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EASTCONN Course Catalog

Sept. 2013 - June 2014

Learning Sessions for Education Professionals 1


CCSS Learning Trajectories and Progressions Across the Math Curriculum Grades 9-12

CCSS Learning Trajectories and Progressions Across the Math Curriculum Grades, 6-8

The CCSS Learning Trajectories and the Learning Progressions provide a framework to help teachers and staff know what kids need to know and be able to do in order to learn, as well as how what they are learning will help them learn the next thing. Grade span learning targets are designed to describe progressively more complex demonstrations of learning across the grade spans.

The CCSS focuses on what students need to know and be able to do in order to learn. The Learning Trajectories and the Learning Progressions provide a framework to help teachers understand the learning expectations across the grade levels. Learning targets are designed to describe progressively more complex demonstrations of learning across the grade spans.

It is not the intent of the CCSS that skills/concepts from a particular strand be taught in isolation in a linear sequence, but rather be integrated among strands.

As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Look backward and forward to identify alignment with specific CCSS math content standards, the learning progressions and district curriculum. • Identify and describe essential skills and concepts needed to achieve the grade span expectations. • Analyze and evaluate trajectories to determine increasing levels of complexity and/or sophistication of reasoning.

As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Look backward and forward to identify alignment with specific CCSS math content standards, the learning progressions and district curriculum. • Identify and describe essential skills and concepts needed to achieve the grade span expectations. • Analyze and evaluate trajectories to determine increasing levels of complexity and/or sophistication of reasoning. • Compare new learning with current practice and develop an action plan to implement changes where needed.

Date/Time: Sept. 10, 2013, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Kelly Doubleday Audience: All mathematics teachers Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300159 Register by: 9/2/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11091

Date/Time: Sept. 11, 2013, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Kelly Doubleday Audience: All mathematics teachers Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300160 Register by: 9/3/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11092

CCSS Teaching Reading in Grades 6-8 History/Social Studies and Science and Technical Subjects This study group focuses on developing teacher knowledge and skill in disciplinary literacy. Participants will review the Common Core State Standards document as a “blueprint” for learning strategies for text-dependent questions, close reading of informational text, and text annotation in grades 6-8 history, social studies, science and technical subjects (including math). Participants will help develop the sequence and structure of the study group during the first session and will apply their learning in their practice between sessions so that they can reflect and learn together. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand and apply essential skills, central concepts and tools of inquiry in their subject matter or field by demonstrating understanding of how to use content area literacy skills to enable students to construct meaning through reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and presenting (CCT 1.5). • Plan instruction in order to engage students in rigorous and relevant learning and to promote their curiosity about the world at large by including strategies for teaching and supporting content area literacy skills and, when appropriate, numeracy skills (CCT 3.9). • Maximize support for student learning by developing and demonstrating professionalism, collaboration with others, and leadership by continually engaging in reflection, self-evaluation and professional development to enhance their understandings of content, pedagogical skills, resources and the impact of their actions on student learning (CCT 6.1). Dates/Time: Sept. 12, 19, 26 & Oct. 3, 2013, 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Cathy Smith-Carolan Fee: $150/person Course #: 13253001008 Audience: Family and consumer science teachers, instructional technology specialists, mathematics, science and social studies teachers Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11002 Register by: 9/2/13 2

Connecting CCSS and TEVAL How Is the Common Core related to teacher effectiveness? As we define and refine the definition of what it means to educate students in Connecticut based on the Common Core, we are also revisiting the CCT and what it means to be an effective teacher and how to measure it. It is essential to integrate Common Core into the CCT teaching frameworks, as this will allow leaders to focus on the implementation and effectiveness of instruction and remain unbiased in the evaluation of the instructor. As leaders in education we can no longer allow a dynamic where teachers are asked to choose between what they have to do for evaluations right now, and what they should do for long-term success. Guiding Questions for Educational Leaders: Below are a few guiding questions to help school systems assess the level of integration of their teacher evaluation work and CCSS and how to strengthen it. 1. What are the biggest shifts in instruction required by the Common Core? 2. How do current practices need to change to prepare all students for active citizenship and success in college and career pursuits? 3. What is the relationship between performing well against current CCT teaching frameworks and teaching that is aligned to Common Core expectations? 4. Is it possible to meet framework expectations without delivering instruction that builds skills required under the Common Core? Dates/Time: Sept. 13, 2013 & Apr. 28, 2014, 8 a.m.–2 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Kelly Doubleday Audience: Administrators Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300130 Register by: 9/3/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11047

Common Core Mathematics in the Classroom While they are grade-specific, the standards do not define the methods or materials necessary to support students. Professional development has been designed to answer some of the specifics, to help educators unpack the CCSS in mathematics across specific topics by grade or level of difficulty, to see what is expected of them over the course of the year, and help support connections between concepts and skills. Tiered intervention (SRBI) and Differentiation techniques will be addressed to meet the needs of all the students in the classroom. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand how the CCSS supports a progression of skills from grade to grade, taking into consideration needed instructional practices, tasks, and tools. • Learn to apply very fundamental math skills early with students, teaching them how math works. • Analyze and evaluate student work to determine how to help students who are below or above grade-level expectations.


Dates/Time: Sept. 20 & Oct. 21, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Kelly Doubleday Audience: Mathematics teachers Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300127 Register by: 9/10/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11044


Dates/Time: Sept. 23 & Oct. 21, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Kelly Doubleday Audience: Mathematics teachers Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300128 Register by: 9/16/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11045


Dates/Time: Sept. 24 & Oct. 21, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Kelly Doubleday Audience: Mathematics teachers Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300129 Register by: 9/16/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11046 3

Language Arts Council A Language Arts consultant from the Connecticut State Department of Education will update participants on literacy initiatives, including the Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium at the Sept. 25 session. Participants will collaboratively determine the topics and objectives of subsequent sessions on Sept. 25. A fifth date will also be determined for an end-of-the-year update by a CSDE consultant. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Facilitator: Donna Drasch Fee: None Audience: Teachers, curriculum directors, department heads, literacy coaches, principals, reading consultants, teacher leaders Date/Time: Sept. 25, 2013, 1-3 p.m. Course #: 1325300118 Register by: 9/24/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11033 Date/Time: Nov. 14, 2013, 1-3 p.m. Course #: 1325300121 Register by: 11/13/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11037 Date/Time: Jan. 28, 2014, 1-3 p.m. Course #: 1325300123 Register by: 1/27/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11039 Date/Time: Mar. 24, 2014, 1-3 p.m. Course #: 1325300124 Register by: 3/17/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11040

Teachers as Writers Teaching Students as Writers: The New CCSS and Writing Network (Grade 7-12 Teachers) Participants will learn how to align and enhance existing English language arts curriculum including exemplar texts. Writing curriculum will include practice creating Common Core State Standards (CCSS) curriculum that helps students write persuasively. Point of view, craft analysis, and poetry will be covered as well as informational text. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Develop comprehensive and dynamic writing curriculum using contemporary and classic texts. • Engage students through multi-media and a variety of CCSS aligned techniques. • Incorporate technology for publication or sharing of writing successes and products. Dates/Time: Oct. 23, Dec. 18, 2013 & Apr. 2, May 21, 2014, 12:30–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Lisa C. Taylor Audience: All teachers and literacy coaches Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300102 Register by: 10/14/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/10992

Connecting the Common Core to Our Assessments “Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students requires skillful leaders who develop capacity, advocate, and create support systems for professional learning.” (Standards for Professional Learning; Learning Forward) This workshop will be a facilitated work group to aide administrators in looking at the data they are currently collecting, will be collecting and/ or receiving and determining the use of that data in defining improved instruction for students. The focus will be on using SBAC data, CMT data and common core aligned assessments (homegrown or purchased). This is a three-tiered approach to building assessment capacity that aligns with classroom instruction as defined by the CCSS and CCT. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand the different purposes and types of assessment that capture the complexity of student learning across the hierarchy of cognitive skills. • Use and/or design a variety of formative and summative assessments and criteria that directly align with the learning objectives and value the diversity of ways in which students learn. • Use a comprehensive set of data that provides depth and breadth of understanding of student achievement at a particular point in time and over time. Dates/Time: Oct. 17, Dec. 11, 2013 & Jan. 8, 2014, 8 a.m.–2 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Kelly Doubleday Audience: Administrators Fee: $225/person Course #: 1325300132 Register by: 10/7/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11051


CCSS Teaching Reading in Grades 9-12 History, Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects

CCSS Teaching Writing in History, Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects, Grades 6-8 & 9-12

This study group focuses on developing teacher knowledge and skill in disciplinary literacy. Participants will review the Common Core State Standards document as a “blueprint” for learning strategies for text-dependent questions, close reading of informational text, and text annotation in grades 9-12 history, social studies, science and technical subjects (including math). Participants will help develop the sequence and structure of the study group during the first session and will appply their learning in their practice between sessions so that they can reflect and learn together.

This study group focuses on developing teacher knowledge and skill in disciplinary literacy. Participants will review the Common Core State Standards document as a “blueprint” for learning strategies for developing student skill in writing argument, information / explanation and narrative in history, social studies, science and technical subjects (including math). Participants will help develop the sequence and structure of the study group during the first session and will apply their learning in their practice between sessions so that they can reflect and learn together.

As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand and apply essential skills, central concepts and tools of inquiry in their subject matter or field by demonstrating understanding of how to use content area literacy skills to enable students to construct meaning through reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and presenting (CCT 1.5). • Plan instruction in order to engage students in rigorous and relevant learning and to promote their curiosity about the world at large by including strategies for teaching and supporting content area literacy skills and, when appropriate, numeracy skills (CCT 3.9). • Maximize support for student learning by developing and demonstrating professionalism, collaboration with others, and leadership by continually engaging in reflection, selfevaluation and professional development to enhance their understandings of content, pedagogical skills, resources and the impact of their actions on student learning (CCT 6.1).

As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand and apply essential skills, central concepts and tools of inquiry in their subject matter or field by demonstrating understanding of how to use content area literacy skills to enable students to construct meaning through reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and presenting (CCT 1.5). • Plan instruction in order to engage students in rigorous and relevant learning and to promote their curiosity about the world at large by including strategies for teaching and supporting content area literacy skills and, when appropriate, numeracy skills (CCT 3.9). • Maximize support for student learning by developing and demonstrating professionalism, collaboration with others, and leadership by continually engaging in reflection, selfevaluation and professional development to enhance their understandings of content, pedagogical skills, resources and the impact of their actions on student learning (CCT 6.1)

Dates/Time: Nov. 21, Dec. 5, 12 & 19, 2013, 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Cathy Smith-Carolan Audience: Family /consumer science teachers, instructional technology specialists and mathematics, science and social studies teachers Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300109 Register by: 11/4/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11003

GRADES 6-8 Dates/Time: Feb. 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2014 (snow date 2/28/14), 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Cathy Smith-Carolan Audience: Family and consumer science teachers, instructional technology specialists and mathematics, science and social studies teachers Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300110 Register by: 1/27/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11004 GRADES 9-12 Dates/Time: Mar. 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2014 (snow date 3/28/14), 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Cathy Smith-Carolan Audience: Family and consumer science teachers, instructional technology specialists and mathematics, science and social studies teachers Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300111 Register by: 2/24/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11005



Admin Book Club The EASTCONN Administrator Book Club is a forum for administrators to partake in a professional learning experience that develops understanding of research through reflective face-to-face and online discussions of books with fellow administrators. Books are aligned to all four components of the Connecticut statewide administrator evaluation. *Participants are responsible for purchasing the book-of-themonth in a format (paper, electronic, auditory) that meets his/ her specific learning needs. *Participants will receive a certificate documenting 7.5 hours of Reflective Leadership professional learning. This will count towards the mandated 15 hours of required administrator professional learning. *Participants will have access to all book study resources from each session (including discussion minutes, mixed media, and written resources) to use with school administrators and/or the learning community. ALL resources and online dialogues will be through EDMODO for the entire year. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Read, research, and share knowledge every other month on educational topics and research that align with the four components of administrator evaluation. • Develop a greater understanding of effective leadership practices by analyzing multiple professional perspectives within and outside of the field of education. • Develop an administrator professional learning community across districts. Dates/Time: Oct. 28, Nov. 25, 2013; Jan. 27, Feb. 24, Apr. 28, 2014, 3–4:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton and Online Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Administrators, curriculum directors, department heads, principals, special education directors, superintendents Fee: $250 Course #: 1325300175 Register by: 10/21/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11125


Capacity to Lead Webinar Series (Session 1) An eleven-week Webinar series that focuses on the “dispositions” under each of the Standards for School Leaders Performance Expectations. Educational leaders are setting SMART goals/Student Learning Objectives and identifying focus areas as part of administrator evaluation. Come participate in a one-hour online discussion around the “dispositions” of the educational leader as identified by the State of Connecticut. As a result of taking part in this series, participants will: • Develop understanding of the Performance Expectations by closely examining elements, indicators, and dispositions in the Standards for School Leaders. • Experience the benefits of online learning opportunities. Dates/Time: See schedule below, 1-2 p.m. Site: Online Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Administrators, department heads, teacher leaders Fee: $495/series; $55/session Course #: 1325300176 Register by: 9/19/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11126 To register for individual sessions: click on the Webinar title. S ept. 26: Scheduling 101: Learning as the Constant Oct. 3: Standards-Based Report Cards Oct. 10: Professional Learning Communities and TEVAL Oct. 17: Why? How? What? of Instructional Rounds Oct. 24: Outcomes, Structure, Process-Systems Thinking Oct. 31: Change Model Study Nov. 7: Communication: Key to the 5% and 10%...or is it? Nov. 14: Stakeholders and Initiatives: Building Blocks of a Learning Community Nov. 21: Ethics of Leadership Nov. 28: Educator Evaluation and the Code of Professional Responsibility Dec. 5: A Leader’s Backbone: Policies, Protocols and Procedures

Capacity to Lead Webinar Series (Session 2) An eleven-week Webinar series that focuses on the “dispositions” under each of the Standards for School Leaders Performance Expectations. Educational leaders are setting SMART goals/Student Learning Objectives and identifying focus areas as part of administrator evaluation. Come participate in a one-hour online discussion around the “dispositions” of the educational leader as identified by the State of Connecticut. As a result of taking part in this series, participants will: • Develop understanding of the Performance Expectations by closely examining elements, indicators, and dispositions in the Standards for School Leaders. • Experience the benefits of online learning opportunities. Dates/Time: See schedule below, 1-2 p.m. Site: Online Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Administrators, department heads, teacher leaders Fee: $495/series; $55/session Course #: 1325300177 Register by: 1/23/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11127 To register for individual sessions: click on the Webinar title. Jan. 30: Scheduling 101: Learning as the Constant Feb. 6: Standards-Based Report Cards Feb. 13: Professional Learning Communities and TEVAL Feb. 20: Why? How? What? of Instructional Rounds Feb. 27: Outcomes, Structure, Process-Systems Thinking Mar. 6: Change Model Study Mar. 13: Communication: Key to the 5% and 10%...or is it? Mar. 20: Stakeholders and Initiatives: Building Blocks of a Learning Community Mar. 27: Ethics of Leadership Apr. 3: Educator Evaluation and the Code of Professional Responsibility Apr. 10: A Leader’s Backbone: Policies, Protocols and Procedures

Instructional Coaching Cohort In order to build support for your teachers within their new evaluation system, EASTCONN is offering an Instructional Coaching Cohort to work with experienced, highly accomplished, and well-respected educators. Coaches must have credibility with teachers and administrators and the skills needed to work one-on-one with teachers as well as to oversee a wider professional learning effort in the school. Coaching is confidential, non-evaluative, and supportive. Coaches work one-on-one and in small groups with teachers on specific teaching strategies or problems, focusing on practical changes they can make in their classrooms. Instructional coaches provide the “Support” piece of the State of Connecticut’s new teacher evaluation model and allows for job-embedded professional learning to take place within your own building. Includes: • 5 meetings throughout the year • Online PLC for the entire year through EDMODO • 8 hrs. of on-site coaching per participant from Sept.-May As a result of taking part in this series, participants will: • Understand that effective coaching encourages collaborative, reflective practice. • Develop effective, embedded professional learning in-district that promotes cultural change. • Utilize data analysis in order to inform practice. • Promote the implementation of learning and reciprocal accountability within teacher evaluation. • Support collective, interconnected leadership across school system. Dates/Time: Oct. 18, Nov. 15, 2013; Jan. 17, Feb. 14, May 9, 2014 Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Teacher leaders Fee: $975 Course #: 1325300174 Register by: 10/7/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11124

Middle/High School Principal PLC Participants will participate in a professional learning community that focuses on the multiple roles and expectations of middle/high school principals in today’s learning communities. PLEASE NOTE: The remaining locations will be determined at the 10/11/13 meeting. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Professionally develop roles within the realm of principal by participating in reflective dialogue with administrative colleagues. • Conduct discussions with regard to breaking down barriers within the change model and evolving leadership practices as aligned to Administrator Evaluation. Dates/Time: Oct. 11, Dec. 20, 2013; Feb. 14, Apr. 18, June 13, 2014, 8–10 a.m. Site: EASTCONN Administrative Offices, Hampton Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Principals Fee: $125 Course #: 1325300171 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11121

Register by: 10/1/13


New Administrator PLC Administrators with five years or less will partake in a professional learning community that focuses on the multiple roles and expectations of educational leadership as aligned to the Connecticut Common Core of Leading, as evaluated by the leadership evaluation rubric. A series of professional learning sessions and job-embedded professional support for newly hired administrators around the six Connecticut School Leadership performance expectations. • Vision, Mission, Goals • Teaching and Learning • Organizational Systems and Safety • Families and Stakeholders • Ethics and Integrity • The Education System Includes • 5 meetings throughout the year • 4 hrs. of on-site coaching per participant As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Evolve leadership capacity be deepening understanding of the Performance Expectations for School Leaders as outlined by the State Department of Education. • Participate in leadership coaching onsite to individually enhance leadership practices within own learning communities. • Build relationships with EASTCONN region administrators to understand multiple perspectives around the work of school leaders in today’s ever changing learning communities. Dates/Time: Sept. 27, Nov. 22, 2013; Jan. 24, Mar. 21, May 30, 2014, 9–11 a.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Administrators Fee: $550 Course #: 1325300172 Register by: 9/16/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11122

PreK-8 Principals’ Consortium A consortium of prek-8 principals in the EASTCONN region meets to plan for the unique needs and challenges of prek-8 school leaders. Specific areas for collaboration and sharing of resources are addressed throughout the year. Please note: The remaining dates and locations will be determined at the Oct. 22 meeting. Dates/Time: Oct. 22, 2013, 9–11 a.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenters: Amy Drowne and Debbie Siegel Audience: Administrators and principals Fee: None Course #: 1325300150 Register by: 10/15/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11077 8

Teacher Leader Cohort In a time of several statewide initiatives and teacher/administrator evaluation, this is a great opportunity for administrators to build leadership capacity within their buildings by utilizing teacher leaders to take on leadership roles. This is a professional learning opportunity for exemplary teachers who already display the potential to become teacher leaders. This is an opportunity for administrators to recognize, reward and develop your district’s finest teachers by having them be part of the Teacher Leader Consortium. Includes: • 5 meetings throughout the year • Online PLC for the entire year through EDMODO • 8 hrs. of on-site coaching per participant from Sept.-May As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Develop essential leadership competencies — consensus building, resolving conflicts, facilitation and presentation skills, and more — while continuing to do what they love most: teach children. • Develop understanding of the Standards for Teacher Leaders and modeling the elements of the standards within their learning communities. Dates/Time: Sept. 17, Nov. 19, 2013; Jan. 21, Mar. 25, May 20, 2014, 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Teacher leaders Fee: $975 Course #: 1325300173 Register by: 9/9/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11123


Investigating and Reporting Harassment and Bullying in Your School As a school professional, can you identify harassment in your school? Do you know what incidents in your school require a report? How effective are your written reports? Are they meeting legal state and federal guidelines? Professional developers trained and guided by the state and by legal counsel will guide this interactive training program and will help you learn about the legal and practical requirements for effectively investigating and making determinations in response to complaints of harassment in schools and school-related activities, including in cyberspace. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Learn how to identify and evaluate an incident for relevant facts. • Hone their investigative skills by actively researching school related incidents. • Develop a clear understanding of how to effectively write and document reports around incidents of harassment in schools and school-related activities. Dates/Time: Sept. 25 & Oct. 24, 2013, 1–4 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenters: Esther Soffer Roberts and Karen Neville Audience: Administrators, all teachers, boards of education members, curriculum directors, department heads, early childhood administrators/directors, guidance professionals, school psychologists, special eductors and technology directors Fee: $95/person Course #: 1325300114 Register by: 9/16/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11017

Building Foundations Through School Climate and Social Media Educators will engage in a series of activities designed to strengthen their existing school climate plans. Woven into these activities will be several frameworks and strategies that will strengthen and enrich their current foundation. Additionally, educators will learn how social media can be used for good and how different social media is currently being used by students, teachers, administrators and parents for better communication and in creating safe, positive school climates. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Gain a better understanding of learning styles and school climate. • Develop concrete tools, which can be utilized with your current school climate plan. • Demonstrate a sensitivity to, and respect for, the perspectives, opinions, needs and customs of others. • Gain an appreciation for the positive aspects of social media and incorporate best practices into their existing school climate plans. Dates/Time: Nov. 14, 2013 & Mar. 20, 2014, 1–4 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenters: Esther Soffer Roberts, Noel Cherubino and Francine Piela Audience: Administrators, all teachers, boards of education members, guidance professionals, paraprofessionals, school counselors, school wellness team members and teacher leaders Fee: $95/person Course #: 1325300131 Register by: 10/14/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11048

Keeping Schools Safe: Becoming a Model for Positive School Climate Participants will increase awareness of their roles and responsibilities with regard to school safety and school climate while coming up with a comprehensive plan to focus on prevention and empower students to become allies instead of bystanders. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Develop a comprehensive plan for school safety and school climate. • Engage the entire staff in the design of a school that is safe and productive for all. • Understand and utilize the data collection instruments both for reporting and for planning. Dates/Time: Nov. 13, 2013 & Jan. 15, Apr. 16, June 4, 2014 (snow date: 1/16/14), 12:30–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN, 10 Commerce Dr., Columbia Presenter: Lisa C. Taylor Audience: Administrators, all teachers, community-based organization staff, comprehensive school health educators, curriculum directors, department heads, district data specialists and guidance professionals Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300103 Register by: 10/14/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/10993 9


Google Chrome: Built In Accessibility Features This workshop will explore the accessibility features that are available when using the Google Chrome Web browser. Extensions that provide support to students during the writing process will be demonstrated. Participants will learn about the benefits of using Google drive, and Google Docs within Google Chrome. Participants will explore the benefits of creating and sharing documents using Google Drive with Google Docs. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand the functions of Google Docs, Google Drive, and Google Chrome. • Learn about accessibility features that are available when using the Google Chrome Web browser. • Gain knowledge of using and creating shared files. Date/Time: Sept. 25, 2013, 12:30–3:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN, 10 Commerce Drive, Columbia Presenters: Carol Magliocco and Amy Norton Audience: Administrators, occupational therapists, physical therapists, special education directors, special education teachers, speech and language pathologists Fee: $50/person Course #: 1325300133 Register by: 9/16/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11053

Talking with the iPad: Apps for AAC The buzz about the iPads for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) continues. There are a wide variety of AAC apps currently available and more are being added and updated on a continuous basis. Wondering what new AAC apps and updates have been released, how your student could use an iPad to communicate, or if a specific app will meet your student’s needs? Come see a wide range of apps demonstrated and discussed. Learn about the pros and cons of the iPad and available apps for AAC. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Gain up-to-date knowledge of a wide range of AAC apps available. • Identify appropriate resources for finding and comparing AAC apps. • Discuss available accessories for the iPad as an AAC device. Date/Time: Oct. 4, 2013, 12:30–3:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN, 10 Commerce Dr., Columbia Presenters: Alicia Dinda and Ann Bedard Audience: Administrators, special education directors and teachers and speech and language pathologists Fee: $50/person Course #: 1325300136 Register by: 9/25/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11057

Evidence-Based Practices in Classroom Management Participants will gain knowledge and skills in how to(a) maximize structure in classrooms, (b) post, teach, review, monitor, and reinforce positively stated expectations, (c) actively engage students in observable ways, and (d) establish a continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior and respond to inappropriate behavior. Collaboration with teams to problem-solve, implement, and monitor effectiveness of classroom management strategies will be emphasized. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand and apply classroom management strategies as a system of behavior supports. • Develop problem-solving skills to support use of engagement strategies to prevent unwanted behaviors. • Gain skills to effectively collaborate with colleagues in development and implementation of classroom management strategies. Dates/Time: Oct. 24 & 25, 2013, 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN, 10 Commerce Dr., Columbia Audience: Administrators, all teachers, school psychologists, special education directors Presenter: Ravit Stein Fee: $199/person Course #: 1325300161 Register by: 10/14/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11093 10

Writing with the iPad As the iPad becomes more prevalent within the school setting, students are using them for a wide variety of academic tasks including writing. This workshop will focus on demonstration and comparison of a variety of apps both free and paid, for writing and note taking, including: word prediction, speech to text, text to speech. Apps for file management and synchronization will also be featured as well as a variety of keyboard options. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Become familiar with various current apps for writing and notetaking. • Understand how to manage writing assignments on the iPad. including printing, using email and file synchronization • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using the iPad for writing. • Learn about keyboard options for the iPad and factors to consider when selecting a keyboard for a student. Date/Time: Dec. 5, 2013 (snow date 12/12/13), 12:30–3:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN, 10 Commerce Dr., Columbia Presenters: Amy Norton and Stacey Fulton Audience: Administrators, occupational therapists, physical therapists, special education directors/teachers and speech and language pathologists Fee: $50/person Course #: 1325300134 Register by: 11/27/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11054

Progressing Beyond Cause and Effect Do you have students who are switch users? If your students have mastered cause and effect and you’re wondering what the next step would be, this workshop will help you bring your student’s switch skills to the next level. Learn progression of switch use from the one switch, cause and effect level, to making independent choices with two-switch scanning. The hierarchy of teaching these switch skills will be discussed. In addition to the progression of switch use, activities that integrate communication, curriculum based activities and leisure will be demonstrated. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Gain an understanding of the progression of switch use. • Identify opportunities for integrating switch use into the school day. • Identify appropriate resources for teaching and implementing switch activation. Date/Time: Jan. 31, 2014 (snow date: 2/7/14), 12:30–3:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN, 10 Commerce Dr., Columbia Presenters: Alicia Dinda and Stacey Fulton Audience: Administrators, occupational therapists, physical therapists, special education directors and teahcers and speech and language pathologists Fee: $50/person Course #: 1325300139 Register by: 1/22/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11060

Conducting Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Developing Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs): Specific Tools to Link Assessment with Intervention This workshop is designed to train school-based personnel in utilizing specific procedures to conduct functional behavioral assessment and an efficient process to guide behavior support planning. Topics will include an overview of function of behavior, consultation with teachers to gather relevant information to guide intervention, step-by-step development of Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs), and, based on the BIP, gain skills to create relevant, measurable IEP goals in the areas of social skills and behavior. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Learn to utilize specific procedures and tools to define, investigate, observe and summarize behavior. • Gain knowledge and skills to assist teams in systemic behavior support planning based on findings, including nuetralizing setting events, removing triggers, teaching alternative behaviors, and adding effective reinforcement. • Collaborate with colleagues to identify strengths and challenges in working with student support teams and hone problem-solving skills to develop systemic procedures for conducting FBAs and developing BIPs. Dates/Time: Feb. 6 & 7, 2014 (snow dates 2/13/14 & 2/14/14), 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN, 10 Commerce Dr., Columbia Presenter: Ravit Stein Audience: Administrators, all teachers, school psychologists, special education directors and teachers Fee: $199/person Course #: 1325300162 Register by: 1/27/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11094



(Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)

Integrating the Common Core through the Interdisciplinary Structure of STEM Through a collaboration process, participants will learn the basics of the new CCSS through the lens of STEM education. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand the integration of the CCSS and STEM. • Apply content knowledge and skills through inquiry-based STEM activities. • Integrate CCSS onto current instructional practice. • Make connections to current standards.

Seamless Transition The iPad has great potential for providing middle and high school students with access to their materials for school. It can be used to store digital books, take notes, complete assignments, write assignments, organize schedules, and provide reminders. This can be especially helpful for students with disabilities who: have difficulty physically managing materials; need help with organization; require support with reading;and/or benefit from assistance with written assignments. For instance, the use of apps with speech to text, text to speech, and word prediction can provide students with the supports they need to complete writing tasks. Note-taking apps with voice recording, file organization, and the ability to import and annotate teacher notes provide students with tools to increase independence in their educational program. Building these skills in the middle and high school years will help students experience a more seamless transition to college and career. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand how to intergrate the iPad into tasks throughout the school day. • Learn how to manage and synchronize notes and assignments. • Become familiar with the variety of apps available to provide support in reading, writing, note-taking, and organization. Date/Time: Mar. 25, 2014 (snow dates 3/27/14), 12:30–3:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN, 10 Commerce Dr., Columbia Presenters: Amy Norton and Ann Bedard Audience: Administrators, guidance professionals, occupational therapists, physical therapists, special education directors and teachers and speech and language pathologists Fee: $50/person Course #: 1325300138 Register by: 3/18/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11059 12

Date/Time: Sept. 30, 2013, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenters: Kelly Doubleday and Mary Lou Blanchette Smith Audience: Administrators, all teachers, department heads, science team leaders, teacher leaders and technology directors Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300151 Register by: 9/20/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11078

The Art of Mathematics: A STEM Offering Participants will look at art with “math eyes” and examine their favorite genre as mathematicians. Taking apart the picture in the same way a mechanic disassembles a car. Looking at the pieces and then redesigning and putting them all together again. Is math art? As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand the integration of specialized content and STEM. • Apply content knowledge and skills through inquiry-based STEM activities. • Make connections to current national standards. Date/Time: Oct. 2, 2013, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenters: Kelly Doubleday and Karen Neville Audience: All teachers Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300140 Register by: 9/24/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11062

Bringing Authentic STEM Research into the Classroom Engaging in authentic research experience provides educators with opportunities to develop fluency with methods of inquiry and the various technologies used in that inquiry; collaborate with scientists, specialists, and other research participants; and integrate their experiences into their instruction. “Teachers that engage in research achieve the same benefits that accrue to future sciences, such as increased problem-solving skills, patience, creativity, and independence of thought.” In fact, “teacher-scientists gain firsthand experiences with the inquiry skills that they aspire to develop in their students” (Ebert & Downey, 2013). Whether or not you have the chance to experience research first hand, there are plenty of opportunities to access research data and use it in the classroom. Join us as we explore the work done aboard the research vessel JOIDES Resolution, and see how you can bring this research to life right in your own classroom. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Receive an overview of the work done through the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) aboard the research vessel, JOIDES Resolution. • Be introduced to a variety of STEM careers associated with doing authentic research. • Be prepared to engage students in learning activities around authentic research. • Receive information on how to participate in the different research opportunities available for educators through the Deep Earth Academy. Date/Time: Nov. 19, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Mary Lou Blanchette Smith Audience: All teachers, department heads, science team leaders, teacher leaders and technology directors Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300153 Register by: 11/11/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11080

Introduction to STEM One of the many purposes of a STEM education is to prepare students with the necessary skills for success in the 21st century global market. According to the National Science Board, “data on the global science and engineering labor force suggest that the U.S. world share (of the global labor force) is continuing to decline, even as U.S. reliance on foreign-born scientists and engineers may be near or at historic high” (2010). Many teachers wonder what STEM is, and how they can incorporate STEM into their teaching. In this workshop, STEM will be explored through investigation and practice.

Full STEAM Ahead: Scientists as Writers, Mathematicians as Artists: Crossover Texts Some scientists and mathematicians are moving beyond what David Linden calls “the scientist’s mental state” so they can write or create for a general audience. “This is important, not just for aspiring artists but for everyone,” says Mario Livio, a best-selling author and astrophysicist. We will learn about M.C. Escher, the mathematical artist, Alan Lightman, a novelist and physicist and others who have “crossed over” and made connections that will be both enlightening and interesting to students.

As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand how science , technology, engineering and math are blended into curriculum, rather than as stand-alone content areas; • Practice inquiry-based learning experiences that incorporate STEM education; • Take away lesson ideas that can be integrated into any classroom.

As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Become familiar with the new authors and artists who have connections to the worlds of science and math. • Develop a tool box of STEAM connections to aid students in making science and math relevant to the larger world. • Engage in science/math/writing activities that can be added to curriculum in many subject areas.

Date/Time: Oct. 3, 2013, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Mary Lou Blanchette Smith Audience: All teachers and curriculum directors Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300152 Register by: 9/23/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11079

Date/Time: Dec. 12, 2013, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Lisa C. Taylor Audience: All teachers, literacy coaches, staff developers, student advisors and teacher leaders Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300104 Register by: 12/2/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/10994 13

STEM Careers, An Online Exploration This is an online workshop presented in moodle format. Workshop modules can be completed between Jan. 6, 2014 and Feb. 10, 2014. Instructions will be emailed to all registrants prior to course opening. Educators will be given an opportunity to learn about the expectations of higher education and career opportunities to help support the skills and knowledge necessary for students to compete in the growing and emerging careers in the STEM field. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand the wide range of STEM careers available in CT. • Become familiar with the skills required to enter a STEM career program at a 2-year or 4-year university. • Become familiar with lessons for the classroom incorporating STEM topics. Date/Time: Between Jan. 6 and Feb. 10, 2014 Site: Online Presenter: Nancy Magnani Audience: All teachers, guidance professionals, instructional technology specialists, science team leaders, staff developers and teacher leaders Fee: $95/person Course #: 1325300154 Register by: 1/2/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11081

OpticsMagic In the Next Generation Science Standards, the properties of light have a prominent place. Using optics magic lessons, demonstrations and easily obtained and low-cost supplies, the properties of light will be explained for the K-5 curriculum. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Learn about reflection, refraction and other properties of light. • Have access to make and take lessons including spectrascopes and kaleidoscopes. • Have access to many free resource materials. Date/Time: May 6, 2014, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Nancy Magnani Audience: All teachers and science team leaders Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300158 Register by: 4/28/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11089

Simple Machines in the Classroom Simple machines are best understood by students when they are using hands-on lessons. An important section of the Next Generation Science Standards, new demonstrations of gears, levers, pulleys and other simple machines lessons will be provided. A solid understanding of the principles of simple machines is an excellent method of introducing engineering into the science curriculum. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Have access to lesson materials demonstrating gears, levers, inclined planes, pulleys and other simple machines. • Practice new hands-on demonstrations that can be used in any classroom with easily found materials. • Have access to online demonstrations of lessons for teachers and students. Date/Time: Feb. 4, 2014, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Nancy Magnani Audience: All teachers and science team leaders Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300157 Register by: 1/27/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11088 14


Student Success Planning Network Become a member of the Student Success Planning Network to further explore and refine your districts ongoing SSP. Workshop topics will include community engagement, advisory activities, technical assistance and program support. Each member will receive a resource book. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Explore resources that will assist schools in refining their Student Success Plans. • Receive a resource book that can be used in your district. • Monitor progress of implementation of SSPs and continue to refine plans. Dates/Time: Sept. 25, Dec. 4, 2013, Feb. 5, Apr. 9, 2014 (snow date: 2/26/14), 12:30–3:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenters: Cyndi Wells and Karen Neville Audience: All teachers, paraprofessionals and staff developers Fee: $175/person Course #: 1325300126 Register by: 9/17/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11042

EASTCONN Councils Council participants are able to meet peers in a collegial environment, where they can share ideas, discuss successful strategies, unravel common challenges and exlore the latest topical developments, all of which support their school-related needs. Guest speakers may share best practices and EASTCONN staff facilitate mini-workshops on topics of common interest to council members. The following EASTCONN Councils are open to all interested persons, free of charge:

Grant Development Council:

Dates: Oct. 17, Dec. 19, 2013; Feb. 20, Apr. 17, 2014 Time: 9:30–11 a.m. Site: EASTCONN Administrative Offices, Hampton Facilitator: Maureen Crowley, mcrowley@eastconn.org

Language Arts Council:

Dates: Sept. 25, Nov. 14, 2013; Jan. 28, Mar. 24, 2014 Time: 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Facilitator: Donna Drasch, ddrasch@eastconn.org

Math Council:

Dates: Oct. 7, Dec. 16, 2013; Feb. 10, Apr. 14, 2014 Time: 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Facilitator: Kelly Doubleday Bush, kdoubleday@eastconn.org

Regional Staff Development Council:

Dates: Sept. 19, Oct. 10, Nov. 7, Dec. 12, 2014; Jan. 9, Feb. 13, Mar. 13, Apr. 10, May 8, June 12, 2014 Time: 2–4 p.m. Facilitator: Jim Huggins, jhuggins@eastconn.org

Science Council:

Dates: Sept. 26, 2013; Jan. 22, Apr. 8, 2014 Time: 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Facilitator: Nancy Magnani, nmagnani@eastconn.org

Technology Council:

Dates: Sept. 26, Nov. 14, 2013; Jan. 9, Mar. 27, May 8, 2014 Time: 3:30-5:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Facilitator: Jane Cook, jcook@eastconn.org


EASTCONN Administrative Offices & Conference Center 376 Hartford Turnpike, Hampton, CT 06247 Conference Office Phone: 860-455-1533 Conference Office Fax: 860-455-0687 Weather Hotline: 860-455-0420 conferenceoffice@eastconn.org

Register Online Click on the link provided or go to www.registereastconn.org. If you have questions regarding registration, or have difficulty using the online form, e-mail conferenceoffice@eastconn.org, or call 860-455-1533.

It is the policy of EASTCONN that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be discriminated against under any program because of race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status, disability or any other classification protected by state or federal law.


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