Viking Park Consulation January 2011

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Viking Park “Your Views” Shaping the future of the site together - January 2011 East Hampshire District Council has appointed a design team to carry out a feasibility study for the further development of Viking Park Why do we need a feasibility study? 1 2 3

The wider Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Masterplan has now been published. Viking Park plays a strategic role What happens on the site should be a demonstration of the new Eco-town Vision. New projects will help kick start new investment in the town. In the 10 years since planning only two businesses have moved to Viking Park. If something more is to happen here in the near future, we need to review how we can make it happen.

you are here

How we are involving you, the community

Jan 18th - 22nd ‘Your views’ exhibition at the Woodlark

w/c Feb 14th Focus Group Meeting of work in progress

w/c Mar 14th Exhibition of options

w/c May 16th Focus Group Meeting of work in progress

w/c June 13th Final exhibition

No proposals have been made yet. We are here to listen to what you have to say. We’d also like you to tell us what we have missed

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Viking Park “Your Views” Shaping the future of the site together - January 2011 What’s happened up until now? Whitehill Bordon Eco-Town Masterplan The Woodlark

Bobby’s Foods

Viking Park


Outline planning permission obtained for Employment and leisure or recreation use on Viking Park


Access road and infrastructure provided but site stands empty. An alternative application for housing with industrial use is made and refused

You have told us there is a great need for more things to do in Whitehill Bordon and a need for employment


The Woodlark Pub / restaurant acquires a site and has proved to be very successful


After 9 years – Viking Park still largely vacant - Bobby’s foods is the only other business to locate here. There is no interest for employment or leisure use


The Eco-town masterplan is published and includes Viking Park within its vision

Viking Park is currently the last, large remaining plot within the town which could accommodate such uses

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Viking Park “Your Views” Shaping the future of the site together - January 2011 What we have learnt so far... The wider context

The local neighbourhood perspective The Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Vision The masterplan shows how Viking Park could act as a bridging link between Whitehill and Bordon. The new plan foresees mixed use and some housing for Viking Park

Our understanding of the context and ‘specialness’ of place. This covers: • Ecology • Archaeology • Landscape



• Transport • Planning history

Location of proposed new town centre

• Marketing history

Woolmer trading estate

Our summary follows on the next boards

Whitehill Mayor, Adam Carew, with us on the old Drover’s Road

We also held a site walk with our ecologist, local councillors and other stakeholders in November last year

A proposed corridor for a new access road is planned through the site


Proposed ‘Green Loops’ linking green open spaces around the town

We probably can’t meet all the requirements for the site, but need to find a balance between what people want and what is economically practical… What needs to happen to encourage new employment use to Viking Park and to provide a benefit to the wider community?

Source: Whitehill Bordon Draft Framework Masterplan, June 2010

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Viking Park “Your Views” Shaping the future of the site together - January 2011 What we have learnt so far...

The tree belt along the A325

Site Analysis Diagram 1

Finding the right solution for the re-routing of the A325 is an important element of the wider Eco-town plan. Its current position crosses the old Drover’s Road and the valuable woodland corner.

The important ecological and recreational value of Hogmoor Inclosure

The popularity of the Woodlark as a recreation destination

The Woolmer Trading Estate - and existing employment zone to the north of the site Finding the right solution for the rerouting of the A325 is an important element of the wider Eco-town plan. Its current position crosses the old Drover’s Road and the valuable woodland corner.

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Viking Park “Your Views” Shaping the future of the site together - January 2011 What we have learnt so far...

We need to keep and improve much loved footpaths across site

The corner of the site by the Jet Garage

The balancing pond is part of the drainage strategy

Whitehill Village Hall and ancient burial mound to the south

Site Analysis Diagram 2

Our team think any further leisure or business use is unlikely to move here in the near future. Do we decide to leave the site vacant or do we reconsider other uses to help development happen?

Bobby’s Foods new to the site

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Viking Park “Your Views” Shaping the future of the site together - January 2011 What are the opportunities?

Community benefit

Mixed use employment

Improved biodiversity by good design Mixed use residential

Not to scale and for indicative use only

Subject to viability

Site Analysis Diagram 3

Please let us now know your views – we are here to listen and learn. We ask you to fill out a questionnaire today or go to our website and do it online at

This Exhibition was produced on behalf of the Whitehill Bordon Eco-town team, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4EX

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