1 minute read
Oct. 4 - at Richmond - 2 p.m.
(Band Day)
Location - Clarksville, Tennessee
F o unded-1927
Enrol lm ent- 3,500
President- Dr. Joe Morgan Athletic Director- Dave Aaron
Heach Coach- Bill Dupes
A s sistant Coaches- Tommy Dillard (Defensive lin e), Jerry Flatt
(Offensive coac h ), Jim Lane (Defensive coach), Ray Thomas (Offensive line)
Nicknam e---- Governors Colors - Scarlet and White Conference-- Ohio Valley Stadium - C l arksv ille Municipal Stadium, 7,500 capacity
Bill Dupes ( Sports Information Dir ector- John
R. Mal"tin Jr (615- 647-3122)
L ette rmen - Lost 10, Returni n g 22
1969 Schedule 1968 Results
With only 22 lettermen returning for the 1969 football season, the prospects for the Austin Peay State University football team would seem to be on the slim side .
Of the 22 returnees, two were named to the All-Ohio Valley Conference first team last year while four others garnered honorable mention honors.
Split end Harold (Red ) Roberts and defensive safety Howell Flatt were selected by the league 's coaches as members of the 1968 all-star team.
Fourth Game
Middle Tennessee State University
Oct. 11-at Murfreesboro-7:30 pm
Locati on - Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Founded- 1911
President- Dr. M . G. Scarlett
Athletic Director- Chas . M . Murphy
Head Coac h - Donald E. Fuoss
Assistant Coaches - C h ar les Butler, Jim Finley, George Catavolos, Bill Peck, Ga ry Whaley
Nicknam e- Blue Raiders
Col ors- Blue and White
Conference- Ohio Valley
Stadium- Horace Jones Field, 16,200 capacity
Sports Information D i1 ·ector- Jif
Freeman (896 - 06 8 0, ex . 372 or 373)
Letter m en - Lost 1 1 , retur n ing 26
1969 Schedule 1968 Results
State University's Blue with a hopeful outlook .
Twenty-six lettermen return from the 1968 team which was forced to play several freshmen, but, as coach puts it, "We are too slo w, too s mall and too few."
Still, MTSU hopes to improve on last year's record (2 -8 ) and, if the spring game was any indication , it could be done .
While this will be a year of rebuilding and orientation , Fuoss hopes his team can develop into a contender before the season is over .