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Growth-in quantity and quality-has been the them e at Eastern Kentucky University . The quantity speaks for itself. With an enrollment of nearly 10 ,000 students, the univeri;ity ' s student body has more than tripled since 1960 As a result , new dormitori es and large, well-equipped academic strncrures are being built.

But the quality of Eastern can be mea sured only by its graduates. Today, the Eastern student is provided with a firm academic background. More research facilities are available. The quality of its faculty continues to grow

The total growth began in 1960 when Dr. Robert R. Martin assumed the presidency of Eastern, becoming its sixth chief executive.

With university status effective July 1, 1966, Eastern was reorganized into five colleges and a graduate school. Curricula in the Colleges of Applied Art s and Technology , Arts and Sciences , Bu s iness and Education lead to the Bachelor of Scienc e, Bachelor of Arts or Associate of Arts degree . Central University College offers preparatory curricula for the fir st two years of the student's college career , providing a liberal base for a major in one of the advanced colleges. The master's degree is offered in educa- tion, English, hisrory, guidance and counseling for nonschool personnel, business administration, music education and biology . Spec ialists' degrees are offered in technology, physical education and education. A Joint Doctoral Program in Education, sponsored in cooperation with the University of Kentucky, permits students to continue in residence at Eastern for one academic year beyond the master's degree.

Founded as Eastern Kentucky State Normal School in 1906 by act of the State Legislature, Eastern was created ro educate teachers for the schools of the Commonwealth. The institution annually produces more teachers than any other Kentucky college or university

The physical plant has undergone building and ren ov ation programs rotaling over $75 million since 1960. During this period every existing major campus facility has been remodeled or completely reconstructed.

A well-rounded sports program, both intercollegiate and intramural, is sponsored and encouraged by the University. Eastern is represented in intercollegiate competition in baseball, basketball, cross-country, football, golf, rifle, swimming, tennis and track.

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