February 2013 Eastwind

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February 2013

Inside this Issue Family February Women’s Conference Numana Family Service Event Marriage Conference New ministry: Membership Development

The Family: Blessing, Brokenness and the Gospel by Bob Hopper, Interim Senior Pastor

In the 1980s Tacey and I studied Christian counseling with Dr. Larry Crabb in Colorado. It was a profound experience from a very learned man. One expression he used that I have been quoting for decades is: “In this life there is something wrong with everything. In the life to come (heaven) there will be nothing wrong with anything.” Ever since the Garden of Eden, we have been living in a very broken world, and that brokenness is manifested in every dimension of life – especially the family. Christians have interesting ways of dealing with the painful and controversial issues surrounding “family” (divorce, couples living together out of wedlock, rebellious teens, spousal abuse, infidelity, etc.). One approach is what I would call the “therapeutic” school, which wants to help broken people feel better by minimizing the presence and reality of sin and failure in family relationships. Phrases like: “We don’t judge,” “This is nowadays a common and accepted problem,” and “The church’s mission is to bind up the wounds of the broken” speak to the aftermath of brokenness but not its cause. The highest priority in this approach is the emotional and psychological welfare of the wounded person. It is a fruitless detour around the gospel.

sin. Jesus did not stop with the offer of the water but probed the deep reality of sin. The command to “Go, call your husband . . .” revealed her sin and failure in previous marriages. In this “gospel” approach, there is an element of “therapy” and a dimension of “prophetic” challenge, but the ultimate aim is the glory of God. As John Piper has rightly said, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” In spite of our successes or failures in our family life, the gospel offers us both a new IDENTITY (forgiven and free) and a new STRATEGY (walking in repentance and faith). In the upcoming sermon series on the family in February, we are seeking the Lord and his Word, which is always “high grace and high truth” (John 1:14). We will attempt to bring healing to the wounded without being “therapeutic,” and fidelity to the biblical standards without “shooting our wounded.” Finally, may I suggest that you invite an unchurched friend or neighbor or co-worker to this series? They are going to hear the gospel (and hopefully see it as well). May the God of grace and truth lead us into all truth – graciously. Pastor Bob

family life February Message Series with Rev. Bob Hopper

A second school of thought, which we might call “prophetic,” suggests it is the duty of the church to “hold the line” on ethical matters and speak out (as prophets) against sin and its devastating consequences upon the family. While there is a courageous willingness to affirm and defend the objective moral standard of the Scriptures, there is also often an insensitive awareness of the deep wounds and needs of the broken. The common error in this approach is often described as the church “shooting our wounded.” The highest priority of this approach is telling a person how and where they have failed. It is an insensitive abuse of the gospel.

We’ll take a look at the joys – and pitfalls – of family life. From marriage to singleness to raising godly kids, this will be an honest, no-holds-barred look at God’s first social institution: the family structure. Through real-life insight, biblical truth and practical wisdom, Pastor Hopper will share God’s design for marriage and parenting in a way that meets modern families right where they are. February 3 Sacred Union • Bob Hopper February 10 Sacred Protection • Kermit Oppriecht

Happily, there is a third approach – one that Jesus taught and modeled. When he met the Samaritan women at the well (John 4) he offered her “living water” that will well up to “eternal life.” He offered her the gospel. By definition, however, the good news of the gospel is only good against the backdrop of the bad news of


Eastwind Newsletter

February 17 Sacred Parenting • Bob Hopper February 24 Sacred Mission • Bob Hopper

Celebrate Marriage Retreat March 1 – 3 in Kansas City Join us for our Eastminster Marriage Retreat at the beautiful Hyatt Place in Overland Park, Kan. A great location, suite-sized rooms, powerful program, dynamic speakers and an awesome group of people make this the perfect opportunity to encourage, honor and celebrate marriage. The goal of the Marriage Retreat is for couples to connect with Christ and connect with each other. Couples will have an opportunity to attend four sessions which will include worship and teaching, followed by invitations to unpack what they hear individually and together as a couple. There will also be free time to meet and connect with other couples for a coffee, a meal, a movie, or shopping around Kansas City. What to Expect: Our marriage retreat is for married couples of any age and stage of life. In each of our sessions, we will receive marriage-changing principles that you can take home and apply to your daily lives that will strengthen your marriage. We want you to leave the weekend with encouragement, hope and practical tools to build and grow your relationship. The retreat provides a getaway for a chance to make a change. It’s a time to rediscover each other and find more intimacy in your life together. Speakers: Special guests Dr. Don and Renee Worcester will lead our retreat as they share biblical insight and real-life stories on how to make your marriage the best it can be. The Worcesters are long-time Young Life staff and are now speakers, teachers and ministry consultants through their company True North Consulting in Phoenix, Ariz. Cost: Only $189 per couple includes two nights of suite room lodging, Friday evening reception, hotel breakfast each morning, snacks and drinks, program and materials and a fun-filled, lifechanging time with a great crowd of people! Reserve your spot by paying the full amount or an $89 deposit. How to Register: Simply complete a registration form (available at Eastminster) and drop off your payment at the church office on Sundays or during the week, or mail it to Eastminster, attention:

Joey McLaughlin. We need your payment by February 10 as hotel reservations are required by that time. Questions? Contact Joey McLaughlin at 634.0337, ext. 210, or jmclaughlin@eastminster.org.

What Couples are Saying “To be completely honest my wife Katie and I look forward to the marriage retreat every year as way to justify a weekend away. However something deeper happens every time. I believe just spending time together in the mindset of focusing on our marriage and each other opens the door for more honest conversations about our marriage, our individual journey with the Lord and if our marriage is reflects the journey as a couple.” - Tanner Erdman “Chad and I have attended marriage retreats where we have had fun, been entertained, taken a break from parenting for a couple days, and enjoyed eating out, but weren’t transformed. What we remember most about the retreat Don and Renee led is that we left transformed. We enjoyed the time away from home and responsibilities, had fun connecting with each other and other couples, and enjoyed the feeling of a long date weekend, but we also left feeling intimately connected to each other and God. Most couples we know love the idea of taking time for their spouse and focusing on their marriage, though it can be intimidating to think about doing that with a room full of other couples. We loved the way Don and Renee led a marriage retreat that felt both transformational and safe.” - Renee Edwards “As we approach our 35th anniversary we are mindful of the importance and challenge to keep learning and growing in our marriage. There is always something to learn, and we don’t want to be complacent. A marriage retreat is a wonderful means for that.” - Jack and Mary Schurman Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Focus on the Family Chad and Renee Edwards share on how they’re leading their family to know Jesus better through intentional family time and prayer together. to pray with us. We encourage their time in the Word by giving them a time to share with us what they are learning as well. We do our best to process challenges and successes through a biblical worldview with our kids.

This February, Eastminster if focusing on family life, and what God’s Word has to say about it all. As we take a look at marriage, parenting and relationships, we asked Eastminster members Chad and Renee Edwards how they’re leading their family to grow in the Lord and experience his presence. How do you view the role of parents in shaping godly children and leading the next generation to know Jesus? We believe that shaping godly children and leading the next generation to know Jesus is the most important role of parents. As parents we are given the opportunity to be some of the most significant influencers in our kids’ lives. Our time, talents, resources and energy should be focused on sharing and showing the love of Christ to our kids. Because this is so countercultural with the state of our world today, this takes deliberate communication and specific action. As we think about our own impact for God’s kingdom, the best opportunity for an eternal legacy starts under our own roof with our kids. In what ways do you lead your kids to know Jesus and spend time with him? We first try to model in our own lives the importance of time with Christ. We discuss the things he is teaching us. We invite them


Eastwind Newsletter

We hear your family does daily devotions together. Describe your process of having devotion time, and why that’s so important to you. A couple of years ago, we were encouraged by a couple who shared about their own experience with family devotions. We had tried a couple of different things without much success. The main encouragement from them was the importance of consistency in being in God’s Word as a family. As we thought about the values we wanted our kids to someday leave our house possessing, a love for God’s Word and an awareness of their daily need for God’s Word were at the top of the list. So, we committed to make our morning devotional time a priority. Right now, we meet at the kitchen table at 7:30 a.m. We have done different things, but the most consistent has been going through a book of the Bible a chapter or a story at a time. The kids alternate reading sentences. We then ask them what they see in the passage, if there are any applications for our day, and if they have any questions. We then pray for our day. The entire process takes fifteen minutes. And something we just started is bringing our Christmas card basket to the table and having one of our kids pick a card so that we can pray for that family in our morning prayers. What advice would you give to parents who want to begin family devotions, but aren’t sure where to start? The hardest part is getting started. Our advice is to just get started. Don’t overthink it. Maybe mornings don’t work for you or maybe you will have to change your schedule to make them work. It is worth making whatever changes you need to make. We honestly believe it is one of the most important things we can do as a family. One of the barriers to starting can be that you fear you don’t know the Bible well enough to lead a family devotion. That is how

we can feel as well. Our kids ask tons of questions that we don’t know how to answer. It is okay to say, “Good question. I don’t know.” Questions can fuel spiritual growth for them and us as we seek counsel from others or dig in deeper on our own. You don’t have to be a scholar to get this right. Just be available, be consistent, and listen to and learn from God alongside your kids. The goal is that our kids experience with us what it means to hear from the Lord each and every day of their lives. It will be the best 15 minutes of your day, and it trains your children to meet with God daily on their own someday. How have you seen your family grow together in the Lord through these intentional methods? As parents, it seems like we spend a lot of time discussing if how we are parenting is right and if it’s going to yield the kind of behavior or impact that we are hoping for. Family devotions is one decision that we can make that we just know is right. The kids have grown to look forward to the time. We get insight into their thoughts and perspectives as we discuss the passages, and we know what is heavy on their hearts as we hear them pray. We can see spiritual gifts developing in our kids, like insight and eagerness to read God’s Word on their own. The most important matters as a family are discussed and prayed for during this time. Have you taken advantage of any resources or guidance from Eastminster to help you in this area? Eastminster has been an incredible support in our desire to raise kids that love the Lord. The church has incredible Sunday school teachers and youth group leaders. The teaching from up front is biblically focused, challenging and relevant. The church has great opportunities for our family to play and to serve together. We see Eastminster as an essential partner in helping shape our kids’ faith.


February Faith + Focus for Family Life

This month, we’re focusing as a church on all things family. From marriages to parenting to relationships, we’ll look at what God says about families of all shapes and sizes. There are also opportunities from several of our ministries to come together as a family and take your next steps toward Jesus. Join us for a month-long family adventure as we grow closer together, learn truths from God’s Word and spend time on what’s most important, each other!

Family Life: Message Series with Bob Hopper Sundays, February 3 – 24

Get details on page 2.

Faith Maps from Children’s Ministries Eastminster’s faith map will act as a guide to lead your child through important faith milestones throughout their childhood years. Faith Maps will be available Sunday, February 17, following worship.

Eastminster Marriage Retreat However, we also recognize that because Eastminster does such a good job, there could be a temptation to outsource the Christian growth of our kids to the church. We believe as parents this would be a big mistake. Though Eastminster has had and will continue to have a significant impact on our kids’ faith, we believe our home still has the potential for the greatest influence in their walks with Christ. Any other advice or insight on leading a godly family you’d like to share? We are certainly no experts. We have a 12, 11 and 7 year old, so we are just getting started. We believe it is instrumental to have mentors who have gone ahead and can share from their successes and failures. Being in community with friends that are also trying to raise Christ-centered kids is important as well. Eastminster is a church community full of potential mentors and like-minded families.

March 1 – 3

The capstone of our family focus is our annual Marriage Retreat. See details on page 3.

Family Numana Food Packing Event Sunday, February 24, following all three services

With a little elbow grease and a lot of fun, this hands-on meal packaging event will bring your family together to send food and hope to those who need it. Get all the details on page 8.

Family Prayer Resources Our Prayer Council has provided resources to help your family pray together, teach your kids about the importance of prayer, and foster an attitude of prayer within the home. These resources are available at the church kiosks.

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Trusting God

An interview with Women’s Conference guest speaker Jeanne Damoff

son, Jacob, blossoming in my belly. From there I returned to the home nest for a crash course in motherhood. Grace joined the family in 1983. Then Luke in 1985. I had three beautiful, healthy full-time jobs, and I was doing exactly what I wanted to be doing. Tell us a little about yourself and your family. I grew up in Dallas, Texas, where I attended operas, rode horses, visited art museums, swam in a creek, studied dance and classical piano, and played outside with the neighborhood kids until well after dark. Mine was an idyllic childhood in a secure home with a loving family. At sixteen, Jesus called my name. As though someone had flipped a light switch, in an instant I understood the cost of following him. He demanded everything I was or ever would be. But God, in his mercy, whispered truth to my soul. I knew I’d been created for a purpose, and the Voice calling me belonged to my Maker, the Architect of my moments, the One who loved me more than anyone else ever would. His plan would far exceed any I could devise. I took the extended, nail-scarred hand and the dance began. In December of 1977, I met George Damoff, and on the evening of our second encounter, I felt I’d seen his soul and found a home. After nine months of pure, delightful friendship, he proposed on my 21st birthday. It was our first date. On our wedding day, we shared our first kiss and skipped off into Happily Ever After. Or so we thought. George and I both graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, in December of 1980. I graduated with honors, a double-major in sociology and social work, a minor in English, and secondary certification in English and sociology. But I didn’t immediately pursue a career in any of those fields. I walked across the stage at graduation with our first


Eastwind Newsletter

What is one interesting fact about yourself, or something most people don’t know? I don’t know how interesting it is, but I can write perfect cursive backwards. How has God turned brokenness into beauty in your own life? In May 1996, our family traded “Happily Ever After” for brokenness and sorrow. My book, Parting the Waters, tells the story of Jacob’s drowning accident and our family’s subsequent journey through a valley of lost dreams and into a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty. As our eyes adjusted to the shadows, the beauty of God’s plan came into focus. A pebble is dropped into a pond. Ripples are set in motion. Ever widening, they accomplish eternal purposes visible to those who are willing to see. How did you become an author and speaker? I write because I love words, both for their meaning and their music, and I’ve done it all my life. As for actually becoming an “author,” God pushed me into it. Several years after Jacob’s neardrowning, I knew he wanted me to share how he had redeemed our suffering and transformed our brokenness into beauty. I resisted for a while, because I didn’t want to relive all we’d been through to get it on the page, but the Holy Spirit persisted until I finally obeyed. It was hard but very healing to write the book, and even more healing to see how God has used our story to bless and encourage others.

I also enjoyed speaking before I wrote Parting the Waters, but after our story was published, God began opening many more doors to share His faithfulness. I love the opportunity to connect with others, celebrating God’s unshakable plans and purposes as they’re unfolding in all our lives. What is one verse God is using in your life right now? Psalm 119:91 says, “By your appointment they stand this day, for all things are your servants.” I read this verse recently, and that last phrase smacked me right between the eyes. “All things are your servants.” All. Things. I find myself praying this verse when I hear of some tragedy or heartache or injustice. Though it’s often impossible for us to see, even the most hideous evil in the world must ultimately serve God’s purpose. Like Jesus said to Pilate, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above.” God really is in control. When he allows evil to prevail in the world or in our lives, he has good, loving, eternal reasons, and his plans cannot be thwarted. No matter how rough the storm may get, peace remains when we keep our hearts and minds stayed on him. What do you hope the women of Eastminster experience by attending the women’s conference? I hope each woman who comes to the conference will encounter the Lord and hear what he longs to speak to her heart. I don’t know every person’s story, but he does, and he can meet each one right where she is. I believe with all my heart that God is near and gives us grace not for some imagined future but for the moment we’re in. I pray we’ll all leave the conference with fresh encouragement to approach each day as a gift, living by faith in the One who loves us and laid down his life for us. I want us all to see ourselves as beloved daughters, holding our Father’s hand, looking up into his eyes and beholding a valiant hero and strong protector, a wise and adventurous Friend. We don’t know what lies around the next corner. But he does. And that’s enough.

from brokenness



Eastminster Women’s Conference 2013

For anyone whose life didn’t turn out quite the way they expected...

Every good author writes redemption into his stories. The Author of our life stories is God, and he is writing beauty into our lives. But sometimes it’s hard to see it. If God is in control, why do horrible, painful, sorrowful things happen to people who love and follow him? How can Christians overcome fear, anger, self-pity and other destructive responses when tragedy touches our lives? Author and speaker Jeanne Damoff will explore these questions and many more as we examine God’s sovereignty, love and faithfulness – even when life doesn’t turn out quite like we’d planned. WHEN Friday, February 8 Welcome reception/check-in: 4:30 – 5:30 p.m., Last session ends at 9 p.m. Saturday, February 9 Continental breakfast/check-in: 8 – 9 a.m., Last session ends at 3:30 p.m. COST Entire weekend: $45 Friday evening: $20 Saturday: $25 Fee includes welcome reception and dinner on Friday and light breakfast and lunch on Saturday, plus materials. SPEAKERS Jeanne Damoff • Marjorie MorgridgeWeniger • Dale Carroll-Coleman • Carol Amstutz

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


The Family that Serves Together

Member Steve MacCorkle shares his experience with Numana’s food packing projects, and why he can’t wait for the opportunity to come to Eastminster. Numana Food Packaging Event Family Service Day Sunday, February 24 This February, Eastminster is partnering with Numana to give an opportunity to bridge the gap on world hunger. Numana offers a new way to help save the starving – a way for us to give from the heart, not just our wallets. With a little elbow grease and a lot of fun, this hands-on meal-packaging event will bring your family together to send food and hope to those who need it most. Even small children can help! What a perfect way for your family to serve together during Family February! To get involved, sign up for an hour-long shift following one of our worship services. (Shifts are 9 – 10, 10 – 11, 11 – noon, and noon to 1.) Registration forms are available at the church, or you can register online at eastminster.org/numana.

Be a Table Leader If you’ve been involved in a Numana event before, or are willing to be trained to lead a table, we would love to have you as a table leader on February 24. Table leaders need to be available from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. the day of the event. Sign up to lead a table on your registration form or contact Steve MacCorkle at 708.2952 or srmacc@gmail.com.


Eastwind Newsletter

During our February family focus one of the most important things we’ll learn is the principle of serving together as a family. Not only will we learn about it but we’ll have a chance to put what we have learned into practice on Sunday, February 24.

Numana, an El Dorado based ministry that works to package and ship millions of nutritious meals to starving people across theworld, will help us host a service event designed for the whole family. At a Numana event, volunteers work in teams at tables to measure out meals, and put them in bags ready for shipment. A Numana meal contains rice, soy, beans for added protein, chicken flavoring and 21 vitamins targeted to strengthen the immune system. The meals are put together at table stations using an assembly line of helping hands. Volunteers measure the ingredients with scoops, fill and seal the bags as teams. Once the food is delivered around the world, it provides necessary nutrients those who are starving desperately need.

Member Steve MacCorkle is the lead volunteer for the Numana project, and has served with Numana in the past. He had such a great experience he was excited to see the event come to Eastminster. “I served at a few events in the Wichita area following the earthquake in Haiti including being a table leader that helped supervise the packaging teams,” says Steve. “After Numana started staging packaging events around the country I lost touch, so I’m glad to get a chance to reconnect through this event at Eastminster.” Our Missions Councils specifically chose this service event so that families with kids of all ages could serve together. In fact, volunteers from ages 1 to 90 have enjoyed packaging food together. “Every time I participated in a Numana event, I worked at tables staffed by several generations. Elementary-aged kids can help with minimal supervision so whole families can work side-by-side and experience serving together,” shares Steve. Steve knows one of the most important things we can do as a church family is serve together. “It’s a hands-on opportunity to serve. The concept is simple, the needs are real, and it’s a chance to stop whatever else you’re doing and bless someone else.”

Be Our Guest

The vision of Eastminster’s newest ministry, Membership Development by Kat Anderson, Director of Membership Development Membership Development is a brand new Council that has been tasked with the exciting opportunity to serve the Lord by assimilating both guests and members into the Eastminster family. This Council is made up of three teams: First Impressions, Discovery and Connections. While each team has specific tasks that they will complete, these teams are very much interconnected and will work closely with each other. Every week God blesses Eastminster with a most precious gift: guests. The Membership Development Council recognizes the value of these gifts and has created a specific team to focus solely on the guests that walk through Eastminster’s doors: First Impressions. From being greeted at the door to being contacted after the Sunday service, this team wants our guests to know that Eastminster cares about them and truly does value them as Godgiven gifts. When a guest walks through the doors at Eastminster one of our goals is to make sure that guest is assimilated into the congregation as efficiently as possible. By offering a welcoming atmosphere, consistent follow up, and providing a clear road map of next steps, it is our hope that each and every guest would feel loved and would know the path to joining and getting involved at Eastminster. More specifics on this “road map” to assimilation is coming soon as the Council works to define clear next steps for guests and members, so watch for more details! When first-time guests return and become second-time guests and regular attenders they are placed in the capable hands of the Discovery team. This team focuses on informing individuals of what Eastminster is all about through Eastminster 101 classes and by intentional relationship building with host or mentor families. We want people to discover the heart of Eastminster as well as discover their own hearts, gifts and strengths. Through Eastminster 102 classes, guests and members alike will be able to discern their spiritual gifts so they are equipped to serve. Service and volunteer opportunities, new member classes, and volunteer encouragement and follow up are just some of the tasks that fall under the Connections team. This team’s main focus is on our members and making sure they are plugged in to the life of Eastminster. Creating connection points for our

members is just as important as caring for and connecting our guests; we hope the congregation will see this as another one of the Membership Development Council’s goals. Perhaps the biggest tool that will help keep these three teams intertwined is the Connect Card, found in your worship bulletin. This card will play a significant role in helping the Membership Development Council follow up with guests and members alike. While the card will help with tasks such as tracking attendance, it’s the bigger picture of what this card can do that we are excited about. This card will help us identify first-time guests, second-time guests, regular attenders and members; it will make it very easy for congregants to let us know if their contact information has changed and it will allow congregants to communicate prayer requests to the staff and prayer council, among other things. The connect card is vital to the work of Membership Development and we hope that the congregation will embrace the process and will see the full impact that this card can have. As Director of Membership Development I am absolutely thrilled and feel truly blessed to be able to work alongside elders, deacons, and congregants as we launch this exciting new Council!

New Member Class February 20, 27, March 6, 13; 6:30 p.m.; C-13/14 Join us for a special class on what it means to be a member of Eastminster. Membership at Eastminster is just the next step in doing life with our church family. By becoming a member, you can vote at congregational meetings and serve as an elder or deacon. Will you partner with us through your worship, learning and serving? RSVP to Kat Anderson by February 17 at 634.0337, ext. 242, or kanderson@eastminster.org Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Welcoming New Staff Ginger Cox

Louisa Markley

Missy Sturd

Tell us a little about yourself. I grew up in a very small town in southeast Kansas and moved to Wichita shortly after graduating from high school. After moving to Wichita, I started attending Eastminster when it was located at Ninth and Armour and became involved by volunteering in the nursery. I have always held a special place in my heart for children with special needs. While attending Eastminster, God led me to a family having a child with special needs. I have provided care for their child, now a teenager, for more than twelve years. I have also been actively involved with the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Wichita preparing meals for the families once a month and volunteering in the administration office. In my spare time, I love to cook, bake, try new recipes and attend Wichita State University women’s volleyball and basketball games.

Tell us a little about yourself. I’ve lived in Wichita pretty much my whole life. I’m an only child and I attended The Independent School from kindergarten to high school graduation. I then went to Kansas State University and graduated in 2007. My degree is in fashion marketing which I used to manage in a few different retail stores over the past five years. On April 14, 2012, I married my husband, Gabe, here at Eastminster. We now live in Derby with our dog, Charlie. I love to read, shop and spend time with my family.

How did you first come to Eastminster? The first summer I was on staff at Westminster Woods in 2008, we attended a service together. I got to know several of the families here and felt so at home I knew I wanted to be a part of this family.

Congregational Life Administrative Assistant

Receptionist/Event Coordinator

When did you meet Jesus? I met Jesus when I was 13 years old at a Billy Graham convention. At the end they invited anyone who wanted to accept Jesus into their heart down to the stage. I asked my dad to take me down on stage, where they then talked to me and gave me a little book. It was a very memorable experience.

What are some goals or dreams you have for your ministry at Eastminster? I believe this is an exciting time in the life of Eastminster and look forward to reaching out and serving others. One of my goals in my position is meeting with each of the ministries under the Congregational Life Council to see how I can provide support for their ministry.

Why do you have a passion for your role at the chuch? I love meeting and talking to all sorts of new people. I have already met a lot of members and guests that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. I also love the event coordination because it allows me to know absolutely everything that is going on in the church.

What is God teaching you right now? That he is in control and will guide you in the right path.

What are you reading right now? Right now I am reading The Other Boleyn Girl and Resolving Personal Conflict for Pastor Hopper’s class. I love to read!


Eastwind Newsletter

Interim Associate Director of Student Ministries

Is there a Bible verse God is currently using in your life? “No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.” Romans 4:20-21 (talking about Abraham’s faith) Other than Jesus, who has had the greatest impact on your life? I feel so blessed to have had so many incredible people in my life. One of those was my great uncle Max. He was the most incredible, godly man I have ever met. His humor, compassion, teaching and ability to empower others was such an incredible example to me. He had the kind of leadership that people loved to follow and always pointed them to Christ. What are you reading right now? The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer What do you love most about your job? The best part is living life with students. An interesting fact about you? I love playing tennis.

Ash Wednesday Worship February 13, 7 p.m.; Sanctuary Join us as we prepare our hearts for Lent through worship, prayer and the imposition of ashes.

February Calendar of Events Sunday, Feb 3 8, 9:30 & 11am Worship Adult Sunday School 8:30am - 2:30pm Hope Mission Pancake Breakfast/Fundraiser 9:30am Children’s Sunday School HS & MS Sunday School MS Confirmation Class 10:30am Congregational Meeting 6pm Parenting with Grace 7pm HS Sunday Nights Monday, Feb 4 9am Sacred Parenting 6:45pm Boy Scouts Troop 524 Tuesday, Feb 5 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Women in Action Women’s Book Club 6:30pm Worship Team Rehearsal 7pm Piece Sewers Wednesdsay, Feb 6 9am For Mothers of Young Children 10:30am Revelations Women’s Study 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal Kid’s Choir MS Wednesday Nights 6:30pm Wednesday Night EDGE Using eastminster.org Class 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, Feb 7 9:15am Hannah Circle 10am Senior Singles 6pm LAFS 7pm Women’s Study: Daniel 7:30pm Volleyball/Basketball Friday, Feb 8 4:30pm Women’s Conference

Saturday, Feb 9 8am Women’s Conference 5:30pm LAFS: Second Saturday Sunday Feb 10 8, 9:30 & 11am Worship Adult Sunday School 9:30am Children’s Sunday School HS & MS Sunday School MS Confirmation Class 12:30pm Missions Second Sunday 6pm Parenting with Grace 7pm HS Sunday Nights Encountering the World of Islam Monday, Feb 11 9am Sacred Parenting 6:45pm Boy Scouts Troop 524 7pm Pray for Pastor Search Team Tuesday, Feb 12 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Women in Action 6:30pm Worship Team Rehearsal Wednesday, Feb 13 9am For Mothers of Young Children 9:30am Martha-Pricilla Circle 10:30am Revelations 1pm Rebecca - Ruth Circle 6:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7pm Ash Wednesday Service 8pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, Feb 14 9:30am Abigail Circle 10am Senior Singles 6pm LAFS 7pm Women’s Study: Daniel 7:30pm Volleyball/Basketball Friday, Feb 15 MS Winter Retreat Noon Senior Ministries Luncheon

Saturday, Feb 16 9am Women’s Cooking Fellowship Sunday Feb 17 Meet Your Deacon after Worship 8, 9:30 & 11am Worship Adult Sunday School 9:30am Children’s Sunday School HS & MS Sunday School MS Confirmation Class 6pm Parenting with Grace Monday, Feb 18 9am Sacred Parenting 6:45pm Boy Scouts Troop 524

Sunday, Feb 24 Numana Family Food Packing 8, 9:30 & 11am Worship Adult Sunday School 9:30am Children’s Sunday School Faith Journey Event: 2nd Grade MS Confirmation Class MS Sunday School Monday, Feb 25 9am Sacred Parenting 7pm Boy Scouts Troop 524 Pray for Pastor Search Team Tuesday, Feb 26 6:15am Men’s Life Tuesday, Feb 19 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 6:15am Men’s Life 9:30am Women in Action 6:45am Prayer Fellowship Noon Prayers for our Nation 9:30am Women in Action 6:30pm Worship Team Rehearsal 6:30pm Worship Team Rehearsal 7pm Piece Sewers Wednesday, Feb 27 Session Elder Meeting 9am For Mothers of Young Children 10:30am Revelations Women’s Study Wednesday, Feb 20 9am For Mothers of Young Children 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 10:30am Revelations Women’s Study 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal Kid’s Choir 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal MS Wednesday Nights 6:30pm New Members Class Kid’s Choir Wednesday Night EDGE MS Wednesday Nights 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm New Members Class Wednesday Night EDGE Thursday, Feb 28 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10am Senior Singles 10:30am Missionary Care Prayer Thursday, Feb 21 6pm LAFS 9:15am Hannah Circle 7pm Women’s Study: Daniel 10am Senior Singles 7:30pm Volleyball/Basketball 6pm LAFS 7pm Women’s Study: Daniel For the most up to 7:30pm Volleyball/Basketball date information visit Friday, Feb 22 HS Winter Retreat


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Worship Services Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

The goal of Eastwind is to support the mission and work of Eastminster Church. Director of Communications: Courtney Browning (cbrowning@eastminster.org). Associate Director of Communications: Meg Foreman (meg@eastminster.org).

Up & Coming Guest Services Appreciation Dinner Saturday, March 2, 6:30 p.m.; Fellowship Hall This special evening is for all those currently serving in Guest Services, or anyone who would like to join in this area. We’ll gather at 6:30 p.m. for a time of community, then enjoy dinner at 7. Please bring a salad, side or dessert to share. At 7:45 p.m. we will go through training for severe weather to be ready for the spring and summer storms. RSVP to Kat Anderson at 634.0337, ext. 242, or kanderson@eastminster.org by February 25.

Meet Your Deacon February 17, following all three worship services; Fellowship Hall Enjoy a special meet and greet time with the deacons! Deacons are ambassadors of the church who perform congregational care for church members, so you’ll hear from your assigned deacon periodically. You are always welcome to contact them if you’re in need of prayer, support or have concerns. Don’t miss this time to connect with your deacon.

Encountering the World of Islam with Don McCurry Sunday, February 10, 7 p.m., Fellowship Hall Join missionary and founder of Ministries to Muslims Don McCurry for this insightful training class on understanding the Islamic faith. Don will help us grasp the spiritual world of Islam and how the gospel meets those challenges. Don is one of the Church’s most seasoned and respected authorities on Islam and how Muslims can be reached for Christ. RSVP by February 6 to Marcia Davis at 634.0337, ext. 231, or mdavis@eastminster.org.

Using eastminster.org: How to Stay Connected to the Church Wednesday, February 6, 6:30 p.m.; C-13/14 Eastminster’s Communications team will lead this informative class on how to use our website, eastminster.org. We want to make sure you’re equipped to use all the resources the web has to offer. Topics will include a basic overview of our website, how to navigate through web pages to find information, how to use the “search” feature, how to access the online calendar, using our online member directory, and more. If you’d like to begin using our website or just have some questions on where to find specific items, this class is for you!

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