Since Eco-town funding was awarded, we’ve been busy...
...find out about the first projects in Whitehill Bordon and get involved in your town’s future November 2010
You can get FREE loft and cavity wall insulation which could reduce your fuel bills by up to £265 a year. Ring 0800 80 48 777 for more information. Interest-free loans of up to £10,000 are also available and these can be used for new boilers, double glazing or solar panels. See inside for more info.
Whitehill Bordon was awarded £9.85million of central government funding because of Eco-town status. This has enabled us to fund these projects...
Jobs An Economic Development Strategy is being developed to ensure that Whitehill Bordon becomes a vibrant employment location, attracting local, regional, national and international companies by building on the town’s ‘green credentials’, its attractive setting, the development of a high quality workforce and employment space.
Allotments There is currently a three to four year waiting list for an allotment – with 51 people hoping to have one. With the Eco-town funding we will provide 16 additional allotments. These will provide residents with a new hobby and a place to grow fresh food. It will also provide a green haven for wildlife.
The fire station This disused MoD building is being transformed into an Eco Station which will provide community and training facilities. It will also serve as an exhibition centre for the latest eco technology and there will be a dedicated area for the local natural history society.
Exhibition house This will be built in the grounds of the Fire Station and will demonstrate how lowcarbon living can work. The house will showcase a range of building techniques and technologies. The garden will be landscaped using native species and will include a place for growing food. The two/three bedroom home will be open to the public until after the exhibition phase when it will be occupied. This has been given outline planning permission and an application for the detailed design is going through the planning process.
The disused Alexandra Hall, formerly St Mark’s Hall, in Savile Crescent, will be removed and the allotments will take its place. The land is owned by Whitehill Town Council.
Energy-saving improvements to schools and the library Work to make schools and other public buildings more energy efficient is underway. The first phase involves improvements to Weyford Infant and Junior Schools, Bordon Infant and Junior Schools and Woodlea Primary School as well as Bordon Library. The scheme is being paid for by Eco-town funding and Hampshire County Council. The energy reductions will be monitored and shared through the Local Schools Partnership, other Hampshire schools and across the country. Discussions are being held with the remaining schools for the second phase of the programme to monitor energy use with real-time displays. Many of the schools have already taken steps to reduce their energy consumption and this project will provide valuable information on the improvements which can be achieved.
A biomass boiler will serve the house as well as the Eco Station and will also be capable of providing heat to up to 25 surrounding homes.
Eco fitness trail
International architectural competition This will be launched early next year. The competition will be to design four eco-homes and aims to set the highest standard of design for housing in the town. These will also be built at the fire station site.
Youth drop-in It is estimated that 29% of Whitehill Bordon residents are under 18 and the current youth facilities are hopelessly inadequate. So we are working to provide a safe and informal meeting place for young people aged between 11–18. This will engage young people in projects which have an environmental focus. It will also create opportunities for consultation on the Eco-town with this age group. It will initially be sited in a Ministry of Defence building but it is possible that it could be hosted in several venues across the town and at various times to allow easy access for the town’s youngsters.
This outdoor exercise trail is the first community facility to be completed with Eco-town funding. The course, which opened at the end of July, stretches over half a mile in the recreation ground in Mill Chase Road. The calorie-busting workout includes equipment which will give users a cardiovascular boost as well as strengthening exercises. The wood used to make the trail comes from a renewable source. This minimises the impact on the environment. It is completely FREE to use.
Wi-Fi We are creating a free Wi-Fi hotspot in the centre of Whitehill Bordon. This will be available to people directly outside the Forest Community Centre. In addition to this the Wi-Fi project will provide improved internet access for the Forest Community Centre and its users. This is the first phase in our plan to have free Wi-Fi access throughout the town.
Free insulation and interest-free loans Whitehill Bordon is the only place in South East England where homeowners can get free loft and cavity wall insulation – which will help save money on fuel bills. The free energy-saving improvements are possible thanks to Eco-town status and could save each household up to £265 a year. If 1,200 homes sign-up for the insulation then it could save the town around £300,000 on its domestic fuel bills per year – as well as reducing the CO2 emissions by an estimated 1,300 tonnes a year. Please ring 0800 80 48 777 or visit Interest-free loans, of up to £10,000, which are called Eco-fit loans, are also available for homeowners living in the Eco-town. These can be used to make energy-saving improvements which could include double glazing, solar panels and new boilers. The combined cost of loan repayments and new monthly fuel bills should cost less than the original energy bills. These are not like normal loans (which aim to make a profit) as they are interest-free. The loans are available on a ‘first-come-first-served-basis’. Whitehill Bordon Eco-town is part of the Low Carbon Communities Challenge and this project, run by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, is funding this scheme. Residents in Whitehill Bordon and Lindford are eligible for both of these schemes. For more information about a loan please ring 01730 234287 or email
New liftshare scheme The Whitehill Bordon Liftshare scheme will provide an up-to-date database of car users who are looking to share a car and travel together. This will help to reduce costs of fuel and parking, cut congestion and pollution and increase the town’s sense of community. The database will be available on the internet so users can easily sign up and contact other members who they wish to share lifts with. The information will be available on
Pockets of green space The aim of this project is to identify, protect, enhance and link the 56 isolated pockets of green land which are dotted throughout the town. These green areas will be joined to make it easier for animals to move around and encourage more plants to grow.
Improved bus services and eco bus stops Bus services will be improved in the town and surrounding community to make it easier to travel in and out of the town. Environmentally-friendly technology will be used where possible. Bus stops are being improved and may include something called ‘rainwater harvesting’. This would collect rainwater from the roof and use it for purposes like feeding a ‘green wall’ (an area covered with vegetation). There may also be solar panels on the roof. Improvements will be made in 2011.
Transport study This will test a range of development scenarios on the transport network in the town and surrounding areas and consider what impact they have. It will then be used to evaluate the future transport strategy for the Eco-town and inform future transport infrastructure and service needs.
New rail service for the town? A feasibility study is currently being carried out and will assess whether there is a viable business case for a heavy or light rail service. The study will take into account financial, environmental, social and operational factors.
Improved walking and cycling routes These are currently being considered and a strategy will be developed over the coming months which will look at both long-term and short-term improvements. Where funding permits a number of schemes will be introduced to make walking and cycling within the town a safe, accessible and attractive alternative to car travel.
New boardwalk Part of the Royal Woolmer Way, which is a longdistance footpath from Liss to Frensham, goes through Bordon Inclosure but trees have been cut down and the ground has been churned up so there is a really marshy section which is difficult to walk across. A boardwalk will be built here to protect the habitat from further damage and allow walkers to cross the area.
Eco grants These will be available to local businesses and voluntary groups to help reduce their carbon emissions. These are likely to be for a maximum of £10,000. The grants should help these groups reduce their impact on the environment and assist with their business productivity. These will be launched in 2011.
The amphibian pond Trees will be cleared from around the pond, which is in Bordon Inclosure,to let in more light and the pond will be dredged to clear debris and accumulated leaf litter. This will help to protect the vulnerable habitat and also help to increase the number of amphibians – as well as the range of species found there.
A five-year conservation plan for Bordon Inclosure will also be created.
Alexandra Park pond The pond beside the pistol range in Alexandra Park is dry most of the time – so funding will be used to restore it. This will encourage amphibians back into the pond. Part of the path in Alexandra Park is falling away into the river and so it will be moved and restored so it doesn’t completely disappear. This will improve access through the park.
Eco santa’s grotto Whitehill Bordon’s Christmas Festival, organised by Whitehill Bordon Town Partnership, will be taking place on Saturday December 11 from 1-5pm at the Forest Community Centre and shopping centre. Santa will be in a new ‘eco-grotto’ which will demonstrate some of the latest environmentally-friendly technology and design. As well as the eco-grotto there will also be craft stalls, community groups, a band, choirs and a DJ. There will also be children’s fairground rides.
Soapbox derby Whitehill Bordon Town Partnership in conjunction with Hampshire Constabulary is holding a soapbox derby on Bank Holiday Monday 30 May 2011. Vehicles are to be ‘gravity powered’ only. Anyone can build a cart, but drivers must be 16 or over (under 18s must have parental consent). The event will raise funds for Hampshire Air Ambulance and Bordon & Liphook Charity. For more information please see
ecopeople Community project worker The community project worker is helping to improve the quality of life of residents by working to identify their needs and to provide the support, skills and information to enable the community to address these. A particular focus of the role is to encourage residents to reduce their carbon footprint. Please contact
Transport manager to be appointed Will liaise with transport providers and residents to establish what changes and new services will be most effective in the short to medium term. Part of the role will be to implement the ‘Smarter Choices Strategy’ which will involve working with residents, schools, businesses and service providers to reduce the need to travel by car and encourage walking, cycling and using public transport. The manager will also work with local service providers, schools and employers to develop travel plans, run and co-ordinate events, and promote car sharing.
All information correct at time of going to print (8 November 2010) Designed and produced by East Hampshire District Council on behalf of the partners involved in the Eco-town project: East Hampshire District Council, Hampshire County Council, Whitehill Town Council, Whitehill Bordon Town Partnership, Ministry Of Defence and the Homes & Communities Agency
Reducing your carbon footprint A Carbon Strategy will set out how the town will aim to become carbon neutral by 2036 and promote a more sustainable lifestyle by working in partnership with local groups and organisations.
Woodfuel supply from local woods Whitehill Bordon is in one of the most wooded parts of England. But much of the surrounding woodland has not been actively managed for many years. This has resulted in a decline in the ecological, social and economic value of these woods. However, by managing local woodland, the woods offer the opportunity to provide a local, sustainable fuel source, which will help to combat climate change, enhance the environment and provide local jobs. A study will assess the potential for sustainable woodfuel production from three local woodlands and use this data to determine the potential for woodfuel production within easy reach of the town.
Sports and recreation study This will establish the town’s need for improved sports facilities and will make recommendations of sites which could provide these – as well as identifying potential funding sources.
Green spaces A Green Infrastructure Strategy will help ensure that the Eco-town proposals deliver a net gain in biodiversity and provide people with access to high-quality green space.
Protecting the environment (Habitats Regulations) This will ensure that there is no significant impact on sensitive habitats surrounding the town which are of European importance. This is necessary to support the masterplanning process by providing crucial information about the way people and wildlife interact on these sites.
Water The main aim of the Water Cycle Study is to produce a water cycle strategy to support the masterplan through the planning process. This will help to meet the town’s overall aim for water neutrality, a net gain in biodiversity and carbon neutrality. Water neutrality means that the town’s water usage in 2036 will not exceed current water usage - despite having more residents.
Energy A study will assess the current and proposed energy demands for Whitehill Bordon in line with the draft masterplan. It also provides the opportunity to see how the town’s energy demands can be met through more renewable sources.
We need you to help shape your town’s future We are creating groups which anyone can join and they will discuss issues in the town and make recommendations to the new ‘delivery board’ which will guide the regeneration of Whitehill Bordon. If you would like to be involved then please email
Printed in Whitehill Bordon on recycled paper.
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