EASTCONN Course Catalog January - June 2014
EASTCONN Conference Center 376 Hartford Turnpike, Hampton, CT 06247 Phone: 860-455-1533 • Fax: 860-455-0687 Weather Hotline: 860-455-0420 • conferenceoffice@eastconn.org Register online at www.registereastconn.org 1
Choosing Words to Teach? Strategies that Address the Focus on Vocabulary Required by CCSS As the CCSS states, “…the importance of students acquiring a rich and varied vocabulary cannot be overstated.” Vocabulary has been empirically connected to reading comprehension since at least 1925 and had its importance to comprehension confirmed in recent years” (Appendix A, p32). The expectations for students to be successful with complex text brings to the surface the ongoing challenge teachers face in making vocabulary instruction meaningful and memorable so students know how to use and understand words in a variety of contexts. Join Dr. Kristina Elias-Staron to explore four different approaches for effective vocabulary instruction that produce positive results for students. CCT Standard Addressed: Domain 4. Instruction for Active Learning As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand the importance for choosing and sticking with a consistent approach for vocabulary instruction across all grades. • Learn and practice vocabulary strategies that help students better comprehend complex text. • Plan the inclusion of vocabulary study for their classrooms.
Grades K-5
Date/Time: Jan. 14, 2014, 8 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Kristina Elias-Staron Audience: Administrators, beginning, English language arts, history, social studies teachers, principals and reading consultants Fee: $95/person Course #: 1325300405 Register by: 1/6/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11389
Grades 9-12
Dates/Time: Feb. 12, 2014, 8 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Administrative Offices, Hampton Presenter: Kristina Elias-Staron Audience: Administrators, beginning, English language arts, history social studies teachers, principals and reading consultants Fee: $95/person Course #: 1325300585 Register by: 2/4/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11581
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Understanding and Implementing the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice The eight Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice impact all math teaching and learning. Through these standards, students learn to become effective mathematicians with a deep understanding of mathematical content and problem solving. With the use of the Standards for Mathematical Practice, student learning elevates as rigor increases. Attendees of this professional learning cohort will unpack each of the Standards for Mathematical Practice and will learn instructional strategies to make them come alive in the classroom. Includes: • 4 meetings throughout the year • Online PLC through Schoology Optional*: • On-site coaching per participant (additional cost) *Please contact Emily Muro-Trexler at emuro-trexler@eastconn. org or 860-455-0707 ext. 3037 to sign-up for coaching. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Develop a deep understanding of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. • Understand the importance of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. • Learn multiple instructional strategies to implement the Standards for Mathematical Practice within the classroom. Dates/Time: Jan. 17, Feb. 28, Mar. 21, May 30, 2014, 1–3:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Emily Muro-Trexler Audience: Administrators, all teachers, curriculum directors, department heads, principals and teacher leaders Fee: $195/person; free to ELL Consortium Members Course #: 1325300530 Register by: 1/3/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11514
Revising Your Writing Isn’t Just About Dotting Your i’s and Crossing Your t’s (Grades 3-8)
CCSS Teaching Writing in History, Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects
This is a two part workshop. Day one will be dedicated to helping teachers acquire strategies to teach students how to revise their writing to meet the expectations of the CCSS language/grammar standards. The Writing and Language strand of the CCSS demands that teachers not only have an in-depth knowledge of grammatical language and syntax but acknowledges that grammar must not be taught as recognition but as part of the reading and writing process. Research shows that students learn grammar best through their own reading and writing. Students need to move beyond merely identifying parts of speech into analysis of how to use parts of speech to enrich their own writing, into knowing how authors use grammar and syntax to create a certain effect and impact on the reader. This workshop will review how to use the elements of grammar and syntax which the CCSS expects and to teach grammar as part of the reading process and the writing process. Participants will plan the use of revision for classroom lessons.
This study group focuses on developing teacher knowledge and skill in disciplinary literacy. Participants will review the Common Core State Standards document as a “blueprint” for learning strategies for developing student skill in writing argument, information / explanation and narrative in grades 6-8 history, social studies, science and technical subjects (including math). Participants will help develop the sequence and structure of the study group during the first session and will apply their learning in their practice between sessions so that they can reflect and learn together.
Between the first and second sessions, participants will be expected to teach several revision strategies in their classrooms and bring the resulting student work to the second session to share with their peers. In Day two, participants will not only share the strategies which they have employed in their classrooms but will explore the criteria for the three types of writing which the CCSS demands of grades 3-8. Participants will study sample texts to internalize the requirements of each of these forms of writing and will have an opportunity to work with other teachers to do some planning for the successful teaching of the writing requirements of the new CCSS. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Learn revision techniques which they can use immediately in their classrooms. • Study CCSS writing requirements per grade level and differentiate what is required of each. • Plan writing experiences for their classrooms that will enable them to successfully help students to meet the writing requirements of the new CCSS. Dates/Time: Jan. 30 & Feb. 26, 2014 (snow date 4/2), 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Administrative Offices, Hampton Presenter: Kristina Elias-Staron Audience: Curriculum directors, elementary and middle school teachers and principals Fee: $190/person Course #: 1325300422 Register by: 1/20/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11406
As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand and apply essential skills, central concepts and tools of inquiry in their subject matter or field by demonstrating understanding of how to use content area literacy skills to enable students to construct meaning through reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and presenting (CCT 1.5). • Plan instruction in order to engage students in rigorous and relevant learning and to promote their curiosity about the world at large by including strategies for teaching and supporting content area literacy skills and, when appropriate, numeracy skills (CCT 3.9). • Maximize support for student learning by developing and demonstrating professionalism, collaboration with others, and leadership by continually engaging in reflection, self-evaluation and professional development to enhance their understandings of content, pedagogical skills, resources and the impact of their actions on student learning (CCT 6.1).
Grades 6-8
Dates/Time: Feb. 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2014 (snow date 2/28), 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Cathy Smith Carolan Audience: Family and consumer science teachers, instructional technology specialists, mathematics, science and social studies teachers Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300110 Register by: 1/27/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11004
Grades 9-12
Dates/Time: Mar. 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2014 (snow date 3/28), 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Cathy Smith Carolan Audience: Family and consumer science teachers, instructional technology specialists, mathematics, science and social studies teachers Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300111 Register by: 2/24/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11005
Strategies to Enhance the Study of Vocabulary Required by the New CCSS (Grades 3 - 8) The new CCSS requires classroom teachers to pay special attention the teaching of vocabulary because the comprehension of complex text is based on the understanding of complex language. This workshop will explore a number of ways for students to access vocabulary and thus be better readers. In addition we will explore the use of Foldables when teaching vocabulary to expedite student learning and retention. CCT Standard Addressed: Domain 4. Instruction for Active Learning As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Learn and practice vocabulary strategies to help students better comprehend complex text. • Plan the inclusion of vocabulary study for their classrooms. • Create Foldables that support the growth of vocabulary. Date/Time: Mar. 26, 2014 (snow date: 4/22), 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Administrative Offices, Hampton Presenter: Kristina Elias-Staron Audience: Administrators, curriculum directors, English language arts teachers, reading consultants and social studies teachers Fee: $95/person Course #: 1325300427 Register by: 3/17/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11411
Steps for Developing a Standards Based Report Card Literacy Jigsaw Feb 27: Developing Standards-Based Report Cards by Thomas R. Guskey and Jane M. Bailey (2009). Apr 3: Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading (Classroom Strategies that Work) by Robert Marzano. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Read an assigned section of the book • Engage in reflective cooperative learning experience to summarize and synthesize their deepen knowledge based on the book • Identify action steps to developing a standards based report card Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Administrators and all teachers Dates/Time: Feb. 27 & Apr. 3, 2014, 1–4 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Administrators and all teachers Fee: $125/person Course #: 1325300632 Register by: 2/18/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11691 OR Register for individual dates: Date/Time: Feb. 27, 2014, 1–4 p.m. Fee: $75/person Course #: 1325300633 Register by: 2/18/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11692 Date/Time: Apr. 3, 2014, 1–4 p.m. Fee: $75/person Course #: 1325300634 Register by: 3/25/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11693
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Structures in Fiction and Informational Text as the CCSS Requires (Grades 3-8) One way to increase reading comprehension is to teach students about text structures that they encounter when reading. When students know what to expect, they are able to read with confidence and expectation. Thus, by teaching students about common informational text structures as well as literary genre structures we are able to help students to feel comfortable within the reading process because the demands of a particular genre or non-fiction text have been internalized. This expands the reading capacity of students regardless of their literacy level. Structure comes in many forms. In literary prose or poetry, structure comes through the features of poetry and genre and identifies how one genre differs from another, and how a specific poetic structures differs from another. Informational text on the other hand is about how paragraphs fit together as well as how the overall sense of structure, such as problem solution, cause and effect etc. enable students to anticipate what they will be reading. According to research students have an 80% greater chance of deeper comprehension if they understand the structure of a text. Standard Addressed: Domain 4. Instruction for Active Learning As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. • Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text. • Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot. • Analyze how the form or structure of a drama or poem (e.g., soliloquy, sonnet) contributes to its meaning. • Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style. Date/Time: Mar. 13, 2013, 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Administrative Offices, Hampton Presenter: Kristina Elias-Staron Audience: Administrators, curriculum directors, elementary, middle school teachers and reading consultants Fee: $95/person Course #: 1325300426 Register by: 3/4/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11410
Standards Based Report Card Development Committee Come, develop a standards-based report card collaboratively amongst districts and participate in a reflective ongoing dialogue around grading best practices. We anticipate that this group will be a means of support for one another as districts develop and implement a new grading and reporting system. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Develop a standards based report card collaboratively amongst districts • Partake in a reflective ongoing dialogue around grading best practices • Act as a means of support for one another as districts develop and implement a new grading and reporting system Dates/Time: Apr. 25, May 9 & May 30, 2014, 8–10 a.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Administrators Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300635 Register by: 4/15/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11694
Implementing the CCSS Reading and Thinking Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies (Grades 6-12) This workshop is designed to address the Common Core Standards for 6-12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and the Technical Subjects (as well as English Language Arts). Teachers will interact with the new National Thinking Standards in Social Studies and the new CCSS documents. Teachers will experience a variety of shared inquiry strategies that reflect the Common Core’s emphasis on student engagement with authentic texts. Teachers will also work with authentic questions creation and understand the nature of text-dependent questioning. A portion of the workshop time will be used for teachers to plan the application these strategies to their own classroom practice. Participants are requested to bring an authentic (not a text book text) text they plan on teaching or have taught in their own classrooms. CCT Standard Addressed: Domain 4. Instruction for Active Learning As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Fully understand what The National Historical Thinking Standards and CCSS History standards require of the social studies classroom. • Experience inquiry lessons and develop ideas to implement inquiry in their classrooms. • Write essential questions and text-dependent questions to enhance student engagement. Date/Time: Apr. 3, 2014, 8 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Administrative Offices, Hampton Presenter: Kristina Elias-Staron Audience: Administrators, curriculum directors, department heads and social studies teachers Fee: $95/person Course #: 1325300421 Register by: 3/25/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11405
EARLY CHILDHOOD Integrating Social Studies in Your Classroom to Meet Standards in Preschool-2nd Grade Social studies curriculum provides teachers with a wealth of meaningful content to help children make connections to themselves, families, neighborhoods, communities and the world. Applying and integrating standards across the curriculum will help teachers to bridge and connect content standards for effective teaching practice. Come prepared to embed social studies into your curriculum to prepare your children for the world they live in. Date/Time: Jan. 16, 2014, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Diane Gozumba Audience: Curriculum directors, early childhood administrators/directors, and preschool, kindergarten and elementary teachers Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300368 Register by: 1/7/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11352
Powerful Interactions: Connecting with Children to Extend their Learning In this session we will examine how you can turn everyday interactions into Powerful Interactions using a three-step approach: be present so you can be intentional; connect to deepen your relationship; and extend learning in ways that are responsive to each individual. We will focus on three extending learning strategies: using mirror talk, incorporating rich vocabulary into everyday conversations, and helping children see themselves as thinkers. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Describe the impact of interactions on learners. • Use a three-step strategy for turning everyday interactions into Powerful Interactions. • Apply strategies that extend children’s thinking, vocabulary, and language. Date/Time: Feb. 7, 2014, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Administrative Offices, Hampton Presenter: Judy Jablon Audience: Early childhood administrators/directors, infant toddler teachers/asst. teachers, kindergarten and preschool teachers Fee: $50/person Course #: 1325300581 Register by: 1/28/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11577
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CLASS™ Observation Training The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) PreK is an observational instrument developed at the University of Virginia to assess quality in preschool classrooms. It provides a common lens and language focused on classroom interactions that boost student learning. The CLASS assesses interactions between teachers and children in three broad domains of classroom quality: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support. This training helps you build an in-depth understanding of the CLASS observation tool and teaches you how to use the tool to accurately observe and code classrooms. Explicit instruction and guided practice using authentic classroom videos help you prepare for the CLASS reliability test that follows this training. The registration fee includes a CLASS Manual ($49.95 value) and the Video Library and online Reliability testing fee ($40.00 value). PLEASE NOTE: Those who pass the CLASS reliability test are certified to use the CLASS tool to observe and code classrooms for one year, after which recertification is required. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Build an in-depth understanding of the CLASS observation tool and teaches you how to use the tool to accurately observe and code classrooms Dates/Time: Feb. 11 & 12, 2014 (snow date 2/13), 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Heather Spada Course #: 1325300655 Audience: Administrators and preschool teachers Fee: $200/person (includes lunch) Register by: 1/24/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11730
An Overview of Special Education for Early Childhood Providers What is special education? What is a PPT? What is an IEP? What is an IFSP? What is the difference between part B and part C of IDEA? What is your role as providers? The answers to these and other questions will be addressed in this training. This training will address special education, what it is, what the law says, roles and responsibilities related to the IEP/IFSP. This is meant for B-3 providers, paraprofessionals, and teachers in community based programs. Participants will gain an understanding of special education that they will be able to apply to their job. This session supports the criterion 6.A.12 (NAEYC accreditation) As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Be knowledgeable about the law and policies. • Define family centered practice. • Identify the roles for teachers, paraprofessionals and families. Date/Time: Apr. 30, 2014, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenters: Sheri Lambert and Maribeth Stearns Audience: Infant toddler teachers/assistant teachers, paraprofessionals and preschool teachers Fee: $80/person Course #: 1325300658 Register by: 4/22/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11733
Engaging Young Children in Learning in a Media-Centric Culture Children can learn and have fun without being plugged into media. But first, we must tame the media in their lives. Media has its place, but it cannot take the place of creative play and interpersonal engagement in the development of our 21st Century children. We can purposefully use media to help children age 3 through grade 3 become media literate, as they are discovering themselves and their world. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Know how our media culture affects what and how young children learn. • Understand that children need guidance and support as media consumers. • Take Action to address media issues in and beyond the classroom. Date/Time: May 15, 2014, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Cathy Smith Carolan Audience: Community-based organization staff, early childhood administrators/directors, preschool, elementary and kindergarten teachers, paraprofessionals and parent/teacher organizations Fee: $90/person Course #: 1325300625 Register by: 5/6/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11684
EASTCONN Councils Language Arts Council A Language Arts consultant from the Connecticut State Department of Education will update participants on literacy initiatives, including the Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium at the Sept. 25 session. Participants will collaboratively determine the topics and objectives of subsequent sessions on Sept. 25. A fifth date will also be determined for an end-of-the-year update by a CSDE consultant. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Facilitators: Donna Drasch, Cathy Smith Carolan Audience: Teachers, curriculum directors, department heads, literacy coaches, principals, reading consultants, teacher leaders Fee: None Date/Time: Jan. 28, 2014, 1-3 p.m. Course #: 1325300123 Register by: 1/27/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11039 Date/Time: Mar. 24, 2014, 1-3 p.m. Course #: 1325300124 Register by: 3/17/13 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11040
Math Council The Math Council provides excellent networking opportunities and provides a forum for area educators to stay current. Practitioners will share best practices and EASTCONN staff will provide current information on curriculum, assessment and effective instruction and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) implementation. The council serves math teachers, math educators, and administrators by providing math resources and professional development opportunities. Presenter: Kelly Doubleday Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Audience: Administrators, beginning, elementary, mathematics and science teachers, science team leaders and principals Fee: None Course #: 1325300201 Date/Time: Feb. 10, 2014, 1–3 p.m. Register by: 1/30/14 Date/Time: Apr.7, 2014, 1–3 p.m. Register by: 4/1/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11154
Science Council We would like to invite all teachers and administrators to join us for the first Science Council meeting of 2014 at the EASTCONN Conference Center in Hampton on Wednesday, January 22, 1:003:00 p.m. Gio Koch, representing the eesmarts™ program will be our guest presenter. eesmarts™ presents free professional development workshops to K-12 formal and informal educators aligned with CMT, Connecticut Science Frameworks and CCSS and Next Generation Science Standards. As part of the Energize Connecticut initiative, this energy efficiency and clean energy educational program is designed to facilitate students’ understanding of the science, math and technology related to energy efficiency, clean energy sources, and electricity. Participate in a hands-on lesson and find out about all the resources eesmarts™ has to offer for free to K-12 educators! Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Audience: Administrators, beginning, elementary, mathematics and science teachers, science team leaders and principals Fee: None Date/Time: Jan. 22, 2014 (snow date 1/23), 1–3 p.m. Presenter: Gio Koch Course #: 1325300519 Register by: 1/16/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11503 Date/Time: Apr. 8, 2014, 1–3 p.m. Course #: 1325300520 Register by: 4/3/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11504
Technology Council EASTCONN’s Technology Council provides a forum for technology educators to come together around emerging trends and practices in technology. Practitioners share best practices and EASTCONN staff provide current information on emerging technology and the latest trends in educational technology. CSDE consultants attend and share information on the latest developments at the Department. Benefits: The Technology Council offers district and school technology educators the opportunity to come together in a collaborative forum and share information and effective practices. This council provides excellent networking opportunities and provides a forum for technology educators to stay current in the latest trends in educational technology. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Scott Nierendorf Fee: None Audience: Administrators, all teachers, teacher leaders and technology directors Date/Time: Mar. 27, 2014, 3:30–5:30 p.m. Course #: 1325300205 Register by: 3/27/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11159 Date/Time: May 8, 2014, 3:30–5:30 p.m. Course #: 1325300206 Register by: 5/8/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11160
ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS ELL Consortium Meeting Overview of LAS Links- Form C This workshop is only meant for those people who have already been trained to administer the LAS Links test. We will look at the new Form C and examine any changes necessary for administration, including using the new Online version. Workshop is FREE for ELL Consortium Members As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Be able to administer the LAS LINKS test - Form C • Be able to self score the Speaking section of LAS LINKS test. Date/Time: Jan. 15, 2014, (snow date 1/16), 1–3:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Facilitator: Elaine Rothenberg Audience: English language learner teachers and special education teachers Fee: $25/person; free to ELL Consortium Members Course #: 1325300557 Register by: 1/7/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11541 8 8
Leadership Teacher Leader Cohort In a time of several statewide initiatives and teacher/administrator evaluation, this is a great opportunity for administrators to build leadership capacity within their buildings by utilizing Teacher Leaders to take on leadership roles. This is a professional learning opportunity for exemplary teachers who already display the potential to become teacher leaders. This is an opportunity for administrators to recognize, reward and develop your district’s finest teachers by having them be part of the Teacher Leader Consortium. INCLUDES: • 4 meetings throughout the year • Online PLC for the entire year through EDMODO • 4 hrs. of on-site coaching per participant from Sept.-May As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Develop essential leadership competencies — consensus building, resolving conflicts, facilitation and presentation skills, and more — while continuing to do what they love most: teach children. • Develop understanding of the Standards for Teacher Leaders and modeling the elements of the standards within their learning communities. Dates/Time: Feb. 6, Mar. 11, Apr. 24, May 27, 2014, , 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Teacher leaders Fee: $450/person Course #: 1325300636 Register by: 1/28/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11695
Master Schedule Roundtable with Amy Drowne - Creating a Student Centered Learning Environment: Learning as the Constant and Time as the Variable The master schedule is to a school what grading policies are to teachers and classrooms. It reveals the true beliefs, attitudes, values, and priorities of the school. It is the window to the soul of the school. How the master schedule is constructed may be as important as what the master schedule contains. While the master schedule reveals what is really important to the school, how the master schedule is constructed reveals how professionals interact and how key decisions are made in the school. Finally, the master schedule discloses the true beliefs and attitudes the staff holds about the value of input from other staff members. However, the real test for the school comes when students are not learning. How does the school respond to students who are not succeeding or who need extra help? It is how the school responds to this question that determines whether it is focused on the wants of the adults who work there or on the needs of the students who learn there. Come participate in this scheduling roundtable that will focus on examining student-centered schedules and developing action steps for evolving your school schedule for the 2014-2015 school year. INCLUDES: • 4 meetings throughout the year • Online PLC for the entire year through EDMODO • 4 hrs. of on-site coaching per participant from Sept.-May As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Develop essential leadership competencies — consensus building, resolving conflicts, facilitation and presentation skills, and more — while continuing to do what they love most: teach children. • Develop understanding of the Standards for Teacher Leaders and modeling the elements of the standards within their learning communities. Date/Time: Mar. 21, 2014, , 8–11 a.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Amy Drowne Audience: Administrators Fee: $75/person Course #: 1325300631 Register by: 3/11/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11690
SCHOOL CLIMATE Building Foundations Through School Climate and Social Media Educators will engage in a series of activities designed to strengthen their existing school climate plans. Woven into these activities will be several frameworks and strategies that will strengthen and enrich their current foundation. Additionally, educators will learn how social media can be used for good and how different social media is currently being used by students, teachers, administrators and parents for better communication and in creating safe, positive school climates. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Gain a better understanding of learning styles and school climate. • Develop concrete tools, which can be utilized with your current school climate plan. • Demonstrate a sensitivity to, and respect for, the perspectives, opinions, needs and customs of others. • Gain an appreciation for the positive aspects of social media and incorporate best practices into their existing school climate plans. Date/Time: Mar. 20, 2014, 1–4 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenters: Esther Soffer Roberts, Noel Cherubino and Francine Piela Audience: Administrators, all teachers, board of education members, guidance professionals, paraprofessionals, school wellness team members and teacher leaders Fee: $45/person Course #: 1325300548 Register by: 3/11/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11532
EASTCONN Regional Transition Network
SPECIAL EDUCATION/ RELATED SERVICES Seamless Transition The iPad has great potential for providing middle and high school students with access to their materials for school. It can be used to store digital books, take notes, complete assignments, write assignments, organize schedules, and provide reminders. This can be especially helpful for students with disabilities who: have difficulty physically managing materials; need help with organization; require support with reading;and/or benefit from assistance with written assignments. For instance, the use of apps with speech to text, text to speech, and word prediction can provide students with the supports they need to complete writing tasks. Note-taking apps with voice recording, file organization, and the ability to import and annotate teacher notes provide students with tools to increase independence in their educational program. Building these skills in the middle and high school years will help students experience a more seamless transition to college and career. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Understand how to integrate the iPad into tasks throughout the school day. • Learn how to manage and synchronize notes and assignments. • Become familiar with the variety of apps available to provide support in reading, writing, note-taking, and organization. Date/Time: Mar. 25, 2014 (snow date 3/27), 12:30–3:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN, 10 Commerce Dr., Columbia Presenters: Amy Norton and Ann Bedard Audience: Administrators, guidance professionals, occupational therapists, physical therapists, special education directors/teachers and speech and language pathologists Fee: $50/person; FREE for AT Consortium Members Course #: 1325300138 Register by: 3/18/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11059 10 10
Now in their tenth year of service, the Regional Transition Networks are the result of a collaborative effort among the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), the State Education Resource Center (SERC), and the Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs). Established out of a need expressed by Connecticut’s Transition specialists, these regional networks are locally run. Each area sets its own agenda and provides training specifically requested by its members. These trainings provide a wonderful opportunity for educators new to the field of transition as well as seasoned professionals to network and share topics and issues crucial to the area of transition. All services are free of charge. For more information or to request a disability-related accommodation needed for participation, contact Amy Norton at anorton@eastconn.org or 860-228-3486. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Explore resources that will assist schools in refining and enhancing their transition services. • Learn about local, state and national initiatives through a variety of guest speakers and networking opportunities. • Understand the CT Core Transition Skills and how to utilize them for improved student outcomes. Audience: Administrators, adult education teachers, guidance professionals, related service providers, school counselors, school social workers, special educators, transition coordinators and vocational coordinators Presenter: TBA Fee: None Date/Time: Jan. 30, 2014, 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Administrative Offices, Hampton Course #: 1325300243 Register by: 1/30/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11221 Date/Time: Mar. 26, 2014, 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Course #: 1325300210 Register by: 3/16/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11164 Date/Time: May 8, 2014, 1–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Administrative Offices, Hampton Course #: 1325300245 Register by: 5/8/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11223
Function, Feasibility and Fidelity: Developing & Implementing Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) that Work This workshop is designed to train school-based personnel in utilizing specific procedures to conduct functional behavioral assessment and an efficient process to guide behavior support planning. Topics will include an overview of function of behavior, consultation with teachers to gather relevant information to guide intervention, step-by-step development of Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs), and, based on the BIP, gain skills to create relevant, measurable IEP goals in the areas of social skills and behavior. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Learn to utilize specific procedures and tools to define, investigate, observe and summarize behavior. • Gain knowledge and skills to assist teams in systemic behavior support planning based on findings, including neutralizing setting events, removing triggers, teaching alternative behaviors, and adding effective reinforcement. • Collaborate with colleagues to identify strengths and challenges in working with student support teams and hone problem-solving skills to develop systemic procedures for conducting FBAs and developing BIPs. Dates/Time: Feb. 6 & 7, 2014 (snow dates 2/13, 2/14), 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Commerce Drive, Columbia Presenter: Ravit Stein Audience: Administrators, all teachers, school psychologists and special education directors Fee: $199/person Course #: 1325300162 Register by: 1/27/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11094
Progressing Beyond Cause and Effect Do you have students who are switch users? If your students have mastered cause and effect and you’re wondering what the next step would be, this workshop will help you bring your student’s switch skills to the next level. Learn progression of switch use from the one switch, cause and effect level, to making independent choices with two-switch scanning. The hierarchy of teaching these switch skills will be discussed. In addition to the progression of switch use, activities that integrate communication, curriculum based activities and leisure will be demonstrated. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Gain an understanding of the progression of switch use. • Identify opportunities for integrating switch use into the school day. • Identify appropriate resources for teaching and implementing switch activation. Date/Time: Feb. 25, 2014 (snow date 2/28), 12:30–3:30 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Commerce Drive, Columbia Presenters: Alicia Dinda and Stacey Fulton Audience: Administrators, all teachers, boards of education members, curriculum directors, department heads, early childhood administrators/directors, guidance professionals, school psychologists, special educators and technology directors Fee: $50/person Course #: 1325300139 Register by: 1/22/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11060
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Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
POGIL: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning for AP Biology and Chemistry This workshop for AP Biology and Chemistry teachers will provide an introduction to POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) and explore the benefits of this approach to active learning in the classroom. Participants will experience a POGIL-based learning environment, analyze activities to understand how guided inquiry is structured in a POGIL classroom, and consider classroom facilitation and other issues related to the implementation of POGIL. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Experience the POGIL approach while exploring the components of our thoughtfully designed activities. • Discover ways to nurture the development of key process skills while continuing to meet rigorous academic standards. • Address key points of successful classroom facilitation and facilitation of group work by students. Date/Time: Feb. 1, 2014 (snow date 3/22), 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Site: Wilby High School, Waterbury Presenters: Laura Trout and Christopher Bauer Audience: Curriculum directors, department heads, principals, science teachers, science team leaders and superintendents Fee: $150/person Course #: 1325300590 Register by: 1/18/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11586
Simple Machines in the Classroom Simple machines are best understood by students when they are using hands-on lessons. An important section of the Next Generation Science Standards, new demonstrations of gears, levers, pulleys and other simple machines lessons will be provided. A solid understanding of the principles of simple machines is an excellent method of introducing engineering into the science curriculum. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Have access to lesson materials demonstrating gears, levers, inclined planes, pulleys and other simple machines. • Practice new hands-on demonstrations that can be used in any classroom with easily found materials. • Have access to online demonstrations of lessons for teachers and students. Date/Time: Feb. 4, 2014, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Nancy Magnani Audience: All teachers and science team leaders Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300157 Register by: 1/27/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11088
Optics Magic In the Next Generation Science Standards, the properties of light have a prominent place. Using optics magic lessons, demonstrations and easily obtained and low-cost supplies, the properties of light will be explained for the K-5 curriculum. As a result of taking part in this workshop, participants will: • Learn about reflection, refraction and other properties of light. • Have access to make and take lessons, including spectrascopes and kaleidoscope. • Have access to many free resource materials. Date/Time: May 6, 2014, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Site: EASTCONN Conference Center, Hampton Presenter: Nancy Magnani Audience: All teachers and science team leaders Fee: $85/person Course #: 1325300158 Register by: 4/28/14 Register: http://rs.registereastconn.org/courses/view/id/11089
It is the policy of EASTCONN that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be discriminated against under any program because of race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status, disability or any other classification protected by state or federal law.