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Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey & Northern Delaware

We are the


motorcycle magazine in the Tri-State area

Check out the Wizard Bike

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

Legal Tips From The Biker’s Lawyers Lobel, Kaufmann & Anastasia Hopefully you never need the services of a motorcycle injury attorney. BUT … if you ever do, unless you are represented by an attorney experienced in this complicated area of the law, you will be at a distinct disadvantage when having to deal with an insurance company or insurance company attorneys. Over the years we have we have recovered substantial amounts of money for our clients in counties throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We have references and our clients overwhelmingly say they are happy with our services. Results are important and examples of our injury recoveries include:

INSURANCE COMPANY PAYS $3,250,000.00 IN PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY PAYS $2,600,000.00 IN PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY PAYS $1,750,000.00 IN NEW JERSEY Finally, we wish to thank all of you that stopped by our booth to talk with us at the Burlington Bike Night on Saturday, June 4th. We invite you to call us at anytime for assistance in choosing the right insurance coverage for you. Happy Riding!!

Lobel, Kaufmann & Anastasia - The Biker's Lawyers® WHEN ACCIDENTS HAPPEN -- WE'VE GOT YOUR BACK!

1-877 -CYCLE-LAW (1-877 -292-5352) 215-545-4300

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Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net



Skinny Kag’s Bike Detail

Hand Wash & Shine All Makes Welcome Detailing on Site Pick Up & Delivery Available

KIRK STARR 610-888-0263 Qwkag66@yahoo.com



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July 2011




STOP BY AND CELEBRATE OUR 11 TH BIRTHDAY ALL MONTH LONG! Enjoy Uncle Moe’s Soul Food in our Parking Lot Every Tuesday and Thursday!

JULY 4 TH Independence Day Open 10 am to 4 pm

JULY 7 TH - 10 TH 10th Anniversary Gettysburg Bike Week Visit www.gettysburgbikeweek.com


Pappy’s Ride

Registration 8:30 am - 10:30 am

JULY 30 TH Demo Day 10am - 3 pm JULY 30 TH Dyno Shoot Out 9 am - 3 pm

JULY 30 TH Widow’s Ride

RWGM ride for the Masonic Villages

Registration at 10 am | Ride leaves at 11 am

y emailing g oldpete@atlanticbb.net p Preregister by July 15th by Become our Fan on

Facebook 21 Cavalry Field Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325 717-337-9005 • www.bfharley.com HOURS: Monday-Wednesday 9-6; Thursday - Friday 9-7; Saturday 9-5; Sunday 10-4

July 2011

Plan Planning a Trip to Gettysburg? Call Meredith in our Tour & Travel Dept. Let us help you plan your trip!

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

TABLE OF CONTENTS P.O. Box 397 Hatfield, Pa. 19440 Phone: 215-361-1433 FAX: 215-361-1415 Email: info@eastcoastbiker.net www.EastCoastBiker.net

The Staff Editor/Publisher Norm Keller Contributing Reporters Pat Reynolds

Photography Provided by: Norm Keller Vince Snyder Snapworks Studio Lizz Devine Devine Images by Lizz

Tri-State News Pat Reynolds

Good Eatin’

Temporarily on hold, we hope to start it up again soon. Ride Calendar There is a more extended calendar of events on our website. “If you keep us informed, we’ll keep everyone else informed.” Classifieds Go to

our website to submit your FREE classified and to check the latest listings

... And more stories about LOCAL riders than any other magazine in the area! “You keep us informed and we’ll tell everyone else”

WWW.EASTCOASTBIKER.NET On the cover ... Laura Steel sits on the Wizard Bike built by Johnny Mac’s Chopper House and painted by Franny Drummond. Photo by -- Jack McIntyre, BikerPics.org

The East Coast Biker magazine is a monthly publication dedicated to the motorcycle community and published by E. Penn Biker, Inc. All rights reserved. The East Coast Biker magazine logo, printed materials or representation, may not be reproduced in any manner without specific written consent from the publisher. The editor and staff encourages manuscripts, photographs and suggestions. Please include phone number with submissions. We will only return material submitted with enclosed, stamped, self–addressed envelope. The written articles and opinions printed in the East Coast Biker magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher and should not be considered an endorsement. Norm Keller, Editor/Publisher

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

We had a lot of rain in June and that caused some of the bike events to cancel or just have a bad turnout. Some were able to re-schedule a rain date and hopefully that will give them a good weather day. The rain is good for my tomato’s that are growing in my back yard but it doesn’t make for good riding. So hear we are and we’re celebrating the freedom of this great country on July 4th. There will be a lot of fireworks, parades and BBQ’s to attend, a great time to spend with friends and family. I noticed that in my calendar of events there isn’t much happening on that weekend. So if you don’t get to one of the few events that are happening take the time to grill a hot dog and burger for me, I might just show up and I’m usually hungry after riding. The hot weather is upon us, actually we’ve some real hot days in June already. It’s important to remember that when you’re riding on a hot day, like over 90º, you need to stop and hydrate yourself and cool down. You can really get overheated between the heat from the sun, the road and the engine of your bike. Drink plenty of water or a sport drink so you don’t get overcome from the heat. Over the summer many of you take your vacation on your bike and with the economy like it is that sounds like a better idea all the time. Take some pictures of yourself at vacation landmarks and send them in to the magazine. We’d like share your vacation with our readers. Have someone take your picture, with your bike in the shot if possible, then email it to us with your names and where you are and I’ll post it in the magazine. Our website continues to grow! During the month’s of May and June I have seen more people on our site than we’ve ever seen. Every month the numbers continue to grow to the point that we now have more people getting on our website than the magazine’s that we actually print. I will continue to work to improve the content and I always welcome your comments. If you’re looking to promote your business you might want to contact us, you’ll more than three times the exposure you’ll get with other magazines. I know, a shamless plug for advertisers but it’s what keeps the magazine going. Have a great July 4th and ride safe!

Norm “You keep us informed and we’ll tell everyone else!”

WWW.EASTCOASTBIKER.NET Visit our website and sign up for our email newsletter. We’ll keep you informed on upcoming events. Go there now!


July 2011

To send a letter to the editor:

East Coast Biker

P.O. Box 397 Hatfield, PA 19440 Email: eastcoastbiker@verizon.net 

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

JD's Cycle Works/ Geiger Enterprises 784 Hellertown Rd Bethlehem, PA. 18015 Performance Modifications, Repair and Tuning Center

JD’s Cycle Works and Geiger Enterprises - working together to keep you riding! Tuning, Builds, Parts and Accessories!

JD’s Cycle Works— 610-297-0321

Call Dave to Schedule your Project, Inspection, Tune, and/or Maintenance! Authorized Dealer for Zipper’s, Axtell, Baisley, T-Man, Woods, and Horsepower Inc. Specializing in TTS Master Tune, SE Race Tuner, Power Commander and carbureted bike tuning.

Geiger Enterprises— 215-529-7248

Call Tom for the Parts and Accessories department. Dealing in Drag Specialties, V-Twin Mfg and Biker’s Choice. JD’s Cycle Works is an Official PA State Inspection Station!

www.JDsCycleWorks.com Take Route 78 to Route 412 toward Bethlehem. We are on the Left side after Industrial Drive.

Craig Clark


Clark Lubricants

250 Carmen Dr Collegeville, PA 19426 Office 610 226 5500 s Fax 610 409 9529 cclarkcpc@comcast.net



For more information or to book your event

contact Wayne Hoffman


Creations include Dog, Bird, Sword, Heart, Fish, Hat, Bunny and originals such as a motorCyCle


Super Ball roll, marble Hockey and Clown toss; Plus Water Balloons & egg toss for outside shows


Small slight of hand up to a 5 foot tall Head Chopper. remember it’s magic — I haven’t lost a Head yet!!!



DJ with a colossal selection of music from oldies to New Hip Hop and Kids Bop!


Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net


Sunday – July 17, 2011

(All bikes welcome!)

rain or shine)

$15.00 per person/Advance Purchase $20.00 At Registration Poker Run Registration: 10:00am—12:00 noon (bikes out from here) Dean’s Harley-Davidson 3255 State Road—Sellersville, PA 18960 Pig Roast Location:

(Dean’s will be open during registration!)

German-Hungarian Sportsman’s Club (Last bike in at 2:00pm) Hilltown Pike & Route 152—Hilltown, PA — GREAT FOOD!!!

CA$H PRIZE FOR HIGH HAND MUSIC—BIKER GAMES—50/50 FOOD, DRINK and FUN! For more information contact:

Lisa Gorham, L.O.H. (215) 631-9613 LEG615@countyelectric.com Or Mary Ellen McKay, Web Mistress (267) 923-8222 MEBXLT@yahoo.com

HIGH PERFORMANCE CYCLES (610) 841-5151 www.hp-cycles.com Hours- Friday 11AM to 7 PM Saturday 8AM to 4 PM

AMERICAN * CUSTOM * METRIC SALES * SERVICE* ACCESSORIES * APPAREL 6216 Hamilton Blvd Allentown, PA 18106 Hours- Tuesday - Friday 11 AM to 7 PM & Saturday 8 AM to 4 PM

Authorized Dealer


Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

July 15 & 16, 2011 Millville, New Jersey

This is an old school biker party This party is about raw horsepower, good music and our appreciation of women and girls



*Adults only (you must be 21 or older) E AWESOMTS B URNOU

4 bands, Awesome burnouts, 22 contest (Phila. Girls Vs Jersey Girls) Freaks,Tattoo contest, Comedians, Field Games We are also having display's of; Rat Rods, Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Drag Bikes & Cars, Top Fuel and Offshore Race Boats - N/C for motor homes & campers It seems every event has become so sanitized and everybody is scared of offending that we forget how bikers party

Gates open 9AM Fri July 15 Weekend tickets are $50.00 • Saturday tickets are $25.00 Go to www.partywiththejerseydevil.com hot MC s or call Pappa Jeff Campbell at (609) 367-3325 showers r o d n ve or e-mail me at campbell.jeff51@yahoo.com

Harley-Davidson® of Ocean County 300 Route 70 • Lakewood, NJ 08701 www.hdoceancounty.com We Rent Motorcycles. • Learn to Ride – Sign up for classes online today! “Party with the Jersey Devil” – See you there.

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net



SERVICE, REPAIR & WARRANTY WORK ON ALL CAN-AM SPYDERS REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEY WERE PURCHASED can-am.brp.com @2011 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. R, ™ and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. In the USA, products are distributed by BRP US Inc. Offer valid in the USA and Canada from March 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. See an authorized BRP dealer for details. ◊Customers who participate in a demo ride at one of the Tour Stops will receive a certificate worth $500 in BRP Riding Gear and Accessories redeemable at participating Can-Am dealers at the purchase of a new and unused Can-Am roadster, at/or following the Tour Stop. Consumer must pay sales tax and installation fees. BRP reserves the right, at any time, to discontinue or change specifications, prices, designs, features, models or equipment without incurring any obligation. Some models depicted may include optional equipment. Always ride responsibly and safely. Always observe applicable local laws and regulations. Don’t drink and drive.


The dealership is not responsible for typographical, pricing, product information, advertising or shipping errors.


Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

Call our new number

610-473-BIKE (2453)

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net


Bike Nights Kick of Ride Season High Performance Cycle holds weekly bike nights Story & photos by Norm Keller

If you live in the Allentown area and it’s a Wednesday night and the weather is awesome, where do you go to have a little fun? That is what gave Rich Reph, owner of High Performance Cycles, the idea to host a bike night every Wednesday evening beginning at 6:00pm and going to 9:00pm. While the first event got rained out the weather for the second one was bright and sunny. Local Girl Scouts were on hand making hot dogs and hamburgers as well as having some of their famous cookies available to anyone that would like to take some home. Music was provided by a local DJ who kept the evening going with great sounds all evening. Bikes lined up along the parking lot as came and went, stopping to check out everyone else’s ride. The temperature was a little on the hot side so some went into the show room to cool off a little and while there checked out some bikes that were for sale and possibly some new chrome for their own ride. Bands are schedule to be at future events. Some of the bands that will be on hand are local favorites The Joes and BURN. Other bands are yet to be determined but if you go to their website www.hp-cycles.com you’ll be able to find updates in coming weeks. The East Coast Biker magazine is proud to be a sponsor on this weekly event and will be checking in to spot some new bikes for the cover. H-P Cycles is easy to find, get off of Route 78 at the Hamilton Blvd (Dorney Park) and head west on Hamilton for about two miles, they’re on the left. See you there!


Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net



Call Rich & se t up a time to bring your bike for a thorough detailin, we’ll treat your bike like it’ s our own! LED LIGHTS High Quality & Reasonalbel Prices! Call to set up an appointment now .

Benefitting the Salvation Army of Norristown And the Young Marines

July 10, 2011

Starts at the Plymouth Meeting Mall Registration: 9:00 – 10:30 AM Kickstands up at 10:45 AM $15/Rider - $10/Passenger Picnic following the ride

Please bring (at least) 1 new unwrapped toy 16

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net


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Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

The Wizard Bike

A work of art on two wheels

Story by Norm Keller, Photography by Jack McIntyre of www.BikerPics.org You last saw a custom bike from Johnny Mac’s Chopper House this past August 2010. Johny contacted me about another bike he completed called the Wizard Bike with some awesome airbrush work by artist Franny Drummond www.paintzoo.com. Franny is well known for his workmanship as one of the finest artists in the industry. His work can be seen on a host of cars, trucks and bikes including the Ricky Gadson bike which was photographed by me in January 2009. Take a real close look at that rear fender, there are 140 skulls painted there, that not only took some time but it is typical of the work that Franny does. To showcase this beautiful bike you would need a special event and Johnny has no problem doing that. Along with Penn Jersey Cycles, Old School Custom and Drummond Airbrush they sponsor a bike night at the Stadium Bar & Grill located at 504 Hood Blvd in Fairless Hills, PA. The night the bike was displayed and photographed by Jack McIntyre of www.BikerPics.org drew a large crowd. Part of the reason for the crowd was all the lovely ladies that were on hand. The Penthouse Club in Philly, (3001 Castor Ave.) visit their website at www.thepenthouseclubphilly.net, was on hand with some of their ladies. Paul Andrecola brought along his unusual, all glass trailer that included a sound system and three polls for the ladies. This sounds like one bike night you’ll want to get to. Check it out, it’s the third Thursday of the month at the Stadium Bar & Grill starting at 6:00pm. Featured on the cover of this issue is model Laura Steel from the Penthouse Club. This bike will hard to compete against at any bike show no matter where it goes. When you see it you will be amazed at all of the detail and work that went into building it and the paint work. One more thing was announced at this bike night, Michelle Laksh (seen in our centerfold) will be a part of an upcoming fall show “Johnny Mac’s Chopper House” which I understand will be hitting on local Bike Nights and more. She’s been bustin her butt for years trying to make all you bikers smile through BikerPics.org. I can’t wait to see what they video of her & the story line. Keep tuned to our site for more information I hope you enjoy these photos and that you’ll put it on your schedule to get out to one of their bike nights this summer. When you see Johnny and Franny, congratulate them on an outstanding job with the Wizard Bike and let them know that you read about it in the East Coast Biker magazine.

JulyJuly 2011 2011

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June 2011 July 2011

JulyJuly 2011 2011

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Laura Steel

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July 2011 July 2011

Built By MCS Customs www.MCScustoms.com

Helping Hooters www.HelpingHooters.org

Custom Motorcycle Raffle $20 per Ticket • Only 2000 SOLD* • Free Event Shirt With Purchase of Each Ticket Event Drawing Hosted at Greshville Inn • 1013 Reading Ave. Boyertown, PA 19512

October 8, 2011 • 12 - 5 PM • (Drawing at 3 PM) Music Provided by: Jiminy Slicket

Net proceeds will go to the Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure

Ticket holders do not need to be present to win. Winner is responsible for all applicable taxes, tags, and any associated fees.

For more information visit www.HelpingHooters.org or email info@HelpingHooters.org Join us on Facebook to keep updated on all fund raising events, avocation, and information www.facebook.com/Helping-Hooters

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net


It is with a heavy heart that I tell you of the passing of a neighbor & friend, George Mousley. He was an avid biker and will be sorely missed. -- Frank C. Maimone (ABATE Garden State) Mousley George (1938 2011) passed away on June 8, 2011 of Voorhees, NJ. Age 72 years. Husband of Shirley (nee St. Clair) of 43 years. Devoted father of Shirley Denny (Lou, Jr.), Pattie Beckley (Paul), Linda Hamilton (Charles), Steven Mousley (Stephanie). Dear brother of Margaret Mousley. Proud grandfather of Shannon (Chris), Janean (Don), Amber (Dan), Tom, Erin (Nate), Sean, Michael, Brandon, Matthew, Gabrielle and Nick. Great grandfather of Mason, Ryleigh, Madison, Gavin, Brayden, Ava and Cadence. Loving uncle of Bob Mousley (Lisa). Great uncle of RJ. George was a member of Lindenwold Moose Lodge #548, Square Circle Sportsman Club and an avid bike rider who supported many local charities. In lieu of flowers contributions to Marlton Assembly of God Church 625 E. Main St. Marlton, NJ 08053 would be appreciated. For additional information or to email lasting condolences www.CostantinoFH.com.


Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net


by Lee D. Gaber, Esquire

1-888-CYCLE-LAW (1-888-292-5352) LeeGaber@cycleattorney.com

When a potential client first contacts me, after they describe how their accident occurred, I ask them about their insurance policy. The typical response I get is … “I have full coverage”! Confident that this means that they are fully covered for any loss suffered. Unfortunately, when I follow up with;

1-888-CYCLE-LAW LeeGaber@cycleattorney.com www.cycleattorney.com

How much liability coverage do you have?;

Do you have Comprehensive and Collision coverage?;

• Do you have medical coverage on your motorcycle policy? and most importantly; • Do you have uninsured/underinsured coverage on your policy and if so, in what amounts?

Most clients are unable to answer these questions and often are extremely disappointed to learn that although they thought they had full protection, what they have is State minimum coverage, which provides little or no protection to them, contrary to what they may have been led to believe. I bring this up now, before we get too far into the season, because I want all of you to look and see what type of coverage you have, rather than relying upon your understanding that you may be “fully covered”. What most believe is “full coverage” and the reality of being fully covered, are worlds apart. Being “fully insured” means your insurance policy should provide not only liability coverage, but also collision, comprehensive, uninsured and underinsured benefits and in some cases, medical coverage. I also want to clarify a prevailing myth; which is; if you are involved in an accident and it is the other persons fault, their insurance company will automatically pay for the damage to your bike and all of your medical bills. THIS COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! No matter how the accident occurred, the other insurance company does not owe you a duty of care, as you are not their insured. Ultimately, if they agree that their customer is at fault, they will usually pay for the damage to your vehicle within a few weeks. However, they will not pay for your medical bills until the entire matter is resolved. Therefore, if you do not have health insurance or medical benefits on your policy, your bills will be outstanding and quickly become delinquent. This is the concept generally referred to as “no-fault”, which means that no matter who is at fault, we are all initially responsible for our own medical bills. I urge everyone to stop relying upon bad advice, or your own misunderstanding that your coverage is sufficient and take five minutes to examine your policy to make certain that you are truly “fully insured”. On another note, we recently attended Atlantic City Bike Week at the Atlantic City Convention Center on May 20-22 and Burlington Bike Night in Burlington, NJ on June 4th, and for the first time, we plan on attending the Freemansburg Motorcycle Hillclimb and Bike Show in Bethlehem, PA. Finally, the PA. Senate recently passed a bill that will allow for the sale of motorcycles on Sundays. Although not yet signed into law, it appears to have bipartisan support in the house and is likely to become law in the near future. I think this is welcome news to all of us who will appreciate being able to shop for a motorcycle on Sundays. I hope you find this information informative and if you would like additional information on this topic, or any other, I can always be reached at LeeGaber@cycleattorney.com or call us at 1-888-CYCLE-LAW (1-888-292-5352).

Sincerely, LEE D. GABER, Esquire The one and only, “Cycle Attorney”


Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

ABATE of the Garden State District 4 4th Annual Poker Run for the PACK Help us, help you by raising money for the

Safety and Awareness Fund Sunday, July 31, 2011

Registration 10AM – Noon 4H Fair Grounds, Mullica Hill End: Rocking Stone Irish Pub 2001 S. Delaware Ave. Paulsboro, NJ

No Colors—No Attitudes

$20/Rider $15/Passenger Includes Food Cash Bar

50/50 and Prize Raffles!!! Contact Joe Smith: joe@peachcountrytractor.com 609-922-3953 July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net


Wildwood Spring Bike Weekend from May 13-15 gave Tri-State riders a chance to open the riding season in Wildwood, New Jersey. When I left my home in Broomall the temperature was in the seventies. When we were about 30 miles outside of the Wildwood, on Route 47, I suddenly felt like I rode into a refrigerator. Thinking that the dramatic drop in temperature was a fluke combination of some passing clouds and being near water, I did not pull over to put a sweatshirt on, under my leather jacket. As I rode, the chill started to lull my senses but I did not believe I could get hypothermia so quickly. I spent a few miles denying the cold until I tried to turn into a Wawa just outside of Wildwood. I was surprised how hard it was for me to negotiate the traffic. When I bought some gas, I asked the attendant about the cold. He said the day started out warm until the wind shifted two hours earlier and the cold front came in. After I drank hot soup and added the sweatshirt, my body felt so much warmer that I realized hypothermia did set in quicker than I thought. I resolved to pay more attention to how I feel rather than what I think when I am riding. Despite the chilly weather, Wildwood Spring Weekend still had vendors and a crowd of riders who cruised up and down Atlantic Avenue, Daytona style, and partied all weekend at the Bolero and other area hotels. May seemed to be a memorial month in the tri-state area because several events took place to show support and respect for members of the Armed Forces. On Sunday May 29 th hundreds of riders from the tri-state joined thousands from all over the nation to take part in Rolling Thunder XXIV in Washington D.C. Brad Alman led a group of Tri-State HOG members to the Nation’s Capital where the group joined the crowed in the North Pentagon parking lot. At noon the group rode to the Lincoln Memorial where a stage was erected for the ceremonies honoring veterans and POW’s of all wars. Area riders had a chance to join former Philadelphia Flyers, Bob Kelly, Dave Schultz and Frank the Animal on the Armed Forces Freedom Ride which left Barb’s Harley-Davidson in Camden, New Jersey on May 15TH. Because the ride was a joint Air Force Ride, the group was permitted to ride on the flight line at the McGuire– Dix Air Force base in Lakehurst, New Jersey. In Delaware County on May 21st the local chapter of PCOM inc. sponsored a Visit a Vet at Fair Acres Armed Forces Day where speeches and an outdoor BBQ were part of the events honoring the veterans who resided at the Delaware County senior home in Lima PA. Other club events took place in May. Chapter M of the American Goldwing Association held a ride to help William Swartz, a seriously ill teenager. The ride started at the Herr’s Potato Chip Factory in Nottingham, Pennsylvania the morning of May 21st and ended at Cycle Max in Honeybrook where the dealership provided free refreshments for the participants.

Members of the Keystone Chapter of the Women on Wheels enjoy at picnic at the French Creek State Park.

Chapter A of the GWWRA took their annual spring ride on Memorial Day weekend. The group left the Downingtown area on May 28 th and rode to Petersburg, West Virginia. They returned to Pennsylvania on May 30 th. Tri-State HOG provided rides for club members almost every weekend in May. Bill Wilson, the Activities Director, led a group of over fifteen riders from the Springfield Diner to Atlantic City’s Bike Week held at the Convention Center on May 21st. On May 14th he led a group to the Wildwood Spring Bike Weekend. On Memorial Day tri-state members participated in a Joker Run. Charlie Dresden, the Ride Captain, let a group of twenty bikes from Hannum’s Charlie Dresden led riders in the Joker Harley-Davidson in Chadds Ford on a three-hour scenic ride through Chester Run held on Memorial Day. County to French Creek State Park. When the ride ended at Duffer’s Restaurant on Route 352 near Lima, each person drew two cards to get a Joker. Bob Montgomery won the cash the group contributed. The Keystone Chapter of Women on Wheels held its annual picnic at French Creek State Park after theeir monthly meeting at Smaltz’s Harley-Davidson in nearby Eagle. The women who rode bikes bought sandwiches at the WAWA. The members who came in cars brought some extra food and games for the picnic. There were too many events that took place in the tri-state area in May to report on all of them. The rush of activities will continue during the riding season. (Right) Tri-State members take a break during the Token Run at the French Creek State Park


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July 2011

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net


Spring Thaw ... Cool Event Northampton event draws crowd despite weatherman Story & photos by Norm Keller

It seems like this event has a history of defying the weatherman. When it looks like rain the skies clear up and the sun comes out. This years Spring Thaw may be the exception as hundreds attended. At the beginning the sun brightened the day at the Northampton Municipal Park but as the afternoon rolled on things didn’t look so good as a sprinkle of rain caused vendors to began putting some of the more sensitive merchandise away. The weather did hold out though and more hundreds of riders attended defying the Weather Channel, what did they know about motorcycle riders anyway. Some may have gotten a little wet on their way home but that didn’t bother those strong hearted “bikers” in their desire to be part of one of the most attended bike shows in the area. The park continues to be a great place for this event. It provides the much needed shade of trees, benches to sit and relax on and a very nice pavilion to sit down and enjoy your food. There plenty of parking for the bikes and you don’t have to walk far to get to your bike at the end of the day. Music was provided by local band The Bryant Brothers who did an excellent job entertaining the crowd. There was a ride in bike show and the day started with a poker run that left the Fire Station (hosted by the Red Knights). It’s a great way to start of the season and get together with some old friends, helping out the local fire department. As usual, I had a great time and look forward to next year. If you didn’t make you did indeed miss a great event but you read about here, the pages of the East Coast Biker magazine.


Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net


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Motor-Vation 7042 Wertzville Rd Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 717-795-8604 www.motor-vation.com Philadelphia Cycle Center 2450 Castor Ave Philadelphia, PA 19134 215-533-5200 http://polaris.phillycycle.com/ Ray’s Yamaha Polaris Victory 5560 Perkiomen Ave Reading, PA 19606 610-582-2700 www.raysyamahapolarisvictory.com

Trumbauer’s Motor Sports 2100 Milford Square Pike Quakertown, PA 18951 215-529-6556 www.trumbauers.com

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Victory and Victory Motorcycles® are registered trademarks of Polaris Industries Inc. Always wear a helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing and obey the speed limit. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. ©2011 Polaris Industries Inc.


Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

Scott Ulrich’s Motorcycle Accessories M.C. Inspections, Batteries, Helmets, Chargers, Gifts, Collectibles, Etc.



Drag Specialties • Parts Unlimited Bikers Choice • Tucker Rockey Custom Chrome • V-Twin • Midwest Mid USA • And Many Many More M-F: 9am - 7pm Sat: 8am - 3pm Sun: 10am - 2pm

333 Main Street Shoemakersville, PA 19555

Phone/Fax: 484-665-0161

Now Available: ATV’s, Dirt Bike & Snowmobile Accessories

July 2011

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RIDE CALENDAR To Submit an event for our calendar go to our website and click on the event link, open the calendar and click “submit event”. DEADLINE to have your event listed in the magazine is the 10th of the month PRIOR to the publish date. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE EVENTS OR TO SUBMIT YOUR EVENT GO TO

www.EastCoastBiker.net JULY 2011


(NJ) Let's get Sticky: This 200 mile Ride takes us to Williamsport Pa and Mr Sticky's Homemade Sticky Buns! A well known Sugar Valley baker, who was a cook at the restaurant one summer, shared a sticky bun recipe with Phil, who spent months reworking the recipe, and an EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE STICKY BUN appeared on the breakfast buffet at the fair. We'll be avoiding the Highway along the way there and instead enjoy a scenic back road journey out to Williamsport. Expect that part of the ride to be about 6 hours long including stops. Even with some highway travel home this is going to be an all day event. Meet up at: It's Nutz - 1382 River Road - Titusville, NJ 08560 Contact: Dave on a Vulcan Email: daveonavulcan@gmail.com Website www.meetup.com/KickstandsUp


(PA) Missile Beach: We'll be avoiding the highways and taking more scenic back roads on This 80 Mile Ride to Sandy Hook New Jersey and the Nike Missile Base. The National Park Service restored and maintains an Nike Ajax Missile Site, part of a ring of Cold War-era defense installations. The Nike missile program was designed in the 1950s to protect major US cities and military installations with defensive rings of guided supersonic missiles. We'll also be avoiding the Highway for the trip back home. At about a 160 mile round trip including lunch and a tour of the Nike Missile base this trip should take about 7-8 hours. Starts at: 10:30 PM Meet up at: It's Nutz - 1382 River Road - Titusville, PA 08560 Contact: Dave on a Vulcan Email: DaveonaVulcan@gmail.com


(PA) 2nd Annual Ride for Caleb: Proceeds donated to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - SIDS of PA & local families burdened with tragedies. Highlights: High Hand wins $100, Hot Bike Contest, Silent Auctions, Raffles, Duck Races, T-Shirts & more. Music: Jeremiah James & the Tandem Band, LiL Ragu Blues Band. Food: Pig Roast, Chicken, etc. & Beer starting at noon. Visit the website: www.rideforcaleb.com Time: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Location: Kutztown Rod & Gun Club - 490 Gun Club Road - Kutztown, PA 19530 Contact: Jonathan Warke Email: jswarke@verizon.net Phone: 610-683-6489


(PA) BREWCREW RC 1st Annual Meet and Greet Fundraiser: Come on down and stay for the weekend. This is a fundraiser for a fallen brother. Camping is available ($10.00/tents, $15.00/pop up campers only). There will be free food from 1-3pm, BYO beer (cans only) no liquor. There will be vendors, 50/50 raffle, wet t-shirt contest, many games, bike show ($5.00 to enter, plaques for 1st, 2nd & 3rd paces) & live music. More information: http://brewcrewridingclub.webs.com Time: 12:00 PM - 10:30 PM. Cost: $10.00 Location: Washington Memorial Park - W. Center Street Ashland, PA 17921 Contact: CHOP Email: CHOPPER0172@AOL.COM


(PA) 12th Annual 'CMN' Bike Night: hosted by the Gospel Riders T.E.A.M. Rain Date will be Sunday July 10, 2011. Event will benefit the Children's Miracle Network www.childrensmiraclenetwork.org/ We have 18 Motorcycle Classes, trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place winners. Bike Show sign-in is from 4 PM until 6 PM, trophies will be awarded by 10 PM. Vendor space is available. There will be a "Bikes for Sale" Corral. All Bikes WELCOME! Log onto www.pabikenights.com or E-mail mjm@pagospelriders.com Time: 03:00 PM - 10:00 PM Location: Boyertown Park - Madison Street Boyertown, PA 19512 Contact: Fred McClincy Phone: 215-234-8611


(NJ) Inaugural Burlington Harley Riders Poker Run: 9:00 - 11:00 Sign In @ TK Club, Burlinngton, NJ - Prizes for best poker hand, door prizes, and ride in bike show - Tour some of the nice backroads of Burlington County and end up at the Sweetwater Riverdeck for food, music, and FUN from 12:00 -5:00! Cost: $20/Rider - $15/Passenger Contact: Tom Wood Email: tomw@burlingtonharleyriders.org Phone: 856-231-9617


(PA) Christmas in July: Sponsored by Blue Knights chapter PA XXII to support the Salvation Army in Norristown and the Young Marines. Bring one new unwrapped toy. After the toy donation stop at the Salvation Army, and ride to picnic included. Registration at the Plymouth Meeting Mall from 9:00am till 10:30am. Cost: $15 rider/$10 passenger Location: Plymouth Meeting Mall - 1325 Germantown Ave - Plymouth Meeting, PA 19463 Contact: Blue Knights Email: BKPA22@yahoo.com


(PA) Stephanie Jallen Paralympic Fund 5th Annual Motorcycle Run/Picnic: Riders $15 Passengers $10 includes meal tickets for both. Ending: Holy Child Fair Grounds - Newport St. (Sheatown Section) Nanticoke. Non Riders $5 Children under 12 – free. Live Music: Cool Ride - Hidden Drive, All Day Fun- Food, Beverage & Games. Rain or Shine More info www.stephaniejallen.org Time: 09:30 AM - 09:00 PM Location: Diamond Mfg. 243 W 8th Street - W. Wyoming, PA 18644 Contact: Dave Corby Email: bikerdave2367@yahoo.com


(PA) 2nd Annual Fire Victims Fund Run: 80 mile ride . all you can eat food . Live band . 50/50. Benefits fire victims in Monroe County. Time: 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM. Cost: $20/riders $15/passangers. Location: TOM X Historic INN - Tom X Rd - Marshalls Creek, PA 18335 Contact: Matthew Denico Email: mdenico@hotmail.com Phone: 570-807-9843


(PA) 99.9 the Hawk/McDonald's Sunday Bike Nights: bikes compete for trophies in 7 categories and a People's Choice Award, plus an escape to Atlantic City for one night at one. Bike competition is weather permitting – register your bikes between 5:30 and 6:30. While you're there, register to win cool prizes! **New this year is a new category for Antiques!! Ronald McDonald will be there for pictures and autographs. Free balloons for all kids! Time: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM. Cost: $5 donation to register. Location: McDonald's - 3919 Nazareth Pike (Rt. 191/22) - Bethlehem, PA 18017


(NJ) Party with the Jersey Devil: 4 Bands,Comedians, Freak show, top notch tattoo contest, 2 day burnout contest. 22 contest competing Philly girls vs. Jersey girls, pit masters cooking food, vendors, displays of hot rods, muscle cars, top fuel drag boats, cars,motorcycle, midnight showing on outdoor movie screen 'EASYRIDER'. Discount for 10 or more tickets, call me Cost: $50.00 Location: Cumberland County Fairgrounds - Carmel Road Millville, NJ 08332 Contact: Jeff Campbell Email: campbell.jeff51@yahoo.com Phone: (609) 367-3325


(PA) Pagoda MC '2 Wheel Frenzy Day: a must attend event for any and all motorcycle enthusiasts of any age. Bike show with awards for best in each class : Sport, Street and Vintage (1979 and earlier) registration 8 am - 11 am. Street bike field events. PRO EXIBITION MOTOCROSS RACE, FREESTYLE MX SHOW, bikini bike wash, parts and accessory vendors. Entry fee includes beverages, food will be available. Time: 08:00AM - 11:00PM. Cost: $15 -21 and older, $10- age 10-20 , 9 and under free. Location: Pagoda MC - 441 Red Lane - Birdsboro, PA 19508. Contact: Pete Rader Phone: 610-582-3717


(PA) Bristol Borough Veterans Poker Run: To benefit construction of Veterans Memorial to honor all Bristol veterans from WWII thru 2011. Scenic ride through historic Bucks County. Live Band, High Hand cash prize, door prizes and barbecue. Time: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Cost: 35.00 Location: Pines Tavern - 6217 N. Radcliff Street - Bristol, PA 19007 Contact: Sharon Lalli Email: sharonlalli@hotmail.com Phone: 215-785-0236


(PA) Leather & Lace MC Safety Foundation: to Benefit the Leather & Lace Safety Foundation. Registration from 10am - 12pm, After Party from 2-6pm. Food/Music/Door Prizes/Chinese Auction/Bike Show. ALL BIKES AND CARS ARE WELCOME! Donation of $20/person - $30 w/passenger for Poker Run includes food & door prize ticket. Separate Donation of $10 for entry into Bike show. 3 Categories plus People’s Choice Time: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Location: Cousin's Pub - 1360 Pottsville Pike - Shoemakersville, PA 19555 Contact: Polly Email: chantilly_lace_pa@verizon.net Phone: 610-763-5569


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July 2011


(PA) The 2nd Annual Ben Event Ride: This is part of a larger 2 day (7/15-7/16) event which includes a 5k race, family activities, live music, a Wheels of Time Cruise Night and more! Come enjoy the fun! Starts at 10:30 AM Cost: $20 per rider. Location: Macungie Park - 50 N Poplar St Macungie, PA 18062 Contact: Jerry Glose Email: j_glose@yahoo.com Phone: 610-264-2464


(PA) 4th Annual Vigilance Hose Poker Run: rain date July 17th. Registration is 11am to 1 pm at the Vigilance Hose Social Club. Free t-shirts to the first 100 participants with cash and valuable prizes. The ride will be approx. 100 miles with numerous stops ending at Stockertown Rod and Gun Club. Music by Uncle Smiley and food provided by OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE. All proceeds will benefit ANGEL 34 FOUNDATION. Cost: $20.00 rider & $15 passenger Location: Vigilance Hose Social Club - 51 S. Cedar St - Nazareth, PA 18064 Contact: Eric Heckman Email: ericheckman@verizon.net Phone: 610-759-0649


(PA) World's Largest Garden Gnome: This 175 mile ride takes us to Kelder's Farm in Kerhonkson, New York home of the World's Largest Garden Gnome. The first garden gnomes were made Thuringia, Germany, in the mid-1800s. Philip Griebel made terracotta animals as decorations, and produced gnomes based on local myths as a way for people to enjoy the stories of the gnomes. We'll be avoiding the Highway on our way there and instead enjoy the scenic byways of PA and NY. After a couple of awesome photo opportunities we’ll find ourselves a place for a bite to eat before taking at least some highway along the way home. It's about a 350 mile round trip so expect to spend the whole day out on the road. Meet at: WaWa - 106 BETHLEHEM PIKE - Fort Washington, PA 19034 Contact: Dave on a Vulcan Email: daveonavulcan@gmail.com


(NJ) Raritan Road Runners Breakfast Fun Run: Door Prizes and Refreshments at end up site. Registration: 08:30 AM - 11:00 AM. Cost: $12.00 Location: Red Bank Elks - 40 West Front Street - Red Bank, NJ 07701 Contact: Ken Andrejewski Email: kjdist@comcast.net Phone: 732-491-3132


(NJ) Bentz Fallen Soldier Memorial Bike Run: Destination 2:00 pm Toad Fish Bar and Grille, Bridgeton, NJ 08302. Donation $20.00 per rider and $15.00 per passenger, Bike Show Donation $5.00. AJ Slick Band! Over 60 miles of scenic South Jersey roads. All Proceeds benefit the David J. Bentz III Scholarship Fund. Colors Welcome- No Attitudes. Time: 09:30 AM - 06:00 PM Location: Glassboro VFW Post #679 - 275 Wilmer Street Glassboro, NJ 08028 Contact: Mommadukes Email: kgeonnotti@djbentzscholarship.org Phone: 856-725-0101


(PA) Hawk/McDonald's Sunday Bike Night: We'll set up a special area to showcase your motorcycle – bikes compete for trophies in 7 categories and a People's Choice Award, plus an escape to Atlantic City for one night. Bike competition is weather permitting – register your bikes between 5:30 and 6:30. While you're there, register to win cool prizes like cash, escape to AC, a State Theatre gift card and more – no purchase necessary! **New this year is a new category for Antiques!!** Ronald McDonald will be there for pictures and autographs. Free balloons for all kids! Time: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Cost: $5.00 donation to register bike. Location: McDonald's - 25th Street - Easton, PA 18042


(PA) Indian Valley HOG Poker Run & Pig Roast: All bikes welcome, rain or shine. Registration 9-noon; Pig Roast @ German-Hungarian Sportsman's Club in Hilltown, last bike in @ 2PM. Cash prize for high hand; music; biker games; 50/50; food; drink & fun. Cost: $20.00 Location: Deans HD - 3255 State Road - Sellersville, PA 18960 Contact: Mary Ellen McKay Email: mebxlt@yahoo.com Phone: 267 923 8222


(PA) Carlisle Bike Fest: Mid-Atlantic's premier motorcycle event, is crafted with the rider in mind. Tens of thousands of bikes, trikes and open-air fanatics will cruise in through the breathtaking scenic mountains of the Cumberland Valley to Carlisle for everything from non-stop entertainment to industry guests, demo rides, bike giveaways and more. Looking for a family friendly motorcycle event? Look no further, Carlisle delivers with stunt shows, high-flying motocross and the hottest regional bands live on stage all weekend. Cost: $10 Per Person / Bikes Park Free Contact: Carlisle Events Email: info@carlisleevents.com Phone: 717-243-7855


(PA) Poker run to benefit Kody Rothenbeck Foundation and Multiple Sclerosis: Donation includes a hot dog and soda. Additional food and beverages available for purchase at the final stop. Registration from 10am – Noon. Drawing and Prize giveaway 3:00pm. Bushkill Valley Motorcycle Club. Ride is approximately 55 miles. Time: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cost: $15.00/rider or $25.00/bike Location: Rip Van Winkles Tavern 3700 Nicholas St - Easton, PA 18045 Event Contact: Tim Varga Email: keystonecaper@yahoo.com Phone: 610-438-1770


(PA) Zern's Bike Show: Hosted by the Blue Comet MC, bike show will be people’s choice awards. For more information go to www.bluecometmc.com Time: 11:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cost: $10.00 per bike. Location: Zern's Farmers Market - 1100 Philadelphia Ave. Gilbertsville, PA Contact: Jen Phone: 610-489-1240


(PA) VA Beacon House 3rd Annual Ride: This ride benefits our vets that fought for us. This is our main run of the year a chance to say THANK YOU for what you have done and given for us. So if you would like to ride with us please we welcome you or if you can't make and would like to send a donation it would be greatly appreciated. You can send donations to the Manheim VFW P.O.Box 398, Manheim PA 17545. Time: 11:30 AM - 07:00 PM Cost: $15/rider-$25.00/couple Location: Manheim VFW post 5956 - 149 S. Charlotte St - Manheim, PA 17545 Contact: Tiffany Kirk Email: tiffkirk@msn.com Phone: 717-715-3928


(PA) 99.9 the Hawk/McDonald's Sunday Bike Nights: We'll set up a special area to showcase your motorcycle – bikes compete for trophies in seven categories and a People's Choice Award, plus an escape to Atlantic City for one night. Bike competition is weather permitting – register your bikes between 5:30 and 6:30. While you're there, register to win cool prizes like cash, escape to AC, a State Theatre gift card and more – no purchase necessary! **New this year is a new category for Antiques!!** Ronald McDonald will be there for pictures and autographs. Free balloons for all kids! Time: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Cost: $5 donation to register your bike. Location: McDonald's - Route 100 - Macungie, PA 18062


(PA) Ugly Mugs at the Concrete Ship: This 140 Mile ride takes us to the Tip Of Cape May New Jersey for first the Crumbling Wreck of a Concrete Ship. The S.S. Atlantus was one of a dozen concrete ships that were built, and it criss-crossed the Atlantic several times, hauling cargo and troops. But when steel again became available, the S.S. Atlantus was mothballed. Second, After a Photo Opportunity at Ship Wreck it's only a few miles ride to this bar in Cape May called 'The Ugly Mug.' The ceiling is covered with mugs that have names and numbers. This nearly 300 mile round trip Including Photos at the Ship Wreck and Lunch at the Ugly Mug should take most of the day. So be prepared to spend the Entire Day out on the road. Leave from: Dunkin' Donuts - 9240 State Rd - Philadelphia, PA 19114 Contact: Dave on a Vulcan Email: DaveonaVulcan@gmail.com


(PA) A Wild West Ride: This 500 Mile Round Trip Ride takes out to the Middle of Pennsylvania and a fantastic curvy twisty tour of some of the best roads that area has to offer. Along the Way, early in the trip we'll be passing through Chambersburg PA and the home of the World’s LARGEST Apple Truck. Our Wild West tour is about 300 miles long This is going to be an all day ride, with an early start and a late return. Location: WAWA 705 S Trooper Rd - Norristown, PA 19403 Contact: Dave on a Vulcan Email: DaveonaVulcan@gmail.com


(NJ) District II of N.J. Corn Boil/Rally: $15 per covers all Food & Beverages. A 50 Mile run through Hunterdon & Somerset County’s Ending at Bridgewater Eagles 350 Woodside Lane Bridgewater, N.J. 08807 Entertainment & Vendors at end site. Time: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Location: Williams H-D - 1100 US 22 W - Lebanon, NJ 08833 Contact: Butch Email: Butchdella@aol.com Phone: 732-603-8434


(NJ) 4th Annual Poker Run for the Pack: Help us Help you by raising money for the Safety and Awareness Fund. Proceeds go to promote Safety and try to make the Public aware that Motorcycles are everywhere and Look Twice Save a Life-- the Life you save my be your own. This event is held promote Motorcycle safety, Enact laws that promote Motorcycle Awareness, To raise awareness of the average driver to recognize Motorcyclist are also on the highway--so share the road, Also to defend Our Rights of Freedom - to choose how we should be protected -by those who ride and know, not by non-riding Politicians. Time: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Cost: 20 /rider 15/ passenger Location: 4H Fair Grounds Gloucester County - Route 77 South of Mullica Hill - Mullica Hill, NJ 08062 Contact: Joseph Smith Email: joe@peachcountrytractor.com Phone: 609-922-3953


(PA) 9th Annual Poker Run & Bike Raffle: Pig roast, our famous chili, and other great food & Live entertainment, 2011 Harley-Davidson FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide to be given away. Starts at: 10:30 AM Cost: 25.00 Location: Sacramento Community Fire Company - 2206 East Main Street Sacramento, PA 17968 Contact: Clerve Email: sacramentocommunityfireco@yahoo.com Phone: 570-682-3082

July 2011

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July 2011

East Coast Biker Business Directory Your business card listed here will be seen all year long at a LOW COST! Contact us to have your company listed in next months edition.



Redline Synthetics

100 Penn Street, Lansdale, PA 19446


Honda • Yamaha • Kawasaki • Harley • Victory • Suzuki • BMW • Triumph • Ducati ... ALL MAKES ... ALL MODELS _____________________________________________________________________

WE WANT TO BUY YOUR BIKE 215-639-3102 or 215-639-0988


WE ALSO BUY ATV’s, Trailers, Scooters, Personal Watercraft, Snow Blowers, UTV’s... ALL MAKES & MODELS


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July 2011

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Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

July 2011

Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net



Visit our website: www.eastcoastbiker.net

July 2011

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