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Growth - in quantity and quality - has been the theme at Eastern Kentucky University. The quantity speaks for itself . With an enrollment of approximately 10,000 students the university 's student body has more than tripled since 1960 . As a result, new dormitories and large, well-equipped academic structures are being built.

But the quality of Eastern can be measured only by its students. Today, the Eastern student is provided with a firm academic background. More research facilities are available. The quality of its faculty continues to grow.

The total growth began in 1960 when Dr. Robert R. Martin assumed the presidency of Eastern, becomin g its sixth chief executive .

With university status effective July 1, 1966 , Eastern was reorganized into five colleges and a graduate school. Curricula in the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology , Arts and Sciences, Business and Education lead to the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts or Associate of Arts degree . Central University College offers preparatory curricula for the first two years of the student's college career, providing a liberal base for a major in one of the advanced colleges. The master's degree is offered in education, English, history, guidance and counseling for non-school personnel, business administration, music education and biology. A Joint Doctoral Program in Education, sponsored in cooperation with the University of Kentucky, permits stu dent s to continue in residence at Eastern for one academic year beyond the master's degree.

Founded as Eastern Kentucky State Normal School in 1906 by act of the State Legislature, Eastern was created to educate teachers for the schools of the Commonwealth. The institution annually produces more teachers than any other Kentucky college or university .

The physica l plant has undergone building and renovation programs totaling over $60 million since 1960 . D u ring this period every existing major campus facility has been remodeled or completely reconstructed.

A well-rounded sports program, both intercollegiate and intramural, is sponsored and enco u raged by the University. Eastern is represented in intercollegiate competition in baseball, basketball , cross - country , football, golf, rifle, swimming, tennis and track.

Dr. Robert R. Martin

The university is administered by a Board of Regents , of which Wendell P . Butler, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, is ex - officio chairman.

In 1941, foresighted men had v1s10ns of an Ohio Valley Conference. Sports writers speculated about the impending division of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Virtually all agreed it was just a matter of time until the division took place and a new athletic conference was formed.

Then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and America was plunged into World War II.

Seven years later, after the hostilities had ceased, a prewar dream became a post-war reality. The "Big Five" of the K. I. A. C. withdrew to form the Ohio Valley Conference .

Making the move were Western Kentucky State College, Eastern Kentucky State College, Murray State College, Morehead State College and the University of Louisville. They were joined by Evansville College and, shortly thereafter, by Tennessee Tech and Marshall College.

Purpose of the 0. V. C., as set forth in its constitution, is

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