Annual Report 2016 2017

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Contents EASTCONN At-A-Glance & Organizational Chart

Our Members

Member Needs Assessment

Agency Goals

District Participation Chart

Finance Facts

Interagency Collaborations

Program Locations

The partnership with EASTCONN has always been very strong and the professionalism with which they conduct themselves is very welcome. – Fran Lagace, Director of Pupil Services, Killingly Public Schools EASTCONN Directors Paula M. Colen, Executive Director

Diane Gozemba, Early Childhood Initiatives

Michael Akana, Facilities

Scott Nierendorf, Teaching & Learning Services

John Baskowski, Finance

Teddie Sleight, Marketing & Communications

Thomas F. Cronin, K-12 Education Services

Rich Tariff, Adult Programs

Maureen Crowley, Planning & Development

John Vitale, Transportation Services

Eric Protulis, Special Education Services

Steven Wapen, Human Resources

Andrew DePalma, Technology Solutions

From the Executive Director This will be my final annual report to the Connecticut State Department of Education, as we once again mark the progress EASTCONN has made toward achieving its agency goals. I am retiring this fall after 12 years as Executive Director and 40 years in education – 37 of them with EASTCONN. Looking back, I’m proud of the work we’ve done to serve and advocate for our 33-town, 36-district region. As you read this report, please note the many internal EASTCONN collaborations that are having a far-reaching external impact, not only on Quiet Corner learners, schools and communities, but across eastern Connecticut and beyond. Examples range from the marvelously practical to the cutting-edge. For example, our Adult Programs and Early Childhood Initiatives divisions collaborated to continue offering our innovative Two-Generational (2Gen) program. A broad, crossagency collaboration that included all of EASTCONN’s six divisions, brought the first Mental Health Summit to our region, examining mental health challenges in our schools and communities. Our K-12 Student Services group worked with Teaching & Learning to pilot innovative instructional rounds in our magnet schools, and K-12’s seamless work with Transportation ensured that we could safely convey hundreds of students to schools and programs each day. Our Technology Solutions staff partnered with Early Childhood Initiatives to build pioneering, online data collection and management Paula M. Colen, Executive Director systems that are being used statewide to simplify and improve data collection and reporting. Technology Solutions staff also collaborated with Teaching & Learning to develop and manage the statewide TEAM website, supporting thousands of Connecticut’s new teachers. There’s so much to learn about the depth and breadth of EASTCONN’s programs and services. This report reflects just a sampling of this past year’s best efforts to provide quality, cost-effective and responsive programs and services to the communities we have served since 1980. Enjoy your reading. Warm Regards,

Paula M. Colen, Executive Director

EASTCONN-At-A-Glance Created in 1980 under Connecticut General Statute 10-66a, EASTCONN is a public, non-profit, Regional Educational Service Center (RESC). EASTCONN exists to provide high-quality, competitively priced educational and related services to 36 member Boards of Education and the 33 communities they serve in northeastern Connecticut. We are governed by a Board of Directors who are members of locally elected Boards of Education. Our funding comes from the fees we charge for our services, supplemented by competitively awarded grants and contracts. • Programs and Services: 150

• EASTCONN Facilities’ Square Footage: 173,296

• EASTCONN Employees: 552

• Transportation Vehicles: 120

• Total Fiscal Year Revenue: $76.1 million

• Grants Managed: 98, bringing $20.1 million additional dollars in programs and services to the region

• Program Locations: 16


EASTCONN will initiate, support and facilitate partnerships, collaborations and regional solutions that are responsive to the needs of all learners through exemplary programs, products and services.


Organizational Chart








K-12 STUDENT SERVICES • Academic Enrichment • Clinical Day Treatment Programs • Magnet Schools & Other Options for Students • Programs for Students with Developmental Disabilities • Psychological & Behavioral Consultation Services • Related Services • School-to-Career • Schools for Non-Traditional Learners • Summer, Vacation, After-School Programs • Other Student Services

EARLY CHILDHOOD INITIATIVES • Early Childhood Consultation • Early Childhood Materials & Products • Programs for Young Children & Families TEACHING & LEARNING SERVICES • Center for Educational Leadership • Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment • Professional Learning • Regional Groups & Councils • School Improvement Strategies TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS • Data Solutions, Support & Training • Educational Technology Integration • Technology Infrastructure Support • Technology Products

ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES • Administrative Support for Schools • Business & Employer Services • Communication Services • Facilities Services • Human Resources Management • Personnel & Staffing Solutions • Program Design & Development • Technology Services • Transportation Services


ADULT PROGRAMS • Adult Education & High School Completion • Community Education • Employment & Training Programs • English Learner Services • Parent & Family Programs

EASTCONN Board & Member Districts EASTCONN values and appreciates the commitment of its board of directors. Each EASTCONN director is a locally elected representative to the board of education in his or her respective hometown, which chooses a representative to serve on the EASTCONN board. Our board guides and approves agency programs and services, enabling the agency to best serve the learning needs of northeastern Connecticut’s schools and communities.

EASTCONN’s 33-Town Region in Northeastern Connecticut

EASTCONN Board Members

EASTCONN board members at a recent meeting: Sitting, left to right: EASTCONN Executive Director Paula M. Colen; Secretary/Treasurer Katherine Paulhus (Mansfield); Mary Ellen Donnelly (Hampton); Valerie May (Pomfret); Joan Trivella (Brooklyn). Standing: Mike Morrill (Putnam); Steven Sokoloski (Eastford); Anne Stearns (Scotland); Walt Petruniw (Canterbury); Richard Murray (Killingly).

EASTCONN’s Northeastern Connecticut Region 33 2 36 83 254 3,007 37,079 265,284

Communities School Systems Schools Administrators Teachers Students Residents

Northeastern Connecticut, often called “The Quiet Corner” because of its deeply rural character, is home to 33 towns, among them some of the state’s smallest and most economically challenged. These are the towns that EASTCONN serves. Amidst the farms and forests of this area lie pockets of affluence and poverty, including towns that are not only among the state’s poorest, but are also home to students scoring among the state’s lowest on standardized tests. Attributes of this 240-square-mile region include small schools, a strong sense of community and a long history of voluntary collaboration and resource sharing. Challenges include long-standing, high unemployment rates, inadequate public transportation, limited access to local educational enrichment, as well as social and recreational resources, and other impoverishing conditions.


EASTCONN Board & Member Districts 2016-2017 Andover Shannon Louden, Chair Sally Doyen, Superintendent

Hebron Erica Bromley, Chair Timothy Van Tasel, Superintendent

Sterling Renee Theroux-Keech, Chair Brenda Needham, Superintendent

Ashford James Rupert, Chair James Longo, Superintendent

Killingly Jennifer Thompson, Chair g Richard Murray Lyn Pierson, Superintendent

Thompson William Witkowski, Chair Michael Jolin, Superintendent

Bozrah Deborah Smith, Chair Paul Gagliarducci, Superintendent Brooklyn Amy Genna, Chair c Joan Trivella Mary Conway, Superintendent Canterbury Walt Petruniw, Chair g Walt Petruniw Lois Knapton, Superintendent Chaplin Stephen Dunn, Chair Ken Henrici, Superintendent Colchester Ronald Goldstein, Chair Jeffry Mathieu, Superintendent Columbia Christopher Lent, Chair Laurence Fearon, Superintendent Coventry William Oros, Chair g William Oros David Petrone, Superintendent Eastford Christine Hustus, Chair g Steven Sokoloski Linda Loretz, Principal/Superintendent Franklin Peter Calvert, Chair c Aimee Crawford Lawrence Fenn, Superintendent Griswold Stuart Norman, Chair Sean McKenna, Superintendent Hampton John Burnham/Rose Bisson, Chair c Mary Ellen Donnelly Frank Olah, Superintendent


Lebanon Albert Vertefeuille, Chair Robert Angeli, Superintendent Lisbon Ian Rogers, Chair c Joseph Lewerk Sally Keating, Superintendent Mansfield Randy Walikonis, Chair g Katherine Paulhus, EASTCONN Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Lyman, Superintendent Marlborough Ruth Kelly, Chair David Sklarz, Superintendent Plainfield Douglas Smith, Chair g Douglas Smith, EASTCONN Vice-Chair Kenneth DiPietro, Superintendent Pomfret Kathleen Cerrone, Chair g Valerie May Stephen Cullinan, Superintendent Putnam Michael Morrill, Chair William Hull, Superintendent

Tolland Sam Alderstein, Chair Walter Willett, Superintendent Union Andrea Estell, Chair Joseph Reardon, Superintendent Voluntown Diana Ingraham, Chair c Diana Ingraham Adam Burrows, Superintendent Willington Erica Wiecenski, Chair g Herbert Arico, EASTCONN Chair Jackie Jacoby, Superintendent Windham Luz Osuba, Chair g Murphy Sewall Patricia Garcia, Superintendent Woodstock Michael Bernardi Chair Viktor Toth, Superintendent Regional District #8 Danny Holtsclaw, Chair g Judy Benson-Clarke Robert Siminski, Superintendent Regional District #11 Stephen Dunn, Chair g Jennifer Nelson Ken Henrici, Superintendent

Scotland Sherry Smardon, Chair g Anne Stearns Frank Baran, Superintendent

Regional District #19 James Mark, Chair Bruce Silva, Superintendent

Sprague Michael Smith, Chair Chris Eicher, Superintendent


Stafford Sonya Shegogue, Chair g Tracy Rummel Patricia Collin, Superintendent


Executive Board Members EASTCONN Board Member

Member Needs Assessment Member District Visits

Each year, we visit a representative group of our member districts. Our cross-functional teams meet with local district administrative teams to assess how well we are meeting their needs and to identify areas where we can provide additional support. Analysis of the data from these visits reveals individual district needs, in addition to yielding regional trends.

Regional Forums

Regional forums are another critical source of data. We host and facilitate the regional “job-alike” meetings of Superintendents, Regional Staff Development Council, PreK-8 Principals’ Consortium, Arts Learning Council, Facilities Directors Forum, Grant Development Council, ConnCASE, Technology Council, Math Council, Science Council and Language Arts Council, as well as many other sub-regional and topic-specific groups; they explore such regional challenges as transportation, regional calendars, mandates and health benefits. The success of these groups is predicated upon their ability to meet the individual and collective needs of the educational professionals they exist to serve. The agendas are designed both to identify and address the needs of the members. Data obtained at all regional meetings helps EASTCONN expand its regional needs profile.

Individual District Needs

Each request for service reveals a district need. Program staff is trained to work in collaboration with EASTCONN customers to define and articulate the need that underlies each request for service. These data are then tracked and analyzed further to refine our understanding of regional needs. When additional data are needed, focused needs assessments are conducted, using a variety of methods, including focus groups, regional forums, surveys, structured interviews, benchmarking and best practice research.

EASTCONN is one of six Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) in Connecticut. The RESC Alliance works collaboratively to develop new programs and services and share specialized resources and expertise. This collaboration results in both expanded options and cost-efficiencies to local districts, regionally and statewide. Among the statewide RESC Alliance initiatives: • Support increased regional and interdistrict cooperation to improve services and close the Connecticut Achievement Gap • Support early childhood initiatives • Support the advancement of educator quality

Planning & Development Team

Our Planning & Development Team is charged with developing new products and services and recommending the phase-out of those that are no longer needed. Led by the Director of Planning & Development, the team includes our Executive Director and two revolving members who are selected from our Leadership Team. Others, including the Chief Financial Officer, serve on an ad hoc basis. The team meets on a monthly basis to collect and analyze customer data, identify new service needs, allocate resources, lead program development activity with key staff and content experts, propose marketing and communication strategies, and ensure the open flow of information with stakeholders.

Leadership Team

Our Leadership Team is responsible for overseeing the strategic interests of EASTCONN and the customers we exist to serve. The team includes the Executive Director, the Chief Financial Officer, the Director of Adult Programs, the Director of Early Childhood Initiatives, the Director of K-12 Student Services, the Director of Marketing & Communications, the Director of Planning & Development, the Director of Teaching & Learning and the Director of Technology Solutions. Each team member is expected to develop annual program goals that respond to an assessment of our customers’ needs, as well as to federal, state and regional mandates, best practice and research in their respective fields. Collectively, the Leadership Team monitors progress toward the accomplishment of both agency and program goals and ensures that we are collaboratively meeting our district member needs.

Connecticut Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman (fourth from left) recently invited executive directors from the state’s six Regional Educational Service Centers to meet with her in Hartford. They are (left to right) Dr. Thomas M. Danehy (ACES), Dr. Greg Florio (CREC), Dr. Evan Pitkoff (C.E.S.), Paula M. Colen (EASTCONN), Dr. Eileen S. Howley (LEARN) and Dr. Jeffrey Kitching (EdAdvance).


AGENCY GOAL #1 To provide exemplary programs and services for learners, especially those with significant barriers, so each can achieve individual success. 2016-2017 HIGHLIGHTS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS YOUNG CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES

“EASTCONN is known for their talented staff who go above and beyond just doing the job; they understand and care deeply about how well they do their work because it truly has an impact on children and families.”

Head Start Through our federally funded Head Start child development programs, we served 398 low-income children and their families with comprehensive services, including health, nutrition education, disabilities, dental, mental health and family support, at 9 sites in Tolland and Windham counties. Provided center-based Early Head Start services for 48 infants and toddlers, 119 homebased infants and toddlers, and 8 children who have a combined center-based/home visit experience. Child outcome analyses continued to show growth in school readiness indicators.

SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES Schools of Choice EASTCONN operates 2 regional magnet high schools in collaboration with member public school districts in our region:

Our Birth-to-Three program provides in-home, early intervention services to children with developmental delays or disabilities. Birth-to-Three EASTCONN’s Birth-to-Three Program for children with developmental delays or disabilities served families in all 33 of our member towns. Monthly referrals averaged 12 in 2016-2017, as staff maintained an ongoing caseload of 57 children per month. Child outcomes: 97% of children exiting from Birth-to-Three met their Individual Family Service Plan goals; all children made gains. Family outcomes: Federal Guideline survey results showed that we received 98% positive answers on questions regarding parents’ involvement, their awareness of their rights and responsibilities, and their understanding of their child’s disability and/or development.

Arts at the Capitol Theater (ACT) ACT enrolled 121 students from 40 towns in a rigorous, interdisciplinary, arts-infused academic program with a 90% graduation rate; 71% have gone on to post-secondary study. Among student awards and recognitions last year: 18 students won 26 regional awards in the prestigious, annual 2016 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards contest; UCONN’s annual Connecticut Student Writers contest honored 13 students for their works of fiction and poetry, and 5 students’ works were published in the magazine; 3 voiceperformance students took home 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the Windham Regional Arts Council High School Vocal Awards; and a video created by 1 student took 2nd place in the Quiet Corner Film Festival. Quinebaug Middle College (QMC) Located in a state-of-the-art wing on the Quinebaug Valley Community College (QVCC) campus, QMC enrolled 164 high school students from 23 different towns in its rigorous,

“My experience with EASTCONN has been nothing but amazing. They have helped my family reach so many of our goals and continue to do so. I am grateful my family gets to be a part of the EASTCONN family.” – Jennifer Beals, Early Head Start and Head Start Putnam parent “I have had a wonderful experience with EASTCONN Head Start and Early Head Start - loving, caring, reliable care for my children while I’m at work. Being able to go to work with no worries, because your child is being cared for with 100% care and love makes work so much easier. Also, they’ve provided resources for my family as we were not aware of what was available to help our family in need or my child that was having difficulties.” – Lorry DeBella, parent of a Head Start/Early Head Start student


AGENCY GOAL #1 humanities-rich and STEM-integrated program. Through a Regional Programs for Students with Special partnership with QVCC, QMC students could earn free college Education Needs credits by taking courses at QVCC; free UCONN classes were K-12 Student Services offers a continuum of services throughalso offered. Thirty-four (34) QMC students enrolled directly out the region for students with a wide spectrum of challenging in 66 QVCC classes, earning 207 credits at no cost. Another 13 academic, behavioral and social/emotional needs. From on-site students enrolled in a UCONN writing class, earning 52 free professional development, training and consultations for district UCONN credits. QMC’s portion professionals supporting inof a $1.4 million Magnet Schools district students, to our regional “The staff at EASTCONN go above and Assistance Program (MSAP) grant clinical day treatment programs, beyond in their teaching to understand my ended in fall 2016, but a rigorous we build district capacity toward sustainability plan enabled QMC son on a personal and intuitive level.” the ultimate shared goal of leastto continue expanding its STEMrestrictive environments. Some infused curriculum. QMC’s examples include: MSAP-funded mobile STEM Laboratory launched officially in October 2016, providing 8 districts, 5 EASTCONN schools and Clinical Day Treatment (CDT) more than 700 of the region’s students with field-based, highOur 2 regional programs served 120 students, ages 5-19, from quality STEM experiences. 28 different sending districts, with significant social, emotional and behavioral challenges, providing highly individualized and structured academic instruction and clinical support. Of note, 12 seniors in our CDT programs graduated this year, and approximately 10% of our students returned to less restrictive settings in their home districts. Regional Autism Programming Our inclusion-driven autism programming provided direct services to students, both in-district and at our center-based program, as well as in-district coaching for school personnel. This year, enrollment increased by 20% with 12 students from 8 districts receiving comprehensive educational and behavioral services.

Related Services staff, like Speech-Language Pathologists, provide oneon one support to autism students, who blossom with extra care. Transportation Services Transported 171 students daily from 19 districts to the region’s 3 public magnet schools, including EASTCONN’s ACT and QMC. Of special note: Overall, our transportation fleet of 110+ vehicles transported 616 students daily, from 26 member districts to 110 different sites. Our buses traveled more than 2.5 million miles in 2016-2017.

Related Services Group (RSG) 654 students, from preschool to age 21, from 26 of our districts, benefited from direct and/or classroom-based therapy, including physical therapy, occupational therapy and/or speech-language services. The number of students served increased 17% over last year. Assistive Technology (AT) 36 students, preschool to age 21, from 22 member districts, as well as 8 adult clients from 2 State of Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitative Services offices, received assessment services from our AT staff. AT provided technology tools and resources to mitigate educational challenges that impede students’ ability to access, participate in and progress in school.

“I love the fact I have access to college classes from QVCC; I think this is an amazing opportunity people should really grab … I believe anyone who’s enrolled at QMC, can truly reach the dreams they want to reach. They helped me do it, and I am confident they can help anyone do it.” – Quin, QMC student “… This school has proven to me, that through hard work, team work, and doing what I love, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to … If I had to describe ACT in only three words, I would describe it as Diverse, Artistic and Home. I can conclude by saying that ACT isn’t just a good school, it’s an amazing school. I am proud to be an ACT student.” – Maria, ACT Student “... Having these services available will provide seamless supports for students, especially those in crisis.” – Fran Lagace, Director of Pupil Services, Killingly Public Schools, discussing EASTCONN’s new regional Clinical Day Treatment in Killingly


AGENCY GOAL #1 Psychological and Behavioral Consultation Services (PBCS) Supported school-based teams in 31 districts through multitiered systems of support (MTSS), benefiting more than 3,000 students. PBCS also developed in-district supports for students with autism spectrum disorders in 17 districts, representing a 70% increase over last year. Another 19 districts used our neuropsychological assessment services, available for the first time through EASTCONN. Transition Services for Young Adults EASTCONN’s Regional Transition Services (RTS) program, located on the campus of QMC/QVCC, served 9 students with a broad range of disabilities, ages 18-21, providing them with a socially appropriate setting and authentic work experiences among their age-related peers. RTS helped students make effective use of peer support, self-advocacy and technology.


2,800 students benefited from 10 CSDE-funded Interdistrict Grants, with more than 80% of participants reporting an increase in academic knowledge and acceptance of others.


COOL Directions Program for In-School Youth Community Arts Connection 2,800 INTERDISTRICT 85 youth from 11 high schools received More than 60 elementary and middleservices throughout their junior and Program STUDENTS school-age youth and their families particisenior years and in their first year postpated in this Windham-based after-school increased their graduation from this EWIB-funded program, providing academic tutoring, arts program. EASTCONN collaborated with acceptance of & education, family engagement and wellNew London Youth Affairs and Norwich ness activities. Creative monthly themes respect for peers Human Services to provide students incorporated academic learning and childwith a continuum of services, including centered activities that resulted in these direction for post-high-school education positive outcomes: 80% of the students showed an increase in and work opportunities. As a result, 86% of students increased overall knowledge of world geography; 90% read a minimum of 2 their math, reading and occupational skills; 97% graduated from biographies and created a related diorama and/or poster presenhigh school or received their GED; 95% experienced a paid tation for their peers; and parental involvement in the program internship; one year after high school, 86% of exited youth were increased 27% over last year. employed, attending post-secondary school or were enrolled in the military. Interdistrict Grants Our 10 Interdistrict Grants benefited 100+ teachers and 2,800 Summer Youth Employment students, grades 2-12, from 15 different districts, through Our EWIB-funded regional employment and training programs multi-cultural educational programming integrated with core for 400 youth involved numerous collaborators, including New disciplinary studies. Upon completion, 85% of students reported London Youth Affairs and Norwich Human Services. Of note: an increase in their acceptance of and respect for others; 80% 96% achieved an attendance rate of 85% or better; 95% of indemonstrated an increase in academic content knowledge. school youth returned to high school, obtained jobs or enrolled “My husband and I could not be happier with our decision to enroll our son D. at EASTCONN Autism Program. We love the high level of education and specialization each faculty and staff member possesses. Since starting at EAP a little over a year ago, D. has made great strides and incredible progress behaviorally, academically, socially and also in the way of life skills. We believe the progress we’ve seen in his ability to adapt to change in routine in his home life is a direct result of the help and intervention he’s received at EAP.” – Jaime H., parent of Autism Program student “ … I love EASTCONN and all of the staff and recommend this program to anyone who has a child who needs ‘a little extra something’ to get them through to mainstream school. EASTCONN is #1.” – Guardian of Clinical Day Treatment student


AGENCY GOAL #1 in post-secondary school after completing the program; and 96% increased their understanding of workplace responsibilities.


Served a total of 1,268 adult learners, including 669 who attended free classes offered in high school credentialing, English-as-aSecond Language (ESL), American citizenship preparation, life/ basic skills instruction, and employment/college transition support; 561 others participated in our community education programs.

appropriate and educationally rich childcare, provided through partnerships with Head Start, Early Head Start, Family Resource Centers and member districts. Of note: an internal EASTCONN workgroup has developed strategies and a new database to more effectively connect 2Gen participants with the services they need.

Windham Parent Partnership An evening ESL class in partnership with UCONN Jump Start (through Head Start) and Windham Public Schools, allowed us to offer instruction to 29 higherlevel ELL adult students in need of Unemployed, low-income childcare. While parents increased ADULTS took vocational their English language skills, their 10 American Citizenship children received dinner and highclasses, resulting in... Preparation quality childcare, supervised by Head Foreign-born residents, 17 and older, Start staff. The parent class continued most of whom have limited English getting its outstanding attendance record, skills, benefited from U.S. citizenship and all participants made significant preparation classes that also instructed gains. them in reading and communication, so they could better understand the rights and responsibilities of Employment & Vocational Training citizens, prepare for the rigorous American Citizenship test, and Continued to be the largest provider of employment and training navigate the naturalization process. Classes drew students from 5 programs for economically disadvantaged adults in the northmember towns. eastern Connecticut region through EWIB. This year, we administered $1.4 million in contracts. Some programs of note: High School Credential Offered 3 high school credential program options to best match Vocational Skills Training the unique needs and educational goals of our adult students: the Through our programs, 359 unemployed and under-employed, GED; the Adult High School Credit Diploma; and the National economically disadvantaged adults attained the educational and External Diploma Program (NEDP). A total of 375 students were vocational skills and credentials needed to access further training enrolled across all 3 programs, and 80 graduated in June 2017. and/or better-paying jobs; upon completing the courses, 61% found jobs. English Learners The English Learner (EL) population continues to increase across Integrated Education & Training (IET) our region; 326 students were enrolled in our ESL classes this Formerly known as I-BEST, our IET program offered National year, an increase of 30% over last year. In Willimantic and the Retail Foundation (NRF) Customer Service and Sales certificaWindham region, where most of our ELL students speak Spanish tions at 3 locations. The ESL Customer Service class was offered as their first language, we have increased the number of Spanish at Windham High School to parents participating in the famGED classes, so students can earn a high school diploma, while ily literacy program; 19 took the NRF test in June. Unlike our simultaneously working on their English; this year, 75% of EL programs funded with basic adult education grants, we were able students improved their English reading and listening skills. to serve individuals who have their high school diploma, but who lack the basic skills needed to find and retain employment. Two-Generational (2Gen) Learning Initiative Offered regional, multi-generational programming in Willimantic that co-locates high-quality GED, Spanish GED, and/or ESL instruction for parents whose children attend developmentally


“…When I started, I could barely speak English and I was very shy to try… Now I feel great because I can read and understand and communicate with my teacher. When you can’t speak English well, it is hard to get help from places because they don’t understand you and you just give up. I can speak and read English fluently now. I do help other people now. I encourage them that studying English is important for you and this country.” – English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) student “I loved getting a chance to work in a human service area, help all types of different kids and keep smiles on their faces. I think the youth employment program did a great job helping me and the other youth. I realize I can take on more than I thought, and that working hard pays off. Thank you for the experience.” – Mikeila, student participant in EASTCONN’s Youth Employment & Training Program



Initiatives for 2017-2018 • Expand our support, programs and services for English Learners (EL) by increasing our capacity to prepare more certified EL teachers for K-12 and adult students; improving our capacity to communicate in multiple languages; and better addressing the needs of EL students in our magnet schools. • Employ evidence-based, Tier 1 developmental strategies to support and increase the social-emotional competence of infants and young children in early childhood programs across the region.

A Spanish GED student at our Willimantic-based Adult Learning site focuses on improving her math skills with an instructor. Co-Location of Adult Programs & American Job Center Adult Programs collaborated with EWIB to open Connecticut’s first-ever co-located facility in fall 2016, combining both adult education and Job Center programs in one convenient location. This combined education/employment center, located in downtown Willimantic, gets thousands of visits from unemployed or under-employed adults who benefit from seamless access to basic education classes, job skills instruction, employment options and job placement assistance. Workforce Innovation Fund Grant This 3-year manufacturing pipeline initiative grant, now in its 2nd year, provided 425 eastern Connecticut unemployed or under-employed adults with training and job opportunities at Electric Boat and other manufacturing employers in the region. Delivered in collaboration with EWIB, 2 community colleges and the Thames Valley Council for Community Action, this broad-brush manufacturing preparation program includes basic skills and work readiness training by EASTCONN.

• Pursue partnerships and support stakeholder collaborations among northeastern Connecticut leaders, educators and mental health providers who plan to address growing concerns over children’s mental health and its impact on schools and communities across the region. • Continue working with our district partners and families to find cost-effective, regional solutions to magnet school transportation challenges; increase district participation in a regionally coordinated system of transportation, particularly for children with special needs. • Help districts build their in-house capacity to support the psychological and behavioral needs of all students, including those with special needs, by reinforcing prevention and helping districts create embedded, systemic supports. Continue to increase our own capacity to provide crisis intervention training and support to districts. • In a time of rising need and diminishing resources, harness the power of technology to drive innovation that results in higher quality, increased options and lower costs for our districts. • Pursue and expand our Two-Generational (2Gen) approach to support our region’s most vulnerable populations through a coordinated effort to build a regional, multigenerational continuum of high-quality, integrated services and programming.

“It is really important for me to learn to write and speak English. It helps me to achieve my goal in the future so that I can communicate … It gives me an opportunity for a better future.” –English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) student “I came to get my education and better myself as a person and as a parent. I hope if I lead, my children will follow. It is a challenge, but worth it. Happy to have the help to change my future.” – Crystal Bellows, Adult Programs GED student “Yo necesito el GED para poder superarme y ayudar a mis nietos en sus tareas. Gracias a los maestros y a todos los que trabajan en EASTCONN por la oportunidad que nos dan a todos nosotros.” Translation: “I need the GED to improve myself and help my grandchildren with their homework. Thank you to all the teachers and employees at EASTCONN for the opportunity that they give us.” – Carmen Gonzalez, Adult Programs Spanish GED student


AGENCY GOAL #2 To engage in strategic collaborations that result in positive outcomes for learners.

“My experience working in partnership with EASTCONN goes back about 20 years, and their quality service has always hit the mark ...”

2016-2017 HIGHLIGHTS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS MEMBER DISTRICT PARTNERSHIPS & COLLABORATIONS Eastern Connecticut Health Insurance Program (ECHIP) Our regional health insurance collaborative of 4 municipalities, 4 school districts and EASTCONN, produced an average savings of 6.2% for all ECHIP members, with comparable savings anticipated for 2017-2018. Cooperative Purchasing All 36 member school districts receive free membership in our cooperative; last year, Cooperative members made purchases in excess of $9 million, a 300% increase over the previous year, while realizing an estimated average total savings of 10-15%, or between $900,000 and $1.35 million, depending on which items were purchased. District Collaborative Initiative Brought together 15 EASTCONN-region Superintendents and Boards of Education chairpersons to develop collaborative plans around identified areas like back office services, professional development, hiring, recruitment, benefits management and transportation. The group sought new ways of providing the most cost-effective, high-quality programs and services possible. Back Office Support Functioned as the fiscal office for member districts, offering budget management, accounts payable and payroll functions, in addition to HR, facilities and technology services.

Our in-house fingerprinting specialist provides fast, convenient service to school-based job-seekers, helping them meet Connecticut’s stringent background-check requirements. Regional Fingerprinting A total of 1,500 job-seekers used our fingerprinting services, including applicants for district jobs and candidates in university-based teacher preparation programs; provided fingerprinting services in our Hampton offices, as well as on-site at UCONN’s Storrs campus. Information Technology (IT) Support IT staff provided on-site IT support to 7 school districts and municipalities, an increase of more than 130% over last year, assisting with network infrastructure and wireless projects. We offered a diverse range of affordable technology expertise that is especially beneficial to smaller member districts that don’t have IT departments; many have difficulty finding highly qualified and affordable IT staff or consultants.

“ECHIP is an excellent example of regional cooperation between towns and board of educations and EASTCONN. The ability to come together has allowed us to move to a self-insured program for health benefits, something each of us could not do alone due to size, and in so doing we have saved individually hundreds of thousands of dollars in administrative fees and reduced costs for other related insurance products that we can now bid on collectively. It’s an honor to serve as Chairperson of this forward-thinking organization, whose goal is to continue to provide a reasonable health benefit package for employees at a sustainable cost.” – Steven Werbner, Tolland Town Manager and Chairman of the ECHIP Executive Board “EASTCONN’s Cooperative [Purchasing] is an outstanding resource for food service directors. With EASTCONN doing most of the administrative bidding and procurement work, food service directors are able to focus more time on managing operations and keeping their bottom line healthy.” – Eric Volle, Food Service Director, Windham Public Schools


AGENCY GOAL #2 Truancy & Residency Services Partnered with member districts, the judicial system, students and their parents to implement strategies to address attendance and truancy issues. Provided truancy, residency and investigative services in 11 districts and supervised 2 full-time truancy professionals; in total, investigated 400 cases (a 33% increase) in 2016-2017, resulting in considerable district savings and improved attendance.

School Readiness Early Childhood staff served in the School Readiness Liaison role for 11 communities, and were responsible for overseeing School Readiness Grant submissions and developing a consistent processes and tools for monitoring grant activities.

Collaborative Clinical Day Treatment In partnership with member districts across the EASTCONN region, we expanded our capacity Adult Education Consortium to provide district-based, regional “You consistently provide us with Thanks to a long-standing, volunclinical day treatment programs tary collaboration, our regional through the merger of our Plainfield a high level of appropriate, on-target consortium of 21 districts continued and Northeast Regional programs assistance. Thank you for, as to offer a wide range of basic adult and their subsequent move to Killusual, making my days easier.” education services at a variety of locaingly’s former high school. That new tions across the region, a depth and site, along with our Columbia-based breadth of service that districts would program, increased students’ opbe unable to provide on their own. Recruitment initiatives have portunities — in both our western and eastern regions — to learn resulted in a 5.5% increase in enrollment. This year, 669 students in less restrictive environments, and participate with their nonwere enrolled in all programs across the consortium, including: disabled peers in district activities and community events closer 375 in our high school credential programs and 326 in our ESL to home. This year, both programs served a total of 120 students and 7 in our citizenship programs. Locations ranged from our (a 300% increase) from 28 districts, in grades K-8. regional community learning centers to local high schools and community storefronts to online, anytime learning. Regional Consortia Facilitated numerous regional consortia, providing our member districts with access to funding they would otherwise not be eligible to receive and/or resources that they would otherwise not be able to afford. Among them: • Perkins Consortium: 8 districts participated, giving them access to nearly $75,000 in professional development and networking opportunities for 73 educators, including teachers, administrators and school counselors. • Renaissance Learning/STAR Assessments: Continued to coordinate a statewide licensing agreement with Renaissance Learning to make the STAR Early Literacy, STAR Reading and STAR Math online assessments available to 9 districts at a discounted price. • Frontline Education Professional Growth System: 17 districts continued in our regional consortium to access reduced pricing for the online observation and evaluation management system with Frontline, formerly My Learning Plan. • English Language Learner (ELL) Title III Consortium: 16 Early Head Start helps youngsters engage in positive social districts participated in our regional Title III Consortium, interactions that will help them navigate school and life. providing $40,000 in extra resources and professional development to teachers of English language learners. “This day really is a landmark. It’s a major breakthrough for workforce training and opportunity in eastern Connecticut … and is the first truly integrated workforce training establishment in the state. This place will open doors and create a vision for fulfilling the American dream. It’s a partnership of federal, state and local governments.” – U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, speaking at the collaborative EASTCONN Adult Programs and EWIB-funded American Job Center ribbon-cutting ceremony in Willimantic “When my daughter was starting school it was scary for me. Having a program to help guide a new parent through the scary everyday of school was amazing. Knowing that my child was in good hands was an added comfort. Then having them worry about my entire family as well made me feel welcomed.” – Diana Usher, Stafford Early Head Start parent


AGENCY GOAL #2 REGIONAL COMMUNITY COLLABORATION Employment & Training • Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board (EWIB): Worked in close collaboration with EWIB in the design and delivery of programs for both youth and adults who are economically disadvantaged and in need of vocational training and/or employment. In addition to providing direct services to 359 unemployed and under-employed adults, we also served 75 out-of-school youth.

goal was to bring EASTCONN’s Continuing Education, ESL and high school diploma programs together with Windham’s Family Advocates, Head Start and the After-School Collaborative in order to provide coordinated educational programming for the whole family. By leveraging the resources and expertise of these partners, parents and their children have access to higher-quality programming, designed to promote stability and opportunity. As a result, we successfully added an evening ESL class, and participated in weekend and evening outreach events.

Early Childhood Networking Meetings • Regional Collaborations: A total of 4 networking meetings helped keep 20 public pre– Community-Based Work Readiness Partnerships: school administrators informed about state and national policies, Students over the age of 14 in our Clinical Day Treatment changes in NAEYC criteria and Programs engaged in a vabest practices in early childhood, riety of vocational activities “This place will open doors saving them precious time as they that included building job and create a vision for fulfilling the worked to meet requirements, share skills, vocational tours and American dream. It’s a partnership of resources and take regional appaid internships in the comfederal, state and local governments.” proaches to providing PD. munity that also provided high school credit. Forty-five (45) students participated in paid, Regional Early Childhood Planning community-based internships at 25 area businesses, includIn collaboration with 5 member districts, Early Childhood staff ing Walmart, Rose Brothers Garage, Covenant Soup Kitchen served on the Northeast Early Childhood Council Leadership and the QVCC kitchen. Team, supported the Regional School Readiness Council and met – Youth Summer Program: Our EWIB-funded regional regularly with Family Resource Centers. A regional approach to employment and training program for 400 youth involved setting goals for developmental screenings, vision and hearing numerous collaborators, including New London Youth screenings, mental health and school readiness resulted in opporAffairs and Norwich Human Services. Of note: 96% of the tunities for communities to come to together to address issues participants achieved an attendance rate of 85% or better; that impact young children. 95% of in-school youth returned to high school, obtained jobs or enrolled in post-secondary school after completNortheast Health District Work Group ing the program; and 96% increased their understanding of Representatives from EASTCONN, QVCC, Day Kimball Hospiworkplace responsibilities. tal, Generations and the Northeastern Connecticut Chamber of Commerce, among others, met monthly to develop strategies and Parenting Support & Training plans to promote healthy lifestyles and health-related opportuni• Family Nights at Schools: Recognizing the role of parents as ties for the region’s community members, most recently focusing first teachers, Adult Programs partnered with a local education on the creation of community gardens, no-smoking policies and agency to provide a collaborative, family-friendly educational wellness programs. event. Literacy and math, as well as homework strategies, were the focus of the night. Nearly 100 parents, students and Regional Magnet School Transportation teachers participated, as well as 2 local state legislators, and all Collaborated with district partners to provide transportation for received a book to take home. 171 regular education students from 19 districts to the 3 magnet • Windham Community Collaborative: Continued strengthenschools in our region. The number of students transported was ing our partnership with Windham Public Schools and its Deup 15% from last year. partment of Family and Community Partnerships. Our shared “Our partnership reflects our desire to reinforce work readiness skills development and core employability skills to youth while also mentoring them in a career area. They learn so much through their participation in your program as well as the benefit it affords families; it is a win-win situation. The program also provides a training opportunity and we are happy to have been able to offer them paid positions. So many of the youth have left a positive, lasting impression on the staff and children here.” – Cheri Rainey, Director of the Caleb Foundation, Dayville, a Youth Employment & Training partner “You consistently provide us with a high level of appropriate, on-target assistance. Thank you for, as usual, making my days easier.” – Lauren Fierman, Title III Consortium English Learner Support, Region 8


AGENCY GOAL #2 School Climate Surveys A total of 18 school districts across eastern Connecticut partnered with us to deliver School Climate Surveys to their students, teachers and parents. Survey results included data on bullying, safety, quality of instruction, communication and many other topics.

RESC AND/OR RESC ALLIANCE PARTNERSHIPS Early Childhood Leadership Team RESC Alliance partners met regularly with key members of the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC) leadership team to stay informed and to discuss how to support state initiatives, as the Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) is being developed. This new system will ensure that early care and education programs meet quality criteria statewide. EASTCONN participated in the professional learning component of the new system.

time in their classrooms. A total of 750 educators completed the most recent Mentor updates, while 841 educators finished their Reviewer updates. Improvements to online TEAM training modules have been implemented, and a new online dashboard has further simplified access and navigation for teachers, Mentors and Reviewers. • Mentor Stipends: Processed approximately $2 million in stipend payments to TEAM Mentors in all eligible Connecticut districts on behalf of the RESC Alliance. Virtual High School (VHS) The RESC Alliance maintained its statewide VHS partnership, managed by CREC, offering online instructional opportunities to districts across the state. This system provided motivated students with opportunities to explore subject areas that would otherwise be unavailable in local districts due to low enrollment, high costs or unavailability of instructors. We have 3 participating districts. Educator Evaluation Planning & Support Continued to collaborate with the CSDE, the RESC Alliance and Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS) in the delivery of professional development, designed to support the implementation of educator evaluation plans. Hosted a 5-day series attended by 27 educational leaders from 18 districts, providing them with details of the educator evaluation and support system, the Common Core of Teaching (CCT) Rubric for Effective Teaching 2015 and the CCT Rubric for Effective Service Delivery 2015. All components of the teacher evaluation guidelines were addressed. More than 97% of participants achieved proficiency.

Experienced teachers are great TEAM mentors. They work with new teachers, support their learning and help them succeed. TEAM (Teacher Education And Mentoring) Collaborated with CSDE and our RESC Alliance partners in the statewide provision of online TEAM training modules to enhance Connecticut’s beginning-teacher support program. • TEAM Online Training: Managed the EASTCONN-developed, Web-based accountability and data management system for TEAM, currently being used by 4,500 active beginning teachers, 10,000+ trained Mentors, Reviewers and district Facilitators statewide. This interactive, online training site allows educators to enhance their skills and knowledge without losing

Student Information Systems (IS) Support In collaboration with LEARN, established a PowerSchool users group serving eastern Connecticut with participation by 30+ districts, resulting in participants’ easy access to updates, resources and training that enhanced their proficiency and reporting outcomes. Minority Teacher Recruitment (MTR) Continued to work with our RESC Alliance partners to recruit, support and retain a racially, ethnically and culturally diverse workforce of teachers and administrators for schools across Connecticut.

“I am navigating the new and beautiful TEAM website.” – Autumn Baltimore, Coordinator of Career Development/TEAM District Facilitator, Hartford Public Schools “I would like to take this opportunity to say what a pleasure it is to work with the EASTCONN Finance Office personnel. Whether it is budget development, budget reviews, help with purchase orders, payment requests or review of questionable billing, the staff is always willing to help in a timely manner. It is rare these days that you can pick up the phone and talk with a live person about a billing procedure or concern and come to a resolution, but this is the case with EASTCONN’s Finance office. Because of this relationship, C. H. Barrows STEM Academy has a strong partner in which both parties benefit from the association. We look forward to working with your staff in the future.” – Alan Cox, Principal of C. H. Barrows STEM Academy, Windham Public Schools



Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 2016 Connecticut School Health Profile: In support of the CSDE’s need to provide data to the CDC, Technology Solutions provided technical and logistical support for the administration of the 2016 School Health Profile, a statewide survey of health education policies and practices for grades 6-12.

Connecticut State Department of Education • Connecticut Administrator Test (CAT): Teaching & Learning staff continued to coordinate the statewide CAT planning team in support of the CSDE’s test, the successful completion of which is required for all aspiring school administrators in the State of Connecticut. Nearly 1,300 CAT tests were completed, and 3,328 CAT modules were scored by EASTCONN. • Teacher of the Year (TOY): For the last 2 years, Technology Solutions has supplied a statewide online system for the submission and scoring of Connecticut’s TOY Coordinated applications. We continued to work in close partnership with the Connecticut TOY Council and the CSDE to tests improve the application and scoring process. This year, the system successfully handled 93 applications and 764 scoring sessions, saving hours of paper handling and eliminating the need for postage.



& scored

3,328 test

Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC) Our Early Childhood staff participated as a member of the OEC’s Assessment Advisory Group on issues related to Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards. We also hosted a regional stop on OEC’s listening tour about the Quality Improvement System and worked with OEC to begin piloting our newly developed child assessment and reporting system, called CT Documentation & Observations Teaching System (CT DOTS). On behalf of the OEC, and in collaboration with Early Childhood Consultation Partnership (ECCP), we provided coaching to improve teacher practice in 65 classrooms and 13 communities that received funding through the Preschool Development Grant. Connecticut Department of Children & Families (DCF) In an effort to provide coordinated support for the most vulnerable families in our region, our Early Childhood Initiatives and Birth to Three staff worked closely with DCF, establishing joint goals when serving children under our mutual care. We attended DCF state-level Head Start meetings on a quarterly basis and collaborated closely with the DCF Birth to Five liaison, who coordinates the DCF regional meetings.

Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitative Services (BRS) Our Assistive Technology (AT) team contracted with BRS to provide assessment services and support for 8 adult clients with disabilities who are seeking to obtain or maintain employment, and implemented a newly designed program to assist persons with hearing and visual impairments. Connecticut Department of Mental Health Services (DMHAS) modules EASTCONN collaborated with DMHAS to provide educational support and oversight for 161 students who were admitted to 5 mental health facilities. We assisted DMHAS in providing a continuum of educational services, while addressing students’ mental health needs.

EASTCONN facilitates opportunities for school district leaders to improve their practice through facilitated conversations, hard work and open, collegial group sessions. Student-Centered Learning Led by EASTCONN staff, 18 leaders from 15 districts attended a work session to learn more about the student-centered learning approach to instructional design.

“I wanted to tell you all that the new TEAM website is great. I have so much useful information at my fingertips and it’s easy to navigate. Thank you for your hard work ... greatly appreciated.” – Joseph Campolieta, HR Director, Torrington Public Schools “Working with EASTCONN to develop our Connecticut Teacher of the Year [TOY] application and selection process through the use of a customized online portal has created increased accessibility and improved ease of use for our district candidates, application reviewers and system administrators. Moving from hard copy to web-based applications has saved time, been cost-effective, and invited more candidates to pursue our state honor.” – Kim Wachtelhausen, Teacher of the Year Coordinator, CSDE “The fingerprinting process was fast and easy to complete. The specialist was very professional. I enjoyed having a conversation with her to make the process easier. I would tell others it was a great experience.” – C. Hatch, HR Fingerprinting customer


AGENCY GOAL #2 of data collection and more accurate and timely reporting. In partnership with EASTCONN’s Early Childhood division, collected more than 8,000 data points on 1,600+ students. • Lighthouse Survey: In partnership with CSDE and the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE), this online survey measures beliefs around student achievement potential in high-achieving and low-achieving districts, and also supports training for best-practices for boards of education. The system was modernized this year, and CABE has retained EASTCONN to administer the survey system with the potential for national momentum. A Regional Transition Services student gains valuable experience in community service as he reads to youngsters at a day care center. Connecticut Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Our Regional Transition Services (RTS) program, serving young adults with a broad range of developmental and other disabilities, worked in close coordination with DDS to address the needs of RTS students who will be transitioning to adult services. Statewide Data Systems Support Continued our development of customized, online, database solutions designed to streamline data collection and analysis, with user ease as a driver. Among them:

• TEAM (Teacher Education And Mentoring Program): Managed the EASTCONN-developed, Web-based accountability and data management system for TEAM, used by thousands of new teachers and experienced educators statewide. Provided a real-time communication and data system that enhanced communication between mentors and new teachers, as well as a real-time record of their progress, as required by CSDE certification regulations.

• Electronic Connecticut Administrator Test (eCAT): In partnership with the CSDE and CAT Support Team, Technology Solutions reporting staff continued to expand the CSDE’s use of our in-house-designed eCAT used in preschool test, a proctored, online assessment for aspiring school administrators classrooms, supported that will soon replace the paper-andstudents statewide pencil version currently in use.





• CTPAF (Connecticut Pre-School Assessment Framework): Maintained and supported the EASTCONN-designed system of reporting tools used in 700 pre-school classrooms, providing detailed, student-level and school-level reports on 14,000 preschoolers in communities statewide. • Kindergarten Inventory: Continued to manage the CSDE online Kindergarten Inventory, in use in all Connecticut schools, which provides critical data on the developmental progress of approximately 40,000 kindergarten students across the state. • Early Childhood Literacy Rubric Data Collection: Designed an online data collection system, creating a simpler method

HIGHER EDUCATION PARTNERSHIPS & COLLABORATION UCONN Collaborations • Early Childhood: Our Head Start staff worked in partnership with UCONN’s Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Center for Applied Research in Human Development, to measure progress of Head Start families on the goals that they set with their home visitor or family advocate. More than 590 goals were set, and are being used to measure Head Start parent progress related to family functioning and parent/ child relationships.

“ I would like to express my appreciation for the contribution that EASTCONN, especially the early childhood division, makes to the early childhood workforce. My experience working in partnership with EASTCONN goes back about 20 years, and their quality service has always hit the mark. Most recently, their work with organizing and providing professional learning to coaches who deliver services in the context of the Federal Preschool Development Grant with the CT Office of Early Childhood continues to impress … EASTCONN is known for their talented staff who go above and beyond just doing the job; they understand and care deeply about how well they do their work because it truly has an impact on children and families. Relationships are the key and I am lucky to have had, and continue to have, a positive and rewarding relationship with EASTCONN. I look forward to planning great work with EASTCONN that will move the early childhood workforce into a new era.” – Deborah Adams, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC) Workforce Specialist


AGENCY GOAL #2 • Psychological & Behavioral Support: Continued our collaboration with the UCONN Department of Clinical Psychology for assessment support, as well as interventions to address mental health needs of children and families in our programs. Worked in partnership with 3 UCONN doctoral students, who conducted mental health focus groups for families and provided consultation on classroom strategies, as well as case management for family service staff. College Opportunities for EASTCONN Students • ACT Arts Magnet High School: A partnership with ECSU enabled ACT students to take on-campus, for-credit ECSU college classes at no cost. This year, 6 ACT upperclassmen took 4 ECSU classes.

Initiatives for 2017-2018 • Seek new opportunities for collaboration, efficiencies and innovation, while expanding membership in and services through existing collaboratives and partnerships, including our Adult Education Consortium and purchasing cooperative. • Continue planning for statewide professional learning with the Office of Early Childhood, while expanding our focus to include early childhood leaders as we build sustainability in systems that support childhood providers. • Develop affordable, web-based assessment and data management solutions for member district partners, with an emphasis on tools that will enhance educators’ ability to use data to make decisions and support teacher evaluation. • Continue to develop new markets for our Transportation department and facilitate information-sharing with districts through recently streamlined website pages, and the database-supported, expedited coordination of regional bus runs.

QMC’s STEM-infused curriculum is rich in hands-on, inquiry-based learning which teaches students to find solutions to complex problems. • QMC Magnet High School: 34 QMC students enrolled directly in 66 QVCC classes, earning 207 credits at no cost, and 13 students enrolled in a UCONN Early College Experience writing class, earning 52 free UCONN credits. • Regional Transition Services (RTS): Located on QVCC’s campus, our 5th-year RTS students can take a college class each semester that enables them to develop the necessary selfadvocacy skills required to navigate college classes and request appropriate accommodations.

• Take advantage of a regional common calendar to continue offering joint professional development opportunities during shared PD days across a variety of topics, including early childhood and non-core areas like art and music. • Expand membership in the Eastern Connecticut Health Insurance Program (ECHIP). Also, expand ECHIP’s menu of services to include other health coverage, such as student accident insurance, life insurance, disability and long-term care. We will expand our wellness menu for agency staff, and continue to improve ECHIP’s wellness website. • Continue collaborating with individual RESCs, as well as the Alliance as a whole, in the development and delivery of programs and services that address our local district needs.

“EASTCONN’s commitment to collaborative partnerships and solutions has created a conduit to bring together the entire downtown Willimantic neighborhood in an atmosphere of trust and collaboration. The guidance of EASTCONN’s leaders has helped our revitalization program blossom across each sector of our very diverse, small business community. Your leadership has brought this network to a whole new level of trust, communication and shared optimism, which I am witnessing for the very first time.” – Andrew Gútt, owner of Cafémantic, and a Thread City Development board member “EASTCONN is a highly valued partner of the Union School District. Union relies on EASTCONN for a variety of services including: all related services (OT, PT, SLP, BCBA, psychological), back-office support, IT support, transportation, professional development/coaching, strategic planning, and curriculum development. It has been a pleasure to develop and grow this essential partnership with our school to help ensure student and staff success. It is great to have EASTCONN as part of our school team.” – Steven J. Jackopsic, Principal, Union Public School


AGENCY GOAL #3 To enhance the knowledge and skills of educators and the whole community, so they can effect change and facilitate positive outcomes for learners.

“Time and time again we have found that you have been able to guide and support our nuanced needs, as well as give us a clear and concise road map for the future …”

2016-2017 HIGHLIGHTS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS In response to district demand, as well as their staffing and funding challenges, we have continued to expand our delivery options for professional learning, moving toward more ongoing, embedded and integrated learning models. Nevertheless, our Conference Services Office was busy last year, planning and managing 850 events, workshops and meetings. Conference Services provided and managed cost-effective CSDE-sponsored PD events, serving more than 725 participants, during 13 events that included overseeing vendor contracts, presenters and facilitators, event logistics and budget management.

TEACHING & LEARNING INITIATIVES Embedded Professional Learning Support In-District Support & Training Provided 114 days of on-site, embedded professional development and support in 13 districts to assist with the development and implementation of customized, local plans for a variety of educational reform initiatives, including performance task development, differentiated instruction, applications of new Social Studies and Science Standards, and more. Standards & Assessment More than 70 teachers and administrators from 5 districts engaged in a variety of professional learning workshops as part of the ongoing implementation of Connecticut Core Standards and the implementation of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC).

An arts educators’ workshop helps teachers link arts learning to classroom academics, as a means of engaging students. Regional Professional Learning for Special-Area Teachers Now in its second year, this professional development initiative continued to gain momentum, as more than 40 teachers of art, music, physical education and library media from 13 districts, engaged in regional professional development. Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Supported districts as they continued to adopt the NGSS through a range of services that impacted 45 educators from 17 districts; provided a range of activities on NGSS curriculum alignment, rubric development, assessments and administrator support. Minority Teacher Recruitment (MTR) Continued our work with the MTR program, an ongoing collaboration among Connecticut’s 6 RESC Alliance partners, to recruit, hire, develop, support and retain a racially, ethnically and culturally diverse teaching and administrative workforce for schools across the state.

“I have limited (even non-existent) opportunities to be groomed professionally and to collaborate with other [administrators]. EASTCONN is my only connection for engaging in collaboration and mentorship. Thank you for all you offer! EASTCONN has provided support for me this year that was invaluable.” – Diana Burns, Principal, Sprague Public Schools “The Voluntown Public Schools System readily approves the annual contract for the Truancy & Residency services provided by [EASTCONN]. We continue to enjoy our working relationship with [your staff member]! He is always available to lend advice or support, as needed. His advice and knowledge of federal and state law is greatly appreciated. He gets back to us in a timely manner and his recommendations are extremely accurate and cost-effective.” – Alycia Trakas, Principal/Assistant Superintendent, Voluntown Public Schools


AGENCY GOAL #3 Statewide Professional Learning & Support EASTCONN CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL • CSDE Coherence Conference: EASTCONN contributed as LEADERSHIP (CEL) part of the conference planning and facilitation team for this Our Center for Educational Leadership continued to provide event that hosted more than 210 educators from across the personally engaging, professional learning experiences that state. Seven (7) EASTCONN districts attended, and 2 faciliexamined the nature of leadership in today’s world. This year, the tated conference presentations. Center offered research-based professional learning experiences that explored a range of leadership and instructional methods. • Every Student Succeeds Act Considerable time was dedicated to (ESSA): We collaborated with the evidence-based practices and personal RESC Alliance and CSDE partners educational leaders from reflection. The Center supported 51 to conduct focus group meetings to administrators from member districts districts were able to obtain input for the CSDE, as they as they continued to implement and prepared their Connecticut response demonstrate skill in conducting plan new education initiatives. Some to the new federal ESSA law. More CEL cohorts, as well as other CELobservations, with more than than 50 educators from the EASTsponsored workshops and activities of CONN region participated. note this year: achieving proficiency




• Principals Community of Practice: 7 principals, including 3 who were new to their roles, met throughout the school year to address the unique needs and challenges that school leaders confront.


• Communities of Practice for Curriculum Directors: 6 curriculum directors engaged in professional learning within a supportive, self-created community where they interacted with colleagues, explored new ideas and challenged assumptions. • Common Core Leadership Cohort: 8 leaders from 7 districts engaged in this year-long administrator professional learning community focused on the instructional shifts in CCS for both English language arts and math. • Mindful Leadership: 14 leaders from 7 districts participated in this series to obtain research-informed strategies to bring mindfulness practices into their leadership strategies. • Yoga & Mindfulness for the Classroom: 40 educators from 27 districts attended this full-day regional PD event to gain tools to improve self-regulation, learning and classroom climate that will positively impact their practice and their student outcomes. • Building Leadership Capacity: 50+ educators from 22 districts attended an interactive, full-day session with nationally renowned educator and author Dr. Ellie Drago-Severson. She guided the group through research-based material that addressed building leadership capacity to support adult development.

In a supportive environment, our Center for Educational Leadership (CEL) Communities of Practice challenge school leaders to test themselves and their professional practice in order to improve their leadership skills. Foundation Skills for Evaluators of Teachers A total of 27 educational leaders from 18 districts attended a 5-day series, which provided them with details of the educator evaluation and support system, the Common Core of Teaching (CCT) Rubric for Effective Teaching 2014 and the CCT Rubric for Effective Service Delivery 2015. Administrators were able to demonstrate skill in conducting observations, with more than 97% achieving proficiency.

“The EASTCONN [Center for Educational Leadership] team provided our district with the assistance we needed when we were struggling with what our future would be. From start to finish, our strategic planning was guided by knowledgeable professionals who were dedicated to meeting our schedule, even with a very comprehensive process that included all the stakeholders in our town. Parents were impressed, citizens were engaged and the school leadership is very pleased with the final product. Our school now has a bright and promising future.” – Peter Calvert, Franklin Board of Education Chairman “…[I] wanted you to know that Day 2 of our [Planning for and Teaching Mathematicians through the Workshop Model] class was equally if not better than class #1! Best workshop ever!” – Beth O’Connor, Math/Language Arts, Canterbury Public Schools


AGENCY GOAL #3 Professional Development & Evaluation Committees (PDEC) Eleven (11) districts received CSDE grant funding that led to focused, on-site support for their PDECs led by an EASTCONN education specialist. More than 70 teachers and administrators participated in the professional learning and action-planning process, leading to local PD more aligned to their districts’ evaluation plans the Connecticut Standards of Professional Learning.

TEAM Online Training Maintained the interactive, online training site for TEAM Mentors and Reviewers, allowing them to enhance their skills and knowledge without losing time in their classrooms. A total of 1,140 educators completed the Mentor update while 877 educators finished the Reviewer update. Improvements to online TEAM training modules have been implemented, and a new online dashboard has further simplified access and navigation for teachers, Mentors and Reviewers.


We support many regional and statewide early childhood initiatives, delivering workshops and coaching across a range of topics, including instructional strategies; Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS); social-emotional competence; collaboration and team-building; executive function; home-school connections, and more. Some highlights:

TEAM equips new teachers with knowledge, skills and a supportive network to ease their transition into the profession.

TEACHER EDUCATION AND MENTORING (TEAM) PROGRAM TEAM is the Connecticut State Department of Education’s beginning-teacher support and retention program. This year, EASTCONN continued to manage the TEAM website, where online learning helps new teachers statewide succeed.

Regional and Statewide Coordination In the EASTCONN region, we provided 4 training sessions and facilitated TEAM meetings for 153 participants, including beginning teachers, Mentors, Reviewers and District Facilitators. Participants took part in teacher orientation training, Mentor updates and reflection-paper Reviewer trainings. Mentors gained the skills they needed to coach and support novice teachers as they developed their practice.

Early Childhood professionals gained invaluable strategies and resources at EASTCONN’s annual Infant/Toddler Conference. Infant/Toddler Conference Our Early Head Start and Birth-to-Three programs co-sponsored the 4th annual, statewide, Infant/Toddler Conference, held at EASTCONN’s Conference Center. More than 100 early childhood educators and administrators attended; requests to attend exceeded our capacity. The keynotes were renowned authors and educators, Jane R. Ellison and Glen Palm, who helped participants see their practice through the lens of trauma and its effects on young children and families.

“On behalf of the Tolland County and East Central Multi-Disciplinary Teams, I would like to extend our sincerest appreciation for the opportunity to utilize your [Hampton] facility … for conferences on the investigation and prosecution of child abuse. Your [Conference Office] staff exceeded our expectations in terms of its hospitality, accommodation and flexibility in providing a spacious and comfortable training venue for law enforcement, social workers, medical professionals and lawyers from all over Connecticut who work every day in the fight against child exploitation. We truly enjoy partnering with you and look forward to working together again in the future. Thank you for your contribution to this important cause!” – Elizabeth C. Leaming, Senior Assistant State’s Attorney, Judicial District of Tolland


AGENCY GOAL #3 Trauma-Informed Care/Social-Emotional Competence Professional learning on trauma-informed care was delivered to 130 teachers of infants and toddlers. Learning focused on building relationship-based competencies as a means of providing consistent care and communication with young children. Improving Executive Function, Language, Literacy & Math Skills We delivered training and on-site coaching in 14 communities in 108 classrooms. The impact was remarkable, with a total of 1,728 children receiving focused attention to increase their executive function and social skills. We continued to see increases in executive function, social skills, literacy and math in our collaborative programs, where integrated curricular approaches and strategies are being used to support positive child outcomes.

Professional learning workshops help early childhood teachers stay current on a variety of content and pedagogical topics.

Statewide Professional Learning to Improve Student Outcomes in Young Children Of note this year, EASTCONN Early Childhood staff: • Provided coaching in 13 communities and 65 early childhood classrooms as a means of improving teacher practice. • Coordinated the roll-out of the Connecticut Core Knowledge & Competency framework (CT CKC) for 150+ coaches, trainers, PD designers and higher education faculty working with young children and their families. The CT CKCs provide the foundation for expectations of early childhood practitioners’ knowledge and skills. • Piloted a new, EASTCONN-developed, preschool-student assessment system that gives early childhood providers and teachers an improved, common format to monitor, analyze and report observations about children in their care, as outlined in the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS). Playful Learning Initiative With funding from the Lego Community Foundation and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, and in collaboration with the Hartford Area Child Care Collaborative, EASTCONN developed training modules for “Supporting Educational Success through Playful Learning: A Focus on Preschool and Kindergarten.” These sessions, which are designed to help teachers and families collaborate around purposeful play that supports learning standards, brought classroom strategies and materials to 76 kindergarten and 1st-grade teachers in 19 schools, impacting more than 1,216 students. The modules will eventually be available statewide, as research continues to show that play is critical to child development and learning outcomes.

Professional Learning for Community-Based Early-Care Providers Provided 26 different workshops for 725 community-based, early-care Preschool Development Grant Provided different workshops for providers, on a wide variety of conIn collaboration with the state Office of community-based, early-care tent and pedagogy topics. Attendees Early Childhood (OEC) and the Early included pre-K and kindergarten Childhood Consultation Partnership providers, on a wide variety of topics. teachers, paraprofessionals, teacher (ECCP), we developed and coordiassistants, curriculum coordinators, nated statewide PD for 13 communities early childhood administrators, infant/toddler teachers and parainvolved in the federally funded Preschool Development Grant, professionals, Birth to Three providers, program administrators reaching a total of 190 early-childhood educators and paraprofesand related services staff, as well as social workers, DMHAS and sionals in 65 classrooms. With a focus on the CT ELDS, this project DCF workers. promotes an integrated curricular approach and emphasis on supporting paraprofessionals who implement programming. EASTCONN and the OEC provide a framework for giving professional guidance and support to early-childhood coaches.



“When we began to explore EASTCONN’s Executive Function [EF] training program, many teachers were skeptical. Now teachers are visiting EF classrooms, implementing strategies with support of trained teachers, and are ready to participate in the next cohort of trained staff. These strategies work!” – Lynn DePina, Norwich Public Schools “ … It is no easy task to cover the logistics of scheduling and designing learning to meet the needs of a variety of styles, and to be accountable for evaluating the project. Specifically, [your staff member] utilizes her experience from higher education, Head Start, cultural competence expertise, and personal open-mindedness to help [early childhood] coaches examine their true selves in the context of their work. This type of enlightenment about how process and content are inter-related makes all the difference when supporting coaches to help others find their true self in their teaching practice.” – Deborah Adams, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC) Workforce Specialist


AGENCY GOAL #3 OTHER REGIONAL INITIATIVES Psychological & Behavioral Consultation Services (PBCS) Provided professional learning for educators in 31 districts, impacting more than 3,000 students across our region. PBCS staff also provided more than 30 formal, professional development sessions in 15 districts for audiences of up to 100 people, including paraprofessionals, special education teachers, school psychologists, and other school-based mental health providers and administrators. Delivered a regional session for 70 area professionals from 25+ districts, focused on assessment and interventions for students with executive functioning and attention difficulties. Also consulted with more than 30 districts to enhance their capacity to implement multi-tiered supports for all students. PowerSchool Support Provided on-site PD and consultation for 7 districts and 2 regional districts. Facilitated workshops to improve the student information skills of about 80 personnel in 11 PowerSchool-based districts throughout EASTCONN’s service area and the state. In collaboration with LEARN, established a new PowerSchool user group in eastern Connecticut, with participation from 30+ districts. Continued to provide training at the national level, and contributed to the product design and reporting methods for both the CSDE Performance Office team and the PowerSchool corporate product development team.


Students received Selected by the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards to pilot the newly developed Related Model Cornerstone Assessments (MCA), our Services in-house designed was used by pilot-project teachers and higher education leaders nationwide to implement the MCA and develop a set of benchmarked student work samples. This online professional forum was designed for educators, who use it to develop and share standards-based learning tasks with embedded performance assessments.

Safety & Security Our school safety coordinator, a certified Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children instructor, trained 200+ educators on proper protocols and procedures when responding to abuse disclosures. Also hosted 2 Supers and Troopers forums attended by 50 area school superintendents and 50+ state troopers. Supers and Troopers forums connect superintendents and law enforcement officials as they consider common concerns around students, schools and the law. This year, sessions covered truancy/residency laws, and child human trafficking.

Regional law enforcement and school district administrators strengthen their relationships during EASTCONN-facilitated meetings that engage them on issues of mutual concern.

That’s Up

Facilities & Maintenance Ensured that, when needed, our districts were in compliance with state and federal health regulations. Provided 6 member districts with asbestos management re-inspections, and provided on-site radon management services to 7 districts. As is often the case in our region, each of these districts lacked certified, designated on-staff technicians.

Assistive Technology (AT) Provided a variety of professional learning opportunities both on-site and in regional settings, as well as in our resource library, giving district personnel an opportunity to try the latest assistive technologies for their students. Direct AT services and technologies improve access to the general curriculum for students with

“EASTCONN’s PowerSchool assistance has given us an affordable option to train and support our staff. Time and time again we have found that [your staff member] has been able to guide and support our nuanced needs, as well as give us a clear and concise road map for the future, which I would like to note is unavailable in any other forum. This support has not only reduced the man hours needed to manually enter data but it also has streamlined the bulk of our processes so that we can focus more on the analysis of student data.” – Joseph B. Torres, Data Systems Manager, Stafford Public Schools “Your presenter was great! Very understanding of where teachers/staff are coming from when we need to apply our learning to our work in reality.” • “Very well planned, organized, and you provided materials that we could use immediately.” • “I value the presenter’s ability to help frame research questions and provide meaningful feedback.” – Post-PD assessments from Tolland special-area teachers, following embedded EASTCONN PD on Collaborative Action Research


AGENCY GOAL #3 disabilities, helping them to reach their maximum potential and independence. • Professional Learning & Site-Based Support: The AT team delivered 57 trainings to staff in 19 schools on a range of AT topics, and provided 57 student-specific consultations in 17 school districts. Thirteen (13) districts have joined our AT Consortium, giving them priority scheduling options, as well as access to our AT Lending Library and AT trainings. – Related Services staff worked with 26 of our districts, supporting in-district professionals, as well as 654 students, preschool to age 21, an increase of 17% over last year. Related Services include AT, OT, PT and Speech-Language therapies.

Initiatives for 2017-2018 • Continue to expand our capacity as we support and promote innovations and regional options for professional learning that incorporate current technologies, social media and blended learning systems. • Facilitate cross-district collaborations, regional planning and cooperative decision-making that address our region’s professional learning needs. • Continue to move away from short-term, one-time workshops toward more sustained, systemic and embedded professional learning options. • Develop our capacity to support English learners (EL) by expanding our EL/TESOL staff to provide PD expertise and other supports for teachers of EL. • Increase regional PD sessions for special area and arts educators, as well as non-core content areas like social studies and science, and improve their access by hosting events in satellite and/or in-district locations, region-wide.

The Regional Staff Development Council shares learning about educational issues that affect schools and students.


Nearly all 36 member districts participated in one or more of our regional councils across a wide variety of content and job-related areas, all designed to provide our members with opportunities to connect, as they access and share resources, information and professional learning. Among them: University Region Superintendent Association/Northeast Area Superintendent Association (URSA/NASA); Regional Staff Development Council (RSDC), as well as councils for Arts Learning, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Grants Development, and more.

• Support a statewide effort to plan meaningful professional learning for early childhood educators and early-care providers, using the Connecticut Core Knowledge & Competency Framework (CT CKC). • Continue expanding our practice of embedded psychological-behavioral coaching and consultation to help districts build their expertise and sustain systemic supports for all students, including those with special needs, within their home districts.

“We all know that STEM really is the future, and teaching our kids to engage in the sciences and manufacturing – and the learning that comes from those disciplines – is really critical.” – Connecticut Rep. Doug Dubitsky, R-47th District, speaking about the importance of EASTCONN’s new Mobile STEM Lab, during the Lab’s ribbon-cutting ceremony “You have been extremely helpful in our grant pursuing process. We are starting to reach out into different funding facets, and this is a great connection. Your help writing our (latest) grant was over the top and provided a lot of support and education in grant writing.” – Samantha Schadtle, teacher, Region 8, and a member of EASTCONN’s Grant Development Council


Programs & Services


EASTCONN District Participation 2016-2017

Adult Programs American Citizenship Preparation Community Education Employment & Training ESL Instruction/Family Literacy High School Completion JET(Out-of School Youth Programs) JFES Case Management & Training Life Skills & Basic Skills Instruction Regional Management of Mandated Adult Services Transitions to PostSecondary Education Volunteer Literacy Tutoring Program

Early Childhood Initiatives Birth-to-Three Program CT ELDS Early Childhood CLASS CT Accreditation Facilitation Project (AFP) CTPAF Web-Based Software Early Childhood Council Facil. & Strategic Planning Early Childhood Program Monitoring & Evaluation Early Childhood Training, Coaching & Consultation Early Childhood Parent Education/Parenting Wksps Executive Function Skills Head Start/Early Head Start NAEYC Consultation Transition Planning: B-to-3, Preschool-to-Kindergarten


Programs & Services


EASTCONN District Participation 2016-2017

K-12 Student Services ACT Magnet High School Assistive Technology & AAC Services Autism Programs Clinical Day Treatment Programs Cool Directions Driver Education EASTCONN Adventure Program for Students Food Services Interdistrict Programs Mobile STEM Lab Neuropsychology Services Psychological/Behavioral Services Quinebaug Middle College Regional Transition Services Related Services Summer Youth & Employ. Truancy & Residency Virtual High School Woodstock Academy: Cooperative Program

Organizational Support Services Asbestos, Radon, Hazardous Comm. Trng. & Consultation Back-Office Support Cooperative Purchasing Eastern Connecticut Health Insurance Program Fingerprinting Services Shared Staffing Transportation Services


Programs & Services


EASTCONN District Participation 2016-2017

Teaching & Learning Services Accreditation Quality Improvement System (AQIS) Center for Ed. Leadership/ Leadership Development Connecticut Administrator Test (CAT) Connecticut Core Standards Curriculum Development & Design: NGS & ELA EASTCONN Councils Educator Evaluation Plans Consultation & Support EL Title III Consortium/ Support & PD Literacy & Math Professional Learning Science/STEM Professional Learning TEAM

Technology Solutions Classroom Tech Implementation & Assessment Education Data Systems Management Information Technology Support Services Network Management PowerSchool Systems Surveys for Educator Eval. & School Climate Technology Council Tech. Professional Learning Video Conferencing Services Web Application Dev. & System Monitoring


EASTCONN Finance Facts 2016-2017 Annual Finances Revenue: $76,180,743




Employees Employees: 552

500 400 300 200 100 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17


Funding Detail

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17


Direct State Entitlement Funding, 0.6% Member Dues, 0.1%

State Contracts & Competitive Grants, 9.0% Federal Contracts & Competitive Grants, 8.0%

Private Contracts & Competitive Grants, 5.5%

Local Funds, 76.8%

Allocation of Funds Services Benefitting Local Communities, 18.7%

Administration, 7.0%

Services Benefitting Local Schools, 74.3%


EASTCONN Interagency Collaborations A Abington Social Library; ACCESS Agency; ACES; Alliance of Regional Educational Service Centers; American Antiquarian Society; American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE); American Cancer Society; American Job Centers; Ampersand Consulting; Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA) B Backus Hospital, Norwich; Benton Museum C Camp Quinebaug; Carelot Day Care; C.E.S.; Center for Latino Progress; Choices Program/ Brown University; CLiCK Willimantic; Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE); Community Conversations; Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut; Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence; Connecticut Association for Adult and Continuing Education (CAACE); Connecticut Associations of: Boards of Education (CABE), Public School Superintendents (CAPSS), School Nurses, School Personnel Administrators, Schools (CAS), Secondary Schools, Supervision and Curriculum & Development; Connecticut Academy for Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology; Connecticut Audubon; Connecticut Business and Industry Association, (CBIA); Connecticut Center for Advanced Technologies, Inc.; Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism; Connecticut Council of Administrators of Special Education (ConnCASE); Connecticut Department of Higher Education; Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium; Connecticut Educators Computer Association (CECA); Connecticut Educators Network; Connecticut General Assembly; Connecticut Historical Society; Connecticut Principals’ Academy; Connecticut Quality Council; Connecticut Reading Association; Connecticut School Public Relations Association (ConnSPRA); Connecticut State Collaborations: Alternative Sanctions, Board of Education Services for the Blind, Bureau


of Rehabilitation, Children and Families, Commission for Educational Technology; Corrections, Department of Education (CSDE), Department of Labor, Energy & Environmental Protection, Health, Income Maintenance, Justice, Labor; Developmental Services; Mental Health, Policy and Management, Public Health & Addiction Services, Social Services, Teaching & Learning, Workers’ Compensation & Rehabilitation; Connecticut State Library; Connecticut Virtual Learning Center; Covenant Soup Kitchen; CREC D Davis Place; Day Kimball Hospital; Dempsey Center; Discovery Education; Discovery Zone Day Care; Douglas Manor E East Bay Educational Collaborative; Eastern Area Health Education Center (AHEC); Eastern Connecticut Health Network; Eastern Connecticut Libraries; Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic; Eastern CT Workforce Investment Board; EDUCATION CONNECTION; Even Start F Family Center for Natural Wellness; Family Resource Centers; Family Service Coordination Centers; Food, Resources, Education Security & Health (FRESH) of New London; 4-H LIFT (Learning, Interaction, Friends Talents) After-School Program G Gateway Community College; Gates Auto Group; Generations Family Health Center; Goodwin Conservation Center; GROW Windham H Head Start; Head Start State Collaboration Office; Historic New England; Holy Family Shelter; Horizons I-J InCord; Infoline; Institute for Community Research; Interdistrict Grant Partner Schools: Andover, Ashford, Brooklyn, Chaplin, Cheney Technical High School, Coventry, East Hartford, Ellis Technical

High School; Hampton, Hartford, Hebron, Killingly, Manchester, Norwich, Plainfield, Region 11, Region 19, Thompson, Vernon, Voluntown, Wethersfield, Windham, Windham Technical High School; International Center for Creativity & Imagination; Joshua’s Trust K Knowledge Works L The Last Green Valley; LEARN; Learning Resources Network (LERN); Liberty Bank; Literacy Volunteers M Mansfield Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation; Mansfield Discovery Depot; Mitchell College; Museums of Northeast Connecticut; My Learning Plan N Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Program; National Association for Music Education; National and Connecticut Associations for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC/CAEYC); National Math & Science Initiative (NMSI); Neag School of Education/University of Connecticut; NECCOG Regional Animal Shelter; Nellie Mae Education Foundation; New England Office of the College Board; New Haven Chamber of Commerce; New London Adult Education; New London County 4-H Program; New London Youth Affairs; Northeast Alliance for Economic Development; Northeast Area Superintendents’ Association (NASA); NE Connecticut Chamber of Commerce; Northwest Investment Board; Norwich Adult Education; Norwich Youth & Family Services O Office of Early Childhood; OSA (Optical Society of America) Foundation; Office for Workforce Competitiveness P Papa Gino’s; Park Church, Norwich; Town of Plainfield; Preston Public Schools; Prevent Child Abuse CT; Price Chopper; Prudence Crandall Museum Q Quester’s Way; Quiet Corner Grooming & Doggie Daycare; Quinebaug Valley Community College

R Renaissance Learning; Research for Better Teaching; Retired Seniors Volunteer Program; Rose Brothers S Salvation Army; Special Education Resource Center (SERC); Statewide Birth-toThree; St. Joseph Living Center; Sturbridge Village; Studio #5; SUEZ Foundation T Thompson Recreation Department; Thompson Public Works; TEEG, Thompson; Thames Science Center; Thread City Development; Three Rivers Community College; Tri-County Association of Retarded Citizens (ARC); TVCCA U United Connection Action for Neighborhoods, Inc. (UCAN); United Labor Agency (ULA); United Social and Mental Health Services; U.S. Departments: Education, Health & Human Services, Housing & Urban Development, Labor; University Region Superintendents’ Association (URSA); University of Connecticut V Vanderman Place; Vesta; Villa Maria Nursing & Rehabilitation; Villages at Killingly; Village Heights; Visiting Nurses Association W-Z WAIM (Windham Area Interfaith Ministry); Walgreen’s; Walmart; Waterbury Adult Education; The Wheeler Clinic, Inc.; William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund; Willimantic Public Library; Willimantic River Alliance; Willimantic Spanish American Merchants’ Association; Willimantic Weed & Seed; Windham Arts; Windham Chamber of Commerce; Windham Family & Community Partnership; Department; Windham Recreation Department; Windham Regional Arts Council; Windham Region Community Council; Windham School Readiness Council; Windham Textile and History Museum; Town of Windham Mayor Ernie Eldridge; Windham Heights; Work Force Alliance; Write Source, Diane Gedeon-Martin

EASTCONN Program Locations

Administrative Offices & Conference Center 376 Hartford Turnpike, Hampton, CT 06247 T: 860-455-0707 F: 860-455-8026

Plainfield Head Start — Early Childhood Center 651 Norwich Rd., Plainfield, CT 06374 T: 860-564-7787 F: 860-564-6409

Capitol Theater 896 Main St., Willimantic, CT 06226 T: 860-465-5636 F: 860-465-8115

Plainfield Head Start — Moosup Gardens 10B Gorman St., Moosup, CT 06354 T: 860-564-7199 F: 860-564-2630

Clinical Day Treatment Programs

Putnam Head Start 33 Wicker St., Putnam, CT 06260 T: 860-928-0004 F: 860-963-5357

• Educational & Vocational Center P.O. Box 498, 14 Route 66, Columbia, CT 06237 T: 860-228-4317 F: 860-228-1147

• Northeast Regional Program 79 Westfield Ave., Danielson, CT 06239 T: 860-779-6794 F: 860-774-0006 Commerce Drive 10 Commerce Drive, Columbia, CT 06237 T: 860-228-3240 F: 860-228-3206 Community Learning Center Tyler Square, 1320 Main St., Willimantic, CT 06226 T: 860-423-2591 F: 860-450-0853 Head Start Programs:

Killingly Head Start 1620 Upper Maple St., Dayville, CT 06241 T: 860-779-0410 F: 860-779-1377

Killingly Head Start at Killingly High School 226 Putnam Pike, Danielson, CT 06241 T: 860-779-6709 F: 860-774-0846

Northeast Learning Center 562 Westcott Rd., Danielson, CT 06239 T: 860-779-3770 F: 860-779-3384 Quinebaug Middle College 742 Upper Maple St., Danielson, CT 06239 T: 860-932-4100 F: 860-932-4950 Transportation 109 Route 6, Columbia, CT 06237 T: 860-228-6751 F: 860-228-6756 Woodstock Academy: Cooperative Resources 57 Academy Rd., Woodstock, CT 06281 T: 860-928-1132 F: 860-963-4931 EASTCONN/Vernon Public Schools Head Start Partnership Lake Street School, 201 Lake St.,Vernon, CT 06066 T: 860-870-6085 F: 860-870-6084

EASTCONN will provide equal employment opportunities to all persons without discrimination because of race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status, disability or any other classification protected by state or federal law. Further, It is the policy of EASTCONN that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be discriminated against under any program because of race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status, disability or any other classification protected by state or federal law. EASTCONN will neither knowingly use the services of, nor otherwise deal with, any business, contractor, subcontractor, or agency that engages in unlawful discrimination.


376 Hartford Turnpike Hampton, Connecticut 06247 Phone: 860-455-0707

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