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BAD ADVICE Ask the Expat

Not all advice is good and not all people are as genuine as you may think. Enjoy our 'bad advice' column from the expert we have all met, know and love... the Expat.

This month, we sought East Algarve's premier astrologer (we found her printed details under our windscreen wiper). Ida Dannae promises insights into the planetary movements of 2022. What is pulling your signs chain, will it be a floater or a flush for you? Ida brings her best Cockney wisdom to how "shit *might* go!" From Clapham, to Catford UK, to Monte Gordo, she is going to let you have it, warts and all!


Aries - March 21 to April 20

Though you can be fun, what a moody Barney Rubble!

With Mars making you extra scrappy in 2022, you better calm down and jump in the

ocean! For good luck this year, consider the colour cream, and pour it on everything, don't mind the waistline just treat yourself and make it thick. Your lucky symbol this year is a key. If you find one, you never know what it might open, so refuse to leave. Lucky drink - Vodka Red Bull and it will get you noticed, but don't overdo it or you'll be ramming unbearable!

Taurus - 21 April to 20 May

Pig-headed as you are, you might have cause to shut your trap to gobble love. Venus is warning you of a spanking if you close up and dig your heels in. Learn your lesson! Dream hard this year and never let your purse touch the floor or it will fall empty. Your lucky colour is peach, so imagine getting that slapped. Be elegant and drink Red Wine. Not the cheap box rubbish as that makes you a smart-ass, but sparingly, fine wine, over €2 a glass

Gemini - 21 May to 21 June

You say you are straightforward! Well that's you falling into your own pony and trap! Mercury is having an off-year, so you better check both ways before crossing the road! If you were a superstition, it would be crossing your fingers, to remind you of your right hand. This year orange is your lucky colour, so squirt it all over yourself, and make your tan extra glowing. Your lucky drink is an Amber Beer. Soft and steady, reflect slowly on your glass. You have the time of two for you.

Cancer - 22 June to 22 July

The moon is playing tricks on you this year, so don't lose your shell at night as tides of emotions roll high. You are defensive, but sweet on the inside. I recommend staying out of hot water and avoiding overcooking your salty side. Avoid cracks in the sidewalk as it might shatter your shell. This year your lucky colour is wearing white, so get out your sailing apparel! Your lucky drink is a Margarita but don't overshoot the tequila, or you'll be a crabby wet squealer.

Leo - 23 July to 22 August

Bloody hell! It is not always about you! You might think you are the bees knees, but sometimes take your hands off of the honey! Ruled by the sun, watch your flares and no, not jeans, but the snarling fanged one! For a talisman, wear an evil eye as you definitely have some haters! Wearing yellow will brighten that disposition and tame your mane. Your lucky drink is Champagne, but don't

lose your crown by being too showy, if you can help yourself!

Virgo - 23 August to 22 September

Oh, you can be so damned critical, so calm that down or you'll be known as that dental flosser! Your superstition for 2022 is trying to "hold your breath in a tunnel!" It might quiet your talented, but demanding mind. Remember to eventually open your gob, hopefully with something nice to say! Your lucky colour this year is mint green. It is a calming colour they often use in institutions. Think about that and wear it! Your lucky drink is Creme De Menthe, drop some ice, freshen that breath and chill out!

Libra - September 22 to October 23

You can be a showboater, but try to be a little less Sexton Blake. You've lots of energy, but your personality is often seen far too rarely and some might forget you have one at all. When Venus plays with romance, you can be far too horny and needy. Sometimes, put it away and take a cold shower. Knock on wood for good luck this year, but don't release the worms. Support yourself in the colour of green, calm green, not your green-eyed monster. This year your lucky drink is Vinho Verde, with a little bubble, but not for show.

Scorpio - 23 October to 21 November

Some say you've got a little butter on your nutter and that you'll fling your sting like a wing. Pluto and Mars make you, well a little Jekyll and Hyde, but the nicest part is loving and very deep! For good luck, always make eye contact

when you make a toast! You can see if they can cope with your passion and intensity. Wear midnight blue, for your mysterious allure and capture. Your lucky drink is Bourbon, but like the street Mardi Gras, it is over when you've destroyed the bottle!

Sagittarius - 22 November to 21 December

There's another word that rhymes with blunt, so don't be one! You may often be right, but you can be abrasive so press your own mute button! You're adventurous as 2022 rules you by Jupiter, however, ensure you don't fly on Friday the 13th, as it may be your last! Good luck is found in the colour aquamarine. Shoot Rum for reckless fun, but avoid running around smashing everything in your wake.

Capricorn - 22 November to 19 January

There's a fine line between leading and neurosis! There's a fine line between Serious Sue and a Bubble Bath! Let loose and have a laugh? Good luck is a penny, heads up! You aren't a spendthrift, but it might put some head in your purse. Saturn is your ruler, so accessorise in black to bring the winter charm back. You can be dry so why not sip on a Dry Martini and enjoy observing like a spy?

Aquarius - 20 January to 18 February

We get you are "different", but there comes a point you can seem a little Tom Thumb! Remember you are ruled by Uranus so don't be one! Be intuitive, be true and yes you are creative, yet lazy too. Keep your umbrella outside as you don't want to bring in the rain! Wear indigo like a magi and play your music high! Your lucky drink is Absinthe, but steady when you get heady now, don't throw up the green fairy.

Pisces - 19 February to 20 March

Oh you're a dreamer, but you can't just be a custard creamer! Neptune can pull you under into fantasies, however, remember this is planet earth! Don't swim too deep, little fishy! Find real friends to swim with. Remember you have a secret temper so show your sweet face. For good luck, use salt for psychic protection! But remember to touch the shaker and remember where you are. Yes, the Tapas bar. You are drawn to a range of blues. Dare to double denim. This year drink Vodka for some clarity and don't hit the ground too hard!



Travessa Almirante Candido dos Reis 139, Tavira 8800-318 Telephone: +351 963 882 952 Facebook: Franganario Tavira


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May the new year bring you nothing but good health, happiness and laughter. Be kind, help each other, keep up the good spirits and don`t forget to tell yourself: Ain’t Life Grand!

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