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Delmar Printing Company is proud to have the opportunity to print one of the truly great university yearbooks in the United States-the MILESTONE of Eastern Kentucky University for 1970 -71.

It's a fact that no other university yearbook in America can boast the oustanding record the MILESTONE has achieved during this decade. The national rating services bear this out.

The crew at Delmar Printing Company-all of us -congratulates the MILESTONE and the great university it represents. We pledge to do our best as part of the MILESTONE TEAM to help continue the tradition of excellence which has been established.

We also offer sincere congratulations to the COLONEL TEAM on its winning tradition. And that includes President Robert R. Martin, the regents, administration, faculty, student body, Coach Roy Kidd and his staff, the Colonel players and what we've been told are the world's greatest fans.

Physical activities, though important, are only a part of the total program of the School of Health, Physical Edu cation, Recr e ation and Athleti cs

(Second in a series on EKU Academic divisions located in the Robert B. Be gley Buildin g Next: The Department of Military Science.)

Say "phys ica l educat ion" to the average individual a nd c hanc es are i t w ill bring him mental pictures of sneakers a nd athletic socks.

Like most shallow obse rv atio n s and ge nerali zat io n s, the popular conception o f physical education is somewhat les s than a half truth, a nd especially so when applied to Eastern Kentucky University's Sc hool of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athl eLics.

Granted, physical activities classes with their sneakers and gym suits are a part of the EKU School's program, bur co consider them as the whole operation would be a mistake.

Administered through EKU's Co ll ege of Education, the School of H ealth, Physical Educatio n , R ecreation and Athletics is a complex organizat ion that defies a sing le stereotype.

Elev ate d thi s year fr om division sta tu s, th e School of He a lth , Physical Ed ucat ion , R ecreation and Athletics is headed by its direcror , Dr. Ned Warren It is divided into four academic departments: School and Public Health, chaired by Dr. Her m a n Bu sh; Recreation and Park Administration, c haire d by James McChesney; Men 's Physical Education , headed by Dr. Fred Darling, and Women 's Physical Edu cat ion, c haired by Dr Ann Uhlir. The School's progra m of int erco ll egia ~e ath let ics is administered by Athletic Direcror G lenn Presn ell.

Through its d e partm ents, the school offers five bacca laur eate degr ee programs and one tw o -year assoc iate of arts curricu lum co undergraduate students. At the Eastern Kentucky Univers ity

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