In flow’rs which are white, fragrant, fair, In drops of rain which float on air. And stars at night but sing your praise!
Where’er I turn, I meet your gaze —
The whole day long I think of you, And often far into the night: Your beauteous face shines ever bright And thrills my heart, ah! through and through!
How oft I hear your flute-like voice ’Midst shout and roar of daily life! Your whispers lead me far from strife To heights of love, and I rejoice!
In dreams you come and speak to me Of th’ secret which is in your heart. And then I know we’re not apart: Of One Eternal Self are we!
*Sept. 5 is celebrated as Teacher’s Day.
On my way back to my home, I cast on him my longing eyes, When, lo and behold! He smiled and played Upon His flute: He ravished my heart! I emptied the pitcher, And I said: “Let me fill it Butagain!”Ifeltshy and said: “What will they say?” And, again, I said to myself: *Sept. 4 is the sacred Radha Ashtami Day — the birthday of Radha.
Why did Krishna’s flute enchant all who heard it? It’s one note was: “Offer your all to theWhyOne-in-all!”did Krishna arrest attention? Krishna was the very picture of love and sacrifice.
A medieval poet, Jnanadas, speaks of a village girl. With a pitcher on her head, she goes to a well to fill her vessel with water. While returning with the pitcher, she looks at Krishna. He is sitting on the bank of the darkcoloured Jamuna. Sitting in the shade of a tree which grows on the river-bank, He has His flute on His lips. And He sings on — His song of ravishing beauty. The village girl hears the song: she looks on with tear-filled eyes! Fair is she and pure beyond compare.
Who is she? They call her Radha. Let her speak. Her words are simple and filled with the wisdom of the heart: I tell thee truly, friend, I beheld Krishna’s beauty! It thrilled me: it filled my heart: I forgot to fill the pitcher with Onlywater:apart was filled when I returned.
Radha is beyond the Vedas.” Radha was the daughter of a prince: but in her heart was a longing for communion with Krishna. In a poem by Chandidas, Radha says: “A weak woman am I: but I am spotless in my heart!” “Lotus-eyed” has she been called in the songs of medieval poets. As she looked upon the Face of Krishna, she was purged of all desire. She became the very picture of purity.In the picture painted of her by India’s saints, she is represented as filled with love and longing in her heart. “A flood of tears,” we read, “rolled down Radha’s cheeks as she thought of Krishna.” In a mood which comes upon her, again and again, she says:
His substance is Love! And his colour is Love!
I know not who is He Who plays upon the flute!
Krishna teaches in the Gita and the Bhagavata that “love” is not “desire.” Desire runs after the senses, but love is communion with the infinite. Radha loved Krishna, and was transformed into His image. Radha rose above desire: and her love-filled heart was fashioned intoLalan,fairness.the
It thrills me through and Andthrough:wherever I move or stay, I am wonder-filled: I am lost in the picture that pursueth me! The picture follows me: The picture binds to Him my Andheart!Thou,
His form is Love!
O Lord! Art become my all-in-all: I dedicate myself to Thee –To Thy Lotus Feet. I dedicate myself to Thy service, O Thou of the Ancient Day!
To thee, O Gopi, pure and fair, Jnanadas, the singer, says: “Be not embarrassed thou! But go back to the blessed Andwellworship
Kubja, alas! looked ugly: crooked was her form: and everyone shunned her. But Krishna had a love-filled heart. To love is to heal. Krishna was a healer. He gazed on Kubja with compassion in His heart: and her face and form were changed. Kubja was healed: she became fair beyond compare.
Krishna’s other name is Love. The great emperor, Akbar, asked Dadu, the Indian saint: What is God’s nature? What is His form? What is His substance? What is His colour?
I know whose picture pursueth me:
“I know not what to do!”
His Lotus Feet!”
And the saint answered thus: God’s nature is Love!
fakir, was a seer and a singer. In a pretty, little song, Lalan says: “The glory of
hat has life taught me? How much may I not learn in every humble effort to unveil myself! One of the earliest lessons I have endeavoured to learn is that life’s richest treasures may be found only within oneself. I need only to listen, to pay attention, to accept life.
In silence He comes — and in tumults and storms. In the beauty of the dawn and the glow of the sunset He comes! In the sunshine of summer and spring and in autumn rains He comes! In the procession of time and the appearance of the Holy Ones and the truly Vital Ones of History — the True, the Good, the Beautiful — He comes! It is for me to wait. He crosses the path and comes to me with His Gift Divine — the Gift of Love! It is for me to accept
Wholife!accepts life? In the teaching of the Sages of the East, I hear the voice: “Simplify! Simplify!” To accept life is to be simple in life: and to be simple is to be true and reverent.
For I can take no step to Him — the Great Guru, the Great Teacher and Leader of life — until He has first taken many steps to meet me and bless my pilgrimage. In my search for Him is immanent His search for me. And He comes in many ways.
these few words is the teaching, as I understand it, of the Rishis, the Sages of India. In this Teaching is the essence of the Hindu Faith. I bow down in reverence to all the great ones of humanity — to Krishna and Christ, to Buddha and Muhammad, to Zoroaster and Mahavira, to Francis and Kabir, to Chaitanya and Ramakrishna. But I do not feel shy of the inspiration of the word and wisdom of the “Hindu” Faith. And I do not accept the view which regards “Hinduism” as being “fundamentally pessimistic” and “not conducive to an active, purposeful life.” The Gita recognises the value of meditation: but the Gita, also, urges that meditation must flower into action and service — into yagna, worship, sacrifice!Help others — is what I have said to myself, again and again — specially, since India’s blundering “Partition”. Help others, hath Life said to me. For piteous is the need of my brothers and sisters, everywhere. Not a few have perished in the process we
I take hold of a hand and find it is Krishna’s Hand! I hear storm and tempest: then I walk and know Christ is blessing me and I am moving Homewards!
Help others! Therefore, I must turn away from “egotism” — from the concept of “I” — and seek communion with the Divine One. In my heart I see there is an aspiration, a lonely cry: Some call it longing, Others call it God!
call “migration”: and my heart remembers not a few of my brothers and sisters who are gone, leaving me — lonely.
Everyday is, as it was in the days of the early Aryans, divine, divine, divinely beautiful. And everyday brings with it the gifts which we may well use in the service of the lowly and the lost.In
I gaze on the sunset’s radiant glow: then I feel that beyond the sun’s decline and beyond all suns and moons and stars is a Brighter World of God beyond all gods. Then, looking around, I see that the world is tossed to and fro by tempest and storm: and my heart cries to Krishna and Christ, to Buddha and Nanak, to Kabir and Tiruvalluvar, the weaver-saint of South India : and, with love and humility in my heart, I say to all who strive and suffer: Feel not weary and forlorn! But in a faith, build on! Ye children of storm and of Siva whose dance is death!
Press on! Build on! Sing the Song, of the Ancient One!
As we tread the pathways of life, we are faced again and again with problems. Every problem comes to unfold our hiddenTherefore,strength.every problem is a friend in disguise. We must not be afraid of problems; but we should learn to place all our problems at the Lotus Feet of the Lord, then quietly forget about them, in the assurance that, at the right time, God will provide a solution to the problems.There is not a problem for which God has no solution. Let us think more of God and less of problems.Andwe shall be richly blessed!
Prayer begins by talking to God: but it is incomplete without listening to Him. Prayer, essentially, is listening to God. It is, in effect, saying to Him: “God, what wouldst Thou have me to do?”
enter into a life of fulfilment and freedom.
There is only one liberation: it isWhenLove. love beckons to you, arise and follow. Do not tarry!
“Can a person, through prayer, change conditions around him?” I was asked. And I said: “Through prayer, a person can change himself and consequently his reaction towards the conditions around him. Through prayer, we cannot avoid a difficult situation but can receive the strength to face and overcome the situation.”
Has someone wronged you? Has someone been unkind to you? Has someone cheated you? Has someone spread rumours against you? Remember, that someone, in a mysterious way, is linked with you.And it is your responsibility and obligation to pray for him, that he may be different.
And though love leads you through dark and difficult alleys, you will finally arrive at the realm of radiance. You will
There is but one prison: it is the self, the “ego.”
To become a master, to walk the way of perfection, the way of immortality, certain qualities need to be developed. The very first is courage. “Uttishta! Parantapa!” says Sri Krishna in the Gita. Stand up, O Arjuna! Stand up unafraid on the battlefield
Again and again, Sadhu Vaswani, said to us — You are not weak creatures of clay. Within you lies locked up a tremendous energy (shakti) of the Spirit. Release, it — and the mortal become immortal.
Be thou perfect even as God is perfect! For That art thou! Tat twamasi!
Every man is meant to be a master of life. Across the centuries comes travelling to us the teaching of the Saints and Prophets of Humanity —
Here, in this threedimensional world — we measure distances in terms of miles. But in the Kingdom of Kirishna, the distance between me and the Beloved is an uncharitable thought, a rude word, a harsh criticism, an impure motive, an egoistic impulse, a selfish act.
— Dada J. P. Vaswani
of life. The truly spiritual life is the heroic life. You must be a hero in the struggle of life. “The universe,” says Sadhu Vaswani, “challenges you to tremendous tasks, to adventures and responsibilities. You must meet the challenge of the universe with courage. Be brave, be fearless!”“The second great quality is the quality of simplicity. For the way of wisdom is the simple way. And the simple life, according to Sadhu Vaswani, is the life of purity and poverty. And as true purity is of the heart, true poverty means abandoning ambition, desire for prominence, thoughts of greatness. There is so much of egoism in our work, so much of ambition and lovelessness in our public life. Ahankara, egoism, is a deadly enemy of the simple life. “True religion”, Dadaji urges, “is the death of egoism, for true religion is poverty. Therefore, he says, renounce ambition, renounce aggressiveness, renounce reputation, renounce all imitation and walk the way of humility.”Thethird great quality is the quality of sympathy. How wonderful was the heart of Sadhu Vaswani! How it moved out in sympathy to all creatures in suffering and pain! And the one prayer he repeatedly
Whispers of the Spirit
offered was — “May all living things be Civilisation,happy!”today, is sinking into chaos. There is economic chaos, there is political chaos in the world, today. There is class warfare. Clouds of hate and war are gathering thick and fast. The world, today, is in great agony. “In sympathy,” says Sadhu Vaswani, “is the power of a new world, a new civilisation. For sympathy is creative. In the political and economic chaos of the world, today, sympathy has the power to build that new civilisation, that new Kingdom of which Krishna and Christ and Buddha and Baha’u’llah have spoken and sung to the millions of mankind.”
The best way to look thin without dieting is to hang around with people who are fatter than you.***
Old man: I’m a little deaf in that ear; go around to the other one.Young man: Could you lend me five dollars?
“And I suppose you’ve lived happily ever after?”
First husband: Last night my wife dreamed she was married to aSecondmillionaire.husband: You’re lucky. My wife thinks that in the daytime.
Young man: I say, old man, could you lend me one dollar?
Young Man: Five dollars.
Old Man: Oh, you had better go back to the one-dollar ear.
Leena: I was an invalid once. Meena: You were? When wasLeena:that?
Old man: Lend you what?
“Well,“Nope”then, where did you get the idea?”
When I was a baby I couldn’t walk until I was a year old.
“Has anyone ever told you how wonderful you are?
“Doctor,” she said loudly, bouncing into the room, “I want you to say frankly what’s wrong with me.”
He surveyed her from head to foot. “Madam,” he said at length, “I’ve just three things to tell you.”
A rich uncle died and a line in his will read as follows: I leave to my beloved nephew all the money he owes me.
“I remember my wedding day very distinctly,” said the elderly gentleman. “I carried my new bride across the threshold of our little house and said, ‘Honey, this is your and my little world.’”
“We’ve been fighting for the world’s championship ever since.”
“The last time I posed for you, the photographs were heavenly.”“Ah,yes,” the cameraman sighed, “but you must remember that I was eight years younger ***then.”
“Me crazy? No, brother, you’re the one who is mad.”
“Oh, really? And how can you possibly do that?” replied his companion dubiously.
A case was being heard in a court and some people were making noise. The Judge shouted,“Order, Order.” The convict who was feeling very hungry said, “I need sandwiches and coffee.”
“First, your weight needs to be reduced by nearly 60 pounds.”“Second, your beauty would be improved if you used onetenth as much rouge and lipstick.”“And, third, I’m an artist — the doctor lives on the next floor.”
This went on for some time, and attracted a large crowd of amused spectators. Finally, one of the two men said triumphantly, “I can prove I’m not mad!”
Two men were having a heated argument on a busy street-corner.“Youare quite mad!” said one.“Rubbish! You are crazy!” replied the other.
At once the other man fumbled in his pocket, drew out a piece of paper triumphantly, and waved it under his opponent’s nose. It was his discharge certificate from the lunatic asylum!***
A husband was telling his friend, “There is no charm in living now. I want to commit suicide.” From the inner room, wife shouted, “Then who will pay instalments for the car, T.V. fridge etc.—?”
Two small boys were crossing a road followed by a big FAT woman. The boys stopped. The policeman asked, “Why have you stopped here?” The boys said, “The notice board says, let the heavy weight vehicle pass first!”***
A glamorous Hollywood star had her picture taken and fumed at the result. “I can’t understand it,” she said.
5. What is the vehicle/vaahana of Lord Ganesha?
b. Vishnu Laxmi
c. Anti Public Assembly Legislation 1892
1. Which divine souls gave birth to Lord Ganesha?
6. Why is Lord Ganesha known as Vighnaharta?
8. Which of the following plant leaves is offered to Lord Ganesha only at the time of Ganesha d.c.b.a.Chaurthi?BasilleavesBayleavesCorianderleavesIndianBael
a. Shiva
a. Lion b. Tiger c. Horse d. Mouse
a. Horse
b. Lion c. Tiger d. Elephant
a. As he removes obstacles
a. Minto Morley reforms
d. As he is worshipped first among others
b. Government of India Act 1835
a. Indra
7. Which legislation was passed by the British Government that was opposed by Lokmanya Tilak through the celebration of Ganesha Chaturthi in Maharashtra?
3. What animal’s face does Lord Ganapati has?
4. Which God as per the Hindu mythology must be offered prayers before anyone else?
Children’s Corner
2. According to Hindu mythology who cut off Lord Ganapati’s head?
a. Shiv Parvati
b. Agni c. Brahma d. Ganesha
d. None of the above
b. Lord Krishna c. Lord Brahma Lord Shiva
b. As he has an elephants head
c. As he eats laddoos
c. Radha Krishna d. Ram Sita
9. Which is the oldest Veda to mention Lord Ganpati?
18. What is Ganesha the God of? The God of wisdom The God of beginnings The God of prosperity All of the above
a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Sarojini Naidu c. Lala Lajpat Rai Bal Gangadhar Tilak
a. It marks the birth of Lord Ganesha
16. Who among the following revived the festival Ganesh Chaturthi?
13. For how long is Ganesh Chaturthi celebrated?
a. Khushi-Aarushi b. Keya-Riya
17. Which among the following is the favorite flower of Lord Ganesha? Sunflower Rose c. Marigold Jasmine
d. None of the Vedas have Ganpati in them.
c. Madhya Pradesh d. Uttar Pradesh
12. In which Hindu month is Ganesh Chaturthi celebrated?
b. Lord Ganesha was worshipped by the people on this day c. It marks the onset of festivals
a. Yajur Veda
a. Shravan b. Bhadrapada c. Ashwin d. None of the above
b. Rig Veda
10. Why is Ganesha Chaturthi Celebrated?
c. Atharva veda
15. Which Indian state celebrates Ganesh Chaturthi as it’s most important b.a.festival?MaharashtraRajasthan
14. The primary sweet dish during the festival is :a. Gulab Jamun b. Modak c. Malpua d. Ras gulla
19. The younger brother of Lord Ganesha is:Shiv Laxman Kartikeya d. Vishnu
20. Which Great epic was written by Lord Ganapati? Aryavasam Mahabharata Ramayana Ashtavakra 3-d,4-d,5-d,6-a,7-c,8-a,9-b,10-a,11-d,12-b,13-c,14-b, 16-d,17-c,18-d,19-c,20-b
c. Adhya-Aaradhya d. Riddhi-Siddhi
d. None of the above
a. 12 days b. 11 days c. 10 days d. 9 days
11. Who are the consorts of Ganesha?
Yogurt/curd 400 grams
• Roast it till it achieves golden colour and light brown spots started to appear.
Chopped pistachios and almonds as required
• To this, add Mustard seeds and let it crackle. Add curry leaves, turmeric powder, red chili powder and sauté for a while.
• Squeeze the yogurt in muslin cloth to drain out the excess water. Tie the cloth from all four sides and hang it at a place where excess
Fried gram dal bhuna chana 2 tbsp
• Remove it in a plate and keep it aside to cool.
Saffron few strands
• Heat thick bottom wide pan. Add makhana to pan and dry roast it on slow flame by constantly turning it upside down.
Peanuts 2 tbsp
Phool makhana /fox nuts 1 cup
Salt to taste
• Switch off the flame and let it cool for a while, then store in air tight container or serve immediately.
Warm milk to soak saffron 2 tbsp
Turmeric powder ¼ tsp
• After that, in the same pan, add ghee/clarified butter and roast coconut and almonds one by one.
Powdered sugar 6 tbsp
Cardamom powder 1 tsp
• Mix in roasted makhana, almonds and coconut slices.
• Soak the saffron strands in 2 tbsp of warm milk.
• Sauté it and remove in a bowl. Then add roasted Bengal gram and peanuts one by one.
Curry leaves 1 sprig
Red chilli powder ½ tsp
Almonds 10
• After few minutes, check if makhana is done by breaking in between yours fingers. It should be crisp and turn off the stove.
• Keep all the ingredients ready and begin with roasting the makhana.
• Add salt, powdered sugar and toss it well so that everything combines well.
Dry coconut cut into thin slices 1/8 cup
Clarified butter/ghee 1 tbsp
• Use a strainer and place a cheese cloth/muslin cloth over it and pour the yogurt into it.
Ingredients: For the dough:
Coriander seeds crushed ½ tsp
Haldi powder ½ tsp
• Add salt to taste.
• Mix in ¼ cup boiled green Peas and 1.5 tsp coriander Powder.
• Drain all the samosas from oil and keep on tissue paper. Place them on serving platter and serve with green chutney/ coriander mint dip.
• Apply a little water on the edge and place an upturned bread disc in the centre.
For the stuffing:
• Mash lightly and cool, adjust seasoning.
• To this add chopped dry fruits and saffron and milk.
Amchur/dry Mango Powder 1 tbsp Salt taste
Hing a pinch
• Knead into a stiff dough using some lukewarm Water, keep aside for 15 minutes.
• It won’t take much time to fry for bread side to achieve the golden colour. Keep an eye or it will turn into dark brown colour soon.
• The shrikhand stays good for 2-3 days if placed in an air tight container in refrigerator or in the freezer.
Bread 5 slices Oil 2 tsp
• Deep fry by sliding the Maida dough side down in oil first, till golden brown and crisp. Then turn it down on bread side and fry on slow flame.
• Cut 5 slices of bread into circles with the help of sharp-edged bowl/katori.
Cumin seeds ½ tsp
Fennel Seeds ½ tsp
water can drip.
Green Chilli and Ginger paste 1 tsp
• Fold and press the edges over the bread.
Medium sized boiled potato (roughly chopped) 2 Frozen peas or fresh peas, boiled ..................¼ cup
• It will help you to make design easily around the edges of the bread circles. Apply potato masala on top of the bread discs/rounds.
Red Chilli powder 1 tsp
• After 4-5 hours, remove the hung yogurt in a large bowl. Now add the powdered sugar, cardamom powder. Whisk it well.
• Put a pinch of asafoetida and ½ tsp garam masala.
• Pour the shrikhand to a serving bowl and garnish with some more chopped pistachios and almonds and few saffron strands.
• Whisk well till combined. You can adjust the sugar as per your requirement.
Warm Water........................................ for kneading
• It’s time to add 1 tbsp dry mango powder and salt to taste, cook for a minute and take off heat.
• Add 2 tsp ghee into 1 cup flour.
Maida / all-purpose flour 1 cup Oil / Ghee for moyan 2 tsp Salt taste
Garam Masala ½ tsp
• Now mix 2 boiled potatoes and sauté for 5 minutes.
• Divide the already kneaded Maida dough into 5 small balls and roll into thick pooris that are bigger than the bread rounds.
Coriander powder 1½ tsp
• Add ½ tsp crushed Coriander seeds, ½ tsp Cumin seeds, 1 tsp green Chilli- ginger paste.
• Next add 1 tsp red chilli and ½ tsp Turmeric.
• Into 2 tsp hot oil, add ½ tsp Fennel seeds.
Discomfort inside and around the ear can be caused by various health problems. Vicks VapoRub can be used as an effective treatment for earache, ear infection and wax build up. Putting some balm on a cotton ball and leaving it in your ear overnight can help relieve the pain. However, if the pain persists, you should see a doctor instead.
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