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An Academic-Athletic Showplace THE ROBERT B. BEGLEY BUILDING

THE ROBERT B. B,EGtEY BUILDING, named to honor the president of the Begley Drug Company and EKU Board of Regents me-mber, is no ordinary structure.

It, like its counterpart in multiplicity on the Eastern Kentucky University , Campus - Alumni Coliseum-is the result of a u'lique concept. Combining the requirements of classroom build ing and stadium in one structure, the Robert B. Begley Building marks a new dimension in campus faci Iities.

The nine -story Begley Building, which was 30 months in construction, is designed to serve ne arly 2,000 students hourly in classes. In addition to housing the School of Health, Physica I Education and Athletics, the School ofLaw Enforcement, and the Department of Military Science, the Begley Building also provides seating fo,r nearly 20,000 footba 11 spectators.

"We feel this is one of the most functional multipurpose buildings in the south," said Dr. Robert R. Martin, EKU's president. "tn light of the- fact that a football stadium is used only five or six times a ye,ar, we feel that the right approach was to co nstruct an academic building which will serve a dual purpose as a stadium."

Included in the structure are three auxiliary basketba ll courts, 12 hand ba ll courts , 30 classrooms and 60 offices and dressing facilities for physical education and football. An observation deck for physical education classes is located above the athletic courts.

A training area includes exercise and weight-lifting rooms , a steam room and a large therapy tank.

A seminar room and reception area are, lo cate d on the second level of th e building. Offices on this level have been .accoustica Ily treat ed to absorb sound from the athletic are-as. '

The third - leve-1 , which includes a center rarnp for the stadium area, will have a snow-melting unit designed to keep ice and snow off the ramp.

The next thr ee lev e ls are composed of c lassrooms and offices for th e departments of physical education, military science and law enforcement.

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