passed to the Lodge from his son via WBro. B. Hughes. One of the most significant of these was his Past Master’s Jewel, which had previously been presented to WBro. Pannell in 1890. It was agreed that this Jewel would be presented on Installation night to the retiring Master and thereafter to every Master on relinquishing the Chair as the Immediate Past Master’s Jewel. A suitable piece of ritual to go with the presentation was produced by WBro. M. Towler. Although not unusual, there was much discussion around this time of the rising cost of Freemasonry. Increases in Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge dues (including a proposed levy of £2 from every member of the Province towards a building fund, which was subsequently dropped) meant that the Lodge had to increase dues. The April meeting passed a proposal to increase dues to £70 (£60 for country members). The May meeting saw two ballots taken using the new balls purchased by the Lodge and ballot boxes made by WBro. Sam Johnson. The meeting in October 1997 received an obituary for Bro. David Lambkin, the Lodge Almoner. Bro. Lamkin had been Almoner since 1988, and had been outstanding in the Office. WBro. M. Williams was appointed and invested as his successor at the November meeting. At the September 1998 Installation, more evidence of family continuity was evident. The Past Master’s Breast Jewel, presented to the outgoing Master, WBro. Peter MacDonald, had previously been presented to his Grandfather, who had been Master of De Shurland in 1925. This meeting also saw the Treasurer, WBro. Sam Johnson, and the Director of Ceremonies, WBro. Jack Harding, both relinquishing their offices. The October meeting was to Initiate Messrs. A.G. Boulter and C. A. Bridger. Before this, though WBro. M.R. Bailey, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, was (again!) welcomed into the Lodge. WBro. Bailey was to present WBro. 71