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The School of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics

graduate level , the Master of Arcs in Education ( P~y~ical Education); the Master of Sc ience, and the Specialist in Education degree s are avilable. Rank II and Rank I t eac her certification programs are also offered

The School also serves EKU's general education program by providing facilities and personnel for Central University Coll ege's physical education activities and h ealth classes for freshmen and sophomores.

Enrolled in the School's academic programs are some 1,150 majors, including 33 0 graduate students To serve this large enrollment, the School boasts a full-time faculty of 4 1, includin g 14 indiv i,lua ls with the earn ed docrorate. Thirty-three graduate assistan ts perform teaching and other services.

A balanced athletic prograrn, both intramural and intercolleg iate , is administered by the School. M e n's and women's intramural programs are administered through their respective physical education departments. Competition in numerous sports, includin g softball, fl ag football, volleyba ll , table tennis, track , bask e tball , and field hockey , provide physical activity outl e ts for EKU smdents

EKU , a member of the Ohi o Valley Conference fie lds ath letic teams in bas e ball, b asketb all, cross country , footbal l, swimming, go lf , tennis , track , wrestling , gym nastics, and rifle

Outstanding fa cilities are required to support an opera tion with the scope of Eastern's School of H ealth , and Physica l Education.

The school claims three major campus structuresThe Robert B. Begley Building, where it is headquartered , the Alumni Coliseum, and the \'v'eaver Health Building. Numerous tennis courts, recreat io n areas, the nine-hole go lf co urse at Arlingron, and a fresh ly re surfaced, ninelane track are among the other facilities used by the sc hool.

Under devel o pment is a recreational area which will boast 10 football fields, two of which are varsity practice fields , and another two of which are large enough for soccer pl ay In season, eight sofrbal.l fi elds can be superimp csed on the football l ayout.

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