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1970 Football Factbook

Telephone: 622-2301


In Retrospect

In years to come, Eastern Kentucky University's record books will probably tell you that Jimmy Brooks was the greatest runner in the school's history. They will point out that Brooks set a season rushing :mark as a freshman, when he was the leading first-year carrier in the nation. They ' ll also say he broke his own record as a soph omo re . And there's every re ason to believe he 'll break it two more times, which will assure him of a spot among the top five rushers in college division foot ball histor y . That's one of the rea sons th e cover picture shows Brooks in ac ti on. But it 's doubtful that the record books wi ll say anyt hing about fullback Butch Evans . He 's the other reason the cover picture was selected . It also shows Evans in his familiar spot -in front of Brooks-placing an enemy defender on the seat of his pants. In other words, Evans is Brooks ' protector. He 's the guy no one sees until the coaches grade the game films because Brooks is attracting all the attention with his deceptive moves. E x ample: t he cove r picture shows Brooks' legs going one way and hi s bod y going another. It's one of those pictures that's worth a few thousand words. The cover was d es igned by staff artist Rodger True .

Part 2 .

Roy Kidd, 8 Bob Harville, 10 Fred Francis, 10 Bill Shannon , 11 Jack Ison , 11

General Information , 4

The OVC, 6

The Coaches

Gradua te Assistants, 12

Athletic Director, 13

Trainer, Managers, 14

SID , 14


Prospectus, 16 Roster, 27 Capsule Analysi s, 17 Depth Chart , 28 Jimmy Brooks , All -Amer ican , 18



1969 Results

1970 Schedu le

*East Tennessee (Stadium Dedication)

*Austin Peay (N)

*Middle Tennessee (Band Day)

Eastern Michigan (Cheerleader Day)

*Western K e ntuck y

*Murray State (Homecoming)

*Tennessee Tech .

Indiana State

*Morehead State (ROTC Da y )

It was suppose d to be one of those rebuilding years, a time all coaches have to live with every so often. But if it was a rebuilding year, Roy Kidd and his staff laid a nice foundation for the future. They compiled a 6-4 record and finished third in the Ohio Valley Conference , which is the kind of season that prompts a smug smile from many coaches.

Kidd, in fact, wasn ' t all that disappointed (although it was his "Norst ·season in four years and he did feel he should have finished 7-3). What pleased him the most was the way his younger players performed. He knew most everyone would be back, and he was impressed with the attitude they showed. That attitude is part of the tradition Kidd has built. It took him two mediocre easons to get there, but since then the Colonels have won 29 games, lost 10 and tied two. That figures out to something like 75 per cent.

A glance backward could not be · complete without mentioning Teddy Taylor, a three-time All-OVC choice and a first-team college division All-American last season . (That's him being carried off the field by his teammates after his last home game.) Many coaches who read this will be happy to kno~r No. 61 ,von't be around this season. (At least, Teddy won't be wearing it.)

But No. 23 will. That jersey is worn by Jimmy Brooks , who has gained over 2,00 0 yards in two seasons and has his eye on the all-time national career rushing record. But that's another story, and you can read all about that on page 18.

General Information

Locatjon - Richrrlond, Madison County. Kentucky, a growing city of about 14,000 population and at an altitude of 937 feet . This is a rich farming area, the county considered the largest beef cattle-raising county east of the Mississippi.

Enrollr.nent - 10,000.

Founded - 1906.

President - Dr. Robert R . Martin.

Vice President for Academic Affairs - Dr. Thomas F. Stovall.

Athletic Conference - Ohio Valley , N.C.A.A.

Gymnasium - Alumni Coliseum (capacity 7,500).

Stadi um - -· Hanger Field (Stadium Capacity, 20,000).

Nickname - Colonels , Maroons.

Symbol - Colonel.

Colors - Maroon and White.

Board of Regents

Vice-Chairman Earle B. Combs, Sr., Richmond; Robert Begley, Richmond; William Wallace, Lexington; Marvin E. Edwards, Lawrenceburg; Henry D. Stratton , Pikeville ; Gerald S. May, Stanford; Ralph Whalin , faculty representative ; and Bob Babbage, Lexington , student representative.

Athletic Committee

Members: Dr. Ned Warren , Chairman; Dr. Charles Ambrose; Dr. Dixon Barr ; Mr. William Berge; Dr . LaRue Cocanougher; Dr. Clyde Lewis; Mr . J. C. Powell; Mr . William Stocker; Mr. John Vickers; Mr. Ralph Whahn ; Mr. A. L. Whitt ; Mr. Glen Presnell , ex-offido.

Director of Athletics 1927).

Head Football Coach 1954) .

Athletic Staff Glenn E. Presnell (Nebraska , Roy Kidd (Eastern Kentucky ,

Line Coaches - Bobby Harville ( Eastern Kentucky, 1957) . Bill Shannon ( Eastern Kentucky , 1948).

Backfield Coaches - Jack Ison (Eastern Kentucky , 1961). Fred Francis (Morehead, 1962).

Head Coaches Other Sports - Baseball : Charles "Turkey" Hughes ; Basketball: Guy Strong; Swimming: Don Combs; Golf : Glenn E. Presnell ; Tennis: Jack Adams ; Track: E . G . Pl.1mmer ; Rifle: Capt. Marvin Goff .

Growth - in quantit y and qualit y - has been th theme at Eastern Kentucky University Th e quan t i ty speaks for itself. With an enrollment of app r ox im a t e ly 10 , 000 students the University ' s student bod y has mor e than tr i pled. since 1960 . As a result , new dormitories and la r ge, well - equipped academic structures ar e being built .

But the quality of Eastern can be measured onl y by i t s students . Today, the Eastern student is provided w i th a firm academic background . More resea r ch facilities a re a v ailable. The quality of its faculty continues to grow .

The total growth began in 1960 when D r. Rob er t R . l\tlartin assumed the presidency of East e rn , becomi ng it s si x th chief executive.

With university status effective July 1, 1966 , Eastern was reorganized into five colleges and a graduate school. Curricula in the Coleges of Applied Arts and Technology , Arts and Sciences, Business and Education lead to the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts or Associate of Arts degree. Central University College offers preparator y curricula for the first two years of the student ' s college career, providing a liberal base for a major in one of th e advanced colleges. The master ' s degree is offered i n education , English 1 history, guidance and counseling for nonschool personnel, business administration , music education and biology. A Joint Doctoral Program in Education , sponsored in cooperation with the University of Kentucky , permits students to continue in residence at Eastern for one academic year beyond the master ' s degree.

Founded as Eastern Kentucky State Normal School in 1906 by act of the State Legislature, Eastern was created to educate teachers for the schools of the Commonwealth . The institution annually produces more teachers than any other Kentucky college or university .

The physical plant has undergone buildin g and renovation program s totaling over $70 million since 1960 . During this period every existing major campus facility has been remodeled or completely reconstructed.

A well-rounded sports program, both intercollegiat e and intramural , is sponsored and encouraged by the University. Eastern is represented in intercollegiate competition in baseball, basketball, cross-country , football , golf, rifle , swim1ning , tennis and track.

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