Eastminster Annual Report 2012 - 13

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god. christ. lives. follow


Annual Report 2012 - 2013

Average Weekly Attendance




New Members

Meals Packed for Numana



Children’s & Student’s Volunteers


Early Childhood Ed.

Children’s Ministries



Student Ministries


Receive Daily Prayer Chain



Unique Visitors to eastminster.org



Receive Bi-weekly eNews


New Visitors to eastminster.org


Session Actions: 213

Table of Contents

Executive Council Report 2 Session Report 3 Board of Trustees Report 4 Council Reports Prayer Council 5 Worship Council 7 Discipleship Council 8 Congregational Life Council 10 Local & US Missions Council 12 World Missions 14 Membership Development Council 16 Administration Council 18 Promise Project Council Chart 20 Financials 22 Memorials 25 Staff Listing 26

Executive Council Members: Bill Faflick - Membership Development Council Lead Billy Boyle - Local & US Missions Council Lead Bob Bingaman - World Missions Council Lead Kim Case - Chief Finance/Administration Officer Lisa Ritchie - Prayer Council Lead Lou Jacobs - Worship Council Lead Mary Schurman - Congregational Life Council Lead Rev. Bob Hopper - Interim Senior Pastor Roger Lowe - Administration Council Steve Friesen - Discipleship Council Lead Wayne Becker - Clerk of Session Council Purpose: Enhance communication between council leaders and the senior pastor. Provide mutual support and encouragement between council leadership. Reduce Session workload through improved integration of council initiatives and activities. Resolve cross-council issues and de-conflict church activities. Council Authority: Discuss and coordinate inter-council matters and make recommendations to Session as needed. Executive Council is not a voting body of Session and does not represent Session unless asked. Highlights of Year: Number of meetings: 7 Stated Agenda • Prayer • Council motions for upcoming session meeting • Items that should be included in session meeting packet • Recent activities of each Council • Speakers fund requests to Eastminster Foundation: six requests totaling $10,000


Session Members: During 2012 Rev. Bob Hopper, Moderator Rev. Kermit Oppriecht Rev. Paul Bammel Ann Ramseyer Barry Blades Bill Faflick Bill Johnson Billy Boyle Bob Bingaman Deb Hilscher Don King During 2013 Rev. Bob Hopper, Moderator Rev. Kermit Oppriecht Rev. Paul Bammel Andy Fletcher Ann Ramseyer Bert Denny Bill Faflick Billy Boyle Bob Bingaman

Doug Crow Jack Argetsinger Jim DeKalb John Moody Ken Juell Kurt Reding Lisa Ritchie Lou Jacobs Mary Schurman Ray Jones Roger Lowe Bonnie Dakan Don King Don Lear Doug Crow Jim Delkalb Joan Bender John Moody Kedre Mellor Ken Juell

Highlights of Year Number of meetings: 15 Stated Session Meetings: 12 Special Called Meetings: 3 Congregational Meetings: 3 Session Intreats: 3 Officer Training Sessions: 6 Motions passed at Session meetings: 213 Agenda Items at Congregational Meetings: 12 Weddings: 10 Baptisms: 20 Membership Membership as of joining EPC 10/23/2012: 1586 Active Roll 6/30/13: 1662 Affiliate Roll: 0 Inactive Roll: 6 Number of new members FY 2013: 119

Clerk of Session: Wayne A. Becker Russ Pickering Scott MacLeod Susan Lear Wayne Becker

Kent Cooper Kurt Reding Lisa Ritchie Lou Jacobs Mary Schurman Rick Hilscher Roger Lowe Steve Friesen Wayne Becker Membership changes into Active Membership (07/01/12 – 06/30/13) – By transfer of membership: 28 By profession of faith: 48 By reaffirmation of faith: 21 Other: 22 Membership deletions – Delete Transfer: 9 Delete Personal request: 4 Delete-Session Action: 0 Member deaths: 24 Inactives: 6 Total Deleted: 43 Average weekly attendance: 844


Board of Trustees Members: Ann Ramseyer - Assistant Secretary Bert Denny - Treasurer Kim Case - Staff Representative Kurt Reding - Vice President Roger D. Lowe - President Wayne Becker - Secretary

President: Roger D. Lowe

Mission: The mission of the Eastminster Presbyterian Church Board of Trustees is to protect and administrate the corporation assets of the church. Goals: The goals of the Trustees are to exercise full authority over the assets of the corporation and to conduct meetings according to the laws of the State of Kansas, the Bylaws of Eastminster Presbyterian Church, and the Articles of Incorporation as amended and restated on May 18, 1981, and November 9, 2011, the meaning and intent of which are fully reaffirmed by the Bylaws. Major Actions Taken: • Received and approved the independent audit report from Kirkpatrick Sprecker & Company, LLP Certified Public Accountants for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, which stated in part “In our opinion the financial statements referred to above present fairly in all material respects, the assets, liabilities and fund balances of Eastminster Presbyterian Church as of June 30, 2012.” The board later reported the audit findings to Session. • Reviewed the Directors, Officers and Trustee Liability Coverage policy. • Approved the mission and goals statement presented above. • Reported on the status of the David H. Tripp estate. • Reviewed the Sedgwick County Appraiser’s Office Valuation Notice for the real estate owned by Eastminster. • Approved Kirkpatrick Sprecker & Company, LLP, Certified Public Accountants as the independent auditors for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013.


Prayer Council Members: Ginger Cox - Congregational Life Coordinator Joan Bender - Lead Elder Elect Lisa Ritchie - Lead Elder Sharon Fry - Deacon Lead Elder: Lisa Ritchie Council Purpose: The purpose of the Prayer Council is to encourage, promote, and facilitate church-wide prayer opportunities; to glorify God and to seek His guidance and blessings. Col 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Our focus is to rely on God for everything…..communicating with Him through individual and corporate prayer. Phil 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” We take God at His Word…… 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “pray continually.” Teams supporting the Council • Corporate Prayer Events • Prayer Education & Resources • Prayer Facilitation • Targeted Intercession Numbers of Participants: 160 congregants receive the daily prayer chain 18 congregants pray individually for the Connect Card prayer requests 12 congregants write notes to people submitting Connect Card prayer requests 40 congregants attended the event featuring Jim Tharp teaching on prayer 25 congregants attended the National Day of Prayer event 50 congregants attended the Evening of Prayer event 2-5 congregants meet biweekly to pray for the Pastor Search Teams 2-5 congregants meet monthly to pray for our nation 3-5 congregants meet weekly to pray for Connect Cared prayer requests 8 congregants prayed for LOVE Wichita 15 church leaders have offered up prayer for congregants after church services 5-7 congregants pray weekly on Tuesday mornings 5 congregants are praying for Student Ministries prayer requests Corporate Prayer Events: • April 4, 2013; Fellowship Hall – Jim Tharp, pastor, author and founder of Christian Renewal Ministries: “Becoming a Prayer Warrior” • May 2, 2013; Chapel – National Day of Prayer Service • May 15, 2013; Sanctuary – Evening of Prayer Prayer Education/Resources: • “Family Prayer Time” booklets provided during Family February • A Wednesday night EDGE class on prayer is being developed for the future 5

• Two “prayers for the Muslim world” booklets were made available to congregants • The Prayer Council bulletin board is on display in a hallway • A prayer room was established and includes prayer resources Prayer Facilitation: • The daily prayer chain was changed to a new format that includes online access • New Connect Cards provide space for people to send in prayer requests; we have received 660 prayer requests, at an average of 28 per week; people are intentionally praying for these requests and following up with hand written notes to let them know they are being prayed for. Targeted Intercession: • The two Pastor Search Teams are prayed for during their biweekly meetings • Weekly prayer occurs for various requests on Tuesday mornings • LOVE Wichita was covered in prayer • “Prayers for the Nation” occurs monthly • Church leadership offered prayer after the Sunday services


Worship Council Members: Anna Jeter - Organist/Music Coordinator Cassidy Cheray - Contemporary Worship Leader Jennifer Garrett - Worship/Interim Senior Pastor Coordinator Kathi Clavin - Deacon Lead Elder: Lou Jacobs Kent Cooper - Elder Lou Jacobs - Lead Elder Rev. Bob Hopper - Interim Senior Pastor Susan Havener - Sacraments & Sanctuary Team Lead Council Purpose: The purpose of the Worship Council is to support the Senior Pastor by facilitating corporate worshiprelated activities to the glory of God. Teams supporting the Council • Senior Pastor Support Team: Weekly worship planning and coordination. • Services Team: Plan and coordinate special services and joint worship services, team leader Kent Cooper. • Music Team: Plan, staff, and provide high quality music for all worship services for the purpose of glorifying God, co-team leaders Anna Jeter and Cassidy Cheray. • Sacraments & Sanctuary Team: Assist in preparing the sanctuary for seasonal and liturgical needs, and manage the details of the sacraments, Susan Havener team leader. Operation of the Council The Worship Council meets monthly typically the first week of the month. The Senior Pastor Support Team meets weekly on Tuesday mornings. The three other teams meet as needed to carry out their roles. We strive that all of our worship components are for the purpose of giving glory to God. We thank all those who use their gifts and talents to support our worship through their music, ushering, collecting offering, and serving communion.


Discipleship Council Members: Ben Marquez - Director of Discipleship Cheryl Hennigh - Early Childhood Education Director Don Lear - Elder Doug Crow - Elder Lead Elder: Steve Friesen Janie Buchanan - Congregant Judy Hawkins - Deacon Mary Stephens - Director of Children’s Ministries Matt Jaderston - Director of Student Ministries Steve Friesen - Lead Elder Terri Ramseyer - Deacon Council Purpose: Equipping members to reflect Christ’s love by responding in scriptural obedience through biblical training and studying, praying and serving Christ. Teams supporting the Council • Adult • Student Ministries

• Children’s Ministries • Early Childhood Education

Student Ministries: Approximately 90 students are in attendance for Sunday school weekly. One hundred and ten students are served during Sunday nights and Wednesday nights. Retreats this summer were attended by 173 students in Middle School and High School. Around 32 volunteers help in Middle School and High School Ministries. Children’s Ministries: Approximately 170 children are reached every Sunday. There are more than 100 volunteers and one summer intern serving those children. Family Fest hosted 35 families in 2012. Trunk or Treat was a successful church-wide outreach. Faith Journey Events were implemented in the Sunday school rooms along with launching Faith Maps. Our Faith Map is meant to be a guide to “faith milestones” we want to partner in with you. Early Childhood Education: Preschool had an enrollment of 95 children with seven teachers. Several of those families attended our New Member classes and became a part of Eastminster. The Kid’s Day Out Program served 76 children. Summer Kid’s Day Out accounted for 118 children. A Kindergarten class was added this year. Summary by Steve Friesen: In January, I was invited to meet at the Crow house for the introductory meeting of the Discipleship Council. Thank you to all who participated. That was a good meeting, but an overwhelming one considering that it was my first introduction to many of the people there. It was also my introduction to the Council structure as it was for many others. That began a whirlwind of activity. Elder Doug Crow began the difficult process of bringing me up to speed on the activities of the Discipleship Council, 8

the history of the Council, and the process that lay ahead. Little did I know that his efforts were very necessary considering the transition of leadership from Doug to myself. The Council has been successful in many ways: • Writing of the Director of Discipleship job description in conjunction with the Personnel Team and Kim Case. • Interview process culminating with the hiring of Ben Marquez as approved by Session in June. He began his ministry/employment at Eastminster on August 1, 2013. • Completed some changes to the fall EDGE planning in conjunction with Congregational Life Council. • Are in the interview process with a new candidate for middle School Ministries leadership. • Working toward a more intentional approach to adult Sunday school. • Working toward long range planning for all Discipleship ministries. In complete honesty, Discipleship Council has begun to find our way in that we are beginning to understand our purpose. We are beginning to work toward a much greater level of intentionality in the planning of ministries that fall under our guidance. We are looking forward to the leadership and insight that will come from Ben Marquez in the months and years to come. We want to put our collective shoulders to the wheel. We look forward to the following with great anticipation:

• • • • •

Development of more intentional adult ministries at Eastminster. Continued growth and strengthening of the Children’s, Middle School, and High School Ministries. Finding ways to involve and minister to singles in the 18-30 age group. Streamlining what has been a programmatic approach to ministry at Eastminster into one that is more oriented to our primary mission and more adept at selecting what is best over what is simply good. Developing a greater participation in ministry on the part of the majority the congregation, in the church, in the home, and in the community.


Congregational Life Council Members: Beth Oliphant - All-Church Events Team Lead Bonnie Dakan - Elder Elect Brian Eggenberger - Care and Support Team Lead Deb Hilscher - Mentor Lead Elder: Mary Schurman Ginger Cox - Congregational Life Coordinator Gretchen Montgomery - Women’s Ministries Team Lead Jake Ramstack - Care and Support Team Lead Elect Katy Lee - Marriage Ministries Team Lead Mary Schurman - Lead Elder Rev. Paul Bammel - Associate Pastor Phyllis Ellis - Senior Ministries Team Lead Wayne Ray - Men’s Ministries Team Lead Council Purpose: To foster the development of dynamic congregational life by serving and being served, providing opportunities to grow the bonds of fellowship and by encouraging congregational engagement in order that we may be known by our love. Teams supporting the Council • Care and Support • All-Church Events • Senior Ministries

• Women’s Ministries • Men’s Ministries • Marriage Ministries

There is a lot of “life” happening in the teams of Congregational Life. New programs have developed, members are serving others and growing in their relationship with God and with each other. The Promise Project sign-up strengthened our teams and provided members with a place to get involved. Our volunteer base grew which helped us foster service and involvement. We are thankful to God for the year in review. Care and Support Team: • This team is represented by 35 deacons and more than 50 volunteers in the areas of meal ministry, homebound visitation, hospital visitation, military care and support and funerals. • Pastor Bammel led the deacons in a retreat in January to study the biblical role of deacons. The main focus is the care and support of the members of Eastminster. • New parish lists were completed. • Military care and support planned a special recognition honoring our servicemen, women and veterans. A special reception followed. • Began the ministry to widows/widowers. • 50 people attended the planning luncheon for future activities. Care and Support: • The Eastminster Hospital Visitation Team has reported on 346 hospital visits so far this year. • Eighteen percent were asked if they would like to be added to the Eastminster prayer chain. Only 10

one person said “no thanks.”

• The Eastminster Homebound Visitation Team has reported on 118 homebound visits so far this year. • Homebound members were prayed for more than 60% of the time. • Twenty-one homebound members have been served Communion so far this year. All-Church Events Team: • Planned Chili Christmas and the Fourth of July picnic/farewell reception for Pastor Oppreicht. • More than 500 people enjoyed food and community at each event. • The EDGE dinner continued before our Wednesday evening classes with approximately 125-150 people served. Senior Ministries: • Monthly meetings/luncheons were held. • One of the highlights was the Seniors and Senior High fellowship brunch in January. A repeat is anticipated by all. • A few of the luncheon programs included: a presentation from Sharon Werner, Division of Consumer Fraud and Economic Crime, Ellen Myers presented “A Holocaust Experience”, Diana Thomi’s program “Victory in the Valley” and a special presentation by The Reverend Bob Hopper. Women’s Ministries: • Circles: Each circle had a study and raised money for their individual missions and provided support for their members as needed. • Bible Studies: five other studies took place in the fall and spring, with two studies in the summer. • The book club met on the first Tuesday of each month. • Cooking Fellowship cooked meals and put them in the freezer for those in need – distributed by the Deacons and others when a need was known. • The Women’s Christmas event was hosted by Hannah Circle. Gracia Burnham was the guest speaker in the sanctuary. • The Women’s Conference, “From Brokenness to Beauty,” was held at the church February 8-9, 2013. It was attended by 171 women and the speaker was Jeanne Damoff. Men’s Ministries: • Men’s Life meets on Tuesday mornings for bible study. • Boy Scout Troop 524 meets on Monday nights. There are 37 active scouts and 10 dad leaders. Marriage Ministries: • Progressive Dinner in September 2012 with 40 couples – a repeat of this event is planned for September 8, 2013. • Marriage Retreat: March 2013 in Kansas City with 53 couples. Don and Renee Worcester were the keynote speakers who encouraged attendees with a biblical model of marriage. • Marriage Reunion Cinco De Mayo party was held at the home of Dean and Karen Jargo on May 5, 2013. Our prayer is that the Congregational Life Council glorified God through the events, service and ministries this past year. Our prayer is that we became better examples of Jesus to others and encouraged others to do the same. Our prayer is that lives were transformed and that we provided opportunities for our congregation to bond and grow in love. We would love to have you join one of our teams in the upcoming year. 11

Local and US Missions Council Members: Billy Boyle - Lead Elder Charity Schaulis - Train, Equip, Send Team lead James Shimp - Member at large Judith Wencel - Youth & Student Outreach Team lead Lead Elder: Billy Boyle Kedre Mellor - Elder Mike Bryan - Deacon Representative Mike Middleton - Relief Team lead Steve MacCorkle - Urban Outreach Team lead Council Purpose: To encourage, recruit, equip, and empower the members of Eastminster to actively engage in Holy Spirit-led Local and U.S. based mission opportunities. In fulfillment of the calling in which God invites His church to participate, we will share the gospel and our resources while demonstrating Christ’s love, compassion, and mercy with those outside the congregation of Eastminster in Wichita and throughout our nation. Uphold the twenty-four controlling principles of our mission purposes set forth in the Missions Handbook. Teams supporting the Council • Exec Joint Missions Team • Urban Outreach Team • Youth & Student Outreach Team

• Relief Team • Train, Equip, Send Team

The Local and U.S. Missions Council was established in 2013 to encourage, recruit, equip and empower members of Eastminster to actively engage in Holy Spirit-led Local and US based mission opportunities. We are continuing the rich heritage of coming alongside trusted mission partners to fulfill Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations in Matthew 28 and to follow John’s admonition to not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. Along with our trusted mission partners, we are seeking ways for the body of Christ at Eastminster to be actively involved in impacting our city, our state and our country for Jesus Christ. Thirty-one Local and U.S. Missions partners and more than $260,000 of funding are represented by four of our teams. Along with the World Missions Council, our Joint Missions Exec Team provided another $142,500 to care for urgent missionary care needs, to fund numerous short term mission trips, world hunger issues and disaster relief efforts. Highlights from our teams: Relief Team The Relief Team of the Local and US Missions Council was created to provide hands–on assistance in the name of Jesus Christ to poor, sick, aged and disadvantaged people with physical assistance needs. We want people to experience Christ’s love through our service. This team helped lead two trips to Moore, Okla. totaling 40 Eastminster volunteers. A new initiative has been started to build a list of people 12

who are ready to jump in and help when needs in the community are identified. We already have a list of 55 Eastminster volunteers ready to be called on as needed. If you want to be involved in the Relief Team, contact Mike Middleton (mike@mitcr.com). Urban Outreach The Urban Outreach team is committed to investing time, talent and financial resources into the heart of Wichita and other Urban areas, while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. This team did a great job of leading our all church Numana food packaging event. Twenty-thousand meals were packaged on a Sunday morning by our church members. We continued to work with LOVE Wichita and had about 200 volunteers from Eastminster complete 10 service projects. This team also hosted a Food Handlers certification class at Eastminster. Food Handlers cards are required to volunteer at local meal serving opportunities such as Union Rescue Mission and The Lord’s Diner. Eastminster members are actively serving on monthly teams at both locations. If you are interested in the Urban Outreach Team, contact Steve MacCorkle (srmacc@gmail.com). Train, Equip, Send The Train, Equip, Send team has been formed to provide opportunities for the body of Christ at Eastminster and beyond to be trained and equipped to share the gospel of Jesus and make disciples. It also cares for our mission partners that are heavily engaged in training others to do the same. Our Train, Equip, Send Team has been responding to Connect Card requests of people wanting to become Christians. They have been researching and developing tools we can make available on the website or in handouts that make the gospel more accessible to our members and inquirers. The team also reviewed a number of training curriculums. If you are interested in the Train, Equip, Send Team, contact Charity Schaulis (cschaulis@hopenetwichita.org). Youth and Student Outreach Team Many of Eastminster’s mission partners are doing tremendous work with sharing Christ with the youth in Wichita and beyond into Kansas and other parts of the United States. The Youth and Student Outreach Team has come alongside these partners and is working to help Eastminster invest our time, talent and financial resources toward sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples of youth and students beyond the walls of Eastminster Presbyterian Church. The team has invited local ministries to a series of dinners and/or meetings to become acquainted on a personal level and get overviews of ministries, updates and needs. From this effort to understand the needs of our partners, the team helped fund the purchase of a van for ministry to international students at WSU, assisted with a budget shortfall for missions partners at a state university and helped partners for Wichita show Christ’s love by providing meals for Wichita school kids during spring break and in the summer. If you are interested in the Youth & Student Outreach Team, contact Judith Wencel (jwencel@gmail.com). Finally, our Council has been blessed to have tremendous staff support this year from Pastor Kermit Oppriecht and Marcia Davis. We are grateful for the time, energy and care they provided to our Council. Our Council looks forward to this next year as we continue to listen for and engage in Holy Spirit led Local and U.S.-based missions opportunities.


World Missions Council Members: Bev Mershon - Missionary Care Team Co-lead Jon Woodruff - Short-term Missions Team Lead Kathy Killingsworth - Missionary Care Team Co-lead Marilyn Gorham - Missions Events and Awareness Team Lead Ray Jones - Networking Team Lead Robert Bingaman - Lead Elder Walter Lewis - Operations and Administration Team Lead Teams supporting the Council • Joint Missions Team • Operations and Administration Team • Networking Team

Lead Elder: Robert Bingaman

• Missions Events and Awareness • Short-term Missions Team • Missionary Care Team

Council Purpose: To make disciples throughout the world by educating, equipping, and mobilizing the congregation to have a personal role in sharing God’s love and spreading the gospel to all nations by encouraging, praying for, and supporting missions partners; serving as short-term and long-term missionaries; participation in international student ministries; and participation in special missions projects to provide assistance and relief anywhere in the world in the name of Jesus Christ. This past year has been a time of transition for the missions ministry at Eastminster Presbyterian Church. As we began the year, we were the mission steering committee with the responsibility for local, U.S. and world missions under the capable leadership of Scott MacLeod as committee chairperson and The Reverend Kermit Oppriecht as our staff support. We end the year having reorganized into two Councils. These are the Local and U.S. Missions Council and the World Missions Council. We are now part of a new denomination, a new organizational structure and have new opportunities for growth in ministry while maintaining our commitment to the principles and partners whom we have supported in the past. We are blessed with faithful volunteers who serve, some seasoned and some new. All are welcome. We are committed to supporting those who share the gospel around the world. Our passion is to partner with those who serve, to pray for them, to provide funds, and to know them personally so that we may share in their needs as well as rejoice in their ministry. Missions Emphasis: • Members serving as missionaries – we support those who are called from our congregation to serve as missionaries, such as: Landi and DeAnne Sula, pastors in Tirana, Albania; Jason and Lisa Carter, seminary professor, Equatorial Guinea, Africa; Tim and Annette Gulick, leadership training and curriculum development for youth leaders in Latin America; Chad and Renee Edwards, with Young Life International, doing staff training and placement of international staff as well as administration of the Global Leaders Development program; Billy and Stephanie Boyle, Young Life International, training and support of international Young Life staff. 14

• A strong emphasis to the nations of the 10/40 window where the influence of Islam is predominant. • Partnering with successful ministries who are training national leaders through leadership training and

seminaries in the Middle East, Africa, India, China and South America. Kasr El Dobara Church and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Cairo, Egypt, are exemplary examples of this type of ministry. • Supporting strong agencies with a solid record of reaching new people groups and providing relief in the name of Christ, such as Frontiers The Outreach Foundation, Millennium Relief and Development Services. • Supporting agencies that spread the gospel through media and publishing such as Trans World Radio, SAT-7, Biblica, Literary and Evangelism International, and Far East Broadcasting. • As new members of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, we have budgeted for and identified four new missionary partners who are sponsored by the denomination’s World Outreach department. We have also participated in funding the Evangelical Presbyterian Church’s church planting program, Engage 2025. • Partnering with physicians who have received their professional training in Wichita and are now going out to serve: Drs. Zack and Jen O’Connor, surgeons in Gabon, Africa; and Drs. Dean and Deanna Kubacz, family practice physicians going to Chad, Africa. • Short-term missions trips have been supported to many places. Teams have gone to Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, and Egypt with individuals traveling to South Africa, London, Jamaica and Ecuador to serve on short-term assignments. When requested, scholarships have often been provided to assist those going on these trips. • Contingency planning for missionary care, disaster relief, world hunger and funds set aside to allow rapid response for urgent needs or new opportunities throughout the year. This year we have been able to assist our partners with computers, vehicle repairs or replacements, and refugee relief in Syria as examples. Special Events: Dr. Ken Bailey with the Center for Middle Eastern Studies in Cairo was our guest speaker for Pentecost Sunday. He also presented Saturday seminars for additional exposure to his expertise on cultural interpretation of Scripture. Special Offerings The people of Eastminster generously contributed to special offerings during the year: Christmas Eve offering for World Impact’s Morning Star Ranch, and Holy Week offering for ministries in Nicaragua and Moldova that seek to serve those negatively impacted by human trafficking. Missions Second Sunday Events: Second Sundays have been used to emphasize a visiting supported missionary partner. Those individuals were introduced during worship services, visited children’s Sunday school classes and shared the story of their ministry at a luncheon in Fellowship Hall. This last year those included: Shelly Richards with Biblica, John and Joy Haspels with Africa Inland Missions, David Bridgman with Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship in China, Al Ewert with World Impact, Mark and Shabnam Penner from Central Asia, Don McCurry with Ministry to Muslims, Lauren Libby Trans World Radio president, Philip and Elizabeth Prasad with Witnessing Ministries of Christ in India and Greg and Chris Callison who work with refugees. Summary: While this is not a complete list, it represents the areas in which we have been privileged to serve. The people of Eastminster have continued to be faithful and generous with their prayers, their time and their resources. It is a blessing to assist in the distribution of these, God’s provisions for his work. 15

Membership Development Council Members: Ann Ramseyer Ariel Lee Bill Faflick Kat Anderson *no longer on Council Melanie Moore Sandee Francel

Lead Elder: Bill Faflick

Teams supporting the Council • First Impressions • Discovery • Connections Council Purpose: Membership Development leads people on the path from first-time guest into an active member of the Eastminster family. It works to continually encourage and involve both new and current members in opportunities to give themselves away in service to the Lord. Summary: In humble submission, the First Impressions Team has grown to 120 ushers/greeters/welcome desk attendants who faithfully serve during worship services. Visitor reflections indicate Eastminster is welcoming visitors and assisting in their engagement while on the Eastminster campus. Follow up with each first and second-time guest occurs weekly. Additionally, Connect Cards have replaced pew pads, and this new process is proving to be an effective communication tool. Not only are Connect Cards used to track attendance and gain contact information for visitors, they also provide an opportunity for event and volunteer sign-up, a request for information on becoming a Christian, and an opportunity to submit prayer requests. In order to provide a gospel-honoring welcome and opportunity to grow spiritually, the Council teams have collaborated with the Discipleship Council to develop and teach a series of classes which provide growth opportunities for prospective and current Eastminster members. A summary of these new classes follows: Eastminster 101: Discovery – Eastminster welcome and overview, presentation of the gospel Eastminster 102: Spiritual Gifts – Spiritual gifting and overview of Councils Eastminster 103: Membership – Essentials of membership These classes were taught in succession once during the spring as part of Wednesday night EDGE and again in the summer during 9:30 a.m. Sunday school. Classes were taught by elders with a total of 54 participants making a decision to join Eastminster. A post-class survey of participants has provided a positive response and helps to refine the format for future classes.


New Members of Eastminster Presbyterian Church: By Profession of Faith: Jesse Adamah Grace Ball Josie Beaver Emily Bell Michael Bell David Berry Elizabeth Brosz Jacob Brown Josh Busch Blake Carroll James Cotton Emily Crow Taylor Cusick Abbi Faflick Chase Findley Emma Gunderson Connor Guthridge Nathan Hammar Jacob Hammil Jana Heady Ally Henderson Alyssa Jolly Nicholas Kellerman Megan Kinnane Spencer Krueger Jon Lammers Kathryn Lammers Travis Lenz

Lindsey Loveland Bryce Marklevits Dylan Matthew Alex McGovern Kristin McGregor Seth Montgomery Timothy Munson Chase Oberg Whitney Pepper Abbey Phelps Jack Pickert Kursten Regehr Matthew Regehr Cami Saville Cooper Seely Levi Sims Jack Thornberry Tyler Tolleson Jacob Wilson Jacob Windholz

By Letter of Transfer: Brad Anderson Polly Berry Walter Berry Linda Busch Ryan Busch Andrea Colley John Colley Margaret Fritzler Randall Fritzler Karen Gillispie Laroux Gillispie Linda Kratz Willard Kratz Fran Lederle Tracie MacLeod David Martin Lori Miller Darlene Odenwald Becky Phelps Tommy Phelps Kathleen Plumlee Rick Plumlee Don Revert Betty Rice Earle Rice Chelsea Simmon Mike Simmon Carolyn Yoder

By Reaffirmation of Faith: Mark Chaffin Mary Ellen Chaffin Logan Fullerton Heather Gamache Jane Hammil Jim Hammil Doug Hanson Tacey Hopper Matt Jaderston Jim Lenk Joshua Little Elizabeth Loop Nancy Martin Margaret McKay William McKay Amy Nichols Don Pritchard Julie Pritchard Gwen Saville Brandi Tanksley Jesse Tanksley


Administration Council Members: Bert Denny - Finance Team Lead Don King - Personnel Team Lead Jim DeKalb - Infrastructure Team Lead Kim Case - Chief Finance/Administration Officer Kurt Reding - Communications Team Lead Pat Leatherman - Deacon Rick Hilscher - Data Management Team Lead Roger D. Lowe - Lead Elder Teams supporting the Council • Communications • Finance • Governance Support

Lead Elder: Roger D. Lowe

• Infrastructure • Data Management • Personnel

Council Purpose: Support all aspects of conducting and funding church activities, including communications, finance, governance, infrastructure, data management, and personnel in an orderly and transparent fashion. Interface with other church councils, as appropriate, and to provide them with seamless support as seen by members, non-members, and the community. Major Actions Taken: • Developed church strategic planning calendar • Developed Shelby computer system resource calendar • Reviewed monthly financial statements and provided monthly reports to Session and quarterly financial reports to the congregation • Established staff and leadership training of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) Denomination Book of Order • Revised the organizational chart to establish clear assignments and responsibilities • Defined staff responsibilities and revised all job descriptions • Consolidated Session and congregational minutes subsequent to October 2011 for EPC • Revised the Employee Policy and Procedures Manual • Attendance records policy was revised to insure proper attendance information • Projected financial information for the Fiscal Year 2014 budget preparation • Prepared for and provided funding for the start-up costs of the new Great Plains Presbytery, subject to its approval of the new presbytery by the General Assembly meeting in June 2013 • Approved a merchandise sales policy for visiting lectures, speakers, artists, etc. • Job descriptions were developed for positions of Director of Discipleship and Director of Membership Development • Approved the development of an informational video to keep congregants informed on each Councils responsibilities and to provide them opportunities to serve • Approved the preparation of a new photo directory


• Recommended a change in the logo subheading on letterheads and communications to replace the • • • •

former five core commitments with the new mission statement which includes “Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives.” Developed a tickler file to notify the appropriate chair when each committee is to start work to meet the target dates for congregational meetings, etc, as called for in the by-laws. Arranged for Federal Home Land Security to come to the church to perform a Homeland Security Assessment to improve current safety measures of the church Arranged for LifeSaver Learning, Inc. to perform an updated CPR/Defibrillator training of staff and Guest Services volunteers Emergency weather procedures are being revised and will be communicated by Guest Services when appropriate


E as t m i n s t e r Co u

as o f 7 Prayer


Discipleship Congregational

• Corporate Prayer Events

• Senior Pastor Support


• Prayer Education & Resources

• Services

• Adult -education -small groups -Sunday school -EDGE classes -singles -special teaching -young adults -family ministries • High School

• All-Church Events

• Middle School

• Senior Ministries

• Children

• Women’s Ministries

• Music • Prayer Facilitation • Targeted Intercession

• Sacraments and Sanctuary

• Early Childhood Education

• Care and Support -deacons -hospital/home visitations -military care -weddings -funerals -transportation

• Men’s Ministries • Marriage Ministries


P ROM 20

p r o j

n c i l s a n d Te a m s

7 .3 0 . 13 Local & US Missions

World Missions

• Relief Ministry -holiday meals -urgent personal needs -handyman services -community needs -local medical clinics

• Operations and Administration

• Joint Missions Executive Team

• Train, Equip Send -personal ministry -evangelism training -church planting

• Joint Missions Executive Team

Membership Admin. Development • First Impressions -guest services -visitor follow-up -assimilation -hospitable culture creation

• Communications

• Discovery -relationshipbuilding -assimilation events/resources -mentor/host families

• Infrastructure -Facilities -Technical Min.

• Finance • Governance Support

• Networking • Missions Events and Awareness • Short-Term Missions • Missionary Care

• Urban Outreach • Youth and Student Outreach

• Data Management • Personnel

• Connections -new members class -volunteer opportunity management -volunteer liaison -current member involvement



j e c t


Financials Introduction This report includes the unaudited Fiscal Year 2013 Financial Statements, reflecting the financial status of Eastminster Presbyterian Church. During the year, members of the Finance Team reviewed the financial statements monthly and a corresponding report was submitted to Session for receipt and filing. Kirkpatrick, Sprecker and Company, LLP, Certified Public Accountants conducted an independent audit for Fiscal Year 2012 (no exceptions were noted) and have been engaged to conduct an independent audit for Fiscal Year 2013. Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2013 (unaudited) Assets

Current Assets: Cash Flexible Spending Account Interest Bearing Deposits Total Current Assets Property Assets: Property and Equipment Accumulated Depreciation Vehicles Accumulated Depreciation Land Building Accumulated Depreciation Total Property Assets Interfund Receivables Total Assets


201,329 1,736 446,620 649,685

481,056 (385,042) 67,887 (67,887) 572,063 10,025,368 (6,681,454) 4,011,992 1,025,256 $5,686,933

Liabilities Current Liabilities Long Term Debt Total Liabilities Interfund Payables

0 360,000 360,000


Equity Fund Balances 4,301,676 Total Liabilities & Equity $5,686,933

Income Expense Excess/(Deficit) Personnel

Income Statement Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Actual July - June July - June $3,830,000 $4,114,294 3,885,765 3,720,055 * ($55,765) $394,239

Actual % of Total Budget $1,790,943 48%










Total Expenses $3,720,055 *


Missions 26% Personnel 48%

Admin. 21% Programs 5%


Session Approved Budget Fiscal Year 2014 FY 2014 Session Budget Senior Pastor Worship Discipleship Membership Development Congregational Life Prayer Administration Local/US & World Missions FY14 Session Budget Total


$14,700 29,100 108,300 6,950 25,350 3,100 2,894,500 1,068,000 $4,150,000

Administration Council Office Administration $179,000 Communications 91,000 Data Management 5,500 Finance 82,000 Governance 76,300 Infrastructure 461,350 Personnel 1,999,350 FY14 Administration Budget Total $2,894,500 Personnel $1,999,350 Programs $187,500 Administration $895,150 Missions $1,068,000 $4,150,000 Missions 26%

Administra3on 22%


Programs 4%

% of Total Budget 0.4% 0.7% 2.6% 0.2% 0.6% 0.1% 69.7% * 25.7% 100.0%

4.3% 2.2% 0.1% 2.0% 1.8% 11.1% 48.2% 69.7% * 48% 5% 21% 26% 100%

Personnel 48%

Memorials Memorial Summary In Memory Of Kevin Anderson Preschool Bibles Tom Carey Parlor Chairs Sandy Crumet Scholarships/Westminster Woods Dock Terry Goodnight Children’s Ministries Holland Moody Youth Retreats/Scholarships Kyle Moody Youth Retreats/Scholarships Vesta Thompson Choir Folders Joe Zollinger Confirmation Bibles Member Deaths Member Betty Aenchbacher Waymuth Brown Robert Bulla Esther Cadle Mary Certain Olivia Crawford John Elliott Elizabeth Gambrill Terry Goodnight Harold Hartman Esther Lazar Brent Lupton Max Mason Ann Mateer Patrick McFadden Rae McNiel Robert Rawcliffe Nita Spurgeon Jack Stamp Lola Stephenson Mary Suhm Donald Uhlenhop Evelyn Unruh Kay Wecker

Date of Death 8/27/12 11/20/12 1/6/13 6/21/13 10/15/12 6/11/13 10/27/12 5/18/13 8/4/12 4/18/13 5/7/13 6/20/13 4/15/13 9/19/12 9/25/12 2/26/13 9/12/12 9/24/12 11/26/12 10/3/12 12/14/12 4/22/13 9/15/12 6/13/12


Current Staff Rev. Bob Hopper Interim Senior Pastor ext. 209, bhopper@eastminster.org Rev. Paul Bammel Associate Pastor ext. 205, pbammel@eastminster.org

Ben Marquez Director of Discipleship ext. 211, bmarquez@eastminster.org

Rev. Dick Gorham Associate Pastor Emeritus

Cassidy Cheray Contemporary Worship Leader ext. 252, ccheray@eastminter.org

Dr. Hank Lederle Minister ext. 242, hlederle@eastminster.org Kim Case Chief Finance/Administration Officer ext. 202, kcase@eastminster.org Courtney Browning Director of Communications ext. 203, cbrowning@eastminster.org Steve Falke Director of Technical Ministries ext. 244, sfalke@eastminster.org DeLynn Fowler Director of Accounting and Database Management ext. 240, dfowler@eastminster.org Dave Fowler Director of Facilities ext. 219, dlfowler@eastminster.org Cheryl Hennigh Director of Early Childhood Education ext. 237, chennigh@eastminster.org Matt Jaderston Director of Student Ministries ext. 214, mjaderston@eastminster.org


Mary Stephens Director of Children’s Ministries ext. 226, mstephens@eastminster.org

Meg Foreman Associate Director of Communications ext. 204, meg@eastminster.org Brandi Tanksley Associate Director of Children’s Ministries ext. 213, btanksley@eastminster.org Ginger Cox Congregational Life Coordinator ext. 200, gcox@eastminster.org Marcia Davis Missions Coordinator ext. 231, mdavis@eastminster.org Julia Falke Technical Ministries Coordinator ext. 253, jfalke@eastminster.org Amanda Fisher Administration Coordinator ext. 207, afisher@eastminster.org Jennifer Garrett Worship/Interim Senior Pastor Coordinator ext. 209, jgarrett@eastminster.org Louisa Markley Receptionist/Event Coordinator ext. 300, lmarkley@eastminster.org

Joey McLaughlin Discipleship/Student Ministries Coordinator ext. 210, jmclaughlin@eastminster.org Dana Miller Early Childhood Education Coordinator ext. 236, dmiller@eastminster.org Julie Pritchard Children’s Ministries Coordinator ext. 215, jpritchard@eastminster.org Anna Jeter Organist/Music Coordinator ext. 251, ajeter@pixius.net Tom Wine Chancel Choir Director

Debi Harris Chancel Bell Choir Director Stanley Cox Custodian ext. 219, scox@eastminster.org Lupe Lopez Maintenance ext. 220 Shawn Watkins Custodian ext. 219, swatkins@eastminster.org

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

1958 N. Webb Road • Wichita, KS 67206 p 316.634.0337 f 316.634.1496 • www.eastminster.org 27

Hospital Visits:


Easter Service – 1962

Homebound Visits:

Chili Christmas – 1336

Connect Card Prayer Requests Received: 660

Women’s Conference – 171


Special Events/Services

Total Supported Missionaries & Agencies: 93

Missions Funding: $992,056

Supported Missionaries & Agencies

Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Chad, Sudan, Pakistan, India, China, Japan, Iraq, Albania, Turkey, Spain, London, Central Asia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Romania, Moldova, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Lebanon, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa, United States

1958 N. Webb Road • Wichita, Kansas 67206-3404 p 316.634.0337 f 316.634.1496 • www.eastminster.org

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