1970 Homecoming Game

Page 20

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COLONELS '70: Official Eastern Kentucky University Football Magazine

Mailing address: Office of Public Affairs, Eastern Kentucky University, 40475. Contents may be reproduced without written pe rm ission Ma gazine prepared and edited by the Office of Public Affairs, Donald R. Feltner, Vice-President.

EDITORIAL STAFF: Karl Park, editor; Rodger E. True, art director; Doug Whitlock, contributing editor.


NATIONAL ADVERTISING: Spencer Advertising Co 271 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10016.

PRINTED BY TRANSYLVANIA PRINTING CO., Lexington, Ky. Robert B. Begley Building _ 4 Message ·From The President _ --·. 8 This Is EKU _ __ _ 11 A Campus With A Character __ 12 EKU All-Americans _ __ 15 Academic Feature ·__ 17 Official's Signals - - - - - -_ 19 Scouting Reports____ 20 The Yardmarker - - - - - - - 23 EKURoster __ 24 Opponent's Roster - - - - - 29 Football Feature - - 31 Charting the Opponents 32 OVC Standings - - - - - 33 Feature On Opposing School 35 The Marching Maroons - 36 Alma Mater - - - 39 EKU Coaching Staff: The Roy Kidd Form~la 40 Stadium Information - - - - 42 Cross Country & Swimming Schedules ____________ 44 Eastern's AII-OVC Players 47 1970 Eastern Colonels' Team Picture _ 50 Advertising Index - - - - 50 Basketball Schedule _______________ Jnside Back Cover

An Academic-Athletic Showplace


THE ROBERT B. B,EGtEY BUILDING, named to honor the president of the Begley Drug Company and EKU Board of Regents me-mber, is no ordinary structure.

It, like its counterpart in multiplicity on the Eastern Kentucky University , Campus - Alumni Coliseum-is the result of a u'lique concept. Combining the requirements of classroom build ing and stadium in one structure, the Robert B. Begley Building marks a new dimension in campus faci Iities.

The nine -story Begley Building, which was 30 months in construction, is designed to serve ne arly 2,000 students hourly in classes. In addition to housing the School of Health, Physica I Education and Athletics, the School ofLaw Enforcement, and the Department of Military Science, the Begley Building also provides seating fo,r nearly 20,000 footba 11 spectators.

"We feel this is one of the most functional multipurpose buildings in the south," said Dr. Robert R. Martin, EKU's president. "tn light of the- fact that a football stadium is used only five or six times a ye,ar, we feel that

the right approach was to co nstruct an academic building which will serve a dual purpose as a stadium."

Included in the structure are three auxiliary basketba ll courts, 12 hand ba ll courts , 30 classrooms and 60 offices and dressing facilities for physical education and football. An observation deck for physical education classes is located above the athletic courts.

A training area includes exercise and weight-lifting rooms , a steam room and a large therapy tank.

A seminar room and reception area are, lo cate d on the second level of th e building. Offices on this level have been .accoustica Ily treat ed to absorb sound from the athletic are-as. '

The third - leve-1 , which includes a center rarnp for the stadium area, will have a snow-melting unit designed to keep ice and snow off the ramp.

The next thr ee lev e ls are composed of c lassrooms and offices for th e departments of physical education, military science and law enforcement.

The Robert B. Begley Building, its gleaming concrete facade facing Kit The structure sees double-duty, serving as a classroom-office facility and Canon Drive, is an example of multiplicity of purpose i!' building design. also providing seats. for EKU football fans.
The ultra-modern training room, located on the first level, serves Eastern Kentucky University"s football team.
19 70 Official Football Program
The three gymnasia (left) in the Begley Building provide facilities for physical education activity classes and intramural basketball. Some 30 classrooms (above) are located in the building, and coupled with activity areas, can accommodate 2,000 students simultaneously The sloping roof of the building (bottom) provides some 20,000 seats facing Hanger Field for football spectators.


are JDade of this

The University Store offers a wide assortment of gifts and College Day mementos. Our service is designed to accommodate alumni, students, parents and visitors to the Eastern campus. We have everything from pennants and decals to books and clothing. So stop by the University Store, located in the Keen Johnson Student Union Building. You'll be glad you did.

• • •
6 1970 Officia I Footba II Program


Alfred Thompson Jackie Miller Ralph GillHple Ed King Mark Shireman Mike Nicholson
Eastern Kentucky University 7
Jim Lyons Manhall Bush . Fred Sandusky Dick Straten Mike O'Neal Tom Reid Tom GHbler Donnie Young




It is a special pleasure to welcome friends of Eastern Kentucky University to our campus for today's exciting football game. I especially extend greetings to our alumni, as well as to the friends and supporters of our sister institutions with whom we engage in friendly rivalry. This is a significant year for our university for it begins a new decade of service by this administration. With the arrival of the 70's, we can pause only briefly to reflect on the past decade of unparalleled growth and development in facilities , faculty, enrollment and new programs. For as significant as that era was , it must now serve only to inspire us to new and loftier goals as the horizons of higher education present new challenges. Let the thread linking the furore with the past be the continuing development of an educational relevancy to the needs of those young Kentuckians who come here in pursuit of a higher education.

The completion of this new academic-athletic facility , which is the home of the football Colonels, reflects the total emphasis we must continue to give to our programs Like Alumni Coliseum, this building is truly a multi-purpose concept, designed to serve some 2,000 students simultaneously in classes while doubling as a 20,000-seat football stadium.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy the game and that you will take the time, while you are our guests today, to tour our beautiful campus. When you leave, it is my fondest wish that you take with you some of the great pride that we, here on campus, have in our university. Remember that our doors are always open and we invite you to visit us often.

8 1969 Offic i al Football Program
- - - ·· -.... , ( . • . , • • • I
Eastern Kentucky Unive r sity 9
Pr e sident and Mrs . Robert R. Martin
Compliments of "'S.erving Central & Southeast Kentucky Since 1921." 25 Drug Stores and 5 Pharmacies in Kentucky Also operating 55 Dry Cleaners in 6 States One HOUR DRY CLeaneRS 13 Locations in Kentucky Big B One Hour Franchises are now available Write P. 0. Box 1000 Richmond, Kentucky 40475 10 HOME LUMBER co. "Everything to build your home with from foundation through Roof." North Third St. Phone: 623-3032 "After the game, Come to Burger Queen" U.S. 25 South Big Hill Avenue Eastern School Of Hair Design 112 South Second Phone: 623-5472 1970 Official Football Program


Growth-in quantity and quality-has been the them e at Eastern Kentucky University . The quantity speaks for itself. With an enrollment of nearly 10 ,000 students, the univeri;ity ' s student body has more than tripled since 1960 As a result , new dormitori es and large, well-equipped academic strncrures are being built.

But the quality of Eastern can be mea sured only by its graduates. Today, the Eastern student is provided with a firm academic background. More research facilities are available. The quality of its faculty continues to grow

The total growth began in 1960 when Dr. Robert R. Martin assumed the presidency of Eastern, becoming its sixth chief executive.

With university status effective July 1, 1966, Eastern was reorganized into five colleges and a graduate school. Curricula in the Colleges of Applied Art s and Technology , Arts and Sciences , Bu s iness and Education lead to the Bachelor of Scienc e, Bachelor of Arts or Associate of Arts degree . Central University College offers preparatory curricula for the fir st two years of the student's college career , providing a liberal base for a major in one of the advanced colleges. The master's degree is offered in educa-

tion, English, hisrory, guidance and counseling for nonschool personnel, business administration, music education and biology . Spec ialists' degrees are offered in technology, physical education and education. A Joint Doctoral Program in Education, sponsored in cooperation with the University of Kentucky, permits students to continue in residence at Eastern for one academic year beyond the master's degree.

Founded as Eastern Kentucky State Normal School in 1906 by act of the State Legislature, Eastern was created ro educate teachers for the schools of the Commonwealth. The institution annually produces more teachers than any other Kentucky college or university

The physical plant has undergone building and ren ov ation programs rotaling over $75 million since 1960. During this period every existing major campus facility has been remodeled or completely reconstructed.

A well-rounded sports program, both intercollegiate and intramural, is sponsored and encouraged by the University. Eastern is represented in intercollegiate competition in baseball, basketball, cross-country, football, golf, rifle, swimming, tennis and track.

Eastern Kentucky University 11


EVERYONE WHO COMES here takes away an image of something he feels is typically Eastern.

To some, Eastern is a beautiful, park-like campus. Others will tell you Eastern is a place rich in heritage and tradition; a campus of buildings with distinctive architecture; or people bound together by all these things and a common goal

Ea:,tern, like all other complex phenomena, is, in truth, a composite. The student, during his years here, is exposed to all those parts which compose the whole. It is here that his most memorable life experiences will occur. Here he will experience happiness, sadness , anxiety, satisfaction, disappointment , all of which contribute to his college life. Here he will mature and grow as his world around him expands. He will realize new ambitions and lay the foundation for his future

What makes Eastern so richly different? Eastern is a state of mind as well as a place The goal is individuality at Eastern. The stud ent, throughout his stay, is a name-not just a number Eastern is not only a springboard to the future. It is also a channel through which the student becomes a college graduate and an alumnus with strong ties.

I • I • '-'-J)jjjjjij I JI II
Opposite: The column s of t he Un iversity Building and the Bert Combs Building. Top : A dormitory panorama of Commonwealth, Palmer, Dupree and Todd Halls. left: The Mo or e Bu ild ing , Above : The John Grant Crabbe library


14 1970 Official Football Program
"Growing As Eastern Grows"
Aaron Marsh 1967 Buddy Pfaadt 1966
Eas t e rn Kentu c k y U n iversity
Fred Darling 1941 Roy Kidd 1954 J W "Spider" Thurman 1941
Jimmy Chittum 1963 Teddy Taylor 1969 Jim Guice 1968 Fred Troike 1968 Dan Daly 1955

Delmar Printing Company is proud to have the opportunity to print one of the truly great university yearbooks in the United States-the MILESTONE of Eastern Kentucky University for 1970 -71.

It's a fact that no other university yearbook in America can boast the oustanding record the MILESTONE has achieved during this decade. The national rating services bear this out.

The crew at Delmar Printing Company-all of us -congratulates the MILESTONE and the great university it represents. We pledge to do our best as part of the MILESTONE TEAM to help continue the tradition of excellence which has been established.

We also offer sincere congratulations to the COLONEL TEAM on its winning tradition. And that includes President Robert R. Martin, the regents, administration, faculty, student body, Coach Roy Kidd and his staff, the Colonel players and what we've been told are the world's greatest fans.


Physical activities, though important, are only a part of the total program of the School of Health, Physical Edu cation, Recr e ation and Athleti cs

(Second in a series on EKU Academic divisions located in the Robert B. Be gley Buildin g Next: The Department of Military Science.)

Say "phys ica l educat ion" to the average individual a nd c hanc es are i t w ill bring him mental pictures of sneakers a nd athletic socks.

Like most shallow obse rv atio n s and ge nerali zat io n s, the popular conception o f physical education is somewhat les s than a half truth, a nd especially so when applied to Eastern Kentucky University's Sc hool of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athl eLics.

Granted, physical activities classes with their sneakers and gym suits are a part of the EKU School's program, bur co consider them as the whole operation would be a mistake.

Administered through EKU's Co ll ege of Education, the School of H ealth, Physical Educatio n , R ecreation and Athletics is a complex organizat ion that defies a sing le stereotype.

Elev ate d thi s year fr om division sta tu s, th e School of He a lth , Physical Ed ucat ion , R ecreation and Athletics is headed by its direcror , Dr. Ned Warren It is divided into four academic departments: School and Public Health, chaired by Dr. Her m a n Bu sh; Recreation and Park Administration, c haire d by James McChesney; Men 's Physical Education , headed by Dr. Fred Darling, and Women 's Physical Edu cat ion, c haired by Dr Ann Uhlir. The School's progra m of int erco ll egia ~e ath let ics is administered by Athletic Direcror G lenn Presn ell.

Through its d e partm ents, the school offers five bacca laur eate degr ee programs and one tw o -year assoc iate of arts curricu lum co undergraduate students. At the Eastern Kentucky Univers ity

The School of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics

graduate level , the Master of Arcs in Education ( P~y~ical Education); the Master of Sc ience, and the Specialist in Education degree s are avilable. Rank II and Rank I t eac her certification programs are also offered

The School also serves EKU's general education program by providing facilities and personnel for Central University Coll ege's physical education activities and h ealth classes for freshmen and sophomores.

Enrolled in the School's academic programs are some 1,150 majors, including 33 0 graduate students To serve this large enrollment, the School boasts a full-time faculty of 4 1, includin g 14 indiv i,lua ls with the earn ed docrorate. Thirty-three graduate assistan ts perform teaching and other services.

A balanced athletic prograrn, both intramural and intercolleg iate , is administered by the School. M e n's and women's intramural programs are administered through their respective physical education departments. Competition in numerous sports, includin g softball, fl ag football, volleyba ll , table tennis, track , bask e tball , and field hockey , provide physical activity outl e ts for EKU smdents

EKU , a member of the Ohi o Valley Conference fie lds ath letic teams in bas e ball, b asketb all, cross country , footbal l, swimming, go lf , tennis , track , wrestling , gym nastics, and rifle

Outstanding fa cilities are required to support an opera tion with the scope of Eastern's School of H ealth , and Physica l Education.

The school claims three major campus structuresThe Robert B. Begley Building, where it is headquartered , the Alumni Coliseum, and the \'v'eaver Health Building. Numerous tennis courts, recreat io n areas, the nine-hole go lf co urse at Arlingron, and a fresh ly re surfaced, ninelane track are among the other facilities used by the sc hool.

Under devel o pment is a recreational area which will boast 10 football fields, two of which are varsity practice fields , and another two of which are large enough for soccer pl ay In season, eight sofrbal.l fi elds can be superimp csed on the football l ayout.

17 EKU Feature



Serving The Community With Home Loans

18 1970 Offi ci al Football Progra m


1. The time-out period has been reduced from two (2) minutes to one and a half (1 ½) minutes.

2. The game clock will be stopped on all first downs and will be started when play is ready

3. An offensive interior lineman (tackle to tackle) ma y not move after taking a position with his hand(s) on or near the ground. (penalty , five (5) yards)

4 . The numbering of the players as required by rule will assist the spectator to easily identify players by position and to assist them in knowing eligible and ineligible pass receivers. The offensive team must have five (5) interior linemen (number between 50 and 79) on the line of scrimmage. These numbered players are ineligible to receive a pass regardless of the position they take prior to the snap

Players numbered 1 to 49 and 80 and up are eligible to receive passes if they have lined-up according to rule .

Backs 1-49 Guards 60-69 Ends 80 and up Center 50-59 Tackles 70-79

5. Offensive interior linemen on scrimmage kicks (punts) may go down field on the snap of the ball. This year they do not have to wait until the ball is kicked.

6. Once a player gives the fair catch signal, whether he catches the ball or not , an opponent c a n not make contact with him (penalty 15 yards from spot of foul)

7. One (1) player at a time may go to the side lines and talk to the coaching staff. Also , after the first player confers and leaves , another player may go to the sidelines to talk with the coaches

Your Official: Debbie Cox

Offsid e llleg,111 procedure , po•ition o r •ub•titution i ff Illegal motion I llegal hif t \f Jf D e lay of game(, ! ·1 P ersona fou I Ba ll read)' for play Start th e c l ock i ff R e f e r ee's tim e out Fir s t down ff ff S afo ty T o uchdown or field go,'\I
Clipp ing
R o ughing th P kick e r f ff 1ll ega U5f" of hand5 and 3rrn l n t f"n t ion:i.l <1 r ound n {1 -~1 l Ball dead; i f hanc. is moved f rom siQe to side: t ouc hb ac k Helping runn e r o r i nterlo c k e d int e rf e r ence • I ncomp l ete forw ard pass, penalty d ec lin e d no olav Ball illega lly t ouched, k i ck e d or batted In e li gib l e r eceive r dow nfie\d F orward p ass or kick ca t c hin g i 11t £>r f e r ence lll eual l y pau1n9 o r !1.1,,<1 inq llal I f o r w.-rd


Eastern will be trying to bounce back in the win column against Murray after a disappointing 19-7 defeat at the hands of the Western Hilltoppers last week in Bowling Green. Murray brings a 3-3 overall record into Eastern's Homecoming contest today

The Racers have some injuries to key personnel and thus far have not played up to preseason expectation s. Eighteen starters have returned from l ast season's team to make Murray one of the most experienced teams in the Ohio Valley Conference.

Garnet Scott, a sop homor e signal-ca ll er, ha s taken over the quarterbacking duties of veteran Matt Haug and ranks second in the le ague in passing. Scott can throw to such talented receive rs as sp lit -end Billy Hess , w ho set an OVC mark with 13 TD receptions two years ago, or Racer capta in Ja ck Wolf, who is the fifth leading pass receiver in the conference this season. Murray's running chores are aptly handled by tailabck Jim Brown (seventh in the le ague in rushing) and fullback Rick Fisher (No. 9 in the OVC in rushing)

Dave Ford, a 6-3, 260-pound junior tackle , heads the Racers' defens i ve unit O ther s to wa tch in this unit include linebacker E W. Dennison and defensive back George Greenfield. Th e Racers are improving on defense as evidenced by their y ielding of only two t ouchdowns in the last two games.

Eastern could not get its offense moving against Western l ast week and as a result lost its first game in six outings. Jimmy Brooks, the OVC's leading rusher and point producer, threw a five-yard touchdown pass to flanker Wi ll iam Wright for the Colonels' only sco re of the afternoon. Eastern 's only other exciting offensive play of the afternoon occurred in the first quarter whe n split-end Larry Kirksey made a leaping catc h of a Bob Fri cker pass for a 34-yard gain

The Colonels go into tod ay's game sti ll battered and bruised from l ast week's encoun ter Fricker suffered a head injury against We stern and was forced to s it out most of the second quarter and all of the second half. However, it is believed that he wi ll be able to go today. Standout line backe r James Croudep has a bruised shoulder and an ankle injury and is listed as very doubtful. Others nursing injuries but expected to see action include lineba ckers Richard Cook and Mike Armstrong , defens ive tackle Wally Chambe r s and defensive back J ames Porter

Eastern le ads th e series, 14- l 0-4.

1111! 20
1970 Official Football Prograrr>
----~••••"'.......,,'°""""""' 11,l 'M Eastern Kentucky University 21

WHITE Network

Bring You Colonel Football

Radio Station WEKY and the Maroon & White Network are where the action is. Marshall Sidebottom, the Voice of the Colonels, brings it to you with his colorfu l play-by-play account of each Eastern athletic con test. W it h hirri at mike-side during the 1970 season is Ron Kwozalla, color commentator, and Jimmy Ti llery, spotter. Together, they beam the action into your home over a 12-station hookup in Central and Eastern Kentucky. Join Sidebottom, Kwozalla, Tillery and the Colonels each Saturday for an exciting brand of football. Where the action is.

ii.Rd THIJMT COHP~1'TY fThe Friendly bank ,' offering you Full - Service Banking WE HONOII master charge Main Street, Berea • 986-3176 THI INTERIIANll CAIID• 5½% Interest Paid on 12 Month Cer t ificates of Deposit 5¾% Interest Paid on 24 Month Certifica tes of Deposit EKY and
Jim Tillery, Ron Kwozalla and Marshall Sidebottom
22 1970 Official Football Program


1970 Football Statistics

Team Statistics

Easter n FIRST DOWNS 82 By Rushing 54 By P ass ing 22 By Pena lty 6 RUSHING-Times Carri e d 333 Yards Gained 1331 Yards Lost 171 Net Yards Gained 11 60 Average Pe r Ca rr y 3 5 Average Per Game 193.3 PASSES-ATTEMPTED 82 Comp le red 33 Had Int ercepted 4 Comp letion Percen tage 402 Net Yards 451 Av e rage Per Game 75.2 Scoring Passes 5 TOTAL OFFENSE - Tot al Pla ys 415 Net Yards 161 1 Average Per Game 2 6 8.5 PUNTS - Numb e r 38 Yards Punted 1433 Average Per P unt 37.7 FUMBLES-lost 12 PENALTIES-Yards lost 1 80 RECORD : 5-1-0 OVC RECORD : 3-1 -0 13 Ball State 12 10 * East Tennessee 6 38 *Austin Peay 7 24 *Middle Tennessee 10 21 Eastern Michigan 10 7 *Western Kentucky 19 Oct. 31 * Murray State Horne (Homecoming) Nov. 7 *Tennessee Tech Away Nov. 14 Indiana State Away Nov. 21 • Morehead State Home
Opp . PASSING No Att Com p. Pct Int Yd s , TD 63 Bob Fri cker, QB 67 26 388 3 375 3 30 Haro ld Borders, QB 1 4 6 .429 l 71 l 29 Jim Brooks, TB l l 1 0 00 0 5 l 4 Eas tern R2 33 402 4 451 5 222 787 192 595 2.7 99 2 PASS RECEIVING No . Yd s . Avg TD Kirksey, S E 1 2 1 38 1 1.5 l Wright , FL 9 10 1 11.2 l Wilson , TE 6 103 17.2 l Brooks, TB 3 6 8 22.7 l Bu s h , FL 2 29 14 5 l Carnva le, TE l 12 12 0 0 132 East e rn ________________ 33 451 13 6 5 55 8 4 17 701 11 6.8 5 PASS INTERCEPTIONS No . Yd s. Av g TD Croudep , LB 2 1 3 6.5 0 M ill er, CB 2 87 43 5 l Cook, LB l 7 7 0 0 Lyons, s l 0 0.0 0 Armstrong , LB l 7 7.0 0 354 O'Neal, CB - l 21 21.0 0 1296 East er n - - 8 135 16 9 216.0 PUNT RETURNS No . Yd s. Avg 51 Porter, CB 9 92 10.2 Brooks, TB 4 6 3 15.7 19 6 1 Sh ireman, DE l 12 12.0 38.5 O'Neal, CB l 25 25.0 7 Eastern - 15 192 12 8 257 KICKOFF RETURNS No . Yd s Avg TD Brooks, TB 12 195 16.3 0 Washing ton, TB · l 20 20.0 0 Wr ig h t, FL 2 45 22 5 0 Porter , CB l 13 13.0 0 Wilson , TE l 10 10 0 0 Ea s te rn 17 283 17 .6 0 SCORING TD R K p FG TP Brooks 9 0 0 0 0 54 Gi ll espie _______ o 0 14- 15 0 3 5 23 Fricker l 0 0 0 0 6 Bush - l 0 0 0 0 6 W il son l 0 0 0 0 6 Mill er l 0 0 0 0 6 Kirksey l 0 0 0 0 6 Wright l 0 0 0 0 6 RUSHING Times Ga in lo ss Ne t Avg . TD East e rn ___ 15 0 14-15 0 3.5 113 Jim Brooks , TB 159 73 6 Al Thompson , FB 48 223 Butch Evans, FB 41 111 Wi ll iam Wr ig h t, FL 2 5 Bob Fricker, QB 38 140 Joe Washington, TB 25 93 Larry Kirksey, SE 2 0 Dick Straten, FB 3 5 Haro ld Borders, QB 11 2 Donnie Young, TB 3 7 Marshal l Bush, FL 9 Ea stern 3 33 1331 Eastern Kentucky University 36 700 10 213 2 109 0 5 57 83 3 90 1 1 1 1 0 5 51 .49 l 6 0 9 171 1160 4.4 8 4.4 0 2.7 0 2 5 0 2 2 l 3. 6 0 -5.5 0 1.7 0 -4 5 0 2.0 0 9 0 0 4 .5 9 Oppon e nt __ 8 0 5-7 0- 1 PUNTING No . Tom Gaeb ler ________________ 37 Eddie Huffman _______ _ ______ l SAF 3 4 1 64 Yd s . Avg . 1394 37 7 39 39 0 Eastern 38 1433 37 .7 23 DEFENS E T A Croudep 3 6 42 Chambers 43 29 Huffman 30 29 Cook 20 36 King 25 20 Shireman 13 21 Ga~bler 13 19 Roberts 13 18 Miller 9 20 O' Neal 13 15 Porter 10 16 Armstrong 17 8 Greene 12 10 Lyons 6 8 Nicho lson 4 10 Hughes 2 7 Reid 2 6 Turner 2 Gardne r Jam es McCulley
No Name Pos. Class Ht Wt. Hometown 10 Mike O'Neal DB Jr . 5- 10 179 Ger m antown , Oh io l l Bob Fricker QB Soph 5- l l 175 Cincinna ti, Ohio 12 Frank Broh m QB Fr. 6 - l 18 l Louisv ille, Ky 14 Terry Johnson DB Fr 6-3 195 Cincinnati , Ohio 15 Harold Borders QB Fr. 6- l 178 Belfry, Ky . 16 Jim Lyons DB Fr 5- l l 178 Cincinnati , Oh io 19 Jeff McCarthy QB Fr. 6-5 195 Cold Springs, Ky 20 Al Burch DB Fr 6-0 184 Warren , Ohio 21 Donnie Young RB Jr . 5-9 174 Wintersville , Ohio 22 Jack McCulley DB Fr. 5-9 172 Glassboro , N J 23 Jimmy Brooks RB Jr 5-10 180 Louisville, Ky 24 Jackie Miller DB Soph . 6-0 186 Miami, Fla . 25 Mike Armstrong LB Sr. 5- l l 194 Springfield, Ohio 26 William Wright FL Jr. 5-9 180 Whitesburg , Ky 27 Joe Washington RB Soph 5-5 156 Lynch , Ky. 28 James Porter DB Soph 5-11 175 Louisville , Ky 30 Alfred Thompson FB Fr 5-11 195 Owensboro , Ky 31 Richard Straten FB Fr. 6-l 197 Lancaster , Ohio 32 Butch Evans FB Sr 6-0 21 l Lebanon , Ky . 34 Ed King LB Soph 6-0 205 Miam i, Fla 40 Karl Moran SE Soph 5-9 163 Barbourville, Ky 41 Bill Gardner DB Jr. 6-0 180 Louisville , Ky. 42 Marshall Bush FL Fr . 6-0 196 Bartow, Fla 44 Bill Hammons LB Fr 6- l 191 Corbin, Ky. 50 Paul Hampton C Sr . 6- l 195 Belfry, Ky . 51 James Croudep LB Soph 5-10 212 Jeffersonville , Ind. 52 Stan Roberts LB Fr. 6-0 190 Warren , Ohio 53 Carlin Wright C Fr 5- l l 210 Miami, Fla 54 Jerome Sims LB Fr. 6 - l 200 Clarksville, Tenn . 55 Richard Cook LB Jr . 5- l 0 205 Le xi ngton , Ky . 56 Ralph Gillespie K Soph . 6- l 216 Berea, Ky . 60 Danny Turner LB Fr 5-8 179 Richmond, Ky . 61 Don Peters OG Fr 6- l 206 Lancaster, Ohio 62 Donald Salsbury OG Fr 6- l 200 Greensburg, Ky 63 Pat Sheridan OG Jr . 6-0 202 Newport , Ky. 64 Steve Finan OG Soph. 6- l 207 Cincinnati, Ohio 65 Otto Hughes LB Fr 5-9 197 South Heights , Pa . 66 Larry Kaelin C-G Soph 5- l l 215 Cincinnati, Ohio 68 Richard Christian OG Soph . 5-8 186 Lancaster, Ohio 69 Ralph Coldiron OG Fr . 6- l 210 Whitesburg, Ky 70 Sam Gano DT Fr 6- l 212 Georgetown, Ky 71 Keith James DT Soph 6- l 2Q6 Lawrenceburg , Ky. 72 Harry Irwin OT Jr 6-2 231 Elizabethtown, Ky. 74 Jon Ankney OT Jr. 6-l 206 Dayton, Ohio 75 Jack Bowman OT Fr. 6-2 223 Cincinnati, Ohio 76 Eddie Huffman DT Jr. 6-3 234 Lawrenceburg , Ky 77 John Schmidt OT Fr 6- l 206 Mia m i, Fla. 78 Wallace Chambers DT Soph. 6-5 240 Mt Clements , Mich 79 Fred Sandusky OG Jr 6-2 245 Louisv ille, Ky 81 Larry Kirksey SE Soph . 5- l 0 161 Harlan , Ky 82 Mark Shireman DE Jr . 6-0 198 Brandenburg , Ky 83 Tom Gaebler DE Soph. 6-0 215 Pari s, Ky 84 Tom Reid DE-T Soph 6-0 216 Lancaster , Oh io 86 Ed Carnvale TE Fr 6- l 190 Coraopolis , Pa 87 Doug Greene TE Fr 6-0 210 Mia m i, Fla 88 Mike Nicholson DE Soph. 6-4 222 Mia mi, Fla 89 James Wilson TE Jr. 6-1 2 10 Huntsv ille , Ala . 24 197 0 Officia l Fo o tb a ll Progra m



LEXINGTON BLUE GRASS 1025 New Circle Road Lexington




Midway Between Richmond and Berea



WINCHESTER BLUE .GRASS 43 North Maple Expressway · Winchester

Eastern Kentucky University 25

Wouldn't an ice cold Coke taste good right now?

2 4 M i ll er, DB 70 Gano, DT 31 Fisher, FB 75 Wilso n , DT

25 A rmstrong, LB 71 James, DT 32 Hawkins, LB 77 Wiedem ann , QT

26 Wright, W , FL 72 Irwin, OT

33 Culler, FB 78 Lear, DT 27 Washington, RB 74 Ankney, OT 34 Cantrell, TE 7 9 Co x , OT

28 Porter, DB 75 Bowman, OT

30 Thompson, FB 76 Huffman, DT 35 Watts, K 8 0 Bog n er, DE

31 Straten, FB 77 Schmidt, OT 40 Jezik, DB 8 1 Wo lf, TE

32 Evans, FB 78 Chambers, DT 41 Greenfield, DB 82 Guide ine, DE

34 King, LB 79 Sandusky, DT 43 Brick, WO 83 Votaw , WO

40 Moran, SE 81 Kirksey, SE

4 1 Gardner, DB 83 Gaebler, DE 45 Grady, DB 84 Gui l k ey , SE

42 Bush, FL 84 Reid, DE-T 50 Head, LB 8 5 Evely n , TE

44 Hammons, LB 82 Shireman, DE 51 Holtman, C 8 6 M cDo na l d, DE

50 Hampton, C 86 Carnvale, TE 52 Lucas, C 87 Dunga n , DE

5 1 Croudep, LB 87 Greene, TE 53 Stanley, DE 8 8 C. 8. McClatchy, 52 Roberts, LB 88 Nicholson, DE

53 Wr igh t C., C 89 Wilson, TE 55 Dennison, LB WO 60 White, DT 89 Faus e y, D E


Bill Pack - referee ; Jack Durkin-umpire; Burrell Crowell-head l i n e sma n ; Jo e Gribbenfie l d judge; Ralph Pearson-back judge; Eugene Lunsfo r d -clock opera tor "

OFFENSE 81 LARRY KIRKSEY ________ SE 24 BILLY HESS __ SE 74 JON ANKNEY _________ QT 70 FRAN K McCLATCH Y _____ LT 6 3 PAT SHERIDAN _______ QG 63 AL TI RPACK ___ LG 66 LARRY KAELIN _________ C 51 GREG HOLTMAN _ C 72 HARRY IRWIN ___ _ __ SG 62 KEN PEL OT ___________ RG 79 FRED SANDUSKY ___ ST 72 LEE HARR ELL __ RT 89 JAMES WILSON _________ TE 81 JA CK WO LF ___________ TE 1 1 BOB FRICKER __ _ _ ___ QB 15 GA RNET SCOTT _______ QB 23 JIMMY BROOKS _____ TB 22 JIM BROWN _____ TB 3 2 BUTCH EVANS _ _ __ FB 31 RIC K FIS HER __ FB 26 WILLIAM WRIGHT _ _ ___ FL 88 C. B. McC LA TCHY _____ WO
DEFENSE DEFEN SE 83 TOM GAEBLER ___ _ ____ LE 7 8 WALLY CHAMBERS _____ LT 76 EDDIE HUFFMAN ______ RT 89 GLENN FAUSEY ________ LE 73 DAVE FO RD ____________ LT 69 TOM JOHNSON _______ MG 8 2 MARK SHIREMAN ______ RE 60 LARR Y WHITE ____ RT 25 M IKE ARMSTRONG _____ LB 53 JERRY STAN LEY ____ RE 55 RI CHARD COOK _______ LB 55 E. W. DENNISO N __ LB 52 STA N ROBERTS ________ LB 45 KEVIN GRADY _ LB 34 ED KING ____________ LB 50 FRANK HEAD ___________ LB 28 JAM ES PORTER _ _ _____ DB 28 MIKE TEPE ____ HB 24 JA CKIE MILLER ________ DB 41 GEORGE GREE NFIELD ___ HB 10 MI KE O'NEAL ___________ S 20 PAT HAGARTY _ S COLONELS SQUAD RACERS SQUAD 10 O'Neal, DB 54 Sims, LB 11 Traynham, QB 62 Pe lot, OG 11 Fr ick e r, QB 55 Cook, LB 12 Derflinger, WO 63 Ti r pack , OG 12 Bro hm, QB 56 Gillespie, K 15 Scott, QB 64 Fl ana ry , LB 13 Re uss, LB 60 Turner, LB 20 Hagarty, DB 65 Nor r i d , OG 14 John so n, DB 61 Peters, OG 22 Brown, TB 6 7 Cain, LB 15 Borders, QB 62 Salsbury, OG 23 Qualk, DB 68 Wi l lis, OG 16 Lyo n s, DB 63 Sheridan, OG 24 Hess, W O 6 9 Joh n son , LB 19 M cCarthy, QB 64 Finan, OG 25 Brock, TB 7 0 F McClatchy , OT 20 Bu r ch, DB 65 Hughes, LB 27 Roberts, DB 7 1 Dav is, OT 2 1 Young, RB 66 Kaelin, C-G 28 Tepe, DB 72 H att e ll , OT 22 McCulley, DB 68 Christian, OG 23 Br ooks, RB 69 Coldiron, OG 30 White, TB 73 Ford, DT
Eastern M urr ay
thing. Cg)se.
the real

After the GAME .make plans to stop by BISOTTl'S RESTAURANT

. -.=::.. - -~--- =::.:~::.'.:.~.-,:~;:.-::... ...........
28 1970 Official Football Program
1970 MSU
No Name Po s Class Ht Wt Hometown 11 Steve Traynham QB So 6-0 181 C layton , N C. 12 Neville Derflinger WO So. 5-10 150 Front Royal, Va 15 Garnet Scott QB So. 6-3 178 Princeton, Ky. 20 Pat Hagarty DB Jr 5-9 168 Annandale, Va. 22 Jimmy Brown TB Jr. 5-10 173 Louisville, Ky. 23 Bud Qualk DB Sr 6 -0 176 Mayfield, Ky. 24 Bil l y Hess WO Sr 5-9 170 Bricktown , N J. 25 Larry Brock TB Jr 5-11 188 Louisville, Ky. 27 ( DB Jr 6-0 179 Eminence, Ky. Larry Robert s 28 Mike Tepe DB So 6-1 176 Cincinnati, Ohio 30 Jonathan White TB Sr. 6 -3 202 Crofton, Ky. 31 Rick Fi sher FB So. 5-1 1 191 Shelby, Ohio 32 Dennis Hawkin s LB Sr. 5-11 193 Louisville , Ky. 33 Richard Cu l ler FB Jr. 5-11 188 Wheaton, Md 34 Chuck Cantrel l TE Jr. 6-1 203 Tifton , Ga. 35 Stan Watts K Jr. 6-3 196 Hickman , Ky. 40 Lenny Jezik DB Jr 6 - 1 182 River Vale, N J 41 George Greenfield DB So 5-10 182 Owensboro, Ky. 43 Merrill Brick WO Jr. 5-10 172 Silver Springs, Md. 45 Kevin Grady DB Jr . 5-1 1 166 Columbus, Ohio 50 Frank Head LB Jr 6 -1 209 Providence , Ky 51 Greg Holtman C So 5-11 195 Cincinnati, Ohio 52 Mike Lucas C Sr 6-5 203 W Carrollton, Ohio 53 Jerry Stanley DE So. 6-3 203 Hayti, Mo. 55 E. W Denni son LB Jr 6-1 195 Ja ck son , Tenn 60 La rry White OT Sr. 5 -9 225 Brickto w n, N. J 62 Ken Pelot OG Sr 5-11 199 Daytona Beach, Fl a 63 Al Tirpack OG Sr . 5-10 192 Toms River, N. J . M Dean Flanary LB So 5-11 179 Love l and, Ohio 65 Mark Norrid OG So 5-11 208 Malden , Mo 67 Steve Cain LB So 6-1 219 Evansvi I l e, I nd 68 Dale Wi l li s OG So. 6-l 210 Wash. C. H., Ohio 69 Tom Johnson LB So. 6-1 190 Marion , Ky. 70 Frank McClatch y OT Sr 6-2 239 Hol l y Springs, Miss 71 John Davis OT Sr 5- l l 201 Schuyki l l Haven , Pa 72 Lee Harrell OT Sr 6-2 216 Macclenny, Fla 73 Dave Ford OT Jr . 6-3 262 Evansvi I le, Ind . 75 Jim Wilson OT Sr 6-5 263 Evansvi l le , Ind 77 Roger Wiedemann OT Sr 6-2 214 Metropolis , Ill. 78 Richard Lear OT Fr 6-2 220 Riege l sville, Pa 79 Rick Cox OT Jr . 6-0 206 Bricktown , N. J . 80 Dean Bogner DE So. 6-1 195 Crest l ine, Ohio 81 Jack Wolf TE Sr. 6 - 1 189 Louisville, Ky 82 Dav id Guideine DE Fr 5-11 201 Auburndale, Fla 83 Jeff Votaw WO Jr 5-10 174 Wabash, Ind 84 Dan Guilkey SE Fr 6-0 170 Bardstown ," Ky. 85 Neal Eve l yn TE So 5-11 186 Crestline, Ohio 86 Stan McDonald DE So. 6-3 213 McKenzie , Tenn 87 Mike Dungan DE Sr. 6- l 226 W Carrollton, Ohio 88 C. B. McClatchy WO Sr 6- l 199 Holly Springs, Miss. 89 Glenn Fau sey DE Jr 6-1 220 Sunbury, Pa. Eastern Kentucky Un ive r si ty 29
73- 1 29 ---:f21 RICHMOND , KENTUCKY ___ 19 _ No ___ PAY TO THE ORDER OF $ ___ - - DOLLARS fOR _ _
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5¾ % Paid on 24 Month Certificates of Deposit

The Story of College Football-Circa 2070

"Surely, that bicentennial of college football celebration was a great promotion last fall, and the news media got a lot of mileage out of the Third50-Year and the Second-Century AllTime teams

"One guy attempted to pick the greatest stars of two centuries of college footbl:lll and chose a couple of guys named Heffelfinger and Nagurski.

"Now, rsonny, you're a cub reporter and I know your generation doesn't trust anyone over 65, but let me tell you about the guy whose likeness should have been on the Bicentennial medallion.

"You probably never heard of Coach Joe Smith. He's the ·guy who should have been honored. But let me take you back to your grandpop's day to show you why

"Medical men credited improved diets, vitamins, hormones and weight programs with developing super ·humans. Why, by the year 2000 , the AllAmerica offensive guards stood 6-11 and weighed 300 pounds and they could run the 40 in 4.2 seconds.

"Players grew so big there was agitation to widen and lengthen the football field, which was getting as congested as the area under the basket in the ancient game of basketball.

Field Goals Outlawed

"The field goal, which is mentioned frequently in the first 100 years of football, had been voted out. Kickers were booting them from one goal line to the other, so there was a rule passed outlawing the field goal attempt

"The whole kicking game went out of football at the turn of the century. The shattering crash of those huge linemen mashing each other on the punts and kickoffs had become so devastating the kicks were outlawed to cut down on the carnage

"You never saw a football coach in those days, except on the television programs. They had left the sidelines and retreated to their command headquarters deep in the bowels of the stadium.

"You couldn ' t believe these rooms : Coaches were surrounded by closed circuit TV sets, instant replay cameras and micro-wave transmitters beamed to each player on the field and the bench.

"Each coach had a broadcast band, aimed at the players under his command. The defensive coaches had their sets tuned to the front four, ·the linebackers and the deep backs.

"Across the room the offensive assistants had their head sets beamed to the quarterback, the wide receivers, the interior linemen and the running backs.

Computers Everywhere

"Computers were everywhere in this room. The instant replay was geared to one computer which could break down a play offensively and defensively in micro-seconds.

"Players did not call offensive and

defensive signals; their coaches watched the computers' monitors and yelled instructions to the individuals as the action developed ·

"There even was a special counterintelligence unit in the stadium I visited. There , · coaches and · computers worked to break the code used by the rival coaches to convey instructions.

"Some coaches , who put winning ahead of ethics, were said to use their facilities to jam the wave lengths of the opponents, and more than one game allegedly was won when the defensive back lost contact with his instructor, when his wave length went dead or was jammed

"It was the opening game of the 2025 season that Coach Joe Smith revolutionized, yea, saved college football.

"Historians of the First 100 Years can speak of the game's innovatorsRockne , Zuppke, Warner, Shaughnessy, Faurot, Yost-and Stagg-but on this afternoon Smith stood two feet higl,_ler than any coach in history.

"Actually, it all started when Coach Smith, in scanning some old rules and regulations, discovered the rules committee had outlawed the use of all instant replays and electronic devices as coaching aids back in the latter years of football's first century.

" Coach Smith checked quietly and found the rules had not been relaxed. Here was a football ' blue law' which hadn't been enforced in 50 years, but i t still was on the books.

Individual Initiative

"Smith worked all spring stressing individual initiative in offensive and defensive drills. He gave the entire offensive burden to the quarterback and the defense to the unit captain

"All electronic gadgets were banned from practice. The coaching staff moved back to the sidelines.

"Just before the opening toss for goals, Smith pulled out his old rule book and his opponent was shorn of his electronic gadgets and his Black Room deep in the stadium. With no coaching help , the rival players were in a shambles and Coach Smith won easily.

"Rival coaches were quick to demand a change in the rules.

"Some called Coach Smith 'antiquated ' and a 'nit-picker' who did not have the best interest of the game at heart. The Football Coaches Association issued a White Paper to its members and the press corps, warning that the public would never accept such an inferior, non-electronic product.

"The ruling made in the 1960's had to stick, sonny, and you know what happened before the Rules Committee could meet to change the rules?

"The next Saturday, football fans by the millions , who had become accustomed to watching the game at home on TV, suddenly wanted to be a part of the action. The college football stadia around the country were jammed to watch this 'new philosophy' of football.

"The long run and the touchdown bomb, almost unheard of in the highly scientific game of electronic gadgets , became popular.

"The scrambling quarterback, who could turn a busted play into a thrilling gain, the fine running back who broke loose because of his desire and second effort, the defensive ace who dared try something different, became the new heroes

"Suddenly, college football was a fun game again, sonny.

"A lot of rival coaches used some fancy names to describe the changing game, and mostly, Coach Joe Smith kinda faded from the scene and the glory.

" But I remember (I was just a cub reporter like you , in those days) the quote Coach Smith gav e us after that BIG GAME : .

"'All I did was give the game back to the boys,' he said. 'And they liked it and so did I . It was fun and I'm glad to see the fans agreed.'

"And that , s onny, is why you and I are here this afternoon watching college football , along with millions of fans across the nation .

"It's the greatest game in the world , but except for Coach Joe Smith, the y would have killed it ,"

Eastern Kentucky Un iversity
BALL STATE 8 5 OPP B.S. OPP 14 Buffalo 7 21 ~van s vil le 14 Sept. 19 12 East ern Kentucky 13 14 Northern Illin ois 31 26 Butler 13 Oct 3 1 at Middle Tennessee Muncie 0 Akron 31 Nov. 7 Southern Ill inois 28 Indiana State 26 Nov. 14 at Eastern Michigan EAST TENNESSEE E.T OPP E T OPP 10 East Caro lina 0 14 Murray 6 Sept. 26 6 Eastern Kentucky 10 Oct 31 at Appa lac h ian State 10 Western Kenucky 10 Nov. 7 Mo rehead Hanger Field 30 Tennessee Tech 7 Nov. 14 at Middle Tennessee 21 UT Chattanooga 17 No v. 21 Austin Peay AUSTIN PEAY A P. OPP . A.P. OPP . 0 Troy Stale 28 0 M icJd le Tennessee 44 Oct. 3 9 W estern Kentucky 28 Oct. 31 Northwood Institute 7 Eastern Kentucky 38 Nov 7 Mu rray Clarksville 6 Morehead 24 Nov 14 Tennessee Tech 21 UT Martin 22 Nov. 21 at East Tennessee MIDDLE TENNESSEE M.T. OPP . M T OPP . 28 UT Martin 7 44 Austin Peay 0 Oct. 10 14 Morehead 6 Oct. 31 Ball State 24 Chattanooga 8 Nov 7 at Western Kentucky Hanger Field 10 Eastern Kentucky 24 Nov. 14 East Tennessee 0 Murray 20 Nov. 26 al Tennessee Tech EASTERN MICHIGAN E M OPP E M. OPP . 14 North Dakota State 14 10 Eastern Kentucky 21 Oct. 17 23 Quantico Ma r ines 0 35 Wisconsin-Milwaukee 0 30 Waynesburg 0 Oct. 3 1 at Northern Michigan Hanger Field 25 In dian a State 21 Nov. 7 Northeast-Louisiana 6 Western Kentucky 45 Nov. 14 Ball State WESTERN KENTUCKY W K OPP W. K. OPP . 30 Indiana Stale 6 19 E,i stern Kentucky 7 Oct. 24 28 Austin Peay 9 Oct. 3 1 at Morehead JO Ea st Tennes s ee 10 Nov. 7 Middle Tennessee Bowling Green 45 Eastern Michigan 6 Nov. 14 Butler 28 Tennessee Tech 0 Nov 21 at Mu rray
IMURRAY STATE Mu OPP Mu . OPP 24 Parsons College 21 6 Ea st Tennessee 14 Oct. 31 7 Tennessee Tech 21 Oct . 31 at Eastern Kentucky 7 Mor ehead 24 Nov. 7 at Au st in Peay Hanger Field 42 You n gstown 32 Nov. 14 Evansville 20 M iddl e Tenne ssee 0 Nov 21 Western Kentucky TENNESSEE TECH T T OPP T.T OPP 32 Youngstown 19 10 Morehead 31 Nov. 7 21 Murray 7 Oct 31 UT Chattanooga 17 Martin 6 Nov 7 Easte rn Kentucky Cookeville 7 East Tennessee 30 Nov. 14 at Austin Peay 0 We s tern Kentucky 28 Nov. 26 Middle Tennessee INDIANA STATE 1.5 . OPP l.S . OPP 27 Eastern Illinois 13 17 Akron 8 Nov. 14 6 Western Kentucky 30 61 Bu tler 0 20 Evansville 7 Oct 31 at Il linoi s State Terre Haute 21 Eastern Michigan 25 No v 7 at Central Michigan 26 Ball State 28 Nov 14 Eastern Kentucky MOREHEAD STATE Mo . OPP. Mo OPP 7 Mars h a ll 17 31 Te nn ess ee Tech 10 Nov 21 6 Midd le Tenne ss ee 14 Oct 31 We s tern Kentu c ky 24 Murray 7 Nov 7 at East Tenn e sse e Hanger Field 24 Austin Pea y 6 Nov. 14 Kentucky State 27 Fc i r mont Stat e 7 Nov 21 at Eastern Kentucky 32 1970 Official Football Program
c McGrego r Sporting Goods Drugs - Prescriptions Sundries - Toys - Cosmetics Phone 623-3218 WE DELIVER GO, COLONELS! STINDIN&S OVC STANDIN G S OVC ALL GAMES W L T W L T Western Kentucky __ 3 0 1 5 0 1 EASTERN KENTUCKY 3 1 0 5 1 0 Morehead __________ 3 1 0 4 2 0 East Tennessee ______ 2 1 1 4 1 1 Middle Tennessee ___ 2 2 0 4 2 0 Mur r ay ______ 1 3 0 3 3 0 Tennessee Tech ____ 1 3 0 3 3 0 Austin Peay ________ O 4 0 0 6 0 MADISON LAUNDRY &. SANITONE CLEANERS Call 623-3500 Across From The Bus Station Eas t ern Ke nt u cky U niversity 33

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34 II MARK OF EXCELLENCE 1970 Official Football Program
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1971.You\re changed. We've changed.

Murray Stare University, with an enrollment of more than 7,000 students and a faculty exceeding 350, is one of Kentucky's stare-supported institut io ns of higher education.

Its 100-acre main campus is in a residential section of Murray, a city of nearly 15,000 population in the southwest corner of Kentucky. A 365-acre agricultural laborarory farm also is within two mil es of the campus.

The University is within lO miles of Kentucky Lake and only 15 miles from the Between the Lakes National Recr,eation area, a 170,000-acre wildlife and recreational paradise between Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley.

The multi-purpose, co-educational University is comprised of six schools-the Schools of Arts and Sciences, Applied Science and Technology , Bus,iness, Education, Fine Arts and the Graduate School. These schools include 28 major departments.

Pre-professional courses also are offered in medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, law, rheology, pharmacy , optometry, engineering, forestry and medical technology.

Eleven baccalaureate degrees are offered and the master's degree is awarded in 17 subject areas. The University is accredited by the Nariornil Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

Student housing at Murray State includes air-conditioned dormirories for both men and women and attractive quart ers for married students. Six women's dormitories house 2,137 and six men's dormitories 2,202. There are 144 modern efficiency apartments and 32 one and twobedroom houses available for married students. Two University cafeterias provide seating capacity for 1,700.

Thel'e are six national soc ial sororities at Murray State and seven natio nal social fraternities. Other activities include departmental clubs , campus newspaper, yearbook, student government, debate, drama, musical shows and a well-organized intramural sports-program.

Several religious denominations also have student centers adjacent ro or near the campus.

Murray State is a charter memb er of the Ohio Valley Conference and its Thoroughbred athletic reams are perennial challengers for major honors in the seven intercollegiate sports in which they compete with other OVC member teams. Soccer is an inter-collegiat e, non-conference sport, while imercollegiate activities for women include tennis, track and field, volley-ball, basketball and badminton. Murray State also is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).


Dr. Harry M. Sparks becam e the fifth president of Murray State University in Jam!ary of 1968. He succeeds Dr. Ralph H. Woods, who served for 23 years and who is now president emeri tus

Previous presidents include Dr. John W. Carr, 19231926 and 1933-1936, Dr. Rainey T. Wells, 1926-1932 , and Dr. James H. Richmond, 19 36- 1945.

Founded in 1922 as Murr ay Normal School by the General Assembly of Kentucky, Murray State is one of five stare colleges and universiries, which, along with the University of Kentucky, make up the system of staresupported higher educations in Kentucky.

The name of the institution was changed in 1926 to Murray Stare Normal School and Teachers College, and the power ro confer degrees granted. In 1930, the name was changed to Murray Stare Teachers College, and the college began ro offer liberal arrs and pre-professional courses

In 1948, by act of th e state legislature , the name was changed to Murray State College, giving increased emphasis to the broad scope of the program and services. The General Assembly granted the school university status in 1966.

Eastern Kentucky University 35
DR. LUTHER M. SPARKS President CAL LUTHER Athletic Direcror


The pageantry of the fall football season is characteristically demonstrated by the colorfu l pre-game and halftime performances of Eastern's M arching Maroons

The thrilling depth of sound, precision movements, color, and original specia lties are the result of 150 talented musicians, marching majorettes , featured twi rl ers , and drum major which are a part of the 1970-71 Marching Maroons .

Robert W . Hartwell is newly appointed this year as Director of the Marching Maroons. He holds the degree, B.ME., from Capital University and the M.A. from Ohio State University The assistant director of the Marching Maroons is John C. Lawson , who holds the A B degree from Western Kentucky University and the M.A degree from George Peabody College Graduate assistants for the 1970-71 year are Joe Phelps and Finley Hamilton. Musical arrangements for the band are done by Douglas Oatley, John Tatgenhorst , and John Edmundson.

The Marching Maroons are part of the academic program of the Department of Music. It is administered t h rough the Co ll ege of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Frederic Ogden , dean Other sections of the band program at Eastern are symphonic , concert, mi l itary , pep a nd stage bands .

Today , the Marching Maroons welcome back Eastern 's al umni in this very important Ohio Va ll ey Conference footba ll game. A lso performing with Eastern's band at halftime today w ill b e Eastern's I. it tl e Colonels Dri ll Team and featured twir ler of the March ing Maroons , Robyn K idwe ll

Bricks Sand Cements Steel Prod ucts
INC . All Types Building M aterials Re ady M ix Concrete + "Quality Service" North Secon d Stre et Call For A Bid Phone 623 -1 404 You Will Be Glad You Did Entra n ce: Always Some t hing There To Remind M e You're A Good Man, Char l ie Brown Pr omises, Pr omises Ha il , Ha il Eas t ern Maroons A l ma M ater
36 1970 Official Football Program
that stands for distinction The name and in every in the world of. sports, t deserves the field where ach,evemen prestige of line craftsmanship. Best Wishes for a Suc cessfu l Season fro111 your Balfour Representatives, Central Kentucky ND LETCHER NORTON RUSSELL RIVARD A f' 1399 Forbes Road LexingtonlOfh1cee. · 254 -3325 Te ep on
OVC ALL-TIME STANDINGS Middle Tennessee Eastern Kentucky Tennessee Tech Western Kentucky East Tennessee Austin Peay Murray State Morehead The weekend's over now She's gone and youre alone W l T 74 35 2 74 55 7 69 55 7 65 61 8 37 35 2 22 27 2 56 73 6 37 96 2 Share a few more moments Call her on the telephone. Pct. .679 .574 .556 .516 514 .449 434 278 (Why not make your Lovin ' Phone Call while the rates are low? Like every night and all weekend long ) @south Central Bell 38 ANDY'S PIZZA PALACE PHONE 623-5400 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK SUNDAY THRU THURSDAY 4 P.M. - 1 A.M . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 4 P.M. - 2 A.M . 110 SOUTH 2ND ST. FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CONT.A.CT MORROW REALTY 116 EAST MAIN • PHONE 623-9156 DONALD JAMES MARSHALL TURPIN DEVINE McANINCH 369-5359 623-9305 LAWSON CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS BIG HILL A VENUE RICHMOND, KENTUCKY PHONE: 623-9311 1970 Official Football Program

Hail to thee our Alma Mater, Faithful guide of youth, Holding high amid the darkness Duty, light, and truth; Still above, the skies attend thee, Still thy stately columns stand, Still thy sons and daughters love thee Sing thy praises o'er the land.


All the earth's resplendent beauty Nature gathered here, Rolling lawns and trees and grasses

On thy hillsides fair; Happy days within thy shadow, Friends and comrades we have won. Fill our hearts with exaltation For thy task so nobly done.

lWhen beloved Alma Mater Memory recalls

Other days of youth and laughter

In thy gracious halls; When thy sons and daughters scattered Turn again to thee, Still thy lamp is brightly lighting Us afar, that we may see.

Words by Nancy Evans

Eastern Kentucky University


It is not by chance that Eastern annually ranks high in the Ohio Valley Conference in virtually every statistical category. The hard work behind the accumulation of each set of statistics comes under the individual jurisdiction of an assista nt coach. Each is a specialist, individually responsible for applying the polish to a specific facet of the game that must blend with all other facets to produce the machine-like precision of modern college football. The word for it is balance.

That is the essence of the Roy Kidd formula. Balance The formula has been successful enough to produce championship teams two of the last three years, capture the 1967 Grantland Rice Bowl, gain All-America recognition for three players and send several others to the professional ranks

Kidd will be the first to tell you that balance is achieved through the total efforts of the coaching staff. "The assistant coaches are the meat of any winning football team," he says "Without them - without dependable men at every phase of the game - you don't have a winner. One weak spot can make the difference. " How is this balance manifested on the field ? Let Kidd tell it "It's the thing that makes Eastern go. The opponent can't concentrate on stopping our passing game or we'll run. If they try to stop the nm, we can pass On defense, it's the same thing. We're prepared for the pass or the run." That seemingly simplistic explanation of the Kidd formula beli es its success. Those all-telling statistics reveal that the Roy Kidd era at Eatern just happens to coincide with the period of the most productive offense and the tightest defense in the school's history. "We try to complement each Coach Roy Kidd other," he says.

40 1970 Official Football Program

Doing the "complementing" are assistant coaches Fred Francis, B;Jl Shannon, Bobby Harville and Jack Ison.

Francis is offensive backfield coach and the man responsible for developing the balanced attack that has become a trademark of Eastern teams. Passing and running is the name of the game for Francis and his offensive backfields generally are equaily adept at both.

Shannon ' handiwork becomes most evident when the opposing teams start taking to the air. That generally means they have found little success trying to run through Eastern's usually rugged defensive line. Three years ago the Colonels held opponents to 70 points in 10 games and the following

season limited the opposition to less than 100 yards per game.

Harville is tutor to the unsung hero in football-the offensive lineman. It is Harville's job to develop a forward wall strong enough to punch holes in the defensive line, mobile enough to protect the quarterback on passing plays and fast enough to leave the line of scrinunage and block on running plays. Colonel lines have consistently done all three well.

!son's job is to assure that the opposition doesn't get where it wants to go through the air lanes. And Ison has shown an affinity for instilling a stingy disposition in his defensive backfields. In his first year at Eastern, the Colonels led the OVC in pass defense.

Eastern Kentucky University 41



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117 East Main Street

Dial 623-5232

Rest Rooms

Rest rooms are lo ca ted just o ff the main co ncourse in the s t ad ium area, and also on the eas t sid e of the fie ld beh in d the blea c her a re a


Con cession areas are loca t ed o n th e ma in co n co ur se in t he s t adium area, and also on the east s ide of the fi e ld behi n d th e bleache r sec tion.

Lost and Found

All lost articles s hould b e repo rt ed to th e EKU Information boo th near th e ce nter o f the s t acl iun ' on th e main co n cou rs e. You a r e adv ise d t o c. he c k all belongings befo r e lea v • ing your sea t di th e end of th e ga me.


Fans are requested to refrain from throwin g ob iec t s o n th e field. An yo n e doing so wi ll be escor t ed frorn the s t adium. N o one except au thori zed p e r so nn e l is allowed on th e play • ing area.


Drinkin'g in th e Stadium is prohibi t ed by S t ate Law forbidding the use of alcoho li c beve ra ges on s t a t e pr oper t y.


Please read your ti c ket for th e loca ti on o f you r sea t. If you c anno t f i nd it , as k an ushe r for assistan ce. Wh e n le a ving your seat, alwc1ys tak e your s t ub wi th you.

Ambulance Service

An ambulance w ill be sta ti o n e d ad ja c en t t o the field.

Service For Physicians

Out-of- t own do ctors s hould leav e t he ir na rT1e and sea t nu m ber wi th t he press b ox a ttendant. Lo cal doc t o r s w ill be cal led over t he publi c a ddress by pr e viously ass igned num bers

Public Address System

No s p ecial an nouncem en t s a r e made ove r th e publi c ad dr ess exce pt in e mergen cies. All impor t ant a nn ou n ce ments s hould be t u rned in fo th e publi c a ddres s announ cer be fore the game beg ins

We're With You

Big " E"!


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Phone 623- 1400





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224 East Main Street

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Hamburgers and French Fries 20c

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- -
1970 Offic i al Football Program

BOSTON SCHROD (Baby Haddock)





OPEN 11 AM - 9 PM

HOURS 527-3480
623-7383 AFTER
Eastern Kentucky University
GO COLONELS! RICHMOND Drive-In Theatre 4 Miles South U S 25 Berea Road OPEN NIGHTLY ADMISSION $1.00 WELCOME STUDENTS YOUR DODGE, DART AND DODGE TRUCK DEALER RICHMOND MOTOR COMPANY Simco and Sunbeam Sales and Service 507 No Second St Telephone 623-5441 STOCKTON PHARMACY Complet e Line of Paperback Books and Magazines Fountain Servic e and Pr e scriptions Dial : 623-3249 and 623-9853 EKIII SWIMMING SCHEDULE Dec 4 Sewanee !Univ. of South! __ _ Home Dec 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 15 Jan. 21 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 University of Louisville _______ Away Eastern lllinols __ Home Ball State _ Home University of Georgia __ Home Union College _ Away Eastern Michigan ___ Away Feb. 5 Vanderbilt, Morehead · Home (Dual Meet) Feb. 11 University of Kentucky __ Home Feb. 19 Indiana State ___ Home Feb. 26, 27 KISC _____________ Louisville, Ky. Mar. 25-27 NCAA University _ Ames, Iowa Division Championship *University of Alabama, Ohio University, Western Kentucky University, Marshall University, and the University of Louisville to be added at a later date. EKIII CROSS COUNIIIY SCHEDULE Sept. 15 Cumberland (4 mi.I ___ Home Sept. 20 Cades Ceve (10 mi.I _____ Away Sept. 24 Furman (4 miJ _Away Sept. 26 Stone Mountain Run (10 mi.I __ Away Oct. 5 Morehead (6 mi.I _Away Oct 9 Notre Dame (5 miJ _Away Oct. 12 Kentucky State (6 mi.I _ Home Oct. 17 Western Ky. Invitational _Away (6 miJ Oct 20 Southern States IRvitational _Away 15 miJ Oct 24 Middle Tennessee 16 mi.I _Away Nov. 3 Morehead (6 miJ _ Home Nov. 1 Kentucky Federation Meet _Away (6 miJ Nov. 14 OVC Meet _Away Nov. 23 NCAA Finals _Away 44 M&M DRIVE IN DRUG STORE Pr e scri[Jlio11 s " Where it ' s easy lo park, and a pleasure to shop ." Open Every N i ght until 9 110 BIG HILL AVE DIAL 623 - 1980 . RICHMOND, KY GO COLONELS Compliments of THOMAS FURN.ITU RE co. First and Water St. JAMES ANDERSON & SON Plumbing, Heating Air Conditioning, Electrical, Sheet Metal and Roofing Work WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES 125 South Third Street Dial 623-5560 t, 1970 Official Football Program


James Croudep Bob Fricker Eddie Huffman Harry Irwin James Wilson
Eas tern K e nt uc k y Uni v ersity 45
Mike Armstrong Jimmy Brooks Jon Ankney Pat Sheridan Larry Kaelin Richard Cook Larry Kirksey William Wright Butch Evens
C &.onslf• VENDING SHOP FOR PENNEY'S BRANDS co. TOWNCRAFT SHIRTS GA YMODE HOSE PENN PREST Phone 623-2520 (Means You Never Iron ) Remember You Can Charge It Serving Eastern at Kentucky University PENNEY'S Good Luck Colonels OREN L. COLLINS CHARLES S. PHARMACIST WAGERS BLUE GRASS MAIN AT FIRST HARDWARE Phone 623-2336 Madison Richmond, Ky. County 112 E Main and Richmond Plaza REG. NO. 3801 COURT CLERK 623-2390 46 1970 Official Football Program
K &
Compliments Of STANDARD OIL COMPANY B. H. Luxon, Agent JACK'S 1-HOUR CLEANERS Complete Dry Cleaning Service 205 Water St. Phone: 623-6244 GO BIG,E MADISON FLOWE1R sao1P 400 East Main FREE DELIVERY Phone 623-1601 Eastern Kentucky University 1948 Delmas Freeman _ guard Paul Wright __ center 1949 Carl Plantholt _ guard Ray Pelfrey ________ back · Ed Zoretic ____ back 1951 Chuck Hertzer __ back 1952 Alex Kilakowski ___ end Chuck Schmitt __ tackle 1953 Carl Oakley __ guard Roy Ki8d _ back 1954 Fred Winscher ____ end Frank Nassida ________ tackle Jerry Johns ______ guard James Hanlon ____ back Don Daly _________________ back Bob Muller _____ back 1955 Tom Schulte _ end 1957 John Sebest - --- - - - - - - - - - - back 1958 Dave Bishop - - - - - back 1959 Steve Herczeg _____ tackle Eddie Miller ______ guard Joe Graybeal __ center 1961 Don MacDonald ____ guard Jimmy Chittum _____ back 1962 Jimmy Chittum __ back Ken Goodhew ___________ guard 1965 Roscoe Perkins __ guard Chuck Siemon ______________________ end Roy Evans tackle Buddy Pfaadt ________ back 1966 Aaron Marsh - end Jim Guice --· - back Buddy Pfaadt - - back Mika Smith _____________ back 1967 Jim Guice _____ back Aaron Marsh _______ end Chuck Siemon _____________________ end Bill Brewer tackle Fred Troike ·--· guard Ron Reed _______ linebacker Harry Lenz back Teddy Taylor _ _ - guard 1968 Jim Guice back Bill Brewer _______________________ tackle Fred Troike _______________ guard Jimmy Moberly _ linebacker Jimmy Brooks back Teddy Taylor _ guard 1969 Larry Kaelin __ guard Jimmy Brooks _________________ back Teddy Taylor _____________________ guard 47 GO EASTERN RICHMOND ENCO SERVICE STATION Eastern By-Pass Phone: 623-9711 P. H: Best J. C. Lovell Compliments of BEST-LOVELL HARDWARE North Second St. BUILDERS CONCRETE BLOCK CO., INC. Lightweight - Kenlite Concrete Block Products Phone 623-3557 U. S. 25 South Richmond, Ky. Box 324
~> .-://··· BEST WISHES For A GREAT SEASON FROM GATEWAY SUPERMARKET Main Street Richmond, Ky. 48 Next time out GET A Big Boy HAMBURGER AT fl COX FORD Ford - Lincoln - Mercury SALES AND SERVICE 463 Big Hill Avenue Richmond, Kentucky Telephone 623-3253 A-1 USED CARS 1969 Official Football Program
UNCLE CHARLIE'S "Your Meat Specialists" 0 Richmond, Kentucky "BEST MEATS SERVED ANYWHERE " FOR A PERFECT BREAKFAST Insist on Uncle Charlie's Country Sausage Eastern Kentucky Uni versity GOOD LUCK COLONELS * Burgermati c QUICK SERVICE! * Hamburgers - 18c French Fries - 1 Sc Chicken Boxes Chuckwagon Fish Sandwiches Ap ple & Peach Turnovers * Eastern By-Pass Near The University 49 READY-MIXED CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS BUILDING MATERIALS KENTUCKY MIXED CONCRETE COMPANY INC. • Two Plants: Richmond and Berea • GOOD LUCK COACH KIDD and the COLONl!LS!

Alumni Association-52

Anderson, James & Son-44

Andy's Pizza-38

Balfour, L. G .-37

Begley's Drug Store-10

Berea Bank & Trust Co .-22

Best-Lovell Hardware-47


Blue Grass Hardware-46

Blue Grass Restaurants-25

Builders Concrete Block Co.-47

Burger Broil-42

Burger Queen-10


Canfield Motor Co .-42

Cape Codder-43


City Taxi-42

Coca-Cola Bottling Co.-1

College Service Station-14

Collins, Oren L.-46

Colonial lnn-14

Cox Ford-48

Cox, G. C & Sons-51

Advertising Index

Delmar Printing Co.-16

Dependable Auto Supply-43

Eastern School of Hair Design-10

First Federal Savings & Loan Association-18


Garland Jett's Men's Store-42


Hinkle Rexall Drugs-33

Home Lumber Co.-10

Jack's One Hour Cleaners-47

K & C Vending Co -46

Ken Harlow Studios-43

Kentucky Mixed Concrete Co., lnc.-49

Lawson Chrysler-Plymouth-38

Lott's-Outside Back Cover

M & M Drug Store-44

Madison Flower Shop-47

Madison Laundry & Sanitone


Madison National Bank-30

Morrow, Frank D Real Estate-38

Muncy Furniture Co -42


Pergrem Insurance Co -51

Richmond Daily Register-21

Richmond Drive-ln-44

Richmond Enco Service Station - 47

Richmond Motor Co .- 44

South-Central Bell Telephone Co .- 38

Standard Oil Co ., B H Luxon, Agent-47

State Bank & Trust Co -lnside Front Cover

Stockton's Pharmacy-44

Thomas Furniture Co .-44

Uncle Charlie's-49

University lnn-51

University Store-6

Waco Deposit Bank-42

Wagers, Charles S.-46

WEKY Radio-22

Willoughby Supply, lnc .- 36

Front row, from left, Ken Murray, trainer, Bill Hammons, Harold Borders, Ralph Gillespie, Keith James, Ralph Coldiron, Jim Lyons, Jackie Miller, Mike Armstrong, Butch Evans, James Croudep, Pat Sheridan, Don Peters, and Fred Francis, offensive backfield coach. Second row, Jack Ison, defensive backfield coach, Bobby Harville, offensive line coach, Sam Ga no, Bob Fricker, Larry Blackburn, Donald Salsbury, Marshall Bush, Richard Cook, Alfred Thompson, Danny Turner, Chuck Walroth , no longer on squad, Brian Siemon , no longer on squad, Jimmy Brooks, James Porter, Paul Hampton, Bill Shannon, defensive line coach, Roy Kidd, head coach Third row , James Wilson, Mike O'Neal, Karl Moran, Jack McCulley, Dick CJiristian, Donnie Young, Otto Hughes, Joe Washington, Larry Kirksey, William Wright, Bill Gardner, Larry Kaelin, Ed King, and Eddie Huffman. Fourth row, Fred Sandusky, Wallace Chambers, Mike Nicholson, Frank Brohm, Mark Shireman, Tom Gaebler, Harry Irwin, Tom Reid, John Schmidt, Doug Greene, Jack Bowman, Ed Carnvale, Steve Finan, Dick Straten, Jon Ankney.
1970 Official Football Program
We Support The Colonels Ashland G. C. COX &SONS DISTRIBUTORS FUEL VALVOLINE OIL MOTOR OILS Richmond, Kentucky Dial 623-3142 UNIVERSITY · INN ,.., _ f _.! ,\ 1 , ...!........ ·,, I ~ , - --- ~ . . . ' : . , v , · . __: .-..t ~ Eastern By-Pass Tw o m i nute s from Stad iu m For Reservations, Call 623-5800 PERGREM INSURANCE AGENCY Cutie Says " Doggon e Good Insurance " Prompt Claim Ser v ice Dial 623-5798 Richmond, Ky REPRESENTING THE TRAVELER ' S INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN . Eas t ern K e ntu c ky Un i ver sit y 51


has produced a series of six spark lin g paintings of new and old Eastern. Sc e n es includ e th e Kee n Johnson Student Union Bu il ding, Coaites Administra tion Building, Hoark Building, Burnam Hall, Weaver Health Building, and the John Grant Crabbe Lilbrary

Each full-color painti ng m ea sures 11" X 14 " and is individually rendered-it is not a prill!t ed r eproduction -on fine pap e r.

The price for eac h sce n e is $4.50, matted a nd r ea dy for framing. A se t of any four m ay be ordered for $16.50, or th e en tir e ser i es ma y b e ordered for $24.50 . The paintings may a l so b e ord e r e d framed with glass in handsom e , hand-craft e d fram es o f grey~brown wood with an ins e t of soft-ton e d grey lin e n , highlight ed with an inn e r bord er of go ld trim. Th es e are avai lab le for an a dditional $5 per p a inting, which in cludes handling, packing , and shippin g charges.

All paintin gs are off e r e d with fu ll monev-back return privileges.


Gentlemen: Please send me the Ea st er n Watercolors indicated below, at $24.50 for the set of 6, $16 .5 0 for R e turn to: the set of 4, or $4.50 each.

D Pl ease send the paintings matte d , rea dy for framing.

D Please se nd the paint ings foamed (with glass)

I hav e enclosed the additional $5.00 per paintin g for framing.

My check for $ is e nclose d Mak e check to EKU Alumni A ssoc iation

If I am not comp1'etely s atisfied, I und ers t and I may return th em for a full refund

Alumni As soc iation

Ea s tern K e ntucky University

Mary Frances Richards Alumni House

Richmond, Kentucky 40475


Addr ess

City , State, Zip

For Home or Office ... or as a Gift
W eave r H ea lth Building John Grant Crabbe Library Burnam Hall Coates Admini st ration Building Roark Hall
Stud en t Union Library W eave r H ea lth Roark Hall... Burnam Hall... Coate s Building Plea s,e m a ke checks payabl e to EKU Alumni Association





Berea College

University of Kansas

Howard Payne

St Francis (Pa )

Virginia Commonwealth

Western Carolina

Evansville Tournament (Evansville, Weber State, Port and)

*Murray State

*Austin Peay

* Western Kentucky

*Middle Tennessee

* East Tennessee

* Tennessee Tech

Virginia Tech


* Morehead State

* Austin Peay

*Mu rr ay St a te

*Middle Tennessee *Western Kentucky

Date Dec Dec De c. Dec De c. De c. 5 7 10 12 17 Dec 28-29 2 4 9 11 16 18 20 2 6 13 15 20 22
Site Richmond Lawrence,
Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond Evansville Richmond Richmond
Johnson City Richmond Richmond Dayton Richmond Clarksville J an Ja n Jan Jan. Jan. J a n J a n Feb Feb . Feb. Feb. Feb Feb Feb Mar. Mar. 27
Tennessee Murray Richmond Richmond Richmond 4
*Tennessee Tech
Cookeville Morehead
*Morehead State


You'll LOVE On the By-Pass in Richmond

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