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Editorial We are attracted to Nature – scenic spots and mountain tops, rivers and vales, birds and animals because we have a common Creator. The God of all is One. Our bodies and souls are meant to join harmoniously in rhythm with the rest of creation. But alas! So many of us are out of rhythm with ourselves — with all those around us, with Nature and with God. If only we can see the One God in all, that our relations and attitudes will change and we will be able to build a more loveable, calmer and peaceful world around us. So let us not pick and choose whom we are going to love and who we are not – for Divine love embraces all. Let us open up, hold nothing back and let our love flow freely to one and all. *** The October issue is yet another humble tribute to Beloved and Revered Dada J. P. Vaswani, on his 100 glorious years – a life more spiritual than biographical. DADA, who was a tangible Prophet and Witness of God— for the whole world. DADA, who was verily an earthly angel and a Godly man. DADA, who loved everyone so much that I wonder if there was anything else in him. EAST AND WEST SERIES
(A Monthly Journal for Self-improvement, Self-knowledge, Self-realisation) Subscription Rates: Annual Subscription In India: r 100/Outside India: Airmail: $20 or £15 Snail Mail: $10 or £7.50 TO SUBSCRIBE KINDLY VISIT: www.dadavaswanisbooks.org Subscriptions may also be sent either by Money Orders or Bank Drafts payable to East and West Series, Pune. Kindly note that the cheques At Par will only be accepted. The Manager, East and West Series, 10, Sadhu Vaswani Path, Pune - 411 001, (India) Email: eastandwestseries@sadhuvaswani.org
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Number 734 CONTENTS ARTICLES The Saint To Whom Death Was A Sister!....................................... 5 Let Us Live Religion!........................................................................ 8 Dada J. P. Vaswani: The Little Saint................................................ 9 Annie Besant: An Apostle Of The New Age................................. 15 Golden Thoughts Of Mahatma Gandhi......................................... 16 The Message Of A Martyr............................................................... 19 12 Things Only An Enlightened One Can Understand............... 20 What Am I?...................................................................................... 22 100 Glorious Years – Dada J. P. Vaswani........................................ 23 Dada J. P. Vaswani’s 100th Birthday Celebrations.......................... 30 FEATURES Laugh Your Way To Health............................................................. 14 Thoughts And Aspirations.............................................................. 18 Stories That Stir............................................................................... 34 Children’s Corner............................................................................. 38 Simple Rules Of Health................................................................... 40 Recipes For The Month.................................................................. 42 What’s Happening In East And West............................................ 43 Current Affairs................................................................................. 46 Book Reviews.................................................................................... 48 Nuri Granth...................................................................................... 50 Cover: Saint Francis of Assisi Sanskar Channel Satsang Channel Bhakti Sagar Channel Soham Channel
REV. DADA J. P. VASWANI’S TALKS Monday to Saturday at 6:15 a.m. (Hindi), and on Sunday at 7:45 a.m. (English) Monday to Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday 6:40 a.m. Monday to Saturday 11:30 a.m.
he sun, the wind and fire were his brothers. The moon and stars and water were his sisters. The earth was his mother. Even death, he regarded, as his sister. St. Francis, to whom the fourth of October is sacred, is one of the greatest saints that ever appeared in East or West. He was the only son of a rich silk-merchant. He was brought up as a prince. He lived a life of luxury and comfort, of gaiety and sense-enjoyment. He had all that he desired. Suddenly, a change comes over him. He is twenty years old. He falls ill. And on his sick-bed, he hears a Voice. It says to him: “Francis! Why have you deserted the Lord? Why have you turned away from your true Master?” The Voice speaks to us, also. For we, too, have deserted the Lord for paltry things of the earth— for a little wealth or pleasure or power. We have turned our faces away from the true Master. The Voice speaks to us: it is a soft, flute-like voice. Alas! We hear it not, in the din and roar of daily life. Blessed is Francis. He hears the Voice and asks: “Lord! What wouldst Thou have me do?” That day was a crucial day in the life of Francis. A transformation comes over him: his soul has awakened. He is re-born: he is become a child of the Spirit. Blessed, indeed, is everyone to whom awakening comes. It came to Sri Chaitanya, as he visited the Temple at Gaya. He heard the soft, flute-like voice of Sri Krishna. It said to him: “Renouncing all rites and writ duties, come unto Me, My child!” And the Professor of Logic became a Prophet of the Love of Sri Krishna.
October 4 is sacred as the death anniversary of St. Francis. October 4 is welknown as “World Animal Day”.
Awakening came to Paru Shah, the Sindhi Saint, who worked as a police constable. He had worked hard from morn till eve. Tired in body and spent in strength, he returned home and was about to take his meals, when the sahib sent him a word, saying: “You are wanted immediately in the office!” And Paru Shah heard a Voice say to him: “Long years have you spent in the service of the sircar. This time you enter the service of the Lord.” Immediately, he resigned his post, and for several years lived in the solitude of the hills, and then returned to his home-town, Rohri, his face resplendent as the moon. A sudden awakening comes to Francis. No longer is he satisfied with a life of pleasure and senseenjoyment. He is become a servant of God and man. And this young man, who was fond of silken robes and delicious foods, becomes a tapasvin, an ascetic. He gives away whatever he has to the poor: he cannot bear to see them suffer and starve. The father is unable to understand the sudden change which has come over Francis. “Has he gone mad?” the father asks. He tries to pump “sense” into the head of his dearly-loved son— but to no avail. It is difficult for a worldly father to understand a saintly son. When the boy Nanak does not behave as other boys do, a similar doubt wakes up in the heart of the father, Kalu: “Has Nanak gone mad?” And the father sends for a
physician, who feels the pulse of Nanak who says: “I am not mad, O physician! I am but smitten with the love of God!” Francis’ heart is smitten with the love of God. The father’s attempts to bring him back to normal life fail. Exasperated, the father says to him: “If you will not listen to me, you are not my son!” Quietly answers Francis: “The Heavenly Father will not disown me!” In a fit of temper, the father says to him: “Then leave my house! You have no right to be here!” As Francis is about to leave, the father says to him: “The clothes on your body are mine. Give them back to me before you go!” Francis put off the clothes. Naked, he moves out of his father’s house. He is a man of faith. He knows his Heavenly Father will never forsake His own. God takes care of the birds, of the air and of the beasts of the jungle. Will he not take care of thee, O man? Francis moves out into the wide, wonderful world, singing the praises of the Most High. On the way, someone sees the naked young man, and gives him a robe to wear. Someone else gives him a few crumbs to eat. They are to him more delicious than his father’s sumptuous meals. Francis becomes fakir. And a fakir, in the words of the Persian mystical book, Gulistan, is “one who possesses no earthly thing and whom no earthly thing can possess”.
Francis possessed no earthly thing. He was wedded, he said, to Lady Poverty. And he moved on from place to place without money. Love of God was his only possession. In his daily life, he practised asceticism: but he was not a cold ascetic. He was, essentially, a lover— of God and His creation. Love flowed out of him in an endless stream— to all men and birds and animals, to trees and flowers, to rivers and rocks, to sun and moon and stars. The sun, the wind and fire were his brothers. The moon and stars and water were his sisters. The earth was his mother. Even death, he regarded, as his sister. To him all creation was one family.
He gave food to robbers, he dressed the wounds and kissed the feet of lepers, he carried on his shoulders the burdens of the poor, he preached to the birds, he tamed a wild wolf, he saved worms from being trodden under the feet of men, he built nests for birds, he put live fish into the waters of the lake, he blessed trees and flowers. He believed in the kinship of all life. He was always cheerful, always bright and sunny. And in the midst of poverty and pain, he sang and asked others to sing. Rightly has he been called a “troubadour of God”. Blessed was Homage to him!
THE NAME OF RAMA The Name of Rama is as Great as the Thousand Names of God (Vishnu Sahasranama). By meditating on “Rama Rama Rama” (the Name of Rama), my Mind gets absorbed in the Divine Consciousness of Rama, which is Transcendental. The Name of Rama is as Great as the Thousand Names of God (Vishnu). You may wonder why reciting ‘Rama’ thrice would be equal to reciting all the thousand names of Lord Vishnu. There is a symbolism involved in it. There is a definite meaning for Dasaratha’s son was named “Rama” by Sage Vasishta. There is this ancient Indian practice called the KATAPAYADI SYSTEM which is used to assign numbers to letters. Assigning more than one letter to one numeral and nullifying certain other letters as valueless, this system provides the flexibility in forming meaningful words out of numbers which can be easily remembered. According to this, Ra=2 and Ma=5. So, effectively when you recite Rama three times, it signifies Rama Rama Rama=2*5*2*5*2*5=1000 (Sahasram). Indeed a Thousand names. Looking at this technically, Ra=Agni beeja mantra, Ma=Amrita beeja mantra. The word Rama itself is a mantra! Rama Rama Rama!
Let Us
re you easily offended? Are you suspicious? Are you upset when others speak ill of you? Have you a secret desire to be popular? Are you dictatorial in your talk and conduct? Are you irritable, artificial, ostentatious, complicated in your life? Are you unkind to the poor? Are you overbearing to those who are socially your inferiors? The cause is lack of humility. The humble are simple, straightforward, gentle, kind and reverent. “Except ye be as little
children,” said Jesus, “ye cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” When we forget this, we have quarrels and controversies in the name of religion. They spring, often, from pride. Is truth your monopoly, my brother, and denied to those who do not have your religious hall-mark? Is not truth infinite? Can it be the monopoly of any one sect or society? Is not God the Lord of all or is He the King alone of one community?
Dada J. P. Vaswani:
The Little Saint [an interview]
I first interviewed Dada Vaswani for Life Positive some time in 1998. Dada, tiny, sweet, smiling and as fresh as a daisy, had just been diagnosed with a serious heart condition that called for a major surgery. And yet, there was no trace of fear or anxiety on that sublime face. “The mother is near, why should I fear?� he asked. Over the years, I have been deeply privilleged to meet Dada off and on in Mumbai when he came down to record his TV programmes aired on Sony TV. The more I got to know Dada,
the more I appreciated his simplicity, humility, wisdom and goodness. Unlike other gurus who travel with large entourages that deny you access, Dada merely has about three or four women who travel with him everywhere. Devoted to him, they would easily sacrifice their right hands to spare him a moment of pain, but I have never seen them being obsequious before him as other disciples are before their gurus. The relationship is more that of a loved parent or uncle. Laughter flows easily and there is no brittle air of
being around some sacred figure before whom you cannot be yourself. Dada is also a wonderful writer, with around 200 books written in English, Sindhi and Hindi under his belt. His books in English are each a gem of wisdom and knowledge, written flawlessly. His spoken English too, is unusually pure, and requires little or no editing. For this interview I travelled to Pune to meet him at the beautiful white colonial building which is his ashrama. Dada was laid in bed with a bad back pain, but as usual there was nothing but serenity and peace on his face. Excerpts from the interview: Dada, at 95, you have lived a long life. How would you sum it up? The grace of my guru and God. That sums up my whole life. What are the significant events in your life that shifted and changed you? I put forth no efforts. It all came naturally. When I was a college student, I had my own dreams. I had received four double promotions, so I matriculated at the age of 13. I was supposed to graduate at 17. In my days, the ICS examination was what everyone aspired to. When I was in the intermediate class, second of the four-year degree course, I felt drawn to my beloved master. The course of my life completely changed. Looking back, would you say your life has been a happening? Yes, we plan and scheme, but whatever is to happen, happens. And it happens for the best. There is something that I will for myself,
Dada Vaswani, head of the Pune-based Sadhu Vaswani Mission, is the embodiment of simplicity, humility, wisdom and goodness, and a living inspiration.
but there is something else that God wills for me. What God wills for me is always better than what I will for myself. But this surrender. That is difficult. How are we to wear down the ego? The ego has a place in life. The ego has not to be completely vanquished. But the ego passing through many experiences learns to surrender itself. For the ego then finds that in surrender is the true joy of life. All the ego wants is to be happy. The ego itself is in quest of happiness. The sooner it finds that true happiness belongs to the ego that has surrendered, it surrenders very easily. There was a holy man. On his lips were always the words. ‘Yes, father, yes and always yes’, because he realised that God’s plans for him was always better than what he planned for himself. When I was a boy, I used to go by tram to school. And I found that the tram driver was always moving up and down in the tram without paying for his ticket. I said, I want to grow to be a tram driver. I feel
grateful that the plan did not work out (laughs). When I was in the fourth standard, one of my friends who could not study well, appeared for the Dufferin examinations and got admission. It was a streamer, where they gave nautical training. The sea was my first love. Every Saturday and Sunday, I would sit on a rock in the midst of the sea and just watch the waves. So I said, this man is going to be in the sea for 24 hours, why not me? When I placed the plan before my mother, she said, ‘Dufferin is for duffers! It is not meant for students like you.’ I prayed. I fasted. I did many things, but the plan did not work out. Finally, my mother said, ‘You put it to your uncle, Sadhu Vaswani. Let him take the decision. I shall accept it.’ Sadhu Vaswani said, ‘ No, Dufferin is not for you.’ We plan for ourselves and we think that if only these plans worked out, we would be supremely happy. But that is not so. There is a higher plan for everyone of us. The earlier we surrender, the better for us. When I was 24, I remember there was a man who had retired from government service. He met Gurudev, and he asked him to write a few words which he would take as the mantra for his life. Sadhu Vaswani wrote these few words. ‘Plan nothing, win everything.’ That is you cooperate with the Will of the Lord to work out your will. And from that day onward, I took it to be the mantra for my life too. Dada what have been some of the toughest challenges that God
has given you which you have won? Nothing apart from the training that Sadhu Vaswani gave me. At that time, I did not think he was training me. I thought he did not... I don’t know what words to use. Otherwise, he was so loving, so kind, so compassionate. But there were periods when he would withdraw. It was as if he did not know me at all. It was very, very painful. More than once, I tried to run away from him. But I found that I could not live without him. Why would that behaviour be necessary? I believe he felt that I should not be under the influence of my ego. My ego should learn to surrender itself. I remember that they were having the first meeting of the UNESCO in Hyderabad, Sindh. And they asked Sadhu Vaswani to preside over the meeting. The fortnight before the meeting, almost every day, Sadhu Vaswani would say ‘I will take only Jashan (myself) for this meeting. Nobody else will be able to understand it.’ That puffed up my pride. On the day of the meeting he asked almost every member of the ashrama to get into the horse-ridden carriages we used in Sindh. Only I was left behind. The others actually told him, ‘What about Jashan? You said you would take only Jashan.’ I could hear those words, but he showed as if he did not. I cried and cried. And supposing he wanted to write a book about Kabir. He would start dictating. And suddenly, one day, he would not ask you to come
and take the dictation. He would ask someone else. Then there were messages he wrote on green cards. He would invariably ask me to read them out to the fellowship and also explain to them. Suddenly for a number of days, he would not ask me. They were like scorpion bites. You won’t show it, but you really felt quite... But then I realised that this was the way he wanted to train me. Is this something you also do in your role as teacher and mentor? No, no. I am one of their fellow disciples. This kind of training only the guru can do. He knows when and where to do it. He has the art. Apart from this what were the other tough challenges? I don’t think I had other tough challenges, except that twice I had to stay away from the master for a number of days. I had finished my work for my Master’s degree, because Sadhu Vaswani had said, I must complete my education before joining him. At that time, M.Sc was the highest degree. One of my teachers, a demonstrator, told me. ‘You have done your work, for which you can easily get a postgraduate degree, which you will not use. Why don’t you give me your work?’ He was an old-fashioned physicist. He had no hope of getting a degree. Promotion had stopped. I said, Yes. You can take it.’ I just didn’t think about it. Then this man went to Sadhu Vaswani. He said, ‘Your boy has been so kind, he has given me his work.’ Sadhu Vaswani immediately called me. He said, ‘Go
home. Go back home and don’t stay with me until you have fully finished your work and submitted it to the university. Then you can, if you like, come back to me. This is not right, what you have done.’ I did the typing, everything, on my own — it took me only a fortnight which otherwise would have taken me quite a number of days. And the second time was when a common friend of the family came and told Sadhu Vaswani that my mother had met him and said ‘I educated my child and now my brother-in-law has taken him away’. He immediately told me, to pack up and serve my mother. He was in Hyderabad, Sindh, and my mother was in Karachi. I went back to Karachi. I was with her for four days. On the fourth day in the morning she came to my room. ‘My child, I think you will not be happy if you are with us. I think you had better go back.’ That was a great sacrifice on the part of my mother. Because I was the eldest, the male child of the family. But I told her, ‘Now my master will not accept me.’ So she wrote a letter saying that she was very happy to permit me to stay with him. That letter Sadhu Vaswani kept till the end of his life. Those were two difficult occasions for me. But I am happy that I immediately obeyed. There was no resistance. What did Sadhu Vaswani mean to you? He is my all in all. I live for him. I breathe for him. For me there is nothing else in the world. All of
them (pointing to his disciples) try to do something for me, but I say, don’t do for me, do for the master. Glorify the master, not the disciple. Are you not a master too? Not when I think of Sadhu Vaswani. I am a pygmy in comparison. He was great in every sense of the term. He was an allrounder. When I finished my studies and came to him, I remember at our first meeting, I thought he knew very little about science, which had evolved in those days considerably. And the very first thing he spoke was about Einstein. And I was nonplussed. How did he know about Einstein and the Theory of Relativity? How do you cope with physical pain and the problems of old age? Every dart of pain I regard as a call from the Divine. That you must now be prepared to put off this outer covering. It fills me with a rapture. Sometimes I hear the words, ‘We are waiting for you, when are you coming?’ Who is ‘we’? ‘We’ are those entities who have always helped me on the path. So what lies for us over there? There is work to be done. There are angels specially in charge of children. Children need to be protected. Then there are angels who come and save you from a hair’s breadth inch of an accident. There are people who are murdered here. They need comfort and consolation. So there are different types of angels. In fact, there is nothing but work
there — there is no sleeping, no eating. What is your view of death? There is no death. It is very much like moving from one room to another. Actually there is an incident in the life of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa in the night between 15th and 16th August, 1886. At around the hour of midnight, he uttered the name of the mother three times and then entered eternal sleep. His wife, Sharadabehn, who also is revered as a saint, said, ‘I have become a widow. I have no right to wear these bangles.’ She had worn those bangles since the age of seven. But the wrists had since grown bigger and do what she will, she could not take them off. They were ivory bangles and she tried to take a hammer to break them. Then she heard a voice. And the voice said, ‘Sharada, Sharada.’ It was the voice of Ramakrishna. She looked up and found Ramakrishna standing before her. He said, ‘What are you doing? I have only moved on from one room to another.’ So death is only a movement from one room to another. Dada, could you sum up your understanding of life? My understanding of life is that we who appear to be separate are not separate. We are one. And the thread that unites us is the thread of love. What animates us is love. Life without love is dry as a desert. Therefore, give love to all. There are no enemies. Only friends and friends to be. We all are one. Keep on smiling at everyone you meet.
Y O U R W AY T O H E A LT H “Are the slimming exercises doing you any good?” a man asked his beer-bellied colleague. “Can you touch your toes now?” “No, I can’t touch them,” the other replied, “but I’m beginning to see them.” *** Psychiatrist to patient: You have nothing to worry about– anyone who can pay my bills is certainly not a failure. *** “Don’t worry,” a patient told his psychiatrist. “I’ll pay every cent I owe or my name isn’t Alexander the Great!” *** In a darkened theater where a suspenseful mystery story was being staged, a member of the audience suddenly stood up and cried, “Where is the murderer?” A threatening voice behind her replied, “Right in back of you, if you don’t sit down!” *** Mel’s son rushed in the door. “Dad! Dad!” he announced. “I got a part in the school play!” “That’s terrific,” Mel said proudly. “What part is it?” “I play the part of the dad.” Mel thought this over. “Go back tomorrow,” he instructed, “and tell them you want a speaking role.” *** A diner called the waiter over and asked, “What’s this at the bottom of my plate?”
“It’s the design,” replied the waiter. “In that case,” said the diner, “it’s an animated drawing – it’s moving!” *** “But, dear,” said the mother to her little kid, “I didn’t hear you cry when you cut your finger!” “What’s the use of crying? I thought you were outside the house.” *** “I never eat food with additives or preservatives,” boasted a health fanatic. “And I never touch anything that’s been sprayed or fed chemical grain.” “Wow, that’s wonderful,” her friend marvelled. “How do you feel?” “Hungry,” she moaned. *** John, having completed a course of analysis with his psychiatrist, to friend: “I always thought I was indecisive.” Friend: “And now?” John: “I’m not so sure.” *** The reading material at the barber shop consisted entirely of murder stories, mysteries, thrillers, and ghost tales. When I asked the barber if he wanted to terrify his customers he replied, “No sir. These books make the customers’ hair stand up and then it becomes easier to trim and cut.” ***
I heard her first when I was a school-boy. The memory has clung to me these many years. My heart swiftly saw the truth of her teaching. She spoke of the hidden meaning of the Hindu Dharma. Never before did a non-Hindu speak so illuminatingly of the Hindu scriptures. She spoke, she strengthened, she inspired. She dreamt of a day when the Hindus would “justify to the West” the “deeper nature of Oriental thought”. With an eloquence rarely equaled, never surpassed, she moved from place to place in her adopted motherland— India— holding out a new hope, kindling a new faith, breathing out a new inspiration. She spoke as an Apostle of the New Age, and as a servant of the Wise Ones, the mighty Rishis of the
East. In her book, The Building of the Kosmos, she says, speaking of the Brahmin: “The Brahmin has no right of existence for himself: he lives for the people, and not for himself. If he lives for himself, he is not a true Brahmin.” What a noble vision is enshrined in these words! I never saw her, never heard her without feeling that out of her went an influence— a benediction. In a dark day of Hindu society and Hindusthan, she came— with a message and a light. Her right hand held a torch: and on her lips was the live coal of inspiration. She toiled for a New India. She worked for a New Civilisation. She built for a New Age. Homage to her!
*October 1 is sacred to the memory of Dr. Annie Besant.
Woman is nothing if she is not-self-sacrifice and purity personified. * The true source of rights is duty. If we all discharge our duties, rights will not be far to seek. If leaving duties unperformed we run after rights, they will escape us like a will-o-wisp. The more we pursue them, the farther will they fly. The same teaching has been embodied by Krishna in the immortal words; “Action alone is thine. Leave thou the fruit severely alone.” Action is duty: fruit is the right. * You may read Books, but they cannot carry you far. Real education consists in drawing the best out of yourself. What better Book can there be than the Book of Humanity ? * Love is the strongest force the world possesses and it is the humblest imaginable. * Where Love is, there God is also. * Women are special custodians of all that is pure and religious in life. Conservative by nature, if they are slow to shed superstitious habits, they are also slow to give up all that is pure and noble in life. * “One is not completely dressed, unless one wears a smile.” *
All true art is an expression of the soul. The outward forms have value only in so far as they are expression of the inward spirit of man. * Purity of life is the highest and truest art. The art of producing good music from a cultivated voice can be achieved by many, but the art of producing that music from harmony of a pure life is achieved very rarely. * Life is greater than all art. I would go even further and declare that the man whose life comes nearest to perfection is the greatest artist; for what is art without the sure foundation and framework of noble life? * Our prayer is a heart search. It is a reminder to ourselves that we are helpless without His support. No effort is complete without prayer-without a definite recognition that the best human endeavour is of no effect if it has not God’s blessing behind. Prayer is a call to humility. It is a call to selfpurification, to inward search. * Religion which takes no account of practical affairs and does not help to solve them is no religion. * Would that woman realise the power she has latent in her for good, if she has also for mischief. It is in her power to make the world more livable both for her and her partner whether as father, son or husband, if she would cease to think of herself as weak and fit only to serve as a doll for man to play with. If society is not be to destroyed by insane wars of nation against nation and still more insane wars on its moral foundations, the woman will have to play her part not manfully, as some are trying to do, but womanfully, she won’t better humanity by varying with man in his ability to destroy life mostly without purpose. * The real property that a parent can transmit to all equally is his or her character. What is education without character, and what is character without elementary personal purity? Purity of character and salvation depend on purity of heart. It is said that everybody’s character is his own concern. Though I have known this view to have been of ten taken I have never been able to appreciate, much less to adopt it. Character cannot be built with mortar and stone. It cannot be built by other hands than your own. The Principal and the Professor cannot give you character from the pages of books. Character-building comes from your very lives, and really speaking, it must come from within yourselves. *
THOUGHTS AND ASPIRATIONS J. P. VASWANI Every thought I think, every word I utter, every deed I perform, every emotion that arises within me, every feeling, fancy, wish that awakens within me, are seeds I am sowing in the field of life. And every seed must yield its fruit. *** Thoughts are forces, not to be trifled with. Thoughts are the building blocks of life. If you entertain pure thoughts, you build for yourselves a noble future. If otherwise, you work for your own ruination. *** Life without love is death. Death with love is eternal life! *** He lives well who laughs often, loves much and sacrifices his own happiness for others. *** Life becomes sweet in the measure in which we understand others. *** I can’t get back yesterday and I am not sure of tomorrow. But today is mine, to make it into whatever I want it to be. *** Every thought is a seed you are sowing in the field of life: and what you sow today, you will have to reap tomorrow. *** Life is a duty: dare it! Life is a burden: bear it! Life is a treasure: share it! *** Life has so many hidden woes that we never know when we are touching a tender spot. Therefore, let us be gentle, sweet, kind to all! *** We realise the value of the moment only when the last moment arrives. *** Youth is not a matter of age, it is a condition and a state of mind. A man can be young at 80: another can be old at 18. *** Triumph belongs to thoughts. Change your thinking and you change your life.
THE MESSAGE OF A MARTYR SADHU VASWANI I think of the Bab* as an immortal youth. Did he drink at some mystic fountain of perpetual youth? The Bab is an immortal of history. He conquered death! When the Bab appeared, a century ago, Iran had fallen on troublous times. If a Jewish boy gave a glass of water to a Muslim fakir, the father of the boy would break the glass to pieces. And a Muslim would not use a coin received from a Christian without first washing it. The very shadow of a Parsi walking with a Muslim was supposed to pollute the Muslim body. The Bab’s heart was filled with unspeakable sadness. Such sectarianism could not be religion. The Bab prayed and fasted and read from the Qura’n and cried to God, again and again. At last came an answer to his prayers and aspirations. He is in the twenty-fifth year of his life when, suddenly, a feeling comes upon him. The feeling grows— the feeling of a mystic. He has become a channel of God’s grace. He calls himself “Bab”. The word “Bab” means “Gate”. The Bab feels he is become a “gate” of God’s grace. A new manifestation of the Lord is to appear. One greater than the Bab is to come, and the Bab bears witness to him. He sends eighteen disciples to Iran and Turkistan to spread the news of the Bab as a *October 20 is sacred to the memory of Bab.
vehicle of God’s grace. He goes to Mecca and makes a declaration of God’s mercy to mankind. Crowds come to him: there is an electric atmosphere around him. But the prophet is ever opposed by the priest and the official. The mullahs (Muslim priests) and the Governor are arrayed against him. He is arrested, imprisoned, bound with ropes and shot to death. They could not slay him: his soul goes marching on! They could not kill his message: it has moved on from land to land! It encircles the globe. It was a five-fold message he gave: (1) Love God. (2) Love one another. (3) Give freedom to women: for not by reflection and intellection but by feeling, by a supreme emotion of the heart, may man attain to the highest truth. Woman is the high priestess of the wisdom of the heart. (4) Teach boys and girls useful arts and crafts: so may education be, not a luxury of a few, but a practical aid in life. And (5) look after the poor, for they are the children of God. The words and prayers of the Bab are become the bread of life to millions of men and women. And he will, I believe, live eternally in the memory of mankind.
Enlightenment is not a remote state of Consciousness that we need to achieve some time in the future. It is the very heart of our nature. Enlightenment is our true, inner nature. Unfortunately, most of us have been alienated from it; so much so, that we have even forgotten what it is. It is, however, permanently present in our life, but we simply disregard it. Our attention is always engaged by something, something that we need to deal with, so we very rarely take the trouble of looking into ourselves. Still, if we were able to concentrate our attention on ourselves, that brief moment of alert Consciousness would be enough for us to recognise
that the alert Consciousness, free of emotions and thoughts is our true inner nature. In the state of alert Consciousness, thoughts will no longer keep our attention in captivity, and we may experience silence. In the alert silence, we recognise the following truths. Enlightenment: ďƒľ We experience the true nature of desires, the constant variability of the world of shapes and forms, where nothing is lasting, everything is dialectical, changeable. We are able to abandon its desires and ambitions. ďƒľ We wake up from the hypnotic spell of our personal history. We no longer believe in what we have firmly regarded as our own personal history.
This experience may lead us to the point of questioning the truth of what we believed to be true in connection with ourselves. When we wake up from the sleep of personal identity, we recognise that we are the free space of Consciousness. We are not identical with the shapes and forms appearing in this space, but we are the space itself, the space that enables the forms and shapes to appear and that keeps the forms and shapes alive. Our internal development, therefore, does not only depend on our life experience; it depends much more on our ability to divert our attention from the outside world to our internal world. Are we able to turn away from the patterns of Mind, programmed by our Egos? And is there a deep desire to know the true answer to the question “Who am I?” Real self-control is not born in us out of suppression, but out of the recognition and understanding of the meaning of Life. That kind of self-control will liberate our Consciousness from the state of identification with the world of Shapes and Forms. It will create a space between us and the functions of the Mind,
and in that space, the ability of seeing and understanding will be born. We are now able to recognise the basically dual nature of existence, the fact that happiness is rooted in unhappiness, that our inner freedom enables us to say yes– with pleasure– to the things that are happening to us. At present, the program of our internal expectations have already been dissolved, and we no longer identify with our expectations of the other people. We are now aware that our sufferings are in fact our helpers and they may accelerate the process through which the Consciousness wakes up in the body we formerly and mistakenly considered our own We shall readily accept anything and everything the moment brings to us, let it be joy or sorrow, because we will be fully aware that all these are parts of the same game. Everything created for us by others is transitory, but what we create for ourselves will be lasting and permanent. Everybody must find himself or herself what he or she is looking for. Enlightenment is us; we, ourselves!
WHAT AM I? SADHU VASWANI The longing to commune with the Beloved makes me what I am— an unworthy servant of my Master. Years ago, the question arose within me: “What am I?” I answered it in diverse ways. I wrote: What am I? An earthen lamp: But the light that therein shines is Thine!
What am I? A weather-beaten boat: But the compass and the Captain are Thine!
What am I? Iron transmuted: And the transmuting stone is Thine!
What am I? A little spark: But the Central Flame is Thine!
What am I? A little scroll: But the letter of Love is Thine!
What am I? A coloured kite: But the thread that holds me high is Thine!
What am I? An inkpot: But the ink of gnana is Thine!
What am I? A hawker from door to door: But all the wares are Thine!
What am I? A reed: But the flute-song is Thine!
What am I? A servant of servants: But the tapas and strength of service are Thine!
What am I? A streamlet: But all the healing waters are Thine! What am I? A wavelet: But its source— the sea— is Thine!
What am I? A wandering fakir, a singer in the street: But the Song in all the songs is Thine!
Dada J. P. Vaswani
“Turn back to God!” This is the teaching which Dada J. P. Vaswani emphasised again and again wherever he went. “Practise the Presence of God in your daily life, hold Him firmly by one hand and with the other, do whatever you like.” Such simple teachings! But they do take a lifetime to fulfil. The very embodiment of Joy, Peace, Humility and Compassion, Dada’s life was an unceasing saga of selfless service to the poor, the down trodden and the suffering. The road to God, Dada said is not merely through the Temple, but through the bylanes of the poor. Dada Vaswani, in his efforts to be a source of solace to the poor, knew that the poor and the lowly are as much starved of love as they are of bread. Giving bread alone is not enough. Giving love is a more complete alleviation of suffering. While visiting the famous Pashupatinath temple at Nepal, Dada’s attention was drawn to a dishevelled figure of a man lying under a tree, afflicted with leprosy. His entire body was a mass of gaping wounds upon which flies were feasting. Dada sat next to him, fanning him with his handkerchief. “My temple is at the feet of the leper,” he said, gesturing to the others to go on into the temple without him. On August 2, 1918, Dada J. P. Vaswani was born in Hyderabad Sind in a pious and holy Vaswani family which produced many luminaries like Shri Pahalajrai [Dada’s father] and sisters Dadi Hari and Dr. Sundri, and the biggest and most brilliant spiritual giant – Sadhu Vaswani. Dada was a very brilliant student, a scholar and a versatile genius right from his childhood and could have carved out a very prosperous career for himself, but he chose to renounce all and serve his saintly uncle and Guru, Sadhu Vaswani. Dada lived in close association with Sadhu Vaswani for over 40 years, drank in His holiness and love which ultimately transformed Dada into the very likeness of his Master. Thus Dada shone with the spiritual splendour of unreachable, transcendental heights like his illustrious master, Sadhu Vaswani. 100 Glorious Years: Dada J. P. Vaswani
Several citations, awards and distinctions had been conferred on Dada. He accepted them all in a spirit of deep humility, passing on the credit for them all to his revered Master, Sadhu Vaswani. As for himself, he would rather be tagged as a wandering pilgrim or a servant of the bhaktas (lovers) of God, rather than a spiritual leader or philosopher. Dada’s love moved out to all of God’s creation, including birds and animals. On one occasion, Dada offered his own head in exchange for the lives of four goats that were to be sacrificed at a yagna in Pune. Seeing the sincerity of the appeal and radiant compassion writ on his face, the pandits were moved to proceed with the yagna, without the customary animal sacrifice. Dada saved the hopeless lambs, and more significantly, took one more impactful step-towards the ultimate triumph of vegetarianism. This deep awareness of the need for reverence for all life formed a very essential part of Sadhu Vaswani’s teachings and was propagated emphatically by Dada J. P. Vaswani. In 1986, Dada launched the International Meatless Day Campaign. Now known as SAK the Campaign seeks to initiate an awareness of reverence for all forms of life appealing to the people to abstain from all food of violence, on Nov. 25 Sadhu Vaswani’s Birthday. A token observation of Meatless Day and Animal Rights Day, it is hoped, will sow the seeds of eventual total vegetarianism in the minds of many, and thus pave the way for World Peace. August 2 (Dada’s Birth date) is observed year after year as “Moment of Calm” (Forgiveness Day). All over the world people sit in silence at 2.10 pm for a few minutes and consciously forgive all those that hurt them or brought them harm. This Campaign is gaining ground as the years pass. Holding aloft the torch of Universal love and unity, Dada undertook yatras [pilgrimages] to places all over India and abroad. People from cities and towns in the five continents opened their gates and hearts to welcome this man of God and his message of love. Large crowds gathered to hear his flowing words of wisdom and practical tips for a better, nobler living and to feel the love and joy that ceaselessly flowed out of him. Dada’s speeches, though emerging directly from his high meditative states, were so simple, spontaneous and down-to-earth that he provided the scholars with the intricacies of spiritual wisdom and the children with amusing anecdotes, stories from the lives of sages and saints at the 100 Glorious Years: Dada J. P. Vaswani
same time. His teachings transcended all religious differences and so had a universal appeal. Every word he spoke touched the inner chords of those who heard him because they were backed with the witness of his own life. His talks attracted international audiences. His universal appeal springs from the fact that he did not impose any religious ritual on his audience. The conviction with which he spoke, the depth of knowledge in his utterances, the clarity of his thoughts, the frequent use of wit, humour and anecdotes made him a very popular speaker. Dada made many significant appearances on prestigious platforms with dynamic impact at home and abroad. He had addressed august audiences at the World Hindu Conference in Colombo in April 1982; The Dag-Hammarskjold Auditorium of the UNO in New York. The 10th World Conference in New York in 1984; The Global Forum of Spiritual Leaders and Parliamentarians on Human Survival, held at Oxford, in 1988 and at Kyoto, Japan in 1993; The World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1993 and in Australia in 2009; Conference on World Religions, New York in 1994; House of Commons in 1984 and 1995; Interfaith Symposium of World Spiritual Leaders at New York in 1995; at the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the UNO in 1995; World Philosophers’ Meet at Pune in 1996; International Ambassadors to UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan in New York; Parliament of World Religions in Cape Town, South Africa in 1999; The World Peace Summit, Bangkok in 2002; The Rotary International’s South Asia Conference on Cooperation and Development in Nepal and several more. 100 Glorious Years: Dada J. P. Vaswani
Dada had an exceptional literary talent. He had a natural gift for poetry and a lucid, narrative style of prose. He had written many wideranging books ranging from profound philosophy to practical tips for everyday living. His writings contain a storehouse of anecdotes and humour which illustrated his points more effectively and rationally. His poems in Sindhi are so lyrical, metrical and yet so simple. Every line had a punch in them like a proverb. Every word is rich in wisdom and exalts the readers to loftier planes and to high spiritual states beyond words. His innumerable poems have enriched the standard and quality of the Sindhi Language. They have now been collected in a voluminous book called ANJALI SANGRAHA—every page of which oozes with love and longing for the Lord. Every page of which has the stamp of eternity on them. Dada J. P. Vaswani, the scientist-turned-saint was the spiritual head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission— a socio-welfare, non-profit organization, active in areas of educational, medical, social and charitable works, with Centres not only in India, but all over the globe. What his Master, Sadhu Vaswani had formulated, Dada J. P. Vaswani consolidated as a belief system, a way of life, a code of living. With his finger on the pulse of all the affairs of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, he guided its multifarious activities, paying great attention to their minutest details. Every institution that he founded, has been a source of enrichment and healing and comfort to the people. Institutions that flourish in Pune are the 6 Schools, College, MBA Institute, Nursing College, Inlaks & Budhrani Hospital, Morbai Naraindas Budhrani Cancer Institute, KK Eye Institute, Fabiani & Budhrani Heart Institute, Seva Dept., Satsang, Bridge Builders (Youth Associations), SAK Association. Over 50 Sadhu Vaswani Centres have been started all over the world. A Nursery School in London and several Schools in India— in Delhi, Rajkot, Baroda, Ahmedabad, Bombay, Sanpada, Hyderabad. Dada J. P. Vaswani was a Jeevan Mukt. He is evergreen and lives still. He has entered the lives of all who came to him – heard or read of him or even saw him once – or drew inspiration from his talks in Hindi on Television. He has transformed the lives of individuals, societies and nations. His teaching and his loving influence is timeless and eternal. Generations unborn will draw inspiration from his God-filled life and feel blessed. 100 Glorious Years: Dada J. P. Vaswani
Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani’s birth-centenary was observed amid chantings, prayer sessions and The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, sent a hearttouching message. Shri L. K. Advani visited the Sadhu Vaswani Mission on August 2 and joined in the celebration. Swami Chidanand Saraswati, Spiritual Head, Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh blessed the occasion. Moment of Calm was observed on a worldwide scale marking the birthday of Rev. Dada and over one crore pledged to forgive. The birth centenary of Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani was observed for three days. Themed on the various aspects of Dada’s life— ‘Honouring 100 Years of a Dedicated Life’, ‘Honouring 100 Years of Selfless Service’ and ‘Honouring 100 Years of Unconditional Love’; the birth centenary was observed amid the presence of devotees and seekers who had converged from all over the world.
100 Glorious Years: Dada J. P. Vaswani
Honouring 100 Years of a Dedicated Life
Day I began with 108 havans alongside the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra a regular all through the three days. The afternoon session included recitations from the scriptures, reading of verses from the Anjali Sangraha— a collection of poems by Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani and bhajan session. A seva session too was simultaneously conducted wherein students from the Mahilashram High School, Karve Nagar received daily utility items and school stationery. It concluded with an audio of Guided Meditation by Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani. The evening session was led by soul-stirring vocals by renowned singer, Vikram Hazra. This was followed by an audio-visual of the Mission Activities and tributes by dignitaries, celebrities and spiritual luminaries of the likes of Anees Chisti and HH Dalai Lama. ‘Kadir and Magical Lighthouse’- a book by Keidi Keating was launched by Dr. K. H. Sancheti. Next, was a video discourse by Rev. Dada. It began with a previously recorded birthday video of his, wherein he had said, how he was neither born nor will he die; a much needed assurance to all. It later blended into the importance of bringing back prayer into our daily lives. Honouring 100 Years of Selfless Service
Day II continued with bhajans and kirtans, stirring the very soul of devotees and attendees alike. Evening satsang witnessed soulful singing by renowned singer, Ameya Dabli. This session was followed by a few cinematic clips of Rev. Dada’s emphatatic tilt to selfless service. This was followed by an audio-visual clip of the newly launched Gurukul School at Manjari – a School for street children providing education, milk, breakfast and all school books and facilities totally FREE. Later, an upadesh of Sadhu Vaswani, on offering life to service, was played. This was followed by an upadesh of Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani. It was based on the ideal of service and how the nations need to be built on this principle of service, welfare of one and all. At the midnight session of the birthday eve, the devotees amid utmost devotion joined the soulful, stirring Kirtans by Ameya Dabli, Kaajal Chandiramani, Dr. Harish Wadhwani, Renu Gidoomal and others. Attendees expressed their thirst to keep the satsang going until midnight
to usher in the Master’s blessed Birth Centenary. Their ardent wish was granted. The Sangat’s consciousness seemed to rise collectively as the singing hit crescendo after crescendo. The Name Divine, mixed with tears and soft smiles, seemed to pour out of each and every person. As the midnight hour approached, satsangis made their way from the Gita Mandir to the sacred Samadhi of Rev. Dada, gazing into the huge portrait of the Master’s Love-filled eyes, and singing with voices meant to reach His ever-listening ears. And so, the day of Love’s centenary began. Finally, on the 2nd of August, was Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani’s 100th birthday. Honouring 100 Years of Unconditional Love
A crowd unlike any seen before gathered at the Sadhu Vaswani Mission to observe the birth centenary of their Master, Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani. Seva: Artificial limbs were distributed to the handicapped and sufed posh sisters were given daily utility items and grocery. Swami Chidanand Saraswati, Shri Shiv Khemka, Actor Karan Sharma and Mrs. Ritu Chhabria joined in the seva alongside other dignitaries. Medical sevas at our various hospitals were conducted and on a 100 percent concessional rate at the Shanti Clinic— diagnostic and health-care centre of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission. It included free consultation, electrocardiogram, physiotherapy, X-rays, sonography, dental, bone mineral density camp and more. A total of patients served were 2500 on one single day. On the occasion, a book was launched by Swami Chidanand Saraswati on Dada’s journey of love: ‘To Know Him, Is to Love Him’. The swami recalled how he was there at a meeting with Dada and had offered to Dada Ganga Jal, Rudraksha and an elaichi mala. He added that Dada is Ganga, Dada is the Rudraksha, Dada is the fragrance of the mala! He further said that Guru is not mere teaching. Guru is a touch. Guru is a transformation. Dada is a mixture of all; teaching, touch and transformation. Dada is everything. Nobody needs to look any further: for the Guru is never gone, he is always on! A video upadesh of Dada was then shown. Rev. Dada spoke of how he is immortal and how he existed even before the mountains came into being or oceans began to flow. The devotees were enthralled at this timely assurance. The video also included a message that explained the value of the human-birth and how important it is to attain God.
At 2 pm, the Moment of Calm session was held wherein people from all over the world joined in to forgive and free themselves of hatred, resentment and grudges. A guided audio meditation on forgiveness by Rev. Dada was played. “It was a wonderful event. The vibrations were divine, I was transported to another world. I feel blessed to have attended this session. As for Dada, we cannot put him in words, if we did so we would be limiting him. He is infinite,” said Dr. Rairam who came from Gulbarga, Karnataka for the event. “I am so much at peace, I cannot describe it. The vibrations are too strong and what of the positivity, I have never experienced anything of the like,” added Ranjana Bhasin. On the Moment of Calm, Divina Mirpuri from St. Martin said, “It was a beautiful function. So fulfilling, so loving. Earlier we would take appointments to meet Dada, we needn’t do that anymore. He is everywhere now. As for the Moment of Calm, that’s the only way we can attain peace. Grudges, resentments can take us nowhere. We have to forgive and we have to begin now.” Soni Malhotra, an Accounts Executive from New Jersey, commented, “After the Moment of Calm, I felt very much at peace. I felt one with Dada. It felt as if His Presence was guiding us through the forgiveness process.” The evening session saw the presence of Shri L. K. Advani who also launched two books. Singers at the occasion, included Kaajal Chandiramani, Ameya Dabli, Seema Ramchandani, Jatin Udasi, amongst others. Dignitaries that attended the event included, L.K. Advani, Spiritual Leader Swami Chidanand Saraswati, Dr. K.H. Sancheti and Parag Sancheti, Lila and Feroz Poonawala, Prakash and Ritu Chabria, Ex-Chief Minister- Prithviraj Chauhan amongst many more. *** Hazoori Sant Sai Sadhram Sahib paid homage to Revered Dada J.P. Vaswani at Sadhu Vaswani Mission Pune on 8th August. In his glowing tribute, he said that Dada could not be limited to just a 100, for he is beyond limitations of age or numbers. Dada lives on in his teachings, with which he set an example for all of us through his own life. Pujya Sant Sain himself recounted his meetings with Dada, fondly reminiscing Dada’s humility and love.
STORIES THAT STIR WELL CHOSEN! Child Dada was celebrating his birthday. A friend of his father placed before him two presents, one wrapped in a beautiful gift paper, the other in a soiled dirty paper and said: “Jashan, choose the one you please!” Dada looked at the two packets. He was tempted to take the one attractively wrapped. But on an impulse, picked the one wrapped in soiled paper. “You have chosen well,” said the man. “This packet contains a Conklin pen but the other one contains only a pencil stub!” Dada learnt an important lesson— that appearances are deceptive. So many experiences come to us wearing a forbidding exterior— packed in soiled paper— to teach us the great truths of life. On the other hand, there are experiences which appear to be very pleasant but carry within them the seed of pain.
RIGHT ATTITUDE For Dada, life itself was a Guru; every experience, a teacher, and circumstances, a classroom. Knitting was taught to him in school. One day, while he was knitting a sweater, the wool got tangled and knotted all over. The more his impatient little fingers
tried to sort it out, the more tangled it got. Frustrated, he left the knotted ball of wool with his mother requesting her to set it right, while he went out to play. When he returned, he found the ball of wool straightened out. Whenever in difficulty, Dada tells us to go to God, the Mother of us all. The right attitude would be to place your problems before Her. Commit them to Her care and then stop worrying about it. Trust Her to solve them in the best possible manner and you will find miracles happen in your daily life.
THE BIRTHDAY GIFT Everyday on his way to school and back, little Dada passed by a toy shop. One of the toys in the show-case was a toy train which had caught his fancy. Every morning and evening he looked longingly at it from a distance. How he wished he could possess it! One day, his curiosity got the better of him, and he went up to inquire its price. The shopkeeper told him that it cost 14 annas! A paisa a day was all the pocket money he got. How could he possibly collect the princely sum of 14 annas? Day after day, he looked lovingly at the train. Several times he inquired the
price, hoping it had become cheaper. On the 2nd of August, his birthday, his mother gave him a rupee coin. Child Dada was thrilled! He clutched it tightly and ran out. He would now be able to buy his favourite train! Just outside his house, he saw a beggar woman. With tears in her eyes and a child stricken with typhoid in her arms, she cried out: “Won’t you give me a rupee? My little one has typhoid and the doctor demands a rupee for the medicine.” Child Dada thought, “Of all the days why did she have to meet me today? Why did she not meet me yesterday when I had nothing to offer her?” He tried to suppress the voice of his conscience and proceeded to the shop. He showed the rupee to the shopkeeper and asked him to take down his favourite train from the show case and play it for him. He watched the dearly loved train moving ever so elegantly on the rails. It would now be his! While the sound of the moving train was music to his little ears, he could just not shut out the piteous cries of the beggar woman pleading for a rupee to treat her ailing infant....... Leaving the shopkeeper grumbling and cursing after him, the little boy ran out of the shop, into the streets and back to the beggar woman. He breathlessly put the rupee coin into her outstretched palm. The joy that lit up the eyes of the mother delighted child
Dada. It was the most precious gift— more adorable than the toy train— that he received on that day.
THE WORLD IS A STAGE “Forward Men!” ordered Napolean as his army rushed to attack. The scene was “The Battle of Waterloo”, being enacted on the stage by the scouts of Sadhu Hiranand Boy Scout Group. There stood Dada acting as little Napolean with his chest puffed up, as his regiment briskly marched past him. Being short statured, the role of Napolean suited Dada like a glove. The curtain fell. In the following scene, the little Napoean had to play the role of a boy servant to a rich zamindar. “Hey, Teoo, bring me a cup of tea!” ordered the landlord. Dada, now playing the role of a boy servant was tempted to retort: “How dare you order me about like this? Only a little while ago, you were one of my common soldiers!” But he controlled his emotions. He remembered that now he played the role of a boy servant. Had he given vent to his emotions, the whole play would have flopped. Referring to this incident, Dada said: “The world is like a stage where each one of us is assigned a specific role. Let us play our parts well.”
THE MASK OF FEAR As a primary school student, Dada took private tuitions in English. His keen interest in the language prompted him to ask a friend to lend him a story book. The friend promised to bring it to him on the holiday. With eyes of shinning expectation, little Dada looked forward to getting the book. Hearing a knock on the door, he rushed to open it. The sight that greeted him, struck him with terror. He was face to face with the body of a boy that had the fearful face of a lion! He screamed and ran back. At once, a sweet familar voice spoke out of the lion’s mouth. “Be not afraid! It is I, Govinda, your dear friend. I have brought for you the promised story book.” Immediately all fear vanished and the two friends began to laugh. Characteristically, child Dada thought this over carefully, and learnt a valuable lesson: “I decided to look upon difficulties and dangers as friends who come to us wearing frightful masks. But beneath them, they conceal the ever-loving face of the Beloved.”
GENIUS AT WORK Dada worked for submitting his thesis for the M. Sc degree. From dawn to dusk he laboured hard in the laboratory over his experiments. Many a time he would work till late in the night.
One evening his friend came to him and said: “What a beautiful marriage procession it was!” “Which procession?” asked Dada in sheer surprise. “Why, the one that just passed by! Didn’t you hear the din and clamour it created?” the friend inquired, surprised. Dada was so engrossed in his research work that he was oblivious of all external noises and events. So great was his power of concentration and diligence.
BLURRED VISION In the year 1938, Dada was hard at work in his college laboratory. The college authorities had imported a special X-ray machine worth thousands of rupees for him to carry on his research work. In those days Sadhu Vaswani was in Karachi and young Dada requested him to come and bless his X-ray machine. One night, Sadhu Vaswani visited his young nephew, who personally displayed his machine. Sadhu Vaswani then asked young Dada, if he had a telescope through which he could gaze at the stars above. Young Dada had a powerful telescope which he placed on the window-sill. Sadhu Vaswani was fascinated when he looked through the telescope. He now asked young Dada to look through the telescope. Dada obeyed and saw the stars whose brilliance was dazzling. Sadhu Vaswani then blew his breath against the lens of the
telescope and asked Dada to look through the telescope once again. Dada peeped through the lens but was unable to see anything. Looking lovingly at Dada, Sadhu Vaswani said: “A thin film of moisture can conceal all the stars, so also can pride, ego, selfishness cloud the face of the omnipresent God. Tear the curtain and you too, will behold the Lord face to face.”
COMPANY COUNTS “Son, won’t you go to the charcoal dealer and ask him to send me a sack of charcoal?” called out Dada’s mother even as he was getting ready to leave for college. “Yes, mother, I shall do it right away”, replied Dada patiently, though he knew he would be late for the college. “But remember”, she added, “to wait and get it weighed personally before asking him to send it over.” At the charcoal shop, Dada tried his best to ensure that his white clothes remained unstained. But try as hard as he would, some of the charcoal dust flew and stained his dress. Often, while narrating this incident Dada says: “Beware of the company you keep. See that you associate with the right type of people.” GOD ALONE! Dada visited the unknown Baba everyday without fail at the Soldier Bazar. He had to cover a
distance of almost 3 miles, by foot. The Baba asked Dada to bring him a bowl of curd from his house each day. As a spiritual exercise, he asked Dada to repeat the Name of God with every step. “Perchance, if you forget to do so, retrace your steps to the point where you positively remember to have repeated the Name of God and start afresh,” he said. Despite the scorching heat, Dada sincerely practised the discipline until the repetition of the Name Divine became an inherent part of his nature.
LOVE — THE MIDAS TOUCH A drunkard one day came and fell at the feet of Dada. Sobbing uncontrollably, he said: “Try as hard as I may, I am unable to resist liquor. Pray show me the way to overcome this weakness. On my own I can do nothing. I feel so helpless. You alone can help me from slavery to this habit!” Dada looked at him with compassion-filled eyes and embracing him said: “Will you do as I say?” “Yes, Blessed Master, command and I shall obey!” “Just do this one thing. Every time you get an urge to drink, come to me. I will accompany you to the pub and drink with you as many glasses as you like.” “No, beloved Dada, I will never touch drink again,” he promised.
Children’s Corner RIDDLES 1. What goes up and down but does not move?
6. What has hands but cannot clap?
2. Where do you find an ocean with no water?
7. What travels around the world but stays in one corner?
3. What is white when dirty and black when clean? 4. What has an eye but can't see? 5. Mary's father has 5 daughters— Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the firth daughter's name?
8. What gets bigger the more you take away? 9. What becomes smaller when you turn it upside down? 10. What can you catch but never throw?
PUZZLE Try to move from the start to the end by following the chain of animals. The last letter of each animal’s name is the first letter of the next animal’s name. We’ve joined up the first three for you ....... (The last one is a bit of a trick!)
Answers: 1. Stairs, 2. On a map, 3. A chalkboard, 4. A hurricane! 5. Mary, 6. A clock, 7. A stamp, 8. A hole, 9. The number nine, 10. A cold
SIMPLE RULES OF HEALTH FOODS THAT ARE BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH There is a lot of confusion out there about which foods are healthy, and which are not. Here is a list of foods that are generally very unhealthy. The best choice is to avoid them completely. In this article, healthy alternatives are mentioned whenever possible. Sugary Drinks Added sugar is the single worst ingredient in the modern diet. Sugar, when consumed in large amounts, can drive insulin resistance in the body and is strongly linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It is also associated with various serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Alternatives: Drink water, soda water, coffee or tea instead. Adding a slice of lemon to water or soda water can add some taste if you don’t like it plain. Most Pizzas The problem is that most commercially prepared pizzas are made with seriously unhealthy ingredients. The dough is made from highly refined wheat flour, and the food items on them are usually processed. Pizza is also extremely high in calories. Alternatives: Some pizza places use healthier ingredients. Homemade pizzas can also be
very healthy, as long as you choose wholesome ingredients. White Bread Bread is generally made from wheat, which contains the protein gluten. So are a bad idea for people who have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. However, most commercial breads are unhealthy, as they are made from refined wheat, which is low in essential nutrients (empty calories) and leads to rapid spikes in blood sugar. Alternatives: For people who can tolerate gluten, Ezekiel bread is an excellent choice. Whole grain bread is also definitely better (or “less bad”) than white bread. Most Fruit Juices Fruit juice is often assumed to be healthy, but this is a mistake. Many fruit juices are actually little more than fruit-flavored sugar water. Alternatives: There are some fruit juices that have been shown to have health benefits despite the sugar content, such as pomegranate juice and blueberry juice. However, these should be considered as supplements, not something you drink every day to quench thirst. Drink water instead. Industrial Vegetable Oils In the last 100 years or so, people have increased their consumption of refined vegetable
oils, such as soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil and canola oil. These oils are very high in omega-6 fatty acids, which are highly sensitive to oxidation and cause increased oxidative stress in the body. They have also been linked to increased risk of cancer. Alternatives: Use healthier fats like coconut oil, butter, extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil instead. Pastries, Cookies and Cakes Most pastries, cookies and cakes are extremely unhealthy. They are generally made with refined sugar, refined wheat flour and added fats, which are often disturbingly unhealthy fats like shortening (high in transfats). These tasty treats are literally some of the worst things that you can put into your body. Almost no essential nutrients, but tons of calories and unhealthy ingredients. French Fries and Potato Chips Whole, white potatoes are very healthy. However, the same can NOT be said of the products that are made from them, such as french fries and potato chips. These foods are very high in calories, and it is easy to eat excessive amounts and gain weight. These foods may also contain large amounts of acrylamides, carcinogenic substances that form when potatoes are fried, baked or roasted. Alternatives: Potatoes are best consumed boiled, not fried. If you need something crunchy
to replace potato chips, try baby carrots or nuts. Processed Cheese Regular cheese is healthy. It is loaded with nutrients, and a single slice of cheese contains all the same nutrients as an entire glass of milk. However, processed cheese products are nothing like regular cheese. They are mostly made with filler ingredients that are combined and engineered to have a similar look and texture as cheese. Cheese is healthy, but processed cheese is not. Read labels, and make sure that the cheese you’re eating is actually cheese. Alternatives: Eat real cheese instead. Most Fast Food Meals Generally speaking, “fast food” chains serve only junk foods. The majority of the food they offer is mass-produced, highly engineered junk food with very little nutritional value. These places are often very cheap, but keep in mind that junk food costs you twice. For every penny you save there, chances are that it’s going to cost you many times more in the future. Poor health is expensive. Alternatives: Fortunately, all sorts of healthy fast food places have started to appear. Chipotle is one great example.
Recipes For The Month ORANGE JUICE Ingredients:
Oranges, peeled.................................................... 4 Lemon basil sprigs..............................................3-4 Ounces soda water..............................................2-3 Sprig chervil (French parsley)................................ 1
Method: Wash ingredients thoroughly. Juice the oranges first, then add the lemon basil and allow the infusion to soak in the refrigerator for a few hours. Strain, then pour roughly 10-12 ounces of the infused orange juice in a glass, and top with the soda water. Garnish with chervil. NON-ALCOHOLIC SANGRIA Ingredients:
Boiling water..................................................2 cups Black tea bags....................................................... 2 (or 2 teaspoons loose-leaf tea in an infuser; decaf tea is fine) Cinnamon sticks..................................................... 2 Sugar..............................................................½ cup Pomegranate juice..........................................3 cups Freshly squeezed orange juice.........................1 cup Orange, medium sized, sliced into thin rounds..... 1 Lemon, medium sized, sliced into thin rounds...... 1 Lime, medium sized, sliced into thin rounds......... 1 Apple, medium sized, cored and cut into ½ inch chunks................................................ 1 Carbonated water..........................................3 Cups
Method: Pour the boiling water over tea bags and cinnamon sticks and steep for 5 minutes. Discard tea bags and stir in sugar to dissolve. In a large jar or pitcher, combine tea, cinnamon sticks, pomegranate juice, orange juice, orange, lemon, lime, and apple. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour and preferably
overnight. Just before serving, stir in carbonated water. Serve in glasses over ice. BLACKBERRY MINT SPRITZER Ingredients: For the Simple Syrup (For 4-6 drinks) Sugar..............................................................½ cup Water..............................................................½ cup
For the Spritzer (makes 1 drink) Blackberries........................................................... 5 Mint Leaves.......................................................... 10 Lime, juiced..........................................................½ Simple syrup.............................................1½ ounce Sparkling water..............................................½ cup Ice Garnish: extra mint leaves, 3 blackberries, lime slices
Method: For the Simple Syrup Combine the sugar and water in a small pot and bring mixture to a boil. Stir when needed. Once it boils, turn down the heat to low for about 2 minutes and let simmer until all the sugar is dissolved. Let it cool to room temperature. For the Blackberry Spritzer Combine the blackberries, mint leaves, and simple syrup in a cup. Using a muddler (or the back of a wooden spoon), muddle everything together, squishing the juice from the blackberries and mint leaves. Then add the sparkling water and fresh lime juice. Fill the rest of the glass with ice, garnish with some sprigs of mint, a few blackberries, a slice of lime and serve immediately.
What’s Happening In East And West JANMASHTAMI Sadhu Vaswani Mission observed the sacred day of Janmashtami with Krishna bhajans and kirtan sessions and seva programs. The Janmashtami Day also marked the 88th Foundation Day of Sadhu Vaswani Mission. Ahead of the Janmashtami day, on August 31, students of St. Mira’s schools and college spoke in most interesting ways of the coming of the little one, Nand Lala Gopala, in speeches at the evening satsang in the Mira Hall. On September 1, Krishna bhajan and kirtans were sung, followed by Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani’s video talk on Lord Krishna’s childhood. On September 2, seva was conducted in the morning satsang where utility items were given to the needy children. It was followed by Rev. Dada’s video talk on Janmashtami with more instances from Sri Krishna’s childhood. The evening program consisted of satsang and Rev. Sadhu Vaswani’s message on Janmashtami— that Sri Krishna’s darshan can be found in the poor. DaridraNarayan, the protector of the poor, was the name most dear to the Lord. Guru-dakshina was held in conclusion.
At 10.30 pm, a vigil satsang had devotees singing to the glory of Sri Krishna till the 12 am. ‘Guru kay sang mein’ — an offering of love at the feet of the Masters — a new CD of Sadhu Vaswani and Dada J.P. Vaswani’s songs was released. It features renderings by singers Dr. Harish Wadhwani, Kaajal Chandiramani and Renu Gidoomal. On September 3, in the evening satsang, Dada J. P. Vaswani’s playful video of the Gokulashtami Celebrations at St. Mira Schools several years ago was played. It awoke the memories of a playful Krishna in Brindavan in the hearts of all present. Dada’s Seva Sena (team) that just returned after 14 days from the Kerala floods disaster relief operations were felicitated with a coconut and shawl. SERVING TILL THE END Day 14 of the Kerala Disaster Relief by Sadhu Vaswani Mission. August 31 dawned. It was time to return home. Yet, it was another opportunity to serve. The local MLA V. D. Satheesan guided the team to one of the most interior and badly affected area where a small distribution camp of approximate 138 affected families was organised. Satheesan, who was deeply touched with the Mission’s
efforts, came personally and briefed the crowd about Sadhu Vaswani Mission and the central kitchen set up by the Mission. He reiterated his intention to visit the Pune Mission soon. In the afternoon, the team took to the other interior zones to distribute the remaining kits. “The experience was saddening and heart wrenching after witnessing in person the damage and losses to the residents of Paravur village. They will take lot of time and help to come back to normal life,” they said. As Dada’s Seva team returned to Pune, they felt grateful to the Lord and the Mission for giving them the precious opportunity to serve this cause. Sadhu Vaswani Mission is deeply grateful to all the supporters and volunteers to make this relief operations possible! BHAGAVAD GITA RECITATION COMPETITION One essential part of the syllabus of education passed on to Mira schools is Gita Recitation Competitions. This was held on August 29, 2018 at the Gita Mandir for all Primary and PrePrimary students. Mrs. Simran Punjabi, Mrs. Ruchi Bajaj, Mrs. Neha Wagh and Mrs. Yashoda Mehtani, ISKCON Teachers of the Bhagavad Gita, were the judges. Students were judged on their pronunciation, memorisation and overall presentation of the Sloka’s.
Prizes were awarded to the winners with Certificates according to their classes. GURUKUL STARTS IN PAKISTAN AND BANGALORE! Inspired by the great Master, Sadhu Vaswani, Gurukul classes were started in Karachi, Pakistan on Saturday, September 1, 2018 and at Bangalore too. Thirty children attended the class on the inaugural day. Under the guidance of Dr. Vinesh and Nirmala, the class started with chants of Gayatri Mantra. It was followed by Yoga. Children learnt the value of empathy from The Gurukul — authored by Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani. Promila Pinjani spoke about the significance of Janmashtami. At Bangalore too, a similar programme was held. Gurukul classes will continue on every Saturday. The emphasis will be on moral values, character building and seva. The motto of the Gurukul Class is: ‘Kuch na kuch kar jayenge’. TEACHERS’ DAY CELEBRATION On September 5, Teachers’ Day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of educationist and scholar Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the first Vice President and the Second President of India. He was a true friend of the Mira Movement of Education started by Sadhu Vaswani and which is now in
the 85th year with strength of 17000+ students at its 16 schools and colleges across the nation. He repeatedly watched and blessed its progress. He presided at the Annual Function of St. Mira’s High School, Hyderabad, Sind (now a part of Pakistan) in October, 1945, when he was the Vice-Chancellor of the Banares Hindu University. In Dec. 1949, when he was India’s Ambassador in Russia, he wrote from Moscow, “I am a great admirer of the good work which Sri Vaswani ji has done.” On November 17, 1961, he inaugurated the St. Mira’s High School in Pune when he was the Vice-President of India. Later, as the President of India, he took time out to come and inaugurate the St. Mira’s College for Girls in 1966. On September 5, over 350 teachers from the Mira Institutions of Pune gathered at the Sadhu Vaswani Mission to pay homage to their founder– Sadhu Vaswani at the sacred Samadhi by offering a wreath and a prayer, also at the sacred Samadhi of Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani. Then at the satsang hall all sang bhajans and listened to the most inspiring speech of Dada J.P. Vaswani, who spoke about the essential qualities of teachers and teaching. DARSHAN IN THE HALL OF FAME! Darshan Museum gets ranked in the TripAdvisor Hall of Fame, having won the Travellers’ Choice Award since
the 5 last years running... Based in Sadhu Vaswani Mission Campus Pune, it is a preferred tourist Destination, with its ‘mind-boggling State-of-theArt technology’ says Outlook Traveller Magazine. DADA’S 100TH BIRTHDAY AT RISHIKESH The Global Education & Leadership Foundation recently held a programme ‘Life Retreat 2018’ at Rishikesh [Parmarth Niketan]. The theme of the programme was “LEAD from Within”. The first day of the three-day programme was devoted to Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani. Glowing tributes were paid to Rev. Dada by Mr. Shiv Khemka and Sadhavi Bhagwatiji. Both recalled incidents from the life of Dada which left many among the audience wishing that they had been lucky enough to have seen or met Dada. Dada’s talk on ‘Seva’ was shown and left one and all enlightened and inspired. It gave the wherewithals of leading from within. In the evening a special mesmerising Ganga Aarti was organised wherein Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati reiterated that Dada has not left us. He spoke of Dada’s qualities of love and humility. His address clearly indicated how deeply touched he was by Dada’s Godly demeanor and being. Bhagwanti Nanwani too paid her tributes.
THE WORLD GRIEVES FOR REV. DADA Tributes have continued to pour in from across the world after the news of Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani’s passing away. The PM and the President were among the first to send their messages of Condolence. “I am saddened beyond words on the passing away of Dada J. P. Vaswani. He lived for society and served the poor and needy with compassion. Blessed with immense wisdom, he was passionate about educating the girl child, cleanliness and furthering peace as well as brotherhood,” PM Modi said in a tweet along with a photograph of the two. He added “Dada J. P. Vaswani was a guiding light for me. About 28 years ago, I had the honour of being with him at a World Religions Conference in the USA. His clarity of thought stood out. In 2013 I had visited Pune to inaugurate a nursing college associated with him,” in another tweet. “Sad to hear of the passing of Dada J. P. Vaswani, a spiritual leader who contributed so much to our society. He dedicated his life to the betterment of humanity, promoting simple living, high thinking, and education. My condolences to his countless followers,” said President Ram Nath Kovind. But the outpouring on social media came from devout admirers and followers of the great spiritual leader who had carved out a special niche in the hearts of the VIPs as well as the common people wherever he travelled.
“Dada suffered for all of us and although his physical appearance is not with us, and blessings will forever be upon us. Thank you Dada, for sharing your wisdom with us through all these years and making this world a better place,” tweeted one of the followers. “Dear Dadaji, I will miss you throughout my life. Your smile will always be remembered. Thank you for all your discourses and daily quotes,” said another admirer.
COUNTRY LOSES WHEN PARLIAMENT IS DISRUPTED: PM The government has the least to lose due to disruptions in Parliament and it is the country which loses the most, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said while stressing on effective functioning of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. He also said it is the duty of each Parliamentarian to lend voice to the problems of the common man in Parliament and force the government to take steps for their welfare. The Prime Minister was speaking at an event at the Central Hall of Parliament to confer the Best Parliamentarian Awards for the years 2014 to 2017. “In a such a big nation, the MPs bring with them the dreams and aspirations of their constituents,” he said. “It is important for MPs to express the voice of the poor and the marginalised. Sadly, when there is noise and chaos in the House, MPs are not able to speak and the loss is of the entire nation,” he added.
Among those who received the awards include Najma Heptullah, Hukumdev Narayan Yadav, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Dinesh Trivedi and Bhartruhari Mahtab. Speaking on the occasion, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu called upon the Opposition to be responsible for the government to become “more responsive”.
that at a civic reception hosted by the West Bengal government in Kolkata, he had spoken out about the specific role of a border State in curbing extremist elements. President Kovind’s achievement in his first year in office is the quiet surprise of emerging above the fray.
In a democracy, where power is wielded by those who hold the numbers, Constitutional heads, with some luck, can hope to wield some influence. While statistics on President Ram Nath Kovind’s first year in office are easy to come by, the 53 visits he made across the country in 52 weeks or the number of countries he has visited as Head of State (10 at the last count), how he squares up against other Presidents, or more specifically his image among opposition parties in a single party majority parliament tells its own story. His predecessor in Rashtrapati Bhavan, Pranab Mukherjee, was a political colossus with over six decades at the peak of public life, President Kovind came to the job more under the radar. In his first year in office, however, there have been many occasions where he has stood his ground on issues. Calling President Kovind a “gentleman president”, Leader of the Trinamool Congress in the Rajya Sabha, Derek O’Brien told The Hindu, “We wish him well on completing one year as a gentleman President. We are confident that in the years ahead he will uphold his responsibility as the guardian of the Constitutition.” This despite the fact
Construction on the much talked about Hyperloop system, originally conceived by American entrepreneur and engineer Elon Musk, is all set to start by December between India’s financial capital and Maharashtra state capital Mumbai and the nearby cultural capital at Pune. According to a report by Mint, Richard Branson-backed Virgin Hyperloop One, based out of North Las Vegas, Nevada is all set to build a 15km test track in Pune. An operational test track for the project has already been built in Nevada for the futuristic transportation system that consists of pods zooming magnetically inside an evacuated tube. Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis had visited the test site in June after signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Virgin in February. The test track will be built in Wakad in Pimpri-Chinchwad, north of Pune at a cost of Rs 3,000 crore that Virgin will pay. Apart from the Mumbai-Pune corridor, another proposed corridor for the Hyperloop is between the cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
Book Reviews MRS. SHEELA BHOJWANI In Quest of a Meaningful LifeAutobiography of a Civil Servant: by Prashanta Kumar Mishra, Published by: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 206, First Floor, Peacock Lane, Shahpur Jat., New Delhi 110049. Price: Rs. 650/While crossing each milestone of his life, from childhood till the present time, the author’s sincerity, diligence and ethical approach are ever prevalent. As a successful civil servant, accomplishments accompanied him. But his ideals and his principles overrode everything. Constantly drawn towards the spiritual, he kept his triangle of administrative life, personal life and spiritual life well-balanced. At present, in his retirement, he is focussed on plumbing the depths of divinity, which is prevalent within each one of us. There is truly much to learn, specially by young administrators, from this book. Amazing Secrets Of The Bhagavad Gita: by Ed Viswanathan, Published by: Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 7/16 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi – 110002, Paperback Price: Rs. 295/The eternal message of the Bhagavad Gita continues to mesmerise and mystify down the ages. Hence, writings and opinions keep flowing, expressing different perceptions, all of which, are finally based on the same foundation. But this book is not just another
translation of or a commentary on the Gita. The author provides answers to deep meaningful questions and clears several doubts and queries. Ideas and concepts from the Gita are discussed, on topics ranging from salvation to karma, chakras to yoga, abortion to creation and prayers to gambling and stress. All this is conveyed simply and effectively by following the format of a conversation between a grandfather and his eighteen-yearold grandson. Mahatma Gandhi: A Biography: Edited by Kaushal K. Goyal, Published by: Pigeon Books India, An Imprint of ‘gbd books’, 16, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi – 110002, India. Paperback Price: Rs. 160/The fascination for BapuMahatma Gandhi— has not abated or diminished over the years. Through his biography, in this book, one is taken through the wellversed, though no less fascinating, journey of his life and his mammoth achievements, founded on simplicity, selflessness and sincerity. A brief sketch of his life and upbringing are followed by the different stages of activism and the struggle for Indian Independence, through the unique means of nonviolence. The example set by Mahatma Gandhi has become a source of inspiration not only for Indians, but for people all over the globe.
Gandhi for the Millennium Child: Prepared under the auspices of The Association of Writers and Illustrators for Children, Published by: Sultan Chand & Sons (P) Ltd., Educational Publishers, 4859/24, Darya Ganj, New Delhi – 110 002. Paperback Price: Rs. 65/In order to apprise and familiarise the children with the glorious life, ideals and principles of the Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, the AWIC has brought out this beautiful little book for them. Captivating illustrations accompany the incidents and anecdotes from Gandhiji’s life, in a simple and straightforward manner, yet made most interesting, often laced with humour. It succeeds in bringing Bapu closer to the children, who can be inspired by his magnificent Iife and imbibe his noble message. Jesus in Asia: by R. S. Sugirtharajah, Published by: Harvard University Press, 79 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA, Hardbound Price: U.S. $ 29.95 This book provides the long missing piece of the puzzle of Jesus Christ’s visit to Asia. How the East influenced him, as well as, the effect of his presence on the Eastern realm are discussed in great historical detail. The scholarly base of the author makes it authentic, an eye opener in many instances.
Various sources have provided information of this phase in the life of Jesus Christ, from diverse parts of Asia- by Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian and Jain scholars. Inputs from these religions and cultures opens up the gates for global Christianity, freeing it from the limiting constrictions of the West. Mahatma Gandhi’s Letters on Brahmacharya, Sexuality and Love: by Girja Kumar, Published by: Vitasta Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 2/15, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi – 110 002, Paperback Price: Rs. 350/With the approach of Gandhi Jayanthi, it is but appropriate that books on Gandhi are in the forefront, presenting us with various aspects of his glorious life. Gandhiji was a prolific letter writer and his correspondence with a handful of close female associates, seems almost biographical, and also portrays an insight into the mindset of the individual being addressed. Brahmacharya was as dear to Gandhiji as Satyagraha. It was treated in its wider aspect, encompassing every field of life. Being a sensitive topic, it brought Gandhiji brickbats along with some accolades, but that did not deter him from his stance. The entire subject matter is challenging and controversial and makes for very interesting and informative reading.
Printed and published by Ms. Gulshan G. Dudani on behalf of Sadhu Vaswani Mission. Printed at Print Impressions, 101, Raunaq Indl. Est., 131/7B, H. I. E., Pune - 411013. Published at Gita Publishing House, 10, Sadhu Vaswani Path, Pune - 411001. Editor: Ms. Piya G. Uttam Tel. No.: +91-20-26125679 Email: eastandwestseries@sadhuvaswani.org
NURI GRANTH (Songs of Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani in Sindhi) Translated by Shri H. T. Sadhwani
Saptapadi (4) (5) With love, shine the Sun and the Moon, And with love shine the Stars too! With love, bloom the flowers in the gardens, And with love, flow the rivers to the sea! The forest retreats are bright with love, And the mountains too glisten with love! The beautiful birds, remain together in love, And with love, also remain together the devotees! The whole world, interacts with love, And full with love are the saints! With love, this heart remembers the Lord, And with love, it calls to the Lord again and again! Pray bestow a glance of love on Nuri Nimani, For every moment, with love she calls to Thee!
— Nuri Granth page 81-82 Space donated by a Well Wisher who believes with Dada J. P. Vaswani that when man takes one step to God, God takes ten steps towards him. But the first step is to be taken by man.
East And West Series
Since 1954 A Monthly Journal for Self-improvement, Self-knowledge, Self-realisation
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