Masterplan summary
summary Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary (Revised May 2012)
Introduction..................................................4 Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Vision................6 The purpose of the masterplan...................... 10 The main changes....................................... 11 Working with the community........................ 12 Spatial vision diagram................................. 14 The masterplan proposal map...................... 16 Masterplan chapters.................................... 18 Biodiversity ............................................... 19 Carbon and water neutrality.........................20 Employment and jobs.................................. 21 Facilities.....................................................22 Homes.......................................................23 Traffic and transport....................................24 Phasing and the next steps...........................25 This document has been written on behalf of the Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Delivery Board, designed by East Hampshire District Council’s Communications Team and printed in Whitehill & Bordon.
We use the term ‘sustainable’ throughout this document. Our definition of it is: meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations or harming the planet.
Masterplan summary
This is a summary of the masterplan. Please see to read the full version. Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
Introduction by the Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Delivery Board Towns like Whitehill & Bordon rarely face such an exciting future. People hardly ever have such an opportunity to
The Delivery Board is determined to ensure that
The masterplan sets out how we can achieve
help shape the future of the town as they do now.
the town, its green spaces and the important
that vision. It provides the framework for future
However there is also a danger of decline and
countryside around the town are protected
development or redevelopment of the town. It
decay if the task of regeneration is not handled
and developed sympathetically in line with the
will form part of East Hampshire District Council’s
with skill and determination.
community-led Green Town Vision. This vision
local development framework and will help to
was initiated when the Army announced that
control development in the town.
With the Army’s relocation from Bordon Garrison, we have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to ensure the sustainable regeneration of the town – to get new facilities, better infrastructure, a thriving new town centre, a better mix of houses, new shops, improved public transport and additional jobs – which are all things that people tell us they want.
it might be leaving the town in 2003. It has evolved into the Eco-town Vision which puts the natural environment at the heart of the town’s regeneration.
This revised masterplan contains some important and constructive changes since the publication of the original masterplan in 2010. Continues on following page..
Masterplan summary
These changes reflect what people have told us
• land safeguarded for a learning campus for
consultation; they also reflect the results of a number of recent technical studies.
to regenerating the town because we believe that
lifelong education
is important to them through extensive community
planned sustainable development is far better
• a site has been safeguarded for a
than unplanned development.
railway station • improved location for allotments, a new water
The main changes are: • proposed number of new homes over the life of the plan has been reduced to 4,000
feature, a new town park and public space • additional greenspaces are safeguarded as part of the Suitable Alternative Natural
• no housing on Viking Park (including larger family homes)
• smaller energy centres within the town - rather than one large one
• reduced housing density at Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club (BOSC)
• traffic management of the A325
With the partners of the Delivery Board working together to embrace this opportunity we are increasingly certain that we can make the town really special as an exemplar green town fit for the 21st Century.
Greenspace network
• a flexible mix of housing types and tenures
We are committed to the masterplan as a guide
We would sincerely like to thank residents who have helped us improve the masterplan and we look forward to working with you in the future. The Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Delivery Board
Kevin Bourner Homes and Communities Agency
Cllr Adam Carew Whitehill Town Council
Cllr Philip Drury - East Hampshire District Council (local representative)
Daphne Gardner (Project Director) East Hampshire District Council
John Walker Chairman of the Delivery Board Cllr Mel Kendal Hampshire County Council
Robert Smith Defence Infrastructure Organisation (Ministry of Defence)
Dr William Wain Whitehill & Bordon Town Partnership
Cllr Glynis Watts East Hampshire District Council
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Vision
Our vision for Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town will put the outstanding natural environment at the heart of the regeneration. The ‘Eco-town Vision’ means that new facilities, leisure opportunities, jobs, education, infrastructure and housing will be provided to enhance this unique area and create a model sustainable community that is recognised locally, regionally and nationally. 6
Masterplan summary
Our Vision is as follows: We will create an attractive town where people want to live, work, shop and play - with excellent facilities, leisure opportunities, jobs, training opportunities and a balanced mix of housing.
We will ensure that the town is regenerated in a way that encourages and enables us to live and work in ways that do not damage the natural resources upon which our society and economy depends.
We will regenerate and improve the built environment in the town so that it complements the superb surrounding landscape, whilst protecting the town’s heritage.
We will encourage ‘One Planet’ living (living within the planet’s means) and encourage local food production and ‘grow your own’.
We will use innovative, modern, environmentally-friendly design, incorporating eco homes and modern methods of construction.
We will create a town centre that is pedestrian friendly and is wellconnected to residential, employment and leisure areas.
We will ensure there are accessible green spaces and attractive town squares. We will encourage investment by businesses and industries, and will particularly seek out those that share our vision of a sustainable, prosperous, environmentally-friendly community. We will enhance and promote public transport so that it is easier to travel around the town and to other towns and cities. We will create a town where regeneration and ongoing management is designed with people and nature as our priority.
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
Supporting targets Biodiversity We aim to achieve a net increase in wildlife biodiversity and to safeguard protected sites. We will provide natural “green” spaces and routes throughout the town for people and wildlife.
Carbon neutrality We will create a low carbon community. We will work with others to clarify and strengthen the definition and understanding of this concept. We will monitor and reduce the carbon footprint of the whole town by encouraging environmentally sustainable design and living. If possible, we will aim for the whole town to be “carbon neutral” by 2036. This will mean that use of carbon in the whole of the town, including the new development, will not exceed the current carbon footprint, (and we will calculate exactly what this is!)
Employment and jobs We will increase local jobs and encourage new and existing businesses and industries; in particular those which share our vision of a sustainable and environmentally-friendly community. We will create at least one new job per new household and will provide an additional 1,500 jobs to replace those lost by the withdrawal of the Army from Whitehill & Bordon. We will provide training opportunities for residents to maximise their employment prospects with the new businesses.
Facilities We will seek to improve the facilities available in the town, including:• Providing a new attractive and thriving town centre with a mix of uses (including community facilities); • New higher education and training facilities and schools; • New sports and leisure facilities; • New and enhanced community facilities; • Health facilities; We will also improve access to these facilities from within the town and the wider community.
Masterplan summary
Homes We will encourage a range of good quality, welldesigned, low carbon homes built to the highest standards in well-planned neighbourhoods where people want to live. The new homes will be of different sizes, types and tenures to meet the needs of local people, (including larger homes) and will be in walking distance of shops and facilities.
Water neutrality By using the existing water supply carefully and by reducing demand and wastage, we plan for the town to be “water neutral”. This means that the water used in the whole of the town, including new development, will not exceed current levels
Traffic and transport We aim to improve public transport and provide better opportunities for walking and cycling, both within the town, and the surrounding area. We aim to reduce the use of the car within the town. Our target is for not more than 50% of journeys within the town to be undertaken by car. In the long-term we hope to achieve the highest levels of “sustainable” travel (eg by train, bicycle or foot) through a variety of transport measures. We will seek to restore a rail link for the town.
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
The purpose of the masterplan The masterplan sets out how the Eco-town Vision will be delivered. It ensures successful sustainable regeneration for Whitehill & Bordon. This masterplan is a framework guide to how this will take place over the next 25 years. It is an evolving document and will be updated when required.
The central government policies for Eco-towns are expected to be withdrawn. So the vision and standards set out in this plan have been locally developed with the community - and have always sought to take a ‘bottom-up’ approach.
It presents an overall vision for the physical, social, economic and environmental improvement of the town to ensure that the regeneration takes place in a way that ensures community benefits are maximised.
The original community-led Green Town Vision was developed in 2003 to secure better facilities and infrastructure in the town - while protecting the environment.
The revised masterplan
This Green Town Vision has evolved into the Eco-town Vision.
The first masterplan was published in June 2010 and was developed by AECOM. This latest version has been written by the Eco-town team on behalf of the Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Delivery Board. It has been revised to take into account consultation and the outcomes of technical studies (which can be read on
Eco-town policies
We feel that it is right to keep the Eco-town brand (even though the national policies are expected to be withdrawn) because it reflects what we are trying to achieve (as set out in the Eco-town Vision). The brand has also attracted national and international interest and put the town on the radar of politicians, government bodies, large investment companies and future residents who want the quality of life that only an Eco-town will be able to provide. By having this brand we can attract much-need investment.
Masterplan summary
The main changes are: A reduction from 5,300 new homes to 4,000 new homes Amendments to the Eco-town policy zone boundary reflecting the local geographic features, wards and ownerships in response to the previous consultation comments Housing density will not be restricted to three categories – instead there will be a mix of housing densities across the development areas Additional requirement for Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces (SANGs)
Extended site safeguarded on Budds Lane for a new learning campus (this could provide education for 11 - 19-year-olds and other learning facilities for wider groups e.g. adults). We are committed to lifelong education.
Additional protection for green spaces (this means including other parks and open spaces within the town in the potential SANG network which will create a connected network of green spaces across the town)
Two options for the inner relief road have been proposed (these are through Viking Park and using the southern part of the dismantled railway).
A new public space opposite the High Street and Chalet Hill junction A new town park within easy reach of town centre
Because of the reduced housing numbers from 5,300 to 4,000 the education provision has been reassessed and now two primary schools are proposed, rather than three
Smaller energy centres rather than one energy centre to power the town Traffic management along the A325
No housing on Viking Park (which means retaining current planning consent)
Reduced housing density at Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club (BOSC)
A ‘character area’ approach to residential densities as addressed in Chapter 7
New water feature (Oxney Stream will be integrated within new residential areas as a natural landscape feature)
Allotments near to the area where new homes will be built - rather than on Hogmoor Inclosure A site has been safeguarded for a railway station
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
Working with the community The evolution of the masterplan has been led by the community. In striving to make the town something really special we have listened to those who know the town best the town’s residents. The issues raised during the consultations have been addressed where possible in this revised masterplan. Consultation has been considerable and ongoing since 2008 and the community has been involved in all aspects of the masterplan’s development from the initial proposals to refining the document. The main challenge has been to ensure that as many people as possible have been involved in the consultation – so we have used direct and active engagement methods and widely publicised all our events. Publicity surrounding each stage of the consultation has been extensive to make sure residents are fully aware of how they can participate.
Different types of events have been held, ranging from fun-days to stakeholder workshops. We have had drop-in sessions as well as formal workshops to try and make the consultation as user-friendly as possible. We have also used a range of venues and a variety of times from morning to evening meetings, during weekdays and at weekends. Our methods have also included making ourselves available at key locations for example outside Tesco on a Saturday morning – so that we are actively going out to talk to residents rather than them having to come to us. Residents of the town and the surrounding villages will continue to be actively involved in the regeneration of the town.
Masterplan summary
Next steps As this revised version of the masterplan is the product of extensive consultation over the last three years, we are not proposing to consult again on this document. But there will be extensive consultation on the planning application for the whole site. There will also be opportunities for community consultation on individual sites e.g Quebec Barracks. Future consultation events will be widely publicised and details will be available on our website
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
am To F arn h
Possible Rail to London Waterloo via Bentley
Spatial vision diagram South Downs National Park Proposed transport hub Special Protection Areas Special Areas of Conservation New neighbourhood centres / community hubs Existing local centres / villages
New community facilities Town centre with a public square
New employment zones Green infrastructure New low carbon homes Water neutrality and carbon neutrality by 2036 for the exsiting and new homes
rality by mes
Standford Whitehill Hollywater
Surrounding villages Sustainable transport achieving 50 % reduction in car mode share The Eco-town policy zone Safeguarded rail route
Indicative railway station
Options for potential inner relief road
The Eco-town Vision and Spatial Plan
Masterplan summary
The diagram (on p14) explains the key spatial decisions set out in the masterplan which would deliver the Eco-town Vision. It sets outs the immediate context of the South Downs National Park (SDNP), environmental features, adjoining villages and where new facilities e.g. community facilities, the new town centre and green spaces will be located. It is important to set this out to avoid piecemeal development but also to be flexible in responding to the future needs and site specific decisions. The diagram shows the Eco-town policy zone boundary. It does not show the ‘development or settlement policy boundary’ but an area where planning policies as set out in the Joint Core Strategy (Whitehill & Bordon Chapter) would be applicable. Any new development within the Eco-town policy zone will need to contribute towards achieving the Eco-town Vision.
The Eco-town policy zone has been updated in response to the consultation comments that it needs to be more specific. And the revised policy zone relates to geographical features (such as the River Wey) and administrative boundaries (such as the SDNP, parish wards, land ownerships and settlements). It provides a better definition for monitoring than the previous two kilometre circular boundary. The spatial vision diagram also underpins the requirement to achieve a ‘one-town’ approach to regenerate Whitehill & Bordon by including the existing settlements within the Eco-town policy zone.
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
The masterplan proposal map Mixed use town centre Employment Community / education / sports Residential areas Employment and housing Employment and commercial leisure Buildings for potential retention within development areas Existing built up areas Traffic management Public transport hub - connecting with local bus routes Dismantled railway safeguarded for potential future use Options for potential inner relief road
Indicative proposed rail station location Indicative green loop town wide recreation routes
Natural open space, parks and recreation areas
Public transport hub - connecting with local bus routes
Masterplan summary Dismantled railway safeguarded for potential future use
Options for potential inner relief road
Indicative proposed rail station location Indicative green loop town wide recreation routes Natural open space, parks and recreation areas SANG network Indicative locations for allotments Surface water management Natural water course Special Protection Areas & Special Areas of Conservation South Downs National Park boundary Settlement Policy Boundary (SPB) Extended SPB Mixed use (including local retail)
The revised masterplan incorporates the main changes in response to the consultation and technical studies. The proposal map (on p16) shows the longterm vision of regeneration of Whitehill & Bordon. The map includes all settlements within the policy zone including Lindford. The majority of new development is proposed on the Ministry of Defence (MoD) land which will become available for development in 2015. The area for development in the masterplan includes in excess of 340hectares (ha) of land which has capacity for 4,000 new homes, employment space for 5,500 new jobs, a new town centre, community facilities, public transport and approximately 200ha of green spaces. This will be delivered over the period of 15-20 years. The masterplan proposal map safeguards Hogmoor Inclosure, Bordon Inclosure and Standford Grange Farm as Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) connected by a green loop and green grid network. The land uses and plot boundaries shown on the proposal map are indicative and will evolve in the future as further evidence comes forward at the next stage of detailed design.
The settlement policy boundary on this map is not to scale and is indicative only Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
Masterplan chapters The following pages outline how we will achieve our targets for the following areas:
Biodiversity Carbon and water neutrality Employment and jobs Facilities Homes Traffic and transport For more details please read the full version of the masterplan which is available at
Biodiversity Target We aim to achieve a net increase in wildlife biodiversity and to safeguard protected sites. We will provide natural “green” spaces and routes throughout the town for people and wildlife.
How we will achieve it By raising awareness of the town’s important natural features and important wildlife Working with organisations that own and manage land within and surrounding the town to share resources, collaborate on conservation initiatives and promote the idea of responsible recreation By bringing around 200 hectares of natural greenspace into active management for wildlife to thrive in and people to enjoy Ensure new and existing buildings are designed to incorporate features that benefit biodiversity, such as green roofs and bird boxes By providing a range and scale of greenspaces that work together, forming a comprehensive green infrastructure network with the ‘green loop’ and ‘green grid’ at its heart
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
Carbon and water neutrality Target We will create a low carbon community. We will work with others to clarify and strengthen the definition and understanding of this concept. We will monitor and reduce the carbon footprint of the whole town by encouraging environmentally sustainable design and living. If possible, we will aim for the whole town to be “carbon neutral” by 2036. This will mean that use of carbon in the whole of the town, including the new development, will not exceed the current carbon footprint, (and we will calculate exactly what this is!)
By using the existing water supply carefully and by reducing demand and wastage, we plan for the town to be “water neutral”. This means that the water used in the whole of the town, including new development, will not exceed current levels
How we will achieve it By helping people understand how small changes in their daily lives will save money and contribute towards reducing their impact on the planet. Providing new and upgraded infrastructure that provides locally generated and managed energy that responds to local needs, provides security of supply and resilience against fluctuations in fossil fuel prices. By providing small energy centres around the town that support the employment and housing areas to the north of the town and in the proposed town centre.
By providing the right environment for jobs (particularly ‘green’ jobs) to flourish in the town, helping to train people in design, building and installation of energy and water efficiency measures to improve new and existing homes. All buildings will be designed to use the minimal amount of energy and water to reduce the town’s carbon footprint.
Employment and jobs Target We will increase local jobs and encourage new and existing businesses and industries; in particular those which share our vision of a sustainable and environmentally-friendly community. We will create at least one new job per new household and will provide an additional 1,500 jobs to replace those lost by the withdrawal of the Army from Whitehill & Bordon. We will provide training opportunities for residents to maximise their employment prospects with the new businesses.
How we will achieve it Employment opportunities and job creation will be achieved through three strands of activity: • realising the potential of entrepreneurs and start-up businesses • helping existing local companies to grow and develop • attracting new investment from companies.
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
Facilities Target We will seek to improve the facilities available in the town, including:-
• New and enhanced community facilities;
• Providing a new attractive and thriving town centre with a mix of uses (including community facilities);
• Health facilities;
• New higher education and training facilities and schools;
We will also improve access to these facilities from within the town and the wider community.
• New sports and leisure facilities;
How we will achieve it A new mixed-use town centre with shops, housing, services and a new town square New secondary school facilities, possibly as part of a new learning campus. This could integrate a skills training centre, sixth form and be a hub for 0-19 year-olds Two new primary schools and pre-schools forming local community hubs A new children’s centre
A new primary care centre (five GPs, four dentists) A new sports hub and renovation of Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club (BOSC) and Whitehill Club Land allocated for commercial leisure uses (3.7 hectares) Retain and enhance the existing community facilities where possible.
Homes Target We will encourage a range of good quality, well-designed, low carbon homes built to the highest standards in well-planned neighbourhoods where people want to live. The new homes will be of different sizes, types and tenures to meet the needs of local people, (including larger homes) and will be in walking distance of shops and facilities.
How we will achieve it We will raise design and environmental standards in accordance with the Joint Core Strategy - which requires us to meet the highest levels of the Code for Sustainable Homes. We will influence the quality and mix of homes using the Neighbourhood Quality Charter and design guidance including site-specific development briefs and, where appropriate, design codes. Early projects such as the Eco-town terrace and development at Quebec Barracks will demonstrate higher standards. We will continue to look for funding to retrofit existing homes to the highest standards.
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
Traffic and transport Target We aim to improve public transport and provide better opportunities for walking and cycling, both within the town, and the surrounding area. We aim to reduce the use of the car within the town. Our target is for not more than 50% of journeys within the town to be undertaken by car. In the long-term we hope to achieve the highest levels of “sustainable” travel (eg by train, bicycle or foot) through a variety of transport measures. We will seek to restore a rail link for the town.
How we will achieve it • We will reduce the need to travel outside the town • We will enable sustainable transport choices for all trips • We will manage car demand within and outside the town
Masterplan summary
Phasing and the next steps: a summary The overall implementation for the masterplan is driven by the timing of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) withdrawal from Whitehill & Bordon. A ministerial announcement has confirmed that the Army will have left the town by 2015. Based on this, the implementation time frame can be divided as follows:
Before the MoD leaves the town
Some of these projects include:
After the MoD leaves the town
• Exemplar housing and employment projects for a series of sites including the former Fire Station and Quebec Barracks
Phase 2: 2015-2019
• Additional bus services to improve public transport • The designation and creation of areas of Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space and starting to deliver part of the ‘green loop’
Once the MoD has left the town, the intensity of development activity will increase. During this time Whitehill & Bordon will experience significant change. This will be focussed on development in the northern and central parts of the town. Including: • Creating the new inner relief road
Up until MoD withdrawal (2015) Over the next few years (up until the MoD leaves the garrison) there are two key elements of activity. The first is to progress the delivery mechanism and the second is to deliver a series of early projects.
• Making energy-saving improvements to existing homes to improve sustainability including energy and water efficiency
• The first phase of the town centre will be developed (including a range of new shops, leisure and commercial office space)
• A comprehensive programme of economic development initiatives including skills training and business support activities
• The first new primary school (towards the end of this phase) • Promotion of investment opportunities and reuse of MoD buildings • Continuing programme to deliver the green loop and other green infrastructure • Provision of the first phase of the integrated energy network at community hub locations and connections made with existing infrastructure
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
Indicative phasing plan Phase 3: 2020-2024
Phase 4: 2025 onwards
During this phase residential and economic growth will continue as development occurs in the central area of Whitehill & Bordon.
Further residential development is planned in the southern part of the Technical Training Area. Additional residential development will also occur in areas next to the new town centre, which contains a range of MoD buildings, previously used as temporary employment spaces.
Employment growth will continue at Louisburg Barracks alongside the phased provision of the decentralised energy centres and the upgrade of Bordon Sewage Treatment Works will take place. The re-provision of the secondary school, or a new learning campus, will occur providing a modern facility for existing residents and additional capacity for the new residents. Around 1,400 new homes will be built and to support this level of growth, a pre-school, additional health facility and community hubs will be provided.
Another primary school will be provided. The southern part of this area will be developed for employment uses. Provision of the sports hub facilities and commercial leisure will be delivered in this phase as supported by the critical increase in the population.
PHASE 1 2012-2014
PHASE 2 2015-2019
PHASE 3 2020-2024
PHASE 4 2025 onwards
Note: Land parcels shown on this plan are subject to change and would be determined at the planning application stage and once the detailed infrastructure and delivery plan is prepared.
Masterplan summary
Louisburg Barracks
Bordon Inclosure
Next steps The viability analysis has demonstrated that the masterplan is viable.
Lindford Quebec Barracks
Budds Lane Site
TTA North
One of the key early tasks in moving into the implementation phase is to establish the long term delivery mechanism and governance for the project. A key element of this work will be the presentation of a more detailed business plan for the project.
Town Centre edge
Town Centre
Alexandra Park
TTA South
Mill Chase Road site
Over the next few years significant further detailed design and development work will be undertaken
Forest Centre
Hogmoor Inclosure
For more details please see the full version of the masterplan at
Standford Grange Farm
Viking Park
Whitehill Club
N Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Masterplan Summary
This is a summary of the masterplan. Please see to read the full version.