Eco-station events Saturday 9 February - Guided bird walk (8.30am) Enjoy a stroll through Bordon Inclosure and the Deadwater Valley Local Nature Reserve (meet at Eco-station). The Exhibition House and Eco-station are also open from 10am-1pm and you can pick up fuel-saving tips by having a go on a driving simulator. Saturday 9 March - Come and swap your seeds and check out our chickens (10am-1pm) Bring your seeds along and swap them so you can grow something new in your garden. There will also be chickens, ducks and turkeys and you can learn more about keeping your own.
The Eco-station, Camp Road, Bordon, Hampshire, GU35 0LH
Saturday 13 April - Get tips on how to save money on your fuel bills (10am-1pm)
Find out more about how to save money on your fuel bills by talking to the Eco-town team. A new energy-efficiency room will be open at the Eco-station which will have samples of insulation, window glazing and solar panels. Saturday 11 May - Guided walk and free bike health check (10am-1pm) See local plants and wildlife on this stroll through the town, starting and finishing at the Eco-station. You can also get a free health check for your bike as Dr Bike will be visiting the Eco-station. Saturday 22 June - Give your bike a free health check (10am1pm) Dr Bike will be able to give your bike a free health check so you’re ready for lots of summer rides. There will also be other free fun cycling activities. Sunday 30 June - Cycling Day at Alice Holt Forest (10am5pm) Get on your bike and spend some time enjoying Alice Holt Forest. There will be guided bike rides, discount bike hire and free bike health checks.
01730 234329
to talk to the team or see the Eco-station Monday 9am-5pm Tuesday By appointment only Wednesday 10am-5pm Thursday 9am-5pm Friday By appointment only Saturday One per month as advertised This document, which is printed on recycled paper in Whitehill & Bordon, has been written on behalf of Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town team for East Hampshire District Council.