Jun21 East Algarve Magazine

Page 6


Castro Marim increases support for VRSA volunteer firefighters

T New croquet club at Centre Algarve


ased at the Central Algarve Holiday Centre for children with special needs, in Moncarapacho, is a new club, the AWL Croquet Club. Formed with the intention to allow anyone to enjoy and play a game of croquet, in pleasant surroundings. The centre is a fantastic facility for special needs children, with numerous friendly animals and birds in surrounding paddocks. We wondered what we had started! The club has kindly been allowed to use an unused strip of land, and create a brand new croquet lawn, using muscle power and hard work by the AWL members. In exchange for the use of the land, the club have initially raised in excess of 5000 euros, to enable the Central Algarve Holiday Centre to create a brand new gym facility for the visitors. The AWL Croquet Club will formally ‘raise the flag’ on 6th June at 0:930, with a donation presentation to the centre at 12:30, followed by a BBQ, with all funds given to the centre. The AWL CC is seeking new members, and anyone wishing to have a go on the day is welcome. Further information from Amanda on 910 985 520 or Ian on 912 629 543, or email at awl2021@outlook.com.

Tavira citizens request a pedestrian bridge to Cabanas island

he group “For the construction of a pedestrian bridge to the island of Cabanas” launched an online petition almost a year ago, that proposes the creation of a wooden crossing that connects Cabanas, in Tavira, and the barrier island of Ria Formosa located in front of the village, with an aim to "avoid long lines" for maritime-tourist vessels that connect the two points, a spokesman told Lusa. The lack of security, the huge number of passengers in the summer and the improved access surely justify the construction of a pedestrian bridge between Cabanas de Tavira and the beach on the island of Cabanas. In the main summer months, the vessels responsible for transporting passengers


between the two banks of the river are loaded with people, especially for the return journey to the village at the end of the day, with “a high number of circulating boats causing damage to the environment and to maritime safety. The project could also guarantee “access to the beach throughout the year without depending on the vessels” and “reduce the number of vessels”, providing “advantages to the environment” and “maritime safety”, justified José António Pinto, one of the members of the group, created by local citizens. Despite the advantages pointed out by the authors of the petition, which has more than 2,000 signatures, the project has not had a response from the official entities, namely from the autarchy of the

Ria Formosa Natural Park. “Unfortunately, we have not had any response from those who decide these matters. We sent 'emails', made a long, detailed and documented exposure, but there is no desire. The president [of the Tavira Chamber] has publicly said that she is against it, ”said project spokesman. “The summer ends, and people will not pay two euros per person to go for a walk or exercise on the beach for an hour. The bridge would allow this for free”, José maintained, pointing out that the 'lobby' of maritime-tourist vessels could be a possible reason for the lack of support from the authorities.


Source: algarvedailynews.com


his year, the council attributed a support of 180,000 Euros to the Humanitarian Association of the Voluntary Firefighters of Vila Real de Santo António and Castro Marim, a massive 4 times the amount given 4 years ago. 'This is a more realistic support amount and responds to the needs and expenses inherent to the permanent relief service that the Volunteer Firefighters provide in the Municipality of Castro Marim and the maintenance of the Emergency Medical Post in Azinhal (PEM)", explains the municipality in a statement . The guarantee of the necessary support from the municipality means PEM is now a reality for Castro Marim, especially useful where the serious lack of accessibility to provide assistance in the event of accidents, or sudden illness was most evident. According to the council, "Castro Marim will, this year, move forward with the construction of a local training unit in the village of Azinhal, with the capacity to train civil protection agents and firefighters in the region and outside, in the most varied matters". This unit will also be "a centre for pre-positioning resources for possible disasters and may become an accommodation unit to support intervention units in the Algarve-Andalucía territory. Cofinanced by the Iberian Center for Investigation and Fighting Forest Fires (CILIFO), this unit will reinforce the BVRSA's strategic position in the Algarve and place the Lower Guadiana as a centre for media prepositioning", concludes the Câmara de Castro Marim.

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