1 minute read
Oct. 17 - at Richmond - 2 p.m. (Cheerleader Day)
Loca t io n-Y p s ilanti, Mi chi gan
En r oll m e nt-18 ,100
P r e s ident-Dr Harold E. Sponb e rg
Nickname - Hu r on s
Colors - Green and W hit e
Athletic Di r ecto r-F . L . " F r o st y "
Ferzacc a ·
Head Coach- Dan Boistu r e
Assistant Coaches- Nick Caso , Richard Moseley , Jim Shaw ,
V a skin Badalow
SID-John C . Fountain
Stadium- Rynearson Stadium ( 12,500)
Lettermen Lost - 19
Dan Boisture Lettermen Returning-23 Dave Pureifory, T
Sixth Game
Western Kentucky University
Oct. 24 - at Bowling Green - 2 p.m.
Location- Bo w lin g Gr ee n , K e nt uck y
Enrollment- 11 ,500
P re sident- D e ro G. Down ing
Nickname - Hillto pp er s
Colors- Red a nd White
Athletic Director- Ted Hornback 1 Head Coach-Jimmy Feix
!\ssistant Coaches- Robbie Frank- · lin. Art Zeleznik , Jackie Pope , ; Butch Gilbert , Le e Murray ·
SI D -Ed Given Stadium-L. T . Smith Stadium (20 000)
Lettermen Lost - 9
1970 Schedule
l 969 Resu Its
Eastern Michigan Universit y will be undertaking its most difficult football schedule ever this fall. However, Coach Dan Boisture will be bringing back 23 lettermen who appear to be ready fo r the task. The Hurons will lose 15 letter winning seniors from the 1969 squad , but the 23 returnees gained plent y of experienc e from the recent campaign . The defense will center around Dave Pureifory, the big junior tackle who was a stalwart in his sophomore year.
Offensively, the backfield remains intact after last season with quarterback Don St e wart entering his junior year.
W estern Kentucky returns 31 of 4 0 lettermen from a 6-3-1 team that finished second in the OVC. But the Hilltoppers coaching staff must replace three members of the starting backfield. The offensive unit has one returning starter at each position. Defensively, Coach Jimmy Feix and his staff are all smiles . Only one player was lost from last year's platoon that was stingier than any team in the confer e nc e exc e pt champion East Tennessee. Heading the list is the 1969 OV C Defensive Pla yer of the Year, rugged Law rence Bram e . Sev eral freshmen will get the ca ll to fill the gaps on offense, bu t the Hilltoppers should field another title contender this season . Western leads the series, 26-15-1.
Bill Furgerson