As I write, spring is in the air. A time when we become more energised following the hibernation months of autumn and winter.
wonder if you are still able to take up sports like you used to when you were young? Can you run, hop, skip, and jump with your grandchildren? How is your golf swing, or your surfing skill going to be this year? Did you know that from the age of 30, and even more so in our 40s and 50s, our body chemistry can change significantly which results in declining health? I am sure you may have noticed that your friends, if not you personally, are showing signs of ageing, pain, mobility challenges or even full-blown illness or disease. Have you felt ill, been to see your doctor and told, after enduring many tests, that there is nothing wrong with you, yet are given a variety of prescriptions for medications to try? Has your GP suggested that because the medics and their testing has found nothing conclusive, that your problem is one of mental health? Have you, or your friends been given antidepressants or prescription painkillers as a sticking plaster to cement over the problem? My condolences if this describes your world. However, it needn’t stay like this. Prevention is better than cure! In my experience, and that of thousands of health practitioners worldwide, 99% of health challenges can be reversed when you know how. I speak from experience because I was born with a rare kidney condition that wasn’t detected until my early 20s, told my condition was incurable, and that I would be on medication (antibiotics) for life. I know about reversing serious disease because I’ve also experienced four different versions of cancer, including stage IV, which I reversed by ignoring the medical profession, following my intuition, and taking an integrated approach to changing my situation.
The kidney disease is called Medullary Sponge Kidneys where the tubes at the bottom of my organs were not functioning properly. This resulted in frequent bouts of projectile vomiting and/or urinary infections. As a competitive swimmer in my teens, often training twice daily, my body was subjected to the chemicals within the swimming pool environment which was thought to have been a potential cause. I was poked and prodded for years and misdiagnosed on many occasions by the medical profession. Stage IV cancer can be difficult to reverse, however it is possible with guidance, dedication and focus alongside the will to live and deep faith that you will recover. When I was told that I had less than one year to live in 2015, I set in motion my recovery strategy and gained the all clear in just 14 weeks. When you put in the work, the rewards are life changing – and in my case, lifesaving! How we contract disease is different for everyone. Every ‘body’ is different and there is no one size fits all recovery protocol. However, there is a simple strategy to follow which is guaranteed to have you feeling better and potentially to enable a full recovery. I show my clients how to do this for themselves through a bespoke programme that brings together the benefits of my many years of experience and training, plus referrals to my extensive health practitioner associate network of experts. Please don’t allow your body to get into this situation though. Prevention is far better than cure. It’s much easier to prevent illness than fix it! Serious illness doesn’t happen overnight. Your body is subjected to a variety of toxins on a daily basis which gradually breaks down the chemical balance to manifest illness over a period of years. And don’t think your regular health insurance or GP check is good enough because a tap on the knee, a listen to your lungs and heart,
poking in your ears, looking at your tongue and into your eyes just doesn’t cut it. This is old style medical training which has long since been abandoned by modern practitioners. As I write this article, I am reading the new book by Tony Robbins called Lifeforce. I highly recommend it if you’d like to know about some of the most amazing ways you can regenerate your body, although you do need a healthy bank balance to do so. Typically, in the past, my clients have been sent home to die, and get their affairs in order as the medics were unable to throw any more medication, treatment, or surgery at their body. ‘Thank goodness’ I’d say to them. Now you can begin your detox and recovery. Over the years, I have been privileged to support many beautiful people to recover their health and enjoy extra time with their families and a better quality of life, or even reverse their condition. Through lab testing which is undertaken by you at home, and two online assessments, we get to the root cause of the health challenge so that recovery can begin on an informed basis and a bespoke recovery plan set in place. One lady recently came to me after her GP gave her seven prescriptions and said their testing could find nothing wrong, yet she felt terrible. We identified the root causes for her situation within two weeks when I received her lab test results. If you’d like to know how I beat kidney disease in my 40s and stage IV cancer in 14 weeks in my 50s then feel free to arrange a 30 minute video call in which I will give you some free health tips and explain how you might avoid becoming ill Elaine Godley MBA, O.A.Dip (Psych) is a multi-published author, nutritional advisor and online health mentor from the UK and living in Portugal