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EASA008 /// ireland /// letterfrack /// issue 07 /// wednesday, august 20 2008 APOLOGIES FOR ALBANIA!

In our review of the second natisgruzdys.com

tional evening, our reporter forgot to mention Albania, country of a thousand pill boxes. We would like to apologize for this. The reporter has the following explanation: "Ah, Albania, yes. I think I forgot them because of their drink, which was just too much. I would like to add that I did appreciate the hay and the fake swords you had. If you find me, you can hit me with one of those."

LUNCH: THE SLOVAK APPROACH As many of you may have noticed today,The Slovaks, who have also served breakfast today, have introduced EASA into a new level of lunch. It’s not hard at all – it’s just innovative! And it is a message for future lunch makers… The concept is quite easy. There are seven main ingredients (well, and bread as well), and they are marked as following: A – Apple B – Banana J - Jam O – Onion P – Pepper H – Ham C – Cheese .. and you mix. As a result, you get sandwitches marked as “C2H”, that means “double cheese and ham”, or “CA2”, meaning double apple and cheese, and “C2J”, meaning “double cheese and jam”, or “P”, meaning “simply pepper”. Enjoy your meal!


MISTAKE ANNOUNCEMENT The writer of the article about “horseback riding in Cleggan beach” firmly apologizes to Ville for the spelling mistake done in the 6th umbrella-edition on Monday, 19th of august. As she got to know yesterday: VillA in finnish means “sheeps’ hair” or wool, which in fact is not such a nice name for a man. Nevertheless it fits still a little… ;)

High RiseFun Update




The second meeting of the High RiseFun Club was a rather low key event last night. The tone was set by El Presidente Grande Thomas arriving at the meeting in a state of undress, having recently vacated the decididly low-rise sauna. Despite the rather low turnout we managed to attract some new members, including our first High Rise female, and refined the code of conduct for the club. the normally iron-clad rules of admittance have been bent slightly so that the most proficient break dancer in EASA can become an honary member. If 2 people Step2. Raise Step3. Even claim that they are the superior break danc- Step1. Be tall your left hand taller! er than there must be a danceoff, with final judgement by El Presidente Grande Thomas. After the initial confusion of the height requirements for those applying to arm rests we have reached a new accord. The official guidline is that each memeber should have an arm rest who is no taller than their chin. This Golden Ratio willensure a luxurious resting experience. R uth Hynes (IRL) is the chair person of the sub-group of Arm Rests due to her stirling work of two nights previous, so direct any questions to her. On a closing note, we would like to reiterate that The High RiseFun Club is not a democracy, we cannot be argued or reasoned with, you can either abide by our rules or you will be cruelly and humiliatingly ejected from the club. We are expecting a stupendous meeting tonight fueled by lashings of sangria, same place, same time. Todaystopic is : All door framesshould be a minimum of 3 metres. Dis cuss.

Have something to say? 1


We had a long tour through 11 workshops today, here are the results... Teleology FUN Good Fun more + more, filming a lecture is not so funny Complicated in the beginning Tutors worked on the idea for half a year, not so free, tv-documentary, so it has to be commercial HARD WORK Depends on how much you give into it LEARNEFFECT Learned a lot, will learn more when the editing goes on = main learn effect PEOPLE 12, Italians have to work for the EASA09 presentation, some are ill 5-6 show up every day, start at 11 o’clock TIMING Hope to do it till Saturday, something will be there to show Plan = get the documentary into national tv of Ireland, so tutors will probably have some more work to do after EASA SUMMARY Go tell stories!   Design the inevitable FUN Yes, of course Everyone is much fun HARD WORK Not physically, more fun than work You have to use your imagination LEARNEFFECT Interesting lectures about traditional weaving Interesting materials, learn how to work with them, how to adapt them PEOPLE 10 1 left from EASA 1 french girl left workshop The rest shows up daily, st late (interviewed person late too) TIMING Lots to show on Saturday: “house”, lamp, chair, hammock Hope to be finished till Saturday, 80% done, no more hard or night work to do SUMMARY Tutors are awesome!

Small interventions FUN Powertools and alcohol = much fun

2cool4stool FUN SuperFun HARD WORK Relaxed, not hard at all Physical and mental, but relaxed! LEARNEFFECT Learn how to work with wood, do joints, paint asf Quite free work, PEOPLE Never all there at the same time No starting time 7-10/15 show up daily Interviewed person doesn’t really know, because she’s not there all the time TIMING Many stools have already been done, created Keep on working, process, have already things to show, no pressure, do what u can do within the time and with your creativity SUMMARY Tutors are nice, it’s a fine workshop. Material Adaptable jouer FUN Yes, sure Enough to drink the whole day, yesterday it was wine HARD WORK 1 phase analytic, lot of thinking, mental work Now by hand: cutting cardboard Not so hard so far but there’s going to be a nighttime work, he is afraid LEARNEFFECT Learnt a lot about parametric design which is really interesting Design not arbitrarily, but comes out of defined parameters PEOPLE 8, all daily, but not the whole time? Mostly 4? Start at 11/12 TIMING Concept done Started day before yesterday to plot and to construct, 70% done SUMMARY Tutors start to do professional workshops for parametric skills, so the EASA is like a test. Very interesting, innovative topic to deal with architecture. Deals not so much with the topic of adaptation Totally stressless, drinking is allowed, easy 2

HARD WORK No-o Never have to work late Design was easy / as hard as you wanted it to be LEARNEFFECT Learned more about people, teamwork, different ways of working and to go on with others Design + practical work Good interaction, but not the most learneffect PEOPLE 12 / 15 Building, maybe there are some more doing work somewhere An hour late is no scandal People are working TIMING 3 stage of four Designed, detailed, in construction now. Hopefully place it on Thursday, so Friday will be drinking day!

Krafka FUN 10/10! HARD WORK 6-7/10, no so much Both, mentally and physically: learn a program on the pc which works with light and movement LEARN-EFFECT Yes. Building improvement and program improvement PEOPLE 17/26, maybe 20 TIMING 70% done Thinks gonna make it SUMMARY When it’s done it’s a pavilion for everybody, very interesting They make fun of everything in that workshop, it’s a really good spirit!

SUMMARY Never think too small!



Zauna FUN Lot of People + work People are motivated, work st till 11 o’clock in the evening! HARD WORK No A lot of work, but not hard Mentally hard, because you have to deal with a lot of things, think how to solve lots of problems

Nomadic instamatic FUN Today too hungover, usually it’s lots of fun HARD WORK Not so hard, physically not, but hard discussions LEARNEFFECT At least something Learn from mistakes Nice way, better than reading books

LEARNEFFECT Knew it before, experienced, if not > learn a lot

PEOPLE Depends a lot on the last night’s program, 5-12/12

PEOPLE 17/15, 10 really hard working (girls and boys) Make your adaptor > moved to zauna

TIMING Monday was an efficient day, figured out the mistakes, now they are fixing them. So now they are in phase 3 of 4

TIMING 60-70% done Not afraid of the work that’s left, gonna do it. Just keep on working.

SUMMARY They are soo nomadic, work in a different place each day. Invitation to join them on their nomadic tour tomorrow. Finally they got music.

SUMMARY He came for workshop and for fun: you have both in that workshop!!

HUM:ARC FUN Interesting, yes HARD WORK Relaxed, drink coffee, eat cookies, discuss, it’s inside Mental work LEARNEFFECT Much things were already known, everybody should be aware of these things Projects and opinions are good inspiration! PEOPLE 7 coming every day, question is more what time they show up Start at 11 o’clock, at 12/1 most are there TIMING Work in progress, no aim to reach but now the wanted outcome is defined: bags with words/statements printed on them, stickers, booklet as documentary, table SUMMARY Very interesting, especially the discussion: yesterday were lots of people


Green room FUN Yes!! (both together) HARD WORK Yes! Physically and mentally: first part = designing, now constructing


LEARNEFFECT Learn a lot about practical building, attaching, asf PEOPLE Maybe 15 of 28 TIMING Middle Are afraid of the work which has to be done till Saturday… SUMMARY People, show up!! Any participants of any workshops are welcome to help. Flux-culture FUN Yeah, a lot HARD WORK Fine, mentally tiring, physically not, only the cycling to clifden was quite hard. LEARNEFFECT Learnt a lot about cultures Presentation on the first day about participants country

NOMADIC INSTAMATIC TIMING It’s a process, a research with the aim of a presentation on Saturday. Definitely! 4th part of 4: presentation, discussion, group work is done Now: preparing for presentation

PEOPLE 25 Almost everyone shows up, some later

SUMMARY We are the brave new Europeans. 3

HUM:ARC’s 3PM GLOCAL COFFEE BREAK Under the rare blue sky of Tuesday afternoon, about 30 people came together to get treated some coffee, cookies and a chit-chat about the State of Things. Basically, the girls hosting the HUM:ARC workshop opened up for a relaxed way of discussing how we as architecture students might help to improve the situation for less fortunate people around. Continuing the issue of international projects in architecture initiated by the Architects Sans Frontiers who held a lecture in EASA a couple of days ago, the coffee break started with Julian Grossmann from Germany telling us about a project he did in Namibia in the south of Africa last year. A couple of students together with professors from the university in Berlin were given a EU grant to build an orphanage for 25 children in a small town in Namibia. The idea was to use the traditional mode of building, with local materials, i.e. clay bricks and grass roofs for the building. The project was also a kind of social venture, since this is an old German colony but the people who live there now have never encountered white people or Europeans before. After the two month stay, the building was still not completed, but Julian says he had recently gotten the message that the roof was just finished. Project still going strong!

Then Elisa Maceratini from Italy shared the story of the thesis she is writing for her degree, which is a project in the favelas in Bogota, Colombia. The country is home to 8 million people out of which 80% live in the slum. The population of the city is also growing at the rate of 50 new people coming in every day, and the rift between classes is massive. Furthermore, estimations say that within 20 years all the favelas will be destroyed due to climate change that bring more earthquakes and heavier rainfall that will eventually flood the city. The favelas lack running water and are in desperate need for infrastructural remedies. Also, the typology consists of poor buildings made of only brick and lacking proper structure, which makes the houses very vulnerable. Since the favelas are very dense and there is almost no more space for expansion, the only real solution to the problem is knocking down existing structures and rebuilding in the same space. But at the moment in Colombia there are only 50 architects committed to the issue, and the general belief in highrise housing structure is still very strong as the favorable new typology. Experience from building in Europe in the 60’s and 70’s is lacking.

Alternative cigarette etiquettes

HUM:ARC and Innaari

Favela in Bogota

Julian and Elisa the chance to improve their living situation. There seems to be hope. Infrastructural projects connecting the favelas with each other and the inner city are ongoing, as well as a widespread project where poor areas will have their own libraries, bringing knowledge and pride to residents and hopefully also architectural confidence to the community.

Now, the project that Elisa does is funded by a commission in the UN, and her work there will come down to helping some families in a favela to reinforce their houses. Having been there for a month already she has made extensive research to analyze the typology of the favelas, and through getting to know the reigning “queen” of the favela she is now considered something close to a child adopted by the community. (If you get the chance, ask Elisa about the power hierarchy in the favelas – they are nothing like what we’re used to!) However, with the help of an engineer and a few students from the university in Bogota, she will go back for another two months this fall to complete her work there. The idea is then to spread the knowledge so that more families have

If you are interested in projects like these or have any thoughts or questions, you should definitely drop by the HUM:ARC workshop. There is some good reading material available if you’re into studying. Although, being EASA people you might prefer the more chilled out way of learning stuff. So come around at 3pm every day for Glocal Coffee break!

Irish phrase of the day. Chaill me mo mhala [kyle may muh wall-ah] I lost my bag. 4

What would be your favourite easa-dinner right now, or what food would you die for today?

Javi Guerra and Miguel Nacher (Spain) J: Fried Eggs with Chips! M: Tortilla!!!

Luis Hilti (Liechtenstein) A big fat Chicken (Poulet)!

Julie Bart (France) I would die for a tarte a la tomate: pie base + onions + mashrooms + mastard out of honey, vinigar and balsamico + tomatoes+ congette + a little bit of parmesano on the top

Erhan Oze (Cyprus) Probably a good Salad with a pot of Canneloni.

Sandra Gonon (Switzerland) Cheese Fondue with Kirsch and looooots of Garlic!

Patrick Jaritz (Austria) Rice, Noodles, Chili and White Bread with Salad!

Olga Lazarevic (Serbia) and Goran Jovanovic (Croatia) O: I want Lasagna and Garlic Bread.G: Soup, with fresh Fish or Shrimps on a special dressing (called Magic Sauce) and white wine!

Andrea Bentivegna (Italy) Fish and Chips

Sam Frankland (UK) First he said: Lobster with Patatos and things, then he changed his mind and sad: Lancashire HOT POT.

Zsofia Koczka (Hungary) Spaghetti Carbonara, but I have to admit, that I loved the Chickpeas yesterday!

Irish curse of the day. Titim gan ĂŠirĂ­ ort [Chitim gon eye/ree urt] May you fall without rising. 5

Ehhh... Nothing for today, and it’s a good sign! MAIL LOSTIES AND FOUNDIES TO easa008umbrella@gmail.com

Find the differences, or who’s the real Conor?


Many of the EASA participants and dinos received (and have been receiving!) an email from the organizer Sean Feeeney. And he certainly didn’t write that... HI, my dear friend .There have a good news ! Here is a place which let you excited! It is a big dealer, about Nike,Gucci,CHANEL,POLICE,Puma,A & F, Ray-Ban, Adidas, Chanel ,UGG Boots ,GHD styler, Fendi,Involving shoes, wrap, T-Shirt,clothes,Jeans, Tiffany , a lot of products all at our sell scope! And many EBAY sellers buy the items from here ,so the items are excellent in quality and reasonable in price . accept the Paypal,Western Union,and the Bank remittance / transfer! We have many business friends at the global scale , They passed the happy shopping time in here . i think you will like here also .Introduces it to you: http://www.credit518. com/

Email from James Brown’s (IE) Mother (we warned you!):

sweetpea, we got kind of worried about you. You haven’t replied any of our calls or emails, so now we thought using this umbrella newspaper thing might be the only way to reach you. We’ve heard you hang out a lot with that Emmet Kenny boy. Don’t do it. He drinks the alcohol and he kisses the girls. We know you look up to him like an older brother, but he is nothing but bad news. We hoped that sending you to EASA boarding school would put you back on track, and finally make you a good architect, but we feel kind of uncertain now... Please call us, we miss you! And jimbo the goldfish misses you too.... he’s even stopped swimming in circles. love, your mother.

FACTS AND FIGURES ABOUT SOME EASA COUNTRIES PT.4 FINLAND 10 PPL @ EASA Capital Helsinki Official languages Finnish, Swedish Demonym Finnish, Finn Area 338,145 km² (65th) Population 5,315,572 (111th)

MOLVANIA 2,4 PPL @ EASA Capital Horst Official languages Molvanian Demonym Molvanian, Molvanii Area 128,612 km2 Population 650,000

CYPRUS 10 PPL @ EASA Capital Nicosia Official languages Greek, Turkish Demonym Greek Cypriots Turkish Cypriots Area 9,251 km² (167th) Population 788,457


SPAIN 10 PPL @ EASA Capital Madrid Official languages Spanish (Castilian) Demonym Spanish, Spaniard Area 504,030 km² (51st) Population 45,200,737 (28th)

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