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On October 22, 1968 , Eastern Kentucky University 's Board of Regents paid the greatest possible tribute to Roy Kidd and the university's football program. On that day, the Regents approved plans for a multi-purpose physical e ducation comp lex which w ill seat 20 ,000 persons for Eastern's hom e football ga m es.

It s ignalle d another h ighlight in Kidd 's hi g hly successful career.

The nine-story physical e ducation-athletics complex is d es ig ned to serve nearly 2,000 students simultaneously in classes. It also will house offices for the department s of physical education, militar y sc ience , and law enforcement .

AInclud e d in the master p lan are three auxiliary basketball courts, 12 handball courts and dressing facilities for physical ed uca t ion and football. An observation desk for physical education cla sses is loc ated above the athletic courts.

A training area includ es exercise and weight -liftin g rooms, a steam room and a lar ge therapy tank.

A seminar room and reception area are located on the second leve l of t h e new buildin g. Offices on this l eve l have been accoustically treated to absorb sound from the athletic areas.

The third-level , which includes a center ramp for the stad ium area, will have a snow-melting unit designed to keep ice and s now off the ramp.

An observation booth , concession area and rest rooms a lso will be locat ed on the third-level.

The remainin g leve ls are devoted primarily to classroom space, and a loun ge area will be s ituated on the ei g hth floor.

The 350-foot buildin g, containin g nearly 64,000 sq uare feet of floor space, is topped with a 96-foot press box providin g modern accommodations for members of the press , radio and television.

Th e buildin g was desi gne d by Hartstern , Schnell , Associates , AIA Architects.

Aside from accommodating the nucleus of three academic d epartme nts, the complex also will serve as a football stadium d es i g ned to seat 18,200 person s.

" In li g ht of the fact that a football stadium is used only five or s ix times a year , we feel that the right approach is to con st ruct an academic buildin g which will serve a dual purpose as a sta dium ," Dr . M art in said .

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