One Planet Living Strategy

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One Planet Living in Whitehill Bordon September 2011

Contents Introduction ……………………………………3 One Planet Living ………………………………4 Priorities.…………………………………………..7 Zero Carbon ……………………………………..8 Zero Waste .……………………………………13 Sustainable Transport


Sustainable Materials ………………………25 Local and Sustainable Food ………………..29 Sustainable Water …………………………....33 Land Use and Wildlife ……………………..…38 Culture and Heritage


Equity and Local Economy …………………44 Health and Happiness …………………….…48 Other useful resources ………………….......51

2 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Introduction One Green Town

A guide for everyone

Whitehill Bordon has a vision of “One Green Town� - a place where the quality of life, opportunity and environment are raised for everyone.

The strategy is a guide for the community and everyone involved on the project, providing details of the actions required by different groups to make the Eco-town a success. Our experience in fostering sustainable communities shows that it requires more than just expert technical design and infrastructure provision. Sustainable communities must cultivate an atmosphere where sustainability is embedded into the culture and behaviours of all.

This strategy is about how this vision is achieved, based on input from stakeholders, local communities and a number of research studies. This strategy explains the areas that require particular focus. It also provides footprint modelling of the likely environmental impacts of residents in the future, based on different scenarios.

About BioRegional This document has been prepared by sustainability experts, BioRegional. BioRegional is an entrepreneurial charity which initiates and delivers practical solutions to help achieve more sustainable lifestyles. We work in partnership with organisations around the world, and help others to achieve sustainability through consultancy, education and informing policy.

3 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

One Planet Living Around the world, neighbourhoods, businesses and governments are responding to a changing climate and the over-consumption of natural resources. Whitehill Bordon has an opportunity to lead the way, and be a role model for others. Globally we are consuming resources and polluting the planet at a level forty per cent higher than the earth can renew or absorb. If everyone lived like a typical Whitehill Bordon resident, we would need three planets worth of resources to support us. The graphic below shows how a typical residentâ€&#x;s environmental impact breaks down.

Figure 1 The ecological footprint is a measure of the amount of land space required to meet human demand

4 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Unsustainable lifestyles are putting pressure on the Earthâ€&#x;s natural resources and cycles, which causes unwelcome and irreversible consequences. The Whitehill Bordon Ecotown will show that another way is possible and that future generations do not have to suffer the consequences of our current unsustainable consumption.

Ten principles

This strategy uses the One Planet Living framework, which is a simple, comprehensive approach to designing for sustainability. It is based on ten guiding principles as a framework for sustainability. The ten principles will help the local community and stakeholders involved in the programme to examine the sustainability challenges and develop appropriate solutions.

Figure 2 The ten One Planet Living principles

Who is responsible?

Can we get there?

Everyone has a role to play in transforming Whitehill Bordon into a pioneering green town, from local businesses, residents and community groups, to key public service providers and the Council.

Our footprint modelling shows that a one planet lifestyle is challenging and requires action across all parts of society. Whitehill Bordon will have to provide services in such a way to enable more sustainable behaviour, and residents, local businesses and community groups will have to take up these opportunities.

This is because One Planet Living involves:  Technical solutions: affordable, attractive technologies and infrastructure available to support sustainable lifestyles;  Community will: with increased awareness, enthusiasm and will-power, the community can establish a culture where sustainable behaviours are common place;  Local and national action: more green services and support provided by the local authority and national government are planned to help remove any financial, infrastructure, and other barriers to action.

By taking up all opportunities, the modelling suggests that a resident can achieve a one planet lifestyle. However this is only possible if there is the appropriate infrastructure in place (e.g. transport links and decarbonised grid) and if businesses also do their bit, achieving efficiencies of about 20% against current levels by 2036.

If you want to go quickly, go alone, if you want to go far, go together” African Proverb

5 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

As the town moves forward, the approach is to recognise and document the challenges, going as far as possible to create the right culture so that the town is adaptable and always moving on a transition towards One Planet Living lifestyles.

Figure 3 Comparative breakdown of three planet versus one planet ecological footprint.

Using the ten One Planet Living principles this document examines the changes and actions that can be taken to reduce Whitehill Bordonâ€&#x;s ecological footprint and move closer to a one planet lifestyle. The actions suggested apply to individuals within their own homes and lives but similar actions can be taken by businesses and other types of organisations operating within the town.

6 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Priorities There are five priority areas in which Whitehill Bordon would like to excel. These are energy, transport, water, biodiversity, and jobs.

3. Water

These priority areas were chosen with the community as they are considered to represent a particular challenge for the area.

Water management and availability is of increased importance, not just for the community, but also the local land and wildlife. The target is for water neutrality, this means a zero increase in water consumption levels, between now and 2036. Water is discussed further in the Sustainable Water section.

1. Carbon footprint

4. Biodiversity

The target is that the total carbon footprint from the current townâ€&#x;s energy consumption does not increase between now and 2036. As part of this, the long-term vision is that all buildings will be energy efficient and completely run on renewable energy. The overall carbon footprint is discussed across the sections; the energy strategy is discussed further in the Zero Carbon section.

2. Transport This principle is to find ways to reduce the need to travel and encourage low-carbon modes of transport, to help make our streets cleaner, safer and reduce air pollution. The target is for a maximum of 50% of journeys to be taken by car. Transport is discussed further in the Sustainable Transport section.

Whitehill Bordon supports a wide range of stunning wildlife and natural habitats. The target is to contribute to a net gain in biodiversity as well as supporting beautiful landscapes. Biodiversity is discussed further in the Land use and wildlife section.

5. Jobs The vision is for a thriving, diverse and resilient local economy, supporting fair employment, inclusive communities and international fair trade. The target is to create one new job per new home and to replace jobs after the MoDâ€&#x;s departure. The jobs strategy is discussed further in the Equity and local economy section.

7 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Zero Carbon The Zero Carbon vision is that all buildings will be energy efficient and eventually run completely from renewable energy.

households save carbon, energy and money, such as topping up insulation and installing solar panels; Zero carbon new buildings: All new homes and buildings being built with high energy efficiency measures and powered by renewables; Monitoring: This is essential to understand if the target is met.


There are now case studies all over the UK of homes that have been built or upgraded to a zero carbon standard. Each case study is different; some led by enthusiastic individuals or housing developers, others are communityled projects or funded through government grants and trusts.

Choosing the right solutions for energy involves understanding what renewable resources are available, how easy they are to implement and any knock-on effects. There is then a consideration of the financial costs against the carbon saved. This informs the roadmap for achieving carbon neutrality by 2036.

Although each home and community has different challenges, the approach is always the same: reduce energy demands as much as possible (power DOWN), then consider how to meet the remaining demands through renewables sources (power UP). Whitehill Bordon will use this approach for all buildings.


Solutions Achieving the goals for energy requires: 

An upgrade of existing homes and buildings: There are typically cost effective measures that help

8 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Energy is saved through a variety of home improvements and behavioural actions. There is an abundance of free support available from organisations such as the Energy Saving Trust. This can help people explore the feasibility of different energy saving solutions, from increasing insulation to better behaviours, such as turning all appliances off when not in use.

What’s happening already? Already, there is a local initiative promoting energy efficiency within existing buildings through free loft and cavity wall insulation. In addition, interest free loans for the installation of other energy generating measures, such as photovoltaic solar panels were offered until March 2011. There are also national schemes such as the Feed-in Tariff and Renewable Heat Incentive to support the uptake of renewables. The Green Deal will also be launched at the end of 2012. What needs to happen? Future funding and projects are necessary to meet our vision and these will need to be led by a variety of groups, as well as home owners taking actions themselves. Through a comprehensive retrofit strategy, the Eco-town will help sign-post residents and community groups towards opportunities that help finance home energy improvements. Particular focus will be given to:   

Providing energy saving tips and raising awareness of the importance of saving energy Insulation including non-traditional types of housing Draught-proofing

 

Energy efficient boilers Highly energy efficient windows

Case study: Peckham Power Peckham Power, based in London, is a volunteerdriven group that help people - no matter what their income - to generate and to use energy sustainably. Ongoing projects include regular informal conversations to share experiences, free practical draught-busting workshops, a power meter project, and an online map of local renewables. The future ambition is to help people solve their energy problems, use energy efficiently, and to set up community-owned microgeneration for all in Peckham and Nunhead.

9 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

New buildings New buildings will have significantly reduced energy demands. High thermal performance will reduce the need for heating and cooling; basic energy efficient appliances will be provided or recommended for new homes; and homes will make effective use of natural light to help residents save electricity. To guarantee these savings, new homes should aim to be built to achieve the highest energy performance credits under the Code for Sustainable Homes, and nondomestic buildings built to BREEAM Excellent level.

POWERUP  The future of how the energy demand will evolve and how it will be supplied in Whitehill Bordon is uncertain at this stage. It will depend on a number of factors such as the standard to which the new buildings will be developed to and existing buildings retrofitted to, and the types of solutions that are put forward. In any case, if the town wants to achieve the carbon neutrality target, the increase in population will mean that energy provision will rely significantly on efficient distribution and on renewable and low-carbon technologies. The options that are suggested to be investigated further by the

10 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Energy Feasibility Study include the development of a smart grid, the production of biomethane from biomass or waste treatment, the integration of heat network connecting the town centre and other high heat users, and the use of renewable or low carbon technologies such as heat pumps, solar photovoltaics or solar thermal. The use of large-scale wind turbines could also be considered. Potential savings Figure 3 shows the savings that can be made to an individual‟s home energy footprint. It is estimated that behaviour change can provide up to a 20% saving in energy consumption and home improvements another 25%. After that, a green energy grid is required to increase savings to 65%. In comparison and assuming a similar behaviour, a resident living in a new build „zero carbon‟ Code 6 home would have an energy footprint of just 5% of an average resident in a current home in Whitehill Bordon.

how much energy you are using, when youâ€&#x;re using it, and how much it is costing you. 2. Insulation. The recommended depth for loft insulation is 27 cm and walls should also have either cavity wall or solid wall insulation. It also helps to eliminate all draughts and try and have windows that keep the warmth in. These actions will save you money in the long run and can make your home more comfortable. They must be completed before considering renewables.

Figure 3 Eco footprint savings in existing and new homes

When averaged across the whole of the Eco-town, a mixture of retrofitting and efficient new build homes will lead to an 80% reduction per capita in the energy portion of the ecological footprint.

What can you do?

1. Use less energy. This involves thinking about everything that uses energy in your home. Ask yourself, can I turn anything off? Am I using the most efficient appliances? This can be a big and complex action to get right. If you are unsure about what is using energy, talk to the Energy Savings Trust or try out an energy monitor – these tell you

3. Check you have an efficient boiler. Boilers account for around 60% of the carbon dioxide emissions in a gas heated home. Fitting a high efficiency condensing boiler can make a big difference to your heating bills. Boilers are rated A-G, where A-rated boilers are 90% efficient and G boilers are less than 70% efficient. 4. Switch to a green energy supplier. Green energy suppliers take the money you spend on your energy bills and turn it into new sources of green energy. This way you can be assured that your energy consumption comes from a renewable source in the UK. There are now a few suppliers of green energy and you can compare them using the Green Electricity Marketplace: 5. Help your friends, family and neighbours. Done some or all of the above? Then you should be an expert and

11 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

have valuable knowledge to help your friends, family and neighbours.

Targets   

By 2020, all existing homes will be retrofitted with appropriate energy efficiency measures; By 2025, all existing homes with appropriate roofs will be equipped with solar panels; Campaigns will be run across the town to encourage uptake of the Green Deal and to maintain awareness on levels of energy consumption. No net increase in buildings„ energy consumption between now and 2036.

Monitoring A log of all reported energy efficiency improvements to buildings (homes and businesses) could be created, based on offers or promotions taken and on voluntary reporting from residents and businesses. It will allow the

12 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

estimation of the CO2 savings that have been achieved from logged improvements. Data collected by East Hampshire District Council would belong to them as long as data protection protocols have been followed. A Retrofitting Strategy for the Whitehill Bordon is currently under development. This will provide more detail on reducing energy demand and improving the energy efficiency of existing housing. Interim targets and measures will be included in the strategy to ensure the 2020 target is reached. The total building related energy consumption for the whole town should be monitored using Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Sub-National Energy Consumption Statistics.

Zero Waste The zero waste vision is for a future where resources are used efficiently, waste levels are close to zero and ultimately, zero waste is sent to landfill.



Whitehill Bordon will ensure infrastructure exists to enable all homes in Whitehill Bordon to follow the waste hierarchy, and promote the simple “reduce, reuse and recycle� message.

Waste management in Whitehill Bordon will be designed around the waste hierarchy, prioritising waste prevention first, then re-use, recycling and composting, before energy recovery and lastly disposal to landfill. East Hampshire sends a small proportion of its waste to landfill, however improvements can be brought along the higher steps of the waste hierarchy. By embedding this approach into the community, waste is valued as a resource, rather than a problem. AVOID REUSE RECYCLE ENERGY LANDFILL

Figure 4 The waste hierarchy

Avoid and reduce: Projects that promote reuse are encouraged and will be promoted. Recycling: Recycling reduces the need to use virgin materials and saves energy required to extract and process raw materials. In closed-loop recycling, materials are put back into the same or equivalent application substituting for virgin materials. The infrastructure will enable high degrees of recycling across the town. Initially, the town should be assessed to ensure recycling points are adequately dispersed, allowing for a wide range of materials to be recycled. All new buildings will have suitable facilities for the storage and segregation of recyclables. Composting facilities will enable householders to generate material from green waste that can be used in town gardens and allotments. Energy from waste: this is covered in the Zero Carbon section.

13 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Where will our waste go? Each person generates around half a tonne of waste each year. This quantity has been declining slowing since 2006 and it is hoped this trend will continue with increased reuse and sharing of resources1. The graphic below summarises the proposed strategy for waste management that aims to significantly reduce the waste sent to landfill.

Paper, plastics and metal Current situation: Co-mingled into fortnightly kerbside collection, taken 15km to Alton for sorting, then sent for recycling across the UK/overseas. Proposal: consider increasing frequency to weekly collection and adding additional recycling points


Organics Current situation: Unless composted by the home owner, organic waste is collected with residual waste and sent to an Energy from Waste Plant in Portsmouth. Proposals: increased residential and community composting, with an aim to set up a food waste collection, sending the food waste to anaerobic digesters to generate energy and agricultural products.

Current situation: Some facilities available to recycle textiles and batteries. Proposal: additional recycling points and facilities and services for materials not currently recycled. This includes books and CD banks, clothing, appliances, batteries. There is also potential to expand the furniture re-use project and establish a new electrical repair and recycling project.


One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Promoting composting There are many schemes and services across the UK that are helping people to start composting. Many projects promote composting to residents through education, guidance and subsidised compost bins. One popular scheme that is used in a number of regions is the Master Compostersâ€&#x; scheme. This is a project that harnesses volunteers to encourage people in their local community to start composting at home. There are now 34 Master Composter Coordinators working on schemes across the UK. To find out more, visit:

Glass Current situation: Monthly kerbside collection. Taken 34km to Basingstoke. Proposal: consider increasing the frequency of glass collection in line with the paper, plastics and metal collection. Also explore expansion of the Alton recycling facility to reduce distance travelled for glass.

1. Defra (2011). Household waste and recycling in the UK. Available at:

Business waste Business waste is currently managed by private, commercial waste companies. To increase the availability and affordability of business recycling, commercial waste companies may need to be guided and advised. If business recycling rates are not increasing on a trend towards 80% by 2016, then the Eco-town will need to adapt the strategy and try a new approach to incentivise recycling in businesses. Waste in construction The approach to construction waste will include application of a Reuse - Deconstruct - Demolish hierarchy, meaning waste from existing buildings will be retained and reused in situ wherever possible. Best practice standards in waste minimisation during construction will be promoted and employed. The target is for 95% of waste by weight generated by construction and demolition will be reclaimed or recycled.

What can you do? Reduce: Reducing the waste that you generate is the most important action you can do. It is possible to do this by thinking carefully about what you buy or pick up and considering how long it will last. Choosing goods that cost more but last longer might actually save money in the long term. Finally, you can reduce waste by giving away your unwanted items to others rather than letting them become a waste item. This can be done through charity shops or websites such as eBay or Freecycle. Reuse: By being creative, many items can be used for different purposes. For example, glass jars used for storage or decoration, books can be given to friends or even made into furniture, computers can be donated or upgraded, furniture can be reused or repaired, and printers can be set up to print on both sides to save paper. Recycle: This is about buying recycled materials and making sure the waste you canâ€&#x;t reuse goes to a place where the material will be processed into a usable resource again. If you have any questions about what you can recycle or how to recycle, contact East Hampshire District Council or visit:

15 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon


their waste and developing their own waste management plans,

For homes:

For construction, a zero waste to landfill should be targeted.

1. Waste reduction: Based on the waste data from other countries, a reasonable target for annual waste generation per person in Whitehill Bordon is 510 kg. This is equivalent to an approximate 10% reduction in waste. 2. 70% recycling rate: With the infrastructure available, participation in recycling will be encouraged through education and campaigns. If, by 2016, monitored levels across Whitehill Bordon are not increasing on a trend towards 70%, then the town will adapt the strategy to trial new approaches to incentivise recycling in the area. For businesses: Waste profiles vary significantly between different types of businesses so it is difficult to apply one rate for all. For example, offices can generally achieve high recycling rates because their waste has high proportions of paper and card. This might not be the case for a manufacturing business. Instead of a specific target, businesses will be encouraged to adopt a waste management plan. WRAP have many resources available on their website to help guide businesses through the process of managing

16 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Recycling: What’s possible? Recycling rates in East Hampshire are typical for the UK. Last year 38% of total household waste was recycled, composted or reused. The areas with the highest household recycling rates in the UK now recycle over 60% of waste. Case studies from across Europe demonstrate that this is achievable: with recycling rates of 64% in Germany, 62% in Belgium, and 60% in the Netherlands2. References: 1 Defra (2011), Local authority annual waste statistics. Available at: Lets Recycle (2009), UK achieves ninth best recycling rate in Europe. Available at: 2

Monitoring Domestic waste – the local waste authority can monitor both total waste (including recycling) and recycling rates. Business and non residential waste – monitor or survey the number of businesses adopting a waste management plan. WRAP can help individual organisations develop their own waste management plans. Collection of data from these plans would be based on a voluntary reporting regime instituted by East Hampshire District Council. Construction waste – monitor through compulsory Site Waste Management Plans.

17 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Sustainable Transport This is about reducing the need to travel and encouraging low carbon modes of transport. This will make our streets cleaner, safer and reduce air pollution.


This breakdown varies significantly from person to person and activities such as long haul flights and purchasing a car will dramatically increase a personâ€&#x;s travel footprint. Research in Whitehill Bordon suggests that currently, 51% of all trips are made internal to the town, and of these, 64% of trips are made by private car, with only 4% by public transport2.

Without any action, the increase in population and job provision will inevitably increase transport movements. The challenge for a sustainable transport strategy is to promote a shift towards sustainable transport modes without inhibiting these movements. This can be done by providing the supporting infrastructure as well as incentives and education so that people are equipped to make sustainable choices.

Transport ecological footprint breakdown Total: 1 gha

Transport footprints Transport is a quarter of the average personâ€&#x;s total ecological footprint in East Hampshire and Figure 5 shows how this breaks down1. Vehicles are the largest component in this breakdown.

Total: 1 gha

Figure 5 Ecological footprint breakdown for transport (gha= global hectares)


Data supplied by REAP for East Hampshire. Specific data for Whitehill Bordon is not available; however it is likely that transport impacts are of similar significance.

18 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon


Hampshire County Council (2011), Travel Assessment: key findings report.

Solutions Encouraging sustainable transport requires provision of good infrastructure, incentives, as well as new public transport services. The solutions promote a shift towards less reliance on the car and a reduction in vehicle emissions. These solutions are not unique to Whitehill Bordon but an integral part of the UKâ€&#x;s Low Carbon Transition Plan, a detailed plan that plots how the UK will meet a 34% cut in emissions on 1990 levels by 20203. Reducing the need to travel The first option considered in the sustainable transport strategy will be reducing the need to travel. Here, local job provision4 and local amenities are vital in helping residents travel less. The emerging transport strategy5 promotes co-locating facilities with the population so


DECC, (2009), The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan. Available at: 4 Increasing local job provision is covered in the Equity and Local Economy principle. 5 Whitehill Bordon: Emerging Transport Strategy, (2010), Hampshire County Council

that as much as possible is within walking and cycling distance. Promoting car-free lifestyles The most forward thinking One Planet Communities 6 have transport strategies that recognise a tipping-point of car ownership, and design to create a context where people donâ€&#x;t make the critical decision to buy a car. Once someone has bought a car and paid its fixed costs, it can be more convenient to use it rather than walk, cycle or use public transport. The objective to reduce car mileage is then harder to achieve as possession is nine-tenths of the problem. The Eco-town will not be anti-car for the sake of it; for many, cars represent freedom and convenience. At the same time, cars have a detrimental effect on the health and community and One Planet lifestyles are only attainable if car use is minimised. Therefore a balanced approach will aim to promote alternatives as much as possible. Shifting car dependence is perceived to be one of the most difficult tasks in Whitehill Bordon, but if done


One Planet Communities are a network of exemplary new build communities across the world.

19 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

systematically over a number of years, it can go hand in hand with a change in lifestyle and a change in the way people organise their lives. The Emerging Transport Strategy promotes car-free lifestyles through: 

Smarter Choices. This includes Personalised Journey Planning, Information Systems, Travel Plans and incentives Construction of ‘Commercial Street’ - removing through-traffic from the town centre.

Cycling will also be promoted by having cycle parking that is secure, prominent, widespread and located to offer a priority over car parking, and traffic free cycle paths. For the new build, innovative street design will incorporate the latest design guidance to ensure streets are multi-functioning „places‟ which allow for safe and easy access for all modes. The Green Infrastructure Strategy and further community consultation will explore ways to make walking and cycling more attractive.

Walking and cycling more attractive Community feedback from workshops has highlighted the lack of clear cycle routes within the town. The emerging transport strategy 7aims to improve this by creating a new walking and cycling route called the Green Loop, which connects homes with natural green spaces, schools and sports facilities. Town-wide walking and cycling routes will also interconnect with subregional links to local destinations.


Whitehill Bordon Emerging Transport Strategy March 2010 Hampshire County Council.

20 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Figure 6 Loaning free cycle trailers is a scheme being trialled by Waitrose to encourage cycle shopping

Low-carbon vehicles Similarly to building energy performance certificate, vehicles have an environmental rating system where the most efficient vehicles emit less than 100 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre (gCO2/km). These cars are not mainstream yet but an increasing number of manufacturers make them.

target of 95 gCO2/km by 20208. For Whitehill Bordon Ecotown to lead the way, low emission vehicles emitting under 100 gCO2/km will be encouraged through awareness and education. In the future, electric cars offer an opportunity to support zero carbon transport9 and this market should be stimulated through provision of electric charge points. Car parking A car parking strategy is being developed that will consider how to manage the future car demands across the town. A series of „car-free‟ and „car-reduced zones‟ within the town are suggested, with innovative approaches to residential parking will be introduced to maximise efficiency of parking provision and minimise land requirements. Car clubs

From 2012, the target for average emissions from new cars sold in Europe will be 130 gCO2/km, with a further

Car clubs help households to reduce their reliance on cars, without having to give them up completely. This can be an essential aid for some people to drive less,


DECC (2009), The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan. When using electricity produced from renewable energy technologies 9

21 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

and reduce the impacts related to the manufacture, production and maintenance of cars. It also can save significant amounts of money, particularly for residents that only use their car for occasional journeys. Provision of a reliable car club, available for all should be established. A simple consultation that provides residents with the car club options, such as location and numbers, will also help ensure the design meets the expected demand. Car clubs can also help promote the aspiration for increasing the number of low-carbon vehicles in the town. Public transport provision

Bus services will be given priority through street design measures, and consideration for hybrid, fuel cell or alternative fuel vehicles are being taken. There is also a clear desire to reinstate a rail link for travelling in and out of the town, and this is being considered in a rail feasibility study. Potential savings Ecological footprint modelling shows that a range of measures could enable residents to reduce their impact by over one half. This assumes modal shifts as targeted in the draft masterplan, reduced car ownership from use of the car club, increased ownership of electric cars, plus a 25% reduction in overall distance travelled due to local jobs, walkable neighbourhoods and more local holidays.

The process of identifying a suitable public transport strategy identified the need for10:  Four new local bus services with stops accessible within a 400m walk of any part of the town, each converging at a central transport hub;  Regular services at least every 10 minutes with realtime passenger information systems;  Rapid public transport services to principal employment destinations Figure 7 Ecological footprint of transport 10

Whitehill Bordon: Draft Masterplan (2011).

22 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

What you can do? There are a range of actions residents and local businesses can take to support sustainable travel: 

    

Peer-to-peer car sharing: Residents can use car sharing schemes such as Whip Car that enables them to borrow and loan cars in their neighbourhood. Businesses can also enable car sharing for their employees; Lift share: This service is a way to connect with local people to offer/receive lifts. Affordable bicycles: Can be offered by businesses through the Cycle-to-Work scheme, and providing changing rooms and basic bicycle tools; Drive less, move more: Consider the alternatives and perhaps some new routes, combine trips, or sharing food shopping. Walk to school: Parents and schools can get free resources here: Join a campaign: There are lots of ways to make yourself heard, this might be through a local or national transport campaign. The Campaign for Better Transport is a great place to start: Find out about cycle maintenance and training: Cycle maintenance and training are becoming a popular way to provide people with the confidence

to cycle. To find out more, visit or The following are useful resources for low-carbon travel:   

Sustrans: For finding out about sustainable transport in the UK. Loco2: A useful rail journey planner for Europe: The man in seat 61: An exceptional resource and guide for finding out the alternatives to flying:

Targets   

Achieve a maximum of 50% of journeys to be made by private cars by 2036. Reduce car ownership Increase No. of electric cars

23 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Monitoring 



Bi-annual census surveys and periodic multimodal travel surveys will enable monitoring of total travel demand, modal split and shift, and make estimations of transport related carbon emissions Data collection from cameras monitoring through traffic and traffic generation; cycle counters installed on the Green Grid and around the town; bus service companies; car clubs and car share scheme Monitor car ownership through the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency

The 5 minute living concept at Sonoma Mountain Village

Sonoma Mountain Village, in USA, is a One Planet Community currently under construction that uses the same approach to sustainability as Whitehill Bordon. The exindustrial site will house 5,000 people in 1,900 new homes, and provide 4,400 new jobs. The village is built around a town square and the community is planned to ensure every resident is no more than a fiveminute walk to the cinema, groceries, restaurants, offices, day care and shops offering local, sustainable, and fair trade products and services. A rail link has also been extended to enable residents and visitors to travel sustainability in and out of the town. Streets are narrow and sidewalks are wide, so kids can walk to school and safely play in the streets. With other behaviour change incentives to drive less, residents at Sonoma Mountain Village will have an 82% reduction in vehicle emissions compared to the average Californian lifestyle.

24 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Sustainable Materials The vision is a town where all goods and materials used - for construction or consumer goods - are made from renewable or waste resources with low embodied energy and, wherever possible, sourced locally.

This is not easily done from a developer‟s point-of-view, but may be promoted by highlighting elements of the design where reuse has occurred. Key partners and businesses can also lead by example, particularly by embedding this principle deeply into their business purchases and construction activities.


During construction

When thinking about environmental impacts, it‟s easy to forget all of the impacts that occur when making the things we buy. Every product has a history – from materials extraction, manufacturing, to where it ends up at the end of its life. A typical Whitehill Bordon resident buys consumer goods that account for 12 per cent of their ecological footprint each year.

Solutions There is an opportunity to help the local community understand more, and purchase sustainable materials that are reliable and long-lasting – made from renewable and low-impact resources.

The UK construction sector is the largest consumer of materials and 30% of all UK road freight is transporting building materials. Therefore it is important to consider what materials are used in the design of the Eco-town. The approach is to prioritise construction materials that are low impact, durable, local and reclaimed. A number of buildings have already been identified for reuse, to minimise the impact of construction, and also preserve the heritage of the town. The embodied carbon of materials should be considered throughout the design and construction process however decisions also have to be made about the cost, quality and performance of a material over its lifetime. There are often tensions between the different factors and where difficult decisions have to be made, there should be a clear decision making process for choosing the right system.

25 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Footprint modelling Modelling of possible savings in ecological footprint shows that it could be possible to reduce the footprint by nearly one half through behaviour change measures. To do this, it is assumed that certain measures could reduce the need for purchase of new goods and therefore reduce footprint. For example, if a more durable washing machine is bought and lasts 7.5 years instead of just 5 years, its footprint would be reduced by one third. Household appliances, clothing, and furniture could be more durable or repaired to extend their life. More goods such as power tools could be hired, and many items can be purchased second hand from charity shops or freecycle. We have not modelled the impact of building materials here, as it is more useful to consider embodied carbon, rather than ecological footprint. It is known that the materials used to build an average house are likely to have caused the emission of about 56 tonnes of carbon dioxide. This can be significantly reduced through measures such as reducing waste on site, using reclaimed or recycled materials, and choosing low impact materials. Figure 8 shows how the ecological footprint of consumer goods diminishes when these goods are repaired instead of thrown away or even bought second hand.

26 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Figure 8 Ecological footprint of consumer goods

What can you do? When you buy goods and materials, think about how long it will last. This is particularly relevant in the materials for home improvements such as carpets, kitchens, paints and furniture. If goods and materials we buy last for a long time, then our consumption footprint improves.

Reuse services There are many services that promote reuse, these include: charity shops, salvage yards, community jumble

sales and online sharing services such as Ecomodo, Freecycle and Gumtree. There are also opportunities for new services such as reuse centres that support local jobs. The Economic Development and Employment Strategy will seek to encourage green growth in this area (see Equity and Local Economy). The Furniture Helpline, located in Bordon, provides second hand furniture and household items. essid=49 Bricks and Bread Sustainable Living Centre also has a furniture waste re-use centre.

Bright Sparks makes it easy for people to reuse, repair or recycle their electrical items thus reducing the large quantities that still end up on landfill sites. It also provides affordable household appliances to the residents of Islington and vocational training for those out of work. An important part of the service is making it convenient for the public to use. Ten collection points for donated electrical appliances are dotted around the Borough, there is a shop that people can visit either to buy reuse items and/or drop off items either to be repaired or donated. In the first three months, the project recruited 10 trainees and volunteers, reused 329 items through sales at Bright Sparks Shop, collected 1,156 items for repair, reuse or recycling and engaged 1,226 individuals either for donations, repairs, reuse or enquiries through Bright Sparks shop. This scheme is Londonâ€&#x;s first domestic appliance repair service and is expected to be a model for other Councils. It is funded by Islington Council and run by a third sector partnership led by London Community Resource Network with social enterprise DigiBridge CIC. For more information, visit

27 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Case study: Building BedZED BedZED is a mixed-use development in South London, completed in 2002. It comprises of 99 homes and 3,000m2 of commercial space. As well as making it easy for residents and offices to reduce their environmental impacts, the building itself was constructed largely using low impact building materials. A local sourcing policy meant that 52% of the materials were sourced within 35 miles, with the average distance being 67 miles (40 miles less than the national average). This helped save 120 tonnes of carbon emissions. The local sourcing policy did not incur any extra costs and required no specialist expertise. There was also an emphasis to reuse and recycle materials. BedZED sourced 3,400 tonnes of reclaimed and recycled materials, 15% of the total materials. All of the recycled and reclaimed materials used were either cheaper than the conventional option or the same price. For more information, visit

28 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Local and sustainable food The One Planet vision is one where people are able to eat diets high in local and seasonal produce, as well as healthy diets higher in vegetable protein and lower in animal protein.

Context Food is much more than the energy source that keeps us going, it shapes our health, wellbeing and mood, and brings us together as families and community. The food supply chain is extensive and what we eat is responsible for a quarter of a typical Whitehill Bordon resident‟s eco-footprint. Our footprint modelling and experience suggests that it is possible to reduce the ecological footprint of food by around half, by reducing meat and dairy consumption, eating local, seasonal produce, and reducing food waste. The model assumes that a resident virtually eliminates their food waste, switches to a low meat diet, grows one third of own fruit and veg and also switches to local, seasonal and low packaged food.

Figure 9 The ecological footprint of food

Solutions The existing community and project partners will aspire to promote sustainable food by:  

Actively seeking retailers and projects that commit to supporting residents in buying affordable local food; Ensuring flexible space is provided to enable small food markets. This enables surrounding farmers and food networks to sell local, affordable and seasonal

29 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

   

produce (this could include the selling of excess local production from allotments and food trading); Providing space for, and encouraging food growing (including keeping of chickens) Planting edible plants and fruit trees in communal areas; Providing information on sustainable and healthy diets to residents and highlighting where residents can purchase this on-site; Avoiding food waste as much as possible, by promoting ensuring distribution of food near its sellby-date. (The Zero Waste section considers dealing with food waste through composting and anaerobic digestion).

Food growing Food growing will be integrated into the new build sites and parts of the town where appropriate through allotments provision (16 new allotments have been started since the beginning of the project) and strategies will be put in place to enable and encourage residents to take up food growing onsite.

30 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Case study: The Veg Van One Planet Food is an exciting project invigorating local food in Sutton. The project was set up in response to increasing concerns about food, health and carbon emissions. The project includes a new community farm, a local food network, food growing training and the Veg Van. The Veg Van is a refurbished old milkfloat that sells fruit and vegetables at a number of locations each week. It sells local produce, including produce from the community farm, all at competitive prices. Independent monitoring revealed that customers of the Veg Van have increased social interaction, are eating more fruit and vegetables, and that £1 spent at the Veg Van creates £2.60 for the local economy (compared to £1.40 if spent in a local supermarket).

What can you do? and trends are showing that people in the UK are starting to eat less meat11. This can help reduce the strain on local resources and encourage more healthy, balanced diets.

There is no shortage of top tips from friends, family and celebrity chefs about eating high quality, tasty food. Most famous chefs such as Jamie Oliver, also say it‟s important to understand where our food comes from, and ensure it comes from a sustainable resource.

Eat with the seasons. Each fruit or vegetable has a prime time when it‟s at its seasonal best. That means extra flavour, extra crunch and extra juiciness, and less food miles as you can buy what is in season locally. /07/

Buy organic. Organic farms support much greater levels of biodiversity than non-organic agriculture, as well as having less reliance on oil-dependent fertilisers. However, they are often more expensive than conventional products. Several companies offer organic vegetable and fruit boxes delivered to your door at a competitive price (compared

In Whitehill Bordon this is particularly important, as food accounts for over a quarter of the average person‟s ecofootprint. Here are some tips and ideas:  Grow your own. Growing your own fruit and vegetables is rewarding and healthy. It‟s a popular activity that can be done in shared spaces and allotments if you don‟t have a garden.  Love Food, Hate Waste. People in the UK throw away around one third of the food they buy. A national Love Food Hate Waste campaign was launched and has lots of ideas and advice on how to waste less food:  Eat less meat and dairy. Meat and dairy requires more land and water to produce than other foods


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAOSTAT on-line statistical service (FAO, Rome, 2004). Available online at:

31 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

to organic products in supermarkets); else there are often organic options in shops. 

Cook more. By cooking yourself using fresh produce, you will eat better quality and healthier food and you will also save money. Join the slow food movement to give food its right place at the heart of the family life and of your community.

Bigger actions: There is scope in Whitehill Bordon for community food projects, involving shared allotment spaces for use by the community and schools, and organised local food events and cooking lessons to promote local producers. These are an excellent way to build community cohesion, at the same time as reducing the carbon emissions associated with the transportation of food.

32 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Incredible Edible Todmorden The Incredible Edible Todmorden community project began with no funding, no strategy, and no charters or documents, just enthusiastic residents planting herbs and vegetables around the town. Now, all schools in the town are involved in the project, creating more and more raised beds. A herb garden and community orchard has been established. Public landowners have also donated land and funded over 500 fruit trees and berry bushes. Local cafes and market stalls are selling and advertising local produce and the town is creating a fish farm. Compared with 18 months ago, a third more people in Todmorden now grow their own veg; almost seven in 10 now buy local produce regularly, and 15 times as many people are keeping chickens.

Sustainable water Buildings will be designed and upgraded to use water efficiently; and the town will manage water in such a way as to support healthy land-use, avoid local flooding and avoid pollution to watercourses.

Context With the townâ€&#x;s increased population, sustainable water management and water availability is of increased importance in Whitehill Bordon, not just for the community, but also the local land and wildlife. Climate change is also affecting patterns of seasonal rainfall in the region, which will add to the water scarcity issues12. The detailed Water Cycle Study has identified that there are sufficient water resources in the locality of the town 12 which can sustain the increased development , however a number of water management measures are required at the domestic, neighbourhood and townscale to reduce water demand and ensure that this has no adverse impacts on the local environment. Greater management of the water resources available to the

town may also contribute to energy savings due to the potential reduction in the consumption of heated water. How much water do we use? The average person in the UK consumes 150 litres of water per day and Figure 10 shows how this breaks down. With water efficient technologies and best practice behaviour, it is possible for people to use half this amount.

Solutions The recycling and treatment of waste water within new build developments will help enable current rates of groundwater abstraction (used for potable water supply) to remain at existing levels. The other opportunities in the town under consideration are:  Fitting of water efficiency devices and prompting a change in behaviour towards water use


Whitehill Bordon: Detailed Water Cycle Study. Peter Brett Associates LLP (2011).

33 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

 Connection of homes to a green water distribution network13 to ensure continuity of potable and nonpotable water supply;  Installation of a new waste water treatment facility incorporating both black water, rain water and grey 13 water treatment ;  Rolling out innovative water metering programmes across the town;  Connection of the surface water drainage system with a rainwater collection system to supplement the green water supply;  Creation of an inset water management company (e.g. Town Water Company) to oversee the ownership, operation and maintenance of water services.

Homes. Non-domestic buildings will also be built for best practice water efficiency and water consumption monitoring. The BREEAM building standard will help define best practice.

New buildings: will be built to have significantly reduced water consumption, so that through a combination of water efficient appliances, rainwater harvesting, grey water systems and best practice behaviour, it will be possible for residents to use less than 80 litres per person per day. This target is possible when building to the highest water standards in the Code for Sustainable

The town will implement a Sustainable urban Drainage System (SuDS) to help control water run-off and manage the ground water on the site. Technical studies on water and green infrastructure recommend the following options:


Green water: water that has been treated to a quality suitable for provision as a non-potable supply. Grey water: waste water generated from domestic activities such as laundry, dishwashing, and bathing. Black water: waste water that contains faecal matter and urine.

34 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Existing buildings: The Eco-town will aim to help residents understand how to take easy steps to save water, such as installing water butts and fitting water efficient devices. As this develops, water projects and campaigns should also be devised to help support retrofitting of homes, promoting best practice and encourage a step change in peoples attitude towards water. This includes installing measures recommended in Figure 10. Sustainable urban drainage

Green roofs to help reduce surface water run-off from buildings. Green roofs also have the added benefit of promoting natural habitats and biodiversity in the town, having both an insulative and cooling effect on buildings depending on the season and creating additional spaces for leisure and food growing. These are only applicable for certain roof pitches that can support the structure.

 Natural drainage paths that collect, absorb, treat and store water to reduce flood risk and the need for mechanical treatment.  Porous paving so water is absorbed into the ground, returning to the natural water table. Renovating the front garden is an opportunity to integrate porous paving.

Water treatment The Bordon Sewage Treatment Works is expected to be expanded on its existing site to process waste water from the additional population. There may be an opportunity for co-digestion, by supplementing the sludge from waste water with food waste collected from the town.

35 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

What can you do? TAPS: Many taps can be fitted with flow regulators so that they deliver exactly the water required, reducing wastage. These are very cheap and widely available.

WASHING MACHINES: it is now possible to choose models that use less water but still gets your clothes clean. A Which? Survey found that the most water efficient machines use around 31 litres per wash, and the least efficient use 59 litres. Washing full loads also helps save energy.

In kitchens, pull-out rinser taps help save water by giving a high pressure directional flow that helps clean dishes quickly and efficiently.

HIPPOS or Save-a-Flush can reduce the water used in existing inefficient toilets. EFFICIENT TOILET FLUSHES can either use 2/4 litres or 4/6 litres per flush and can be fed from a rain water harvesting system.

36 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

WATER EFFICIENT SHOWERS use about 8 litres per minute. Comparatively, some inefficient showers can use up to 50 litres per minute! Our advice is to have short showers, and choose efficient designs: either aerated shower heads or with flow restrictors. These still give a comfortable high pressure wash. WATER BUTTS are an easy way to help residents collect rainwater which can be used in the garden. Figure 10 Taking action on water consumption

Targets 

 

Achieve an 80l/per person/per day water consumption in all new homes (to include as part of planning requirements); Retrofit all existing homes with water efficient measures and encourage behaviour change; Achieve overall a zero increase in water consumption levels, between now and 2036.

Hydrological monitoring should be used to ensure water neutrality and no adverse lowering of the water table.

Monitoring 

Create a log to record how many homes are retrofitted with water efficient appliances, and estimate the corresponding water savings. The” Save Water Swindon”campaign has developed a database to collect numbers of devices fitted and uses the Waterwise evidence base document to calculate likely savings for each device., stage_in_the_uk/research/ ml

37 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Land use and wildlife The vision at Whitehill Bordon is to contribute to a net Gain in wildlife biodiversity as well as supporting beautiful landscapes.


Whitehill Bordon is surrounded by beautiful countryside that contains a wide variety of species and which includes some designated ecological sites. It is also close to the South Downs National Park. With the doubling in size of the town by 2036, it is essential that measures are undertaken to ensure that this unique natural environment is protected. The Green Infrastructure Strategy and the Local Biodiversity Action Plan identify how this can be done.

Solutions Forty percent of the Eco-townâ€&#x;s total area will be green space, of which at least half will be public. Significant amounts of green space is not only important for protecting and preserving local biodiversity, it also supports sustainable water management and promotes opportunities for community use.

38 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

A network of high-quality open spaces, green spaces and green and blue corridors is proposed in the Green Infrastructure Strategy. Stakeholder consultation also proposed that improvements to green and blue infrastructure should occur in the existing town. What is green and blue infrastructure? Green and blue infrastructure includes parks and gardens, heathland, woodland and wetland habitats, green roofs, trees, river systems and ponds. These help provide a variety of habitats to support the increase of terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity. Protecting surrounding sites Whitehill Bordon is fortunate to be surrounded by exceptional natural habitats and wildlife that are European protected. One of the solutions to protect these habitats is to create alternative green space for public access, taking pressure off these designated sites. Wildlife corridors These are north-south green corridors, which will provide a range of habitats, helping to achieve the target of a net gain in biodiversity.

New habitats In an urban environment, there are a number of ways to attract and promote wildlife. Local priority species are identified in the Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP). These include species such as the stag beetle, house sparrow, hedgehog and bumble bee. The Eco-town will use: 

 

Trees, shrubs and hedgerow, selected to complement existing wildlife and support new habitats. For example, certain trees attract certain types of birds and invertebrates. Bird and bat boxes to support nesting. Blue corridors to support wetland and water borne plants and animals.

The green loop The green loop is a major new walking and cycling route looping around the town, connecting the natural green spaces of Hogmoor Inclosure, Deadwater Valley, Bordon Inclosure and Standford Grange Farm with schools, sports facilities and homes.

What can you do? The land and wildlife around Whitehill Bordon is one of the most important assets of the town and everyone plays a part in helping to protect it. The following tips provide some actions that local residents and community groups can do to help boost biodiversity and protect the local environment: In your garden:  Garden to attract wildlife. Methods for doing this include leaving an undisturbed area of your garden, putting in feeders, baths and nesting boxes, and drilling holes in pruned branches and logs to provide insects with shelter and nesting space. If you want to find out more the RSPB have lots of useful tips, visit:  Use peat-free compost. Garden products containing peat contribute to the destruction of peat bogs that are vital for biodiversity, carbon storage and flood risk management. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) estimate that by using peat, British gardeners release almost half a million tonnes of locked up CO2 into the atmosphere every year. (Consultation on the horticultural use of peat in England, December 2007, Defra)

39 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

 Garden with native plants to attract wildlife. Using plants that grow naturally in Whitehill Bordon is the best option for wildlife-friendly gardening and will help attract all kinds of creatures. The Natural History Museum website has a special Postcode Plants Database14 to help you know what to plant.  Pesticides and fertilisers. The use of pesticides should be avoided. Other approaches, such as cultivation practices, encouraging or introducing natural enemies, can have a useful role in tackling certain pests, diseases and weed problems. Fertilisers should be used carefully, and fertilizers of organic origin used in preference to inorganic manufactured fertilizers (which have greater potential for leaching and contaminating waterways and ground water). Visit for further guidance.  Get composting. Turning your food and garden waste into compost helps to return important nutrients back to the soil and is better for the environment than landfill. Compost is also very useful in the garden for growing food.  Collar the cat! A correctly fitted collar and bell can reduce the number of birds killed by cats. (For safety reasons, the collar must have a section of elastic to avoid the risk of strangulation!)


Available at:

40 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

In the community:  Volunteer with a local wildlife or conservation group. This is also a great way to keep fit and make friends. British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) and the Wildlife Trust have a number of volunteering opportunities. Other local arganisations to contact include: Deadwater Valley Trust, National Trust and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust.  Enjoy the local nature and wildlife responsibly. Make sure you follow the Countryside Code, e.g. don‟t leave litter or pick specimens of plants and keep to paths as much as possible. In your purchases:  Buy FSC certified paper and wood. FSC certification is one of the most robust certification schemes for ensuring responsible forest management and protecting wildlife. For more information, visit:

Targets Overall net gain in biodiversity between now and 2036.

Monitoring 

Reporting progress against local Biodiversity Action Plan(Wildlife of Whitehill) or each area of biodiversity interest in Whitehill Bordon. More information on this plan can be found at:


Initiate annual bird counts or other species.

Monitor both participation rates and also actual bird sightings

41 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Culture and heritage The vision is one where a culture of sustainability, community and a sense of place is nurtured.

identifying particular features within the town (e.g. ancient barrows) that should be preserved.


To support well-designed homes and neighbourhoods, new buildings will adopt the principles contained in the Building for Life standard. This is a set of design criteria that helps create functional, attractive and accessible neighbourhoods. This includes:

As the Eco-town project develops, retaining and enhancing the culture and community was identified as a key concern for local residents and organisations. The designs will inevitably shape the feel of the town which can influence community cohesion, the type of residents moving in, and the actions people take.


Preserving heritage and character Whitehill Bordon‟s distinctive character and cultural heritage has been shaped by the communities that have lived here over time and through the presence of the Army Garrison. This strategy seeks to support and enhance that heritage. As the town grows, its future development and design should be guided by the existing character of Whitehill Bordon and be mindful of the need to preserve and echo the distinctive cultural assets and sites of archaeological significance within the town and surrounding area. As part of this, the Green Infrastructure Strategy will act as a point of reference for

42 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Well integrated car parking. This is one of the most difficult challenges in housing design. Where possible, cars should not visually dominate the streets or fronts of properties Distinctive character. Successful places tend to be those that have their own distinct identity and architects will work with the existing town to find a solution that complements and enhances the town. Green and blue infrastructure. In addition to promoting and protecting local biodiversity, incorporating green and blue infrastructure also serves as an important reflection of the surrounding natural environment. Retaining buildings. The following historic landmark MoD buildings will be retained:  Prince Philip Barracks Sandhurst Block and Sergeants‟ Mess

    

Martinique House Broxhead House Amherst House The former fire station The Phoenix Theatre

The retention of these buildings serves a number of purposes: 1. Adding maturity to the development; 2. Preserving a part of Whitehill Bordon‟s heritage to help create a sense of place; 3. Promoting the environmental principle of reuse by adapting buildings for new uses.

Local walks. Taking a local walk can provide a unique insight into your local area. Have a look around for things you‟ve not noticed before, interesting buildings or architectural features. There are leaflets available for interesting walks around Whitehill Bordon and Kingsley, ng Learn about the local area. There are lots of interesting things to learn about your area and the world we live in. Local residents are a good source of knowledge, as well as the internet.. See for more details, of historical sites of note in the area.

A new culture of sustainability With continued community consultation and input, new services and infrastructure, the Green Town vision can shape the culture within the town, so that residents will be engaged to improve their ecological footprints further.

What can you do? Here are some of top tips:

43 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Equity and local economy The vision is for a thriving, diverse and resilient local economy, supporting fair employment, inclusive communities and international fair trade.

Context The overall requirement in the Economic Development and Employment Strategy is to create a sustainable economy that meets the needs of the whole community while respecting and protecting the superb natural environment. It is expected that there will be around ÂŁ1.5 billion invested in the town by 2036 and Whitehill Bordon will become the largest community within East Hampshire, with around 2.7 million people living within a one hour journey time15. This provides an opportunity for Whitehill


Economic Development & Employment Strategy, (2011).

44 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Bordon to be a pioneer in sustainable living and working that will become of national significance. The expected departure of the MoD will result in the loss of more than 1,000 local jobs; there is therefore a need for increased local job creation. The target is for one new job per new home and the replacement of the MoD jobs.

Solutions The Economic Development & Employment Strategy proposes a mixed use economy that avoids the town becoming too dependent on a single employer and encourages more businesses to be set-up locally. This is important to:  Support a local economy and local investment, helping more money to circulate within the town;  Help improve the environmental footprint of residents, by reducing the need to travel;

 Increase the wellbeing of the community: people tend to prefer shorter commutes and local employment is good for community morale. The Economic Development and Employment Strategy contains a 7element plan for developing this mixed and sustainable economy, and the key areas are summarised in this section:

Business performance and competitiveness Implementing the strategy for new jobs is critically dependent upon the endorsement and active support of all delivery partners. The opportunities identified through the economic and development strategy consultation includes: 

Low carbon innovation and technology. New infrastructure will provide sufficient employment space to meet the needs of local growing businesses and businesses seeking to start up. This includes small business incubator units to help get businesses started, an Eco-business park, new offices and larger facilities for education. There is also an aim to establish a learning and innovation campus for meeting training and education needs; this would be a distributed model taking advantage of existing partner facilities. In order to meet the sustainable transport vision, a green travel hub will help deliver a range of alternative transport modes to cope with the increased population. This may involve cycle hire, increased public transport, and other supporting services.

 

Green building industries: by making use of the opportunities associated with the construction of the Eco-town. This includes organisations that provide solutions for sustainable energy, sustainable urban drainage and green transport. Technology and engineering jobs: by expanding the links with Blackwater Valley to provide highvalue engineering services. Tourism and leisure: the surrounding natural environment, pioneering new developments and increased town size will attract visitors, providing an opportunity for increased tourism provision such as hotels, leisure centres and museums. A technical skills training and education centre: There is a growing need for increasing the provision of training for skilled tradecraft, and this can build from the activities currently undertaken by the MoD. Food and drink sector: reducing “food miles” by sourcing more local goods and services can

45 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

support increased local employment and business activity. Employment, land and commercial property Supporting a fair and equitable economy is a core principle for the town. With the new infrastructure, equity is considered with a mixed used development, containing affordable homes, as well as private and social housing. The community will have access to local services, facilities and open space, as well as considering other key design criteria can be found in the Lifetime Home standards16. It is essential that existing buildings and neighbourhoods are not neglected in the process of developing Whitehill Bordon. All assessments and strategies should ensure that the needs of the existing population are served with opportunities acted upon to help the new neighbourhoods integrate with the existing.

communities in the UK that have introduced local currencies, including Totness, Brixton, Lewes and Stroud. Local currencies complement national currencies, and provide feedback loops to further assist local businesses and trading, rather than having money leak out of the town. This is an idea that should be considered by the community and local authority and will only be successfully implemented with support and enthusiasm from both.

What can you do? Here are some ideas and actions that help support a local and fair society: 

A local currency Local currencies are a great way to support local production and services. There are a number of


Lifetime Neighbourhoods incorporates 16 Design Criteria that can be universally applied to new homes at minimal cost.

46 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon


Buy local to support local businesses. This supports the local community and town by preventing money leaking out. It also encourages entrepreneurship and enables a wider variety of products to be sold. For more information on why this is important, visit: Engage with local politics. What you say can influence local decisions. Voting is the most basic power, but writing to local councillors, signing petitions and so on is the equivalent of placing hundreds of votes.

Ethical banking, pensions and investment. The money sitting in your bank account and savings is invested in all sorts of activities. You can choose banks and investments that match you values, and Eiris, the Ethical Investment Research Service, can help by offering an independent non-profit resource on what happens to your money. Take up local opportunities such as eco-grants. These local schemes are there to support the development of the town and the local economy e.g. free loft and cavity wall insulation. Buy Fair trade. Fair trade is a movement that helps producers operate under fair working conditions and support sustainability. This benefits millions of people worldwide and is an action you can easily take. Visit: to find out more. Volunteering is a great way to meet people, have fun and do something a bit different. Contact the local volunteering service or visit website services such as Do It to find local volunteering opportunities:

organisations should also have a sustainable procurement policy that promotes local and sustainable purchasing.

Targets Creation of one new locally based job per new household and replace jobs lost following MoD departure.

Monitoring  

Local organisations

Monitor numbers of jobs in the town and numbers of employees from within the town through the Department for Work and Pensions data. In addition to this the UK National Statistics service monitors business start ups and closures.

With an economy based on the principles of One Planet Living, there are many opportunities for new economic organisations, such as local trading schemes, credit unions and co-operative trading ventures. All local

47 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Health and happiness The Whitehill Bordon Eco-town aims to create high quality neighbourhoods that are enjoyable to live in, with a strong sense of community and distinctive character rooted in the landscape setting.

Context The way we design our communities plays a huge role in how we experience our lives and the actions we take. Designing for health and happiness is essential for enabling and promoting One Planet Living lifestyles and therefore this principle should be a running theme through the whole project. Fortunately, many pro-environmental actions are also good for our health and happiness. For example, cycling is a healthy and sociable action, and results in less air pollution when compared to alternatives. Living close to work and near green spaces is also good for wellbeing. Health and happiness are also linked, with happy people tending to have more robust immune systems and lower levels of stress17.


This research is discussed at length in Richard Layard’s book: ‘Happiness: Lessons from a new science’, (2006).

48 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

Solutions Promoting health and happiness involves particular attention to the infrastructure design and positive, as well as quality engagement with the community. Designing for social interaction The design can maximise the opportunities for social exchange, this includes public squares, corner stores, green space, allotments, and wide pavements. By designing spaces for social interaction, there is a greater likelihood that the community will feel connected and engaged with their surroundings. This is addressed in the Green Infrastructure Strategy for the town. New facilities The draft masterplan includes an increase in community facilities; this includes sport centres, allotments, community centres, healthcare provision, and primary schools. Sports provision not only encourages healthy lifestyles, but helps community cohesion, trust and confidence. It can also contribute to the reduction of stress. A community spine and hubs are proposed to position services so that they are accessible by all.

This will run east-west, connecting the existing and future neighbourhoods. Primary schools and small scale community facilities will be provided within the neighbourhoods creating local community hubs. This will ensure that all homes are close to high quality facilities.

right networks and resources. The success of the town therefore relies on expertise from local groups such as the East Hampshire Environment Network.

What can you do? Happiness is a marvellous but strange emotion. Its complexity means that we don‟t always understand what really makes us happy – or sad. But we often have an intuition of what might cheer us up. Our state of happiness and health are interrelated, and doing things which are healthy can also make us happy.

Community involvement in decisions Social and environmental projects are much more successful when local groups are involved in their delivery18. This is because local groups are best placed to tailor projects to the local community and tap into the

There‟s no shortage of ideas and help available around health and wellbeing, and this document could never provide all the answers to meet everyone‟s needs. But here are some ideas to get you going19: 

CONNECT. With the people around you. With family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. At home, work, school or in your local community. Think of these as the cornerstones of your life and invest time in

19 18

Nesta (2011), Mass Localism.

As suggested by NEF: Five ways to well-being.

49 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

developing them. Building these connections will support and enrich you every day. It will also make you feel part of a community and will make you proud of your town. BE ACTIVE. Go for a walk or run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Dance. Exercising makes you feel good. Most importantly, discover a physical activity you enjoy and that suits your level of mobility and fitness. TAKE NOTICE. Be curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the changing seasons. Savour the moment, whether you are walking to work, eating lunch or talking to friends. Be aware of the world around you and what you are feeling. Reflecting on your experiences will help you appreciate what matters to you. KEEP LEARNING. Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for that course. Take on a different responsibility at work. Fix a bike. Learn to play an instrument or how to cook your favourite food. Set a challenge you will enjoy achieving. Learning new things will make you more confident as well as being fun. GIVE. Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Thank someone. Smile. Volunteer your time. Join a community group. Look out, as well as in. Seeing

50 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

yourself, and your happiness, linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and creates connections with the people around you.

Other useful resources One Planet Living / Overall sustainability CAT - Zero Carbon Britain Pooran Desai – One Planet Communities BioRegional - One Planet Solutions TCPA – Eco-town technical advice worksheets

Natural habitats TCPA – Biodiversity by design Economics Tim Jackson - Prosperity without Growth New Economics Foundation Happiness NEF - guide to wellbeing “Are you Happy”

Materials The Story of Stuff website - Freecycle network -

Volunteering Do-it – Volunteering made easy

Freegle - Gumtree -

51 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon Produced on behalf of Whitehill Bordon Eco-town East Hampshire District Council Penns Place Petersfield Hampshire GU31 4EX 01730 234 329

52 One Planet Living Strategy for Whitehill Bordon

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.