MAY 2016
The life of Gautama Buddha is a life of singular beauty and singular fascination. A prince, he becomes a bhikkhu. He renounces the palace and joins the Brotherhood of the poor. Heir to a throne, he lives on alms. Gautama was born on the Vaisakhi day, five and twenty centuries ago. On the Vaisakhi day, he became a Buddha, a Master of the illumination which is wisdom. And on the Vaisakhi day, he left the mortal body and passed into the great nirvana. Not without much experience did illumination come to him. As a prince, he lived a luxurious *May 21 is sacred Buddha Poornima Day.
life. He spoke of it, later, to his disciples in significant terms. He said: “In my father’s dwelling, lotuspools had been made, in one blue lotuses, in another red, in another white — all for my sake. My dress was of Banaras cloth, my tunic, my under robe and cloak. And night and day, a white parasol was held over me that I should not be touched by cold or heat, by dust or weeds or dew. I had three palaces, one for the cold season, one for the hot, and one for the season of rains. Through the four rainy months I stayed in the palace for the rainy season. I was
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entertained by female minstrels and I did not come down from the palace. I was delicate, O monks, extremely delicate, excessively delicate!” Gautama marries Yashodhara, the beautiful daughter of the Kolyan King, and a son is born to them. At the age of twentynine, Gautama goes out to see the city of his father. He sees what the Buddhist books call the “four signs”, witnesses to impermanence of the world. He sees an old man, a diseased man, a dead man, and a monk. And there enters into his heart a vision of dukkha, the worldsorrow. “What is the way out of the world-sorrow?” he asks. It is a dark hour of the night. Gautama says to himself — “I must leave this palace and go out into the darkness of the Great Unknown and in that darkness find the Light of my life.” Gautama would fain look at his son before leaving the palace. But he fears to awaken Yashodhara. Both the son and the mother are asleep. He gazes at both. Tears touch his eyes: he turns away. He leaves in silence. He goes upon his quest. He renounces the palace to go in search of a cure for the cruelties and stupidities of life. A moving story this, of Gautama’s quest that ends in illumination and attainment of nirvana. On reaching the forest of meditation, he gives away his fine clothes to his charioteer, Channa, saying: “These fine Banaras clothes do not befit a sramana”. Gautama, the prince, becomes a fakir.
After seven years of tapasya (self-discipline), he is on his way to the Bodhi tree. The Buddha scatters a handful of grass on the ground and forms a seat for himself and says: “l care not if my skin and nerves and bones decay! I care not if my lifeblood dries up! But I will not leave this seat of grass until I attain to enlightenment.” What divine will-power in these words! And what may not a man achieve if he would wake up his will-power! Born under a tree, the Buddha receives illumination, also, under a tree. It is known as the Bodhi Tree. I saw it at the Buddha Gaya; and in the shrine there I saw the Face of the Buddha— a picture of the peace that passeth understanding. Since that day, the Buddha has mingled with my prayers and meditations. On getting the illumination, he wished, at first, to withdraw from the world, darkened by sin and suffering. But he saw the world’s great need: he saw men and women “dimmed by dust”. He
uddha recognised no caste. Buddha recognised the sacred claims of all humanity, of all life. Buddha taught that bodhi, wisdom, was open to the poorest of the poor, the humblest of the humble.
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saw, and had pity on them. And filled with compassion, he moved out to give his message. He was gifted with great beauty of complexion. In colour fair, in presence calm, persuasive, he carried the message to town and village. We read of a learned Brahmin, versed in the Vedas, simply sitting in the Buddha’s presence and looking at his beautiful face. Like Krishna, like Socrates, like Jesus, the Buddha had a beautiful voice. To hear him was to feel happy. His Lotus-face was calm: his eyes were bright with a light such as never was on land or sea. And we read that there was “no passion of lust” in him. The essence of the Buddha’s message may, I think, be discerned in his very first discourse and, again, in his parting words just before he passes into the Great Peace. At Banaras is delivered his first discourse. In it he expounds the doctrine of the “wheel of karma”. Ye are sons of your karma. Ceremonies and creeds will not save you. Right conduct is needed. The Great Law is wise and just and will not be bribed. Religion is Karma and dharma. The Buddha lived to the age of eighty years. Forty-five of these years he spent in teaching: in his heart was a longing to see that the people would know the cause of sorrow and strive to conquer sorrow and pass into the Great Peace. So he preached to the very last day of his earth-life. He preached and he healed— the lame, the deaf and the blind.
Again, lying on his bed between two trees and seeing that his beloved disciple, Ananda, is weeping at the passing of his Master, the Buddha says: “Weep not for me, Ananda! Hold fast to the lamp of dharma.” And this lamp of dharma, as the life of the Buddha shows, again and again, is maitri, is daya, is love for all, is fellowship with the poor. Buddha recognised no caste. Buddha recognised the sacred claims of all humanity, of all life. Buddha taught that bodhi, wisdom, was open to the poorest of the poor, the humblest of the humble. Rich was the Buddha in wisdom, richer still in the inspiration of his life. He was a genius of will. He was a genius, too, of intellect. For forty years and more, he, who was born a prince, wandered about with a begging-bowl in his hands, from village to village, with his great message to the poor and the rich, the peasant and the prince. At dawn he rose each day and he taught all men, thinking not of caste or clan or creed. He taught rich merchants, no less than the untouchables, the Way of Deliverance. And he entered into the hearts of the people. He became the Beloved of Aryavarta. Again and again, he spoke to the bhikkus thus: This triple truth Teach ye to all: The generous heart, The kindly speech, The life of compassion and service, These be the things That make Humanity new!
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Sri Shankara Acharya* SADHU VASWANI
India is forgetting her Shankara and her saints. If India could thrill again to their messages, there is yet hope that she might lead the world out of the mass age of these days to a new Age of Light. The real history of India is not in politics nor in carnage, but in contributions to culture made by men of illumination. One of them was Shankara. Rare is the birth of such men. A Shankara is born in the cycle of several centuries. In the humble house of a villager was this great one born. His father died when he was a boy. His mother looked after
him and loved him dearly. She pinned all her hopes in him. But the Call came to him, and he resolved to dedicate his life to the service of the Hindu Race. Shankara was a man of destiny. And of such as he, God Himself is the Guardian. When I think of his influence upon millions of India, I marvel at the man and his achievements. I regard him as the Supreme figure in the movement of idealistic philosophy. He brought back to life the Ancient Faith. He saved Hinduism in a period when religion was entangled in rites
*May 11 is sacred as Sri Shankara Acharya’s Jayanti.
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and ceremonies. Ritualism, he called karma: and he pointed out that karma could not save. He won the battle against nihilism and India could hope again. He made Hinduism dynamic. He created an order of sanyasins, men of inner renunciation: he made them guardians of the Hindu Dharma. “Your only possession,” he said, “is Atman, the Spirit.” Shankara and Kant are the two greatest intellects the world has thrown up. Shankara’s Vedanta and Kant’s Critique of pure Reason reveal two master-minds of humanity. Yet Shankara is greater even than Kant. For Shankara is not, like Kant, merely a first-rate thinker. Shankara is, also, an organiser, a man of action and a bhakta (devotee). In Shankara is a marvellous blend of wisdom and action, of gnana and karma, and bhakti (devotion). Shankara is one of the greatest teachers and revealers of the Gita. And he became a saviour of the Hindu race. In the days he appeared, Hindu Society was assailed by over sixty sects, many of them denying God and preaching rank ritualism. Shankara had
the courage to stand up against the atheistic and materialistic cults of the age. Shankara reproclaimed the doctrine of the Atman (the Spirit). Shankara declared: “Thou art Divine!” Shankara taught that an Eternal Energy is hidden in every one. “Awake the Eternal!” was the message of Shankara and the rishis to India and the nations. We live, today, in a period of the great “wandering of the nations.” For democracy has proved a failure and the rule of the people is become the rule of money and sovereignty of the politician. Such a rule destroys culture. Shankara, India’s Supreme man of culture, pleaded for rule of the best, for sovereignty of men of non-possession. Disintegration is widespread in the life and thought of Europe, today. A new barbarism is advancing to engulf the West. India, too, is corroded with the touch of greed and gold. India is eager for industrialism and power. India is forgetting her Shankara and her Saints. If India could thrill again to their message, there is yet hope that she might lead the world out of the mass age of these days to a new Age of Light!
hen I think of his influence upon millions of India, I marvel at the man and his achievements. I regard him as the Supreme figure in the movement of idealistic philosophy.
MAY 2016
Make Satsang your Precedence J.P. VASWANI We live in an uncertain world. The only certainty in this world of uncertainty is that every passing day, every fleeting moment draws us closer to the day when death will come and knock on the door and exclaim, “Vacate the house”. The body will then drop down but we shall continue to live in the life that is undying. Are we prepared to face death with courage and equanimity? Have we made the necessary preparations to face our Creator? Have we made ourselves ready for the life after death? May I tell you, dear friends, that our life – a little interlude in this world – is part of a Great Design. It is a training ground for self-growth. Very few of us are aware of this purpose. But it is definite that our sojourn on this earth is predestined – perhaps by our own choice – for this life has been given to us for our own spiritual progress and evolution. However, we spend our life in the pursuit of pleasure, thinking that it is the be-all and end-all of our existence. We are so enamoured by the superficial glamour and glitter around us, that we forget the very purpose for which we have come. Daily attendance at the satsang will ensure that we do not throw our precious life away in such frivolous pursuits.
Very often when we ask people why they are not attending satsang regularly, the reply is, “There is no time” or “I am busy with my work” or “I do not even get time to take a deep breath...” and so on. Such excuses cannot fool anyone, not even the people who make these excuses! Some people even say, “Well, when I retire from my active job, I will definitely devote my time to satsang, spiritual pursuits, and God.” But such a time rarely comes. When we return home in the evening, we have several options before us. We can go to the club or to the gym; to a theatre or a cinema hall for our entertainment. We may become the proverbial couch potato staring all evening at what we ourselves call the idiot box! But some of us choose satsang above all these options! Satsang is a place of hope and serenity; it is a place of positive vibrations, which protects us from the negativity of the world. The temptations of the world are many and the allurement of the world is powerful. Anytime it
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atsang has a positive effect on man. Satsang creates pure and positive vibrations which neutralise the negative emotions of man. can drag us into the whirlwind of pleasure, pelf, worry. Let me tell you, when we go to the satsang we are sure to earn our own reward! We can imbibe the teachings of the holy ones, ponder over the sacred words of the scriptures, internalise the spiritual values and bear witness to the teachings of the great ones. Then for sure, our life will be filled with the peace and joy we so earnestly seek! Satsang has a positive effect on man. Satsang creates pure and positive vibrations which neutralise the negative emotions of man. Recently, I was told about a young girl who attended satsang regularly. She was popular and respected at work. She had a great ego. She was under the wrong notion that she was influential and could exercise her authority over other satsangis. This girl was also adamant and strong willed; if anyone disobeyed her she would shout and scream. Many obeyed her for the fear of being scolded. When this came to the guru’s notice, he said, “Her attending satsang is a waste of time. She hasn’t learnt anything from the teachings of the satsang.”
Attending a satsang is not enough. You have to learn the essence of its spirit. You have to imbibe its truth. When you do so, satsang brings about a transformation in you. This transformation is seen in many ways. A man of satsang is kind and humble. He is a man who readily offers his service to others. He tries his best to mitigate the suffering of the others. He lends a helping hand, whenever and wherever needed. Man’s life is so crowded with mundane activities, that he rarely has time for self-study and introspection. He seldom finds himself in that expansive, tranquil mood of silence and reflection, where he can listen to God, and chant the Name Divine in the heart within. It is said that the worldly desires are like the salty waters of the sea. Such waters can never quench man’s thirst. On the contrary, his thirst increases and his craving for fresh water grows even more acute! The message of every Satsang is ‘go within’. Go within. Explore your interior world and you will find that Divine Light which dispels every darkness! When a man falls ill he goes to the hospital to be treated. Even so, when man realises that he is falling a prey to evil, he should go to satsang. Satsang is like the hospital, which will treat the disease called ‘evil’. Satsang creates pure and beautiful vibrations, wherein you can experience immense peace and harmony within.
MAY 2016
A Love That is Love Indeed J. P. VASWANI One of the questions that people ask me again and again is this: How can we grow closer to God? My answer to this question is simple: “Grow in Love. Love all life; for all life is sacred. Love animals, birds, trees, flowers, the sick and the distressed, the lonely and broken ones.” This is true devotion, real bhakti; bhakti begins out of such Love. Expand your heart to enfold the world in the embrace of your love, and you will indeed acquire the gift of bhakti. Today, even scientists are unanimous about the fact that Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe. Love can cure illness, love can heal broken hearts, love can dispel the darkness of evil thoughts, love can forgive and forget. If you wish to go closer to God, then follow the path of Love.
For at its best, bhakti is nothing but supreme Love for the Supreme Being. Many are the paeans of praise sung on human love by poets and writers. Indeed, love is one of the best attributes that a human being can display. In fact, the famous Cartesian dictum, Cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am) underwent a semantic change at the hands of a gifted writer of the 20 Century, and became Amo, ergo sum (I love, therefore I am). In other words, Love has been glorified as the greatest trait that defines a human being and makes him unique. But I wish to express a distinction between worldly love and love for the Divine. Worldly love, by which I mean love for the beloved, love for the spouse, love for one’s parents or children, alas, is always tinged with a degree of selfishness. Sometimes, even love for one’s spouse becomes hollow, when the husband casts lustful glances at another woman, or
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the wife despises and condemns a husband who is unemployed and compares him unfavourably with one who is financially better off. Love for one’s family too, traps one in the I-Me-Mine syndrome, leading to a sense of separation. Such forms of love are born from attachment and eventually bind us in attachment to this world and this human life. These are just not enough to make life truly meaningful. That is why I urge my young friends not to fall in love – but rise in true love! Above all, true love must not be confounded with physical sensation or sexual attraction. Thus we have the Sufi distinction between ishqe-majazi and ishq-e-haqiqi: the former is love generated by external beauty; the latter refers to real love, that is, the love of God. The Christians refined the Latin term ‘agape’, to mean love of God, love of all humanity. In the Hindu way of life, the concept of bhakti denotes absolute devotion to the Lord; in its highest form, it is a truly sublime feeling, arising out of a pure heart and totally free from the contamination of desire for worldly goods or attainments; the true bhakta or devotee seeks God and God alone, for his only goal is Liberation from worldly life and Union with His beloved Lord. God is Absolute Love — and if we love God, we must be imbued with the longing to
serve our fellow men. I believe that true service is a spiritual activity, which at its best, is born out of the Love of God. It was a true saint of God who said: Prayer without work is as bad as work without prayer! Therefore I have always urged my friends to adopt the concept of love-in-action. Love in words and phrases might give us beautiful poetry; love for a spouse and children might give us beautiful family units; but it is love-in-action – that is, love translated into deeds of daily living, love that flows out from us to all around us – which can make this world truly beautiful! Our hearts need to be saturated with love, for love is the light which will illumine the world. For this, developed brains are not needed; we need enlightened hearts that can behold the vision of fellowship, unity and brotherhood. Bhakti is not to be taught or discussed; it is to be caught, it is to be experienced. It is not a science or an art that needs to be learnt; it is an attitude to the Divine and the great gift of life that has been bestowed upon us. It is not a toll-paid expressway meant for the exclusive and the elite; it is the simplest, swiftest and shortest route to God that is open to each one of us. I invite you to join me on this beautiful way, the bhakti marga, which can lead us close to God. Let us walk the way of bhakti!
MAY 2016
Simple Rules of Health
We all worry about being physically fit. But do you also pay attention to your mental wellbeing? If not then start now, here are some simple tips for you to stay fit mentally
Be yourself: Take pride in who you are. Your character, your sense of humour, your strong points, your achievements—acknowledge them frequently and feel proud of them. Stay true to yourself.
In our fast-paced lives, we often do not realise the impact of being happy or unhappy on our overall well-being. Mental fitness is responsible for the proper functioning of our bodies as well as our productivity levels.
Acknowledge your mistakes: To err is human. There is no human being on earth who has not made a mistake. Hence, understand your mistakes, acknowledge them and move on. There is no point stressing over them.
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You live to learn. Identify the black holes: We all know the concept of black holes. In this context, it refers to people or activities that take up all our energy in a very unproductive manner. At the end of the day, we only feel burdened with their problems and have not achieved anything concrete. Carefully identify such people in your life, or such activities you may indulge in and weed them out. Your mind and days will seem more clutter-free and clear. Visual healing: Very often, your current situation or circumstances can ruin your mood. In such situations, there is a simple exercise that can do wonders. Sit with your eyes closed and visualise the place you would rather be in. Visualise all physical aspects of the place—the colours, the sights, and the smell. Now, you can enjoy this space, walk around in it or do whatever you want, as nobody else can dictate terms to you here. Deep relaxation: We often feel drained when we are under severe stress. The only solution in such situations is relaxing your mind, body and soul. You may begin by setting aside 10 minutes or so to just
sit and relax your mind. Find a corner and a time slot when you will not be disturbed by anything or anybody. You will soon begin noticing the changes in yourself. Deal with circumstances: Circumstances are often at the core of our feelings. We feel happy when our lives are proceeding as we planned, and we feel terrible when they don’t. But circumstances are not in our control—only our reactions to them are. If you feel you are not happy at your place of work, or in any other area of your life, make the decision to do something about it. Taking control always gives us a high. Keep learning: New thoughts, new experiences and new learnings enrich your mind. And such nourishment helps it grow. Look for interesting activities you can engage in or new courses you can take to upgrade your skills and learn new ones. Reflect on each day: Get into the practise of spending some time by yourself each day. “Me-time” as we call it can be very useful to evaluate what has been good and bad about your day, and apply your learning in the future.
MAY 2016
LAUGH YOUR WAY TO HEALTH Why can’t a leopard hide? Because he’s always spotted! *** Define Inflation. Cutting money in half without damaging the paper. *** Did you hear about the race between the lettuce and the tomato? The lettuce was ahead and the tomato was trying to ‘ketchup!’ *** Eight people were playing cards when the police walked in. Seeing them Gajodhar went running towards the police car and sat. Police: When we came to arrest you why did you run towards the car and sit? Gajodhar: Last time when you caught me, I had to stand the whole way!
*** What did the spider do on the computer? Made a web site! *** Mother: Why are you making holes in your book….? Son: Because my teacher told me to go through the book…. *** A man went to the Police Station wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before. ‘You’ll get your chance in court,’ said the police officer. ‘No, no no!’ said the man. ‘I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife. I’ve been trying for years.’ *** Height of positive thinking: A man marrying his own secretary, thinking that she will follow his order as before.
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*** Wife: You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out of the other. Husband: You tell a woman something: It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth. *** A consultant is someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing. *** Mom: Why is everything on the floor? Son: It is gravity mom! *** Interviewer: Tell me, why did you leave your previous job?” Interviewee: The company relocated and they did not inform me where! *** Serious case: A doctor was relaxing on his sofa one evening just after arriving home from work. As he was tuning into the evening news, the phone rang. The doctor calmly answered it, and heard the familiar voice of a colleague on the other end of the line.. “We have already started on appetizers!” “I’ll be right over,” whispered the doctor. As he was moving out, his wife asked, “Is it serious?” “Oh yes, quite serious,” said the doctor gravely. “In fact, three doctors are there
already!” *** Teacher: Where is your homework? Student: I lost it fighting some kid who said, you weren’t the Best Teacher in school. *** Teacher: Can you give me an example of a waste energy? Sushil: Yes miss, telling a hair-raising story to a baldheaded man. *** Mother: Ramesh, there were two pieces of cake here last night, now there is only one. Can you explain? Ramesh: It was so dark; I did not see the other piece. *** How do you make a fruit punch? Give it a boxing lesson. *** Why did the boy take a pencil to bed? To draw the curtains. *** Where can you find an ocean with no water? On a map. *** Why did the kid sleep with a ruler? To measure how long he slept. *** What did the snowman have to say to the customer? Have a nice day.
MAY 2016
Ingredients: For Mayonnaise Milk..........................................................250 ml Olive oil...................................................100 ml Lemon Juice.............................................. 2 tbsp taste Grounded taste For Dressing Mayonnaise..............................................¼ cup Sour Cream...............................................¼ cup Crushed Walnuts....................................... 2 tbsp Chopped Parsley....................................... 2 tbsp For Salad Sliced Green Grapes.........................½ cup each Black Grapes.....................................½ cup each Chopped Apples........................................2 Nos. Chopped Celery Stalks............................ 2 sticks Celery........................................................ 2 tbsp Fresh Lettuce leaves......................... For garnish Sliced apples.................................... For garnish Celery............................................... For garnish Black grapes.................................... For garnish Walnuts............................................ For garnish Method: For Mayonnaise: • Take a container and mix milk and olive oil in it.
• Blend it properly • Add salt, grounded pepper and lemon juice in it. For Dressing: • Take mayonnaise. Add fresh parsley, sour cream and crushed walnut powder and mix it again. For Salad: • Take a bowl with freshly chopped apples, ½ cup sliced green grapes, ½ cup black grapes and celery and toss it. • Add mayonnaise dressing to salad. • Place fresh lettuce leaves on the plate and pour salad on it. • Make a butterfly design with apple slice. Place walnuts in between, black grapes for eyes and celery stick for antennas. QUICK MANGO SALSA
Ingredients: Mangoes - pared, seeded, and sliced...............2 Tomato, cubed........................................ 1 large Onion, pounded...................................... 1 small Jalapeno pepper, minced and seeded.... 1 small Minced fresh cilantro................................ 1 tbsp Lemon, juiced...................................................1 Ground black pepper and taste Method: In a mixing bowl, add lime juice, cilantro, jalapeno pepper, onion, tomato and mango
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and blend well. Zest it with black pepper and salt. Serve.
Ingredients: Ears of corn.......................................................6 Large shallot (minced).....................................1 Fresh lemon juice.................................... 1/3 cup Fine grain sea salt.....................................½ tsp Brown sugar............................................. 2 tbsp Sunflower oil............................................ 3 tbsp Toasted sesame seeds.............................115 gm Oregano...................................................... 1 tsp Method: • Shuck the corn and cut the kernels from the cobs using a knife and par boil the corn kernels. • Put the kernels in a bowl with the shallot while preparing the dressing. • In another bowl, mix the sugar, salt and lemon juice together. • Add the oil gradually and vigorously whisk until the dressing mixes together. • Adjust the sugar, salt and lemon juice only if required. • Add the seeds of corn to the bowl before serving along with 2/3 rd of dressing. • Toss and make sure that everything is coated well. • Crush the oregano and spread over salad. • Toss well and serve.
Ingredients Quinoa....................................................... 1 cup Cottage cheese (paneer)....................150 grams Olive oil.................................................... 2 tbsp Vegetable stock.........................................2 cups taste Crushed black taste Green capsicum.....................................½ large Onion................................................ ½ medium Fresh curly parsley sprigs.............................. 4-5 Juice of ½ lemon Method • Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a deep non-stick pan, add quinoa and saute till golden. Add vegetable stock, salt, crushed peppercorns and mix well. Cover and cook till the quinoa is fully done. • Cut capsicum and onion into ½ inch pieces. • Heat ½ tbsp olive oil in a non-stick grill pan, add onion and capsicum pieces, salt and crushed peppercorns and sauté till soft. Transfer into a large bowl. Place the grill pan back on heat, add remaining olive oil. • Cut cottage cheese into half inch thick slices and place them on the hot grill pan, sprinkle salt and pepper and grill, turning sides, till grill marks appear all around. • Roughly chop parsley sprigs. • Add the quinoa to the same bowl. Add lemon juice and parsley and mix well. • Transfer the salad onto a serving plate, top with grilled cottage cheese slices and serve immediately.
MAY 2016
Children’s Corner Make your way from PLANE to TRUCK by changing just one letter on each step to make a new word! There are 6 steps in this word ladder.
P L A N E Flying vehicle.
Person, __________ or thing?
Candied with sugar.
Effortless beauty.
To copy a drawing. Temporary peace.
T R U C K Cargo Vehicle. Answers: 1. PLANE, 2. PLACE, 3. GLACE, 4. GRACE, 5. TRACE, 6. TRUCE, 7. TRUCK
East And West Series
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