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Serving The Community With Home Loans

Spectator Rules Information

1. The time-out period has been reduced from two (2) minutes to one and a half (1 ½) minutes.

2. The game clock will be stopped on all first downs and will be started when play is ready

3. An offensive interior lineman (tackle to tackle) ma y not move after taking a position with his hand(s) on or near the ground. (penalty , five (5) yards)

4 . The numbering of the players as required by rule will assist the spectator to easily identify players by position and to assist them in knowing eligible and ineligible pass receivers. The offensive team must have five (5) interior linemen (number between 50 and 79) on the line of scrimmage. These numbered players are ineligible to receive a pass regardless of the position they take prior to the snap

Players numbered 1 to 49 and 80 and up are eligible to receive passes if they have lined-up according to rule .

Backs 1-49 Guards 60-69 Ends 80 and up Center 50-59 Tackles 70-79

5. Offensive interior linemen on scrimmage kicks (punts) may go down field on the snap of the ball. This year they do not have to wait until the ball is kicked.

6. Once a player gives the fair catch signal, whether he catches the ball or not , an opponent c a n not make contact with him (penalty 15 yards from spot of foul)

7. One (1) player at a time may go to the side lines and talk to the coaching staff. Also , after the first player confers and leaves , another player may go to the sidelines to talk with the coaches

Your Official: Debbie Cox

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