APRIL 2017
“He serverth God who serverth all and has hatred for none!” Sri Rama is an immortal of history. Our students must be taught to love Sri Rama, not as a figure of a dead past, but as a symbol of the future. Sri Rama represents the very soul of the Aryan race— its spiritual quality and sense of honour. His story is told us in soulstirring verses in the great book, named the Ramayana. It is one of the two epics of India, the other being the Mahabharata. The Ramayana thrills with * April 4 is sacred Ram Navami Day.
action: and action flowers in tapasya (self-discipline) and sacrifice. Sri Rama and Sita are pictures of tapasya and sacrifice. Not without reason is the Ramayana read with respect in the schools and colleges of America and several countries of Europe. The Ramayana is dear to the masses of India. And in the north of India, twelve crores of the people listen to recitations from the Ramayana, almost every night. The “educated” classes in India are forgetful of India’s heroes and India’s ideals, of India’s civilisation and symbols. The “educated” would
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see India imitate Russia or some of the Western countries. The West, alas! is being dominated, more and more, by materialistic influences. India, to be new, must be true to the ideals of the civilisation Sri Rama guarded in the long ago—the civilisation of Light! Civilisation is humanisation: and there is no humanisation without self-control or tapas. A great message has the Ramayana for the modern man who, victim to a machinecivilisation and worn out in vulgar pleasure-hunting, is becoming more and more forgetful of the Unseen Law which the Books name the dharma or dhamma. The call of the Law came to Sri Rama. How nobly he answered it! But a day before, preparations were on foot to crown him king. Suddenly, they were cancelled: the wheel had turned. Sri Rama was called upon to go into exile for fourteen years. With what spiritual calm and dignity he stepped out of the palace into the tapobana, the forest of his exile! Sri Rama accepted the call of the Law, the call of Destiny, in a heroic spirit. Sri Rama kissed the Cross. He realised that life became rich and radiant through tapasya. The Ramayana sounds a deep note of heroic optimism. Suffering exists,
but cannot touch the soul. Evil exists, but can be conquered by tapasya. For life, in its depths, is divine, and man is of the Spirit. The word “Ramayana” means “the wanderings of Rama”. More thrilling is this ancient story of Rama than that other one of the wanderings of Ulysses. Rama wanders in the Deccan, then settles down in an ashrama on the Godavari banks. He wears as clothes the barks of trees: he eats the roots and fruits which the wild jungle gives: he sleeps on the ground. He spends his time in communion with nature. Then his seclusion is disturbed. Sita is stolen away to Lanka by Ravana. Rama steps out of his seclusion as a hero. He recovers Sita. He vindicates the Moral Law. The tasks and pains of Hercules make him the greatest hero of Greek history. Greater than Hercules was Sri Rama. He was not merely a warrior. He was not merely a culturehero. He was a dharma-hero. Rama conquered in the power of dharma. Rama conquered by drawing upon the Eternal Life in atma-shakti. Hindu society has suffered much from overindividualism. It is the sin of egoism. Its corrective is the dharma-ideal so vitally revealed in the life of Sri Rama.
APRIL 2017
Teach Me To Pray! J. P. VASWANI We all believe in prayer. We repeat the words of the poet: “More things are wrought by prayer than the world dreams of.” We are aware that prayers can perform miracles. We know that prayer can change us, change our lives, make us new. We are aware of the magic power of prayer. Yet, we do not pray. Why? Ah, that’s the question, why don’t we pray? Why don’t we? Today a number of scientists bear testimony to the power of prayer. The world famous NobelLaureate Dr. Alexis Carrel wrote: “Prayer is the most powerful form of energy that one can generate. He also wrote: “Prayer is a force as real as terrestrial gravity. I have seen men, after all other therapy had failed, I have seen them lifted out of disease and meloncholy by the serene effect of Prayer.....The world, today, stands on the edge of destruction. Why? Because the people have forgotten to pray. Our deepest source of power and perfection has been left miserably underdeveloped.” Babson, the great statistician of our century wrote: ''The greatest undeveloped resource of the world is faith and the greatest unused power is prayer.”
Pierre Curie (husband of Marie Curie) was another Nobellaureate in Science. One day he was in his laboratory stooping over a microscope. A student entered. Not noticing the microscope, he thought that the scientist was offering a prayer. He began tip-toeing out of the laboratory. Pierre Curie called him back. ‘‘I thought you were praying, Sir,’’ said the student. “I was, son,” said the scientist with his usual simplicity and again turned to the microscope. He then added: “All science, research and study, is a prayer— a prayer that God will reveal His eternal secrets to us. For God does have secrets which He reveals only when man searches
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reverently for them. God did not make all of His revelations in the past. He is continually revealing Himself, His Plans and His truths to those who will search for them.” Prayer is not a complicated thing. Prayer is something very, very simple. Prayer is like speaking to a friend. Suppose a friend were to come to us. It would be so natural for us to share with him the secrets of the heart, to speak to him of our dreams and desires, our aspirations and ambitions, our plans and programmes, and ask him to help us. God is our Friend — the Friend of all friends, the one Constant, Unchanging Friend. He is available to us all the twenty-four hours of the day and night. He is ever ready to help us. How many of us seek His help? To pray to God we do not need to go to a temple or a church. It is always good to go to those places, for they are filled with pure, holy, strong vibrations. But to be able to pray to God we do not need to go to particular places. God is with us everywhere, and all times. All we need to do is to close our eyes, shut out the world, think of Him, and there He is! Prayer begins with talking to God. A stage comes when we are silent and He speaks to us. Until we have listened to the Voice of God, we have not
proceeded far on the path of prayer. In the beginning we do not hear His Voice: but let us be sure that He hears us. We do not see Him: but He sees us. A stage comes in the life of every seeker when he sees God and hears His Voice. God can be seen: He can be touched and felt: His Voice can be heard. He is more real than all things which we perceive with the senses. But to be able to see Him, labour is needed. And this labour is to awaken deep longing, yearning for God, which may touch our eyes with tears. Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa said: “Yearn for God even as a miser yearns for gold, as a lover for his beloved, as a drowning person yearns for a breath of air.” It is not necessary that we offer set prayers. Prayer should flow spontaneously out of a lovefilled heart. One look of the eye, one cry of exclamation may be more acceptable to the Lord than hundreds of set prayers that are offered, day after day, many of them in a mechanical way. Feeling is needed: emotion is needed. For, more important than the words we utter is the vibration of love which they carry. Someone asked: “Which is the best time for prayer? And the best place?” I said: “The best time for prayer is now, and the best place is here!''
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We must begin where we are. The following suggestions may be found helpful: 1. Spend some time in silence everyday. Relax body, mind and spirit by turning the thoughts away from problems and fixing the mind on God. In God is a solution to every problem. When you fix your mind on God and forget your problems, the solutions will come to you spontaneously. 2. Talk to God as you would to a friend. Prayer is not a formal one-sided appeal to God. Prayer is conversion with God, talking to Him as to a near and dear friend. Talk to God simply and naturally, telling Him everything what is in your mind. Tell Him everything. Do not say: “He knows everything! why need I repeat what He knows already?” Telling Him everything puts you in a receptive mood and you are able to receive that God wishes to give you. In prayer, do not think that you have to use formal words and phrases. Talk to Him in your own language. The language He likes is the langauge of the Heart, the language of Love. 3. There are many who feel, we are so evil and wicked, how can we approach God? God is our Mother. If a child falls into a ditch and is covered with filth, what does he do? He runs to his mother and says: “Ma, I have become dirty, cleanse me!” 4. Talk to God, again and again. Talk to Him as often as
you can. Talk to Him while you are in the bus, in the midst of your work, while you are at meals or at a dinner. Just close your eyes for a minute to shut out the world and have a word or two with God. Just lift up your eyes and breathe out an aspiration of love. This will make you feel that God is very close to you, that you are never alone! 5. When you ask for things in prayer, never forget that it is possible that many things you ask for may not be for your ultimate good. Ask, but tell God that if He does not give you what you ask, it must be for your good. Lord, not my will but Thy Will be done! There are four ways which God answers our prayers. The first is when He says, “Yes.” The second is when He says, “No.” The third is when He says, “Wait.'' The fourth is when He says, “Here is something better!” When God says, “Yes,” to our prayers, we feel happy and grateful and grow stronger in faith. It is the other three answers of God which are difficult to understand and which really test our faith. When God says, “No”, to our prayer, there is a meaning of mercy in it. It was Jean Ingelow who said: “I have lived long enough to thank God for not having answered many of my prayers.” God loves us: He has a plan for each one of us. God’s plans are perfect. If what we ask
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in prayer goes contrary to God’s plan, the prayer is not granted, and for our own good. There was a woman who said: ''I am grateful to God for He did not answer many of my prayers. When I was a college student I fell in love with a man and fervently prayed that I might be married to him. Later, the man turned out to be a drunkard, a gambler, a profligate. God had me married to a man who is a real gem.” There is a wonderful prayer ascribed to Plato: “Lord of Lords! Grant me the good, even though I may not ask for it. And keep me away from evil, even though I ask for it.” When God says, “Wait” in answer to your prayers, there is great wisdom in it. A boy of twelve asked his wealthy father for a Maruti car. The father could very well afford to get the car for his son, but, for obvious reasons, said to him: “Wait, my child, I shall get you the car at the right time.’’ To some of your prayers, God says: “Here is something better. Columbus set out to find a shorter route to India. He prayed for success in his venture. His prayers were answered with something better than finding a shorter route to India. Columbus became the world-famous discoverer of America. Louis Pasteur, the great French scientist prayed that he might find a cure for a disease rampant among cattle. He
discovered instead the cure for rabies, the dread dog-madness disease. Whatever be the answer of God to our prayers, we should accept it in faith, trusting in the love and wisdom of God. He is too loving to punish us and too wise ever to make a mistake. There is a meaning of mercy in all He does. Blessed be His Name! 6. When you think about your dear ones who are far from you, do not worry about them, but surrender them to the loving care of the Lord. You cannot reach them: God can! 7. Everyday, you must pray for some who have mistreated, cheated, maligned or exploited you or whom you do not like. Hatred, resentment, ill-will and anger are great obstacles in the path of prayer. 8. Pray to God that you may be used to answer the prayers of others. A poor girl prayed that she might receive a box of sweets on the Deepavali Day. The day arrived but not the box of sweets. The girl mentioned this to one of her friends. A man who happened to pass by overheard the conversation. He had just purchased two boxes of sweets. Passing them on to the poor girl, he said: ''God asked me to give these two boxes to you.'' The girl’s eyes sparkled as she said: ''O Lord, Thou art! Thou art!”
APRIL 2017
Hanuman: Prince Of Bhaktas* SADHU VASWANI
Have you seen a moth? It sees the light and loves it. So great is the love of a moth for the light that it moves on, coming nearer and nearer to the light, until it enters into the light and is consumed. Never again does it come back from light to darkness. The moth is a true lover, a true bhakta. The true bhakta of God, the lover of God, devotes his whole life
to God and God only. The true bhakta thinks of God, dreams of God, drinks in God, and every moment cares for nothing else. The true bhakta is in God absorbed! Hanuman was a bhakta of Sri Rama. One day Hanuman was asked: ‘‘How old is the moon today?’’ Hanuman answered: ‘‘What do I know of the moon? I know nothing about the days of the week. I know nothing of the position of the stars. I know nothing about the changes in the movements of the moon. I only know the lotus feet of Sri Rama, my Lord and my Master!” What beautiful words! Hanuman was a bhakta of Sri Rama. He is revered as the prince of bhaktas. In his heart, he worshipped Sri Rama: and in the whole world, he saw Sri Rama and Sri Rama only. Blessed was Hanuman!
* April 11 is sacred as Hanuman Jayanti— the birthday of Sri Hanuman.
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There is a meaning of mercy in everything that happens because God is the ever merciful one and all His works are the works of mercy. Then how come that we have got so much of suffering in the world? Therefore, we must go to the root of the question. There was no suffering in the world when the world began but, every man was given what we call free will. The will to choose between good and evil, between virtue and vice. That free will each one of us has got. Some of us excercise that free will in favour of evil, in favour of vice, in favour of pleasure, in favour of greed, in favour of lust, in favour of hatred, in favour of
envy, jealousy, resentment, ill will. That was our choice. Now there is one inviolable law governing the entire universe. Once you understand that law all other things will be very clear to you. That law in India is known as the law of Karma. It is a scientific law, it is a universal law. It is made up of two natural universal laws. The first is: “As you sow, so shall you reap.’’ Each one of us is sowing seeds. Everything that we do, every thought that we think, every feeling, every emotion that wakes up in the heart within, every word that I utter, is a seed that is being sown by me in the field of my own life. Each one of us has been given a field of life. A man may be the poorest
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of the poor, the most miserable of all men yet, he has been given this field of life. In this field each one of us is sowing so many seeds everyday. Some of these seeds sprout easily and quickly. They yield fruit very soon. For instance, if I overeat that is the seed that I have sown in the field of life. Out of it comes the fruit of stomach ache. This seed has sprouted very soon, very quickly. Likewise, there are many other seeds. You sow them or if you like I’ll put it in easier way which may be more intelligible to you. There is the law of action and reaction. Every action must have a reaction. Now, that reaction you may have right now or you may have in a near or distance future. Every action must have a reaction. If the two hands meet there must be the sound of a clap. You cannot make the two hands meet without any sound. You say, this is how I make them meet and there is no sound. There is some sound though that sound is not audible to the human ear. Electronically, you can hear it, you can amplify it. Whenever anything strikes anything else there is sound. Now, that striking is action and that sound is the reaction. But you may have that reaction immediately, as I told you, in
certain cases or you may have that reaction in some distant future. The second law that we must consider is...The first is “As you sow, so shall you reap.’’ The second is: “As you think, so will you become!’’ You can change your life by changing your pattern of thinking. This is a very ancient law that was formulated centuries ago but the law is universal. It has been there since the beginning of time. But now even western scientists are beginning to understand this law and put it in their own way. It was Karl Menninger who said, 'Everything in life depends upon one’s attitude.’ As is your attitude, so you become. If your attitude is a positive one you may be surrounded by sorrow and pain; you may be surrounded by poverty. Yet if your attitude is a powerful one you will keep on smiling. There are people who have excruciating pain in the body yet they can smile. We cannot do it. We begin to howl, we begin to shout depends on the attitude. Therefore, be very careful of your attitudes. Now, what happens is: Life is a flowing river. We only see one fragment of life — our present earth incarnation. It is only one very, very tiny fragment of
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totality of life that we have lived. We have worn many bodies like this, millions of bodies in the past. We may have to wear many bodies yet to come. In every body we have been sowing certain seeds, some of those seeds sprouted during the life time of that particular body but many seeds they were collected in a store house what is called ‘Sanchit Karma.’ The first type of karma is ‘Kriyamaan Karma’. The second is Sanchit. That is the store house. Each one of us has brought with himself that store house of karma. Part of that storehouse of karma, a very small part fructifies in the present life that is known as Pralabdh or what you call destiny. Remember, destiny is not something that has been imposed on you from outside. This is very, very important. Never say ‘Kismat Hamaari Aisi Hai’. Never throw the blame on stars. Throw the blame on yourself. It is the seeds that you have sown in your earlier incarnations. Some of them fructify now. The fruit of those
trees you will have to eat. Nobody else can eat for you. Now, the Pralabdh of people in the countries to which you refer there is what we call National Pralabdh also. There is national karma. Great Britain, England, they sat as tyrrants over India that was their national karma. Now, that karma must fructify. And today you find England is in a very difficult situation. There was a time when Englishmen in India, used to eat five times a day. There was Chota Hazri, there was breakfast, there was lunch, there was tiffin, there was dinner, there was even post-dinner something. Today, they are unable to do it because, in those days they sucked the blood of Indians. Now that is their national karma. They have to pay for it today, tomorrow or the day after. Every nation has to do it, every community has to do it. This law of karma is applicable to individuals, to groups, to societies, to nations, to the whole world. It’s a universal law.
Men think of ways and matters of rules and devices to arrive at God’s Love. But is it not quicker and easier just to do our common duties, day by day, wholly for the love of God? You need nothing beyond this. Go as you are to Him, unpretending, singlehearted. — Brother Lawrence
APRIL 2017
Children’s Corner HOME SAFETY
Answer Key: Home Safety: 1. Hot water pouring over the edge of the sink, 2. water boiling over in the pan on the cooker, 3. Toast on fire, 4. Electric heater on the floor is standing in water. Its cover is broken, 5. Iron left switched on and steaming, 6. Smashed plate on the floor, 7. Matches on table, 8. Knife on edge of table, 9. Kettle left boiling, 10. Tumbler on edge of table, Now we have 3 things that someone might trip over, 11. Skipping rope around table leg, 12. Mat under table has a corner rumpled and sticking out, 13. Ironing board has a leg sticking out. Secret Spring Code: A: 4, B: 10, C: 2, D: 6, E: 1, F:15, G:17, H:27, I:33, J:3, K:40, L:22, M:5, N:19, O:11, P:16, Q:24, R:0, S:12, T:32, U:30, V:18, W:7, X:20, Y:35, Z:36 APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS AND EVERYTHINGS IN BLOOM
Directions: Solve each expression below. Then, once each letter has a numerical value, write the letter above the number. Your code should spell a Secret Spring Code!
APRIL 2017
LAUGH YOUR WAY TO HEALTH Rohit: “If you will give me your telephone number I will call you up sometime.” Rashmi: “It is in the book.” Rohit: “Fine! What is your name?” Rashmi: “That is in the book, too.” *** My brother said to my dad, ‘what am I worth dad?’ My dad said, ‘To me son, you are worth a million pounds.’ My brother said, ‘How about lending me ten of them.’ *** At a formal dinner, an absent minded professor sat next to a charming woman. ‘Do you remember me, Professor?’ she asked. ‘Some years ago you asked me to marry you.’ ‘Ah yes!’ said the professor. ‘And did you?’ *** Rohan: ‘Do you know the story about the bed?’ Johan: ‘No.’ Rohan: ‘I am not surprised. I have not made it up yet.’ ***
Writer: “I am working from the support of literature.” John: “Oh, what are you doing?” Sam: “Making bookcases.” *** Son: “Daddy, why did you put your thumb impression on my progress report instead of your signature?” Father: “I do not want your teacher to think that anyone with your marks could possibly have a father who can read or write.” *** Sam: “That Editor returned my verses.” John: “What for?” Sam: “For no rhyme or reason, I am sure.” *** Sam: “Along with the banana, its peel should also be eaten.” John: “Would it be good for the eater’s health! Sam: “Not eater’s but passer by’s!” *** There are three things that happen to you when you grow older. First you begin to lose your
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eyesight, then you tend to forget, and third – I can’t remember. *** A meeting is a collection of individuals who individually can do nothing, but who get together and collectively decide that nothing can be done. *** Sam: My daddy has a sword of Washington and a hat of Lincoln. Bill: My father has an Adam’s apple. *** Doctor: I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first? Patient: Give me the bad news first. Doctor: We amputated the wrong leg. Patient: What is the good news? Doctor: Your other leg won’t need to be amputated after all. *** The troops were being taught up to jump from a plane: “What if my parachute doesn’t open?” asked one rookie. “That,” said the instructor, “is known as jumping to a conclusion.” *** A man rushed into a drugstore and asked a pharmacist for something to stop hiccups. The druggist poured a glass of water and threw it into the man’s face. “Why did you do that?” the man exploded angrily. “Well, you don’t have hiccups now, do you?”
“No!” shouted the customer. “But my wife out in the car still does!” *** One fine day Akbar, accompanied by his two sons and his clever minister Birbal, went to the river to take a bath. They asked Birbal to hold their clothes while they were bathing. They took off their clothes and stepped into the river. Birbal stood at the bank of the river, waiting for them, with their clothes on his shoulder. Looking at Birbal standing like this, Akbar felt like teasing him and remarked that Birbal looked like a washerman's donkey with a load of clothes. Birbal quickly retorted that he was carrying the load of not just one donkey, but actually three. The Emperor was speechless! *** Mrs. A.: "I notice your husband is quite deaf. Has he ever thought of getting a hearing aid?" Mrs. B.: "Yes, but he says he will wait a few years until the children get through taking piano lessons." *** Two neighbours were having an over-the-garden-fence chat. "Yes," said one, "John and I were married by a justice of the peace." "Really," came the catty reply; "judging by the sounds we have heard through the partition, we thought you had been married by the secretary of war."
APRIL 2017
Ingredients Butter fruit (avocado), halved, seeds discarded, chopped............................................................. 1 Black pepper powder................................. ½ tsp Lemon juice................................................1 tbsp Olive oil .......................................................1 tsp Salt to taste Method • Place the butter fruit in a mixer. Add the salt, black pepper powder, and lemon juice; grind to a smooth paste. • Transfer into a bowl, mix in the olive oil and serve. TOOVAR DAL CHUTNEY
Ingredients Split pigeon peas (dhuli toovar dal)......... ¼ cup Red chillies ........................................................ 2
Curry leaves....................................................7-8 Coconut, fresh, grated ......................................¼ Tamarind, small ball ........................................ 1 Salt to taste Method • Put the pigeon peas in a pan and roast on medium heat until they turn light brown and fragrant. Add the red chillies and curry leaves; roast for 2-3 minutes. Add the grated coconut. Toss for couple of minutes. Add the tamarind and salt to taste; cook on low heat for a minute. Cool and transfer into the jar of a mixer. Add a little water and grind to a chutney. DRUMSTICK LEAF CHUTNEY Ingredients Drumstick leaves, washed, drained, pat-dried with towel................................................. ½ cup Oil ..............................................................2 tbsp Cumin seeds ............................................... ¼ tsp Red chillies .....................................................5-7 Split Bengal gram (dhuli chana dal) ......... ¼ tsp Split black gram (dhuli urad dal) .............. ¼ tsp Mustard seeds ............................................ ¼ tsp Tamarind, marble-sized piece, soaked in water ................................................................ 1 Coconut, grated ........................................ ¼ cup Salt to taste Method • Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan; roast cumin seeds, red chillies and dals. Remove from the pan and set aside in a separate plate. Add the drumstick leaves to the pan with 1 tbsp oil, saute until soft. Allow it to cool. Remove the whole chillies from the plate, grind along with wilted drumstick leaves, tamarind, coconut, salt, to a slightly coarse paste. Add the dals from the plate and grind for a few seconds, maintaining the slightly coarse texture.
APRIL 2017
Simple Rules Of Health HEALTH BENEFITS OF LEMON 1. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which makes them work effectively in treating common cold. To treat a runny nose and an itchy nasal passage, you can have a cup of lemon water, preferably warm. 2. Lemons help in alkalizing the body by restoring the pH balance of the body. 3. Looking forward to shed the extra kilos? The solution is simple. Drink warm lemon water every morning. Lemon acts as a natural diuretic, which helps you lose water weight. Also, lemon juice helps your body flush out toxins and waste! 4. The acidic property of lemon will remove all the dirt attached to your teeth and make them sparkly white. 5. If you are troubled by a stubborn cough, try having warm lemon water with honey twice a day. This soothes your throat and suppresses the cough, and you will experience relief almost immediately. 6. Lemon is antibacterial in nature. Its acidic property does not allow bacteria and viruses to survive for long. Having a cup of warm lemon water or lemon tea will soothe your throat and reduce the pain and inflammation as well.
7. Lemon has been discovered to have 22 anti-cancer compounds. These include limonene, which slows down the growth of cancer tumors, and flavonol glycosides, which can stop cell division in cancer cells. 8. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which exhibits laxative effects and helps treat constipation. So, why not add a tasty dose of lemon into your diet and say byebye to it? 9. The citric acid present in the lemon helps dissolve kidney stones. Regular consumption of lemon juice will prevent their formation. 10. For a healthy liver, include lemons in your diet in any form – be it garnishing or a simple glass of lemonade. The citric acid present in lemons increases the production of bile in the liver, which helps in flushing out toxins from the body. 11. It has been proven that having lemon juice on a daily basis lowers the systolic blood pressure. So, include it in your diet to keep your blood pressure in control. 12. The strong scent emitted by the lemon is found to be really effective in reducing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
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13. Lemon juice, when mixed with water, is a very good remedy to treat acid reflux. 14. Sucking on lemon or lemon candy, or even a good cup of lemon water helps in curing gastritis. 15. Applying lemon and pepper paste on your knee caps can help reducing the effects of arthritis. 16. Lemonade made from two ounces of lemon juice in water is usually recommended to the patients suffering from gouty diathesis. 17. All forms of lemon, but in a mild concentration, are considered to be good for babies. Doctors advise parents to give their child warm water with lemon and honey to get rid of cough, diarrhea, and cholera. 18. It is a proven fact that consuming the prescribed quantity of vitamin C can prevent many age-related vision troubles such as cataract. And what can be a better source of Vitamin C than our beloved lemon? 19. The vitamin C in lemon helps in breaking down alcohol in the liver in addition to relieving your thirst. Hence, lemon juice is often recommended as a cure for hangovers. 20. Warm water with lemon juice is an amazing everyday dose to treat psoriasis. The citric acid present in lemon juice eases dryness and flaking, and the antiinflammatory properties soothe inflammation. 21. Warm water mixed with honey and lemon juice is one of the most recommended home
remedies for flu. For best results, add some pepper and cinnamon to the above mixture. 22. The antioxidant property of lemon works best for the heart. These chemicals scavenge the free radicals and thus, keep your heart healthy. 23. One of the age-old cures, having warm water with lemon every morning keeps you away from indigestion troubles. 24. Lemon has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Having lemon juice or lemonade when you have salivary gland infections ensures that the infection-causing bacteria are eliminated. 25. In order to get relief from heartburn, simply sip a glass of warm water with four teaspoons of lemon juice. 26. Roseola is a common viral infection that generally occurs in kids under the age of two. The antiviral properties of lemon can help in curing roseola. 27. An age-old remedy for curing asthma is to have a glass of lemonade at the break of the dawn. The antiseptic properties of lemon make it an excellent cure for asthma. 28. In earlier times, women used to scrub lemon peels on their underarms to get rid of the foul smell of sweat. This is because lemon exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties, which means that it kills the odor-causing bacteria and eliminates body odour. You can also squeeze a full lemon in a bucketful of water and take a bath using it for a fresh and odour-free day.
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