December Eastwind 2013

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December 2013

Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives.

Inside: • Senior Pastor Candidate Timeline • Christmas Eve at Eastminster • December Favorites • and more!

Senior Pastor Candidate Timeline by Bob Hopper, Interim Senior Pastor I am writing this article in mid-November amidst a flurry of emails, plans and phone calls to host a senior pastor candidate on our campus to meet with elders and staff. By the time you read this, the results could have gone several different ways. Those results may include the candidate preaching on a Sunday morning, or simply an announcement that our elders and staff met with him and more details will come. I am trusting the results to God, but whatever the outcome, I do want to share with you the timeline of activity that has and will happen in order to bring a new senior pastor to Eastminster in God’s timing. The word CANDIDATE means one who is POTENTIALLY the person that God is calling to be the next senior pastor of Eastminster Presbyterian Church. Let’s not put the cart in front of the horse – in doing so horses tend to stumble and carts tend to tumble. Eastminster is new to the EPC, and our search process is very comprehensive and thorough. I thought it might be helpful to review the sequence of events that our search process involves with this simple checklist. The check marks represent the steps we have taken at the time of writing this article.

P The session calls a Congregational Meeting for the purpose of electing a new Pastor Search Committee - February 19, 2012. P The congregation, at that meeting, votes to approve this search team, believing that they are godly and wise people who have the best interest of Eastminster at heart. P The search team goes through a period of orientation and training, with an emphasis on understanding the EPC process for finding a pastor, building strong interpersonal relationships, entering into focused and intentional times of prayer, and diligently seeking the Scriptures to learn what God’s Word has to say about pastors. P The search team diligently (this can take weeks or even months) writes a “Church Information Form” (CIF) that, in essence, is a description of Eastminster that will be used to advertise the position in and though the EPC (and beyond). P The search team presents that CIF to the Session for review and approval. P The search team crafts a “profile” of the ideal pastor that meets the needs of Eastminster. They identify things like his


Eastwind Newsletter

strengths, gifts, experiences, passions, etc. They prayerfully and carefully ponder this question: “Given who we are and where we are as a church, what kind of pastor do we need and what kind of character and skills and experiences should they possess?” This “ideal pastor profile” then becomes a “screen” through which potential candidates are passed. They may be great pastors, but are they a good fit for us? P The search team posts the job opening on the EPC website, and begins to make the position known though other channels as well. P Interested parties begin to send resumes (called Pastor Information Form or PIF) to the search team. P The search team reviews each PIF and determines if any of the applicants are potentially a good fit for Eastminster. P Promising applicants are contacted by the search team and dialogue with them begins. Sermon audio is reviewed and research begins on this candidate. P After this preliminary review, those candidates that are discerned not to be viable are dropped from consideration, and a thank you note is sent to them, thanking them for their interest. P Those candidates that are seen as potentially a good fit are carefully vetted. How long have they been at their current church, why do they want to leave, has there been any controversy involved, what do their references have to say about them, and a host of other questions are asked. P If, after this careful research is done, the candidate continues to be of interest, a face-to-face interview is conducted. P If, after that interview and continued vetting, the candidate still has potential then a visit to their church is arranged with the candidate. Members of the search team, with great confidentiality and discretion, attend Sunday morning services and get a feel for the candidate and the rapport that they have with their congregation. P If the candidate is still viable, they (and their spouse) are invited to visit Eastminster and, discreetly, attend all three services. During that visit, additional interviews with the search team are conducted and the candidate and spouse are given a tour of the church and the Wichita area. P Upon the candidate’s departure, the search team agrees not to confer with each other but to pray and ponder privately to discern if this could be God’s choice for our next pastor. The following week, they meet and share their thoughts and insights with each other. P If they are persuaded that this is God’s choice, they inform the session that they have a viable candidate and arrange for the candidate to return to Eastminster to meet the session and staff. ___ After this visit, the session and staff give their feedback to the search team to process. If the search team believes that

this candidate is God’s choice, they request the session to call a special CONGREGATIONAL MEETING on a Sunday morning for the purpose of hearing the candidate preach during morning worship and then voting to determine if this candidate should be called as the next senior pastor. ____ The candidate and their spouse are given time to ponder this call, and report back to the search team their decision to either accept or decline it. ___ The session contacts the new Presbytery of the Great Plains (EPC) and asks its Ministerial Committee to meet and examine the candidate. ____ If the candidate passes the exam of the Ministerial Committee, they are then presented to the entire Presbytery for an additional examination. ___ If they pass the Presbytery exam, they are approved for ministry at Eastminster, and the Presbytery forms a commission to hold an Installation Service here. What you have just read are the procedural “mechanics” of calling your next pastor. What I have not described is even more important – the spiritual “dynamics” of calling your next pastor. There is unceasing prayer, interpersonal relationships formed or deepened among the search team members, the movement of God’s Spirit in and through them, the challenge of facing spiritual warfare, the personal spiritual discoveries that search team members make about themselves, and a host of other spiritual and relational dynamics. Other than all of the above, calling a new pastor is rather easy. Some of you have been asking, “What is taking so long?” My answer is simply, “God is Lord of both the timing and the process and things are moving along on his schedule, not ours.” Be comforted, my friends, that the Lord is in the midst of this process. Be patient, and allow the process to unfold in God’s time. Be confident that God loves this church even more than you do and can be trusted to provide the right pastor as we seek his will, not ours. I have told your search committee this more than once, and I do not say this to make them feel good or to make you feel less anxious. Over the past 36 years, I have worked with and/or trained many search teams and your senior pastor search team is the best I have ever seen. I trust them, but more importantly I trust the One who is leading them. Continue to pray for both the people and the process as you wait patiently for God to provide you with your next senior pastor. It will be a privilege for that pastor to serve you. I have only tasted the appetizer, but he will enjoy the full course meal of leading and serving you in the years to come. Pastor Bob

Pastor Search Team Susan Lear (Chair), Amy Babst, Wayne Becker, Sarah Clark, Bonnie Dakan, Dale Gibbens, Kathy Hammar, Rhonda Johnson, Ray Jones, Drew Kice, Melanie Moore, Patty Oberg, Rick Schaulis, Jack Schurman

Christmas Eve at Eastminster Children’s Christmas Eve Services Tuesday, December 24 • 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. • Eastminster Sanctuary Join us as shepherds, wisemen or angels for one or both services! To participate notify Julie Pritchard at 634.0337, ext. 215, or jpritchard@ by December 9 to have your child’s name included in the service bulletin.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services Tuesday, December 24 • 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. • Eastminster Sactuary Join us for a Christmas celebration as we remember the gift given to us through the birth of Christ. Child care for newborns through 3 years old is offered at both the 6 and 8 p.m. Christmas Eve services. 6 p.m. Contemporary Service Our contemporary service features worship led by the worship team, carols and a special message from Rev. Bob Hopper. 8 p.m. Traditional Service The traditional service features the Chancel Choir, directed by Tom Wine, organist Anna Jeter, as well as a hand bell trio. The evening will also include a special message from Rev. Bob Hopper. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


If You Give A Mommy A Muffin Eastminster Preschool shared a special evening of fun with moms and their kids. Did you take away any special moments from this event? Dagny Waldmeier: Lawson loved making the sock puppet! He liked hearing about that silly moose and sampling the tasty muffin! He looked at each and every costume before picking out our outfits for the photo booth. Thank you for capturing that sweet moment! Stacey Penaloza: Sophia is our sensitive child and very thoughtful. On our way home she said to me, “Mommy, thank you so much for going to school with me tonight. I had super fun!” I replied with, “Well Sophia, thank you so much for sharing your school with me!” I will always remember how much spending this evening with her meant to her. What was your child’s reaction to getting to spend some special time with you? Dagny: Lawson was excited to see what all we would do. We were able to move from one thing to the next and had fun. This event was spot on for young minds and for moms too! Stacey: Being the middle girl of three, Sophia loves any extra time she gets with Mommy. The whole week before the event, she kept telling her sisters that “she and Mommy we’re going to school, just the two of us!” She kept asking if today was the day we were going to eat muffins. I was happy for the day to arrive so I could say that today is the day. How did this event help you to bond with your child? Dagny: I enjoy doing things with each of our children individually to really connect and understand them at every age. It is also a time to remind each of our children how important

they are! It was a nice time to focus on fun reading. Thank you for hosting this structured, yet relaxed event. Lawson is looking forward to the Daddy event! Stacey: I am a fifth grade teacher and miss out on taking her to school and picking her up. I don’t get to see her excitement and hear all about her day when it is fresh on her mind. I attend the daytime events, but by having this evening program I was able to put all of my focus on my child and be in the moment with just her. I was able to witness her love for her school. I feel like I am able to be more of a part of her school by having these extra evening events. Why would you recommend Eastminster Preschool to others? Dagny: We love the teachers, administrators, staff and the families at Eastminster! All three of our children have attended. Currently, our third child is having a super fun time in Mrs. Lisa’s class! We have had time to consider other options, but the everyday kindness and genuine attention given to students is amazing. Having an option which includes all the preschool basics and Christian principles is the perfect match for our family. Stacey: Sophia is my second child to attend Eastminster Preschool and although I was offered the choice for her to attend another preschool, I knew without hesitation that she would attend Eastminster. Every teacher my children have had has loved them and has nurtured a love for school and learning along with faith. The Eastminster staff is so warm and welcoming and you know they are truly delighted to have your child as a part of their school. Lastly, all of the family events establish a partnership between the school and the families which is so important for children’s success in their education.

Join us next year as we celebrate 20 years of faith-filled learning! Eastminster Kindergarten, Preschool and Kid’s Day Out are dedicated to preparing your child in the context of a loving, Christian environment. We provide a strong, developmental education with a solid, Bible-based curriculum. To learn more contact the Early Childhood Education office at 316.634.1195 or learn more online at Pictured from the left: Dagny Waldmeier and Stacey Penaloza with their preschool children.


Eastwind Newsletter

Sharing Jesus With the Next Generation Guest speaker Lori Beckler joins us at the Women’s Christmas Gathering. Lori is the wife of Pastor Bob Beckler at Central Community Church. They recently moved back to Wichita from Lake Wales, Fla. where Pastor Bob served as the senior pastor of a local church and Lori served in college and women’s ministry for six and a half years. Lori graduated from travel school in 1979 and worked in the travel/convention business for 27 years. She was also involved in women’s Bible studies and ministry at her church. In 1995, God called Lori and Pastor Bob to start Heritage Keepers Women’s ministry which provided women’s conferences in Wichita, Oklahoma City, Denver, Indianapolis, Nashville and Branson for 11 years. God took Lori’s work experience and her heart for women’s ministry to serve him in Heritage Keepers ministry. During this time, Lori co-wrote a book My Daughter, My Daughter which also includes a Bible study. The foundation of Heritage Keepers ministry is Psalm 78:4-7 and the importance of sharing the Word of God with the next generation. Why is “Sharing the gift of Jesus with the Next Generation” so important? There are many great things, activities and experiences we can share with our children and the next generation, but the most important gift that will be eternal is the gift of Jesus! Sharing the love of Jesus and the Word of God is the most beautiful gift we can share. Everyone is born with a void in their lives that only the Lord can fill. Sometimes we try to fill this void with so many things, activities and experiences that we miss the only thing that truly brings love, peace, joy and comfort to our lives. God’s Word is living and can speak truth into our lives to help us in all situations. How has sharing Jesus with the next generation impacted your life? Because my parents shared Jesus with me, I’ve always been passionate about sharing the love of Jesus with others. Jesus offers salvation, love, hope, forgiveness, grace, mercy, peace, joy and the list goes on and on. How could I not share the greatest gift of all?! My husband and I have been blessed to share the love of Jesus with our children and now our grandchildren. Every day I pray the Word of God over them which I believe is the best way to pray for them.

Bob and I have also been blessed to share the love of Jesus with many others of all ages. In Florida our church was on a college university and we ministered to hundreds. It was exciting to build relationships with the students first by our actions and then later by our words. Many came to know Jesus as their Savior and a highlight was when 72 students were baptized at a chapel service. We continue to pray for these students and continue to mentor several of them. Bob and I have a passion to share the Word of God and love of Jesus with everyone we meet. It’s amazing how God will put people in your lives every day who need to feel love, joy and peace ... what do you do when God does this? I pray we are always faithful to be strong in the Lord and his strength and obedient to his calling and appointments. I pray we don’t miss opportunities that God provides for us to share about him and his Word. What do you hope women take away from the event? I pray the women will realize how much they are loved and valued by the Lord. I pray they have a passion and desire to draw closer to the Lord in his Word and in prayer. I pray that as they seek the Lord, they will be obedient to his direction and leading in their lives. “Show me your ways Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:4-5 As the women spend time in God’s Thursday, December 5, 9:30 to Word, I 11:30 a.m.; Fellowship Hall believe they Enjoy a special morning celebrating will also be Christmas with friends and special excited and guest speaker, Lori Beckler. RSVP to passionate Ginger Cox at 634.0337, ext. 200, or about by December 1. sharing the RSVP for child care (ages 0 – 5) to love of Jesus Julie Pritchard at 634.0337, ext. 215, with others. or How could they by December 1. not?!

Women’s Christmas Gathering

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Quest: Men Focusing on Missions

Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. beginning January 8. With Dr. Hank Lederle Men, you’re invited to take an adventure through the world of missions this winter. Dr. Hank will lead us on a journey to discover the biblical principles of missions, great missionaries of the past and world religions. You’ll be equipped for cross-cultural ministry as we look at practical, contextual and cultural issues relevant to local and global missions.

Go On A Quest Dr. Hank Lederle shares about his upcoming EDGE class: Quest: Men Focusing on Missions Where did you get the idea for this class? I saw an opportunity to engage some men with a vision for ministry and training those who are not “wired” to make the early morning gatherings we currently have. I am passionate about missions and love teaching about cross-cultural ministry and outreach. What can men expect to learn from Quest? They will get a mini course on the whole field of missions – the biblical foundation, history (focusing on great missionaries of the past), as well as the contextual, practical and strategic issues of today. I will also include information on world religions.

This class will also prepare us to take an overseas missions trip in the summer. Though you’re not required to take the trip, the class is a great spring board into doing hands-on local and international missions. Watch for more details.


Eastwind Newsletter

What do you hope to accomplish in this class? I would like the class to bond as a cohort of men who will be motivated to go out on a quest and do missions cross-culturally, both local and global. Can you tell us a little about what men will experience on the missions trip to be taken at the end of the class?

The missions trips I plan to come from this class could include traveling abroad in Africa or Asia to do construction, language teaching, Christian ministry in churches and medical or dental work. It could also include mentoring locally and engaging people of other faiths in our city. Why do you think men should attend Quest? Quest is an opportunity to get prepared for teaching the gospel cross-culturally. Hopefully, it will provide excitement and motivation to follow the command of Jesus to make disciples – especially among unreached people. Men are pivotal in engaging families and youth to develop a heart for missions – taking us on a quest beyond our comfort zones.

Save the Date! EDGE Classes Begin January 8 Wednesday Night EDGE returns with dinner and classes on January 8. Dinner begins at 5:15 p.m. in Fellowship Hall, followed by kids, middle school and adult classes at 6:30. Adult classes include topics like prayer, missions training for men, and how to share your faith. Watch for more details in the Winter Guide or at

Donna Pinaire, the director, says, “To minister life to people by giving them hope and encouragement by providing food and clothing is wonderful, but to see miracles happen through answered prayers is out of this world! When people’s lives are changed the joy is indescribable.” Each year Bread of Life distributes a million pounds of food to more than 58,000 individuals.

Jeff & Cookie Liverman with Restoration Farm Imagine converting an old tobacco packing house into an independent two-bedroom guest cottage in the rolling hills of ‘ole Virginie! This is the “pack house” project of Jeff and Cookie Liverman who were Frontiers missionaries in Central Asia for many years. They are now in semi-retirement in Crewe, Virginia, working on a personal dream to provide a place of refuge and solace for missionaries needing some “restoration” and well-deserved rest.

Christmas Eve Offering Give the gifts of respite and nourishment by Dr. Hank Lederle

This year’s Christmas Eve offering will go to support Bread of Life Ministries here in Wichita, as well as Restoration Farm in Virginia, run by missions partners Jeff and Cookie Liverman.

Bread of Life Ministries For 23 years Bread of Life Ministries on Galena Street in south Wichita has demonstrated the love of God to underprivileged families in the greater Wichita are (including nine surrounding counties). As winter approaches many who have fallen on hard times seek help from the ministry’s food pantry and the “Garments of Praise” clothing distribution center. The needy include the recently unemployed, elderly on fixed incomes, single mothers, and a growing number of grandparents raising their grandchildren. In fact, 65% of those fed and clothed are children. No one is turned away, but that is becoming increasingly difficult. The Scriptures state, “Man cannot live by bread alone” (Matthew 4:4) and Bread of Life also shares the good news of Jesus Christ who is the true “Bread of Life.” On a day that I selected randomly (August 6, 2013) this ministry fed 875 people, clothed 292, and there were four salvations. Counselors are available to direct individuals to other resources and help with spiritual needs and prayers. Bread of Life works hand in hand with other larger agencies such as the Kansas Food Bank. Bread of Life is unique in that during national – and even global – disasters the ministry provides food and clothing to victims internationally as supplies last.

Already a series of individuals have been hosted on the farm and the Livermans – ever ready to counsel and provide emotional support – have reached out to missionaries dealing with burnout, struggling with an addiction or simply the frustrating wait for a visa to be issued. Others just come for a spiritual retreat. A work team from Eastminster, including Doug Hansen, deacon Steve MacCorkle, and elder Walter Lewis helped rebuild roofs and walls, demolish interior walls, rebuild sections of flooring, install windows, weather proofed, etc. Walter commented, “Jeff and Cookie understand the spiritual warfare that comes upon God’s servants. Restoration Farm in rural Virginia is a refreshing environment in a pastoral setting with friendly dogs, goats and chickens, plus the caring experience of the Livermans.” Kim MacCorkle, daughter of Steve, who has recently visited the farm, describes it as “a peaceful place where one can get away and collect your thoughts. The Livermans showed me the love of Christ.” To support these ministries, simply note “Christmas Eve Offering” on your check and drop it in the offering plate or return it to the church office. Funds accepted through the end of the year. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


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Worship Services Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

The goal of Eastwind is to support the mission of Eastminster Church: Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives. Director of Communications: Courtney Browning ( Associate Director of Communications: Meg Foreman (

December Favorites at Eastminster

Mark your calendar now for these celebrations, services and special events.

Chili Christmas

The Gift of Christmas

December 1, 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, December 8, during 9:30 & 11 a.m. services (no 8 a.m. service) Monday, December 9, at 7 p.m. (concert only)

We’ll start Chili Christmas with one worship service at 10:30 a.m. featuring blended worship and carols by our children’s choir. Then, chili and hot dogs will be served in the Gym and Fellowship Hall. Be sure to bring a dessert to share! After lunch, families can also complete special crafts together. Special Note: There are adult, student and children’s classes at 9:30 a.m., so come early for class then stay for worship at 10:30! Child care for 0-3 is availalbe from 9:30 until lunch.

MS Dichromatic Christmas Party

Senior Holiday Dinner December 8, 6 p.m.; Crestview Country Club

December 4, 6 p.m., Student Center

HS Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

Girls dress in all white while guys dress in all black.

December 8, 7 – 9 p.m.

Women’s Christmas Gathering


This special concert features Christmas carols and hymns with the Eastminster Chancel Choir, Hand Bells, full orchestra, piano and organ. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to hear the hope of the gospel.

Wear the ugliest sweater you can find and bring a gift under $10.

December 5, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.; Fellowship Hall

Christmas Food Drop

Enjoy a special morning celebrating Christmas with friends and special guest, Lori Beckler. Lori is co-founder of Heritage Keepers, a women’s event similar to Promise Keepers. She will speak about “Sharing the gift of Jesus with the Next Generation.” RSVP to Ginger Cox at 634.0337, ext. 200, or by December 1. RSVP for child care (ages 0 – 5) to Julie Pritchard at 634.0337, ext. 215, or by December 1.

December 21, 9 a.m.; Gym

Eastwind Newsletter

We’ll bless those in our community who need a Christmas meal by filling and delivering boxes of delicious holiday food items.

Christmas Eve at Eastminster Tuesday, December 24, at 3, 4:30, 6 and 8 p.m. See Page 3 for details about our Christmas Eve services.

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