December Eastwind 2012

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December 2012

Christmas at Eastminster

A Season of Encounter by Bob Hopper, Interim Senior Pastor I am enjoying my first fall in Wichita, which is such a beautiful season of the year. Of course winter is just around the corner, and the jury is still out on the question of how much I will enjoy a Wichita winter. It is appropriate to think of life as a series of seasons. Tacey and I had a season of singleness, then marriage, marriage without children, and (in just six months) the season of being “empty nesters.” Politcally, we have finished the season of pre-election intensity, followed by post-election ______ (you can fill in your own blank on this one). As a church, we are in the season of an interim senior pastor, which will result in a new season with a new permanent senior pastor. The examples are innumerable – life is about passing from one season to another. Some seasons are cyclical, others are linear (I trust that for Tacey and me our season of child bearing and raising was linear, but Sarah and Abraham did as well). At Eastminster, our season with Steve Dickie as one of our ministers is passing, and we wish Steve and his family the Lord’s very best. As of November 11th, our season as full members of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church is beginning, and may the Lord bless that new union. As of January 1st, our eight new Councils will begin their work as we enter into a new structure for ministry in and through the life of Eastminster. These are all examples of linear seasons of time. Advent, of course, is a cyclical season. As such, there is the danger that it can easily pass as somewhat routine, meaningless, joyless, and powerless. May I suggest that we ask the Lord to make this advent become a SEASON OF ENCOUNTER as opposed to a season of RITUAL. As believers who love the Lord, we need to ask Him to grant us a fresh encounter with his grace, truth, and beauty. As believers who love unbelievers, we need to ask the Lord to grant us humility and boldness in inviting our unchurched friends and neighbors to Eastminster so that they might hear and see the reality of the gospel. You know of someone who is spiritually dead, and there have been times when you have said to yourself: “I wish they would come to know the Lord.” Christmas is a season of opportunity for you to invite them to Eastminster, either on a Sunday morning, or for the choir concert on the evening of December 10th, or to one of our four Christmas Eve services. Do not let this season pass without taking spiritual advantage of this season so that a lost person


Eastwind Newsletter

can discover that Christ offers them a radically new season called eternal life. Why did Jesus come to earth? Of course the typical (and correct) answer would be: “To save us from our sin.” However, as accurate as that answer may be, there are reasons just as significant (perhaps more so) that Christians generally do not consider. For this season of advent sermons, we will consider those lesser-known reasons and, in the process, come to appreciate with greater depth and clarity the beauty of the incarnation. With the passing of each season, we are one day closer to that coming reality when our Lord will come again and restore the entire created order to what it was orginally intended to be. That will be the very best season of all – a linear and eternal season of pure and sinless joy and worship. Celebrate this advent with the sure and certain hope of that future advent. Grateful to be with you for a season, Pastor Bob

Advent Message Series with Pastor Bob Hopper Why did Jesus come? Why would a perfect God wrap himself in skin and enter a world far from his home? This Christmas, Eastminster invites you to take a deeper look at why Jesus was born. We’ll look beyond the manger to glimpse a miracle so incredible it shook human history. Together, we’ll discover the real reason Jesus came to earth… and it’s bigger than you might think! December I John 3:8 December December December December Luke 1:79

2 To Destroy the Works of the Devil 9 To Scatter the Proud – Luke 1:51 16 To Pay a Ransom – Mark 10:45 23 To Save the World – John 3:17 24 To Shine of Those Living in Darkness

The Journey

M ov in g F o rward To g et her.

The Journey is Eastminster’s leadership and transitions blog. It’s the place to start for information on the next steps Eastminster is taking during this time of transition. Eastwind will now contain snippets from Journey posts, but to read the entire update please visit the online blog at thejourney. As we follow God’s leading, our elders, staff and leadership are here to answer your questions, share information about recent issues and decisions, and offer encouragement so we can move forward together.

The Promise Project: Serve, Pray, Give, Dream Posted 10.23 Big things are happening around Eastminster! The Promise Project is well underway, and God is on the move! We want you to know about four distinct parts of the project. They are: serve, pray, give and dream.

can’t happen without your gifts and support. That’s why we’ve made this special stewardship focus a part of the project – it’s another way to move forward on the path God has laid out for us. Visit to learn more about our stewardship focus, or to download a copy of Pastor Bob’s stewardship devotional. Dream The final part of The Promise Project is all about YOU – your dreams, hopes and prayers for Eastminster. We’ve created a special card and online form for you to be able to share your dreams for Eastminster. We want to know what you envision from our eight new areas of ministry. We want to know how you see Eastminster impacting your faith, family, marriage, community and world. Visit to learn more or share your dreams.

October Session Update Key Updates from the October 16 Session Meeting

Serve The serving part of The Promise Project is probably what you’ve heard most about. We’re working toward realigning our church structure, and also getting more people involved in leading ministry and making decisions. This means you have the opportunity to serve in a way that best fits your unique calling and gifts. There are still lots of ways to get involved, especially within the areas of Discipleship and Worship. Visit eastminster. org/promise to learn more about our new areas of ministry and how you can help. Pray We know we can’t accomplish any of what we’ve set out to do through The Promise Project without prayer – and lots of it! We’re asking everyone in the church, young to old, leaders and congregants, to pray for three specific areas: New Shepherd, New Structure and New Start. Visit to learn all about our prayer initiative. Give We recently focused together as a church on stewardship and honoring the Lord with our gifts and finances. Through Pastor Bob’s messages as well as a special devotional you received in the mail, we took a look at God’s ownership of everything, and our part in managing what he’s given us. The Promise Project

Christmas Concert Retiring Offering Session approved a retiring offering following the Christmas Concert on December 10. Did you know this event draws many from around the community? This evening of music and praise is also the perfect time to invite friends and family to hear the message of the gospel. However, the concert can’t happen without your support. In order to facilitate the concert, your gifts are needed! You can give anytime in the church office, or on Sundays just by marking “Christmas Concert” on your check. The retiring offering following the Monday concert is also an excellent way to support this special night. Membership Project Our membership project is finally complete! With great help from volunteers, staff, elders and deacons, we were able to connect with every member of our church to find out their wishes for their membership status. A special thank you goes to Russ Pickering, who helped complete the project by making approximately 500 phone calls to those we hadn’t heard from yet. Our final membership numbers are: • Active members: 1,586 • Transfer of membership out of Eastminster: 26 • Personal request of membership termination: 373 • Session terminated due to lack of attendance/involvement: 274

Connecting to Context

Eastminster member Roxie Smith shares about an exciting new opportunity to go deeper into Scripture.

Bible Alive!

• Friday, January 18, 6:30 – 9:45 p.m. • Saturday, January 19, 8:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. • First Evangelical Free Church (1825 N. Woodlawn) Take a walk through the Holy Land, right here in Wichita. During Preserving Bible Times, we’ll experience the majesty and history of Israel in order to understand the Bible in the context it was written. This revolutionary course was developed by Wichita’s own Jim Martin after he experienced the country of Israel firsthand. Through a series of lectures, videos and photographs we will be equipped to read the Bible in its true context and gain a deeper understanding of Jesus and his Word. Preserving Bible Times focuses on teaching how to examine what words and phrases in Scripture meant to those in Bible times in order better understand what the passage means to us today. This two-day seminar is led by Doug Greenwold, executive director and senior teaching fellow for Preserving Bible Times. Bible Alive! is the first in a four-part series from Preserving Bible Times. Four sponsor churches from around Wichita have come together to facilitate this special series: First E.Free, Eastside Community, Eastminster and Central Christian. Each seminar will be hosted by a different sponsor church, so stay tuned for more in 2014, 2015 and 2016!

Registration Register in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, December 16, or any other time in the church office. Cost through January 7: $25 per person, $40 per couple, with a $50 family maximum. Cost January 8 – 11: $30 per person, $50 per couple.


Eastwind Newsletter

What is Preserving Bible Times? Preserving Bible Times, Inc. is a faith-based educational organization with a vision for preserving and presenting biblical truth and meaning through integrating the biblical text with its visual, geographical, literary, historical and cultural context. Preserving Bible Times’ approach is to creatively assemble a “tool box” of Bible times-related images, resources and contextual elements that will allow the Scriptures to increasingly come alive for 21st Century readers as they did for first Century hearers. This integrated contextual approach to engaging the Scriptures is shared in a series of four seminars. Preserving Bible Times is one organization which has realized what has been happening over time to our contextual understanding of Scripture through the accumulation of progressive layers of Western worldview and modernity thinking. Preserving Bible Times is committed to capturing and preserving as much as possible of the integrated context that shapes our understanding of authorial intent (original meaning) of the biblical text. (from How did you get connected with this organization? I discovered Preserving Bible Times as I was searching the web for biblical resources after returning from Israel in November of last year. It wasn’t until sometime later that I found that Dr. Jim Martin, sponsor of our Israel study tour and Wichita native, was co-founder of this organization. It has become an invaluable resource to me for further study and growth. Share your favorite story from your time in Israel. My time in Israel was full of unforgettable experiences and images. However, one in particular stands out to me as I realized the significance of the place, the biblical events that occured there and the life of young boy Jesus growing up in nearby Nazareth. The small, first-century village of Nazareth sits on top of a ridge that overlooks the Valley of Megiddo. As a young boy, Jesus would have played outside in full view of this valley every day! As he viewed this valley, he knew that this would be the place of his final battle and victory, the battle of Armageddon. He never lost sight of his purpose and mission. It was a stirring moment for me to realize the proximity of these two places, ponder the significance of both, and behold the site.

What will you get out of attending Preserving Bible Times? The first conference in this series of four is titled Bible Alive. It is called that for a reason. Through the contextual teaching of Dr. Jim Martin and Doug Greenwold, along with arial video footage of the sites and professional photographic images, the Bible will literally “come alive” in a fresh, new way. A richness of the Scriptures will be rediscovered by those who attend.

If you are looking for spiritual revival, a renewed excitement as you study God’s Word, a jump start to your daily Bible reading, a grasp of the location of Bible events, a glimpse into the life of a first century middle-eastern villager, and the knowledge of the cultural perspective that will deepen your understanding of Scripture and the richness that it brings ... Preserving Bible Times conference is for you!

“If you are looking for spiritual revival, a renewed excitement as you study God’s Word, or a jump start to your daily Bible reading ... Preserving Bible Times conference is for you.” Share about the partnership between the four churches putting on Preserving Bible Times – why is this such a benefit? The Preserving Bible Times conferences will by hosted by the four churches (Eastminster, First E. Free, Central Christian, Eastside Community) represented on the 2011 Israel Study Tour with Dr. Jim Martin. As a group, we became very close by discovering the Bible and experiencing the Holy Land together. We all recognized the incredible value that this experience held. For many of us, it was life changing in a number of ways. For some, the opportunity to travel to Israel is not possible or even realistic. A two-week time commitment and additional financial resources make the trip difficult. Preserving Bible Times provides a similar experience for our church and others in our Christian community to learn and grow much like we did through our time and study in Israel. “To bring Israel to the church,” so to speak. By combining our efforts and working together, the four host churches have enjoyed the benefit of Christian fellowship, stewardship of resources, and unity of the body. Why are you personally so excited to see this program come to Wichita? I am personally very excited to see these conferences come to Wichita. I believe that God is preparing his people for something deeper in their personal relationship with him. Each conference will have a follow-up study resource that can be used for personal study or small group study. So there will be additional resources to continue the contextual study of the Scriptures and apply what we have learned at the conference.

About Dr. Jim Martin – Co-founder of Preserving Bible Times and presenter at the 2014, 2015 and 2016 Wichita seminars Over the past 30 years Dr. James C. Martin has taught hundreds of biblical study programs in Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Greece. Ordained in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, he served several years in the pastorate before he and his wife, Stacey, moved to Jerusalem where he worked on postgraduate studies in Jerusalem with Israeli scholars, focusing on the historical, cultural and geographical context of the Bible. Dr. Martin was program director and an instructor at the Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies from 1983-1989. In 1989 he founded Bible World Seminars to continue teaching the Bible in the land of the Bible and was the initial co-founder of Preserving Bible Times in 2001. Dr. Martin was lead author in the recent publication of A Visual Guide to Bible Events and A Visual Guide to Gospel Events published by Baker Books and is a Teaching Associate at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - Cooley Center and Bible - Journey Biblical Study Program. Since the early 1980s Jim and Stacey have also been involved in photography and video filing throughout the Middle East and Europe. Their photos appear in dozens of titles including the NIV Archaeology Study Bible, The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, The Zondervan Bible Dictionary, Halley’s Bible Handbook, Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, A Visual Guide to Bible Events and A Visual Guide to Gospel Events.

Living a Miracle

Missionary Gracia Burnham, who was kidnapped and held captive for more than a year in the Philippines, shares about holding on to hope.

Many in Kansas remember watching in horror as the story unfolded of two Kansas missionaries who were kidnapped from a resort in the Philippines in 2001. Martin and Gracia Burnham, who served with New Tribes Mission, were celebrating their 18th wedding anniversary when they were abducted at gunpoint by members of the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group. Held for more than a year in the jungle, Martin was killed by gunfire as they tried to escape their captors. Gracia survived, and now, 10 years later, still tells their story. Her humility, trust in the Lord, and attitude of forgiveness are evident as she speaks of her experience. Today Gracia travels extensively, speaking to groups and sharing her story, and has also published two books about her experience. Gracia will share at the Women’s Christmas Gathering on December 13. Telling her story is important to Gracia, and it’s a work she feels uniquely called to. “It’s just what God has given me to do,” she shares. “I often think maybe I shouldn’t do this anymore, stop traveling and get a ‘real job.’ But it seems to bless people, so I keep doing it.” Her story is filled with lessons and truths from the Holy Spirit she learned in her captivity, as well as in the years after her release, but she says it’s difficult to pick one that stands out most. “Nine out of 10 times, I hear people talk about forgiveness when I’m signing books. But I also learned a lot about our own weaknesses. We think we have our ducks in a row, and our lives planned, but we don’t see our own neediness and sinfulness. That was a great lesson to me.” Gracia lives out these lessons in a manner that could only come from the Holy Spirit. “I am now working with some of our captors who are in jail. There is a missionary couple in Manila who minister at a maximum security prison there. My work with them is a lot of what I will talk about at the upcoming Eastminster women’s event, but let me just say that it is an incredible thing to

watch what God is doing in the hearts of our former captors.” It has been 10 years since Gracia’s captivity, and God is still working in mighty ways through Gracia. “He is teaching me to look to him every day. Right now I don’t know my future. Sometimes I think I’d rather be on the mission field, or just living as a ‘normal’ person, but God is teaching me to rest and wait. I am just to offer my little bit, keep going, and trust him.”

Miracles Abound Gracia says she now sees her life, and the circumstances around it, as a miracle of God. “I tell the story of our last day in the jungle often. I was the only survivor – that in itself is miraculous. There were three of us there, Martin, a Phillipino nurse and myself, and the other two were shot and killed,” she remembers. “It’s amazing to me that people still want to hear my story. Ten years later my schedule is just as full as right after I returned home. I think people want to hear because everyone has a story of hard times and God’s grace – and those stories are always miraculous. God just has a way of using those difficult circumstances for good. He truly does work miracles. For example, never in my wildest dreams would I imagine our captors becoming Christians in prison – but he is making it happen!” Gracia firmly believes sharing her story, her own miracle, is what God has called her to do in order to bless others. “I hope my talk at the women’s event gives people hope that God redeems things, that he writes good stories. You may be going through tough times, but if you hope in the Lord it’ll be ok. I hope the Christmas event is a morning of encouragement and that women leave with hopeful hearts.”

Women’s Christmas Gathering with special guest Gracia Burnham December 13 • 9:30 a.m. • Fellowship Hall We’ll have tasty treats, a meaningful message and musical entertainment. The event is free, but please RSVP to Kat Anderson at 634.0337, ext. 242, or no later than December 10.


Eastwind Newsletter

Musical Traditions A special interview with Tom Wine and Anna Jeter We recently interviewed Chancel Choir Director, Tom Wine, and Music Coordinator/Organist, Anna Jeter, to tell us about our Christmas Concert tradition.

the Sunday worship service. The first time Eastminster initiated a concert as community outreach was in 2011. It was a resounding success with a packed church and a communal sense of joy.

What makes the Eastminster Christmas Concert special? Anna: It will be witness to the Wichita community from the Eastminster Chancel Choir, Bell Choir and orchestra celebrating the love of God shown in the birth of his son, Jesus Christ.

This is a great outreach event for the community, why do think people should attend? Anna: In our society, it seems the message of Christmas is now dictated by the department stores and the commercial music industry. It is our purpose to glorify God and inspire our church and community with beautiful music and words to serve and honor him in our lives.

Tom: The concert showcases the diversity and depth of musical talent at Eastminster. Most people have heard the choir and handbells and may have favorite soloists. The addition of an orchestra to the program adds a depth of colors and provides a feeling of power which is not achievable with voices alone. While the music takes place in a house of worship, because it is a concert there is a different appeal to the combined selections.

Tom: Our society promotes holiday concerts filled with wonderful tunes such as White Christmas and Jingle Bells. Our Christmas concert is special because it is a musical celebration of the “reason for the season.” This concert brings people together to sing traditional Carols and enjoy music promoting the anticipation of a birth which would change the world.

How long have you been involved with the concert and what are some of your favorite moments from past concerts or rehearsals? Anna: When I started as organist in 1981, the Chancel Choir presented a special music Sunday with orchestra four times a year. It has always been a tradition for the Chancel Choir to present the Word of God through music in many ways. Sometimes we have sponsored local choirs, such as the Singing Quakers. Last Palm Sunday we invited the Maize High School Choir to join our Chancel Choir for a very moving concert of sacred music for Holy Week. I hope we will always support this ministry to our community.

What is the purpose of the concert? Tom: This is an interesting question. In a society where music is available free online through Pandora, Spotify, as well as the radio, do we really need another concert? CD recordings are always cleaner than a live performance because the artist has the luxury of multiple recording sessions to get the music right. Why subject our ears to a less-than-perfect performance? Why do we go to church instead of read and pray alone at home? There is a sense of community in corporate worship that transcends the word. The shared aesthetic of a concert provides an emotional connection with others which recordings cannot replicate.

Tom: The choir has been doing special music celebrating the holiday season many years – long before I took over as director of the Chancel Choir. This has usually taken the form of an extended music presentation during

The Christmas Concert is meant to be an outreach to our friends and community. There are small business-sized cards available at the church for you to use as you invite family and neighbors to hear the message of the gospel.

The Gift of Christmas: A Celebration of Carols and Hymns • Sunday, December 9, during 9:30 & 11 a.m. services • Monday, December 10, at 7 p.m. • Eastminster Sanctuary We’ll host an evening of celebration with the community to honor the greatest gift ever, Jesus Christ. This tradition draws people from across the city to hear Christmas carols and hymns with the Eastminster Chancel Choir, Hand Bells, full orchestra, piano and organ. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to hear the hope of the gospel. Artists include Tom Wine (choir director), Deborah Harris (hand bells), and Anna Jeter (organ) with a special message by Pastor Bob Hopper. Learn more at

Changing Inner-City Lives Morning Star Ranch gives new life by offering a place to retreat from the everyday This year Eastminster’s annual Christmas Eve offering benefits World Impact’s Morning Star Ranch in Florence, Kan. World Impact began to minister to children in Wichita through Bible clubs more than 40 years ago. They realized as the children grew out of club, they still needed positive direction in their lives. In 1981 they purchased land just outside of Florence, Kan., to build Morning Star Ranch. Dr. Frank Kik, former senior pastor at Eastminster, was chairman of the World Impact board and he and others at Eastminster volunteered time, energy and resources to see the ranch established and the partnership continued. The ranch is a place for job training and discipleship for those planning to return to the inner cities of America in ministry positions. The camp serves as a way to reach inner-city children who may never have the chance to get outside the city by showing them the love of Christ while spending time outdoors

learning skills such as swimming, fishing and a high ropes course. Hundreds of children come to know Christ at summer camps. Numerous reports have also been received from adults whose lives were changed while at Morning Star. “The camp has become sacred ground, as it marks the beginning of the transforming work that the Lord did to my entire family,” says Anna Clausen. When Anna was a little girl her parents divorced and she was left feeling abandoned, unloved and with a void. She sought to fill that void by pursuing hurtful friendships, drugs and things that could never satisfy the emptiness. At the age of 14 a friend invited her and her sister to camp at Morning Star Ranch. “There we were shown the love of Christ for the first time. I remember hearing the words ‘I love you’ and for once feeling like I could believe them. It was the pure love of that youth leader that helped me to understand the love of Christ,” she says. Anna and her sister gave their lives to Christ at the camp and as a result of their passion to seek him, led their mother to Christ also. Anna now serves at the camp saying, “One of the joys of my life is to help with camps at Morning Star Ranch.”

“I remember hearing the words ‘I love you’ and for once feeling like I could believe them.” Over the years hundreds of young men, teens and families’ lives have been changed by visiting Morning Star Ranch. Saul Arrellano grew up in South Central Los Angeles, Calif., and began attending World Impact Bible Club, where he gave his heart to Jesus. Saul heard about a ranch in Kansas for men who wanted to grow in their walk with Christ and become leaders. In the early eighties, Saul went to Morning Star to spend two years in the Christian Leadership Training Program. He later graduated from John Brown University with a degree in construction management. He moved back to Los Angeles and worked in that field for several years, serving on the World Impact city board. After many years in Los Angeles, he and his family moved to Denver where he planted a Spanish-speaking church and today is working with other pastors, establishing a World Impact Urban Ministry Institute satellite in the Denver area. Saul represents what has happened in lives of campers and students many times over. Until recently, the camp has fed up to 120 campers from a very small kitchen and dining hall, often with people eating in shifts. “We are excited about a new dining hall and kitchen, which are in progress,” says a spokesperson for Morning Star Ranch. Eastminster’s Christmas Eve offering will be matched and will help fund the addition that can seat 150 people. Morning Star Ranch meets a very specific need for those coming from the inner city. The environment gives people a chance to take a breath. It gives time to ask questions and find answers; to seek God, who is big enough for the problems of the city, and who is able to be with them through anything.

Missions Second Sunday December 9, 1 p.m.; Fireside Room

Al Ewert, Mid-West Regional Vice President of World Impact, oversees the ministries in Dallas, St. Louis, Wichita, Morning Star Ranch and Deer Creek Camp. Al will speak about World Impact’s Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) and Morning Star Ranch located near Florence, Kan. All are welcome to join us! RSVP for lunch to Marcia Davis at 634.0337, ext. 231, or by December 5.

A Life of Impact Friends of Steve Dickie honor his ministry as he bids Eastminster farewell. After 18 years of faithful ministry, laughter, friendship and leadership, minister Steve Dickie will bid farewell to doing life at Eastminster. Following God’s call to the next stop in life, Steve and Linda will take a sabbatical before beginning a new ministry adventure. It’s bittersweet for our church family as we say goodbye to a dear friend, mentor and colleague, and remember the mark he has left here. Steve’s friends from Eastminster and the community submitted notes of encouragement, fun memories and hopes for the future as we honor the impact Steve has had on so many of us. The Friesen family came to Eastminster from some tough, divisive circumstances. We knew no one at Eastminster. The first Sunday we attended the adult classes, Steve Dickie met us in the hall and saw us wandering, somewhat lost. He lovingly greeted us and welcomed us to Eastminster. He welcomed us to the class he was teaching. Little did we know how providential that was. Steve, through his compassion, his love, and his teaching embraced us. The next six months, each class that Steve taught was meant just for us. It is as if God lead Steve to speak just to our hearts. The healing we received will endear the memory of Steve and Linda Dickie to our hearts. Thank you, Steve and Linda! Steve Friesen Our earliest memory of Eastminster is Steve Dickie’s genuine attitude and optimistic encouragement to us as visitors. We kept coming back each week because Steve remembered our names, and was intentional in reaching out and building a relationship with us. We quickly discovered a common bond – baseball – and Steve instantly became one of our biggest fans and cheerleaders, as Rob was a pitcher for WSU and I worked in the athletic department. As we moved into the next stages of life, marriage and professional ball, Steve continued to be an advocate for us on and off the field. During the off-season he got us plugged in to the Intimate Allies Sunday School. This group has produced some of our deepest friendships, greatest mentors (and family), and a chance to be a part of Eastminster’s growth and community, as the class has more than tripled in size. As each baseball season approached and dragged on for the long seven months, Steve would drown us in prayer for travel, the trials of separation, (that Rob would get traded to the LA Angels), and that we would be given opportunities to share the gospel.

He was central in shaping the idea that baseball was not only a job and lifestyle for us, it was our ministry. I could write pages of stories of how God used us and blessed us during this time. They run the gamut, from Rob giving his testimony to a packed stadium, to God intimately intervening and providing housing for us when we were stranded in California, pregnant, and not being able to afford one more night in a hotel. While God certainly gets the glory for everything, it was Steve’s encouragement and support of two crazy kids chasing a dream while living for Jesus that brought us through some bleak times and gave us hope to continue in the amazing journey we were called to. At the beginning of this year, when Rob decided to retire from the sport, I said, “That’s fine, but you have to break the news to my dad…and Steve Dickie.” Steve, of course, just smiled with complete understanding and immediately jumped into helping us transition, and figuring out where to serve next. We’ve truly been blessed to know Steve, Linda, and Josh over the past seven years and look forward to our opportunity to support them in the next chapter of their life! Rob and Brittney Musgrave Steve, We consider ourselves very fortunate to have become good friends with you, Linda and Josh over the last several years and your smile and cheerful attitude will be greatly missed. You have blessed our family in many ways and undoubtedly countless other families at Eastminster and throughout the Wichita area as well. The Lord has great plans for you in the next chapter of your life and we are excited to see where this leads you! Many Blessings, Sam, Kathy, Taylor and Jacob Murray I’ve known Steve (and Linda) for about 18 years now. Our family was blessed to walk through their adoption of Josh with them

and Josh became a de facto member of our family, serving as our favorite babysitter as well as someone my children look up to. I’ve always loved Steve’s energy, sense of humor and enthusiasm as well as his ability to encourage others and to make God real in the way he teaches. Our prayer for Steve’s future ministry is that he continues to touch lives for Christ the way he has at Eastminster, he leaves a great legacy here. I’m sure God has great plans for him! Tracy Bayliff

After working with Steve for six plus years, trust me, I have LOTS of stories about Steve. However, since I want he and Linda to remain friends, I will tell a nice one. One of the programs that Steve and I coordinated during the time I worked for Steve at the church was the Wednesday Night dinner. How fun it was to see a group of volunteers be the “hands and feet of Christ” and pull off such a great dinner and fellowship time each week. We had some retired chefs, and four teams of wonderful volunteers. One evening was particularly stressful for me and I kind of vented to Steve at the end of the evening. I left the church around 8 p.m., tired and discouraged. About 9 p.m., Howard and I heard a knock at the door and guess who? It was Steve! I was so tired I didn’t even invite him in. How rude of me. Anyway, he had something in his hand and he said he was a just dropping by to see if I could type something for him! What???? This was the frosting on the cake. I have no idea what my face looked like, but soon Steve got a huge smile on his face and told me he brought us a gift. OK, OK, then I did invite him in and got Howard to come to the door. Steve knew we were leaving on a trip to Alabama the next day. Using his gift of encouragement, Steve handed me an envelope with a gift certificate to Sonic. Then in perfect Steve fashion, he began to tell us the history of Sonic, that it began in the south, yadayada. He knew we would pass lots of Sonic’s on our way to Alabama. Too funny. It was a practical, perfect gift!


Eastwind Newsletter

It is not often that someone takes the time after a long day to care enough to bring a gift of encouragement. That is the kind of person Steve is, wanting to encourage, wanting to bless. Even if it means lengthening his day. Thanks, Steve, for being a part of our lives for almost 20 years. You, Linda and Josh will be missed by the church and by us. It just won’t be the same without all of you at Eastminster. Thank you for giving of yourself and selflessly serving the Body of Christ. Jeri and Howard Jordan Steve, We have been incredibly blessed by your love for your Savior, amazing ministry here at Eastminster, love for all people, familes, and marriages, passion for preaching and teaching, creativity with programs and events, your stories, and your love of life! May God greatly bless you and Linda and Joshua as you continue along the journey he has set before you. We love you guys dearly and wish you the very best. You will be greatly missed. Steve and Anne Allen P. S. Steve, here’s an acronym for your name, since you love to do that for others! S - Steadfast T - Truth E - Encouraging V - Vibrant E - Exuberant Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” I always remember Steve talking about being able to see the ocean from their house in California ... but you had to lean out in the street to see. I also remember when Steve and Linda adopted Josh and how proud they were that they were finally going to be parents. The best part of the process is that he allowed the church to walk through the adoption with him. I felt like we all had a part in adopting Josh .. what a blessing. I also remember working with Steve on various ministries, some successful and some not so successful. But through it all Steve helped me see that God is in control of everything. Todd Mestepey Steve has been a dear friend of mine for many years. His genuine, caring and kind nature is unique. While I have many fond memories, the most humerous was in 2009. Steve, who has a desire to see love blossom among his friends, introduced me to Jeff Clark. “Sarah, have you met my friend, Jeff?” “I’m familiar,” I responded as I shook Jeff’s hand. Little did Steve know he was introducing me to a man I had recently dated. He

December must have been on to something back then because we got back together the following year!

Sunday Dec 2 10am Chili Christmas Service 7pm HS Youth Group

Best of luck to my dear friend Steve and his family. The Dickie’s are one-of-a-kind and will be greatly missed. Sarah Pritchard

Tuesday Dec 4 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Women in Action 9:30am Women’s Book Club 7pm Piece Sewers Quilter’s Group

Thank you Steve for sharing your love for God and your heart for others with the Eastminster family. We appreciate your friendship and the encouragement you gave to our family as we transitioned from Michigan to Wichita. We share many memories working with you in the Marriage Ministry. When often pushed out of his comfort zone, Jack always said, “This is what Steve Dickie did to me.” Thank you for challenging us to take risks in serving God and others. We pray for God’s blessings on your family as God continues to use you for his work. Mary Schurman A Tribute to the “Old Guy” by Bob Henley, former senior pastor of Eastminster One Sunday following worship, a young person came up to me with a question. “Who was the old guy up front this morning?” When I mentioned Dick Gorham, they said, “No, it wasn’t Dick.” Next I suggested David Bridgman, and the reply was the same. Just then, Steve Dickie walked into the room and the person said, “That’s him. That’s the old guy. Who is he?” After relating the story to Steve, I think he came as close as he ever came to buying some “Just For Men” hair coloring! Athletic coaches talk about impact players who make a team. When we invited Steve and Linda to come to Wichita, I knew of Steve’s love of the Lord and his energy for ministry among students. But his leadership with young families made more of an impact than I had ever imagined. His God-given gifts of creativity and strategic thinking were exactly what we needed at that moment in Eastminster’s history. He worked hard to overcome some of the mid-western suspicion of this other guy from California. His integrity and the fruit of Christ’s ministry through his leadership over the years overcame all the initial resistance. Now he is coming to the close of two decades of service on the Eastminster staff. Jane and I want to wish he, Linda and Josh a healthy transition as this next season of God’s calling in their life unfolds. We know they have been an incredible blessing to the church for these years and treasured friends to many. As they look back on the time they have served at Eastminster, our prayer is that they will be gratified and find satisfaction in the legacy of faithfulness and fruitfulness in their service to Christ. They have contributed significantly to Eastminster’s great story of service and witness in God’s Kingdom.

Sat Dec 15 9am Christmas Food Drop

Wednesday Dec 5 9am For Mothers of Young Children 10am Revelations Women’s Study 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal 6pm MS Christmas Party 6:30pm EDGE 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday Dec 6 9:15am Hannah Circle 10am Senior Singles 6pm LAFS 7pm Daniel Women’s Study 7pm Pray for Pastor Search Team 7:30pm Volleyball and Basketball Sunday Dec 9 8am Traditional Worship 9:30am Sunday School 9:30am Christmas Music Sunday 11am Christmas Music Sunday 6pm Senior Christmas Celebration 7pm HS Youth Group Monday Dec 10 9am Sacred Parenting Women’s Study 7pm Christmas Concert Tuesday Dec 11 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship

Sunday Dec 16 8am Traditional Worship 9:30am Sunday School 9:30am Traditional Worship 11am Contemporary Worship 7pm High School Christmas Party Monday Dec 17 9:30am Preschool Christmas Program Tuesday Dec 18 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 7pm Piece Sewers Quilter’s Group Wednesday Dec 19 9:30am Preschool Christmas Program 10am Revelations Women’s Study 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal Thursday Dec 20 7:30pm Volleyball and Basketball Sunday Dec 23 8am Traditional Worship 9:30am Traditional Worship 11am Contemporary Worship Monday Dec 24 3pm Children’s Christmas Eve Service 4:30pm Children’s Christmas Eve Service 6pm Christmas Eve Service 8pm Christmas Eve Service Tuesday Dec 25 Eastminster Offices Closed Wednesday Dec 26 Eastminster Offices Closed

Wednesday Dec 12 9am For Mothers of Young Children 9:30am Martha-Priscilla Circle 10am Revelations Women’s Study 1pm Rebecca-Ruth Circle 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday Dec 13 9:30am Women’s Christmas Gathering 6pm LAFS 7:30pm Volleyball and Basketball

Thursday Dec 27 7:30pm Volleyball and Basketball Sunday Dec 30 8am Traditional Worship 9:30am Traditional Worship 11am Contemporary Worship Monday Dec 31 9pm ESM New Year’s Eve Party

For the most up to date information visit


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Worship Services Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

The goal of Eastwind is to support the mission of Eastminster: “being and making disciples.” Director of Communications: Courtney Browning ( Associate Director of Communications: Meg Jackson (

Student Christmas Parties MS: Christmas Pajama Party December 5, 6 p.m. In place of Wednesday Night, celebrate the season with a night of Christmas morning fun, delicious holiday treats and more! Come dressed in your best Christmas morning pajamas! HS: White Elephant Christmas Party December 16, 7 p.m. In place of Sunday Night we’re having a White Elephant party that’s all about the packaging. Bring a gift valued at under $10, and wrap/decorate it as creatively as you can. The best packaging is the goal!

Christmas Eve at Eastminster

Children’s Christmas Eve Services Monday, December 24 • 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. • Eastminster Sanctuary Join us as shepherds, wisemen or angels for one or both services! To participate notify Julie Pritchard at 634.0337, ext. 215, or by December 12 to have your child’s name included in the service bulletin. Christmas Eve Candelight Services Monday, December 24 • 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. • Eastminster Sactuary The evening candlelight services feature the Chancel Choir, directed by Tom Wine, organist Anna Jeter, as well as a hand bell trio. The evening will also include a special message from Rev. Bob Hopper. Join us for a Christmas celebration as we remember the gift given to us through the birth of Christ. Child care for newborns through 3 years old is offered at both the 6 and 8 p.m. Christmas Eve services.

not to condem the world - but to save it Joh n 3:17

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