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Glenn E. Presnell

Glenn E. Presnell

Oct. 3 - at Clarksville - 8 p.m.

Locatio n- Clarksville, Tenn.

Enrollment- 3 ,523

Pre s ident- D r. Joe Mo r gan

Nickname - Governors

Colors-Scar let a nd Whit e

Athletic Director-Dave Aaron

Head Coach- Bill Dupes

Assistant Coache s -Je r ry Fla tt , J im Lane, Ray Thomas

SID-John R . Martin ( 615-6481114)

Stadium- Municipal Stadium

Lettermen Lost-15

Lettermen Returning-18

1970 Schedule 1969 Resu Its


Offensively, t he 1970 football se ason will be built around Li ttle All-Ame rica candidate Harold ( Red ) R o b erts. The running as p e ct of this fall's team will be shouldered by juniors K en n y Johnson and Ton y Page (if he returns to football) and sophomores Claren ce Sharpe and Dann y Hunley. The role of quarterback will be held by one of several candidates includ ing Jo hn Kok and Herman Wallace, both being sophomores t his fall. Defensively, the Govs front line will be built around tackle Bonnie Sloan , a gent le giant at 6-5 and 250 pounds. The amazing Sloan was credited with 39 individual tackles and 34 assists. Eastern leads the series, 8-3.

Fourth Game

Middle Tennessee State University

Oct. 10 - at Richmond - 2 p.m.

(Band Day)

Loca t io n--M urfr e es bo r o , T e nne s see

Enrollment-7 ,600

Fresident- Dr M. G. Sca r le tt

Nickname-Blue Raider s

Co l ors-Blue and White

Athletic Director-Charles M . Murphy

Head Coach- Bill Peck

Assistant Coaches-Charle s Butl er, Jim Finley, Hal Dyer , Gary Whaley, Teddy Morris

SID-Jim Freeman

Stadium-Horace Jones Field (16 ,200)

Lettermen Los t-14

Lettermen Returning-30 David Duvall, LB

1970 Schedule


For the sec ond consecutive season, Middle Tennessee State wi ll enter the upc01ning foot ball season with a new head c o ach, Bill Peck.

With 30 of 44 lettermen returning, incl udin g 10 of the 11 starters on defense, MTSU makes no bones about expecting a better season than 1969's 1-9 mark.

Defense is the s trong suite of the Big B lu e, and the h e art of the unit is linebacker D avi d Duvall , an All-OVC selection last year as a junior, and a bona fide candidate for College Di vision All-Ame rican this fa ll. Duvall is 6-3 , 220 , and a three - year letterman.

Middle Tennessee leads the eries , 11-6.

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