18 minute read

Teddy Taylor-All-American Candidate

The Taylor-Made Defense

Teddy Taylor is a football paradox . Off the field, he ' s quiet, unassuming , and always smilin g. Nice Guy. On the field , well , that's a different story. Ever y one knows he 's there . He 's constantly in motion , slashin g through on a slant to meet the ball carrier before he reach es the line of scrimmage or runnin g him down from behind on a power play around end. Bad Guy ( dependin g, of cour se, on how you look at it ) .

Mind you, he won 't overpower anyone . He weighs only 195 pounds. But he will destroy an offense, be it running or passing.

Quickness . That's his forte.

Consider these examples:

- Eastern was leading Ball State 13-6 at halftime in the 1967 NCAA Grantland Rice Bowl. Ball State took the secondhalf kickoff and advanced to its own 40 yard line. The quarterback took the snap and wheeled for a handoff to the fullback. There was No. 61, Taylor , knifing through and taking the handoff himself . He scampered 39 yards for a back-breaking touchdown . Eastern won 27-13 .

- Each week, Eastern 's coaches present an award for the outstanding defensive player in the preceding game . As a junior, Taylor won the award five times. And that was on a team that finished sixth in The Associated Press' final national college division poll.

- In three years at Eastern, Taylor has anchored the finest defense in the school's history and the Colonels have won 23 g ames , lost only six, and tied two.

- One opposing coach put it this way : "I'll tell you, it got to the place that I thought I had five men in our starting backfield ." The fifth man was Taylor .

Those are just a few of the reasons Coach Roy Kidd calls him "probably the best middle guard in the history of the OVC." In three seasons, Eastern has had three college division second-team All-Americans and five other honorable mentions. Taylor is a natural for first team honors. See page 17 for another reason why .

The Offense


Bill March . . . Senior ... 23 . .. 5-10 .. . 175 ... One Letter ... Miami, Florida .. . Completed 26 of 49 passes for 464 yards last season as backup man . . . must come through this season if Colonels are to repeat as OVC champs ... has strong arm and displayed leadership as junior .. . threw gamewinning touchdown last year against East Tennessee with 19 seconds to play . .. business major .


Butch Evans ... Junior ... 19 ... 6-1 .. . 210 . .. Two Letters ... Lebanon, Kentucky .. . Came to Eastern without scho larship but showed coaches he came to play . . . with improv e ment in blockin g technique , he could be the best fullback in the OVC . . . good runner . . . vicious hitter . . . good speed . . . has impressed pro scouts . . . could be great one . .. Industrial Arts Major .

Bob Fricker ... Freshman ... 19 ... 6-0 ... 175 ... No Letter ... Cincinnati, Ohio . . . Redshirt . . . impressed coaching staff in spring with strong passing game and good football savvy . .. with experience, he could be an exceptional quarterback . . . may see heavy duty as freshman if improvement continues . . . complements strong arm with agility and deceptiveness .

Kicking Specialist

Tom Gaebler . .. Sophomore ... 6-1 . .. 208 ... No Letter ... Paris, Kentucky .. . Came to Eastern as kicking specialist, concentrating on punting, but impressive spring at defensive tackle assures him of action in the fall . .. hard hitter .. . dedicated .. . provides much needed depth for defensive wall . . majoring in business administration.

Glynn Green . .. Freshman ... 19 ... 5-9 ... 175 . .. No Letter ... Berea, Kentucky ... Redshirt ... recruited as defensive back but made switch due to injuries at quarterback in spring . . . intelligent player who sizes up defense well . . . impressed coaches with determination ... size will hamper him but hustle could provide equalizer ... quick . . . good on rollout.


Jimmy Brooks . .. Sophomore ... 19 ... 5-11 ... 180 . . . One Letter ... Valley Station, Kentucky ... one of the finest runners ever to play at Eastern . . . leading freshman ground gainer in the nation . .. exceptional speed and a threat as a pass receiver . . . ga in e d over 1,000 yards in only 8 games ... needs to improve blocking to become allaround g reat tailback .. . Recreation Major .

William Wright ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 5-10 .. . 175 . .. No Letter ... Whitesburg, Kentucky . . . showed signs of developing into fine running back during spring practice ... could step in and do adequate job at running back position .. . has talent of finding daylight and breaking tackles ... Physical Education Major.

Donnie Young ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 5-9 .. .

175 ... One Letter ... Wintersville, Ohio .. .

Came to Eastern without scholarship, but earned one before the end of his freshman year ... has tremendous quickness and agility while running in heavy traffic ... last year against Midd l e Tennessee gained over a 100 yards ... Phy~ical Education Major.


Chuck Walroth ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-0 ... 180 ... One Letter ... Cincinnati, Ohio ... As a freshman caught 30 passes for 408 yards ... was perhaps the surprise player of the '68 season .. . has outstanding potential . . . posseses fine hands and has exceptio nal speed ... Physical Education Major.

James Kelly .. . Junior ... 21 ... 5-9 ... 170 ... No Letter ... Huntsville, Alabama ... had his finest spring after being injured most of his career at Eastern ... has learned to run pass patterns well ... will be a definite asset for the coming season if he can stay hea l thy ... may have the best hands on the team . .. Physical Education Major.


Don Buehler ... Junior ... 21 ... 6-0 ... 190 ... Two Letters . . . Cincinnati, Ohio . . . Can play both tight end or split end . . . lead team in touchdown pass receptions with 6 in 1968 .. . last season caught 35 passes for a total of 509 yards . . . one of the finest students on the team . .. All-Conference candidate . .. History Major .

James Wilson . . . Sophomore . . . 20 . . .

6-1½ ... 205 ... One Letter ... Huntsville, Alabama . .. was having fine freshman year with 12 catches for three touchdowns when he was sidelined with broken hand against Akron .. . needs to improve blocking .. . has fine speed . . . could be top tight end in the conference . . . Industrial Technology Major.

Ken Meier ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-1 .. . 193 ... No Letter ... Cincinnati, Ohio .. . came to Eastern without scholarship but earned one for his performance in the spring . . . has size, speed and exceptionally good hands . . . will provide reserve strength at the tight end position ... Physical Education Major.


Harry "Toodie" Irwin ... Sophomore ... 18 ...

6-2½ ... 225 ... No Letter ... Elizabethtown, Kentucky .. . converted from defense to offense in spring to fill vacancies due to graduation ... has all the qualities to become All-Conference performer . . . biggest weakness will be his lack of experience .. . Architecture Major .

Tom L y on s ... Sophomore ... 21 ... 6- ½ .. . 220 ... No Letter . . . Ashland, Kentucky .. . will give needed depth to offensive line .. . with e xperience could become regular performer . . . biggest asset is his fine st r ength and toughness . . . could push for starting position as the season progresses .. . Industrial Arts M a jor .


Pat Sheridan ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-0 .. . 200 .. . No Letter . .. Newport , Kentucky . . . Considered to be one of the most improved players in spring practice . .. won starting position after first week of spring practice . .. diligent worker and tough competitor ... Politi pal Science Major.


Paul Hampton ... Junior ... 22 ... 6-1 . .. 192 .. . Two Letters ... Belfry, Kentucky ... converted from linebacker to center in 1968 when both centers were out with injury .. . moved to the center position permanently in the spring ... has good quickness ... enjoys playing football .. . Physical Education Major.

Larry Kaelin ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-0 . .. 209 ... No Letter ... Cincinnati, Ohio ... will play both guard and center in the fall .. . has the ability to become a solid performer .. . biggest problem will be to overcome inexperience . . . could push for starting position if he gets experience ... History Major.


Fred Sandusky . . . Sophomore . . . 20 . . . 6-3 ... 248 ... One Letter . .. Louisville, Kentucky . . . started his first game at guard midway through 1968 season and never relinquished the position ... has good quickness for player his size . . . half year's experience should prove invaluable this season .. . Recreation Major .

Jon Ankney ... Sophomore .. . 20 ... 6-2 . . . 205 . . . One Letter . . . Dayton, Ohio . .. has ability to play any position in the offensive line ... played mostly as a reserve tight end in 1968 . . . caught three passes for 19 yards ... worked at guard and tackle in the spring . . . could possibly be starter . . . Undecided about major.


Richard Cook ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 5-11 ... 192 ... No Letter ... Lexington, Kentucky ... development mirrors that of former Eastern linebackers Ron Reed and Jim Moberly ... with continued improvement should be one of the future Colonel standouts . .. will call defensive signals ... Major Undecided.

Harry Gibbs .. . Senior .. . 21 ... 5-11 . .. 190 ... No Letter ... Chamblee, Georgia ... Very coachable athlete . . . switched to linebacker this spring . . . at the end of spring practice ' was a starter ... strong and quick . . ,. shown steady improvement throughout career . . . should be ready to play this fall ... Business Major .

Rich Thomas ... Freshman ... 18 ... 6-0 . . . 186 ... No Letter . .. Fairfax, Virginia ... Came to Eastern as a defensive secondary man , but moved to linebacker ... showed a g reat deal of aggressiveness and desire in the spring . . . should be a candidate for a starting assignment . . . Undecided about major.

Mark Shireman . . . Sophomore . . . 19 ...

6-1 . . . 194 ... No Letter ... Brandenburg, Kentucky ... Came out for football without scholarship .. . has shown improvement with each session . . . switched from offense to defense in spring . . . needs experience . . . will play a great deal .. . Industrial Technology Major.

Dave Maupin ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-4 ... 212 ... No Letter ... Louisville , Kentucky ... Non-scholarship player that has shown an exceptional amount of ability . . . had a fine spring practice . . . expected to be starter in the fall ... like other members of the defensive lin e, needs experience ... Industrial Education Major.


Brian Siemon . .. Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-1 . . . 201 ... One Letter ... Springfield, Ohio . . . Made fast improvement during spring practice .. . has potential to be outstanding player . . . brother of former Eastern AllOVC performer Chuck Siemon . . . could possibly be a regular this fall . . . Business Management Major .

Mike Nicholson . . . Sophomore . . . 19 . . . 6-5 . .. 218 ... One Letter . .. Miami, Florida ... Missed spring drill because of injury ... holds school record for discus events at Eastern ... if he can stay healthy , should be one of the finest defensive ends in the conference .. . Law Enforcement Major.


Sidney Yeldell ... Senior ... 21 ... 6-1 ... 225 ... Three Letters ... Glassboro, New Jersey .. . has lettered at three different positions in his previous three years at Eastern . . . slowed last year with an injury .. . should reach his fu ll potential this fall . . . one of the few defensive lettermen back ... Law Enforcemen t Major.

Tom Reid ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 6-1 ... 214 ... No Letter ... Lancaster, Ohio . . . Fine prospect . . . real tough, strong p lay er . . . another non-scholarship player that will probably start . .. improv ed a great deal durin g spring practice ... tough competitor who likes contact . . . Phy s ical Education Major .


Mike O'Neal ... Sophomore ... 5-11 ... 179 ... No Letter ... Germantown, Ohio .. . will be in contention for a starting position in the fall . . . very close to being a top notch football player . . . if not a starter, will provide depth in the defensive secondary . .. Undecided Major.

Ted Green . . . Junior . . . 21 ... 5-10 . ..

167 . . . Two Letters . . . Atlanta, Georgia . .. one of the finest defensive backs in Eastern 's history . . . All OVC . . . will be relied on heavily this season .. . natural speed and ability ... hard worker and ded ica t ed . .. very quick . . . good kick return man . . . Psychology Major .

Pete Compassi .. . Senior ... 2 1 . .. 5 -11 . ..

170 .. . Two Le t ters ... Fra n kfort, K e ntucky ... exceptio n al athlete ... has fin e p otential . . . dedicatio n and aggressive n e ss are his strong points ... plays t h e ba ll well . .. was a standout runn in g back a t F ra nklin Cou n t y high schoo l .. . Recreation M a jor .

Bob We bb ... Senior . . . 6-0 .. . 198 ...

Three Letters .. . Miami, Florida . . . one of the strongest competitors on the squad . . . should be one of the team leaders for the coming season . . . very ag g ressive . . . deceptive speed ... good st u dent . .. good tackler ... be i ng counted on for leadership B usiness M a j or

Doug Johnsto n ... Sophomore . .. 5 -10 ...

187 ... No Le tt e r . .. Po rt s mo u t h, Virgini a . . . missed a ll o f last s e a s on wi th a brok e n leg . . . h a d a fin e sp r ing prac tice wh e n h e returned t o drills . . . go o d si ze a nd s p ee d . .. wi th mor e e xperienc e, co uld d eve lop int o a top flight defender . . . ve ry p opula r a mon g teammates ... fine potenti a l ... Physical Education Major .

M i k e Armstron g ... Jun i or ... 6-0 . . . 187 . . . On e Le tter . . . Springfield, Ohio . . . will b e k ey m a n i n secondary this fall . . . has a ll t h e a ttributes necessary to be a fine foo t ball p laye r . . . good speed and quickness ... follows the ball we ll ... will be rnlied on for experience in the secondary . . . Recreation Major.

Ed Huffman . . . Sophomore .. . 19 . . . 6-3 .. . 225 ... No Letter . . . Lawrenceburg, Kentucky . . . fine defe nsive t ac kle p rospect . . . had good sprin g se s sion . . . has all the physical qualities to becom e outstand i n g football player . .. hard - workin g, dedicated athlete .. . should be a regular , but needs experience . . . Undecided.

H arold Joyce . .. Senior ... 5-9 .. . 170 . ..

On e Le tter ... Lou i sville, Kentuck y ... ca me on very strong toward the end of last se ason . . . will be counted on to give expe rience to the defensive secondary . . . one o f the five lettermen returning that will m ake up the defensive secondary . . . Physic a l Education Major .

Paul McKee ... Freshman . . . 5-10 . . . 188 . . . No Lett e r . .. Covington , Kentucky . . . converted to defensive back in college .. . he played quarterback in high school . . . has made steady improvement while at Eastern . . . impressed coaching staff with his performance during spring drills ... Undecided about major.

... Freshman ... 19 ...

.. . 205 .. . No Letter .. . Cincinnati, Ohio . . . Redshirt .. . potentially fine backup man for fullback . . . has good strength and straight ahead running ability .. . needs work to improve speed and playing experience to gain confidence . . . Physical Education Major.

James Porter ... Freshman ... 5-11 ... 170 . .. No Letter ... Louisville , Kentucky . .. walked on this spring and showed a great deal of promise ... has a great future ... with some game experience could push other defensive backs for a s tarting assignment ... Recreation Major .

Jack Bowman 6-3 210 Tackle . Norwood, Ohio . . . Played both offense and defense in high school . . . was All-City at linebacker . .. on offense played tackle.

Bobby Brown ... 6-0 ... 195 ... Linebacker ... Louisville, Kentucky .. . played latter half of senior year with broken bone in his leg . . . outstanding blocker . . . has tale n t to be outstanding football player .

Marshall Bush 6-0 190 Halfback Bartow, Florida first team All-State defensive back ... named most outstanding trackmen in Florida (class B) ... has been timed in 9.6 in the 100 yard dash on offense scored 12 touchdowns and averaged 5.6 yards per carry his senior year ... honor student.

James Croudep ... 6-0 ... 215 . .. Linebacker ... Jeffersonville, Indiana . .. first team All-State selection in Indiana for two years . . . defensive player of the year in Indiana . . . selected for the annual Indiana high school All-Star game . . . one of the finest high school linebackers in the nation ... was captain of both the football and basketball teams his senior year.

Jerry England ... 6-2 ... 230 ... Tackle ... Glasgow, Kentucky . . . very aggressive football player . . . has all the physical assets to become tremendous football player . . . played in East-West All Star game.

Rex Estridge ... 5-9 ... 17 5 ... Defensive Backfield . .. Loyall, Kentucky ... one of the finest offensive and defensive backs in Eastern Kentucky . . . All-State and All Cumberland Valley Conference.

Wallace Chambers ... 6-6 . . . 235 ... Tackle . .. Mt. Clemens, Michigan . . . good hitter and aggressive ... has outstanding quickness for a player his size.

Ralph A. Coldiron ... 6-3 ... 205 ... Guard ... Whitesburg, Kentucky . . . All Eastern Kentucky Mountain Conference player at guard and linebacker . . . has size and speed to develop into fine player.

Doug Greene ... 6-1 ... 195 ... Tight End ... Miami, Florida . . . has outstanding quickness and strength . . . can play either end or in the defensive secondary .

Edward King, Jr . ... 6-1 .. . 200 ... Defensive End ... Miami, Florida . . . outstanding in the classroom as well as being a fine athlete . .. will play either offensive or defensive end for the Colonels.

Larry Kirksey ... 5-11½ ... 170 ... Split End ... Harlan, Kentucky ... voted outstanding player in the South Eastern Kentucky Conference . . . a member of the All-State team .. . participated in the Kentucky High School All-Star game in August . ·.. has the ability to score any time he gets the ball ... potentially outstanding college pass receiver .

David Lee ... 6-2 ... 215 ... Tackle ... Dayton, Ohio ... one of the outstanding linemen from the Dayton area very strong athlete, who is also quick and aggressive.

Kevin Moore ... 6-5 ... 230 ... Tackle ... Norwood, Ohio ... All League performer as defensive tackle .. . only played one year of high school football , but has tremendous potential.

David Payne 6-2 220 Tackle Glasgow, Kentucky .. . participated in the East-West All Star Game second member of his high school team to sign with the Colonels.

Larry Lightfoot ... 6-0 ... 175 ... Flanker ... Miami, Florida . . . described by the Miami area press as "the most feared high school receiver in the city of Miami" ... potentially one of the finest pass receivers in Eastern's grid history.

James Lyons ... 6-0 ... 170 ... Quarterback ... Norwood, Ohio . .. considered to be the finest quarterback in the Cincinnati area , . . . was All-City offense and defense . . . set school record in yards rushing ... was in the upper 10% of his graduating class, and was also a member of the National Honor Society.

Don Peters ... 6-1 ... 200 ... Tackle ... Lancaster, Ohio ... has fine quickness and movement for a tackle ... has fine possibilities for a fine offensive tackle.

Donald Salsbury ... 6-0 ... 190 ... Kicking Specialist ... Greensburg, Kentucky . . . dedicated worker . . . coaching staff hopeful that he is the replacement for graduated Jerry Pullins.

Joe McClurg .. . 6-1 ... 190 ... Defensive End ... Lancaster, tucky ... one of the leading high school scorers in the state . . . has great deal of determination . . . could play either offense or defense .

Lawrence Schmidt ... 6-3 ... 215 ... Tackle ... Miami, Florida . . . outstanding high school offensive tackle . . . two year regular for his high school team .

Steve Sells ... 6-0 ... 200 .. . Guard ... Valley Station, Kentucky ... not only a fine football player but an outstanding student ... played both offensive center and linebacker in high school.

Joe McClung . 6-1 . 190 Defensive End Lancaster, Ohio All-Conference defensive end for Lancaster High School .. . fierce competitor . .. besides his football ability he is a fine wrestler .

Richard Straten ... 6-1 ... 195 ... Fullback ... Lancaster, Ohio . . . outstanding blocker as well as a fine ball carrier ... has been timed in 4.8 for the forty-yard dash.

Roger McGlaughlin ... 6-1 ... 175 ... Defensive Back ... Worthington, Ohio ... been clocked in a 4 .6 forty-yard dash ... good hands .. . was an All-Conference player in the Ohio Capitol Conference . .. all around fine athlete.

Danny Turner ... 5-11 ... 190 ... Linebacker ... Richmond, Kentucky . . . fine prospect for guard or linebacker . . . was voted the most valuable player on his high school team ... has the ability to become an outstanding college football player ... First Team All-State.

Jackie Miller 6-0 180 Linebacker Miami, Florida plays similar to Eastern middle guard Teddy Taylor . . . very quick ... potentially outstanding defensive performer.

Bruce "Boomer" Williams 6-2 205 Defensive End Hazard, Kentucky played offensive halfback and defensive end in high school ... runs the 40-yard dash in 4.8 seconds.

Depth Charts

The Colonel

Howdy. Allow me to introduce myself. I, suh, am the East e rn K e ntuck y Universit y Colonel. I hail from a stat e bordering the Mason-Dixon lin e. Surrounding this vast institution which I represent, you' ll find (in my opinion) the most beautiful count ry in the world ... Rich in tradition and steeped in the history that founded this great land. I've been around for quite some time . You know, the Kentuck y C olonel ? I ha ven't b ee n with Eastern's athletic program too l ong, but you ' ll be seeing more and more of me. Actually, our athletic teams are both Colonels and Maroons . It's someth ing new, but new seems to be the theme at Eastern . It ' s growing and now I'm part of that growth .

W e ll, suh, sorry if I got carried away with that introduction . .. . hope you'll stop by for a visit sometime.

Official Ohio Valley Conference

(Mileag e between eight member sc hool s)

Wave Myers

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