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Enterprise Estonia – Estonian Space Office Enterprise Estonia is one of the largest agenciess in the national support system for entrepreneurship p in Estonia, providing financial assistance, consultaation, cooperation opportunities and training. The e general budget of Enterprise Estonia in 2009 for all ll programmes is about ₏ 400 millon. We are a locally approved expert organisation in n many industries and sectors of the economy, and we e are confident that space-related endeavours constiitute one of the main fronts for global progress and d unity of humankind. We also believe that each country, no matter how w big or small, can contribute in its own special way y to the international space community and that thiss commitment can be considered a step toward a bettter future. Even if it is a very small step, we will take it.

Enterprise Estonia – in the role of Estonian Space Office Enterprise Estonia, the principal Estonian R&D funding agency, acts as the executive body for space activities and is the largest public investor in this field. The task of Enterprise Estonia includes distributing space-related information to companies and research institutions, organizing information days and training events, supporting research and development at the companies, and holding seminars and conferences on space-related topics. Space-related activities at Enterprise Estonia include the following functions: Information and advisory centre for space activities including international activities; Estonian Space Office & Contact Point for communication with ESA; Estonian representation in the International Astronautical Federation (IAF); Providing input information for the Estonian professional institutions and experts as well as for foreign organizations interested in space activities in Estonia; Supporting development of applied space science; Facilitation of space industry development and implementation of space applications.


Dear friends, partners, colleagues: It is my pleasure to introduce here for the first st time a pamphlet on Estonian space activities. Thiss publication describes what Estonia can offer the e international space community along with detailed d descriptions of the present capabilities of Estonian n space industry and scientific institutions related to o space technologies and applications. In the past, a number of Estonian leading astronnomers and atmospheric scientists have significantly y contributed for investigation and understanding of the universe and the planet Earth. Estonian scienntists designed and built several scientific instrumentss for space studies from the 1960s to the late 1980s.... Since 2005 the words “space” and “European Space e Agency” began to be heard more often. Further coooperation with the international space community y

would give a significant impetus to the development of Estonia’s economy and high –tech industry, and would open up new prospects for our historically strong research in space science. Our competence in the space area is quite broad, ranging from processing of earth-observation imagery and data processing to production of some of the finest spectroscopy instruments, rare earth metal products and large ground station antennas. The next steps for Estonia will be identification of potential PECS projects in cooperation with ESA. Estonia wants to be a strong new partner in the international space community by sharing its specific knowledge and technologies with the rest of the world. Building on our strength in information technology and communications, Estonia is a newcomer with quite a lot to offer.

Ene Ergma Professor of Astrophysics Speaker of Estonian parliament Chairman of the Estonian Space Board


1970-1980 The first Soviet Salyut type space station is equipped with the Estonian built Mikron, a noctilucent cloud observation device.

1970 Tartu Observatory starts developing, testing and implementing methods for calibration of optical sensors.

1930 Estonian optician and astronomer Bernhard Schmidt presents his aberration-free wide angle mirror telescope, the Schmidt camera (in Bergedorf Observatory, Hamburg). The Schmidt camera’s high quality comes from its spherical mirror and a correction plate.


Ernst Ă–pik determines the distance to the Andromeda galaxy for the first time.


World-famous astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve, who worked in Tartu (Dorpat), measures the parallax of Vega


Tartu Observatory is opened and the long tradition of professional astronomy is founded in Estonia


In mid 1980s a FAZA telespectrometer (also known as Phasa) is constructed in Estonia for the Soviet orbital space station Mir.


Jaan Einasto, Ants Kaasik and Enn Saar study movements of satellite galaxies and demonstrate that besides baryonic matter (stars, gas, dust) galaxies also contain extended haloes of dark matter.


Space food chefs of Poltsamaa Agricultural Factory lay the table for Soviet cosmonauts.


Ernst Hartwig discovers a supernova in the Andromeda nebula.


Mounting of the Big Fraunhofer Refractor, the largest and the most modern lens telescope in the world, in Tartu Observatory


NordicBaltSat project, coordinated by Enterprise Estonia, is launched Estonia becomes a European Cooperating State and starts participating in the PECS programme Estonia is represented with a booth at IAC 60

2009 • • •

Estonia signs a Cooperation Agreement with ESA. Eurisy conference “Efficient management of coastal regions and cities: implementation and use of space based services” is held in Tallinn.

2007 • •


First talks held on cooperation between Estonia and the ESA.

Estonian scientists involved in collaboration with the ESA’s Gaia programme Vertex Estonia builds a large antenna reflector structure for ESA.

Since 1991 •

Space Downstream Services 2010 Conference – to be held 6-7 May 2010 in Tallinn The ESTCube-1 - 1 kg nanosatellite and Estonia’s first satellite is planned for launch in 2012. Established cooperation with the EU industry (e.g. subcontracting on satellite subsystems) Market for space-derived products and services established in Estonia Public users: many ministries are assessing the benefits of using space technologies Estonia becomes a full-member of ESA from 2016

The Estonian Space Community in 5 years • • • • • •

• •

Estonia joins the EU.


The Estonian Space Board is established. Estonian Government announces intention to conclude a framework agreement with ESA. Estonia joins EUMETSAT as a Cooperating State.


Estonian National Space Strategy and Development Goals for 2008–2015 is drafted The first Estonian student starts work in the ESA`s International Trainee Programme Estonia becomes EURISY member Estonia is represented with a booth at IAC 59 Estonian space companies found the Estonian Space Cluster, E-Space

2008 •

• • • •


Why cooperate with Estonia? Estonian technology and space-related companies are: Oriented to short delivery times Good at rapid prototyping Focused on small and medium quantities in production Able to perform high quality and directly marketoriented R&D activities at reasonable costs.

In general, Estonia has: a high Economic Freedom Index score. the highest credit ratings in the region a good geographical location between northern Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia. a high percentage of qualified scientists and highlyeducated employees available. a strong motivation to do something great on a global level.


Upstream companies Estonian Space Cluster – E-Space Estonian space-related companies have already y joined their forces to found a non-profit association n of Estonian Space Companies. E-Space was founded d iby Regio, Modesat, Cybernetica, Oskando, Laser Diragnostic Instruments as a not-for-profit research organization. The objective of E-Space is to use theirr e competence to develop new solutions for the space e sector. The competence of E-Space is focused on the nareas of data communication, management and interpretation in the space sector, with an emphasiss iin the area of earth observation. E-Space enjoys didverse but complementary competence of its foundsing partners in the following areas: signal processd ing, FPGA programming, communications; GMES and tEarth Observation; electroactive polymers; telematn; ics; GIS, positioning, image processing, visualization; security, information system integration. Associated members of E-Space are the University of Tartu (Tartu Observatory), the Tallinn University of p. Technology, Smartdust Solutions and Artec Group. In addition to the Estonian Space Cluster, the emergging space industry in Estonia could be also characcterized according to their classification between uppstream, downstream space technologies and ground d segment. Contact: Mr Teet Jagomägi Member of the Board of the Non-Profit Association of Estonian Enterprises in Space Technology Mobile +372 504 8654 E-mail

Upstream companies are Clifton (the high power GaAs LPE based semiconductor products), Muomeetria (the investigation of the use of its Myoton device with astronauts is under investigation) and Artec Group (IC design, ASIC and FPGA; Board and systems level integrated design; low-level firmware and application level software development).

Clifton Clifton specializes in the development and production of Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) technology based Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) semiconductor structures and chips for power electronics. GaAs entertains high temperature tolerance, radiation hardness and energy efficiency, it is nearly ideal for making single-junction solar cells. LPE technology enables to grow thick and high quality epilayers resulting to make power electronics components for higher voltages and currents at lower cost, decrease the size and weight of products and energy losses and increase system durability and reliability. The company started marketing and sales in 2009 with ultra- and hyperfast recovery rectifier die product lines. A solar cell, power transistor and IGBT are under development. There are 23 employees (including 4 PhDs working for Clifton’s current and future innovative production. Contact: Clifton Ltd Riia 185a, 51014 Tartu, ESTONIA Tel. +372 730 1540 • Fax +372 730 1545 E-mail •


Upstream companies Muomeetria

Artec Group

Müomeetria LLC is developing a hand-held muscle diagnostics device, Myoton, for healthcare proofessionals to non-invasively diagnose, predict and d prevent muscle injuries. Myoton works by recording g the data from the muscle oscillation with an accelerration probe and calculating tone, elasticity and stifffness of the muscles. Myoton is capable of objectively y measuring each muscle separately, different regionss of the same muscle, as well as tendon and other soft ft tissues.

Artec Group (AG) is an electronics product development and engineering company active in multiple high-tech industry sectors. AG has the facilities and expertise to take a concept or prototype unit to large-scale manufacturing. AG comprises several dedicated divisions, each responsible for a specific area of a product development process. Product development teams include dedicated schematic circuitry designers, PCB artwork engineers, software developers, and industrial designers. AG is capable of delivering small and medium size production batches for testing and market validation analysis as part of the product development process. AG is committed to staying on the forefront of technological advancements by collaborating with R&D partners from academia and industry.

Myoton device is CE certified and has users in the fields of research and science, occupational health, rehabilitation and sports. Myoton users can either compare individual results with averages derived from the database of populaation statistics or follow the muscle trends over time e with a dynamic view. The Myoton package consistss of a hand-held diagnostic device and proprietary y software for muscle data analysis. The myometricc method and device are patented in Europe, USA and d Japan and our research team is continuously reesearching and introducing additional technological al features and user benefits. Contact: Müomeetria Ltd Peterburi Rd 2F, 11415 Tallinn, ESTONIA Tel. +372 6030 806 • Fax +372 6030 811 E-mail: •


AG wishes to extend its current competence in electronics to the special requirements of the space sector. The main target is to develop capability to develop, build and manufacture space electronics and build readiness for European Space Agency projects. AG seeks to enhance its experience in the design of electronic systems for space use. In close collaboration with space companies AG is able to develop small series product lines suitable for space missions. Contact: Artec Group Ltd Akadeemia tee 23A, 12618 Tallinn, ESTONIA Tel: (+372) 671-8550 • Fax: (+372) 671-8555 E-mail •

Downstream companies Downstream companies or entities are oriented toowards services and applications mainly in Earth obbservation, location/navigation (companies and theirr competences are listed below):

Regio Regio (outside Estoonia using the brand d name Reach-U) hass four fields of activvity: geographical information systems (GIS), mobile e positioning (LBS), mapping and geospatial data. The e uniqueness of the company lies in the combination n of experts of geography and information systems. s. This helps create products that are valued higherr than those of competitors and allows the company y to implement customer projects faster. Regio iss oprobably the largest European company to offer mobile positioning middleware and location-based serrvices to mobile operators worldwide. In total Regio o software is used in 20 countries and is available for or nearly 200 million subscribers to mobile networkss worldwide. Regio hopes to create new w technologies and componentss in the space sector to enhance e existing products and to create e

completely new products. New methods for storing earth observation data in native 3D form will be used to develop the differentiating capability of Regio GIS Engine image server. Methods of additional enhancing of satellite imagery will improve map image perception on mobile handsets and environmentally challenging conditions to increase the usage of LBS applications. Verified methods of area measurement and EO image interpretation will be used to offer completely new automated image services to Regio customers.

Contact: Regio Ltd Riia 24, 51010 Tartu, ESTONIA Tel. +372 7 387 300 • Fax +372 7 387 301 Email •


Downstream companies Modesat Communications

Smartdust Solutions

Modesat Communiications is a leadinggedge modem develloper in the fields of radio and wired communications, s, with Research and Development Centers in Estonia, a, Russia and Belarus, and Sales and Account Manageement offices in Sunnyvale, California and in Tallinn. n. The solutions are aimed at increasing the throughhput and reliability of telecommunication channelss at all data transmission rates, modulation schemess and channel conditions, including those operating at negative signal-to-noise (SNR) ratios. Modesat ownss a patent portfolio based on the PilotSync™ linearr synchronization scheme, which enables the recovery y of all signals necessary for synchronization (symbol ol and carrier frequency, AGC, equalizer) in parallel,l, thus enabling faster signal recovery, higher channel el throughput and higher reliability.

Smartdust Solutions (SDS) is an expert in wireless sensor network (WSN) system and application development. SDS is a fast-growing technology company providing wireless sensor monitoring and surveillance systems for the following application areas such as: perimeter and area monitoring, urban surveillance; critical infrastructure (power lines, utility tunnels, pipelines, tams) monitoring and securing, and road condition and traffic monitoring for safety. The uniqueness of the company lies in its combination of experts in real-time embedded systems, wireless sensors, information systems and mechatronics. SDS is one of the few European companies to provide monitoring and surveillance systems based on smart dust (wireless sensor) network technology. SDS is also developing a proprietary next generation WSN networking protocol and software platform. SDS WSN competences and security area expertise allow the creation of new perimeter surveillance and monitoring systems for the marine sector. In the space sector, SDS expects to create new technologies and components to enhance existing products and to create completely new products.

Modesat is willing to work together with satellite e modem developers with an aim to provide its propriietary PilotSyncTM synchronizaation technology for improving g signal acquisition in low signallto-noise ratios or in high Doppler conditions. PilottSyncTM is compatible with both DVB-S(2) like waveeform as well as packet based networks such as ATM, M, where international cooperation is sought. Contact: Modesat Communications LLC TEHNOPOL Centre Akadeemia tee 19, 12618 Tallinn, ESTONIA Phone + 372 7120 280 E-mail •


Contact: Smartdust Solutions Ltd Akadeemia tee 19, 12618 Tallinn, ESTONIA Tel +372 53 402 633 E-mail: •

Downstream companies Cybernetica Cybernetica is a private research and development company, original equipment manufacturer and solutions provider active in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Reflecting the core business, the quality management system of Cybernetica is certified to comply to ISO 9001:2008 with the scope “Hardware and software development, manufacturing and system integration. Information systems consulting and consultation audit”. Existing original products and solutions are intended for eGovernment, eMedicine, eCustoms, ePolice, border security, radio surveillance, telematics, light signalling, visual aids to marine navigation infrastructure and radio communication system applications. Services offered range from auditing of information systems to development, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of dependable complex application-specific secure software/hardware systems. Cybernetica has conducted research in the field of information security and cryptology for more than a decade. A dedicated non-profit division - Information Security Research Institute - was founded in 2008 to further develop the existing competencies of timestamping and public-key infrastructures, block ciphers, secure information flow, construction and analysis of cryptographic protocols, efficient secure multiparty computation, attack-tree-based security analysis of systems, etc. Contact: Cybernetica Ltd Akadeemia tee 21, 12618 Tallinn, ESTONIA Tel. +372 639 7991, Fax +372 639 7992 E-mail:

Laser Diagnostic Instruments Laser Diagnostic Instruments Ltd (LDI) is an Estonian private corporation operating in the area of research, development, manufacturing and application of laser-based instrumentation. LDI offers online, in-situ, airborne, contact and remote analytical sensors to address environmental, industrial and bio-medical issues, together with a range of software products that control measurements and handle data. LDI’s principal products and services are based on new laser, electro-optical and photonics technologies aimed at real-time data assessment. At the cutting edge of laser and fluorescence-based diagnostics, LDI is positioned to explore new applications. LDI may have a simple, fast, value-added solution for your quality control and hazard analysis programs. Contact: Laser Diagnostic Instruments Ltd Kadaka Tee 113A, 12915 Tallinn, ESTONIA Phone: 372-656-7337 • Fax: 372-656-7305 E-mail: •


Downstream companies Oskando

Oskando products:

Oskando offers integratted telematic solutions to o both private and businesss clients. Telematics techhnology enables, by data transfer via GSM network, to o observe and supervise a variety of moving vehicless using GPS technology (cars, trucks, mobile machinnery, ships etc.) and stationary equipment (gates, s, home security systems, electric meters) etc. Oskando’s mission is to transmute telematics conveenient to our clients as well as make important proocesses transparent and more manageable. Telematicc products are of invaluable assistance for managing g vehicle and machine fleets, for gathering data from m various meters and guarding homes and offices. In n the future they will assist you and your company in n everything that requires management or monitoring g from distance. Oskando was founded in 1995 as an R&D company and has been developing, producing and selling GSM and GPS based devices since 1997. In order to make the use of telematic devices as comfortable and quick as possible, Oskando has been offering itss clients integrated solutions since 2007. Oskando processes have been certified in accordance to ISO 9001:2000 standards since 2001. All Oskando devices have CE certificates.

SeeMe– fleet management for every business Install SeeMe Tracker and start using SeeMe provides a quick overview of the location of a whole fleet, allows routes to be reviewed and enables multiple reporting options.

Contact: Kristi Hakkaja CEO, Oskando Ltd Email: Phone: +372 6829 500


CarKeepers– GSM/GPS-based devices for vehicle tracking. CarKeeper design and firmware allows for flexible integration of its multiple input-output options with every telematics application.

RentKeeper– new family of GSM-based devices for MPS tracking and monitoring a wide range of movable property. MPS tracking system enables owners to also locate devices that are inside buildings where GPS tracking is not an option. GateKeepers– GSM-based switching devices for remote management of gates, garage doors and other openings or devices that require random switching or status reports. Custom fleet and resource management solutionsin addition to the listed products, Oskando develops custom solutions (both hardware and software) for large clients with special process management needs – examples of such clients are G4S, Ragn Sells, Myoton etc.

Downstream companies Borthwick Pignon Solutions (BPS) Borthwick Pignon Solutions (BPS) - Approved Texas Instruments third party developer for Baltic’s. Design & supply of leading-edge digital signal processing solutions, specializing in portable audio/video sensors and related embedded/application software. Strong in-house electronics and software development expertise. Current developments aimed at delivering a range of very low power mobile devices for the surveillance, medical and transport sectors.

Products and Services Embedded solutions based around Texas instruments OMAP35xx processor chipsets. Hardware platform’s designed to enable easy integration of a variety of USB devices.

Platforms support any OEM USB device (with Linux driver and supporting software) Features: embedded Linux operating system running on the ARM Cortex A8 OMAP3503 processor, additionally optional DSP/Bios running on the C64x+ Audio/Video codec’s and AV container options for OMAP3525/30 chipsets offering very powerful dual processor versions with optimal power management solutions complimenting capabilities of the OMAP3503 ARM Cortex processing chipset. Contact: Leon Borthwick CEO Borthwick Pignon Solutions Liivaoja 1-33, 10155, Tallinn, Estonia Email: Mobile: +372 5149532


Ground segment In the ground segment Estonia has several companies with software or hardware products or technologies of interest to either the ground or space segment of almost any type of space mission. The best example is Vertex Estonia

Vertex Estonia The primary activities of Vertex Estonia are related to antennas and radio telescopes for telecommunication and science in cooperation with GD SATCOM Technologies, and Vertex Antennentechnik GmbH. Up to present over 150 Satellite e Communication Antennas for Ground Stations have e been manufactured by Vertex Estonia and are workking in 28 countries over the world. Vertex Estonia a took part in the production of the 35M Deep Space e Radio Telescope, installed in Australia for the Euroopean Space Agency. Vertex Estonia manufactured d Reflector Backup Structure, Quadripod, Waveguide e Shrouds, locking devices and other items with a total al weight of 100 tons. Vertex Estonia is a trailblazer in n building new types of antennas and a leader in one e chosen market segment with its proprietary designs, s, which is the foundation of its aims for higher profittability


Contact: Vertex Estonia Ltd Forelli 10, 10621 Tallinn, ESTONIA Phone: +372 6390471 • Mobile: +372 5202602 • Fax: +372 6390490 Email: •


Komtronik Komtronik was established in Estonia in 1999. The company produces and sells equipment for observatories: fiberglass clamshell observatory domes, telescopes and other observatory equipment. CContact: CEO Mr Max Anderson EEmail: Mobile: +372 523 2815 M w

Estonian space science University of Tartu The University of Tartu (UT) is the oldest Estonian n university and historically famous for its inventionss

and discoveries in astronomy science. The research h of Friedrich Struve, Johann Mädler and other disstinguished astronomers radically influenced the deevelopment of astronomy in the 19th century. UT is a university with a wide spectrum of scientific compeetence. The Faculty of Science and Technology at UT T consists of the following institutes: Institute of Physsics, Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Technology, y, Estonian Marine Institute, Institute of Molecular and d Cell Biology, and the Institute of Ecology and Earth h Sciences. In the space sector, UT is involved in reesearch activities in the satellite communications area, a, and a “student satellite project” ( e) has been initiated. UT has research groups working g on robotics, attmospherics and air moniitoring, city y planning based d on informaation from GPS, S, soft polymericc transducers ( e) and optical (IR) R) measurements. s. The areas of interest in deeveloping space e

technology are the application of existing competences for the benefit of the space sector, new research areas in the field of space technology including scientific payload design, and development of new services based on space applications (including positioning and remote sensing). Contact: University of Tartu Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu, Estonia Fax: +(372) 737 5440 E-mail: • •

Tartu Observatory Tartu Observatory (TOBS) (see also its longer description), successor to the historical observatory established in 1811, was founded in the present form in 1947 by joining the astronomical and the meteorological observatory. Such a symbiosis of astronomers and atmospheric scientists proved to be a successful partner in the Soviet Union space programmes from the late 1960s to the early 1990s. Several models for space borne radiometers were designed and developed in TO at this time. TO enjoys a long tradition of studying galaxies and theoretically modelling the structure of the universe and its formation. It is Estonia’s main research centre for astronomy and atmospheric physics, with fundamental research focusing on physics of galaxies, stellar physics and remote sensing of the Earth’s atmosphere and ground surface. The main research


Estonian space science areas of TOBS include cosmology(large scale struccture of the universe, clusters and superclusters of galaxies, physics of single and multiple galaxies); ); stellar physics (structure, chemical composition, n, physical parameters and evolution of single and biinary stars) and atmospheric physics (optical remote e sensing of land and water bodies, radiative transferr in plant canopies, atmospheric ozone and UV radiaation, optical radiometry).

Contact: Tartu Observatory 61602, Tõravere, Estonia Tel +372 7410 265 • Fax +372 7410 205 E-mail •

ies in the main research fields: physical oceanography; turbulence and wave studies; marine optics and remote sensing; marine ecology; ice studies; operational oceanography; monitoring and modelling methods; marine geology and sediment dynamics; and marine meteorology. MSI has performed RTD in processing satellite remote sensing images (SAR and MODIS); in numerical modelling for prediction of physical sea state parameters, oil spill and suspended particulate matter; in conducting operational measurements of sea level, water temperature and salinity, sea ice drift with real time data delivery. MSI has contracts with business sector, government agencies and ministries on implementing numerical model for sea state prediction, further development and monitoring of the water quality parameters during harbour development, offshore sand mining, establishment of offshore wind farms and the other installations and prediction of coastal flooding. MSI employs 43 persons: among them 20 with PhD, 13 PhD students and 10 others.

Tallinn University of Technology

Marine Systems Institute (MSI) conducts basic and d dapplied research and technology development stud-


Contact: Tallinn University of Technology`s Marine Systems Institute Akadeemia 21, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia Tel +372 6204300 • Mobile +372 5208225 E-mail •

Space education in Estonia Space-related courses are regularly held on remote e sensing, astronomy and the other space sciences att the leading Estonian universities. Space technology y has been integrated into the physics curricula at the e University of Tartu since 2007. There are currently y over dozen courses lectured on space-related techhnologies and their applications. Contact: Mart Noorma Head, Center for Teaching and Learning at University of Tartu Docent, Vice Dean for Studies, Faculty of Science and Technologyy at University of Tartu Mobile +372 5822 9748

A satellite ground control station has been established as the first step. The first satellite of the program, ESTCube-1, will take a innovative electric solar sail experiment to the Low Earth Orbit in early 2012. ESTCube-1 is an international student-led collaboration project with contributors from Finland and Germany. The satellite is currently in the design phase, manufacturing and testing will start in 2010. Some of the University of Tartu graduates have already continued their studies in space engineering at leading European universities or at the European Space Agency. Contact: Silver Lätt

Estonian Student Satellite – ESTCube The Estonian Student Satellite project started in the summer of 2008 at Tartu University with the objectives for promoting space, being an invaluable educational tool for science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) subjects and giving students hands-on experience on developing space technologies. In addition, our further goal is to foster the development of Estonian space and hightech industry by training experts and disseminating knowledge about space technologies. In addition the satellite project is expected to have a significant role in educating and inspiring the general public and improve their awareness of space research.


Space education in Estonia GENSO project Several students from University y of Tartu are participating in the e GENSO (Global Educational Nettwork for Satellite Operations), ), which is led by the European Space Agency. The e aim of this project is to form a worldwide network of ground stations and spacecraft, which can interact ct via a software standard. Contact:

Space Club for primary Schools One of the major goals of the Estonian Student Satellite Program is to motivate children and youngsters to take interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) subjects and careers and contributes to science and enterprise outcomes. That’s why Estonian Student Satellite team members have organized a Space Club for primary school kids as a pilot project in Tartu. The leading instructor of the Club, is currently writing her master’s thesis in physics education based on links of space in Estonian school curriculum. The club members are currently between the ages of 6 and 13. The kids selected “Estronauts” for the Club’s name.

Contact in relation to ESTCube, GENSO project and Space Club for Primary Schools: Silver Lätt Estonian Student Satellite programme manager at University of Tartu Mobile +372 522 8237


Estonian space potential after ESA audits


Estonian Space Board all of the partners are represented

Estonian Space Office



Estonian Cosmological Research Centre


Ministry of Education & Research

Estonia’s first satellite is planned to launch in 2012

NordicBaltSat project 2009-2011 20

Ministries and Govenmental Agencies focus on downstream applications

Ministry of Economic Affairs & Communications

European Space Policy



Estonian Space Companies


(ca 20-30)

etc. Enterprise Estonia is a member since 2008


of EURISY 21


Company Name

Field of Action


Artec Group

Schematic electronic design services

AA-Sat Professional

High-tech telecommunication solutions based on satellite technology

Borthwick-Pignon Solutions

Mobile wireless-enabled data recording solutions

Carbon Nanotech

Research and development of nanostructured carbon materials


Power Electronic Semiconductors


Information security, information systems and navigation systems development

Eli Military Solutions

Development of simulators and training systems for police and defence forces

Eliko Competence Centre

Embedded networks, self-organizing ad hoc RFID readers networks

Eurosat Group

GPS tracking services


Designing and manufacturing optical and FTIR spectroscopy instruments


Observatory domes and equipment

Laser Diagnostic Instruments

Laser-based and fluorescence analysis technology and applications


Development of GSM/GPS-based monitoring and remote control equipment



Company Name

Field of Action



Developer of modem technologies for satellite broadband communications


Computational modeling and molecular design of new chemical compounds, drugs and materials


Medical diagnostic devices


Development of mobile mapping applications for mobile location-based services


Telematic solutions provider


Mobile positioning


Design, production and wholesale of radio frequency electronic devices


Mapping, geospatial data, geographical information systems (GIS) and mobile positioning


Rare metal and rare earth metal production

Smartdust Solutions

Autonomous wireless sensor solutions

Tracking Center

GPS-based tracking systems and services

T+1 Solutions

LBS - location based services for mobile and web

Vertex Estonia

Production of antennas for ground station for satellite communication


Basic facts Official name: Republic of Estonia Area: 45,227 km2 Population: 1.36 million inhabitants Official language: Estonian System of government: parliamentary democracy. Estonia is a member of the European Union and NATO Estonia is on Eastern European time (GMT +02:00) Currency - Estonian Krone (EEK), fixed rate 1 EUR =15.6466 EEK Estonia is at the heart of Europe’s fastest growing market - the Baltic Sea Region, which has a population of over 90 million Estonia is a country with an exceptional business environment that has allowed highly successful companies like Skype (, Playtech (, Swedbank (, Tallink Group (, ABB (, Elcoteq ( and others to flourish (

Supported by


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