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October 2013

Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives.

Expectations of Your New Senior Pastor by Bob Hopper, Interim Senior Pastor OK – now that I have your attention – please do NOT interpret this article as any kind of announcement or even prediction that a new senior pastor has been called or even located. Nevertheless, I would like to make some practical suggestions for you to consider whenever the Lord does, indeed, raise up such a person. First, be much in prayer for this person right now – before they are even identified. As many of you have already done so, pray for supernatural wisdom (James 1) for your search team and pray for supernatural leading of the Holy Spirit in them and in your future pastor and their family. Pray for them after they arrive, knowing that every Christian leader is a target of the devil, and must be continually supported in fervent prayer. Second, you should have biblical expectations for this new pastor, meaning you should have those expectations based on the Bible and not simply your own preferences. They should have godly character (see Titus 1 and I Timothy 3); an empowerment model of leadership (Ephesians 4:11-13); a shepherd’s heart (I Peter 5:1-5) that truly loves people; and a commitment to preaching “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:18). At the same time, you must guard against having “extra-biblical” expectations such as their sense of humor, physical appearance, sports teams loyalty, etc. What is important to you may not be important to them. What is important to God must be important to them. Third, it is critical to love and respect the pastor’s family and allow them the freedom to follow God’s leading for the nature and depth of their involvement in the life of Eastminster. My practice has been to interview the elders of the church prior to accepting a call to serve that church, and I would always ask the question: “What are your expectations of my wife and children if I were to be your pastor?” The answer that I was looking for was something like this: “We know from Scripture that God gives gifts to his children to be used in ministry for his glory. We would expect from your wife the very same thing we expect from every member of our body – that her gifts and call as a believer are detected and deployed to serve the Lord. We would also expect that she would be your “help mate” and partner in ministry. This does not mean, however, that we expect her to attend every meeting and hold leadership positions where the Lord has not


Eastwind Newsletter

led. As elders we are committed to protecting you and your family from congregational expectations that are not biblical. We simply want her to be a loving wife and a participating church member whose heart is to honor and serve the Lord.” Good answer! Where do I sign? Fourth, expect your new pastor to be a biblical visionary who has a heart – in concert with the elders – to see perpetual transformation in the life of Eastminster. The Scripture says we are being “increasingly transformed into the image of Christ” (see II Corinthians 3:12-18). This means that God is bringing this pastor to Eastminster to be a biblically-directed change agent, who wants God’s best for this congregation. The words “status quo” do not exist in Holy Scripture. If the new pastor wants to use the screens for sermon notes or illustrations at the 8 or 9:30 services, then so be it. If they want to introduce a new ministry or modify an existing one – welcome the change. Fifth, do not compare your new pastor with previous pastors who have served Eastminster. Every pastor is unique, with differing strengths, weaknesses, interests, personality, etc. It is most unkind, unloving, and unfair for a new pastor to be compared to predecessors. Feel free to compare them to the standard of Scripture – no more, no less. Sixth, show grace to your new pastor and give them time to adjust to a new community, a new congregation, new relationships, and new responsibilities. “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” Do you remember starting a new job and “feeling your way” in those initial days, weeks and months? Serving Eastminster is a new opportunity and a new challenge for any pastor. They are entering a new land, and need time to settle into it. Finally, expect from your new pastor what you expect from yourself as a member of Eastminster Presbyterian Church. That is, a whole-hearted and sacrificial commitment to GLORIFY GOD, FOLLOW CHRIST, (and) TRANSFORM LIVES. This is the vision God has given to this body, and this is the vision that is worthy to be embraced, celebrated and served. Understand that there is one Person’s expectations for Eastminster that supersedes the expectations of all others – including those of the new senior pastor. That Person is Jesus Christ. All glory, honor and service be rendered to him and him alone. Praying for you and your new senior pastor and their family. Bob

Monthly Calendar – October 2013 Eastminster produces a calendar in each of our monthly publications. If you’re reading this after October, check the month’s publication for the current calendar. Or visit eastminster.org/calendar. Tuesday, October 1 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Women in Action, Women’s Book Club 6:30pm Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 7pm Piece Sewers

Eastminster 102, Kid’s Quest 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday, October 2 9:30am For Mothers of Young Children 4:30pm Connect Card Prayer Group 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal, Kid’s Choir, Middle School 6:30pm EDGE Adult Discipleship Class, Eastminster 102, Kid’s Quest 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, October 13 8, 9:30 & 11am Worship 8, 9:30 & 11am Adult Classes 9:30am Children’s & Student Classes 11am Kid’s Worship 7pm High School Barn Party

Thursday, October 3 Pilgrimage: A Weekend of Spiritual Renewal 9:15am Hannah Circle 10am Senior Singles 6pm LAFS 7pm Twelve Women of the Bible Study Sunday, October 6 8, 9:30 & 11am Worship 8, 9:30 & 11am Adult Classes 9:30am Sunday School with Dr. Barkay, Children’s & Student Classes 11am Kid’s Worship 12:30pm Missionary Lunch & Update 7pm High School Youth Group Monday, October 7 9am For Mothers of Young Children II 6:45pm Boy Scout Troop 524 Tuesday, October 8 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Women in Action 6:30pm Contemporary Worship Rehearsal Wednesday, October 9 9:30am For Mothers of Young Children Martha-Priscilla Circle 1pm Rebecca-Ruth Circle 4:30pm Connect Card Prayer Group 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal, Kid’s Choir, Middle School 6:30pm EDGE Adult Discipleship Class,

Thursday, October 10 10am Senior Singles 6pm LAFS 7pm Twelve Women of the Bible Study

Monday, October 14 9am For Mothers of Young Children II 7pm Prayer Pastor Search Teams Tuesday, October 15 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Women in Action 6:30pm Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 7pm Piece Sewers, Session Meeting Wednesday, October 16 9:30am For Mothers of Young Children 4:30pm Connect Card Prayer Group 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal, Kid’s Choir, MS Game Show Night 6:30pm EDGE Adult Class, Kid’s Quest 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, October 17 9:15am Hannah Circle 10am Senior Singles 6pm LAFS 7pm Twelve Women of the Bible Study Friday, October 18 Noon Luncheon Hosted by Senior Ministries Sunday, October 20 8, 9:30 & 11am Worship 8, 9:30 & 11am Adult Classes 9:30am Children’s & Student Classes 11am Kid’s Worship 7pm An Evening of Prayer, HS Youth Group Monday, October 21 9am For Mothers of Young Children II 6:45pm Boy Scout Troop 524

Tuesday, October 22 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Women in Action 6:30pm Contemporary Worship Rehearsal Wednesday, October 23 9:30am For Mothers of Young Children 4:30pm Connect Card Prayer Group 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal, Kid’s Choir, Middle School 6:30pm EDGE Adult Class, Kid’s Quest 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, October 24 10am Senior Singles 10:30am Missionary Care Prayer 6pm LAFS 7pm Twelve Women of the Bible Study Sunday, October 27 8, 9:30 & 11am Worship 8, 9:30 & 11am Adult Classes 9:30am Children’s & Student Classes 11am Kid’s Worship Monday, October 28 7pm Prayer for Pastor Search Teams Tuesday, October 29 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Women in Action Noon Prayers for Our Nation 6:30pm Contemporary Worship Rehearsal Wednesday, October 30 9:30am For Mothers of Young Children 4:30pm Connect Card Prayer Group 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal, Kid’s Choir, Middle School 6:30pm EDGE Adult Discipleship Class, Kid’s Quest 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, October 31 10am Senior Singles 6pm LAFS 6pm Trunk or Treat 7pm Twelve Women of the Bible Study

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Catching Fire a new wave of evangelism comes to Eastminster


astminster’s mission statement of Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives. is a powerful one when it’s put into practice. We serve a God who is in the business of life transformation through the good news of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. And the best part is he has chosen to use us – his people – to carry the life-transforming news to others. As a church we believe this, but how do we put it into practice?

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The Train, Equip, Send Team of the Local & US Missions Council knows the importance of equipping Eastminster members to share the love of Christ with friends and neighbors. That’s why they’ve planned a special event, the Becoming a Contagious Christian Retreat, to do just that – equip us for sharing our faith right where we are. “I struggle along with many others when it comes to knowing how to share my faith,” shares Elder Kedre Mellor. “I don’t have all the answers, so I’m afraid to open my mouth. I might offend someone, so I keep quiet. Yet I know that I have good news to share, and I want to be obedient to God and offer the message of salvation to people I love. I hope by attending the retreat I can become a contagious Christian with training, encouragement and tools to share my faith.”

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Every person’s personality and giftings play into how they share their faith. Some may be more comfortable than others, some may like to share with close friends but not strangers, or the other way around. Everyone’s style and comfort level is different. The beauty of the Contagious Christian curriculum used at the retreat is that it helps us each understand our unique strengths and personality and then equips us with practical steps and tools for sharing our faith in a way that’s natural. “We are all called to be a witness for Christ, but we don’t all have the same makeup and gifts. For some of us it’s more difficult to reach out in love with the gospel, even when we desperately


Eastwind Newsletter

want to do so,” says Elder Rick Hilscher. “I personally am lacking in persuasive skills. That’s why I chose engineering as a profession and not sales. When it comes to communicating things to people that I think they don’t want to hear, I really struggle. For those of us who struggle for one reason or another, we may benefit from some practical training.”

Messengers of the Good News Our elders know that evangelism is key to the life of Eastminster as well. It is the calling of the Church to go and make disciples, and without it, we aren’t following God’s call upon us. “Evangelism training is vital in the life of Christians and the Church,” shares Ray Jones. “Evangelism is spreading the Evangel, a word directly from Greek. Its two components are EV (well) and ANGEL (messenger), coming to us through history as The Good News. Our pronunciation with stress on VAN, veils the beautiful original meaning and sound. Faithful evangelists since the time of Jesus have spread the Evangel from generation to generation, place to place, among many cultures. Without training new evangelists, knowledge of Jesus could eventually be lost. I believe Eastminster is called to continue keeping the Good News alive and moving on and on, outward and beyond. As an ordained ruling elder and also a Sunday school teacher, I plan to attend the Contagious Christian Retreat in November to gain new perspective on evangelism that is pertinent to the time, place and culture in which we live and to become refreshed in the Good News of Jesus. At the recent EPC General Assembly in June, I was encouraged by reports from other churches and from missionaries about evangelism, especially learning that there are countless ways to keep the Good News of Jesus alive and moving from heart to heart, and that there is a role for everyone. We, the Church, will be blessed by a closer commitment to Evangelism. It is humbling to be part of a continuous historical movement as an EV ANGEL messenger.”

Intentionality and Training Two key components of a church that equips its members to actively share their faith are intentionality and training. In fact, several of our elders heard what an impact these two things can have at the recent General Assembly of our denomination. “I was encouraged by the experiences of those who have been intentional in reaching out to seekers and nonbelievers to help them find answers to the questions and doubts they have about God and Jesus,” shares Kedre. “Instead of hoping someone else would start the conversation, they took action to open a forum for discussion and lives are being changed.” The Contagious Christian Retreat is a starting point for this kind of training and intentionality. It’s meant to ignite a passion for those in our lives without Jesus, but it’s not the answer. We as the body of Christ are the answer. “I hope we gain a greater level of courage and peace about living and sharing the gospel, in ways that fit our individual gifts and personality. We need to come away knowing we are salt, light and the sweet aroma of Christ. We need to remember that we do not personally change people’s hearts but can be used by God in that process. We need to be able to see ourselves in that role working in concert with the Holy Spirit,” says Rick. “Sharing our faith is not about increasing the membership rolls of Eastminster, but I believe the heart-change our members would experience and the joy we would feel as more of our family members become brothers and sisters in Christ, and as our friends become co-laborers for the Kingdom, will make Eastminster a body of believers that attracts attention. If that attention directs more people to Jesus, what a difference that will make!” shares Kedre.

Creating Opportunity Probably each of us could think of someone in our lives who needs the hope of Christ. As the retreat approaches, we challenge you to pray for those God puts on your heart to share your faith with. Ask specifically that he will create opportunities and open doors for you to be able to speak about your faith and the difference that knowing Jesus makes in your life. Even if evangelism is not your natural strong suit, pray that the Holy Spirit would equip you with the right words to speak about the hope you have. “As individuals we always need to be prepared to share the gospel when the Holy Spirit gives us an opportunity. As a body of believers, we need to engage in activities inside and outside the church that provide us real opportunities to witness to those who do not yet have a personal relationship with Jesus.” It’s that kind of lifestyle that not only ignites our own hearts, but is contagious to others. When our lives are ablaze with the love of Christ, others are sure to catch the spark.

Becoming a Contagious Christian Retreat Saturday, November 16 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.; Student Center $20/person; register online at eastminster.org People matter to God. This foundational truth leads us to share a clear, contemporary presentation of the gospel in our personal Enter date here and respond to the lives, so others can hear life-changing good news of Jesus. Authors Enter timeChristian here curriculum Bill of the Contagious Hybels, Mark Mittelberg and Lee Strobel Enter place here believe that effectively communicating our faith should be the most natural thing in the world. At this special one-day retreat, leaders Bob and Dale Coleman will help us discover why we are called to be Contagious Christians, how authenticity, compassion and sacrifice help us relate to seekers, and how to clearly share the gospel with those you love in a way that “fits” the unique personality God gave you. We’ll learn how to develop a contagious Christian character, to build spiritually strategic relationships, to direct conversations toward matters of faith, and to share biblical truths in everyday language. Register online at eastminster.org/contagious or pick up a registration form at the church. Questions? Contact Marcia Davis at 634.0337, ext. 231, or mdavis@eastminster.org.

Child Care Child care is available for children up to 5 years. RSVP to Julie Pritchard at 634.0337, ext. 215, or jpritchard@eastminster.org no later than noon on Friday, November 8.

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Treating Our Guests to the Gospel Eastminster’s largest community outreach event is back for a second year Trunk or Treat is a safe alternative to traditional Halloween festivities that’s perfect for the whole family. Our parking lot will be filled with cars, vans, trucks and other vehicles, each decorated in a variety of fun themes. Last year Dorothy and the gang from Wizard of Oz made an appearance, and David and Goliath were there too. This year there are even more fun surprises planned, and you never know who might show up! A few of our staff and volunteers share about the fun from last year and what they’re looking forward to at Trunk or Treat 2013. Mary Stephens, Director of Children’s Ministries Celebrating Halloween can be a controversial subject within church circles due to many of the sights and sounds and meanings of the day. Therefore we want to bring the light of Jesus to families in a fun way. Trunk or Treat is Eastminster’s opportunity to serve our surrounding community by providing a safe, fun atmosphere. Alternatively themed trunks will add to the fun, but we also want our members to be creative in sharing Bible stories through decorated Bible-themed trunks and activities in order to impact others. This year we would like to tell the story of the gospel through specifically colored trunks so by the time a child or family visits each trunk, they will have been exposed to the salvation message. What an enjoyable, non-confronting way to clearly tell the story of Jesus! The Children’s Ministries team has ideas, but need volunteers to implement them. There is no age limit since there are a variety of service opportunities including decorating trunks, serving on the food team, inflatable supervision, parking, hay rack, greeting, setup or tear down, handing out prizes and more. Being a part of the smiles and laughter will warm your heart. But being a part of potentially transforming lives will warm your spirit.


Eastwind Newsletter

What was your favorite part of Trunk or Treat? Kat Anderson I loved seeing the general excitement of everyone who was decorating a trunk. People wanted to be there; it was fun to feel that sense of community from our church family. Susan Lear My favorite part of Trunk or Treat was preparing to have fun with boys and girls in our church (who already know something about the love of God), and with those kiddos who just “dropped in” for some Trunk or Treat fun! I wanted them ALL to see the JOY of those who follow Jesus – to know that the church on Webb Road is a welcoming and happy place where all people are received with gladness! Joey McLaughlin Growing up I have fond memories of spending October 31 at the First Baptist Church participating in a little carnival. I was excited to hear that Eastminster was going to start something similar. I cannot say that I have one particular favorite part of the evening. Honestly, I loved every aspect. I loved preparing our trunk decor, costumes and game. I loved watching the kids from the community and the Eastminster kids get involved and have fun going from trunk to trunk. I loved how so many people from Eastminster took part in making this night a success and blessing for more than 250 kids.

Susan As for impact, I think the evening was a fun one-time event and now I am hoping every kid who gets candy THIS year will also get a trick or treat salvation tract AND an invitation to come to church and Sunday school and Wednesday night EDGE. The real treat – the eternal blessing - will come when they begin to fathom the love of Jesus. I want our guests invited to MORE than one fun night of candy! Let’s win these children and their families for Christ! Joey Absolutely! I’ve never seen so many people from outside of Eastminster on Eastminster’s property! There were kids and families from all over the Wichita area experiencing the love of Christ, and to me that is a major win. Why should others be involved? Kat I think others should be involved because it is SO much fun and you get to be a witness for Christ. What is better than that?!



Do you think Trunk or Treat impacted our community for Christ? Kat Oh my goodness yes! As someone who is pretty familiar with the makeup of Eastminster’s congregation, it was very obvious to me that we reached many, many people from the community with this outreach event. Children’s Ministries handed out ministry information to each child who came to the event. That information, coupled with the kindness shown by all those involved in the event makes me believe that Christ definitely planted some seeds that day.

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Thursday, October 31, 6 to 8 p.m. Trunk or Treat is the largest outreach Eastminster puts on for the community, and a really fun way to serve Wichita families while demonstrating the gospel. Your family, small group, Bible study or any other group is welcome to “donate” a car for the evening, and decorate your trunk with a festive theme. There will even be a prize for best Bible-themed trunk, and best alternatively themed trunk! Or help man one of our gospel stations where families will hear about the components of the gospel as told through colors (black = sin, red = Jesus’ blood, etc.). You can also serve with concessions, security, parking direction, set up, tear down, candy and prize donation and more. To get involved, pick up a volunteer packet at the church and choose your favorite way to serve. Return the registration form to the Children’s Ministries office no later than October 20.

Susan Why participate? Let’s use the culture’s holiday in a safe and righteous way and set it apart for Kingdom purposes! Let’s be IN the world while not OF it! Let’s love kids in Jesus’ name for God’s glory! Joey The better question is, why shouldn’t others be involved?! What an incredible opportunity to share God’s love with families outside of our church and build more community within the Eastminster family. How did participating in Trunk or Treat together bring your group closer? Kat Having participated with people from my Sunday school class, the uniqueness of this event added another beautiful layer to our friendship. Joey Part of the reason I was so excited to participate in Trunk or Treat was due to the people involved in my trunk. Susan Lear, Kat Anderson and I had an absolute ball planning and preparing to make our trunk the very best (second place isn’t bad). I really enjoyed the opportunity to spend more time with Kat, Susan and Don on a different level outside of our normal settings.

Trunk or Treat Invite Party October 17 at 6:30 p.m. Did you know more than 50% of people in Wichita do not attend church? Inviting others to Trunk or Treat is a great opportunity to let others know about the love of Christ in a way that’s fun and comfortable. Join us on October 17 to help canvas the neighborhoods around the church with fliers inviting those nearby to Trunk or Treat. You can also pick up fliers at church kiosks to hand out in your own neighborhoods. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


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Worship Services Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

The goal of Eastwind is to support the mission of Eastminster Church: Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives. Director of Communications: Courtney Browning (cbrowning@eastminster.org). Associate Director of Communications: Meg Foreman (meg@eastminster.org).

Up & Coming Singing Quakers Alumni Concert Directed by Dr. Cecil J. Riney and featuring Joseph Martin, guest conductor and pianist Saturday, November 9, 7:30 p.m.; Sanctuary This special evening features familiar anthems and spirituals sung by the Singing Quakers Alumni from Friends University. During the second half of the program Joseph Martin, a concert pianist and composer, will serve as guest conductor and pianist on several of his compositions as well as play a medley of some of his songs. He has written more than a thousand compositions, both sacred and secular.

An Evening of Prayer with Guest Musician Jenny Youngman Sunday, October 20, 7 p.m.; Sanctuary A special evening of worship and prayer as we come together and focus our hearts on the Lord. Worship will be led by Jenny Youngman, a Nashvillebased singer/songwriter whose music is honest, organic and conversational.


Eastwind Newsletter

The Faces of Eastminster Project a look book of Eastminster friends & members Sign up at eastminster.org/photo or in Fellowship Hall Portrait dates available in November Eastminster is excited to announce the start of The Faces of Eastminster Project. This “look book” will feature photos of our adult members and attenders so that everyone who calls Eastminster home has an easy way to put names with faces. It’s designed as a name-face recognition tool, so you can easily recall those you meet through the church. Because we value your privacy and security the look book won’t include photos of minors or contact information. To be a part of the look book, simply schedule your portrait session at eastminster.org/photo or in Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings. Weekday portrait sessions are available November 5, 6, 7, 19, 20, 21 or 22 from 2 to 8:30 p.m. There is also a weekend option on Saturday, November 23, from 10 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. The photographer will take photos of the entire family, so you can have a true family portrait to keep, as well as a separate photo of any adults in the family to be placed in the Eastminster look book.

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