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We Heal, We Rise, We Grow in Motherhood by St. Gerard Campus
We Heal, We Rise, We Grow In Motherhood
by St. Gerard Campus
Although pregnancy is and should be an exciting journey, for some it can come with a great deal of di culty when the proper support and resources are not available and a mother is faced with stressors that negatively a ects her wellbeing such as poverty, homelessness, abuse, depression/anxiety or living in an area of crime.
St. Gerard Campus is a non-pro t organization with a mission to provide hope and support to mothers and pregnant women in need. We believe that every young mother should be nurtured through her hurt and di culties and given opportunities to heal, rise and grow.
Our Campus includes an accredited maternity high school, maternity home as well as a pregnancy and community resource center. With each area of our organization, we work toward forever breaking the poverty, welfare and abuse cycles and improving the overall wellness and health of our community by empowering young mothers through education, counseling, resource distribution and prenatal/postnatal care.
High School SGC is a fully accredited interfaith Christian high school that caters to the speci c needs of the pregnant teenager. In addition to academics, our curriculum provides instruction to develop our girls mentally and spiritually. An on-site daycare center is available for the students’ convenience during school hours allowing mothers proper time to breastfeed and bond with her baby during the crucial rst months and beyond.
Maternity Home We o er an on-site dormitory, provided to accommodate our girls and their babies while they attend school. It o ers girls a safe environment monitored by full-time housemothers. Our girls develop the skills needed to be healthy adults who are capable of raising and providing for healthy children.
Pregnancy and Resource Center Our pregnancy and resource center o ers free, con dential services to all women and children in our community. Services include pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal vitamins, pregnancy counseling, adoption referrals, assistance and referrals for medical care, community support classes and baby items (diapers & wipes). Moving forward we are o ering monthly motherhood classes, fatherhood mentoring programs and expanding our services o ered for prenatal and postnatal care.
Want to get involved? As we grow, the need for additional resources grows and your support in any form is welcomed. Whether you would like to volunteer your personal time, donate funds and/or partner with us as a business o ering your services to those in our community, your support allows us to grow.

Check out our social media to keep up with what’s happening at SGC..Instagram: @st.gerardsta & @sgcpreganancycenter Facebook: @stgerardcampus