Class of 2019 officer booklet

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Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives.

Elder and Deacon Class of 2019 Nominees

The Church Officer Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of nominees for deacon and elder officers to be submitted to the congregation for their approval on Sunday, November 13 in the Sanctuary following the service at 10:30 a.m. All Eastminster members are encouraged to attend the Congregational Meeting.


In 2007 I moved to Wichita to work for Spirit AeroSystems. I started attending Eastminster that year through a group called 242. I met my wife in 2008 and we were married in 2010. I have served as a Deacon, helped with High School Ministries, Love Wichita and other service projects at Eastminster. I attend the 11 a.m. service and the 9:30 a.m. Intimate Allies Sunday school class as well as a men’s small group. We have two children ages three years and four months. My hobbies include fishing and home projects.

Corey Bevan

My wife, Abby, and I have been attending Eastminster since 2010. We have three wonderful boys: a six-year-old, two-and-a-half-year-old (foster son), and a six-month-old. Although I accepted Christ as a child, parenthood has intensified my faith and desire to pursue a personal relationship with my maker. We are a part of the Intimate Allies class on Sunday mornings and I meet for a men’s study on Thursday mornings. I served previously as a Deacon and on a pastor search committee. I have worked at Poet Ethanol Products for 11 years in various logistics and operations roles. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, and designing or building things, whether it be home remodel, woodworking, metal work, or yard and landscaping projects.

Diann Faflick

“Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together” (Psalm 34:3). This verse has been meaningful to our family and is an invitation we can extend to others as we live out our faith, serve and share our love of Christ, and seek to glorify God in all that we do. My husband, Bill, and I have been members at Eastminster for nearly 20 years

and we are very blessed to have the privilege of parenting Hope, Jake, Nate and Abigail. Professionally, I have worked for the Wichita Public Schools as a high school English teacher, counselor, and as a specialist in college and career readiness. While at Eastminster, I have served and participated in several areas of ministry including Children’s and Youth Ministries, Local and World Missions, small group Bible studies, and most recently teaching Confirmation class. I am both humbled and honored to answer the call to serve as an Elder at Eastminster. With God’s provision, I hope to use my gifts “to serve others as a faithful steward of God’s grace” (1 Peter 4:10). I pray for the strength that only God can provide so that I may “walk in love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:1-2).

Howard Jordan

I grew up on my granddad’s ranch in Flatwood, Alabama; spending the first 29 years of my life enjoying as much time outdoors as humanly possible without missing meal time. Just a skip and a holler down the road from Flatwood is the small Southern Baptist church in Lamison where, at the age of 16, I accepted Christ as my savior and was baptized. In 1986, after several years of building airplanes at Beech Aircraft’s Selma, Alabama facility, Beech offered me an opportunity to continue my employment at the company’s main factory here in Kansas. Shortly after my move to Wichita I accepted an invitation to visit Eastminster’s Single Direction singles group. Thus began my participation in many aspects of the life of our church family; becoming a member of Eastminster in 1990. It was at one of those Single Direction events that I met Jeri Beat, who would later become my wife. Over the years I have participated in singles ministry leadership, the Worship Committee, Sound and Video Ministry, the Missions Steering Committee, marriage retreat planning, Welcome Ministry, technical arrangements for Franklin Graham’s 1997 visit to Kansas, Operations and Administration Committee, and served as Deacon, among other things. I currently serve on the World Mission Executive Council and, along with Jeri, help with Operation Christmas Child, work in the kitchen during retreats at Westminster Woods, and try to be available to help in other places where needed. I continue to spend as much time outdoors as possible, and enjoy time with Jeri, time with family on the farm in Flatwood, travel, photography, old Western movies, baseball, hunting, fishing, shooting sports, gardening, books, and learning more about America’s founding and the U.S. Civil War.

Matthew Neibling

I grew up in Derby, Kansas where I attended the First Presbyterian Church. I met my wife, Rachael, while attending Kansas State University. We began attending Eastminster and became members after we were married in 2006. Soon after, we began helping with Middle School Ministries. We were involved with Middle School Ministries until 2013. We are active in the Intimate Allies Sunday school class and attend the 11 a.m. worship service. I have served a term as a Deacon and have been a member of the Infrastructure Team since 2012. Rachael and I have two children. Our daughter, Abigail, is seven and our son, Luke, is four. I am a project engineer at Great Plains Industries where I design fuel transfer pumps.

Kurt Reding

My wife, Heather, and I have been members of Eastminster since we moved to Wichita in 2007. We cherish our close-knit small group, which meets each week throughout the school year for Bible study and prayer. We have been married 38 years and have two children and four grandchildren. I teach accounting at Wichita State University where I strive to be a Christian role model for my students. I previously served as an Eastminster Elder from 2012 through 2014. I was raised by devout Christian parents and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was in high school. One of my favorite Bible verses is Philippians 3:13, “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.� (ESV)

Tom Shannon

My wife of 45 years, Roxanne, and our family began attending John Knox in 1985 and when we moved to our current location in 1987, I began ushering, which I have continued to do. I serve and have worked in Love Wichita. I serve as team leader for the chapel Communion service at 8 a.m. We have two daughters ages 44 and 41 and three wonderful grandchildren. My hobbies are hunting and sporting clays. I look forward to serving in hopes of making a contribution to the work of the church.

Roger Wilson

Except for the first two or three years of my life and my undergraduate and law school years in Lawrence, Kansas, I have lived in Wichita all of my life. I am a practicing attorney with four (4) daughters and ten (10) grandchildren, all of whom and each of whom I count among the many blessings God has seen fit to grace me with since I turned to him. After attending Eastminster Presbyterian Church for several years, I became a member in 1989. I am pleased to have participated in our move to our present location. Having served one term as a Deacon and two terms on Session as an Elder, I do look forward to serving again.

Ernest McClellan (two-year, class of 2018)

I grew up in the Nazarene church and accepted Christ as Lord of my life while at Pasadena College. Barbara and I were married 52 years ago while she was in nursing school and I was in graduate school. We have two children and three grandsons. While in residency, Eastminster was recommended to us by a surgeon who had served as a missionary with former members Bethel and Dr. Paul Bauman in Ethiopia. We moved to Wichita in 1973 to start practice as an anesthesiologist. We began attending at 9th and Armor in 1974, joined and later I served several terms on Session. I am in the choir and have taught several classes around my interest in how using sound reason and scientific research — including the very latest discoveries — consistently support, rather than erode, confidence in the truth of the Bible and faith in the personal, transcendent God revealed in both Scripture and nature. A favorite verse and personal goal is I Peter 3:15-16, “always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess. Yet do it with courtesy and respect, keeping a good conscience, so that those who slander your good conduct in Christ may be put to shame when they accuse you.”


Thirty-five years ago my husband, Bruce, and I chose to move to Wichita from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Bruce was quickly immersed in his OB/GYN practice while I kept busy raising our three children, sculpting, volunteering, attending Bible Study Fellowship and Hannah Circle. Once the kids began school I volunteered more, taught swimming, water aerobics, and therapeutic horseback riding. Having been raised in the Presbyterian faith I looked for a similar experience for my family. I felt the presence of God’s love and church family at Eastminster - through meaningful worship services, Sunday school classes, vacation Bible school, picnics, Westminster Woods retreats, middle, high school and college activities, and the wonderful members. I know Christ is my Lord and Savior. I feel God’s presence everyday through the Holy Spirit. I know with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).

Polly Berry

My husband, Walter, and I have lived in Wichita most of our lives. Eastminster was Walt’s church growing up. Years after we were married and had children we moved back to Wichita. Eastminster became our family’s church home. Here is where some of my wrong beliefs were graciously challenged and my growth in Christ began to take flight. I will always be thankful for the people here who touched my life then and continue to now! We thank God for our four children and their spouses, and nine and a half grandchildren. Much of my time is invested in relationships; the grandchildren,

gardening, supporting my husband in the work of Berry Companies, oneon-one time, and small groups. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve Eastminster as a deaconess.

Richard “Buck” Buchanan

I am a life-long resident of the Wichita area. My wife, Linda, and I were raised in the West Side Presbyterian Church. We were married in that church in 1972 and raised four wonderful children, three of whom also attend Eastminster. We were not only members at West Side, but also the First Presbyterian Church in Derby. I have served as an Elder and/or Deacon in both of those churches. Linda and I are retired now. Linda retired from teaching and I retired from Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems. We spend much of our time with our 10 grandchildren in numerous ways. I also so do some consulting work for the Boeing Company, and I recently left the Board of Trustees for Heartspring after serving six years. My family and I enjoy the 9:30 Sunday service. We find the music and atmosphere along with the message inspiring. We particularly enjoy the traditional holiday services. My wife and I came to Eastminster in 2013 from the First Presbyterian Church in Derby.

Jean Ann Ebright

My husband, Charlie, and I moved to Wichita from the Gulf Coast around 20 years ago and have a son, Jack (16), and daughter, Lily (12). Charlie teaches and coaches baseball at Bishop Carroll High School and I’m an engineer and capital project manager for Koch Ag and Energy Services. Having transferred from a Methodist church, we’ve attended Eastminster for 13 years. I’ve been blessed to be involved as a Sunday school and Kids Worship teacher, in women’s Bible studies, have enjoyed mission trips to Nicaragua and Joplin, and cooking for youth retreats at awesome Westminster Woods. I’ve served previously as a Deacon and look forward to another opportunity to serve. “Whatever happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27).

Heidi Elliott

I have been married to Brad for nearly 20 years. We moved to Wichita 19 years ago and started attending Eastminster shortly after. Throughout the years we have helped with the 3rd grade Sunday School class at Eastminster. We have also participated in delivering food boxes at Christmas and Love Wichita cleanup days. I currently attend a women’s Bible study on Wednesday mornings and mentor a young lady through Youth Horizons. I enjoy anything outdoors. I have three daughters, Savannah (19), Megan (17) and Jenna (13).

Brett Gibbens

I have been a member of Eastminster for more than 15 years now and have attended the church nearly my entire life. I came to Christ as a child while attending the Eastminster Sunday school program. Some of my favorite memories attending Eastminster include family retreats at Rock Springs Ranch, the various middle school and high school retreats at Westminster Woods, and meeting my wife through a mutual friend at 242. Amber and I got married in 2011, and we now have two young boys, Hayden and Mason. We are very excited to see them grow up in the same church that has provided so much to my family and me. Professionally, I work at Flint Hills Resources (Koch) on our procurement team. One of my favorite memory verses is Philippians 4:13: I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Carl Hebert

I began attending Eastminster while dating my wife, Sarah, in 2000. We’re thankful to have multiple generations of our family attend and worship with us. I am a commercial real estate broker with InSite Real Estate Group, and have a passion for making connections and helping people. I’ve served the Eastminster community in a variety of ways over the past several years including Children’s Ministries, High School Ministries and a term as Deacon. I enjoy bicycling, fishing and hunting in my spare time. We have a seven-year-old daughter, threeyear-old son and are expecting a baby in 2017.

Bobbi Jolly

I was born and raised here in Wichita. My husband, Tom, and I were married in 1989. We have four children ranging in age from 25 to 14, a daughter-in-law and three precious grandsons which we enjoy so much! Our two youngest daughters attend Sunrise Christian Academy where I work as a coordinator for a lunch option for the students and staff of the school. We truly believe God led our family to Eastminster in 2010 and we have grown to love our church family so much over the years. Currently Tom and I take part in the Minor Prophets Sunday class. I’ve also had the privilege to help with the children’s program on Wednesday evenings in the past. I am excited for the new opportunities to come where I can help and encourage others for God’s glory! “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Kathy Killingsworth

My husband, Scott, and I have been married 37 years and started attending Eastminster shortly after the church moved to Webb Road. We have two grown children and one adorable granddaughter who shows us daily what an amazing God we have. I have been an educator in the Maize school district for over 30 years. I started my volunteer work at Eastminster by working in the Resource Room, then graduated to the four year olds as well as 1st and 2nd grade Sunday school classes. When our children were in middle school and high school, I cooked countless meals at Westminster Woods. The Woods is still a place very dear to my heart. I have previously served as a Deacon and have gone on several short-term mission trips. My favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Nancy Martin

My husband of 41 years, Dave, and I have enjoyed living in Wichita for over 35 years. We’re blessed with three grown children and eight grandchildren, ranging in age from 18 months to 12 years. This is my 21st year to teach at Andover Middle School - 18 years of 7th grade math and three years of 8th grade history. Dave and I have been members at Eastminster since 2012, and both enjoy singing in the Chancel Choir. I love spending time with our kids and grandkids, but none of them live in Wichita. In my spare time, I do some after-school math tutoring and love to read. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 119:11: “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

Earle Rice

I grew up in the Presbyterian church in Lakin, Kansas, west of Garden City. I have an undergraduate degree from Kansas Wesleyan and a graduate degree from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I worked with the U.S. Center for World Mission in Pasadena, California, in its very early days. Later I taught English as a Second Language. Eventually I owned and operated a title business in Kearny County, Kansas. Betty Simpson Rice, who is from St. Louis, and I have been married for 29 years and have three children and three grandchildren. Our daughter Janelle is a speech therapist in Topeka. She is married to Cody Hudson, and they have three children, Tony, Beckett and Emery. One of our twin sons, Kendall is about to graduate from the University of Colorado Denver with a degree in architecture and design. Our other twin son, Nick lives with us in Wichita and has sometimes played the box drum in the contemporary worship service. Because of Nick’s cerebral palsy we have been very interested in and involved with Joni Eareckson Tada and her international disability ministry. I collect used wheelchairs for Joni and Friends Wheels for the World to refurbish at Kansas prisons and take all over the world to be distributed by teams of physical therapists, etc. to children and adults who also are introduced to Jesus.

Jeanne Vance Shoemaker

I returned to Wichita in 1988 after living in Dallas, Kansas City, Fort Collins and Colorado Springs. I taught vocal music for 21 years and was a high school administrator for 10 when I retired from USD 259 in 2008. I am currently an assistant professor in music education at Wichita State University where I supervise the music student teachers each semester. I came to Eastminster in 2006 through Fresh Start, the divorce recovery program, first as a participant and then as a counselor. I sing in Chancel Choir and enjoy the friendship as well as the caliber of music we sing for worship. Christian radio had a huge part in my coming to Christ when I lived in Colorado and I have grown immensely through the biblical teachings available on air. I play golf and work out, both on a regular basis. And just recently I married Rex Shoemaker, my first boyfriend from 8th and 9th grade! He is retired and part of this package is Rex’s two adult children, three beautiful grandchildren and a cute little dog! Romans 8:28 is so near to my life: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Carolyn Yoder

I am an Idaho native who moved to Kansas in 2012 after retiring from my career as a school counselor. I made this move in order to be near my family. I came to saving faith in 1982 and reformed theology in 1992. I joined Eastminster Church four years ago. I have been involved in the Thursday evening women’s Bible study for several years and have volunteered to help with VBS. I also have had the pleasure of teaching Parenting with Love and Logic during EDGE. I am Mom to three children and Nana to four grandchildren.

Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives.

1958 N. Webb Road • Wichita, Kansas 67206-3404 p 316.634.0337 • f 316.634.1496 •

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