CHAPTER FIVE Co-operation between the Lodges - A New Home One of the happiest features of Masonry is the spirit of brotherhood and co-operation that exists and has always existed between the various lodges. Throughout the century of its life there are numerous references to the bonds of union which have been established between the De Shurland Lodge and other neighbouring lodges. As could be expected, Adam’s Lodge has played a large part in joining with this Lodge in many activities which have included combined Ladies’ Nights and Children's Parties, conjoint attendances at Church services, local ceremonies, commemoration banquets and in many other efforts far too many to mention. The banquet held in 1887 to celebrate Queen Victoria's Jubilee was a highlight in the history of both lodges. For some years members of the “Peace and Unity Lodge” at Gillingham and our own lodge paid each other return visits, a manifest display of real fraternal feeling being markedly apparent at these gatherings. Unfortunately these visits have now lapsed, although it is quite possible that, from time to time in the future, there will be revival of the custom. Like other lodges, the De Shurland Lodge has, on sundry occasions, given support to the founding of new lodges, having helped sponsor the forming of the Queenborough Lodge, the United Service Lodge and the Isle of Sheppey Lodge. There is also a belief amongst many of the brethren that the formation of St. Michael Lodge at Sittingbourne was mainly due to the sponsorship of De Shurland Lodge, although no note of this is to be found in the minutes. Most of the early Masters and officers of the Isle of Sheppey and the Queenborough lodges seem to have been well-known, experienced past officers and brethren of De 28