Neighbourhood Engagement report

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Neighbourhood consultation report February 2012

Neighbourhood consultation report


Index Part one: Summary of neighbourhood consultation Page 3

Part two: Feedback received from questionnaires Page 14 Part three: Neighbourhood priorities feedback Page 20 Part four: Drop-in sessions Page 29 Part five: Independent facilitators’ report Page 30 Part six: Reaching residents Page 31 Part seven: Conclusions and recommendations Page 33 PLEASE ALSO SEE THE FOLLOWING SEPARATE DOCUMENTS Appendix 1: Neighbourhood consultation report appendix Appendix 2: Independent facilitators’ report (separate document) Appendix 3: Independent facilitators’ appendix (separate document) Appendix 4: Flyer (separate document) Appendix 5: Consultation questionnaire (separate document) Part one: Summary of neighbourhood consultation This map on the following page shows the proposed changes to the masterplan which we were consulting on.

Neighbourhood consultation report


The proposed changes are: 1. Reduce the housing density at Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club. Retain some of the woodland and improve the existing sports club 2. The small stream (known as Oxney Drain) should be moved away from the new access road and instead become a water feature that would make the town look more attractive

5. A new town park in easy reach of the new town centre 6. Smaller energy centres dotted around the town rather than one energy centre which would provide power for the whole town 7. The A325 should be traffic managed rather than just left as it is and a new relief road provided

3. Additional protection for green spaces 4. An attractive town square is proposed opposite the High Street and Chalet Hill junction

Neighbourhood consultation report

8. The allotments should go in the development area rather than Hogmoor and Bordon Inclosure


Neighbourhood consultation report


Part one: Summary of neighbourhood consultation 1.2 1.2 Background

This stage of consultation focussed on explaining the outcomes of the studies and asking for feedback on the proposed changes to the masterplan.

The masterplan is a framework which sets out how the town will be regenerated over the next 25 years. It was published in 2010 and was adopted as a high-level framework to guide the regeneration of Whitehill & Bordon. It is an evolving document and has been prepared in response to extensive community consultation. This has been ongoing since 2004 and the previous consultation reports are available to read online at The masterplan continues to evolve and since it was first published a number of technical studies have been completed. The information that these studies have provided, along with previous consultation, have led to eight proposed changes being suggested to the original masterplan.

Neighbourhood consultation report


1.3 Purpose of this consultation was to:

T h e

present the findings of the recent evidence base studies

seek comments and views on eight proposed changes to the masterplan which have been suggested in response to the studies and previous community and stakeholder consultations

identify neighbourhood priorities for the wards within the Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town and the surrounding villages for consideration and potential inclusion in the next phase of the project

s d i •

to re-engage with previous consultees and introduce new ones

Neighbourhood consultation report

The studies that have been completed and inform the proposed changes to the masterplan are: • Green Infrastructure Strategy • Habitats Regulations Assessment • Detailed Water Cycle Study • Energy Feasibility Study • Energy Infrastructure and Service Delivery Study • Retail Impact Assessment • Viking Park Design and Feasibility Study • Economic Development and Employment Strategy • Whitehill Bordon Transport Strategy • Transport Model and Transport Assessment • Rail Feasibility Study (these are all available to read at The studies were available at all the workshops and at the Fire Station. Executive summaries were printed and these were available for residents to keep.


1.4 Summary of consultation • •

Key findings Consultation was carried out from 03 October – 5 December 2011 10 public workshops and one stakeholder event were run during this time by independent facilitators In addition to the workshops, four drop-in sessions were held

The Eco-town team was also at the former Ministry of Defence Fire Station, in Camp Road, three days a week during October

Approximately 480 people took part in the consultation

128 detailed questionnaires were completed

Neighbourhood consultation report

Widespread support for the eight proposed changes to the masterplan

Key neighbourhood priorities identified for Whitehill & Bordon, Lindford and the surrounding villages are: 1. Traffic and transport issues (transport) 2. Protecting the town’s natural environment (green) 3. Leisure provision (new facilities) (leisure)


an online form of the questionnaire (paper copies were available at events and in the Fire Station)


Publicising the consultation

The events were publicised via the following methods •

A large A3 size colour flyer was distributed to homes and businesses within the policy zone for the Eco-town. This invited residents to attend the events, explained the changes to the masterplan and advised where residents could get further information A total of 12,150 flyers were printed and approximately 9,673 were distributed to homes and businesses in the GU35 postcode. The remaining flyers were placed in key locations in the surrounding villages – as well as being handed out at events and available at the Fire Station

Press releases were sent to publicise the events. These were given good coverage in the local papers, internet, radio and TV

A dedicated section of the website was set up for the consultation and the boards which were at the events were available to view online – along with

Neighbourhood consultation report

Regular social media updates were used via Twitter and Facebook to further publicise the events

An e-newsletter was sent to approximately 500 people who have signed-up to receive information about the Eco-town

In addition, invitations were sent to 579 stakeholders and 195 residents

The consultation was publicised in meetings relating to Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town

The Eco-town team were at the Fire Station from 10th August to 27th October on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am-4pm. During August and September the team drew visitors’ attention to the upcoming consultation and during October the consultation exhibition boards were on display at the Fire Station

Originally nine workshops were planned but when residents in Standford asked for a workshop in this area


the team responded to the request and organised an additional workshop

base studies on site – giving councillors a deeper insight into the proposals.

1.6 How we consulted The aim was to talk to as many residents as possible. The method of consultation was agreed with the Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Delivery Board. In-depth understanding of the neighbourhoods Before the consultation started, members of the Ecotown team visited the different neighbourhoods with ward councillors. Seven local neighbourhood site visits took place with the elected representatives of each ward including the town, district and county councillors if available. The purpose of these was to enable councillors to show the Eco-town team their vision for the area, highlight any concerns they had about current proposals and to visit areas where potential improvements could be integrated into the next version of the masterplan. It also enabled officers to talk through previous consultation feedback and the results of the evidence

Neighbourhood consultation report

Workshops Numerous events were held in various locations within and outside the town so that the detailed planning of these areas could be discussed with residents living in these locations. Ten workshops took place - which were run by independent facilitators. These were open from 5-8pm with the formal workshop at 6-7.30pm. There was an hour’s drop-in session at the start of the event (from 5-6pm) where residents could pop in and ask questions or tell us their thoughts or concerns. This was done so that residents with limited time could still take part. An additional workshop was held for key stakeholder organisations. Drop-in events All workshops were preceded by drop-in time for those that couldn’t make the workshop or wanted to spend limited time there. As well as these 10 workshops – a series of events within the community were arranged. This included events at Tesco, the


Forest Shopping Centre and Bordon Library – as well as the team being available at the Fire Station three days a week during October.

Online The exhibition boards which were at the events were also available online and questionnaires could also be completed online. Participants who filled out the questionnaire were entered into a prize draw to win a ÂŁ100 Tesco gift card. The map on the next page shows where the events were held. A list of all the events can be found after this map.

Neighbourhood consultation report


Neighbourhood consultation report


1.7 Consultation events Area

Whitehill Deadwater Whitehill Pinewood Whitehill Chase, Walldown Lindford Whitehill, Hogmoor

Blackmoor, Selborne, Oakhanger The Hangers and Forest Kingsley, Sleaford Headley Hollywater,

Event date and venue Within the policy zone Monday 03 Oct Forest Community Centre Thursday 06 Oct Pinewood Village Hall Monday 10 Oct Forest Community Centre Friday 14 Oct Lindford Village Hall Monday 17 Oct Forest Community Centre Surrounding the policy zone Tuesday 18 Oct Blackmoor Village Hall Wednesday 26 Oct Greatham Village Hall Wednesday 02 Nov The Kingsley Centre Friday 11 Nov Headley Village Hall Wednesday 23 Nov

Number who signed-in

Standford, Passfield Drop-in events

Standford Hill Methodist Church

Drop-in event

04 October 10.30am-1pm Bordon Library 08 October 10am-1pm Forest Shopping Centre 15 October 9.30am-1pm Tesco 20 October 10.30am-1pm 1 October 10am-1pm

15 Drop-in event 7 Drop-in Event 13 Bordon Library 12 22


6 20 21 41

Neighbourhood consultation report


Deadwater Valley Wood Day Drop-in at the Fire Station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during October Stakeholder event

All of October

Approx numbers Approx 150

Approx 140

Wednesday 16 Nov 56 Forest Community Centre In addition to the numerous events, an informal session with Hampshire County Council Adult Services group was arranged.

1.8 Stakeholders Stakeholders were formally invited to the stakeholder workshop via email.

1.7 How many people took part in the consultation?

The list of attendees at the Stakeholder Workshop held on 16th November is enclosed in the appendix.

There were many people who attended the events but did not sign-in.

The following stakeholders submitted a formal response in addition to the participation at the workshop:

Around 140 visitors came to the Fire Station to talk about the masterplan and that there were approximately 150 visitors at the four drop-in events.

Highways Agency Surrey County Council Waverley Borough Council Whitehill Town Council Sports England RSPB- The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Defence Infrastructure Organisation Alice Holt Community Forum Flavia Estate submitted by Genesis Planning Countyside Ranger, Hampshire County Council Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Team will be writing to the stakeholders individually, responding to the specific issues raised.

Neighbourhood consultation report


A total of 190 people signed-in at the events.

In total approximately 480 people took part in the consultation – as well as 56 stakeholders.

Part two: two: Feedback received from questionnaires The questionnaire is attached in the appendix. This was available at events and online at (the flyer and questionnaire are separate documents in the appendix). A total of 128 detailed questionnaires were completed. Participants were asked if they supported or were concerned about each of the eight proposed changes. There was also an opportunity for participants to write comments about each proposed change. The comments can be found in the appendix. The responses to the questionnaire show that there is support for the eight proposed changes to the masterplan. There was generally more support within the policy zone than in the surrounding villages – but all changes had support from the surrounding villages as well. A number of comments were received as part of the questionnaires and these are in the appendix.


Neighbourhood consultation report


Graph to show all responses to questionnaire about proposed changes 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Less dense housing at Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club

New w ater feature

Protected green spaces

Public plaza

New tow n park

Pow ering the tow n

Traffic management of A325

Location of allotments

Support Concerned


Neighbourhood consultation report


Graph to show responses to questionnaire within the policy zone

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Less dense housing at Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club

New w ater f eature

Protected green spaces

Public plaza

New tow n park

Pow ering the Traff ic tow n management of A325

Location of allotments

In the tow n Support In the tow n Concerned

2.3 2.3

Neighbourhood consultation report


Graph to show responses to questionnaire (surrounding villages)

120 100 80 60 40 20 0

Less dense housing at

New wat er f eat ur e

Bor don and Oakhanger Spor t s Club

Prot ect ed gr een

Public plaza

New t own par k


Power ing t he t own

Tr af f ic management

Locat ion of

of A325

allot ment s

Outside the tow n Support Outside the tow n Concerned

2.4 What changes will be made to the masterplan as a result of this consultation and specific comments?

Neighbourhood consultation report


Proposed change

What happens now

Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club (BOSC)

The revised masterplan will consider reducing the housing density, retaining some of the woodland and improving the existing sports club. The proposed area for residential development is outside the 400metre ‘Special Protection Area’ buffer zone of Shortheath Common. We note rat-running issues across Shortheath Common. An appropriate traffic management solution will be introduced, in consultation with the stakeholders, when the development comes forward at BOSC.

New water feature

Detailed comments on accessibility and maintenance are noted. In the revised masterplan the ‘water feature’ (known as Oxney Drain) will be moved away from the inner relief road.

Protected green spaces

Additional protected green spaces are to be included in the revised masterplan as part of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) network. These include existing protected green spaces. Including them as part of SANG network will enable additional protection, management support and future investment to maintain them. We note concerns about Standford Grange Farm. It is included in the SANG provision but detailed design is only indicative at this stage. We will ensure that farm use is retained and balanced with recreation needs. Further engagement is proposed for early 2012 to discuss this matter with the community and stakeholders. A definition of what it means to be in the SANG network will be included in the revised masterplan.

Public plaza

The new public plaza was proposed in the Green Infrastructure Strategy (July 2011). It will not replace the new town centre plaza proposed opposite Prince Philip Barracks or the plaza in the Forest Community Centre. An indicative location along the A325 will be incorporated in the revised masterplan.

New town park

The proposal for the new town park has received support. The exact size and location was not presented at this consultation and further review will be carried out about its location prior to it being included in the revised masterplan. It will be near the new town centre and will not compromise wider green space provision in the town.

Powering the town

A decentralised approach (not just one energy-generating source) will be incorporated in the revised masterplan based on the support received. The detailed comments about the specific energy source are noted. Each solution will need to be tested for its impact on air quality, transport and accompanied by the required environmental assessment at the statutory planning stage. It is important at this stage to keep the future options open in accordance with the recommendations made in the Energy Feasibility Study (July 2011).

Neighbourhood consultation report


The A325


Detailed comments are noted. At this stage, the masterplan will be revised to incorporate traffic management along the A325 but details will be developed through the ‘Walking and Cycling Strategy’. The idea for a bypass is deemed undeliverable. The proposed inner relief road will address some of the existing traffic congestion along the A325. The transport studies completed during 2011 consider this issue and various scenarios in detail. Further studies will be carried out at the next stage of the masterplan as required. The allotment location will be amended in the revised masterplan and re-provision of the similar area will be made without any loss. We note the lack of allotment provision for the existing residents. The Green infrastructure Strategy plans linkages between the allotments and other open spaces. Allotments are proposed to promote ‘grow your own food’ and also help support community interaction. The size and provision of private gardens will be dependent on the individual housing type and size and will be included in the site specific designs. The town’s Neighbourhood Quality Charter is currently prepared by the Housing Specialist Group and this sets out guidelines for the future character of open spaces and housing.

Part three 3.0 Neighbourhood priorities - feedback

Neighbourhood consultation report

The questionnaire asked participants to list their top three priorities for their neighbourhood. This question was asked so


that when we start planning the town in more detail we know what residents want.

The results from the questionnaire can be found in the appendix. . Category Examples Leisure provision Providing new facilities e.g. retail, cinema, entertainment, restaurants Social infrastructure Health, police, education Jobs Employment Homes New homes and their design Green spaces Protecting the town’s natural environment Transport (traffic and Roads, rail, public transport issues) transport, bike routes, footpaths Miscellaneous Aspects that do not fit into these categories

The results have been analysed and the comments have been categorised according to seven broad areas (see table on left).

A system was then used so that the first priorities have a higher weighting than the second and third priorities respectively. These calculations can be found in the appendix. Some neighbourhoods have priorities that have received the same score and therefore are ranked alongside each other.

3.1 Summary of neighbourhood priorities

Neighbourhood consultation report


Area Conde Way Forest Shopping Centre Greatham Headley Hollywater Kingsley Lindford Oakhanger Standford Blackmoor Sleaford Non specific

First priority Social infrastructure and green

Second priority

Third priority

Leisure and transport


Leisure Green Transport Green Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport

Transport Social infrastructure Green Transport Green (and misc) Leisure Green and leisure Green Social infrastructure

Social infrastructure Leisure Leisure Social infrastructure Jobs and social infrastructure Green Misc Misc Leisure


Social infrastructure

3.2 Analysis of neighbourhood priorities

Neighbourhood consultation report


Generally transport is the most important neighbourhood priority in the majority of the neighbourhood areas. This is particularly apparent in the villages surrounding Whitehill & Bordon (but is also true for Lindford). Green issues, leisure and social infrastructure are also some of the most important priorities for the neighbourhoods – with transport and green being consistent top three priorities in all areas.


The top three priorities overall are: 1. Traffic and transport issues (transport) 2. Protecting the town’s natural environment (green) 3. Leisure provision (leisure) The top three priorities for the policy zone (Whitehill & Bordon and Lindford) are: 1. Traffic and transport issues and leisure provision 2. Protecting the town’s natural environment and providing social infrastructure 3. Homes – new homes (and larger homes) The top three priorities for the areas surrounding the policy zone are: 1. Traffic and transport issues 2. Protecting the town’s natural environment 3. Providing social infrastructure e.g. police, health and education

Conde Way: 1st priority

Neighbourhood consultation report

2nd priority

3rd priority


Social infrastructure and green The need for health facilities and for them to be retained near current centre of community. Reference was made to expanding or improving Chase Hospital and potentially an accident and emergency department at Chase Hospital. Need for a 6th form college Protection of green spaces, funding for them to be maintained Forest Shopping Centre: 1st priority Leisure More shops and businesses, activities for youngsters, better entertainment for example restaurants, more entertainment for the elderly, a focussed community centre, sports facilities Greatham: 1st priority Green Green spaces Headley: 1st priority Transport Public transport with particular mention of a regular bus route from Headley to Alton and Liphook, bike

Neighbourhood consultation report

Leisure and transport Sports grounds are needed, places for children to play, more accessible facilities for youngsters, better shopping facilities (at the Forest Shopping centre)

Homes Well designed houses and flats. There were several requests for new houses. Larger houses needed.

Better bus services and road structure, worries of worsening traffic congestion, linking the railway to Bentley.

Less social housing.

2nd priority Transport Better access roads needed to Whitehill Bordon and to other towns, local buses needed, rail links (north and south),

3rd priority Social infrastructure Police, health facilities,

2nd priority Social infrastructure Health facilities

3rd priority Leisure Cinema, bowling and restaurants

2nd priority Green Retain Hogmoor Inclosure, green spaces, retain the rural environment.

3rd priority Leisure Retain Army football stadium Theatre, sports pitches, cinema,


lanes, prevent any increase in traffic and reduce speed through Headley, traffic alleviation on B3002 and B3004, bus service, easily accessible public transport, restriction of rat-running through village roads

places for children. Particular reference made to the healthlands surrounding the town, the Slab, The Warren, Oxney, The Croft and Green areas of BOSC. Retention of Standford Grange Farm land,

Shops like a post office, butchers and a supermarket – but not clothes shops. Shops not an industrial estate Better leisure amenities in all areas Specifically more facilities for youngsters

Hollywater: 1st priority Green Standford Grange Farm must stay as a farm.

2nd priority Transport Hollywater Road is a rat run

Area for youngsters to ride quad bikes and motorbikes 3rd priority Social infrastructure Health facilities

Easily accessible and affordable Protecting the SPA, heathland areas local transport for elderly residents and Eveley Wood throughout the area Encouraging sustainability through local produce

Speed restrictions and proper traffic management

Maintaining the rural location of Bordon and surrounding areas Natural green spaces – no parks

Neighbourhood consultation report


Kingsley: 1st priority Transport Why can’t a dual carriageway be built to join the A3 via Whitehill? Traffic management – particularly for the surrounding villages

2nd priority Green (and miscellaneous) Sensitive treatment of natural and man-made green spaces, keeping green spaces

3rd priority Jobs and social infrastructure More local jobs Build proper infrastructure before any building of homes

Eco-friendly possibilities for all aspects of this project

Railway construction Less traffic in Kingsley – not more Replace bridleway along A325 with a cycle route Lindford: 1st priority Transport Public transport – regular local bus service

2nd priority Leisure Phoenix theatre, sports centre, sports facilities, local shops

3rd priority Green Keeping green spaces

Clear, unencumbered roads Traffic management Potential traffic problems Connecting cycle paths and footpaths with good lighting Train station Good road access to encourage

Neighbourhood consultation report


businesses Fast road links making it a good place to travel to and from

Oakhanger: 1st priority Transport Preventing increased traffic flow across Shortheath Common

2nd priority Green and leisure Preserve green spaces

Reduce traffic

Amount of people using Shortheath Common

Lower speed limits

Overuse of SSSI by more people

Installation of traffic humps

Retaining playing fields

3rd priority Miscellaneous Not being able to hear the Ecotown Having space

Preventing increased traffic flow across Oakhanger so it doesn’t become a western bypass Hedge cut back on the A325 to make it easier to use paths Improve the roads Imaginative transport ideas Standford: 1st priority Transport Reduction of speed/traffic management through Standford

Neighbourhood consultation report

2nd priority Green Don’t take Standford land

3rd priority Misc The loss of village identity as Standford becomes part of an


Improve enforcement of 30mph speed limit through Standford. Most cars speed which increases noise and pollution

Conservation of farming land – for farming

urban sprawl Water shortage in dry summers

Retain Standford as it is – together with Standford Grange Farm as it is at present

Increased traffic density on B3004 Increased through-traffic

Retain Standford Grange Farm as a green, wild walking space

Footpath between Passfield Stores and Headley Mill

Opposed to any change of use of Standford Grange Farm

Footpaths required to enable pedestrian access to Lindford and to Passfield Store

Retention of green spaces in Headley parish

Harm from road across Headley Mill Ford and excess traffic generation through Standford

Protect green spaces in Standford but improve pedestrian access to these areas

Bus link to Liphook Blackmoor: 1st priority Transport Good public transport

2nd priority Social infrastructure Technical skills education

3rd priority Leisure Good range of local shops and restaurants

Good cycling and walking routes Sleaford: 1st priority Transport

2nd priority -

3rd priority -

Other areas: 1st priority

2nd priority

3rd priority

Neighbourhood consultation report


Transport Public transport – cheap, regular, decent routes A good fast road clear of proposed and existing development

Misc Investment in community plans – more engagement with youth, older people, MoD

Social infrastructure Infrastructure

Independence and dignity

Part 4: Drop-in sessions 4.1 The purpose of the drop-in events (at Tesco, Bordon Library, Forest Shopping Centre and at the Fire Station) was to explain

Neighbourhood consultation report


the proposed changes to the masterplan and what the studies were saying. The drop-in events were also an opportunity to answer questions that residents had about the masterplan and the proposed changes. The main objective was to ask people to fill out a detailed questionnaire and come to one of the workshops if possible. Residents had queries about the masterplan and how it would be delivered. When they had specific comments about the proposed changes to the masterplan or priorities for their neighbourhood they were asked to fill in a questionnaire so that their opinions could be formally logged. The Eco-town team was at the Fire Station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during October (while the consultation was taking place) and the exhibition boards were on display here during the day.

Part five: Independent facilitators’ report (feedback from the workshops)

Neighbourhood consultation report


Independent facilitators were appointed to run 10 workshops in the community and a stakeholder workshop. They have written a separate report (this is in Appendix 2 and 3). The report summarises the priorities discussed at the workshops and goes on to make recommendations

Part six: Reaching residents Participants who filled in detailed questionnaires about the proposed changes to the masterplan were also asked about how much information they had seen. This graph shows that most participants had seen a variety of information before

Neighbourhood consultation report


stating their opinions about the proposed changes to the masterplan – so they were making informed judgements. This information shows that most people receive their information via newspapers. This means that we will continue to use this method of publicity to let people know about events. It also shows that the flyers sent to homes and businesses in the GU35 postcode and the various drop-in events were instrumental in encouraging residents to complete a questionnaire.

6.1 About you

Neighbourhood consultation report


To help us measure how our equality and diversity policies are working, we asked participants to complete a short form about themselves. A total of 22 forms were filled out. The information can be found in the appendix. It is worth highlighting one aspect of the information – this is dealt with below. 6.2 Age This gave us some useful information and showed that we particularly need to target the 16-24 age group when we carry out future consultation.

Part seven: Conclusions and recommendations

Neighbourhood consultation report


1. The eight proposed changes should be made to the revised version of the masterplan 2. The neighbourhood priorities should be considered when the detailed planning of the area is taking place. The priorities which apply to the policy zone and the surrounding villages are • Tackling transport issues • Protecting the town’s natural environment • Providing leisure facilities 3. Particular effort should be made to consult with the 16-24 age group

7.1 What happens next: The masterplan will be revised and these proposed changes will be incorporated. The neighbourhood priorities will be considered when the town is planned in more detail.

Thank you Thank you for taking part in this consultation. We value your views and the time it has taken to talk to us. If you would like to be kept up-to-date with future consultation then please email or keep an eye on our website

Neighbourhood consultation report


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