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What fragrance, what comfort, what sanguiness in this name! Just to utter the word Dada is to be filled with hope, love and care. Your simple, humble, carefree, non-ostentatious life, Dada, is a role-model for all to follow. Your love-legacy lives on! With your love, concern and tender care you touched the hearts and souls of thousands who even came once into your presence. Dada! Your message is universal. It is the message of unconditional love and universal brotherhood. The need of your message is timeless and transforms multitudes who were in hopeless, spiritually depleted and destitute conditions. Generations unborn will feed on the story of your life and message and feel blessed and uplifted! You are Jeevan Mukt, Evergreen, Eternal and Immortal. You are a shining ever-effulgent star that guides us all on our journey leading to you, O Dada. Dada Amar Hai Hamesha aur Aad Jugaad. This issue is a humble offering of love to our most loved...
DADA J. P. VASWANI: Founder Editor: East and West Series; Spiritual Head: Sadhu Vaswani Mission; Beloved: of all of us readers!
September 2018
Number 733 Contents
ARTICLES Conquer Death!.......................................................... 5 Adieu! I Go!................................................................ 6 Death Is As Sweet As Sleep....................................... 8 Discover Yourself!.................................................... 11 Faith-Capsules......................................................... 16 Questions And Answers........................................... 18 Shradhanjali............................................................ 22
FEATURES Stories That Stir....................................................... 34 What’s Happening In East And West........................ 40 Current Affairs......................................................... 46 Book Reviews........................................................... 49 Nuri Granth.............................................................. 50
Cover: Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani’s talks Sanskar Channel Monday to Saturday at 6:15 a.m. (Hindi), and on Sunday at 7:45 a.m. (English) Satsang Channel Monday to Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Bhakti Sagar Channel Monday to Saturday 6:40 a.m. Soham Channel Monday to Saturday 11:30 a.m.
East And West Series
lessed are they that have conquered death. They sleep no more but are awake throughout the ages!
So live that thou mayst be the death of death. Aspire! Be not anxious! Fear not death! Death is anxious to catch man. So Yama has been called Chintaram (Lord of Anxiety). But thou art a child of the Immortal. Dare, then, to die to sin and win thy freedom. All sin and suffering have but one source— man's denial of his own divinity. Declare it in thy life and conquer death! When thou diest to death, then is there within thee the rebirth of the Immortal. And to them that are thus reborn belongs the Kingdom of ananda (joy). Loneliness is death. To conquer death is to conquer loneliness, to stand fearless when alone, to believe in the sun even while standing in the midst of darkness, to have faith in the light beyond the night. Die to the body and die to the mind! This double death will conquer death. Death of the body is crucifixion of the flesh. Death of the mind is annihilation of the ego. Learn to break thy body and rebuild it in beauty, light and love, and thou wilt step into the Temple of the Lord!
Conquer Death! SADHU VASWANI
September 2018
Adieu! I Go!
East And West Series
The call hath come from Yonder Shore, And I am ready to go! Behold! My Shepherd and my Guide Hath come to take me Home! Adieu! I go! I shall go forth with yearning eyes, Like a child hasting to a glad surprise! My work is o'er, the day done: Farewell, my friends! the race is run! Adieu! I go! With mind at peace and happy heart, I enter the Beloved's Boat. I have no fear, for He is near: His Love is all I need! Adieu! I go! He is the Leader of my life : He is the Captain of my boat! Brief be the twilight as I am led From Light to dark, from dark to light! Adieu! I go! The heart's longing is fulfilled at last: And I shall soon enter the Vast! All my sorrows draw to an end As I am blended one with the Friend! Adieu! I go!
— J. P. Vaswani September 2018
s ister said to me: “Whenever I think of death, my whole body begins to tremble in fear.” We, many of us, I know, are afraid of death. And the very first thought that I would wish to pass on to you today is: Let us not be afraid of death. Death is a natural phenomenon. Moreover, death is a very pleasant experience. Death is just like going off to sleep. Of all the experiences with which we are familiar, the sweetest is that of sleep. There is nothing sweeter than sleep. Sleep is such a sweet experience that the thought of it made the great English poet, Coleridge, exclaim: “O sleep! it is a gentle thing, beloved from pole to pole!” And Tennyson, who was gifted with deeper insight, tells us, in his In Memoriam, that “sleep is death’s twin-brother”. Death is as sweet as going off to sleep. And death is a natural phenomenon. Why, then, must we fear death? In a number of messages that have been received from the spiritworld, we are told that the state of death is utterly painless. Before death, a man may have passed through a serious illness, on account of which his body may have experienced great physical pain: but the few moments before death occurs, all pain ceases, and man has the most pleasant of sensations that he has ever experienced. We are also told that after death man continues to be what he was before death. Man remains unchanged. All his characteristics— his thoughts, his emotions, his desires, his memories— are the same: they are unchanged.
East And West Series
A spirit is reported to have said: “We feel the change just as a serpent might feel, perhaps, when it has left the slough.” Serpents change their outer coverings which are called slough. The serpent continues to live in a new skin. The serpent is the same: it has only put off its old skin and worn a new one. That is just what happens to man in death. He puts off his outer body, the physical body. Everyone of us, right now, has more than one body. To give you an illustration, which you may easily understand, a man wears a shirt: over it he wears a coat: and over it, in the cold of winter, he wears an overcoat. When the man puts off the overcoat, he continues to be the same man: only instead of being clothed in an overcoat, we see him clothed in a coat. This is what happens to man in death. He puts off his overcoat, or what we call the physical, the gross body, and he is clothed in what, for the time being, I would call the astral body. The man continues to be the same, even as I would continue to be the same, if I took off this shawl. I would then appear to you in my shirt, but I would continue to be the same man. Man does not die: he only puts off the physical body. If you like, you may say that his physical body has died. Man does not die: man cannot die! In the messages that come to us from the spirit world, we are told that when the soul drops his physical body, he can see his friends and relatives, and he is greatly pained to see them mourning for him. He tries to explain to them that he has not died, that he is as much alive as anyone of them. He comes and whispers into their ears: “Why do you think I have died? Here am I, as much alive as any of you!” He comes and touches them and tries to comfort them. But because he is no longer in a physical form, he cannot be perceived by his friends. Within
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a few minutes he realises the futility of his attempts, as the touch of his astral hands cannot be felt by his friends and relatives who wear physical bodies. Whenever I am called to a place where someone has died, the very first thing that I tell them is this: “Do not weep, do not shed tears, do not grieve over the passing away of your dear one, for he is not dead. He lives in the Life that is Undying!� When you indulge in weeping and wailing, you do harm to your dear ones. The more we grieve over them, the more we cling to them, and so become a hindrance in their progress on the Other Side. We must not, cling to them, but we must release them, so that, in their new journey, they may move on— ever onward, forward, Godward. We should remember them in our prayers and, everyday, we should do some little deed of service, in their name. This will bless them and help them in their new journey. Immediately after death, a man looks around him and sees the same house with which he is familiar. He sees his physical body lying in a horizontal position surrounded by those whom he has known and loved, for they also have astral bodies, which are within the range of his new vision. Gradually, he realises that there is some little difference. He soon finds that he does not feel any pain or fatigue. The astral body does not experience pain or hunger and does not need to sleep. In death, man drops the physical body and continues to live in the astral body. In all other respects, he continues to be the same. His thoughts and desires, his emotions and aspirations and memories are exactly the same as before. He is in every way the same man, minus his physical body.
East And West Series
The Gita tells us in unmistakable terms: You are not the body that you wear; you are the atman, the immortal spirit within! What is this Atman? Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani taught us: “Man is essentially the soul, and spirituality is the foundation of a balanced life.” What is the soul? Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani has described the atman in one of his prayers. He writes in his simple and beautiful style: the atma is pure. The atma is without sin or sorrow. It does not need food or water to survive. It is eternal. It is the very essence of our being. If you wish to search for this atma, you must search within, search for that Divine spark which is in every being! Several cultures and religions simply do not teach people to focus on the world within them; their emphasis is often on words, rites and rituals; on a form or a Being or Spirit outside; thus the innermost spirit remains out of reach of most people. The Indian tradition on the other hand, has always placed great value on the inner space that is within all of us: on the state of inner silence and inner stillness. In this state of inner consciousness, we will also discover our own Divinity— that we are not the bodies we wear; we are not the insignificant, pathetic, frail creatures that we take ourselves to be; we will discover that we are the immortal atman, the September 2018
eternal, infinite spirit that is Sat-chit-ananda— pure, true, eternal Bliss! In our constant state of superficial existence, we continue to ignore the world within. In our persistent chase after shadow-shapes and worldly wealth, we lose sight of our inner consciousness. We emphasise speech, action and outward show; we forget that there is a far more valuable aspect to life called reflection, contemplation, introspection. Men and women of speech and action, there are very many; alas, men and women of reflection and contemplation, there are very few. We are content to live our lives on the surface. Superficiality characterises everything we do. We occupy our minds with what we would like to eat, what we would like to buy, and what we could do to impress our friends and neighbours. We have no time to think of the world within! We are willing to spend a third of our life (or more) at work or business, to build our financial resources. We are ready to spare time for our chosen relationships, including friends and family. We are willing to spend time and money to preserve our health and fitness. Enough time is also set aside for entertainment, leisure and relaxation. But when it comes to spiritual well-being, we are at a loss; we ask ourselves — what am I supposed to do for my soul? I would like to tell you, that you owe it to yourself to unlock the hidden spiritual powers that are within you! Of the soul, the atman within, Sri Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita: Weapons cleave him not, nor fire burneth him. Waters wet him not, nor wind drieth him away... He is eternal and all-pervading. He is unchanging and immovable. He is ancient, the same forever... [1123-24] This great reality is difficult for most people to grasp— for so strong, so powerful, so binding is our attachment to the body! Ancient Indian wisdom likens the soul to a lamp shining within: it is surrounded by three separate sheathes or layers. The mind is the 12
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inner layer, the senses constitute the middle layer, and the flesh is the outermost layer. The soul is the unchanging spirit that pervades all beings. What we call the body, is but a garment that the soul has worn. In the words of the poet Shelley: The One remains: the many change and pass: Heaven’s Light forever shines: earth’s shadows fly: Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass, stains the white radiance of Eternity. As long as we remain unaware of this great truth— that the soul is eternal, and that the body is mortal— we become obsessed with the physical, material, sensual aspects of life. The more we identify with the body, the more unhappy we become! It is my view, therefore, that detachment from the physical, and awakening to the spiritual, is the first step to true happiness. Therefore, our rishis asserted: Tat twam asi! Therefore, Jesus said to the Jews, “Ye are Gods.” “Your substance is that of God Himself,” said a great Sufi saint “Whoso knows himself, has Light,” said Lao Tse. In this sense, spirituality is the key to unlock true joy and peace, to discover the essential Divinity within each one of us. The Light of the atman, the Light of the self, the light of the spirit — it was around this that our glorious culture was built in ancient India. This culture was known as atma vidya— the science of the spirit For spirituality too, is a science, it concerns the discovery of the One Self in all. Let us seek the atman. One can best seek the atman in silence. One can get a glimpse of it in silence— not just in absence of sounds, but in the silence of thoughts, when mind is calm and quiet. There is no need to go to a mountain top; no need to go to the riverbank; there is but one need! The need to go within! Go to a quiet corner, sit in silence and look within. Ask yourself, “Who am I? Am I this body?” The answer will surely come to you, “No. I am the atman!” September 2018
Many are afraid of closing their eyes, because they see darkness. This is just the initial stage. Gradually this darkness will throw up sparks of light; gradually the veils will lift. This is a gradual process because the darkness we see is wrapped in veils. It is said there are five veils, which are to be removed in order to have the vision of light. Fortunate is he who has the glimpse of the eternal flame/ light. Then he begins to see radiance in every atom, in every speck of dust, in every leaf, stone, stream, in every star, in the Universe, which is throbbing by His Grace. And this is nothing but the Light Divine! My dear ones, with self-realisation comes the awareness that you and I are one and the same; the same spark of Divinity is within you and me. To reach that stage, you don’t have to learn scriptures, nor read books. In such matters, books are dry knowledge; they lead you nowhere. Books do not liberate, books only bind you to dogmas. Books become a burden on the soul. If we wish to progress on the path of self-realisation, we have to stop identifying ourselves with the body and become aware of the Divine spark within! Have you ever wondered why pious Hindus remove their shoes before they enter a temple or a holy place? This is merely symbolic of the idea that we move away from our habitual body-consciousness, which in turn, will help us move closer to God. We have got to move away from the body, even as we move away from the “shoes” we wear! Swami Vivekananda was an inspiration, an icon, a role model to the youth of this country. He believed that India’s spirituality alone could save our sinking civilisation. He was, himself, a mighty spiritual genius who carried to the modern west the message of India’s ancient wisdom — that there can be no true freedom without spirituality and that no man is free until he is master of himself. I request you to dwell upon this idea: there can be no true freedom without spirituality. Keep asking yourself— “Who am I?” Answer it yourself: I am a peaceful soul. Sadhu Vaswani, my Beloved Gurudev gave us one Mantra— Cultivate the soul! 14
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September 2018
Faith-Capsules [One for Every Day of the Week] J. P. Vaswani
Three Things “What are the three things you would never wish to lose?” they asked me. I answered: “I would never wish to lose my temper— my head— and my faith!”
The True Life The life of self-abandon is the true life. In this we ask for nothing, desire nothing, claim nothing, but rejoice in all that God’s Will brings to us.
East And West Series
It is a life of childlike trust in the All-loving Mother. She provides all the needs of Her children, not unoften, even before the need is felt.
True Independence Would you be truly independent? Then learn to depend upon God— and the Guru!
God-Guided Life Blessed is the man who lives and moves and does his daily work in the ever-living presence of God! O, the joy, the beauty, and the wonder of a God-guided life!
Not Why But What Every experience is meant to lead us onward. I must never enquire: “Why has God sent me this?” I can but ask: “What does God wish me to do with this?”
Imprisoned Splendour Behind every experience— pleasant or painful— is the Lord Himself. Unmask the experience and behold the Face of Reality. Therefore, accept everything. Accept! Rejoice! And move on!
Heaven Is Here! If you take care of your thoughts, if there is no evil in your thinking, you will abide in heaven! September 2018
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS What is the best way to die? I have already said that there are two types of death. There is the peaceful or natural way of dying: and there is the unpeaceful or unnatural way of dying. The best way to die is to die in a natural way. This occurs in a variety of ways. As the years roll on, as man grows older, his arteries, i.e. the blood vessels, become more and more inelastic: and the heart finds it increasingly difficult to pump the blood through the inelastic channels of the arteries. The circulation of blood suffers in consequence and the different organs of the body do not receive an adequate supply of blood which is necessary for their proper functioning. Thus one or the other organ of the body gets out of order, depriving the system of some essential product or service, which ultimately results in death of the body. This is a natural form of death. Another natural form of death is what is called cereberal haemorrhage. One of the smaller blood vessels in the brain becomes so weakened that, unable to cope with the pressure of the blood pumped by a still strong heart, it suddenly 18
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bursts. This is what is commonly called a stroke— and is a natural form of death. There is yet a third natural form of death. As the years roll on, the heart gradually becomes weaker, until it finally stops at the hour of lowest vitality, usually the small hours of the night. In such cases, the person dies in his sleep. All these are natural forms of death and are the ones to be desired. But the best form of death is that in which a man dies with his mind fixed on the Lord, his heart filled with holy love, and his lips uttering the Name Divine. What of those who commit suicide? The person who commits suicide becomes, immediately after death, an earth-bound spirit. He feels more unhappy and restless after suicide than when he was in the physical body. He discovers, too late, that he is not merely a physical body whose consciousness will disappear like a candlelight when the flame is extinguished. He finds that he cannot die. The misery, the sorrow, the anguish, from which he thought he could escape by committing suicide, have been aggravated. His agony has increased. The physical body is only a part, a fraction of man’s entire being. To end the life of the physical body is like the hand or the arm or the foot deciding for itself that, desiring to live no longer, it will resort to self-amputation. The person thus deprived lives on, of course, minus the deserting member: and his life becomes one of unceasing pain. The man who commits suicide finds that instead of solving his problems, the suicide has only intensified its worst features. He feels that it would have been far better if, instead of committing suicide, he had slept over it and reconsidered the situation, the next morning, or sought help and advice of a spiritual elder, or prayed to the Lord for September 2018
guidance. Life is given us by God: it is only He who can take it away. If we take the law in our own hands, we have to pay a heavy price for it. “Can we do anything to help the man who has committed suicide?” is another question which has been put to me. Yes— we can do much to help the person who has committed suicide and is now become an earth-bound spirit. He continues to be within an orbit where our help can reach him from this side. Love is the great creative power, at every level of life. If there is someone who loves the person who has committed suicide, he can render him help by surrounding the unfortunate one with healing thoughts of sympathy and love. The help of healing angels can also be invoked through prayer. Through the power of meditation, the rays of love Divine can be sent to the unfortunate one so that it surrounds him and gives rest to his restless soul, and wakes up within him his own spiritual powers which alone can free him from his self-imposed shackles.
What of those who die suddenly, say, in an accident? In the case of a man who dies in an accident, the soul, as it were, is suddenly pushed out of the body. Because death has come so quickly, he is dazed. For sometime the soul may not even realise that it has been separated from the physical body. In the astral world, as I said on an earlier occasion, there are a number of service-groups. Some of the servicegroups are charged with the task of attending to such souls who are suddenly ejected from their physical bodies. These watchers hover like hawks in the astral world, watching for incoming souls who are in need of help. Immediately they rush to their aid and help them to adjust to new conditions. 20
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In several cases those that die in accidents soon reincarnate, to complete the work of their earlier incarnation. But if a person who dies in an accident has lived a reasonably good, pure life, devoted to the service of his fellow beings, such a soul need not reincarnate immediately. Such a soul goes at once into a state of quiet, harmonious sleep, out of which he awakens in the higher astral or heaven-world, the vibrations of which are in tune with his own. In certain cases a man does not die immediately after the accident, but enters into a state of coma, which may last for many days, before he finally quits the body. In such cases, the outgoing soul can be greatly helped by offering prayers for him at his bedside, if possible, and by reading from the scriptures of the faith to which he belongs. Even when there is deep unconsciousness and the dying person cannot hear what is been recited, this is of great help and should be kept up until he breathes his last.
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The legacy left by Dadaji ensures that this is not the end, but a powerful beginning to a new chapter, in a new role. Dadaji was the embodiment of compassion. His passing on is a vacuum that no one can replace, but I know that Dadaji’s principles and values will live on. Dadi B.K. Janki Chief of Brahma Kumaris His life, his love and his teachings blessed the lives of his followers and friends around the world. May all of us learn from the example of human unity, understanding, and love that he represented and remember him by inculcating into our daily lives the virtues that he exhibited. It is our prayer that we continue to strive together to create a more peaceful and spiritual world that Revered Dada Vaswani Ji worked so hard to bring about. Sant Rajinder Singh Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission 22
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Param Pujya Dada Vaswani was a gem of a sadhu, humble, full of love and devotion. He was in harmony with humanity and in tune with God. He was also a torch-bearer of traditions of Sanatan Dharma. In fact, his Samadhi means a great loss not only to his devotees but also to Indians at large and the spiritual world. He was a beloved devotee of God and a chosen one to spread divinity throughout the world. Sadhu Keshavjivandas President, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha The divine light on earth has merged into the eternal Supreme. In worldly sense Dada is no more but in the spiritual sense he would continue to live in the hearts of millions of his disciples and followers and those who loved him. His writings and orations, full of spiritual wisdom and divinity would continue to enlighten the path of all of us, in all times to come. Dada has been a true disciple of his great master, Sadhu Vaswani. He strengthened and spread manifold the mission and messages of his Guru. He loved all religions; picked up the best of them all and presented the teachings of all gods, goddesses, avatars, gurus, mahatmas, and all holy scriptures, presenting them in his unique, soft, soothing but penetrating voice to make the people believe that God is one and that the paths of all religions treaded with truth and devotion lead to Him. Dada was not just a preacher; he practised what he preached. He has by his touch wiped out the tears from the eyes and enabled smile to descend on the faces of countless poor, the weak, the disabled and the needy. R.C. Lahoti, Former Chief Justice of India
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Someone casually asked me, “Is Dada your Guru? And I spontaneously replied: “Dada is more like a loving grandfather who is full of wisdom and yet childlike. And no matter how heavy a heart you go to him with, he will ensure you leave lighter. And he will always give you a goodie bag full of books and sweets to make sure you feel held in his embrace even after you are not in his physical presence.” And today, though he is not with us in his physical frame he continues to hold us in his loving embrace. Krishna Das American Vocalist The first time I met him, not knowing absolutely anything about him, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Who exactly is this man?” His bigness lay in his smallness. His silence spoke louder than his words. His emptiness filled up the room with an aura of compassion. Around him, a spontaneous aspiration naturally arises, “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.” I will remember Dada for showing me the power of humility. Knowing Dada is to know that being nothing is really the only way to serve everything. Nipun Mehta Founder of Service Space
East And West Series
What a person he was. An angel in the guise of a human being. Gentle, kind, compassionate. So well read, so full of humour, so utterly charming. His candour was truly child-like and he could speak without speaking— just one look, one meaningful glance was enough to communicate deeply. His smile, all of 1000 watts could light up a room, compete with the stars he was so fond of gazing at. Dada Vaswani challenges any kind of description. Should I call him a modern day saint? A spiritual master? A messiah for the poor and the downtrodden? Well, he is all of these as also an evolved, well-read, wellspoken, high-thinking, simple-living, utterly humble, compassionate human being, who is as normal as you and I. He cracks jokes, does not preach and can behave delightfully candid and child-like. Farzana Contractor Editor, Publisher of Upper Crest He has transformed many lives through his ideas and selfless service. His contribution in educating the poor, especially the girl-child is truly unprecedented. My deepest condolences to his followers. Amit Shah President of the BJP His exemplary spiritual journey was a source of enlightenment to lacs of his devotees. His service oriented life inspired, benefited all. Suresh Prabhu Minister of Commerce and Industry September 2018
Dada Vaswani was one of the most erudite, universally respected and inspiring spiritual leaders I have met in my life. He epitomized the values of universal brotherhood, peace and compassion. Through his discourses, writings and public service, he encouraged millions of people from India and abroad, to lead a meaningful life. Dada Vaswani brought happiness and hope in the life of the poor and the under privileged. Dada Vaswani also championed the cause of compassion and love for the muted animals. In his demise, the State of Maharashtra has lost an Ambassador of world peace and goodwill. On behalf of the people of Maharashtra and on my own behalf, I pay my respects to the loving memory of Dada Vaswani. C. Vidyasagar Rao The Governor of Maharashtra
In sharp contrast to several of our spiritual leaders in India who are seen seated on a thronelike-chair and endeavour to attain God-like status in their human form, Dada J. P. Vaswani was humility personified. Again Dada, unlike most spiritual leaders, was an academic scholar. Dada served as Principal of St. Mira’s College and was a champion of women empowerment in education. He would often say that if you educate a girl, you educate an entire family. And that was not mere lip service– he implemented it thoroughly, throughout his life. Dada Vaswani has always remained non-controversial as he has only spread the doctrine of love and compassion. The 26
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Sindhi community and the city of Pune has been orphaned with his passing away, but the foundation laid by him is so strong that the Sadhu Vaswani Mission will continue its magnanimous work towards society. The sun has set, only to rise elsewhere… That’s how Dada explained death. Simple, yet profound! Vinita Deshmukh, Journalist I immediately went to the place of prayer and thanked God for the life of such a spiritual person as Dada. Venerable Dada was a man filled with the love for God and for his neighbours. He was man of peace and therefore could spread this peace around him. Dada loved especially the poor and the downtrodden and he made every effort to help a person in need. Although following his own religion Dada promoted respectful understanding of every religion. He was convinced that the world peace is possible only if people of different religions would respect each other and together promote justice and peace. Archbishop Felix Machado Catholic Archbishop of Vasai He is always with us. Dada shows us an example that transcends mind and desire and fulfills God’s call to humanity. My beloved friends, let not sadness shadow the miracle that He is with us. All praises to God. I fully affirm the Guru will remain guiding our hearts every step. Jonathan Granoff President, Global Security Institute September 2018
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Stories That Stir What Will You Give To Your Uncle? This happened in Singapore. Anjali was strolling on the sea beach when he found a Chinese woman and her child picking up shells inside which were living creatures. Anjali approached the Chinese woman and, in his sweet way, said to her: “What will you do with these creatures?” “I will fry them or add them to my soup,” was the answer. This made Anjali sad. And he said to the woman: “Don’t you think these creatures love life as much as you and I do?” The woman looked at him for a few brief moments, then said: Yes, that is true!” “Why, then, must you kill them?” Anjali asked. “Why not let them live? Better than killing a creature is to let it live!” “God made the creatures for man,” said the Chinese woman. “Moreover, I am taking them for my Aunty with whom I am staying.” The woman was a visitor to Singapore, having come from the States. “And what will you give to your uncle?” pleaded Anjali. There was deep compassion and pathos in his voice: it touched the woman’s heart. Not without some reluctance, she said: “Alright, I shall give you half of them. The remaining half I shall give to my Aunty.” 34
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Anjali held out to her an empty bowl containing a little water and said: “Give me as many as you will!” The woman put several creatures in the bowl. Unmindful of his clothes getting wet, Anjali entered the sea and gently dropped the creatures into the waters, breathing out the aspiration: “My little brothers and sisters, may God bless you! And you may be happy and full of bliss!” We are so callous in treating creatures. “All life is sacred,” taught Sadhu Vaswani. He also said, “Creation is one family.” In this one family of creation, birds and animals, fish and fowl, all creatures who breathe the breath of life, are man’s younger brothers and sisters. It is man’s duty to take care of them, to protect them, to give them the service of love. These hands are given to us to help and heal, not to harm, to bless and not to butcher, to save and not to slaughter. These hearts are given to us to love and not to hate. In the measure in which man becomes a protector of life, in that measure he evolves and all creation evolves with him.
Make The Circle Move! A couple visited an orphanage with a view to adopt a boy. As they went round, they found a ten year old who appealed to them greatly. They said to him: “We shall give you toys and story books and dresses, even a T.V.” The boy did not seem interested. Then, they said to him: “Tell us what is it that you want?” The little boy said: “I do not want toys or dresses or story books or a T.V. All I want is someone to love me.” Is not this the hunger of every human heart, someone to love us? But this is the paradox of love, that you must love someone before you can receive love. The love that goes out of you to others returns to you. Love moves in a circle: and it is you who must make the circle move! September 2018
Everything is a Loan One day, as Sadhu Vaswani took a walk on the roadside, he found a beggar lying underneath a tree. The beggar’s clothes were tattered and torn: his feet were stained with mud. With his own hands, Sadhu Vaswani bathed the body of the beggar and passed on to him his own shirt to wear. The beggar pointed to the cap which was on Sadhu Vaswani’s head. Without the least hesitation, he passed on the cap to the beggar and said: “This shirt and the cap and everything I have is a loan given to me to be passed on to those whose need is greater than mine!” How true! Everything we have— our time and talents, our education and influence, our wealth and possessions, our health and strength, life itself— is a loan given to us to be passed on to those whose need is greater than ours.
Know Thyself! The fame of socrates had travelled beyond the borders of Athens to distant lands. And from far and near came earnest seekers to have darshan of this man of God, this yogi who kept away from pomp and power. From a far-off place there came, one day, a man to the house of Socrates. The door was opened by Socrates himself. “Welcome friend!” he said to the visitor. “Crossing hills and valleys have I come to have a darshana of Socrates,” the man said. “Can you tell me where I may find him?” 36
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“You have come to the wrong man,” Socrates replied. “For, believe me, brother, I have been in search of Socrates for many years but have not yet been able to find him.” “What, you have searched Socrates for many years and not found him yet! Are you not a citizen of this place?” “I was born here,” Socrates replied. “And I have lived here all my life. And though by day and by night, I have been in search of Socrates, he continues to elude me.” “Then there is no hope for me,” the man answered in despair. “I had better return to my country beyond the hills.” Verily, the most difficult thing is to know oneself, one’s true and real Self.
The True Lover To the great sufi teacher, Dhul-Nun al-Misri, who, in his own days, was revered as a Qutab (Chief of Saints) and who was blessed with the power to work miracles— a friend wrote: “From my sickbed, I appeal to you, O Friend of God! to pray for me that I may be relieved of this intolerable agony and soon become well again.” Dhul-Nun al-Misri answered: “Beloved brother of the heart! You know not what you ask. How can I pray to God to take away His grace from you?” “Veiled within the veil of affliction doth the Beloved come to us to bless us, to beautify our lives, to give us the only gifts that count— the gifts of the Spirit.” “So it is that the Sufis pray that sickness may be their constant companion. And the Sufis rejoice in the midst of misfortune. And with open arms the Sufis welcome disapprobation of the crowd and calumny and disgrace.” “For such things truly lead to healing of the Spirit.” “Therefore, my brother, I pray that God may make you ashamed of what you ask.” September 2018
“And may He bless you that you may complain not, but, for every affliction, give gratitude to Him!” “The true lover of God entrusts all he is and all he has in the safe Hands of Him whose Name is Compassion and Love!”
The Shirt is a Shirt A father took his four year old son to a fair. The child wore his best dress and was careful to see that it did not get spoilt. Suddenly, a cyclist dashed against the child who dropped down and hurt his elbow. The father picked up the sobbing child in his loving arms and, with a handkerchief, covered his bleeding arm. The child cried all the more. And the father said to him: “You are a good child. And the elbow has not been very badly hurt. It will soon be healed.” “Father, I am not crying over my elbow!” the son exclaimed. “I am crying over the shirt which has been torn. The elbow will be healed, but not the shirt.” “But isn’t that wonderful?” said the father. “Suppose your elbow were like your shirt and would never heal?” The son began to see things in a new light. “O, yes,” he said, “if the elbow were like the shirt, it would never heal. God has made us in a special way.” And the smile reappeared on his tear stained face. We need to remind ourselves of this great truth that God has made us in a special way. Material things cannot be compared to the eternal. Life is eternal: all things will pass away. Are we putting more value on earthly things than on our divine life?
East And West Series
May I be a lamp that unfolds the light of love, of sympathy and service in the darkness of these days. – Dada J. P. Vaswani
September 2018
What’s Happening In East And West A Magnificent Innings
July 12 – Ah! How we wish this day had never come. It was the fateful day, when bidding adieu to thousands of his loved ones, Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani entered the Unseen. Yet he lives on. He lives in our hearts. He lives in our thoughts and aspirations. He guides us. He guards us. And leads us from our stagnant state to higher, more radiant realms. On July 12, Dada’s majesty was just as gorgeous as he layin-state on a grand bed in the middle of the satsang hall. As the tempo of the kirtans rose, unending rows of brothers and sisters from all walks of life, irrespective of caste, creed and colour, young and old, rich and poor, distinguished and unknown— all came solemnly to pay their last respects to the One who had touched their hearts, One who had helped them cross a hurdle, One whom they sought guidance, blessing and love. Each one had a tear in their eyes as they bid their final adieu to One they truly loved as their very own. 40
East And West Series
The lines of people which had started on the morning of July 12 went on without a break, throughout the night too, until July 13 at 2 pm when the Darshan time was over. The Government of Maharashtra felt it their honour and privilege to present State Honours Funeral to One who all honour deserves! One who had selflessly contributed to the welfare of the people through his selfless social welfare activities, teachings, books and publications. He had opened schools and colleges, started Hospitals, Welfare Seva Departments for the needy and indigent and villagers and by establishing Meatless Day Campaign and Moment of Calm Movements… among several others. They felt privileged to honour a “Saint of their Times”, who had chosen Pune to do his works of mercy and to spread and radiate the presence and message of God and his Master. The Indian Flag was ceremoniously draped over Dada and then was taken most tenderly until the sacred Samadhi where a six-gun salute was accorded to him, after the President’s wreath was placed on him and his message, followed by the message of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, were read out. Devotees, dignitaries and almost the whole town of Pune poured in from all quarters to have one last glimpse and pay their homage to Dada, when their beloved Dada was placed in an elegantly decorated Van with clear acrylic cover and white September 2018
flowers. The van went on a 4 km ‘Antim Darshan Yatra’ over Pune Camp from Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Chowk, Council hall, Moledina Road, Quarter Gate, Padamji Road, Main street, and then back to Sadhu Vaswani Path and the sacred Samadhi. Ms. Rashmi Shukla, Police Commissioner of Pune, personaly came and was amazed to see the well-ordered and peaceful crowds. Throughout the way a huge procession of bhaktas, men women and children recited the sacred Dada Shyam mantra and chants of ‘Dada Amar Hai’. As the Rath moved on the roads the bystanders offered rose petals on the Rath to pay their respects to Dada. As soon as the news of Dada entering the unseen reached the people, most retail shops in Pimpri and Pune put their shutters down to pay homage to Dada. They closed their shops and joined the procession. Householders with folded hands peeked from their windows and balconies, straining for that one final glimpse. At about 6 pm the Rath entered the sacred Sadhu Vaswani Mission and Dada was taken to the sacred Samadhi. The space next to the sacred Samadhi of the Master Sadhu Vaswani, was cleared and a special pit was made wherein Dada was placed on a huge pile of sandalwood logs and sticks and agarbattis. This was followed by prayers from their respective scriptures by Pune’s Bishop, Thomas Dabre, Buddhist leader, Bhamle Rajratanji and Sikh Priest Giani Mangal Singh from Dighi Gurdwara. They were unanimous in expressing their appreciation for Dada’s universal approach to spirituality and the unity of all world religions. 42
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Former Deputy Prime Minister, Lal Krishna Advani, arrived in the early afternoon. Some of the other dignitaries present were former President Pratibha Patil and her husband; Chandu Borde, former cricket captain; State Minister Girish Bapat; Dilip Kamble, Ms. Mukta Tilak, Mayor of Pune; Shri Digvijay Singh, Ex-Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and several other political leaders. Among other dignitaries and cream of society who came to offer their last respect were Mrs. Lila Poonawalla, Mr. Firoz Poonawalla, Shri Ram Buxani, Shri Bahri Malhotra, Dr. K.H. Sancheti, Dr. Parag Sancheti, Dr. Parvez Grant and representatives from many organisations from Pune and outside. District Collector Naval Kishore Ram placed a wreath on behalf of L.K. Advani, whose damp eyes bore witness to his deep sorrow. Dada’s videotaped message proclaiming, “I am not dead”, brought on a loud round of applause. The sacred pyre was lit by Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon– Head of the Radha Soami Satsang, Beas. Life members of the Mission, donors and sangat too got their turn to pour ghee and small twigs and pay their homage to Dada. The sangat sat in front of the pyre singing bhajans and kirtans throughout the night until the fires calmed down. The next day a white net was placed over the pit to keep the sanctity of the spot. On July 19, early in the morning at 4 am, the sacred ashes were collected September 2018
and placed in specially designed copper urns and placed in a beautiful palanquin. Brothers and sisters of the sangat carried the palanquin all over the Mission campus, the sacred satsang hall and finally kept in the sacred kutiya in specially made boxes. Every evening for the following twelve days, a new, most inspirational video upadesh was played. Everyone had tears in their eyes and when they saw Dada speak so vivaciously in the video upadesh. How their hearts wept. They felt the living presence of their Master and their Lord and felt he was there with us as he will always be with us as long as we remember him in love. The huge picture of Dada with hands raised attracted one and all as they felt that Dada is looking at them and saying: I haven’t gone anywhere. I am here and will be here always. SEVA For the first 12 days special satsangs were held throughout the day and night starting from 7 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. or 12 midnight. Seva details are as follows: On July14, 53 sufed posh needy sisters were given cash, groceries and utility items. On July 15, 46 orphan girls from the Mahatma Phule Institute were given cash, bedsheets, fruits and a lot of utility items of daily use. On July 16, 70 little children from the Mahavir Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, Urli Kanchan, were given cash and utility items. On July 17, over 71 inmates of the Adarsh Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, Bibwewadi were given cash and utility items. Ujwala Thorat, Rector of the School said: “We are always thankful to the Sadhu Vaswani Mission. We have been coming here since three years and these gifts bring a big smile to the faces of our students. On July 18, 19 and 20, 180 students from the C.R. Ranganathan Institute from Tingre Nagar, for the Deaf and Dumb, were given cash and daily use items and lunch. Pratibha Jagtap, their teacher said: “Dada loved children and children too loved Dada. They were always curious to know what Dada says and asked about his main teachings. 44
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On July 21, 73 girl inmates from Poona Blind Men’s Association and on July 22, 75 orphans girls from the Mahila Seva Mandal, Karve Road, were given cash, daily utility items and sumptuous lunch. On July 23, 101 boys from the Poona Blind Men’s Association were given daily use items, cash and lunch. On July 24, sufed posh sisters and 120 inmates from the Ayodhya Charitable Trust for the Deaf and Dumb, Wanowrie, were given groceries and utility items, cash and lunch. 12th Day Satsang The twelve days of prayer for Dada’s Maha Samadhi culminated with the evening ‘satsang’ on July 24, followed by a ‘Deepak Yatra’, a procession of lights, and a late night kirtan session at the Samadhi. This was supposed to be a final farewell to beloved Dada’s departed soul. But do such pure and enlightened souls ever depart? Instead of tears, each face present wore a determined look of further strengthening the bond with Dada, enshrining him in the heart and spreading the light of the lamp he has lit within themselves. The lilting and touching bhajan renditions throughout the twelve days were heart-rending, giving rise to rivulets of tears. The ‘seva’ that followed on July 24 was distribution of free prostheses among the physically challenged. The audio-video talks of Sadhu Vaswani and of Dada instilled courage and strength among the listeners. Each one on leaving the Campus felt they were carrying an integral part of Dada with them— his invaluable teachings— to sustain them for the rest of their lives.
September 2018
Current Affairs Dr. Prabha Sampath Dada Enters the Eternal The world’s well loved and admired Spiritual leader, Dada J.P. Vaswani, head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, died on Thursday, August 12, 2018 due to old age-related ailments. He was 99. He had been admitted to a private hospital in the city for the past a few days and was discharged on the night of the 11th. He departed for his heavenly abode in the mission premises. The mission was planning a grand celebration on his 100th birthday in August. Born on 2 August, 1918 in Pakistan’s Hyderabad city in a Sindhi family, Dada Vaswani, as he was popularly known, was a widely travelled saint, with thousands of devotees as well as admirers, followers and friends all over the world. Prime minister Narendra Modi, who had first visited the Sadhu Vaswani Mission during Dada’s 95th Birthday Celebrations, had also addressed the spiritual leader’s 99th birthday celebrations last year through a video link. Modi had then said Vaswani’s blessings will help in accomplishing goals for a new India. In May this year, 46
President Ram Nath Kovind had paid a visit to the Mission to inaugurate the Sadhu Vaswani International School. Senior BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani is a frequent visitor to the mission. Modi expressed his sadness and offered his condolences in a series of tweets, calling Dada Vaswani a guiding light.
The World Grieves for Rev. Dada Tributes have continued to pour in from across the world after the news of Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani’s passing away. The PM and the President were among the first to send their messages of Condolence. “I am saddened beyond words on the passing away of Dada J. P. Vaswani. He lived for society and served the poor and needy with compassion. Blessed with immense wisdom, he was passionate about educating the girl child, cleanliness and furthering peace as well as brotherhood,” PM Modi said in a tweet along with a photograph of the two. He added “Dada J. P. Vaswani was a guiding light for me. About 28 years East And West Series
ago, I had the honour of being with him at a world religions conference in the USA. His clarity of thought stood out. In 2013 I had visited Pune to inaugurate a nursing college associated with him,” in another tweet. “Sad to hear of the passing of Dada J. P. Vaswani, a spiritual leader who contributed so much to our society. He dedicated his life to the betterment of humanity, promoting simple living, high thinking, and education. My condolences to his countless followers,” said President Ram Nath Kovind. But the outpouring on social media came from devout admirers and followers of the great spiritual leader who had carved out a special niche in the hearts of the VIPs as well as the common people wherever he travelled. “Dada suffered for all of us and although his physical appearance is not with us, his soul and blessings will forever be upon us. Thank you, Dada, for sharing your wisdom with us through all these years and making this world a better place,” tweeted one of the followers. “Dear Dadaji, I will miss you throughout my life. Your smile will always be remembered. Thank you for all your discourses and daily quotes,” said another admirer. Acclaimed as a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, orator and non-sectarian spiritual leader, Dada Vaswani had captivated the hearts of millions of people worldwide. He was also into promoting vegetarianism. His regular discourses at the mission premises attracted people from different walks of life. Vaswani was a brilliant student, but he later gave up a career in academics to follow in the footsteps of his illustrious uncle and guru, September 2018
Sadhu T. L. Vaswani, who had set up the humanitarian organisation. Dada’s mortal remains were kept at the mission to enable people to have his darshan and pay their last respects.
Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani Cremated With State Honours
The mortal remains of Sindhi spiritual leader Dada J. P. Vaswani were cremated with state honours at the Sadhu Vaswani Mission (SVM) on the evening of Friday, July 13th. Earlier, many thousands of people from different religions thronged the SVM to pay their last respects to the departed leader, revered as an ambassador of peace. Among the dignitaries who paid their homage to Dada Vaswani included former President Pratibha Patil and Bharatiya Janata Party leader L.K. Advani. The ex-President was seen comforting an emotional L.K. Advani as they both sat beside Dada Vaswani’s body for some time while devotional songs were rendered in the background. Several prominent personalities, businessmen, realtors, industrialists from India and other countries came down to bid adieu to the departed leader. Rev. Dada’s nephew, Kumar Vaswani, rushed from the U.S. to join the funeral, besides certain other relatives. On Friday afternoon, Rev. Dada’s body, draped in the National Tricolour, was taken out in an open truck procession from the SVM headquarters to different localities of Pune to enable a last ‘darshan’ to his admirers. The procession traversed through prominent localities like Council Hall, Poona Club, Quarter Gate, Irwin Road, 47
Babajan Chowk, MG Road, Nehru Memorial Hall and Shanti Kunj, where thousands of grieving Puneites bid their last farewell. Most areas from where the funeral procession passed observed a spontaneous shutdown as a mark of respect.
An Ambassador of Peace Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani epitomized the values of universal brotherhood, peace and compassion, and through his discourses, writings and public service, he encouraged millions of people in India and abroad to lead a meaningful life. Through the many programmes and service activities of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, he brought happiness and hope into the lives of the poor and the underprivileged. Dada Vaswani also championed the cause of compassion and love for animals. In his demise, India has lost an ambassador of world peace and goodwill; his discourses on brotherhood and peace inspired many.
The works done by him through the Vaswani Mission are of great importance and the books written by him will inspire the young generation for years to come. He will always be with us through his messages and thoughts. Dada dedicated his life to the betterment of humanity, promoting simple living, high thinking and the cause of girls’ education. Thousands of admirers and devotees in Mumbai and Pune, I had the good fortune of personally attending Dada’s discourses in Sindhi and English; many of them also met Dada personally and felt blessed. His public discourses at the Mission HQ in Pune, at Khar Gymkhana and KC College grounds, attracted massive crowds. His interaction and chat with celebrated TV Host Karan Johar, was a sellout at The Dome, last December. The world will miss Dada. But Pune and Mumbai will always feel his loss far more!
(A Monthly Journal for Self-improvement, Self-knowledge, Self-realisation)
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To learn more about Sadhu Vaswani Mission and Dada J. P. Vaswani’s movements, etc. log on to our internet site at sadhuvaswani dadajpvaswani svmission 48
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The One True Adventure– Theosophy and the Quest for Meaning: by Joy Mills. Foreword by John Algeo, Published by: Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House, P.O. Box 270, Wheaton, IL 60189-0270 U.S.A., Paperback Price: U.S. $24.95, Can. $28.00 Theosophy deals with knowledge related to the meaning of life, which is innate to all religions, and which most of us are still seeking. Just as the Buddha mentioned the Four Noble Truths, so too in this book, the Theosophical essayist, Joy Mills, has categorised her essays into four groups: The Human Condition, Our Hidden Potential, Esoteric Teachings, and Self Transformation. These four are aligned with the quest for meaning, though ultimately they should be treated as one continuous process in the acquisition of this wisdom. Spirituality Demystified– Understanding Spirituality in Rational Terms: by Rohana Ulluwishewa, Published by: Sairon Books Ltd., Palmerston North, New Zealand, Spirituality in the state in which we are one with the spirit and becoming what we really are. This book is based on presenting spirituality in scientific terms, which the modern mind can grasp and accept. This approach can generate a new form of faith which is not based only on beliefs, but on clear understanding, making it strong, firm and stable. Printed and published by Ms. Gulshan G. Dudani on behalf of Sadhu Vaswani Mission. Printed at Print Impressions, 101, Raunaq Indl. Est., 131/7B, H. I. E., Pune - 411013. Published at Gita Publishing House, 10, Sadhu Vaswani Path, Pune - 411001. Editor: Ms. Piya G. Uttam Tel. No.: +91-20-26125679 Email: September 2018
NURI GRANTH (Songs of Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani in Sindhi) Translated by Shri H. T. Sadhwani Saptapadi (4) (4) No use have I, for the pleasures and enjoyments of the four worlds, Nor do I want to go to the heavenly kingdom of Indra! No need have I, for any abode in paradise, For, superior to paradise, is the place where longing pervades! I care not for power, nor do I aspire for salvation, All that I long for, is devotion to Thy lotus feet! I care not for wealth and property, nor even for the kingdom of the gods, For Thou alone art, my Lord and Master! I seek not any throne, nor any favour of fortune, nor even life itself, All that I ask for, is devotion to Thy lotus feet! No use have I, for pilgrimages, or for worship with a rosary, For me, the dust of Thy feet, is all the pilgrimages that I need! Athirst for Thy love I am, says Nuri Nimani, And every moment, this slave aspires to have a glimpse of Thee! — Nuri Granth page 81 Space donated by a Well Wisher who believes with Dada J. P. Vaswani that to trust is to live in the certainty that all that happened was for the best, all that is happening is for the best, all that will happen will be for the best.
East And West Series
East And West Series
Since 1954 A Monthly Journal for Self-improvement, Self-knowledge, Self-realisation
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