. Urve Palo Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology

爱沙尼亚 尊敬的客户! 纯粹、品质和手工工艺,用这几个词来形容爱沙尼亚食品和饮品的特点再适合不过了。身处北欧,爱沙尼亚的地理位置为爱沙尼亚带来各种各样的优 势。 和芬兰、瑞典、挪威和丹麦一样,爱沙尼亚是典型的北部国家,自然资源丰富,如森林、耕地、清洁水和纯净空气。WHO、OECD 和 EEA 等机构的 各个报告显示,根据空气质量测量,爱沙尼亚是空气最纯净的国家。爱沙尼亚的森林覆盖率占国土面积一半以上,未经任何化学处理,天然水质也属 于欧洲最高品质。此外,大约 16% 的耕地都是有机耕地,这些都有助于爱沙尼亚生产高品质的食品和饮品。 由于其得天独厚的地理位置,爱沙尼亚已成为西部、北部和东部各国之间的重要贸易枢纽,同时也是中国的货物通过丝绸之路运往斯堪的纳维亚半岛 的必经之路.作为汉萨同盟的成员,爱沙尼亚的城市形成了历史悠久的贸易和手工工艺传统,后来深受德国品质保证的文化影响。近代历史的时代更 迭为爱沙尼亚提供了机遇,使其能充分利用新成立的国家体系,引进更多 IT 和技术领域的创新解决方案。因此,如今的爱沙尼亚人凭借其勤劳的品 质、对传统手工工艺的热爱以及高科技解决方案著称于世,推动了当地工业的发展。 今年参加广交会的公司就是卓越品质的代表。我们会为您展示调酒秘方、啤酒酿造传统、苹果酒手工制造工艺、最佳品质的瓶装水、天然口感的果酱 和果汁以及母子皆宜的健康安全配方。 欢迎前来爱沙尼亚展位参观,我们感到无比荣幸。 Urve Palo 爱沙尼亚共和国企业部部长

HEIMTAL SPIRITS We are the fastest growing spirits company in Estonia. Heimtal Spirits OÜ Tondi 27 10116 Tallinn Estonia Contact person: Erki Muhu + 372 5680 1100

Heimtal Spirits is a Estonian company, specialising in the production and distribution of distilled spirits, liqueurs and mineral water. The Group combines traditional production processes with the most advanced technology to make its different products. The company has a wide and varied range of own-brand products, including the Group´s flagship product, the Heimtal Organic Vodka.

Main activity

Producing and marketing of fast growing high quality products.

We offer

• Organic Vodka and Organic Flavoured Vodka • Strong and low alcohol products with shimmer effects • Mineral water

HEIMTAL SPIRITS Heimtal Spirits是一家爱沙尼亚公司,专门生产和经销蒸馏烈酒、甜酒和矿泉水等产品。集团将传统生产 过程与最先进的技术结合在一起,生产别具风格的产品。

我们是爱沙尼亚发展速 度最快的烈酒公司。

公司拥有多种自有品牌产品,包括集团旗舰产品Heimtal Organic Vodka。

Heimtal Spirits OÜ Tondi 27 10116 Tallinn Estonia

主要业务 生产和推广备受市场好评的优质产品。

我们提供 • 有机伏特加和有机风味伏特加 • 回味悠长的高度酒水和低度酒水 • 矿泉水

联系人信息 Erki Muhu + 372 5680 1100

KOCH Pure premium handmade craft products, from Estonia - a country with the Freshest Air in the world. Koch OÜ Lootsi 10 10151 Tallinn Estonia Contact person: Brit Juhanson +372 5556 0549

We are a nature friendly company, using our countries pure raw materials in our high quality, tradition valuing craft products - alfalfa, grain, berries, spruce, birch, willow shoots. We are reviving and developing old traditions, keeping them in honour. The best example is “Metsamoor” - which carries Estonian folk (plant) wisdom of ancient traditions – this product has perhaps a handful, if any, competitors in the world.

Main activity

• Distilling, rectifying and blending • Beer manufacturer (microbrewery) • Mediating variety of goods

We offer

• ELIKSIIR”, “ALFALFA”, and other – quality products, made using natures gifts. • Wide range of vodkas, liqueurs, cream liqueurs, gins, rums. • Wide range of Koch beers, barley wines.

KOCH 我们是一家环保型公司,我们的高品质传统(限量版)工艺品中大量采用我们国家的纯正原材料——苜 蓿、谷物、浆果、云杉、桦树、柳条等等。我们正在开发和振兴爱沙尼亚的古老传统,并力图将它们发扬 光大。我们的产品”Metsamoor”就是最佳示例——它是我们的“药水”,饱含着爱沙尼亚民间(植物) 的古老传统智慧——这一产品在全球各地的竞争对手寥寥无几。您不妨在家一试。

主要业务 • 蒸馏、精馏、混酿 • 啤酒酿造(小型啤酒厂) • 代加工多种产品

我们提供 •“ELIKSIIR”、“ALFALFA”等——优质手工限量版高端酒水,采用大自然恩赐精心酿制而成。 • 我们珍视传统,尊重大自然——我们不断从大自然中汲取灵感,推出一件又一件工艺制品。 • 我们引入爱沙尼亚最为珍贵的手工技艺并融入灵感,打造成纯正的产品,并隆重推介给亚洲人民。

来自爱沙尼亚的纯手工 限量版工艺制品——爱 沙尼亚拥有世界上最新 鲜的空气。 Koch OÜ Lootsi 10 10151 Tallinn Estonia 联系人信息 Brit Juhanson +372 5556 0549

SAKU ÕLLETEHAS Saku was established in 1820 and has a yearly volume of over 100 million litres. Saku Õlletehase AS Tallinna mnt 2 75501 Saku Estonia Contact person: Margus Masing +372 5057805

Saku Brewery is the oldest and largest brewery in Estonia and, in addition to beer, also produces a wide range of other soft alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The annual turnover of Saku is over 70 million euros and the average number of employees is 350 people. Saku Brewery is a part of the Carlsberg Group and an export partner on 20 markets around the world. The company is particularly concerned with educating people on the drinking culture and the responsible consumption of alcohol.

Main activity

• Production, sales and distribution of beer, soft alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

We offer

• Saku Beer • Kiss ciders • Saku G!N long drinks • Vichy Fresh soft drinks, Vichy water • SuperManki energy drink

SAKU ÕLLETEHAS Saku 酿酒厂 是爱沙尼亚历史最悠久、规模最大的酿酒厂,除了生产啤酒外,还生产多种软酒精饮料和不 含酒精的饮料。 Saku 的年营业额超过 7000 万欧元,平均员工数量为 350 人。 Saku Brewery 隶属于嘉士伯集团,是全球 20 个市场的出口合作伙伴。 该公司特别关注培养饮酒文化以及负责任的酒精消费行为。

Saku 创始于 1820 年,年产量超过 1 亿 升。


Saku Õlletehase AS Tallinna mnt 2 75501 Saku Estonia

• 生产、销售、分销啤酒、软酒精饮料和不含酒精的饮料。

我们提供 • Saku 啤酒 • Kiss ciders • Saku GN 长饮 • Vichy Fresh 软酒精饮料、Vichy 矿泉水 • SuperManki 能量饮料

联系人信息 Margus Masing +372 5057805

SOLBRITT Our factory has 77 years of experience. AS SOLBRITT Viljandi mnt. 91E 79514 Rapla Estonia Contact person: Jane Suits +372 505 6035

АS Solbritt produces a wide range of dry adapted milk powders for infants. We follow strictly WHO recommendations and our production is certified according to ISO 9001:2008. Company has a strict quality control from raw materials purchased in Europe to the finished product of the latest international standards and regulatory requirements in accordance with Codex Alimentarius and HACCP. Our brand NUPPI® is developed in accordance with EU regulations and all Nuppi products have HALAL certifiaction.

Main activity

АS Solbritt is specialized in the production of dry adapted milk powders for babies from birth up to three years under the NUPPI® brand.

We offer

• NUPPI standard – NUPPI 1 (0-6 months), NUPPI (0-12 months), NUPPI 2 (6-12 months) • NUPPI premium - NUPPI GOLD 1 (0-6 months), NUPPI GOLD 2 (6-12 months), NUPPI GOLD 3 (from 12 months up to) • NUPPI HA 1 (0-6 months), NUPPI HA 2 (6-12 months) – hypoallergenic! • NUPPI AR (0-12 months) – anti-reflux! • NUPPI EMA - additional nutrition for pregnant and lactating mothers

SOLBRITT АS Solbritt 是一家生产各式婴儿配方奶粉的公司。我们严格遵循世卫组织 (WHO, World Health Organization) 的建议,我们的生产已通过 ISO 9001:2008 认证。我们公司对购自欧洲的原材料以及成 品均具有严格的质量控制要求,符合国际食品法典委员会和食品安全管理体系 (HACCP, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) 的最新国际标准和监管要求。 我们一直按照欧盟法规开发 NUPPI® 产品,并且 NUPPI产品都有清真(HALAL)认证。

主要业务 АS Solbritt 专为刚出生至 3 岁婴幼儿生产 NUPPI® 品牌干奶粉。

我们提供 • NUPPI 标准 – NUPPI 1(0-6 个月)、NUPPI(0-12 个月)、NUPPI 2(6-12 个月) • NUPPI premiuim - NUPPI GOLD 1(0-6 个月)、NUPPI GOLD 2(6-12 个月)、 NUPPI GOLD 3(12 个月以上) • NUPPI HA 1(0-6 个月)、NUPPI HA 2(6-12 个月) - 低过敏性! • NUPPI AR(0-12 个月) – 抗反流! • NUPPI EMA -怀孕和哺乳期妈妈专用额外的营养

我们拥有 77 年的生产 经验。 AS SOLBRITT Viljandi mnt. 91E 79514 Rapla Estonia 联系人信息 Jane Suits +372 505 6035

VÄRSKA VESI According to an ancient legend, Värska water possesses miraculous powers. It is thought that whoever drinks that mystical ice-age water will gain health, strength and a long life. AS Värska Vesi Pikk 41 64001 Värska Estonia Contact person: Marge Taivere +372 555 00606

Värska Vesi is a privately held Estonian company established in 1993, but Värska water has been known about for over forty years, since 1973, when Värska water bottling was started. Värska has become synonymous with the salty mineral water in Estonia. It is the most popular brand of bottled water with an image that reflects the highest levels of Northern Europe quality.

Main activity

AS Värska Vesi is Estonian biggest producer and distributor of mineral and drinking water.

We offer

• Natural mineral water - Värska Originaal was the first certified natural mineral water in Estonia. It has remained the most popular mineral water for over forty years. Värska Originaal has a solid mineral content and therefore also a mildly salty taste. Available in sparkling and still forms in glass and PET bottles. • Spring water - Värska Spring water is natural, pure, and unflavoured water that contains natural minerals. Available in sparkling and still forms in PET and glass bottles, which are easily recognisable thanks to their green colour.

VÄRSKA VESI Värska Vesi是一家爱沙尼亚私企,成立于1993年,然而Värska水的大名早在四十多年以前就已为公众所 知,Värska瓶装水历史始于1973年。Värska已成为爱沙尼亚咸味矿泉水的代名词。 它是最受欢迎的瓶装 水品牌,具有能够反映北欧品质最高水平的形象。

主要业务 АS Värska Vesi是爱沙尼亚最大的矿泉水和饮用水生产商和经销商。

我们提供 • 天然矿泉水——Värska Originaal是爱沙尼亚首款通过认证的天然矿泉水。四十多年来,它始终保持着最 受欢迎矿泉水的地位。Värska Originaal含有固体矿物质,因此也具有温和的咸味。提供玻璃瓶装和PET瓶 装两种包装形式。 • 泉水——Värska Spring是天然、纯正、未添加任何风味的纯净水,含有多种天然矿物质。提供PET瓶装 和玻璃瓶装两种包装形式,莹莹绿色让消费者对其过目不忘。

爱沙尼亚流传着一个古 老的传说,Värska水具 有神奇的力量。人们认 为只要喝过这种源自神 秘冰河时期的水,就会 得到健康和力量,实现 长寿。 AS Värska Vesi Pikk 41 64001 Värska Estonia 联系人信息 Marge Taivere +372 555 00606

VIGALA In Vigala, we just love cheese. We produce innovative and healthy products from traditional cheese. Our products are 100% made of local raw materials and do not contain any additional filling compounds or vegetable fats. The products also do not contain any added conservatives or other synthetic substances. Vigala Piimatööstus Ltd Piima 2 78001 Kivi-Vigala, Vigala Rural Municipality, Rapla County Estonia Contact person: Kirti Asperk +372 5347 2337

Vigala Dairy Factory was founded in 1925. We were the first to produce mozzarella in Estonia. The products of Vigala are 100% made of Estonian milk, collected from small farmers. This way we can be sure that the milk comes from professionals who value clean environment. In addition to supporting sustainable production and Estonian agriculture, Vigala is also passionate about healthy eating. This means that we have not hidden any unhealthy additives in our products – we simply do not need those. There is, however, plenty of calcium and proteins... and in an especially delicious form!

Main activity

The main activity of Vigala Dairy is the production, sale and export of milk and cheese products.

We offer

• Healthy and memorable taste experience • Innovation in the Cheese World • Cheese snacks that you have never tasted before • Glamorous desserts

VIGALA Vigala Dairy Factory成立于1925年,是爱沙尼亚首家生产马苏里拉奶酪的厂家。 Vigala的食品100%采用爱沙尼亚各小农场主提供的牛乳制成。这种方式可以确保我们的牛乳来自于珍视环 境的专业人员。 除重视可持续生产以及爱沙尼亚农业环境外,Vigala还十分重视健康饮食。换言之,我们未在产品中隐藏 任何不健康的添加剂——我们也无需使用这些东西。然而,我们的产品中含有大量的钙和蛋白质……外观 更是无比诱人!

主要业务 Vigala Dairy的主要业务为生产、销售和出口乳制品及奶酪制品。

我们提供 • 健康的美食体验,令人一品难忘 • 创新型奶酪制品 • 您未曾品味过的奶酪美食 • 诱人的甜点

在Vigala,我们只钟爱 奶酪。我们采用传统奶 酪生产创新型健康食 品。我们的食品100% 采用当地原材料制成, 不含任何额外添加成分 或植物脂肪。我们的食 品也不含任何防腐剂或 其他合成物质。 Vigala Piimatööstus Ltd Piima 2 78001 Kivi-Vigala, Vigala Rural Municipality, Rapla County Estonia 联系人信息 Kirti Asperk +372 5347 2337

ENTERPRISE ESTONIA Enterprise Estonia (EAS) is the largest public entrepreneurshipsupporting organisation in Estonia.

Our aim is to promote Estonian economic development by encouraging export and attracting foreign direct investments.

Contact person in China:

The following information and services are offered to foreign enterprises free of charge: • General information enquiries about Estonia as a place for doing business • Organising fact-finding missions • Identifying potential partners in Estonia • Preparing investment projects • Supporting the development of market entry strategies • Providing information on specific investment and business opportunities

Mrs. Anneli Vilu Trade and Investment Director in China Embassy of the Republic of Estonia No. 1, Liangmaqiao Beixiaojie, Chaoyang District Beijing 100600, P.R. China Telephone: +86 13661881245 Fax: +86 10 85316701

For encouraging export, we help Estonian enterprises in their search for business partners and new sales opportunities. In addition to helping Estonian enterprises, we also help foreign enterprises free of charge in finding potential sourcing partners from Estonia via targeted search. The website is a government-run internet database providing information about potential partners in Estonia for foreign companies. For additional information, please contact:

The website offers a wide range of information and advice to enterprises interested in investing in Estonia. For additional information, please contact:

爱沙尼亚企业局 我们的宗旨是通过鼓励出口和吸引外国直接投资来推动爱沙尼亚经济发展。 鼓励出口方面,我们帮助爱沙尼亚企业寻找业务合作伙伴和新的销售机会。除了帮助爱沙尼亚企业外, 我们还帮助外国企业免费通过目标搜索从爱沙尼亚寻找潜在的采购合作伙伴。 网站是政府运作的互联网数据库, 可为外国公司提供爱沙尼亚潜在合作伙伴的信息。 更多信息,请联系 免费为外国企业提供以下信息和服务: • 爱沙尼亚作为经商场所的一般信息查询 • 组织实地考察 • 识别爱沙尼亚潜在的合作伙伴 • 准备投资项目 • 支持市场进入策略的制定 • 提供特定投资和商业机会信息 网站为对投资爱沙尼亚感兴趣的企业提供广泛的信息和建议。 更多信息,请联系

爱沙尼亚企业局 (EAS) 是爱沙尼亚以企业家精 神为依托的大型公营机 构。 中国区联系人: Anneli Vilu/安蓝 贸易投资驻中国总监 爱沙尼亚共和国驻华大使馆 电话:+86 13661881245 传真:+86 10 85316701 中国北京朝阳区亮马桥北小街1号 邮编:100600


Estonian Pavilion @ Hall E4 Stand No. D 006



Estonian Pavilion @ Hall E5 Stand No. F 026




Estonian Pavilion at Hall E5 Stand No. F 026 ENTERPRISE ESTONIA SOLBRITT VIGALA

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