Strategy for business 2015-2021

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Strategy for business 2015-2021

Our vision is to be the most business friendly council in the UK Working collaboratively to create a sustainable local economy, a vibrant business & visitor destination with an unparalleled quality of life, where highly productive businesses create quality jobs for local people.

East Hampshire’s strengths • Excellent location with good transport links to the national motorways, A3 corridor, rail networks and international gateways of Heathrow and Gatwick airports • Within easy reach of Portsmouth and Southampton international freight port, which offers easy access to national and international markets. • It boasts of a vibrant economy with a strong tradition of innovation • A varied business base including multi-nationals and vibrant, diverse and responsible small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) • An unrivalled quality of life in an outstanding natural environment; the district successfully blends a rich natural heritage with prosperous commercial

centres, thriving on the reputation of being a high quality location to work and live. • The home of Jane Austen – our literary heritage and tourism offer is renowned nationally and internationally • Our famous museums, galleries, country houses and the National Park continue to act as a magnet. • Exemplary educational establishments, with a strong reputation • The council’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions and maximise the opportunities provided by the green economy through the East Hampshire Energy Strategy

Artist’s impression of Quebec Park, Whitehill & Bordon

Our leading products Get East Hants Working enterprise apprenticeships Expansion of our highly successful initiative that helps SMEs to take on apprentices through a wage incentive and assist young people to access employment opportunities and help with transport and training costs.

Whitehill & Bordon regeneration The Regeneration of Whitehill & Bordon is our flagship opportunity – the regeneration of Quebec Park, Louisburg Barracks and a new town centre will provide new business space, jobs and training opportunities along with tailored business support programmes. The project’s new developments have carbon reduction at their heart, including renewable energy generation, transport and green economic development.

Inward investment incentives The council will offer incentives to businesses locating and creating jobs in East Hampshire.

Destination East Hampshire The council will further develop and promote East Hampshire’s unrivalled visitor offer to be a nationally and internationally significant destination through innovative marketing, PR and support for local tourism sector businesses.

Broadband delivery The council is committed to improve access to High Speed Broadband in rural areas and will work proactively with local businesses and communities to improve access for more remote areas by 2017.




3 pillars that will drive the delivery of our vision: Infrastructure Skills Business

Supporting activity Infrastructure Capitalise on development & regeneration opportunities to enhance economic growth We will take opportunities to deliver land and property for commercial use for growing East Hamphire businesses with a focus on our main business centres Complete roll out of Hampshire High Speed Broadband programme across East Hampshire We will invest in the High Speed Broadband programme for Hampshire to accelerate improvements to broadband services across the district by 2015

Nathan Jarett - apprentice at Ampac Europe Ltd, Alton

Skills Skills Centre We will work with partner organisations to develop a construction skills training centre at Whitehill and Bordon to equip residents with specialist skills to build new high quality homes Employment and Training agreements We will ensure residential and commercial developments provide employment and training opportunities for local residents through S106 agreements Employer led skills We will work to ensure the voice of business influences training provision and meets the needs of the local economy

Enterprise Apprenticeship Scheme Get East Hants Working Enterprise Apprenticeship Grant scheme was launched in July 2013. So far (February 2015) the scheme has supported over 20 young people into high quality apprenticeships in the district and provided an additional 14 work placements (pre-apprenticeships, work trials and work experience jobs). Going forward, the council and Business East Hants will work with employers to develop the scheme, with increased support for higher apprenticeships as a progression route for those with the Level 3 Advanced qualification and an alternative to university. The scheme will remain flexible to include recognised qualifications which fall outside the government apprenticeship framework.

Mr Whitehead’s Cider and Juice – recipient of LEADER funding grant

Business Dedicated business planning service We will develop a dedicated planning service for business customers including the recruitment of a dedicated business planner SME Support Programme We will provide support to our SMEs through a yearly support and training programme Management of our town centres and business parks As the most business friendly council in the UK, we will ensure that our main town and business centres are clean, safe & accessible trading environments

Connecting local businesses with support & funding programmes We will help our businesses to remain located and grow in East Hampshire by connecting with local and national business support programmes and services provided by Hampshire County Council, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Fieldfare Local Action Group and national government

LEADER funding EU funding was secured for 2007-14 for East Hampshire through the LEADER Rural Development Programme. This helped create over 120 jobs and safeguard 200 others in rural communities. The district is hoping to secure DEFRA funding during the next phase, 2014-20.

Oriel Court, Omega Park, Alton

Enabling delivery We are an ambitious area and we will work collaboratively with our private and public sector partners and develop new innovative delivery models to realise this strategy. We will explore innovative ways of ensuring sustainable financing of this strategy in the long term, including external funding and new modes of financing and commercialisation of council services. We will foster strong private sector leadership and engagement through our Non Executive Board, Business East Hants Partnership and sector specific groups including EH Tourism and Marketing Partnership.

We will seek new investment and funding opportunities, freedoms and flexibilities to deliver our priorities including from LEPs, Government and European Union. The council will stimulate business opportunities and job creation arising from the green economy.

Contact Economic Development Service East Hampshire District Council Penns Place, Petersfield, GU31 4EX Tel: 01730 234165 Email: Website:

A business-led pa rtnership serving businesses in Eas t Hampshire.

Network and bus iness developmen t opportunities. Business develop ment training and information servic Supporting busin es. ess growth and th e sustainable eco development of E nomic ast Hampshire. Access to decisio n making bodies in the public sect Advertising and or. editorial opportun iti es in the East Hampshire Business News m agazine.

East Hampshire

Business News

EHDC Chief Ex ec business Portf utive and oli visit local busin o Holder esses See page 16-17 Inside Parking permits New planning

for your staff -

rules - p19


Issue 5 Summer/Autum n 2014

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