BIG It’s a
YEAR for Whitehill & Bordon Task and finish groups October 2014
Task and finish group update Project viability Councillor Adam Carew Chairman of ‘Our Voice’ and the task and finish groups
Councillor Glynis Watts Deputy Chairman of the task and finish groups
Introduction A consultative tier has been set up called ‘Our Voice’ to ensure residents can get more involved in the regeneration of their town. As part of this a series of ‘task and finish groups’ have been established to consider the range of issues associated with regenerating the town to provide up to 3,350 new homes, 5,500 new jobs, a vibrant new town centre with shops and facilities, a new relief road and two new schools. More than 200 people were invited to take part in these groups and on average there were about 10 people in each of the groups. Major planning applications have already been submitted this year and with more on their way there is a real need to keep the community actively involved. Considerable work has taken place to get to the stage of submitting planning applications and part of the groups’ work was to review detailed studies and ongoing background work - as well as finding solutions to potential hurdles. Each task and finish group made recommendations and these have been passed onto the Delivery and Implementation Board which will promote these to landowners and developers to ensure they are considered and acted upon where possible. The planning applications have already taken on board a number of the groups’ recommendations.
Cllr Adam Carew, the Chairman of ‘Our Voice’, said: “The task and finish groups have undertaken a considerable amount of work and this has been hugely beneficial. “We have looked at a vast range of topics which are all important to the regeneration of our town and this local input has ensured plans are robust and relevant for existing and future residents. “We wanted to publish the groups’ recommendations so that residents who haven’t yet been involved will be able to see the community’s important input into decisions about the regeneration of Whitehill & Bordon. “There will be plenty of other opportunities for residents to get involved and these will be publicised as widely as possible. “I really hope that this update is useful and shows some of the tremendous work that has been going on behind the scenes. “I am also very grateful for everyone who has taken part and it has been a pleasure to work with all involved. “I look forward to seeing some fresh faces at future meetings as well as those who have already kindly given up their time to contribute to their town’s future.”
Group’s task: To consider ways of improving the viability of regenerating Whitehill & Bordon (a project is viable if the overall costs of the development are less than the receipts that are generated from the sales of the homes and the facilities). The group has recommended that to help improve viability the public sector should invest in a new secondary school as soon as possible because this will improve the education provision for existing and future residents - as well as helping to make the town a more desirable place to live and therefore increase property prices (which will improve viability). The group also felt that the Section 106 contributions (these are made by the developer to fund facilities in the town) should be prioritised so that the most sought-after facilities are in place soon. Following detailed negotiations, these recommendations have been agreed as the best way to improve viability and are being discussed with developers and landowners.
Transport (general)
Community facilities
Group’s task:
Group’s task:
To suggest ways to help residents become less reliant on cars.
To establish the facilities needed in the town and how they should be provided and managed.
The group thinks that the bus-rail link should be a priority and should run at the weekend. This suggestion is being discussed with transport bodies and funds are being sought.
The group reviewed a recent ‘facilities audit’ which looked at current facilities and how they’re managed. The group wants some additional facilities looked at which weren’t originally included. It also thinks that a survey should be carried out to establish the condition of the facilities so that it is clear which ones need investment to improve them. Members of the group would also like a ‘community advisory forum’ set up to promote the efficient management, marketing and use of community facilities - establishing this forum is being investigated and the survey is set to be carried out.
Group’s task:
To establish the support which should be provided to existing businesses in the town to help them prosper and benefit from the redevelopment. Jobs are a top priority and the group is excited about the planned construction skills training centre at Louisburg Barracks. The group wants to publicise the support available to current businesses in the town and to liaise with East Hampshire District Council’s new non-executive board about what it thinks could be done to further help businesses - this is being done.
A publicly-accessible Wi-Fi hotspot is also something the group thinks is needed - this is being investigated.
Establish ways to ensure the current and future health provision is sufficient for the town’s needs.
As plans for the regeneration become more detailed, the group would like to try to secure as many new or improved facilities (which have a health benefit) as possible e.g. sports pitches and allotments. This is being pursued with developers. The group would also like to see transport from the town to major hospitals improved - this is being investigated.
Group’s task:
The group would also like an event arranged where local businesses could promote their services and find out about available support - this is being arranged.
The group thinks that health services and initiatives in the town need to be more coordinated and that the Chase Hospital Project Board should continue to be supported - which it is. The group would also like to see additional health facilities in the town e.g. more doctors’ surgeries.
Business and economic development
Ecology and green infrastructure Group’s task: To decide what needs to be done to ensure the town’s existing green spaces are protected and enhanced as the town undergoes regeneration. The group is confident that the proposed green spaces will provide an attractive environment as the town grows and that the ‘green loop’ will provide a really important connection (the ‘green loop’ will be a walking and cycling route which circles the town and will enable residents to get around easily on an attractive path without having to use their cars). The group felt that detailed issues need to be discussed with planning applicants and specialists to ensure the green spaces can flourish as part of the redevelopment.
The group is keen to see long-term management arrangements established to maintain the town’s green areas and is also keen to establish educational activities to promote responsible recreation (e.g. not dropping rubbish etc) - these are all being pursued by the regeneration team.
Group’s task: Ensure that the new and existing homes are as energy-efficient as possible. The group suggested that the Whitehill & Bordon website is updated with ‘frequently asked questions’ about housing - this has been done. The group wants to ensure that enhanced environmental performance standards are pursued by producing design codes, undergoing design reviews, securing additional funding and building relationships with developers to encourage higher standards - work on this is currently taking place. A range of housing types and tenures is also important to the group. The group is keen to tackle poor environmental performance of existing housing by securing further funding so residents can make energy-saving improvements to their homes - bids for further funds will be submitted.
Education Group’s task: Establish which facilities should ideally accompany a new secondary school if one is built. The group thinks that it is important that discussions are continued in relation to building a new secondary school at Budds Lane - as well as discussions about possibilities for ‘university outreach’ which could help encourage current college students to consider university. These discussions are already taking place. A Sports England report which reviews the town’s sport facilities has been produced and the group would like to ensure that this is shared with schools. If a new school is built then the group feels that it is important for options to be prepared about how the existing recreational facilities could be managed. The group wants to ensure that it is consulted on the main garrison planning application when it is submitted - this will be done.
Louisburg Barracks Group’s task: To ensure the regeneration of the Louisburg Barracks site is as successful as possible. The group was ‘heartened’ by the progress on this scheme and welcomed the news that it had been agreed in principle that the Phoenix Theatre could use the open space near its building for events. The group is keen to preserve some of the heritage of this historic site e.g. Amherst House and Broxhead House - and it understands that this depends on detailed investigation, feasibility and cost. Several other issues were raised including bats and parking. The group would particularly like to find a way of encouraging residents who will live on this site to leave their cars at home for short trips into the town - the planning application has taken this into consideration so it is easy for residents to get around without a car.
Relief road Group’s task: Establish ways to minimise any impact caused by the new relief road. The group thinks that the new road needs to be designed so that it deters people from using Oakhanger Road as a ‘rat run’ and for future plans of the road to give more details on how it will look and where it will be located in relation to new houses.
What next? More task and finish groups are planned for later this month (October). If you want to be involved in the regeneration of Whitehill & Bordon then please email whitehillbordon@ or ring 01730 234329. For more information about the town’ s regeneration please see
This brochure was produced by East Hampshire District Council