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March/April 2016 • $5

How Green Can Buildings Be? Realistically... Can Many Buildings Ever Be Net Zero?

Obamacare Reshapes Medical Buildings

Green Unions Add Their Muscle

Parking Innovations: Efficient & Green

Features “Right to Rest” Bill... A Trojan Horse Filled with Homeless If state Senator Carol Liu’s legislation passes, homeless people and their “comfort” pets (read pit bulls) could soon be camping out in the lobbies of public buildings, along downtown streets, your neighborhood, shopping districts, malls and public parks. Local authorities would be powerless to remove them. Any attempt to do so, in fact, would lead to lawsuits and stiff state government fines. Lawyers would swarm about, handing out their business cards to the homeless, encouraging them to sue people as attorneys now do with handicapped people. That would be the unintended consequences of nobly-meant legislation that would create far greater damage to California‘s communities— and even to the homeless it is trying to help. The bill offered by Liu of the Pasadena–Los Angeles district is designed to ensure that homeless people are given a state right to “rest” in any public area they choose. The proposed state law would take away from all localities the right to regulate their homeless populations. The word would go out throughout the world that California is the place you wanna rest. The impact on our economy would be catastrophic, as visitors are already turned off by unruly homeless people. The taxpayer funds that support homeless people would shrink, as tourists and businesses avoid California communities. In her written statement, Liu says her SB 876 “would afford persons experiencing homelessness the right to use public spaces without discrimination based on their housing status and describe basic human and civil rights that may be exercised without being subject to criminal or civil sanctions, including the right to use and to move freely in public spaces, the right to rest in public spaces.” The bill would also “state the intent of the Legislature that these provisions be interpreted broadly so as to prohibit policies or practices that are discriminatory in either their purpose or effect. The bill would authorize a person whose rights have been violated pursuant to these provisions to enforce those rights in a civil action in which the court may award the prevailing plaintiff injunctive and declaratory relief, restitution, damages, statutory damages of $1,000 per violation, and fees and costs.”

Legal Nightmare for Building Owners “It would be a legal nightmare,” Rex Hime, president of the California Business Properties Association, told members of the Building Owners and Managers Association of San Francisco recently. “It would be another type of ADA drive-by lawsuits waiting to happen.” He said business groups are working to develop more comprehensive ways of dealing with the state’s homeless problem than just letting them camp out wherever they like. Some business leaders say this could include better mental health services and better housing options, such as tiny homes that are cropping up around the country and in California. SB 876 “is inherently unfair and would erode the ability of property owners to operate their properties in a safe, clean and non-threatening manner,” CBPA says in its policy statement. The federal government estimates there are 115,000 homeless people in a state of almost 39 million people. By what right are 1 out of 339 Californians being established as a special privileged legal class? – Henry Eason

Look for this icon for green building news!


2025: What’s Ahead for CRE?

Buildings Can Be Greener


Drought: It’s Not Over

LEDs: Which Are Best?



Association News

Dog Bite Liabilities



Unions Getting Greener

ACA and Facilities Design




Q&A: USGBC NC’s McEneaney

Cover images: Illustration: Getty Images/ Fanatic Studio. Photos: Getty Images. Above: illustration: Askold Romanov/Getty Images.

California Buildings News Team Henry Eason, Editor and Publisher Ellen Eason, Co-Publisher Contributing Editors Zachary Brown, CBRE Bob Eaton, Eaton Hotel Investments Jessica Handy, CodeGreen Solutions Rich Lerner, Construction Consultant Katherine A. Mattes, Real Estate Consultant Larry Morgan, Facilities, SAP Steven Ring, Ajax Real Estate Advisors Carlos Santamaria, CEES-Advisors

Advertising Information Ellen Eason, 415.596.9466 © Copyright 2016 Eason Communications LLC PO Box 225234 San Francisco, CA 94122-5234 Copyright © 2016 by Eason Communications LLC, publisher of California Buildings News. The publisher assumes no liability for opinions expressed in editorial contributions to the magazine or third-party quotations within articles. The publication is not responsible for claims in advertisements. Printed in the U.S.A.









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4 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

2025... What is Ahead for the Real Estate Industry?

By Chris Lee


ericles, the “first citizen” of democratic Athens said, “It is not our task to predict the future, but to be well-prepared for it.” Since we cannot rewind the past or stop the passage of time, tomorrow depends on what you do today. In the real estate industry, the future is always uncertain…but the journey is exciting, rewarding and, for many, an opportunity to make a difference. CEL & Associates, Inc. has identified nearly 500 emerging trends and completed a predictive study of likely and potential outcomes. From these data points one can see “possible” futures. Narrowing the list to 100 predictions that are and will reshape the real estate industry was a provocative challenge. This article briefly highlights some of the 100 predictions. Clearly, the ability to see, interpret and respond to likely future outcomes is the attribute separating winners from losers over the next decade. 1. The U.S. will move closer to a cashless society. Mobile devices, digital jewelry and apparel, and payment technologies will reduce the need for cash. Moving to the Internet for purchases will be seamless and transformative for retail centers. 2. Between 25%–30% of real estate firms in existence in 2015 will be gone via merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, retirement or an inability to compete by 2025. There will Photo: Getty Images.

only be three, truly global and full-service real estate service providers. 3. Global online retail sales could reach $4.3 trillion by 2025. Within 10 years, online retail stores in the U.S. could number 300,000. Overall, online sales in the U.S. could reach $750 billion rendering many retail centers irrelevant. 4. Within a decade, 50% of today’s real estate brokers will be gone, replaced by tech-savvy, financially astute, transaction-based, relationship advisors. 5. Driverless cars will be commonplace by 2025, and by 2035 could have a near monopoly on auto sales. The adaptive reuse of parking lots and garages could be a growing opportunity in the years ahead. 6. By 2025, 10 million or more jobs could be lost to robotics. It will not be surprising to see office buildings with less than 250,000 square feet in size being managed remotely. Self-cleaning buildings will become a reality within a decade. 7. Watch for 5%–7% or more of existing, urban, aging, inefficient office and industrial space to be converted to urban farms. Today, every calorie Americans consume costs approximately 10 fuel calories to produce and ship. Do not be surprised to see a Commercial Farm REIT by 2025 or sooner. (Continued on page 37)

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Keeping The USGBC Headquarters Clean and Green The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) sets the standard for today’s best practices in green building and design. The XLERATOR high-speed, energy-efficient hand dryer is the specified hand dryer of choice at USGBC headquarters. CONTACT US TO REQUEST THE FULL USGBC CASE STUDY OR VIEW ONLINE



6 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Buildings Can Be Much Greener... Few Will Attain Zero Net Energy (ZNE), but Many Aim High

Illustration: Getty Images/Fanatic Studio.


uildings will generate energy, purify the air, and harvest rain and greywater for reuse. The buildings’ compostable waste will enrich the soil of the landscaped interiors and rooftop edible garden. The inside air will be as fresh as the outside, and toxic building materials will be as inconceivable as eating junk food. Buildings will adapt to the seasons and will respond to building occupants’ personal preferences. Humans will be healthier and communities will thrive. This is both the future and the present, as these building already exist. This is the vision of Adhamina Rodriguez, founder of San Franciscobased AR Green Consulting and a leader in the structures sustainability movement in California. And yet, as it stands now, only a very tiny fraction of California buildings produce all the energy they need to operate, though some have proven they can and attempts by others to attain the magical zero net energy (ZNE) status are growing, because of both governmental, market and cultural pressures. Whether a substantial number ever achieve ZNE use is less important than the efforts to reach that lofty goal. “Achieving Net Zero Energy (NZE) in building operations is closer to reality for many more buildings than may be obvious,” says Stanley Lew, a principal at RMW Architects & Interiors, which has offices in Sacramento, San Francisco and San Jose. “The capacity to

7 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

create NZE performing buildings is being influenced by policy, technology and evolving environmental goals. New construction generally has an easier time defining pathways and strategies to NZE subject to building scale, orientation and context. The available technical capacity of infrastructure and commercially available systems can greatly facilitate progress towards NZE building operations, but some buildings will be limited in their ability to achieve onsite NZE. These limitations may be physical, technical or both. “An expanded definition or acceptance of offsite generated carbon-free energy sources could greatly facilitate the number of NZE buildings in today’s cities and communities. The creation of more NZE buildings is in part a function of the definition of what constitutes an NZE building. Regenerative design and district scale sustainability continues to broaden and contribute to the push to deeply curb carbon emissions from the operations of commercial buildings.” The nationally respected Portland OR-based New Buildings Institute reports that “California leads the country in both policy and projects that are laying the path to a zero net energy (ZNE) future.” NBI describes itself as an “organization working to improve the energy performance of commercial buildings. We work collaboratively with commercial building market players—governments,

utilities, energy efficiency advocates and building professionals— to remove barriers to energy efficiency, including promoting advanced design practices, improved technologies, public policies and programs that improve energy efficiency.” In other words, it’s going to take all stakeholders to make progress. The work is well under way at the state level. NBI reports, “California state agencies have adopted goals for 100% of new and 50% of existing commercial buildings to be ZNE by 2030. Leading design firms and owners have already recognized the real estate and occupancy advantages of these high performance buildings and today California has 70 commercial buildings either verified (16) as ZNE or emerging (54) toward that target.” The group maintains a “ZNE Watchlist” that tracks commercial buildings (including multi-family) based on information derived from multiple sources, including designers, owners, utility programs, private and public organizations, articles, e-news, research, and commercial real estate professionals. NBI’s work is supported by Pacific Gas & Electric Company and Southern California Edison. NBI’s ZNE Watchlist— available at www.newbuildings. org — categorizes buildings striving for lower energy use into three groups: ZNE Verified buildings, ZNE Emerging buildings and Ultra-low energy Verified buildings (see box at right). (Continued on page 36)

ZNE Watchlist New Buildings Institute tracks and categorizes buildings striving for lower energy use into three groups: ZNE Verified buildings (or districts) have been documented to have met, over the course of a year, all net energy use through onsite renewables. The energy use of all fuels (electric, natural gas, steam, etc.) is counted and offset by production from onsite renewables. ZNE Emerging buildings (or districts) have a publicly stated goal of ZNE but do not yet meet the definition of ZNE verified. These may be in the planning or design phase, under construction or have been in operation for less than a year. Others may have been operating for 12 months or longer, but their measured energy has either yet to achieve net zero or the measured data to document ZNE verified status was not available. Ultra-low Energy Verified buildings have 12 or more months of metered data that documents energy performance comparable to ZNE buildings (typically 60-80% better than the national industry average). They expand the set of building examples with design strategies and technologies that have resulted in ultra-low energy use. They may have limited renewable resources onsite but do not have a known stated goal of ZNE.

8 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Senate Bill 350 Raises a Hornet’s Nest of Questions Impact on California’s Commercial Real Estate is Immeasurable By Zachary Brown It’s no secret to commercial real estate professionals that California is home to a swarm of laws and regulations continually keeping us on our proverbial toes. In addition to stringent codes, expensive ADA requirements, and challenging environmental compliance, Sacramento saddles building owners and operators with laws on how we measure and consume the very energy fueling our assets and keeping our tenants productive.

“SB 350 establishes a goal of generating 50% of the state’s electrical power from renewable energy resources by 2030.” Some energy legislation starts life innocuously enough, garnering initial support and praise for its intent before getting bogged down into irrelevance and unceremoniously repealed with extreme prejudice (I’m looking at you, California Assembly Bill 1103; you won’t be missed.) Other laws come out of the gate and immediately cause a collective eyebrow-raise from our industry. An example of this latter example is Senate Bill 350, the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015. Authored by state Senator Kevin De Leon, D-Los Angeles, and approved by Governor Brown in October, 2015, SB 350 establishes a goal of generating 50% of the state’s electrical power from renewable energy resources by 2030. (The requirement of California’s cars and trucks to reduce the consumption of petroleum by 50% — unquestionably the specific provision most discussed by the media —was removed.) Without a doubt, the steep reduction Photo: Getty Images.

of vehicle gas consumption captured the attention of the general California population; however, the third tent pole of SB 350 is now causing consternation among commercial real estate professionals across the state. SB 350 aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by requiring existing buildings to double energy efficiency by 2030. Let that sink in for a minute. Once your heart rate returns to a less frantic cadence, consider that this directive is under the purview of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and the CPUC has yet to provide any specifics as to how this requirement will be defined or measured, much less actually achieved by 2030. As both a commercial real estate and sustainability professional, some practical questions flood my mind: What is the energy baseline? Double efficiency by what metric— consumption, demand, or greenhouse gas emissions? Will building owners be required to meet this goal by prescriptive or performance-based measures? How will progress be measured and verified? I have triple-net tenants that are directly metered by the utility, so are they responsible for efficiency measures? Do LEED Platinum buildings need to double efficiency? What if my buildings fall short? Above-all, I’m mostly just asking, “HOW?” In the short-term, it is up to the CPUC to work directly with utility providers to define, create, and implement the programs and infrastructure needed to meet these lofty goals by 2030. In the meantime, smart building owners and managers are certainly working towards the spirit of SB 350 through voluntary energy conservation initiatives such as LED lighting retrofits, automatic demand response programs, smart HVAC controls and operational improvements. (Continued on page 38)

10 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Breaking News: California Drought is Not Over! Water Resource Experts Advise Building Owners to Continue Conservation undetected in the normal course of business. Closer coopWater is the ultimate renewable resource on our eration between accounting and engineering on water use planet…until it isn’t. And in a state like California that has could be helpful. always been more water-resource challenged than most Facilities engineers were also areas, a drought adds insult to injury. “We must adopt a lifestyle encouraged to occasionally walk their The high hopes that many had that a properties to check for leaks. Developing wet El Nino year would restore water of sustainability.” system-wide water conservation plans lost over many years of drought has not involving all department heads and even been answered in most areas of the state. — Jade Joesten, employee awareness was recommended. This is especially true in the Central California Water Service For more information about Valley, where so much of the economy California water conservation issues depends on agribusiness. and programs, visit: and Facility engineers gathered in Modesto in March with area water authority officials to analyze the problem and discuss solutions at the Central Valley Facilities Expo. Water Usage in Buildings Much of what was said could be summed up in the Water usage varies from one type of commercial or admonition of Jade Joesten, conservation coordinator at institutional building to another, according to studies done the California Water Service, who said, “We must adopt a by the U.S. Environment Protection Agency. For instance, lifestyle of sustainability.” a higher percentage of water is used in restrooms and to Adding her voice, water analyst Fallon Martin with the water landscapes in schools than in other types of buildings, City of Turlock said we should whereas more water is used to cool already be planning for the and heat office buildings than other next drought. She reported facilities. Restaurants are heavy that her area is responding to users of water in their kitchens for state water conservation manmeal preparations and dishwashdates with some success, but z 23% Utilities & infrastructure ing. Hospitals need lots of water has sometimes fallen slightly z 15% Healthcare for medical equipment. Computer shy of state goals because data rooms are very thirsty. So each z 12% Warehousing of the stronger economy in type of facility needs to develop Turlock. Modesto Water z 9% Offices its unique solutions to conserving Conservation Specialist Juan z 7% Healthcare water. (See box at left: water use Tejada described the success by sector.) z 7% Irrigation of many municipal programs Another important online z 6% Miscellaneous commercial in developing incentives for resource in helping plan water the use of recycled water. z 6% Education conservation is the EPA’s Most agreed that rebates are WaterSense program at: https:// useful in helping large water users reach their goals. These Depending on your type of facility, include an array of measures such as lower-flush toilets, it offers an array of recommendations that will save money turf replacement, water nozzles that emit less water and and resources. smarter irrigation. For instance, EPA says, “Sanitary fixtures and equipment The water experts offered a number of suggestions to in restrooms and laundries can account for nearly 50 perfacility engineers to help achieve better conservation — cent of total water use within a facility. Depending on the two in particular. They said that too often an accounting type of facility and number of occupants and visitors, sanidepartment paying water bills at a company or organization tary fixtures and equipment can provide significant opporfails to report spikes in water charges to the engineering tunities for water and energy savings, particularly in older staff that’s responsible for water use. These spikes, they buildings with inefficient fixtures and equipment.” say, could be an indication of massive leaks that have gone

Water Use by Sector

(Continued next page)

11 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

California Drought (Continued from previous page) Water-Saving Methods From rooftop water collection to gray water reuse, there are numerous ways building operators can conserve water. John Pimentel, of Sustainable Water Solutions in Menlo Park, says, “The large installed base of cooling towers typically operate with low levels of efficiency and minimal ability to adjust controls based on changing climatic and incoming water quality conditions. As a result, there is a significant savings opportunity for the vast majority of cooling tower operations. These savings come from reductions in water, chemical and energy use related to the cooling tower. Our data clearly and quantifiably show that these savings total over 11 billion gallons of water per year in California alone in a single industry.” Water savings methods can take all forms, even for smaller properties, such as the Hofsas House in waterparched Carmel-by-the-Sea where the inn’s management has had to be very creative when it comes to using water. It redid its front sidewalk, connected an 850-gallon rain catchment tank to the gutter and sidewalk drainage to water its landscape. They even connected a 250-gallon tank to an ice machine which helps fill its swimming pool. n

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12 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

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Reducing Total Door Power Consumption

However, as more people move toward low-power locking devices, they overlook what has become now the door’s main source of power consumption… the power supply that is sitting back in the IDF closet. Even when you have no power consumption from a fail-secure lock, the power supply is drawing 5+ Watts of power from the wall 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; providing exactly zero benefit to the end user. Enter EcoPower™. Using technology similar to a plug-in electric car, EcoPower utilizes the included battery to provide power to the locking device while maintaining 24+ hours of battery backup in the event of a power failure. While the battery “drives the lock” the power supply enters a sleep mode drawing a mere 0.008W from the wall, a GreenCircle Certified 99% reduction even when compared to highly efficient switching power supplies. When the

What happens when the battery reaches its end of life? EcoPower is designed with a microprocessor on board that detects when the battery is at the end of its life and notifies the end user that it is time for a battery replacement. If the battery is removed, EcoPower is still a fully functional power supply capable of powering both the low powered lock and card reader, even in the absence of the battery. The only thing that is lost is the ability to go to sleep in a Fail-Secure application where the lock is powered continuously. However, EcoPower still provides over a 70% reduction in power consumption even in this scenario. In a Fail-Safe scenario, while the lock is unpowered, EcoPower will continue to enter sleep mode and reduce power consumption significantly. Whether you are working on a net-zero energy building, or simply a building where the end user cares about dollars and cents; EcoPower when paired with a low power locking device such as the EcoFlex mortise lock from ASSA ABLOY can reduce total door power consumption

by 99% when compared to the traditional solenoid based alternatives. The best part? This savings can be achieved with zero extra out of pocket cost to the end user. Every kWh saved is money in the end users pocket.

Think cutting edge. Think EcoPower. *GreenCircle Certification Numbers 14-0253, 14-0254, 14-0256, and 14-0258

Traditional Lock Low Power Lock

Traditional Power Supply

Traditional Power Supply

Low Power Lock

EcoPower Power Supply

Total door power reduced from 20W to 0.3W

“The power supply has become the door’s main source of energy consumption.”

battery reaches about 50% of its usable capacity, EcoPower wakes up, recharges the battery, and then goes back to sleep. During this recharge phase, EcoPower draws only 2W from the wall - significantly less than a traditional power supply draws, even without powering a locking device.

Total Door Power Consumption


here is a trend in the locking hardware industry towards lower power locking devices. From ortise locks to electric strikes and exit devices, companies have been migrating from high powered solenoid actuators to lower powered options. For example the EcoFlex™ electrified mortise lock from ASSA ABLOY Group brands Corbin Russwin and SARGENT takes what used to be a 500mA current draw and reduces it to a mere 15mA. This 96% reduction in the lock’s power consumption is a huge improvement over existing locking devices.

Every kWh saved is money in the end users pocket. Consider the Impact of Specifying this Energy Saving System for 1,000 Stairwell Doors Across Multiple Facilities Copyright © 2016, Hanchett Entry Systems, Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of Hanchett Entry Systems, Inc. is prohibited.


14 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

So You’re Switching to LED Lighting…but Which Products Are Best?

Photo: Getty Images.

By now, most people have heard that LED lights are far superior to incandescent and even CFL lighting and that their higher initial purchase price will end up being very cost-effective because they last so much longer than the old incandescent technology—and they use much less power. So, that’s a no-brainer. Now for the tricky part: Which LED products to purchase? Experts say they vary considerably in quality and durability, depending on the manufacturer. Since very few of us have in-house testing labs or the scientific knowledge to analyze the complexities of light-emitting diodes, we must rely on independent authorities. The simplest way to pick the right LED is to trust the California Statewide Qualified LED Product List used by utility companies like San Diego Light and Power and Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Click: But if you want to drill down more on this topic, there are some things you should consider. Cost and quality can vary greatly, as was made clear at the recent Strategies in Light Conference and The LED Show in Santa Clara. “First, make sure any bulb you buy carries the UL Certification Mark. Also, make sure the electrical rating does not exceed the marked rating of the lamp or the fixture,” said John Drengenberg, United Laboratory’s Consumer Safety Director. Daniel Reif, director of business development and sales at Alset LED Lighting, says, “In the LED lighting industry there are many different manufactures to choose from. Key points in picking a proper LED luminaire are: Lumens per watt (LPW), manufactures warranty and the LED chip-and-driver combination lighting products are tested for safety by labs such as UL or Intertek (ETL). Most lamps and fixtures carry Energy Star or Design Light Consortium (DLC) certifications. These certifications are a good method of validating.”

Here are Some Other Considerations: s Think lumens instead of watts: There is no way to easily and effectively convert incandescent watts into LED measurements, since watts reflect power used by the bulb and LEDs use so much less power to project light. For instance, a 100-watt bulb projects 1600 lumens—the same amount you get with a 16-20 LED. s Incandescents produce a warm yellow-white, but LEDs can project any color.

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s LED lights still get hot, so you have to consider placing them strategically, so you don’t get destructive heating. They must be used in places where they can release their heat. Look for LEDs that are approved for recessed or enclosed spaces. s Place LEDs where they will be most often used, so you can get their full benefits. They may not be as necessary in little-used areas. s Cost is a factor. Consumer Reports recently stated, “Manufacturers told us that more $10 LEDs are coming next year, and there are already several bulbs in our Ratings for $20 or less. Starting at $1.25 per bulb, CFLs are a budget-friendly choice. They’re almost as energy efficient as LEDs but take at least 30 seconds to reach full brightness, don’t last as long, and most aren’t dimmable. Halogen bulbs, a type of incandescent, remain an option but will cost you more than twice as much to power as LEDs and CFLs and don’t last anywhere near as long.” The magazine makes specific product recommendations, resulting from its tests. Click: cro/lightbulbs/buying-guide.htm s

Green Living in California… s Los Angeles’ Newest Green Apartment Tower National real estate brand Crescent Heights® will soon open the very green Ten Thousand, a skyscraping 40-story luxury highrise residential tower on Santa Monica Boulevard at the edge of Century City and Beverly Hills. Ten Thousand will be home to 283 two- and three-bedroom residences all boasting dramatic floor-to-ceiling vistas framed by Los Angeles’ cityscape, spanning from the Pacific Ocean to Downtown and the Hollywood Hills. Designed by Handel Architects with interiors by Shamir Shah Design, the building will feature modern influences, (Continued on page 38)

San Mateo Multifamily Complex Gains National Recognition


The TCA Architects-designed 888 San Mateo in San Mateo received the National Home Builders Association’s 2016 Green Multifamily Project of the Year award at the International Builders Show. The LEED Platinumcertified multifamily community was recognized for its execution of green and eco-friendly features, such as the low-volume water fixtures and Energy Star appliances (Continued on page 38)

Right: 888 San Mateo exterior and kitchen detail. Photos courtesy TCA Architects.

Above: Ten Thousand tower and inset of lobby. Photos courtesy of Crescent Heights®.



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Can buildings produce more energy than they consume? ‌You betcha. These featured facilities do and so do at least 15 others in California.

s Shown above: City of Watsonville’s wastewater division facility offices. Photo courtesy of the City of Watsonville.

s Shown above: Environmental Nature Center in Newport Beach, designed by the architectural firm, LPA, Inc. Photo courtesy of LPA, Inc.

Vacaville Transportation Center features photovolataic system. Photo courtesy of the City of Vacaville.

18 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Building Trades & Services Unions Getting Greener Carpenters, Electricians and Janitors Step Up to the Challenge One of the proudest recent accomplishments of the Los When Northern California Carpenters Regional Angeles Area-based International Brotherhood of Electrical Council apprentices begin their training in Pleasanton, one Workers Local 11 is its members’ role in constructing of the very first classes they are required to take is “Green one of the largest energy retrofits in the country, the Los Awareness.” They’re taught the importance of working Angeles Hilton’s $7 million energy upgrade undertaken by with LEED professionals like architects, contractors and O’Bryant Electric of Chatsworth. engineers who are trained by the U.S. Green Building The massive project Council. They come to resulted in the replacement realize that the way they of more energy-efficient perform at the worksite chillers and a control reflects on the entire projsystem, 450 guest room ect. And even journeymen air-conditioner motors, who were trained some time 53 kitchen cooler-freezers’ ago often return to take this motors, window films and class to stay up to date. tinted glass in the lobby, Union carpenters learn efficient showerheads, the importance of working elevator modernization with sustainable, recyclable and more than 10,000 materials, how to handle light fixtures. hazardous substances on all The Hilton recouped worksites and methods of $800,000 of its investment keeping infections and toxic IBEW and NECA invest in advanced training programs in subjects such as lighting controls, electric vehicle infrastructure and solar. the very first year. materials from spreading to IBEW and Los Angeles patients on hospital jobs. Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association No-cost training is available to carpenters at the internahave a Net Zero Plus Electrical Training Institute (NZP ETI) tional’s educational center in Las Vegas, where instructors in the LA Area. It’s the second largest electrical labor union are rolling out a new program called the “building envelop,” partnership of workers and contractors in the United in which carpenters will learn how to build more efficient States. Net Zero Plus unites energy-efficiency practices, leak-proof structures that will lessen the development of new clean-energy technologies, improved grid resiliency, mold and mildew as well as structural drafts. and career development at the newly expanded NZP ETI, Carpenters are also training to work with contractors a national center of excellence in energy technology who are increasingly using three-dimensional building and training. information models (BIM) that save time, energy, and Joe Sullivan says of his organization, “IBEW/NECA reduce waste through more precise planning. Union provides total energy solutions for building owners, carpenters are often seen installing solar power around the including: preliminary energy audits, identification of state, as well as millwright building and maintaining wind energy savings measures, economic modeling of energy farm equipment. savings, financing, procurement of rebates and incentives Sometimes LEED-focused contractors are working and on-going measurement and verification. To provide the with NCCRC to add instruction to carpenters who will highest quality energy savings services, IBEW/NECA invests be required to fulfill high-end silver, gold and platinum in advanced training programs in subjects such as advanced projects. lighting controls, electric vehicle infrastructure, solar and in Many Electricians Are ZNE-Construction Ready the near future energy storage. IBEW/NECA is converting Electricians are essential in the installation and mainteits training center to be one of the world’s largest net zero nance of a significant proportion of energy-savings features facilities. The “Net Zero Plus” training institute deploys a in buildings. They frequently work on complex LEED host of cutting edge technologies that serve as a living laboprojects and are even helping pioneer in zero net energy ratory and demonstration center to test and showcase these building construction and retrofits. emerging technologies.” Photo: Getty Images.

(Continued next page)

19 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

The NZP ETI will be the country's largest NZP commercial retrofit at 142,000 square feet. It will be a Net Zero Plus building because it utilizes efficient design and technologies to generate more energy than its annual energy demand of nearly 1 megawatt (MW). The facility features largely American-made products and technologies. It is a living laboratory and demonstration center to test and showcase emerging technologies as well as assist in bringing them to market. It features small commercial to utility-scale operational Smart Microgrids, which will demonstrate how an existing electrical infrastructure integrated with advanced electronics, battery storage, PV solar panels, and advanced lighting controls can provide a platform for smarter and more reliable electrical systems. The utility-scale system integrates 12 electrical vehicle-charging stations and a high-efficiency chilled water mechanical system.

In addition to these technologies, the facility utilizes energy-efficient building design features including plug load strategies, data management, operable and dimmable skylights, highly efficient industrial fans, new roof and wall insulation, LED lighting, an exterior solar shading device to reduce solar heat gains, and a high Solar Reflective Index (SRI) roofing material.

Green Cleaning Buildings Los Angeles’ Green Janitor Program is one of the most successful efforts of its kind in the country. It is a cooperative effort of business, government and the SEIU United Service Workers West (USWW), which represents more than 40,000 janitors, security officers, airport workers and other property service workers across California. “We have a proud track record of working cooperatively with responsible service contractors statewide, building owners, clients, and elected leaders to raise standards within (Continued on page 28)

We build these too...

20 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Obamacare Is Reshaping Healthcare Facilities Design Smaller Facilities More Accessible, Often Just a Phone Call or Videoconference Away

Obamacare—formally entitled the U.S. Affordable Care Act—will have a dramatic effect on the way medical facilities are built and operated in the future. In fact, it already has, primarily by reducing reliance on huge fortress-style hospitals and increasing the use of smaller buildings closer to patients. “A continuing trend…is the growth in outpatient, ambulatory care over inpatient acute care, as well as the race to expand the network of clinics that are becoming affiliated with acute care hospital systems,” says architect John Sealander a healthcare design specialist at Emeryville-based Ratcliff Architects, a firm that designs medical facilities throughout California. The impact of Obamacare is also influencing state government’s implementation of healthcare under the new regime. Sealander also notes, “We are seeing more emphasis in the 2013 California Building Standards Code on enforced coordination between the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). We now are required to discuss the project with CDPH during design instead of waiting until the building is built and signed off by OSHPD before Licensing is involved. We look forward to understanding other new code changes under the 2016 California Building Standards Code which will go into effect in 2017.” Needless to say, government mandates are hugely involved in driving healthcare design. A sold-out American Institute of Architects of San Francisco crowd recently gathered to learn how one of the country’s leading healthcare providers is managing space as a result of a myriad of new government laws and regulations, with millions of recently added patients seeking treatment under Obamacare. Leveraging technology, it turns out, will be as important as adaptive architectural design. The speaker was Kaiser Permanente Executive Director Mark Brna, and he described how Kaiser is managing its added ambulatory care workload with industry-leading technology. Kaiser’s massive investment in communications technology Shown above: United Surgery Center in Temecula. Photo courtesy of AMSURG.

21 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

reduces the impact on facilities by providing much of its care electronically via “virtual triage.” As Brna put it, “Extending the walls of medical office buildings to the palm of your hand.” Kaiser uses apps, emails exchanges and even smartphone or tablet videoconferencing linking medical providers with Kaiser members (read patients). This digital care alleviates the need for as many office visits, thereby reducing the need for as many structures. It also increases efficiencies, reduces costs and speeds delivery in many cases. Last year there were more than 14 million email exchanges and countless phone calls between members and Kaiser personnel. But, of course, facilities are still essential for most healthcare delivery, and Kaiser is designing and constructing them with patient needs uppermost. Generally, that means, said Brna, that facilities must use daylighting and have more “integrated connected environments.” Flexibility and being highly interactive are key service drivers. Sometimes, it means using mobile health trucks packed with equipment needed for testing, exams and care. Kaiser is constructing six new medical office buildings incorporating these themes in Northern California alone. These will be added to the system’s extensive national footprints, comprised of more than 17,000 physicians, 174,000 employees, 38 hospitals and more than 600 medical office buildings (MOBs) — all to facilitate 76 million visits annually. The new facilities will feature innovative areas called “thrive bars” purveying information and “tech bars” similar to Apple’s genius bars and “encounter zones.” Design-wise, the MOBs will “bring the indoors out and the outdoors in,” said Brna. These are features intended to put members more at ease and promote healing. Kaiser will be guided in the future by the following themes: flexibility of space for changing care delivery, adaptability for multi-specialty care (exploring design concepts that are adaptable for specialty care modules), construction/prefabrication and establishing community anchors—identifying concepts for improving the general welfare of the surrounding community. Brna appealed to the audience of architects and engineers to engage with him and others at Kaiser responsible for design, saying that such dialogue could curb possible “BS” in Kaiser planners’ thinking.

Telemedicine’s Impact on Structures New portable technologies will be used to plan and design healthcare environments. This includes integration of mobile devices, tablets and wearables into healthcare, thereby creating convenient and seamless access to information. Kaiser Permanente reportedly performs more than half of its patient visits virtually, using secure messaging, video and other portable electronic interfaces. That means less (Continued on page 34)

22 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Association News

USGBC Los Angeles Launches Unique Education Project Everyone needs problem-solving skills—working through an essay, a math problem, a disagreement, or a built project. Now add in a focus on sustainability, and we have the winning Greenbuild 2016 LEGACY Project, Eco-Tech Maker Space by, recently announced by the US Green Building Council-Los Angeles (USGBC-LA) chapter, which is hosting Greenbuild Oct. 5-7. The annual LEGACY Project is a gift from the host chapter and national USGBC to the hosting city, a permanent project that provides an enduring means of service, education and thanks to the community. The S.T.E.A.M.-centric Eco-Tech Maker Space, which USGBC-LA plans to help support and grow beyond Greenbuild, will be built by September 1, with students involved all the way. The space will provide students from local Title 1 schools the opportunity to consider a problem (e.g., design a futuristic car, or “Eco-Vehicle”), brainstorm ideas, design a solution, build a prototype, and test/retest it. The goal is to encourage them to understand Students design and build projects the process of creation, which includes trying again and again until they are satisfied with with rescued materials in the Eco-Tech the results. Maker Space. Photo courtesy of T4T. The Eco-Tech Maker Space is built on the idea of reimagining donated ‘rescued materials’ or trash (e.g., wood scraps, thread spools, packing materials) from local manufacturers to use in the kids’ creation process. Eco-Tech Maker Space will also host digital outreach programs related to 3-D Design, modeling, coding, and stop motion animation. “Hands-on learning, open-ended materials, and tool use allow students to examine and explore the engineering design process as a conduit to formulate success. Simultaneously, being a good steward of the environment is key to today’s design process. This combination fits perfectly with the mission of the green building council,” states Isai German, T4T’s S.T.E.A.M. Lab Manager and project lead. Says Dominique Hargreaves, Executive Director of USGBCLA, “This project represented our goal of an ongoing project that will help create the next-gen of sustainably-minded probThe Silicon Valley Chapter of IFMA is offering lem-solvers who take reuse to heart. We’re thrilled to offer this exceptional local credential classes led by seasoned to L.A. on behalf of Greenbuild.”—Julie Du Brow

IFMA Credentials facility professionals

Voice Your Concerns at CRE Summit The California Commercial Real Estate Summit (CCRES) will be held at the California Chamber of Commerce Headquarters in Sacramento on June 7-8. This event is the one time of year that industry leaders from all sectors of the commercial, industrial, and retail real estate industry converge on California’s Capitol to meet with policymakers. The summit gives you an opportunity to meet other industry leaders from across the nation, high-level staff from Governor Brown’s Administration, and California State legislators. Visit to register!

Facility Management Professional (FMP) April 21-22 Finance and Business May 19-20 Operations & Maintenance June 16-17 Project Management Certified Facility Manager (CFM) June 23-24 Exam Preparation Sustainability Facility Professional (SFP) August 3-5 Part 1 September 21-23 Part 2

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23 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

2nd Annual Commercial Real Estate Alliance Gala

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Are You Following the Latest Life Safety Codes? There are a number of updates that should be reviewed in testing, inspecting and maintaining building life safety codes as the result of National Fire Protection Association 25, 72 and California’s Title 19, Sabah International’s Jon Kapis recently told an Association for Facilities Engineering audience in Sunnyvale. He said that in many cases, the frequencies of inspections and testing have been reduced due to better equipment allowing a longer life cycle while some have increased to maximize safety. Many of the common issues found during inspection are missing signage, missing hydraulic design information, damaged sprinklers, uncalibrated gauges, low water pressure, leaking pipes lack of record of documentation and lack of proper tools. Kapis also showed examples of faulty, recalled equipment that can be common in facilities and can compromise safety.

All of these things need to be looked out for and can be managed by following the updated codes. For instance, if after inspection or testing of a particular system, a list of deficiencies are identified but only some are corrected, a tag or label cannot be affixed to the system until all deficiencies are corrected. Some of the new code requirements are retroactive. Being familiar with these retroactive changes is imperative because even if the equipment is not new, the new code may still apply. Knowing how often to conduct tests and inspections allows facilities professionals to spend their time and money more efficiently. John Spaur, lead architect with construction firm Gordon Prill, Inc., which hosted the event, noted: “We do a lot of tenant improvements and the presentation enhanced my knowledge of the various systems for differing applications during the project design and budgeting phases, serving our clients’ needs better.”

24 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Association News

State OKs Window Film Savings Calculator

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The California Energy Commission (CEC) recently approved a new Window Film Savings Calculator designed by the International Window Film Association for use by local educational agencies to determine whether a window film installation project qualifies for funding under Proposition 39 for energyefficiency upgrades to educational facilities. The calculator will help California school districts determine whether they qualify for funds up to 100 percent of installed costs for primarily K-12 facilities. To be approved under current guidelines, a local education agency (LEA) must be able to demonstrate to the CEC that the project has both a savings-toinvestment ratio (SIR) of at least 1.05 and a simple payback within the life of the project contract under the program. The Window Film Savings Calculator will determine whether a facility meets these qualifications in an easy-to-use, quick interface. The calculator can be accessed at Before the approval of this calculator, window film use could only be evaluated as part of a full building energy simulation, which can be both costly and time consuming for many LEAs. This restriction also made it more difficult to consider window film application as a stand-alone upgrade rather than being part of a whole building upgrade project which might also include other measures such as lighting, insulation, or HVAC modifications. “Before this approval, there were existing, simple calculators already approved and in use for many of the other such upgrades, but none for window film installation,” said Darrell Smith, executive director of the International Window Film Association. “This yearlong effort to develop and make available a tool which met the specifications of the CEC for the sole purpose of analyzing a window film installation as a standalone upgrade measure under Proposition 39 program guidelines will prove valuable to California schools.”

25 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

BOMA Bay Area Rewards Outstanding Buildings At the 2016 BOMA Bay Area Annual Awards Gala on February 11, BOMA Oakland/East Bay and BOMA San Francisco joined together to recognize prestigious BOMA member buildings and reward building excellence. After winning a TOBY (“The Outstanding Building of the Year” Award), buildings move on to the Pacific Southwest Region to compete against other buildings for the honor of moving on to international competition. San Francisco’s One Market Plaza, which is owned and managed by Paramount Group, Inc., earned the TOBY in the category for buildings of more than one million square feet. And Cushman & Wakefield-managed 201 Spear took home the TOBY for the best office building in the 250,000-499,000 square-foot category. In the Suburban Office Park, Low-Rise category, the East Bay’s Stoneridge Corporate Plaza in Pleasanton was honored. Next Play Consulting manages the property. Best Suburban Office Park • Stoneridge Corporate Plaza • Pleasanton NPC Holdings (owner) Next Play Consulting (manager)

SB 820 Would Extend Land Reuse Law Commercial property owners are supporting SB 820, which would extend the successful California Land Reuse and Revitalization Act (CLRRA), and important tool which helps local governments clean up properties and get them into productive use. The program mirrors federal legislation that was passed to protect parties that want to invest in brownfields sites that they are not responsible for contaminating, thereby encouraging investment in what are often-times disadvantaged communities and neighborhoods. CLRRA give local governments the ability and alternative means of cleaning up properties when the responsible party will not or cannot, so it can be used for a productive benefit. Under the program, state regulators or local water boards designate what level of clean up the new buyer has to do in order to put the property back into use, and there is ongoing monitoring and accountability to protect the public’s health. CLRRA advances infill development and greenhouse gas reduction by reducing VMT because often these contaminated sites are in urban centers, and the program allows jurisdictions to work with new businesses to invest in clean up.

Best Office Building Over 1 million square feet One Market Plaza San Francisco Paramount Group, Inc. (owned & managed)

26 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Murky Laws Expose Landlords to Dog Bite Liabilities Legal Loopholes Allow Tenants to Own Vicious Breeds Despite Landlord Policies


judgments. Kirkland suggests that landlords who permit hile walking down the hallway of your apartpotentially harmful dogs in their buildings check to make ment complex or condo building, another certain their liability insurance policies cover dog bites from tenant comes toward you with a snarling pit such breeds, since it is possible bull she can barely that some policies specifically restrain on its leash—if it’s on exempt claims if aggressive a leash. It comes within inches dogs such as Rottweilers or pit of you. You complain to the bulls inflict injuries to people or landlord, asserting your tenant other pets. rights, but chances are the land“We also have a law that lords can do nothing to protect makes it illegal for a dog to bite you. In fact, the landlord and or attack a person engaged in a the building owner are also in lawful act or to interfere with a peril—financially—if the dog person or animal legally using bites you. public or private property. As California apartment indusfor the question about landlords try executives say that a certain and property owners, unforloophole in federal and state tunately that is a civil issue fair-housing laws and regulawhich is outside of the scope tions prohibit landlords from of our authorities,” says Daniel barring pit bulls and other E. DeSousa, deputy director vicious breeds from buildings, of the County of San Diego where they pose threats Children are especially vulnerable to dog Department of Animal Services. to other tenants and nonHow likely are you to be aggressive dogs. bites. According to statistics gathered and attacked by a dog…and how Many apartment rental compublished by dog bite attorneys, 79% of panies and condos—large and serious are bites? small—have language in their “For our last fiscal year, the fatal dog attacks are on children. leases or agreements designed (San Diego) Department of Animal to protect residents from Services received a total of 2,553 vicious dog breeds, but such bans reported dog bites within our jurishave no effect if a tenant claims she or he needs a pet (even diction,” says DeSousa. a vicious breed) as a “comfort” companion. All such tenants Approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur each year in need to gain protection under fair-housing government laws the United States, according to the U.S. Center for Disease and regs is a note from any kind of healthcare professional Control, which adds that almost one out of five bites saying they require their pet. becomes infected. Molly Kirkland, public affairs director of the San Diego The CDC says dog bites can also convey CapnocytoCounty Apartment Association, says a website exists phaga bacteria and Pasteurella, a type of bacteria seen in that tenants can use to obtain such a “medical” note, in over 50% of infected dog bite wounds that causes a painful, exchange for a small payment. And landlords have no red infection at the site of the bite but can cause more choice but to waive the vicious breed ban at that propserious disease in people with a weak immune system. Often erty for that tenant. Kirkland and others in the industry these signs are accompanied by swollen glands, swelling in say there is nothing a landlord can do to challenge such the joints, and difficulty moving. Victims can also contract a claim—even if their leases bar vicious breeds from the MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), a type building. She calls this an “abuse of the system” and says it of Staph infection that is resistant to a certain group of antiis quote common. biotics and Tetanus (a toxin produced by a type of bacteria called Clostridium tetani that causes rigid paralysis in While the law forces landlords to permit any type of dog, its insurance against injuries on the property may peo-ple and could be a problem in deep bite wounds). not protect the property owner from steep monetary court

27 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Children are especially vulnerable to dog bites. According to statistics gathered and published by dog bite attorneys, 79% of fatal dog attacks are on children. Over 87% of dog bite fatalities involving children occurred when the child was left unsupervised with a dog or the child wandered off to the location of the dog. Unsupervised newborns were 370 times more likely than an adult to be killed by a dog. 82% of dog bites treated in the emergency room involved children under 15 years old. Bite rates are dramatically higher among children who are 5 to 9 years old. 65% of bites occur in children to the head and neck.

Dog Bite Legal Ambiguities Plague Rental Industry Johanna Gillespie is senior director of training at FPI Management, Inc. in Folsom. FPI manages more than 100,000 apartment units. FPI’s leases ban aggressive breeds like pit bulls and many others. In spite of its restrictions, she acknowledges that tenants are permitted to have any breed of dog if they can produce a note from any type of healthcare provider saying that they are “disabled” and need their pet. Landlords, she said, face severe penalties from either the state or federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) officials if they are found to have violated this aspect of fair-housing laws. “HUD is no joke,” said Gillespie. And, “it is against the law to ask what type of disability” a tenant claims to have, she said. Industry execs say the medical excuse can even come from a chiropractor or a massage therapist. Janan New, who is executive director of the San Francisco Apartment Association, says, San Francisco is a “very pro-pet city.” As such, “It is difficult for landlords to balance the needs of tenants who have dogs and those who have dog allergies or concerns about their aggressive behavior. It is not easy to navigate the law in this area.” It’s a “legal grey zone,” says New because, “some landlords have no-pet policies, but cannot prohibit a pet from being in the building if a person claims the right to have a comfort pet.”

Dog Bite Attorney’s Take on the Issue “A dog bite victim can sue a landowner or property manager but not always,” stated Attorney Kenneth M. Phillips of Beverly Hills, California. His law practice is limited to representing dog bite victims and the families of people killed by dogs throughout the U.S. He is the author of Dog Bite Law, on the web at Phillips described three legal grounds for a lawsuit against property owners and managers: a known vicious dog on the premises, a defect like a broken gate that allows a dog to escape, and a broken promise to do or not do something like fix a fence or prohibit pit bulls. He recently won a case against a landowner and property management company in Stockton after a mother of three was killed by a pit bull. The owner of the pit bull had been

evicted but was living in a shed on the defendants’ premises, and the driveway gate could not be secured shut, allowing the dog to attack the woman. Phillips based the lawsuit on the defendants’ failure to fix the gate. “A vicious dog is dangerous, as is any dog that gets loose and runs around the neighborhood,” Phillips said. “Landlords have a legal duty to inspect their property and fix or get rid of dangers.” In that case he proved that the defendants never inspected the gate despite knowing there were medium-sized dogs on the property. The only exception is a California residential landlord who doesn’t know about a vicious dog because it was not there at the beginning of the lease and was never brought to the landlord’s attention afterwards. Phillips recommends that landlords require tenants to maintain a policy of renters’ insurance that covers their dogs and has a limit of at least $100,000. He also suggests using a “dog clause” in leases that would lower the risk of liability by negating the factors that these lawsuits are based on. (See Phillips’ legal advice article for apartment owners and managers on page 32.) What is the chance that state and federal laws and regulations will ever better protect tenants and landlords from dog bite problems? A powerful pet owner and pet industry lobby in both Sacramento and Washington, D.C. will likely contest any changes that restrict pet activities. n

28 California Buildings News • March/April 2016


Unions Getting Greener (Continued from page 19) the industries we represent,” said David Huerta, President of SEIU USWW. “We value safety and security, sustainability, and employee development in the workplace and the Green Janitors Program is the embodiment of those core principles.” The program is an example of a strong partnership among key stakeholders in the industry— it was designed and piloted as a collaborative effort among the Building Skills Partnerships (BSP), the SEIU, the U.S. Green Building Council of Los Angeles (USGBC-LA), and the Building Owners and Managers Association of Greater Los Angeles (BOMA-GLA). It was launched in 2015, starting with 126 janitors earning certification in eight buildings across Los Angeles, and it stands out as an example of leadership to follow nationally. The program, through which janitors are certified, provides hands-on energy management and green cleaning training to address operations and maintenance practices that enable buildings to meet green performance standards. The training curriculum— presented in Spanish — was created jointly by BSP and USGBC LA over a two-year period, and addresses energy efficiency, recycling, waste

management, water conservation and other sustainable and green cleaning practices. Janitors, who are often at the forefront of building operations, received education on sustainable procedures and materials connected to LEED–certification of buildings, in addition to key concepts related to how they, as janitors, could impact energy reduction and water consumption — and ultimately, human health—through their important work. As part of Los Angeles’ first-ever Sustainable City plan, a signature effort of Mayor Eric Garcetti, SEIU, Building Skills Partnership, and BOMA-GLA committed to collaborate to provide 800 janitorial workers with hands-on energy management and green cleaning training by 2017. Covering an estimated 40 million square feet, this training will address operations and maintenance practices that enable buildings to meet green performance standards. Through this program, janitors will earn a seat at the table alongside building owners and managers to help actively participate in the goals of the LEED rating system. Union-business-government partnerships like these are working effectively to provide the green workforce of the future. n

29 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Q&A With Brenden McEneaney Director, USGBC Northern California

ZNE Now More Cost-Effective, Says Green Buildings Leader Q The goal of zero net energy buildings is admirable,

but realistically how many will ever achieve such status or near ZNE? What should the goal be?


Zero net energy (ZNE) is achievable today for smaller buildings with off-the-shelf technology and will only get more cost effective. Look at the increased adoption of solar PV and LEDs in the last five years. For larger buildings there is recognition that we may need to look to neighborhood or regional scale solutions, or to other... but the key is dropping the energy demand before adding renewables. The State of California’s expressed public policy goals are that all new buildings will be ZNE by 2020 for residential and 2030 for non-residential, so clearly there will be a regulatory framework in the building codes to push us towards these goals. It’s not a question of if, but when.


Are high levels of energy efficiency (using solar panels, for instance) ever possible for buildings over four stories high? What are strategies that high-rise facilities should adopt?


Efficiency and renewables (like solar) are two different but related things. Efficiency is possible for any building of any size. The main challenge that arises for taller buildings is that available space for renewables is limited, but energy use increases with more floors. However, a National Renewable Energy Laboratory study shows that 50 percent energy savings in high-rise buildings is possible in almost every climate in the United States. There are many strategies to get to ZNE, but much lower window-to-wall ratios, well designed daylighting and controls, as well as aggressive plug load management are all essential. Two years ago, Hines opened a 13-story ZNE office building in San Diego, so

we know that you can make the business case now. While retrofits of older buildings can be more complicated, the Empire State Building was able to retrofit its 80-year old building five years ago, and reduced energy use by 38 percent and saved $4.4 million per year.


Is the move to crowd large numbers of people into open-space offices beginning to backfire? We hear that noise is a problem for workers, and maybe even increased levels of carbon dioxide can interfere with workers’ concentration.


With workforce demographic shifts and rent increase trends continuing, it seems these open-space offices are here to stay. As with any change in building design, modifications need to be made to accommodate the shift. Minimizing reverberation time and adding soft and acoustic surfaces can help improve office productivity through reduced noise. Since the beginning of LEED, USGBC has advocated for more and better ventilation, which improves indoor air quality for enhanced occupant comfort, wellbeing and productivity. In order to meet energy efficiency goals in the future, we’ll see better data, controls, and customization of building ventilation, rather than one-sizefits-all model.


What initiatives will the Northern California chapter of USGBC undertake this year?


We just finished our Water Conservation Showcase and are looking ahead to our other major conference, GreenerBuilder, which will be held at the ZNE training facility in San Leandro. The facility is a partnership with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the (Continued on page 30)

30 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

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Q&A (Continued from page 29) National Electrical Contractors Association and is a great venue for our emphasis on construction and the trades. Later this year the new version of LEED will become fully implemented, and the largest national green building conference, Greenbuild is coming to Los Angeles Oct. 5-7, so we’ll be busy with a full slate of programming.


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Will USGBC continue its healthy buildings initiative? Is workplace health still a major issue for your organization?


Workplace health as a priority is what we are hearing from all sides — real estate developers, state and local agencies, top design firms, major tech companies. We are excited for the next phase of our Building Health Initiative, which brings together owners, manufacturers, designers, builders, and health organizations to explore and improve the impacts of buildings on human health and wellness. It may not be obvious, but buildings have a huge effect on your health and productivity. For example, daylighting affects circadian rhythms; sound affects concentration; office design affects exercise and activity; and materials choice affects indoor air quality and exposure to contaminants. Our partners have committed to transform the market for healthy buildings and we know they are the trendsetters for where the mass market will be in the future. n

31 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Coming Soon: The Internet of Everything (IOE) Hotels By Bob Eaton We are not going to recognize the world around us in 2025. In all phases of our life, guaranteed it will all be different and presumably “better.” We may not use hotels in the same way either. We were guests recently at a presentation given at California Polytechnic University by Dave Evans, a futurist and lecturer on the IOE. After the presentation of this new world, we were left trying to imagine what our lives would be like in a decade and how our professions and industries may change. No one knows where all this data and connectivity will lead and the impacts in the future may not even have an existence in today’s “modern” world. The central theme of our now digital society going forward is centered on one thing: individuality or as some may say…narcissism. With computing capability and micro transmitters being placed in “devices” as small as the dot ending this sentence, increasingly enormous data can be captured and stored and used. It will be having massive data available instantly in high definition and virtual reality. FitBit is just the beginning of our own self-monitoring. This will result in total connectivity with your world, including your doctor, your nutritionist, your fitness instructor, etc. New products being produced by 3-D Printers will enable many exciting advances, none more anticipated than organ and limb replacement, leading to life expectancies for our grandchildren born today approaching 200 years. Your food will be produced by a 3-D printer that is attached to food/nutrition tubes and a computer will digitize and produce steaks and shrimp that are nutritionally superior, sustainable— and the best you’ve ever had. Your gardening will be 100% robotic and nutritious and zero environmental impact, etc. How might a hotel be responding in this world of 2025

and beyond? It just may be entirely too complex to really know, but here are some suggestions: w Many commercial operations including hotels will employ robotics for some form of customer interaction. Robotic room service carts, with a video link delivering the food and beverages to the rooms. All functions will be controlled by the guest’s smart phone. w Business travel will be mostly social in nature, as there will be no practical need to go on a business trip unless it has a strong social agenda. Therefore, hotels may become customized places for leisure activities that can be infinitely customized for each guest’s preferences and desires. w International ownership will likely increase because the only impediment was the distance and time factors. In our new world, you are virtually “in your real estate” in real time and not forced to travel endless hours for a brief tour and a face-to-face. For hotels there will emerge a single major source for measuring guest satisfaction and hence financial results because dynamic pricing will include your true satisfaction registered by BIO GUEST, a startup in 2021. w Maybe checking in, you’ll be given a very small Band-Aid patch that will monitor your entire well-being and the hotel will include a choice on what health evaluation you’d like, Mayo Clinic or Stanford. In place of the patch the bathroom mirrors will perform similar functions. w Because entire walls can be a digital screen with the bandwidth to die for, guests can simply design their room’s art, etc. Throw in a little virtual reality and you could have a game show in your room. w Maybe the whole industry becomes Airbnb? Why do we all have to stay in a big building of uniform design? How is quality defined in the future? This will be very interesting as traditional hotels compete with the disruptors while this technological wave is unrelenting. (Continued on page 32)

32 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Apartment Owner’s Liability for Bites by Tenants’ Dogs By Kenneth Phillips, Attorney When a renter’s dog bites a person, the victim will consider making a claim against the renter’s landlord if the renter does not have renter’s insurance (or that insurance is insufficient). The claim must be based on common law principles because there are no statutes in the USA making landlords automatically liable for dog bites. Court cases have held landlords liable in the following situations:

from happening. For example, if the landlord failed to repair a gate, and a vicious dog ran from behind the gate and bit a person who was on the common grounds of the premises, the landlord could be held liable. z The landlord did not make a repair or take other action which the landlord had undertaken voluntarily, and the landlord’s inaction or negligent completion of the task increased the risk of the accident happening.

California Builder News z The landlord prohibited dogs because of an awareness that Salsbury Industries

z The landlord had knowledge of the animal’s presence and its dangerous tendencies, and had control of the premises or otherwise had the ability to eliminate the danger by having the animal removed or confined. z The landlord had knowledge that the animal was a pit bull, and had control of the premises or otherwise had the ability to eliminate the danger by having the animal removed or confined. Runs in:

z The landlord had an obligation to make a repair or take Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec other action which, if the repair or other action had been completed reasonably, would have prevented the incident

any dogs would present a risk of injury on the particular property, or that certain breeds of dogs inflict substantial damage when they attack people or other dogs, but the landlord failed to enforce the prohibition and the injury was caused by a dog that was prohibited. Beverly Hills-based attorney Phillips can be reached at

IOE Hotels Continued from page 31) w Traditional hotels could stay where they are with the minimum technology package and soon become relics, where people come to stay for the “quiet experience.” Traditional hotels could convert to assisted living. w Will there really need to be the same number of people staffing a hotel? Probably not and differently. Engineering would be off-site with 100% monitoring. Kitchens and staffs might diminish. It seems the hospitality equation will have to always include people delivering generosity and friendship to visitors, but I’ve not met your robot yet. In consideration of these and other relevant factors, our “hospitality” advisory council for the current Cal Poly program has agreed to a name change for that program. Henceforth the program will be known as EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT. Maybe that will more adequately describe the industry than we even know now. n Eaton is president and founder of Eaton Hotel Investments of Arroyo Grande and San Francisco and an industry veteran who can be reached at

33 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Parking Becomes Greener, Smarter

New Technologies, More Sustainable Practices Visible Throughout California Whether the goal is to maximize parking efficiency or make garages and lots more sustainable, companies are innovating in ways that benefit drivers and offer parking owners new options to offer them. When drivers arrive at a destination, the experience can begin pleasantly or badly, to some extent, depending on “the parking situation.” Improved parking guidance systems can effectively and instantly match drivers with spaces. That increases parking revenues and makes for better use of the space for patrons. In spite of increased focus on mass transit, shared rides and other means of getting to and from destinations, vehicular transportation will be dominant for most. And that’s requires the most intelligent possible use of parking. Michael Robertson, managing partner of Walker Parking Consultants with operations in Los Angeles and San Francisco, says, “Over the past few years we have observed increased investment in parkingcentric technologies. A significant percentage of these technologies focus on improving operational Modern parking facilities use green practices. efficiency, yield management, and data analytics. The Photo courtesy of Parking Sense USA. apps and software/hardware packages allow parking operators and owners to better understand each facility’s utilization, more efficiently direct drivers to empty spaces, implement demand responsive pricing, identify operational variances, and provide predictive analytics. Technology is effectively driving down operational costs, increasing revenue, and reducing our carbon footprint.”

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Greener Parking Initiatives 1-888-768-7794 The Green Parking Council offers this perspective, “Parking practices that do more with less include using recycled or repurposed materials in our construction, relying on local labor and materials, purchasing of sustainable goods for our operations, promoting recycling both for our employees and patrons, sharing parking beyond a single user, and ensuring our systems are functioning as efficiently as intended. Additionally, using alternative fuel vehicles, encouraging their parking and fueling within our facilities, and employing way-finding systems and smart traffic flow plans all reduce fossil fuel consumption and its related emissions. We can reduce demand for parking by properly pricing it; encouraging multi-modal transportation by locating near and encouraging the use of mass transit; housing or promoting car-, bicycle- and ride-sharing programs; and working with transportation management associations. “Finally, engaging in thoughtful place- and people-friendly design and use of parking facilities, as well as increasing awareness in both staff and patrons of sustainability leverages our parking assets and contributes to a more planet-friendly environment. Recognizing that a garage is not an island leads us to seeing the opportunity to better integrate our assets with our community’s, our region’s and the planet itself. Integrating with the transportation ecosystem, connecting our operations to navigation systems and dynamically pricing our spaces represent the next wave of parking innovation and integration. By spurring the efficient arrival at a parking spot as well as maximizing the use of inventory, they will lead the way to more sustainable parking.”

34 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Healthcare Design (Continued from page 21) California Healthcare reliance on physical Real Estate Summit spaces needed to meet at UCSF Mission Bay. with patients. It will also radically change Big Picture Impacts the type of spaces California-based that are created in the healthcare consulfuture, with a view tant Walter Kopp, toward greater techone of the UCSF nology use. conference speakAccording to a ers, told California recent publication in Buildings News, “The Modern Healthcare, Affordable Care Act Kaiser Permanente (ACA) has created is performing greatincentives for primaer than 50% of their ry care physicians to visits virtually using better coordinate care secure messaging, and manage chronic video and other conditions. Because portable electronic of the need to reduce interfaces. If over costs and unneceshalf of their visits sary hospitalizations, require only digital many health systems space for interaction are shifting resources between patient and to the primary care provider, this trend setting. They are will have a major investing in Patient impact on the physCentered Medical ical environment Homes and other of our healthcare outpatient systems facilities. We will of care that provide have to design future better care coordihealthcare spaces to nation for chronic support this changing disease. This shifts tele-medical patient the focus of care to interface. clinics where patients’ Digital healthcare chronic conditions delivery is becomare managed to avoid Digital healthcare delivery is becoming so ing so futuristic that hospitalizations when soon physicians will be possible. Health systems futuristic that soon physicians will be able to monitor able to monitor their want to invest their patients’ conditions by their patients’ conditions by referencing patients’ limited capital funds referencing patients’ in their hospitals and wearable devices wherever they may be. wearable devices programs. Other than wherever they may be. control of the real estate A patient may expect to get a call from a healthcare worker envelop around their hospitals they generally do not want to informing them that their blood pressure or some other vital own medical offices. This creates an opportunity for intellisign is troublesome. This was one of the many interesting gent real estate investors and developers who can work with insights offered at CAPRATE’s Second Annual Northern health systems to develop the properties that they need for

Photo: Getty Images.

(Continued next page)

35 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

their clinics but do not want to own themselves. Hospital alone ambulatory center, and are now seeing an interest expenditures as a percent of total healthcare dollars will in the acute care systems asking for help making it happen drop. Reduction of unnecessary procedures will increase. within their spectrum of care.” Hopefully as these systems and incentives begin to work Typically, Buehler explained, AMSURG will own 51% of our overall percent of GDP spent on healthcare will drop.” a small facility and the physicians will own the other 49%. Cattaneo and Stroud Founder Penny Stroud observed AMSURG’s business services free up the doctors to perform that, “Obamacare has resulted in a significant increase in professionally, rather than having to devote time as entrethe insured population as well as an increased focus on preneurs. This helps achieve the overall ACA goals. cost control. It accelerated the consolidation of payerACA, Buehler says, will increase the ability of patients to hospital-physician act more as discerning consumers organizations that can in the choice of their healthoffer less expensive All over California — and the country— care providers. The smaller insurance products and entities are more cost efficient healthcare is being delivered in a less create infrastructures to than the large bureaucratic more effectively manage hospitals. centralized, more patient-convenient care. These initiatives Big hospitals, in fact, often work best in are turning to groups like manner, with clinics popping up in outpatient facilities that AMSURG to partner for shopping centers and office are close to patients and some service delivery—even that consolidate physibecoming minority partners towers closer to patients. cians and ancillary in AMSURG business arrangeservices into more ments. Younger physicians, cost-efficient units.” said Buehler, like AMSURGtype deals because they prefer doing their jobs as healthAll over California— and the country— healthcare is care providers, instead of being consumed with business being delivered in a less centralized, more patient-conveactivity. Such “disruptive thinking,” says Buehler, is changnient manner, with clinics popping up in shopping centers ing healthcare delivery. He said there are currently more and office towers closer to patients. AMSURG is a company than 5,000 physician-owned surgery centers across the U.S. that’s partnered with small groups of physicians throughOffering the commercial real estate perspective, out the U.S. and in 28 California locations like Temecula, Transwestern Managing Director Edward Del Beccaro said, Torrance, San Diego and Oakland to help realize the ACA “Obamacare otherwise known as The Affordable Health goals of accountability, affordability and accessibility, Care Act has reshaped the healthcare industry dramatically. AMSURG’s VP for Facilities Management and Construction First, by accelerating the consolidation of health care Daniel Buehler told the conference attendees. providers; second, by bringing in scores of millions of Buehler said, “My colleagues in the healthcare business, previously uninsured patients; and finally by changing the especially within hospital systems, are discussing a surge in reimbursement model. their focus on outpatient/ambulatory care— pushing “The effects on how doctors practice their mission, how services out into a community based model. The old patients receive medical care and how it is paid for will take ‘hospital mothership’ is being recast in a manner to optimize years to sort out. Hospitals are merging to wring out inefservices and respond to a need for a high quality, lower cost ficiencies and costs in their health care model. The age of platform. AMSURG has been in that business for 25 years the independent doctor is over as doctors become employand have learned the importance of the personalized patient ees of hospital foundation models or join medical affiliacare experience while managing that care in a high quality, tion groups. Reimbursement is the new guiding principle efficient and cost effective setting. as insurance companies struggle to find the right balance “We’ll continue to see patients increasingly involved between private insurance patients and Medicare patients in their healthcare decision making— shopping for quality, competing or not with public insurance exchanges. Will the shopping for low cost. This ‘shift toward outpatient care’ new system provide better health care at a cheaper cost? is interesting to us, as we have been in that space for our The jury is out.” n entire history. We have refined that model in the stand

36 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Green Buildings (Continued from page 7) Strong Public Sector Support for ZNE

more seamlessly adopt these integrated strategies into the design, construction, and operation of their buildings.”

Budgetary savings may be the biggest force driving ZNE goals for commercial building owners because they increase What the Government Says About the value of properties, says NBI CEO Ralph DiNola, but a ZNE Building…or an ZEB he adds that buildings that conserve significantly less “A zero energy building (ZEB) produces enough energy are also highly desirable to tenants in California. renewable energy to meet its own annual energy “ZNE is the next differentiator after LEED,” says DiNola. consumption requirements, thereby reducing the use Government plays a huge role, too. of non-renewable energy in the building sector,” according The state’s government agencies’ commitment to achieve to the U.S. Department of Energy. “ZEBs use all costhigh levels of ZNE as well as accompanying legislative effective measures to reduce energy usage through energy incentives to the efficiency and private sector will include renewbe another major “Zero energy buildings able energy factor in increassystems that are happening now and this ing the number produce enough of new ZNE energy to meet trend is poised to accelerate. buildings and remaining enerretrofits. Some Advances in innovation gy needs. There state and local are a number of and the uptake of energyagency buildings long-term advanare already ZNE: efficient technologies and tages of moving the Vacaville toward ZEBs, strategies have helped Transportation including lower Center, the West environmental businesses unlock Berkeley Library, impacts, lower the Environmental opportunities for attaining operating and Tech Center at maintenance zero energy goals in Sonoma State costs, better resilUniversity, the buildings,” — Jason Hartke, iency to power Watsonville Water outages and natuU.S. Department of Energy Resources Center, ral disasters, and UC San Diego’s improved energy J. Craig Venter security. Institute, for instance. “Reducing building energy consumption in new “People are looking to California and watching what’s building construction or renovation can be accomplished happening,” DiNola said, but noted that there are an through various means, including integrated design, energy increasing number of buildings attaining or striving for ZNE efficiency retrofits, reduced plug loads and energy conservastatus in the Pacific Northwest as well as New England. tion programs. Reduced energy consumption makes it On the national level, a number of agencies are prosimpler and less expensive to meet the building’s energy moting ZNE goals. “Zero energy buildings are happening needs with renewable sources of energy. ZEBs have a now and this trend is poised to accelerate. Advances in tremendous potential to transform the way buildings use innovation and the uptake of energy-efficient technologies energy and there are an increasing number of building and strategies have helped businesses unlock opportunities owners who want to meet this target. Private commercial for attaining zero energy goals in buildings,” said Jason property owners are interested in developing ZEBs to meet Hartke, Commercial Buildings Program Manager at the U.S. their corporate goals, and some have already constructed Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and buildings designed to be zero energy. In response to regulaRenewable Energy. “Increasing energy efficiency is still tory mandates, federal government agencies and many state the fastest, easiest and most cost-effective path for saving and local governments are beginning to move toward targets energy. Over the next decade, energy efficiency in buildings for ZEBs. However, definitions differ from region to region will continue to advance in the market, allowing leaders to

37 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

and from organization to organization, leading to confusion and uncertainty around what constitutes a ZEB.

Enough Trained Firms & Workers to Build ZNE Facilities? There is, understandably, an insufficient number of architectural, engineering and construction firms and workers that know how to design and build ZNE or near-ZNE facilities. It’s a fairly new field, but trade organizations like the American Institute of Architects and a growing number of training firms are working to increase qualified companies that can meet the demand. (See page 18 for an article about how labor unions are contributing to this effort.) There are several hundred thousand commercial and government buildings in California, so it will be many decades before significantly percentages of them can drastically reduce their energy use. DPR Construction is, however, an example of a contractor that has led the way with its construction of its own ZNE facilities. “They walk the talk,” says DiNola. DPR’s San Francisco and San Diego offices are both ZNE. What the firm learned in buildings

their own showcase offices can be applied elsewhere. The IBEW Local 595 Office in San Leandro is ZNE and serves as a training center for electricians who will be able to easily add value to future ZNE projects that contractors undertake. From top-to-bottom, companies are developing products and services that help green buildings. “To underscore how the EcoPower technology is game-changing, an executive order was issued in 2007 that required the government to purchase power sources with minimal standby currents,” said David Corbin, Sr. Product Manager, Securitron, an ASSA ABLOY Group brand. “The security industry appealed to Congress and achieved an exemption until 2017. EcoPower is the first access control power supply to meet the requirements of the original executive order.” “An existing roof should never need replacement if maintained with Cool Roof Coatings. Consider this; of all maintainable surfaces on a building, the roof gets the least attention but yet offers the most advantages including energy savings, a solar reflective surface and avoiding landfill debris while being a fraction of the cost of roof replacement,” says Rich Brindisi, Heat Guard Today. n

Real Estate Industry (Continued from page 4) 8. Big data and technology advancements will turn apartment units into 24/7 healthcare monitors. Smart grids/walls and plug-in diagnostic centers will make “living connectively” a reality. 9. Watch for the rapid adoption, by municipalities nationwide, of taxes and fines for all income-producing real estate assets unable to meet minimal energy efficient standards. Look for the government to require a “green” escrow account for all buildings sold in order to “bring” that asset up to a government standard for energy conservation. 10. Independent consultants and freelancers could comprise 40%–42% of the U.S. workforce. Within a decade, it would not be surprising to see 20%–30% of core employees in real estate firms supported by 70%– 80% self-employed, IC or for-rent employees (think Dropbox on steroids). 11. Many American cities will struggle to support and accommodate aging citizens, arriving immigrants, multiculturalism, ill-equipped public transportation systems and outdated infrastructure. The real estate industry will be asked to “build” to the values, culture and sense of community needed to prosper in the years ahead.

12. California, Texas and Florida are expected to account for 45% of the nation’s growth between 1995 and 2025. Twenty-seven states will have 20% or greater of their population categorized as elderly. Hispanics will account for nearly 57% of the U.S. population growth over the next 10 years. 13. Do not be surprised if Amazon controls 15%–20% of grocery sales. 14. By 2025, Millennials and Gen Z will account for more than 50% of the U.S. workforce. Within 10 years, expect the average office square footage per employee to decline to around 100 square feet. 15. Women could comprise 40% of the C-suite positions within real estate firms by 2025. 16. Human Resources Directors will increasingly be making or having significant impact on lease negotiations and space design. 17. Beginning in 2015 and through 2025, the real estate industry could be faced with a potential shortage of 15,000– 25,000 qualified workers per year. For complete copies of “The Real Estate Industry in 2025…100 Predictions” (in three parts), please visit or by email to

Chris Lee is President and Chief Executive Officer of CEL & Associates, Inc., which provides enterprise strategies and solutions for the real estate industry. He can be reached at

38 California Buildings News • March/April 2016

Green Apartments (Continued from page 15)

Los Angeles Tower

San Mateo Community

iconic architecture and dynamic design throughout, from the art-infused first floor lobby to the sloped roof—a first for the area and striking departure from the surrounding flat-top buildings. Many residences offer private balconies for the perfect balance of indoor and outdoor environments. Its sustainable features: n Aspiring for LEED Gold certification n Reduced storm water runoff: Rain water harvesting tanks are being used for storage and reuse for irrigation n Sustainable transportation: Charging stations for low-emitting and fuel-efficient electric vehicles, bike share, car share and bicycle storage onsite n Maximized open space: Residents will have access to an acre of landscaped open space including gardens and a private park n Recycled/Local materials: Building incorporates recycled content and regional materials n Green cleaning: Building operations use green cleaning products in refillable containers and green cleaning practices to reduce the exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals and pollutants which could adversely affect air quality, building finishes, human health and the environment. Also, Ten Thousand will educate and incentivize green cleaning solutions for residents.

throughout the residences and the usage of droughtresistant and California native plant species throughout the landscaping to reduce water usage. Its sustainable features: n 888 San Mateo is LEED Platinum Certified and features 158 contemporary apartment homes designed to embrace both luxury and sustainability n The transit-oriented development (TOD) community includes underground parking, an expansive pool, spa, and fitness center with cardio-theater, yoga and pilates studio; plus some unexpected amenities that have resonated with residents including an outdoor kitchen and courtyard lounge, a luxurious community room, and the latest in technology amenities n Every unit is equipped with low-volume water fixtures and Energy Star appliances, and all landscaping prominently features a variety of drought-resistant and California-native plant species to reduce water-use. Recycled wood-chip byproduct was also utilized for the wood-frame construction. n The community’s location makes it exemplary urban-infill, while also ensuring access to variety of alternative transportation options: Downtown San Mateo and Burlingame are bike friendly, and 888 San Mateo residents will have easy access to Caltrain.

Hornet’s Nest (Continued from page 8) Unfortunately, typical energy retrofit measures will not be enough to double efficiency. It will be necessary for the CPUC and utilities to collaborate with the commercial real estate industry on making bleeding edge technology cheaper, accessible and actually feasible in real-world scenarios. A combined strategy of onsite customer generation (solar, wind, co-generation), utility smart/micro grid infrastructure, battery storage, and sophisticated electrical load shifting technology will be critical to the success of meeting the goals set-forth by SB 350. In the meantime, building owners and managers should seek assistance from their respective utility providers, especially the investor-owned utilities such as PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E. Ultimately, these energy companies will be beholden by the CPUC to deliver clean energy and facilitate the efficiency requirements of their customers. Increasing amounts of pilot incentive programs and alternative funding opportunities will be available to building owners, so that the utilities can better understand the feasibility of the current technology to actually deliver the required outcome put-forth by SB 350. Hedge your bets by jumping right to the start of the line to avoid the inevitable bottleneck as these incentives dry-up. n Brown is Director, Energy & Sustainability, CBRE | Asset Services Group and co-chair of the Building Owners and Managers Association San Francisco’s Energy and Environment Committee.

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MAY 11, 2016 | HYATT REGENCY ORANGE COUNTY “Invest in Success” is IREM Orange County’s annual conference and trade show that serves property managers from both residential and commercial sectors. The conference offers timely and interactive forums on leadership, trends and issues targeted specifically for today’s dynamic market. The popular trade show provides the opportunity to stay current with new products and services while networking with current and potential clients. Keynote speaker Carey Lohrenz, the Navy’s first female F-14 fighter pilot, will share her top lessons in leadership by equipping leaders of all kinds with the tools to bring a team to peak performance.

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