East and West Series - January 2021 Issue

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New Year’s


The passing year has slipped out of our hands. May the New Year look on us with loving eyes! Every New Year comes to us as a new opportunity. In the New year, about to unfold, we will not judge others: we will love others. We will not complain: we will thank everyone and above all, thank the Lord for every situation in which we find ourselves. We will forgive even before forgiveness is asked. And we will continue to do as much good as we can, to as many as we can. We will not let anyone make us angry and we shall not permit anyone to so belittle our soul that we hate him. Love will be the law of our life! Real love is when nothing is expected in return – not even a simple word of thanks. I bow down to you and seek your blessings. And may the Lord continue to bless you, everincreasingly! — DADA J. P. VASWANI






Sadhu Vaswani said, again and again — “Kindle the Light! And the Light is within you! You are the Light!” He spoke to us of the triple light. There is firstly, the light of the body. Keep the body pure and strong, and it will radiate light. Purity is yoga, said Sadhu Vaswani to me, one day, when I asked him if I could take up a course in yogic asanas and pranayama. The bodies of so many, today, are weak, pale, emancipated, anything but lustrous. For, today, a cult of pleasure is abroad. Today, young men confound love with sensation and not a few find fault with ideals of morality. The light of the body is brahmacharya. Everyone who would kindle the light must purify himself from the lower self of desires. He must still the tumult of the senses. There is, secondly, the light of the mind. Reflection, the power of understanding, is what India and the world need today. For India,

today, is being broken into pieces. Patriotism is become parochial. The barriers between provinces and nations and communities must break. Larger minds must be built. Therefore said Sadhu Vaswani, “Truth first! Brother pilgrim on the path! be thou a seeker of Truth. Truth, not tradition! Truth, not dogmas, creeds, communities and races!” Seek ye the Truth, said Jesus, and Truth will make you free! In our search for Truth, Sadhu Vaswani said, three things must be noted: (1) humility, (2) simplicity, and (3) meditation. (1) Truth must not be proud. So let us grow in the spirit of humility. In expressing truth, let us not hurt or injure another. One of the greatest intellects of our days, the man who had, perhaps, the biggest brain, was Albert Einstein. And he said that his was the religion of humility. (2) And if you would grow in the spirit of truth, you must be



simple. Do not imitate. Be true to the genius of your race. All the great ones of India, from the days of Manu to those of Mahatma Gandhi and Sadhu Vaswani have been simple. Be simple. Renounce luxuries. Significant are the words of Helen Keller: “Let my mind grow in the beauty of a simple flower.” The flower is simple and, therefore, beautiful. And if you would develop beautiful minds, grow in simplicity. (3) Meditation is necessary. And meditation, Sadhu Vaswani points out, is not vegetation. To meditate is to grow vital. Therefore, go into silence everyday. To go into silence even for an hour, every day, is an uplifting experience. He who would know what is Light must go into silence. One day he will see the Light! Then there is the light of the heart. It is the light of sympathy and service. He who has light lives not for himself alone: he lives for others. The master-word of Sadhu Vaswani’s life was sympathy, compassion, service. In his heart was love divine, it moved out to all whom the cruel world trampled upon day after day. His love moved out to thieves and criminals and to those whom the world called “sinners”. A girl, who had gone astray, came to Sadhu Vaswani with tears in her eyes. He wiped her tears with his handkerchief and said to her, “The sinner of today is, not unoften, the saint of tomorrow. Forget what God hath forgotten!” The girl came to


the satsang (spiritual assembly) every evening and, before returning home, she would make it a point to meet Sadhu Vaswani and get his blessings. He always met her with the love of a mother for her child. Her life was transformed. She became an earnest, aspiring child of God. Sadhu Vaswani’s love was not restricted to human beings. It extended to all creatures, even to trees and flowers. He did not wish us to pluck flowers. He could not resign himself to the sufferings of animals at the cruel hand of man. “For me not to love bird and beast,” he said, “would be not to love the Lord. For His children are birds and beasts, no less than human beings.” The light of the body is brahmacharya; the light of the mind is understanding, the light of the heart is compassion. Concerning this triple light, Sadhu Vaswani has so much to say. He loved to think of himself as a pilgrim on the path of life. We all are fellow-pilgrims, he said again and again, treading the path which has seven steps, the very first is awakening. “Wake up, O brother! Wake up, O sister!” is Sadhu Vaswani’s clarion call. “Awake to the divine values of life!” Today, so many in India feel that there is no progress without industrialisation and technological advancement. “Atomic energy, electric generators and paved roads have their place in life’s programme,” Sadhu Vaswani said, but only when we control them by a



spiritual ideal in life. If we let them control man, we reduce him to a machine or a creature immersed in pleasures, forgetful of the purpose of life.” Through precept and practice, Sadhu Vaswani preached the gospel of the simple life. And simplicity, according to him, is linked with purity and that true poverty which is detachment and which regards money as a trust for the service of God and Man. He who would be simple must be poor in spirit. And he must be pure, he must put out the fire of passion. “Be simple!” is Sadhu Vaswani’s word to India’s youths. “Don’t be soft! Don’t be victims to love of ease and comfort. Be simple and strong in the power of self-denial. Be simple and strong in the spirit of sacrifice. In simplicity is the true discipline which is the secret of national advance. Decay is from within. Toynbee, the historian, points out in his Study of History, that out of nineteen civilisations, sixteen broke down from within. They broke down when they lost the strength of self-discipline and succumbed to softness.” The world needs a new civilisation of simplicity, sympathy and service — the civilisation for which the great ones of humanity have worked age after age. Krishna and Buddha, Christ and Chaitanya, Nanak and Kabir bore witness to this civilisation in their songs and silence, their aspirations


and activities. India built such a civilisation in the long ago. Today, we talk of freedom, but are unhappy. For our states are built in power and pride. We glorify greatness which is purchased with the yellow dust men call gold. We do not rejoice in the simplicities of life. We run after economic and industrial gains. We have turned away from a life of selfdenial and self-sacrifice, without which no nation can be truly strong and free. “Men have succeeded in accumulating a great mass of objects,” says Dostoevsky, “but the joy of life has grown less.” To be truly happy, men must learn to detach themselves from creatures and objects. Live in the world, Sadhu Vaswani urges, but be not of the world. There lies the secret of the true life, the life that is life indeed. Learn the lesson of detachment. Therefore, sit in silence, everyday, and open the windows of the atman, “take in the breath of the true life — the life of communion with the spirit!” Heaven is hidden within us all. Therefore is the kingdom of heaven a living reality. The true joy of life is within you, O man! Why must you wander outside? The roots of our life are not here but in the Infinite. So Sadhu Vaswani says, “In touch with the Infinite is your earthly life, and your Home is the Infinite.” Our tragedy is just this, we have strayed far from Home. It was a Contd. on page 21





GANDHIJI’S MESSAGE TO THE AGE SADHU VASWANI Not yet has India assimilated his message. Nor the nations. His message has, I believe, a value for the world. It is not merely India’s political freedom he wants. He wants a return to the Simple Life. He wants a brotherly civilisation. The dream in his heart is that of khadi white, not blood red Liberty. It was a moving song I heard a little band of men and women sing in the early hours of the morn: “Bring back quick, O Lord! the day when Bharata may turn the charkha again.” And charkha I interpret to mean as death not of the machine but, of the tyranny of the machine over man. The machine as a servant of civilisation will stay. The machine as a tyrant must go. And can it be

denied that the danger of these days is that machines ride mankind? The charkha, I interpret, as a symbol of the Simple Life. Buddha, the Blessed One and Mahavir the latest of the mighty Prophets of the Jain Dharma proclaimed the doctrine of simple brotherly civilisation. That doctrine in its application to contemporary life, was reaffirmed by Tolstoy. He took it mainly from the Teachings of Christ. Gandhi has in our days reuttered the ancient doctrine – of Buddha and Mahavir and Jesus. Neither India nor any other nation has yet assimilated the doctrine. Humanity yet is young! But there are groups of men and women in different parts who believe in the doctrine and try to practise it. 

*January 30 is sacred as Mahatma Gandhi’s Martyrdom day.




Swami Vivekananda’s Call To The World In Chaos DADA J. P. VASWANI

The ‘World Vision 2000 Global Conference’ commemorating the centenary of the Chicago Parliament of Religions was held at the Capital Centre, Washington, D. C. The theme of the Conference was ‘Swami Vivekananda’s Universal Vedantic Message.’ Dada J. P. Vaswani, made an impassioned plea to people to return to God, to practise religious harmony, and to lovingly serve God who dwells in human beings and animals alike.

Swami Vivekananda! There is an inspiration in his name: There is a music in his memory! He was a symbol of India’s deathless culture which stands for the supremacy of the atman, the spirit. In his hands he held a torch. He thrilled those who heard him. He carried with himself a tremendous power of the spirit. He was a man of fire. There was fire in his words, in his heart, and in his soul.

He appeared at a time when millions in Europe and America considered the Hindus to be heathens and condemned the Hindu religion as paganism. With the roar of a lion, Swami Vivekananda said to the Christians of America: Hinduism is the only religion which tells you that you are not a sinner, that you are not doomed to burn eternally in the fires of hell. It is a sin to call man a sinner. Come up, O lions, and shake

*January 12 is sacred as Swami Vivekananda’s Birth Anniversary.



off the delusion that you are sheep. You are souls immortal, spirits free, blest and eternal. You are not matter, you are not bodies. Matter is your servant, you are not the servants of matter. When he was asked, ‘Swamiji, have you come to America to convert us to a new belief?’, he laughed as he answered: I do not come to this country to convert you to a new belief. I want you to keep your own belief. I want to make the Methodist a better Methodist, a Presbyterian a better Presbyterian, a Unitarian a better Unitarian. In the heart of Swami Vivekananda there was no sense of separateness. He recognized the great truths of world religions. In a lecture before the Ethical Society of Brooklyn, he said: We Hindus not only tolerate but we accept every religion, praying in the mosque of the Muslims, worshipping before the fire of the Zoroastrians, and kneeling before the Cross of the Christians, knowing that so many religions are but so many attempts of the human soul to grasp and realize the Infinite. Swami Vivekananda understood the value of Islam and its message of social equality. He entered into the heart of the message of Christ. Is it not also a message of spiritual advaita? ‘I and my Father are one,’ said Jesus. He also said, ‘Ye are Gods!’, and again, ‘Be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect!’ Alas, The Jews of his generation understood him not. Has the West understood him yet? No!


To be able to understand Jesus, one must be imbued with the spirit of the East. Above all, Vivekananda realized the value of Higher Hinduism. He called it Vedanta. He wished to make it a world-force. Vivekananda said, ‘With God, you can sail over the seas. Without God, you cannot cross over the threshold.’ With God, Vivekananda crossed the continents and reproclaimed the wisdom of the rishis. ‘Arise! Awake! And stop not until the goal is reached!’, was his trumpet call to the Hindus. Also to India, Europe and America. Today man stands on a planet of limitless promise. Today man has reached a zenith of technological brilliance. Man’s rockets go flying past the distant planets. He has been able to station satellites in space. Yet is he confused as to his own real being and purpose. He is faced with a terrible loneliness, and his heart is stirred by a thousand fears which he cannot name. Man boasts that he has been able to control the forces of nature. When will he learn to control himself? Today, wherever you turn, there is passion for power, the lust for fame, the greed of gold. Today there is the dance of desires. This dance of desires is the dance of death. And civilization has already begun to crumble beneath the burden of its own weight. A new civilisation is to be born. This new civilization must be built on something which is greater, nobler by far than mere secular



socialism. Swami Vivekananda has been described as a socialist by some, by others as a humanist. Yet, what he practised and taught cannot be called socialism or humanism. For, these two schools of thought do not uphold the oneness of all souls and the solidarity of man. Swami Vivekananda urged that everyone is divine, and that man must serve his fellow men beholding in them pictures of God, images of the Eternal. Swami Vivekananda gave a new mantra to humanity, Atmano mokshartham jagat hitaya cha. The words mean: ‘For the salvation of our individual self and for the wellbeing of all on earth.’ These twin ideals must not be separated from each other, these twin ideals must go hand in hand. On one’s own spiritual freedom. Swami Vivekananda said, ‘Freedom is the watchword. Be free! A free body, a free mind and a free soul! That is what I have felt all my life. I would rather be doing evil freely than be doing good under bondage!’ And there can be no true freedom without spirituality. As one grows in spirituality, he will grow in self-knowledge. As one grows in self-knowledge, he will unfold the tremendous powers of the Spirit, that lie locked up within him. Within every man are these tremendous powers of the Spirit, immense energies of the Eternal. They need to be released. Swami Vivekananda said, ‘Power will come and glory will come, and goodness


will come and purity will come as the sleeping soul awakes.’ Yes, power will come and glory will come, and goodness will come and purity will come when the sleeping soul is roused to selfconscious activity. But this power and glory are not meant to be kept for oneself alone. Power and glory must be spent in service of the surrounding world – in service of the less fortunate ones, the poor and broken ones, the forsaken and forlorn, the lowly and the lost, the unwanted and unloved, who cry in this world of travail and pain. To Swami Vivekananda, service of man was worship of God. His was the religion of unity and love, of service and sacrifice. How true it is that religions are worth no more than straw if they do not teach man to love God and to serve the Godin-man. For within every man, howsoever poor he be, howsoever miserable, frustrated, defeated in life, there dwelleth God. Every man is a living tabernacle of God, a living, moving shrine, a living, moving temple of God. This is true Vedanta – that I behold myself in my brother. I and my brother are one! There is no separation. On one occasion Swami Vivekananda said, ‘Love every man as your own self, and not as your brother as Christianity teaches. Brotherhood should be superseded by universal selfhood. Not universal brotherhood, but universal selfhood is our motto.’



This is true service – not service done as charity, not service done as meharbani (kindness), but service as though I am doing it to my own self, service done as worship of God who dwells in all. And this day, as we are gathered together to offer the homage of our hearts to one of the greatest man of all time, let us move one step forward. Vedanta teaches that there is but one life in all. This one life sleeps in the mineral and the stone, this one life stirs in the vegetable and the plant, this one life dreams in the animal and wakes up in man. Creation is one family, and in this one family of creation, birds and animals are man’s younger brothers and sisters. It is the duty, the responsibility of man to give the love of his heart to his younger brothers and sisters, to guard them, to protect them against the cruel knife of the butcher. Oh, the sin of daily slaughter in our soulless cities! Some of you may regard me as a fanatic, but believe me, the day is coming, sure as the sun rises in the East, when meateating will be condemned as murder. The time is come when we must decide, once for all, that all types of exploitation must cease. We must recognize the moral inviolability of the individual – both human and non-human. Just as the black people do not exist as resources for the whites, just as women do not exist as resources for men, even so animals do not exist as resources for human


beings. All types of human tyranny must cease if we are to have peace on earth. Today we hear so much talk of animal welfare. Animal welfare is not the answer: we must have animal rights. Men have their rights: do animals have no rights? Men have their rights: do they not have their duties, responsibilities towards the animal kingdom? I believe the time is come when we must get together and formulate a charter of animal rights and a charter of man’s duties towards the animals. And the very first fundamental right of an animal is the right to live. No man can take away that which he cannot give. And as we cannot give life to a dead creature, we have no right to take away the life of a living one. Let me close with the very words with which Swami Vivekananda closed the chapter of his life on earth. A little before he passed away Swami Vivekananda said: ‘It may be, that I shall find it good to get outside my body – to cast it off like a worn-out garment. But I shall not cease from working. I shall inspire men everywhere until the world shall know that it is one with God.’ May these words continue to ring in the hearts of some of us like a temple bell. ‘I shall not cease from working. I shall inspire men everywhere until the world shall know that it is one with God! Utthishta! Jagrata! Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached!’ 




The State Of The Nation DADA J. P. VASWANI

Where is the soul? That single question, raised by Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani decades ago expressed in just four words the million thoughts that must be overwhelming us when we face the state of this nation today. The more I read his words, the more I am filled with how true they ring today, years and years after he wrote them! I know we have made great progress. But have we changed for the better? The standard of living for many Indians has improved by leaps and bounds; but has the quality of life improved for us? I am a great believer in personal freedom. I belong to a community which has had seafaring, trade and business in its veins and was responsible for opening up the road to business and commercial progress *January 26 is observed as Republic Day.

centuries ago; a community which was forced under dire circumstances to leave the land of their birth and to seek homes and livelihoods elsewhere. In those days, we did not have terms like ‘global village’; but



felt that the world was our home! The point I’m making is that brain drain is still a reality in this country. Given the choice, many of our young people would



abroad. “Let me assure you, Dada, it’s not just for money that I have chosen to come here,” a young man I met in the U.S. said to me. “I am here because I want more opportunities; I want more independence; I wish to live life the way I choose to without interference




and yes, I do like my personal comforts…”



What are the reasons people cite for wishing to leave India? 1. Greater wealth or better salary or more money 2. Better professional growth or opportunities 3. Better lifestyle 4. Children’s education 5. More independence 6. Avoiding interference from family and society 7. Moving away from widespread corruption 8. Healthier environment 9. Secure future 10. Political reasons

Who is responsible for making conditions so unfavourable, so undesirable here? If India is unfit for some of us to live in, who made it so? These are tough questions to answers, aren’t they? Sometime ago, I was asked to speak in a public forum on the topic: “Is India truly free?” Permit me to give you an excerpt from this talk, which, I think, is of relevance to us at this point: We celebrate the 15th of August as Independence Day. India is free. Is India truly free? India may be the largest democracy in the world. Today, (in 2012), our country presents a perfect secular picture – with a Sikh Prime Minister, a Hindu Brahmin President, a devout Muslim Vice President, a Dalit as the speaker of Parliament and a Roman Catholic as the leader of the country’s ruling party. Despite


this noble picture of secularism, India is caught in religious conflict, ethnic violence, and Maoist warfare. Over the last sixty-five years, corruption has increased, greed and selfishness have multiplied, fundamentalism has cascaded, and crime, unemployment have touched new heights. Can we say India is truly free? No, because its people have fallen to selfishness and greed, because its leaders have still to learn, and imbibe the lesson of discipline, integrity and probity. India will be truly free, when its people will learn to serve their motherland selflessly. They have to be ‘facilitators’ and not ‘grabbers’. They have to be servants of society. They have to be workers and labourers, soldiers, sipahis ready to give their all to the welfare of the country and its people. “What India needs,” said my beloved Gurudev, “is soldiers to work for its peace.” It needs men and women who would be selfless, altruistic, humble, kind and sympathetic, men and women who would adopt the spiritual ideals of kindness and sympathy!

How can my country be truly free and prosperous if one fraction of its people live in luxury and opulence while the majority live in poverty and deprivation? Who will build India anew? Who will rejuvenate this glorious nation and infuse vitality into the country and the people and make this



nation stand tall among the global community? It seems to me that we need a leader who will combine the virtues and strengths of a Shivaji Maharaj and a Mahatma Gandhi; a leader who combines courage with conviction, pragmatism with idealism and statesmanship with dedication and self-sacrifice. But a great leader alone cannot make a great nation. In fact, there can be no leader without the led. People power must take over the Movement for a better India. Today, in India, as in the world, chaotic forces are gathering strength. The forces of darkness seem to choke the voice of light. Today, both knowledge and power are being perverted into instruments of social chaos and destruction.


Today, the moral base of public life seems to have been completely eroded. Today, intellectual honesty and self-discipline are conspicuous by their absence. Today, our administration and governance are being destroyed by the malignant cancer of corruption. If there is one thing that India needs today, it is men and women of character; men and women of sterling qualities, men and women whom the lust of office will not lead astray, men and women who will not scramble for office or power but will use all their power in a spirit of humility in the service of India’s teeming millions. The question is: How many of us are ready to take up the challenge? 

BEHOLD THE LIGHT WITHIN Contd. from page 8 strange dream I dreamt, many years ago. I found myself in a forest. I had lost my way. I wept, I shed tears. I cried in agony, “O Mother mine! Mother Divine! Show me the way. O lead the wanderer Home!” What happens? Sadhu Vaswani appears out of nowhere and with his dawneyes he gazes at me. And laying his hand in blessing on my head, he says, “My child! the Infinite is your Home!” The Infinite is our Home. And just because we have lost contact with the Infinite, there is a feeling of loneliness, emptiness in our hearts,

there is a feeling of loneliness among the nations. When in our daily life we shall bear witness to the truth that the Infinite is our Home, then daily activities will be filled with the fragrance of the spring-breeze and our bodies will become pure and radiant, vital and vibrant, our minds will be illuminated with wisdom, our hearts will glow with the beauty of God and our lives will be kindled with the light that casts no shadow and the light of sympathy, compassion, love.





Questions And Answers With The Great Master

1) Why must I respect all religions? One Light in All Religions z z


In all religions there is a common aspiration towards truth and love. The scriptures of all religions, when studied sympathetically — not controversially — will reveal many points of accord and harmony. The saints, prophets and seers (rishis) of different religions are of similar temperaments.

2) You advised us to keep away from religious conflicts. We understand that Hindus and Muslims are part of one great humanity, then please explain, why are there wars spurred by religion? This is so because; we do not understand the true meaning of our religion. Be it Hinduism, be it Islam, we only go by the words Allah or Ishwar. But we have never experienced either Allah or Ishwar. If we would experience (spirituality) we would not quarrel over the religion. Take the example of a honeybee. So long it is outside the flower, it buzzes. But once it gets inside and sucks the nectar it stops buzzing. Similarly till we experience the spiritual nectar, we would bumble like bees, making noise about nothing. Learn to drink the nectar of spiritualism. Do not quarrel over the superficial expression of the religion. 3) How to drink the heavenly nectar; our minds are embedded in the religious differences right from birth? To taste the sweetness of heavenly nectar a few things are necessary:— a) All conflict arises out of ignorance. If only we would realise that we are the branches of the same tree. b) Having understood oneness we should create love for others. There are many ways to realise God but every path preaches love for




humanity. Those who walk the way of love will reach the peak and meet the Lord. 4) How to cultivate this love? To open the floodgates of your hearts, it is necessary to get rid of your ego. Love is the panacea for all ills. 5) What is the mark of such a love? A very good question. The mark of love is neither words nor smile; it is your day-to-day living. Your everyday life should bear witness to the ideal of love. The mark of love is humility: Service of all in utter humility. A man who truly loves is selfless. He does not bother about his looks and clothes. He is more concerned about the needs of others. Such a man is a true devotee for he serves not out of vanity but out of sheer love. It is said of Mohammad the Prophet that he did not care about his clothes or his food. His life was totally absorbed in service of the poor. One day while meeting the needs of others, he skipped his meal. When reminded to have his food, he said, “Give me a few dates and a tumbler of water.” This great prophet, the Beloved of God, could have asked for any food and his devotees would have been only too happy to serve him. But he had built his life in austerity, simplicity, purity and service of others. Another Beloved of our hearts Sri Isha— Jesus Christ also lived a life of service and compassion. It is said, that even before he opened his door, crowds gathered at his house. Ill, diseased, starved and hungry crowds thronged him seeking help, love, and medicine. Our Beloved Jesus would then dispense medicines, clothes and food to the needy. Taking their blessings he would move out to the town, with the words: Give, Give, Give. Learn to give. Hindus and Muslims, learn to Give. Give sympathy, Give love, Give help, Give blessings, Give service, Give affection and make your life worthy of God’s benediction. 6) What makes your life beautiful? I have a Friend. He protects me. He guards me in illness. He blesses me every day. And He stretches forth His arms of love to enfold me in silence and darkness of the night. He is your friend, too. Indeed, He is the Friend of friends.




7) What is the secret of happiness? You will not be happy by possessing things. If you will be truly happy, do the Will of God in daily life. This is not an easy task. You must do tapasya. You must bear your cross. Suffering purifies. And none was truly happy who did not purify himself. 8) What may a man do to be truly happy? The king of all the world is unhappy! Happiness is not in wealth and power. To be happy, you must (1) awake, (2) aspire, and (3) achieve. 9) What may we do to be free from desires and appetites? Give your mind and heart to God. Let your hands be engaged in work: but let your thoughts dwell on the Lotus-Feet of the Beloved. For thoughts are internal forces. And as you think, so you make or mar yourself. 10) I try to fix my thoughts on God but lapse, again and again, into forgetfulness. What may I do?

If you would constantly live in the thought of God, love Him. A man thinketh as he loveth. Love is the sun round which our thoughts revolve: they derive their light from love. 11) Why is it that God upsets our plans, again and again? God upsets our plans to set up His own. So plan nothing. Leave everything in His safe hands! Choose not but acknowledge and adore His Will. Accept the burden His wisdom lays on you. And believe that every burden is a blessing. 12) Why is silence necessary? Silence is concentration. Noises and the clamour of crowds are distraction. In silence is God’s Name written in us. In silence grows God’s image in the heart. In silence we receive the light.




Children’s Corner THE JOURNAL OF STEADFASTNESS Identify one thing that you are good at: it could be singing, painting, writing, gardening, cooking, cleaning or chores! It could be anything you love!

Time for a Resolve! Each day you will practice the skill with perseverance and remain steadfast! Say out aloud, “I promise to master the skill. I shall remain steadfast. To keep a check, let us make a ‘Journal Of Steadfastness’.

What You Will Need: d oloure  A c t r cha paper / 2 plain  10-1 white d rule paper punch n  Hole sati ead or  Thr braids

MORE: FACTS and ow Sadhu Did you kn as named Vaswani w The word “Thanwar”? fast”. ad means “ste


• Fold the coloured chart paper in two equals to create the cover. • Staple sheets of plain paper with your parents help to create the pages. Scale and trim them 2cms less than the cover. • Place the stapled sheets inside the cover and punch several holes with the help of your parents along the folded edge. • Thread the journal or use satin braids and bind you book.

Kudos! You Diary of Steadfastness is

ready! Each day, your task is to write in the journal what you did about mastering your skill. Will you do that?

COMPETITION CALL! Essay Writing — Inviting all little ones to send in essay on ‘The Life And Teachings Of Sadhu Vaswani’ Sketching / Painting — Inviting all little ones to showcase their talent! Send us sketches or paintings of Sadhu Vaswani. Submit your entries to: eastandwestseries@sadhuvaswani.org, by February 1, 2021. Winning entries will be published in the East and West Series.





cooked beans into 8 portions and place one on each toast. Serve garnished with coriander leaves. You can cover the cooked beans with a sprinkle of grated cheese and crushed pepper or chili flakes.


Ingredients: Oil ...................................................... 1 tablespoon Garlic ............................................ 3 cloves, minced Cumin Powder ...................................... 1 teaspoon Salt ............................................................. to taste Coriander leaves ............... 3 tablespoons, chopped Rajma .............................. 1 cup, soaked overnight Onion ........................................... 1, finely chopped Tomatoes.........................................3 large, pureed Red chili powder ................................. ½ teaspoon Bread........................................................... 8 slices Method: 1. Place the rajma and 2 cups water in a pressure cooker. Cook for 15 minutes after the first whistle. Remove from the fire and allow it to cool. 2. Once the pressure is released, open the cooker and drain out the excess liquids. 3. Heat oil in a pan, add in the onions and garlic and give it a light sauté until the onions are soft and translucent. Add the tomato puree, cumin powder and red chili powder and cook on low flame until the tomato puree is well cooked. 4. Add in the cooked rajma into the tomato gravy. Mix well until the beans get well coated with the tomatoes. Cover the pan, turn the heat to low and simmer the beans for about 15 minutes until the beans are well coated with the spices and tomatoes. Check the salt and seasoning and adjust to suit your taste. 5. Toast the bread slices and divide the

Ingredients: Capsicum ............................................... 4, medium Cumin seeds......................................... ½ teaspoon Green chilies ..........................................1, chopped Peas................................................. ½ cup, shelled Salt ..............................................................to taste Potato ................................................... 3, medium Oil ..................................................... 3 tablesppons Onion .................................................... 1, chopped Red chili powder ................................. ½ teaspoon Amchur (dry mango powder) ................1 teaspoon Coriander leaves ............... 2 tablespoons, chopped Method: 1. Boil and mash the potatoes well. Slice off the tops of the capsicum, remove the seeds, rinse in water and dry them. 2. Heat ½ tablespoon oil in a kadhai and add the cumin seeds. When they start to splutter, add the onions and sauté, until soft. Add the green chilies, the red chili powder and peas, and then stirfry for next 4-5 minutes. 3. Add the mashed potatoes, amchur, salt to taste and mix well. Then, add the coriander leaves and mix again. 4. Divide the potato mixture into four portions and stuff into the capsicum with a spoon. If baking, then brush oil outside the capsicum and



bake it in an oven, at 200°C for 20-25 minutes. 5. Cook in a frying pan, heat the remaining oil and place the capsicum on a low flame and cover the pan. Every 3-4 minutes, turn the sides, cover and continue to cook. Also, turn over onto the open potato side and cook until golden-brown. 6. You can place the filled capsicum in a frying pan and cover the top of each with mozzarella cheese and sprinkle some oregano or crushed pepper. Cover the pan and heat, till the cheese melts for a cheesy twist to your Bharwan Shimla mirch.


Ingredients: Curd/yogurt .................................................. ¾ cup Sugar ............................................................ ¾ cup Vanilla extract ................................................. 1 tsp Oil ................................................................. ½ cup Maida ........................................................ 1 ½ cup Baking soda .................................................. ¼ tsp Baking powder ............................................... 1 tsp Water ............................................................ ¼ cup Tutti frutti ...................................................... ¼ cup Method: 1. In a large mixing bowl, take curd, sugar, oil and vanilla extract. Mix well using cut and fold method. 2. Add flour, rose syrup and Tooty Fruity to the butter. Mix well to form a soft dough. 3. Transfer the cake batter into a cake mould or bread mould. Make sure to grease the mould with butter to avoid sticking and line butter paper at the bottom of the tray. 4. Level up the batter and pat the tray twice to remove the air incorporated into the batter. 5. Place the cake tray into a preheated


oven. Bake the cake at 180°C for 30-40 minutes. 6. Serve the cake or store in an airtight container.

BANANA MALPUA Ingredients: For the Malpua: Banana ................................................................ 1 Milk ................................................................ 1 cup Wheat flour .................................................... 1 cup Rava .............................................................. 2 tbsp Fennel ............................................................. 1 tsp Cardamom powder........................................ ¼ tsp Cream ........................................................... 2 tbsp Oil ........................................................... for frying For Sugar Syrup: Sugar ......................................................... 1 ½ cup Water ......................................................... 1 ½ cup Cardamom ................................................... 3 pods Saffron food colour ..................................... a pinch Method: 1. In a blender, take a banana and milk. Blend to smooth puree. Transfer it to a large bowl. 2. Add wheat flour, rava, fennel, cardamom powder and cream and mix well. Add milk as required. 3. Whisk until the batter is lump-free. Rest the batter for 30 minutes. 4. For the sugar syrup, take sugar, water and cardamom pods. Stir well until the sugar melts completely. 5. Boil until the sugar syrup turns into a sticky consistency. Add a pinch of saffron food colour and keep aside. 6. Prepare the malpua by pouring 2-3 tbsp of batter in a ladle over hot oil. Shallow fry in medium hot oil. 7. Flip over and fry both the sides till the malpua gets cooked completely. 8. Dip in sugar syrup and soak the malpua on both sides till it absorbs the sugar syrup. 9. Serve by garnishing it with a few chopped nuts.




SIMPLE RULES OF HEALTH BENEFITS OF ASANA, PRANAYAMA, KRIYA AND MEDITATION Maintaining an optimal level of health is absolutely crucial for living a good quality of life. Good health refers to a condition where both our body and mind functions properly. Yoga is a science of healthy living. It lays emphasis on creating harmony at our physical, mental and spiritual aspects of being. This balance is achieved through the practice of asana, pranayama, kriya and meditation.

of all the major muscle groups, lubricates joints and massages the internal organs.

Tones the muscles, nerves and glands of the body.

Improves blood circulation and flow to the entire body. This helps rejuvenate body cells.

Boosts the body’s metabolism, lymphatic circulation and hormonal secretion, thus helps bringing chemical balance.

Strengthens function.

Creates stability, proper spinal alignment and good posture.

Relaxes the nervous system.

Helps in even distribution of energy. This, in turn, helps the mind to develop calmness and peace.

Brings lightness, firmness, tolerance, elimination of impurities and stimulation in digestion.

1. Asana Asanas are physical postures, the essence of which is to bring stability to the body and mind. It is performed mindfully by coordinating the body movement with the breath. By consciously forming the body in a certain posture, one aligns the inner system. This integrates the physiology of mind, body and breath. The practise of asana has beneficial impact on the whole body. It –

Stimulates and maintains smooth functioning and health of internal organs and glands of the body. Stretches, strengthens, and improves the flexibility



2. Pranayama Pranayama is the science of conscious control of prana or the vital force of the body.



It regulates breath to control life current or inner vital force. Control of breath or prana controls our mind. Therefore, one must develop correct habit of breathing with the practice of pranayama. It helps –

flow freely throughout the body without any hindrance. Their main effect is on the respiratory and digestive system and they –

Create balance in the tridosha – Vata (wind), Pitta (bile) and Kapha (mucus) and thereby bring balance in the body and mind.

Specifically increase the vital capacity of the body.

Purify the body and promote good health.

Help protect from diseases.

Neti cleanses the mucus from the nasal passage and thereby allows air to flow freely without obstruction.


Neti has relaxing and soothing effect on the nerves.


Dhauti cleanses the entire digestive tract and respiratory tract and removes mucus, bile and toxins to restore the natural balance of the body.

Purify the nadis or the pranic channels and allows free flow of prana.

Regulates the nervous system by shifting autonomic nervous system from fight or flight sympathetic to the calming parasympathetic state.

Improves ventilator functions of lungs and purifies the body.

Removes energy blockage.

Increases vitality improves immunity.

Improves infection.

Maintains better homeostasis and prevents body from degeneration and dysfunctions.

Strengthens heart, lungs and regulate blood pressure.

Controls the mind and brings about mental clarity.

Develops inner peace and balance.



3. Kriya Kriya, such as Neti and Dhauti, are the yogic practice for internal cleaning and purification of the body. They help remove the impurities and blockages from the body so that the life force can

4. Meditation Meditation is an inner state that is still and one-pointed. It is a technique of going beyond the mind to explore the inner dimensions. It trains the mind so that it is not distracted; rather one is relaxed and inwardly focused. This leads to inner balance and stability. Regular practice of meditation –

Increases one’s awareness, sharpens the mind and improves memory and creativity.





Dada’s life has been a saga of selfless service, of caring for one and all, of expressing his concern for each and every one. Never has he stopped even once to think about himself. In assuring the happiness of others, he found his own happiness. Dada’s consideration for others was so spontaneous that it expressed itself in the smallest of acts, in the simplest of situations. One day, a group of us had accompanied Dada on his walk. On the way, we came across a huge tree, providing cool shade. Dada decided that we all should take a small break under the tree. We tried to sit close to the trunk to enjoy maximum shade. Dada noticed that a few from the group were still exposed to the sun. His eyes fell on the umbrella carried by one of the group members. He took the

umbrella, opened it and placed it in such a way that everyone was in shade. So instant and subtle was his kindness and caring. In Dada’s presence, our minds were always still, calm and peaceful. The wandering of the mind ceased when we were near him. This was experienced even by strangers who met him. Once we were on a flight, and the seats were three in a row. The seat beside Dada and me was empty. A fellow passenger came and occupied it. Dada was lost in meditation, with his eyes shut. The man probably thought that Dada was sleeping, so he did not disturb us. After quite some time Dada opened his eyes. When the man saw this, he politely asked Dada if he was feeling well rested after the hectic



boarding schedule. Dada said he had been observing silence. Then it struck the man and with awe he said, “No wonder that the aura emanating from you is so wonderful. Since I have come to sit here, I have been so calm and peaceful. Please tell me, how can I always maintain this state?” Dada said to him, “It’s very simple. You too, should practise silence. Silence is very powerful. It heals, purifies, elevates and energises.” Yes, we all wished to attain those moments of peace, which we experienced when we were with him. His eyes were aglow with the radiance of love. He suffused everyone in the fragrance of his love. Whenever anyone came to meet him, or happened to come in contact with him, with a smile he would say to each one, “Do come again! Come again!” People did not realise the power of the magnetic pull of those words. But, in time, all of us experienced that thirst, that restlessness and longing to go back to him and be with him, once again.


Dada was going on one of his trips out of town. He knew I was disappointed I could not join him, as I had to stay back for my pending College exams. Before leaving he said to me, “You must see to it that you write to me every day.” I thought he had just said that to make me happy. I was aware of how busy a schedule he had on this trip. As I did not want to disturb him, I did not write. In no time I received a letter from him saying, “Why haven’t you written to me as you promised?” I thought he was just being kind. This was followed by a second letter the next day saying, “Why is there no letter from you?” The third day came the missive, “Why this inordinate silence?” It was then that it dawned on me that he had really meant it when he had asked me to write to him. This great man, who was so busy, who had so many demands on his time, was so humble and so caring that he did not hesitate to correspond with little me, even though I had not written to him.

Doctors who had treated Dada in cities like Chicago and New York, though not of Indian origin, wished to establish a personal contact with him. They would travel all the way to Pune to visit him as friends.

The best of universities in different parts of the globe were eager to confer their honorary Doctorates on him. But his humility would make him try to dissuade them in their endeavours, till sometimes, it became so awkward that he had to concede.

His humility arose from his heart and ensured that there were no barriers of ego in any of his associations or relationships. Once

Whatever task Dada performed, whether big or little, he would ensure that it was done with perfection, to the best of his ability. I learnt this



lesson from him at a young age. One day, I offered to iron his kurta for him. He willingly gave it to me, so as to encourage me in my effort. After I was done, I proudly brought it and gave it to him. He thanked me politely and then looked at the shirt carefully. He found a crease that had not been ironed out. Pointing to it, he explained, “Whatever we do we should do as perfectly as possible and with love, because our every act is an offering to God. And, we can only offer Him the best.” Dada had a very tender heart. He could not bear to see the pain of others, whether animal or human. He would do his best to alleviate it as soon as possible. If he saw a bird fluttering in its cage, he would offer to purchase the bird cage and instantly open the door to set the bird free. If he saw fish in a fisherman’s net struggling to breathe, he would purchase the entire catch and throw the fish back into the water. If he saw a beggar on the street shivering in the cold, he would immediately remove his shawl and cover the beggar with it. His soft heart also made him very kind and considerate, aware of the small nuances which would make another person happy. As a child, I would watch with a long face, whenever Dada left on one of his trips. In order to ensure that I did not feel left out, on his return from every trip, he would bring a little something


for me, as a token of his having remembered me, even though I could not be with him. I would be thrilled! So well attuned was he to the mindset of children that even the most complicated of answers, were simplified by him, and with illustrations and associations which a child could easily grasp. Once, a child asked Dada, “Why should I be a vegetarian?” His answer was so simple, which the child could relate to. He said, “The closest thing to a mother is her child. If someone steals the child, how will the mother feel? When a hen lays an egg, she sits on it waiting for it to hatch into a little chick. Now, if someone not only steals the egg, but kills it, how will the hen feel?” This was simple enough for the child to understand. She got her answer. Dada’s ready wit and humour was unique, spontaneous and often had us in splits. Once, when he was on a visit to the doctor for his check-up, the doctor held Dada’s reports in his hands, with a very grave expression on his face, looked at Dada and said, “Your heart is enlarged.” He expected Dada to appear concerned. Instead he was amazed to see Dada with a big smile on his face, and was stunned to hear the words, “Yes, it has to be, for after all, I receive so much love!” His faith in God was limitless. The presence of God, radiated from him. Contd. on page 40




Laugh Your Way To Health Since the corona virus outbreak, Raju’s father has been washing his hands regularly. One day, he said, “I’ve been washing my hands so much, I found the answers to an eighth standard maths question.” *** On the way to meet her husband at a restaurant, Mina realized that she didn’t have her phone and panicked. Her husband had seen her phone and brought it with him. When he arrived, she checked her texts. There was only one, and it was from her husband, “I’m on my way, and I have your phone.” *** A lawyer is driving a car and instead of stopping at the stop sign, the lawyer slows down. A policeman sees this and pulls the car over and asks the man why he didn’t stop. “It’s the same thing”, the lawyer stated. “I don’t believe there is a difference between stop and slow down”. “Allow me to prove it to you,” the policeman said. He asks the lawyer to step out of his car and suddenly starts hitting him with his baton. After enduring a lot of pain, the policeman asked him, “Now do you want me to stop, or slow down?” *** Two old friends, Ned and John, played baseball every evening. Then, one day, John died, leaving Ned inconsolable.

A few weeks later, Ned heard someone calling his name. He looked up. Standing on a cloud was his old friend. “Ned,” John called down, “I have good news and bad. The good news is, there is baseball in heaven!” “Great,” said Ned. “What’s the bad news?” “You are pitching this Sunday”. *** Q: What do you call someone who can’t stick with a diet? A: A desserter *** “I would like vitamins for my son,” a mother said. “Vitamin A, B or C?” the pharmacist asked. “It doesn’t matter,” the mother replied. “He can’t read yet”. *** A woman was taking an afternoon nap. When she woke up, she was very excited. She said to her husband, “I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace. What do you think it means?” “You’ll know tonight,” he replied.



That evening, the husband came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it to find a book entitled “The Meaning of Dreams.” *** At an art gallery, a woman and her ten-year-old son were having a tough time choosing between two of the artist’s work. They finally agreed on one. A passerby asked about the choice and the boy said, “This painting is wider, so it’ll cover three holes in our wall.” *** A woman noticed her husband standing on the weighing scale, sucking in his stomach. “Ha! That’s not going to help,” she said. “Sure, it does,” he said. “It is the only way I can see the numbers.” *** A wife once gave her husband the silent treatment for an entire week at the end of which he declared, “Hey, we are getting along pretty great lately.” *** “Has your son decided what he wants to be when he grows up?” Ram asked his friend. “He wants to be a garbage man,” he replied. “That’s an unusual ambition to have at such a young age.” “Not really. He thinks that garbage men work only on Tuesdays.” *** “How do you spell toad?” one of the first standard students asked.


“We have just read a story about a toad,” the teacher said, and then helped him spell it out: “T-O-A-D”. Satisfied, he finished writing the story he had begun, then read it aloud, “I toad my mom that I wanted a dog for my birthday.” *** When the school librarian announced that she was changing schools, a teacher asked a student, “Why do you think Ms. Mehra is leaving?” The third standard student replied, “Probably because she has read all the books.” *** Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son. “Wake up, son. It is time to go to school!” “But why, mom? I don’t want to go”. “Give me two reasons why you don’t want to go?” “Well, the kids hate me for one, and the teachers hate me, too!” “Oh, that’s no reason not to go to school. Come on now and get ready”. “Give me two reasons why I should go to school?” “Well, for one, you are 52 years old and another, you are the Principal.” *** A man’s credit card was stolen but he didn’t bother to report it because the thief spent less than his wife. ***




One Whom the Shining Crown Awaits SADHU VASWANI

(Translation of an article published in Shyam Paper on March 6, 1966)

The sun of my life is about to set. I see the shadows of dusk. But in my heart is the dawn, the song of the birds and the grace of my Master. I hear the voices not from far off, but from near, very near; the voices of the other land, towards which the boat of my life is about to embark. I even see the light on the other shore. I appeal to all my companions of the spiritual congregation, “Weep not, nor lament, when the call of death comes for me. But bless me with the flowers of love and prayers and say, the servant has departed, the slave, the self of the dust of the Lotus Feet of the saints has gone!�

O, world! What have you not given me? The sky! The waters! The earth! The oceans! Everything shall disappear in the unseen. The mountains and the rocks, the trees and the streams, shall all disappear in the void! Shadows! Shadows! Nothing shall abide, everything shall melt away like the clouds, like the dew, in the marvel of the ephemeral. Nothing abides! Nothing is permanent! Each and everyone must depart! He who loses his life for the sake of God, receives the fountain of youth, the life eternal!



True humility is not weakness, but power, the supreme power, the spiritual power. They who are humble of heart, only they receive this unique strength! Happiness? It is not with the human beings. For man has turned himself into a beast. Happiness? Go to yon tree! See the bird on the tree. The bird is singing again and again. Ask the bird: Where is true happiness? You too become a bird, the bird which sings the love of the lord. Sit on the tree of life and sing the Name Divine! Be a small bird! Eat the grains of the lord’s grace and sing the song of the love of the lord! Go in quest and see the One lord everywhere and understand: blessed is that life! You dwell in forgetfulness! In forgetfulness! You have come from


the Kingdom of Krishna where radiates the light eternal! Shed tears! Tears of longing! Call out to the lord with tears! The tears are full of the deep mystery of the Eternal! I said to myself: Let me go to the mountain top and sit in silence. He said: My dear one! Go to the city! I said: The fragrance of the flowers is upon the mountains. There is noise in the city. He said: The shining crown is in the city. I said: The devil rules the city! He said weeping: There is no silence for him who does not confront the devil. They who are victorious over the devil, the shining crown is for them! 


The power of the example he set, had an extraordinary effect on one and all. Those who experienced this, would find tears roll down their face, on looking at him. They would often become tongue-tied. Yet, the serenity they experienced was inexplicable. He could easily and smoothly connect with everyone because he never judged, criticised or found fault with anyone. He accepted everyone with love and saw the picture of his

Guru in each one. He practised that true oneness which saw the One in All. He made spirituality an everyday practise. With his every breath and every action, he spread the fragrance of the Divine. Watching him, we felt, we were coming close to our Creator, our Father. Everything worldly paled before his spiritual radiance. No wonder, then, that being with him, we felt we were in the presence of God Himself. 

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