ProPak Asia 2009:
weDnesDaY June 17, 2009
BSK, JKT, Indonesia
Message from His Excellency Mr Charnchai Chairungruang Minister of Industry
ProPak Asia 2009 Incorporating: • PharmaTech Asia • DrinkTech Asia • PlasTech Asia • CanTech Asia • SeafoodTech Asia • Lab & Test Asia
HIGHLIGHTS Wednesday, June 17 9am – 11am Opening Ceremony Main Concourse 8.30am – 12 noon ThaiStar Packaging Awards 2009 and DIP Press Conference MR 212-213 Brewers Conference Bangkok 2009: Exploring the Sustainability of the Asia Pacific Brewing Industry Grand Hall 201 • 9am – 12.55pm Raw Materials: Malt & Hops • 2pm – 6pm Beer Production 1: Brewhouse To Fermentation
Official Show Daily Brought To You By
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n behalf of the Royal Thai government, I would like to welcome all participants to ProPak Asia 2009, and extend our full support to this important international exhibition and conference. ProPak Asia has developed here to become not only the leading international processing and packaging event in Asia, but also one of Thailand’s most professional and prestigious exhibitions across all sectors. Thailand’s processing and packaging industries have experience tremendous growth over the past decade, with Thailand being the second largest food exporter in Asia, and about half of all production being sold to overseas markets.
However, the rapid expansion of Thailand’s food manufacturing industry would not be possible without its high level investment in standards, technology and production. ProPak Asia 2009 provides the platform for business that enables the region’s manufacturers to access world leading technology, to ensure that the highest possible standards of production are achieved for our expanding industry. ProPak Asia is not restricted to food manufacturing alone, and much of the technology and developments embrace a wide range of industries for which Thailand is fast becoming the production hub; pharmaceutical, cosmetic, consumer goods, automotive and various other industrial applications. As an event representing the regional hub, ProPak Asia 2009 also hosts the ASEAN food science and
resilient Stance Message from Patrapee Chinachoti Chairman, Bangkok Exhibition Services President, Thai Exhibition Association
n 2009, Asia and the rest of the world faces unprecedented challenges and throughout this period, Thailand and ProPak Asia are demonstrating their extreme resilience. This month, Thailand was ranked the 19th most resilient economy in the world, ahead of the US in 28th place, following the recently introduced economic ‘stress tests’. This resilience is reflected in the success of ProPak Asia – that it is able to maintain its level of worldwide industry participation this year. This year will see a wide spectrum
of specialised events that include the ‘EU Packaging Seminar’, ‘Thai Star Packaging Awards’ by the department of Industrial Promotion and the Thai Packaging Association, and the ‘Plastics in Packaging’ conference. These events will be complimented by the existing programmes of the Thai Packaging Centre under the Thailand Institute of Science and Technological Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, the Industrial Pharmacist Group in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Health, and FoSTAT (who will team up with the Agro-Industry
technology forum, providing a meeting point for Asia’s leading international experts and industry representatives to share information, identify the trends and develop the industry’s production, quality and standards. I would like to congratulate the organisers, Bangkok Exhibition Services, for their professionalism and cooperation in bringing together ProPak Asia 2009 with the support of the industry associations, institutes and governments’ ministries, and I would like to wish all participants a successful and prosperous event.
HE Mr Charnchai Chairungruang Minister of Industry
Academic Council Association) to host the Food Innovation Asia Conference. ProPak Asia 2009 also welcomes its largest delegation of ASEAN food science and technology institutes to date. BES would also like to thank the industry associations, government ministries, international chambers of commerce, embassies, Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau, and the worldwide network of industry organisations for their full support in bringing together over 700 companies from more than 30 countries. We wish all participants, delegates and visitors, an enjoyable and successful ProPak Asia 2009!
Patrapee Chinachoti Chairman, Bangkok Exhibition Services President, Thai Exhibition Association