particpant application | EASA Rijeka 2018
application deadline: 22/04/18
easa dates: 21/07 /18 - 4/08/18
RE is a prefix, occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, used with the meaning ‘again’ or ‘back’.
late applications will not be accepted
RE means acknowledging the presently or formerly existing and acting upon it. RE is dealing with the past or present to sort things out for the future. RE is aware of the circular nature of reality and interconnection of things. RE tackles the matter at hand for the sake of revealing a different kind of order or value.
task: CHOOSE YOUR “RE:__” AND IMPLEMENT IT ON A SUBJECT OF YOUR CHOICE. You may use the format/media of any kind ( poster, music, video, a recording of a performance ...)
submission: You should submit your application to by no later than 23:59 on Sunday 22nd April. Use email subject: Name_Surname_EASAapplication2018 Attachment: Please create a google drive folder including your task submission, a brief description of your work and a portrait photo of yourself.
Participation fee: 300€ to be paid by selected participants.