September Eastwind

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September 2012

... he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Leading with Purpose by Bob Hopper, Interim Senior Pastor Three months pass quickly, do they not? That’s how long I have had the privilege of being your interim senior pastor, and I have found it to be both a joy and a privilege. Have you ever wondered, “What is an interim pastor supposed to do?” Common answers include: “shake things up” or “clean house” or “keep the ship on an even keel,” etc. All of those viewpoints miss the mark. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church has a rather long and detailed answer to that question in a manual called Guidelines for Intentional Interim Ministries. Notice the word INTENTIONAL. Did you know that I came to Eastminster with a specific call, purpose and agenda that is the product of both my own sense of God’s leading in my heart and the agenda provided by my denomination. There are EIGHT tasks that shape my vision, fuel my passion, consume my energy, and set my agenda. The first three are obvious, and the remaining five from the EPC Manual may surprise you.

Eight Purposes of An Interim Pastor 1. Feeding the flock through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. 2. Empowering the elders to lead Eastminster biblically, courageously and effectively. 3. Nourishing and developing the staff, and moving them toward being more of a team. 4. Coming to terms with history Eastminster has many wonderful and distinguished virtues in its history, but the past decade or so has been marked by high pastoral turnover and congregational disruption and decline. What are the causes of this? How can they be identified, addressed and resolved? It is a privilege to work with your elders to address this. 5. Discovering a new identity You are in the process of becoming a congregation of the EPC. This is a new culture for you, with a different theology, methodology and personality than your previous affiliation. How can I help you discover this new identity?


Eastwind Newsletter

6. Facilitating shifts of power In every congregation there are “power centers” of key, historic decision-makers. These need to be identified and, if necessary, that power needs to be shifted to the place where it belongs. Biblically, this means to the elders of the church who are then to lead this flock to a place of greater peace, purity and unity. Your elders are both hard working and faithful in this regard. 7. Rethinking denominational ties The EPC is simply a very different denominational home than what you have been accustomed to. This requires me to help you become integrated into the EPC in a way that blesses you and strengthens our denomination. 8. Building commitment to a NEW LEADERSHIP and a NEW FUTURE The future of Eastminster is ultimately in the hands of the Lord, but he in turn places the leadership of his flock in the hands of fallible people called elders. The EPC is an elder-governed denomination, not a pastor-driven one. To prepare the way for your next senior pastor, it is not uncommon to restructure the existing leadership of the congregation. This requires both Godgiven wisdom and God-given courage. Well, there you have it. Those eight tasks set my agenda. God has called me to Eastminster to pursue those eight tasks with energy, creativity and boldness and – in concert with the elders – to move this precious flock to a place of greater health and strength. In my two previous interims, some people called me “fearless.” I suppose that was a compliment, but not accurate. I have many fears. I fear failing my denomination who desires me to facilitate your entrance into it. I fear failing the next senior pastor who rightly expects any interim to identify and address unpopular issues before they arrive and begin their new ministry. I fear failing the elders of this church who deserve to be empowered and encouraged. I fear failing this precious congregation who needs to enter into a new, healthy era of pastoral stability and fruitfulness. Most of all, I fear failing the Lord of this church, who calls all of us to lay down our lives for his kingdom – and his glory. Please pray for me – and for your elders – that we are led by faith, not fear. Gratefully, Pastor Bob Hopper

The Journey

M ov in g F o rward To g et her.

The Journey is Eastminster’s leadership and transitions blog. It’s the place to start for information on the next steps Eastminster is taking during this time of transition. Eastwind will now contain snippets from Journey posts, but to read the entire update please visit the online blog at thejourney. As we follow God’s leading, our elders, staff and leadership are here to answer your questions, share information about recent issues and decisions, and offer encouragement so we can move forward together.

Prayer Requests from the Pastor Search Team Posted August 9 Pray for us by name, as members of your search team Pray for patience. Commit to waiting for God’s timing. Pray that we will have the mind of Christ and agree. Pray for wisdom to choose the right person. Pray for discipline as a search committee and as individuals. Pray for our next pastor Pray that God would increase his passion for preaching the Word of God. Pray that God would give him a love for our church and the strength and sure calling to leave his current position. Pray that our next pastor would begin new relationships at our church in the right way, even during the search process. Pray that God would prepare our pastor to better shepherd our flock through the trials and blessings he currently faces. Pray for our next pastor’s family. Pray for the people in our church Pray for patience. Pray that people would place a priority on biblical preaching. Pray that our people would not react to a previous pastor.

July Session Update Posted July 27 There were some exciting results that came out of the session’s second retreat on July 20 and 21. During the first session retreat

last month, Eastminster’s committee structure was redefined to make the top level governing committees more representative of the heart of our church as obedient followers of Christ. The new committees are: Prayer, Worship, Discipleship, Congregational Life, World Missions, Local and US Missions, Membership Development and Administration. After the first session retreat, focus groups were formed to define the responsibilities of these new committees. It was decided the new committees will be called “councils” and the sub-committees called “teams” to more properly reflect their work focus. At the second session retreat, the work of the focus groups and the implementation of many Mission Study recommendations were approved. Those recommendations will be implemented over the next six months by a Mission Study Implementation Team led by elder Ann Ramseyer. Session asks for your continued prayers through this process.

Leadership Updates We want to make sure you feel fully informed about any transitions happening at Eastminster. You’ll hear from leadership, usually an elder or member of the MSIT, once per month during worship. On those days, at least two elders will be available in the lobby after the service if you have any questions. Leadership updates usually happen the Sunday after session meets. Update Sundays: September 23, October 21, November 18, December 23. Don’t forget there are summaries of session meetings posted on The Journey blog. Instead of formal session minutes, our posts will be updates on key information and decisions made at those meetings. We always want to be honest and transparent about the work the Lord is doing in and through us, so please don’t hesitate to ask any elder if you have questions regarding leadership updates.

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Serving the God of Second Chances by Eric Vizcarra, World Impact Thrift Store Employee I was born in Wichita after my parents settled here. My dad was an alcoholic and so my earliest memories were of my father being drunk. The home was unsettled as my mom tried to keep things calm while my dad was out doing his thing. Today he is sober and is doing great. Up until the age of elevent or twelve things were sort of normal for me, but then I started noticing all that was going on in the

Hardness was all I knew by that time. That was my world. It was what I saw and what I knew. I was fearless. When there were gun fights I wouldn’t duck, I’d run toward them. I was way out there. No concern for my life, the lives of others or consequences. As you get older you start having more influence. That means training the younger ones, getting your own group. Training up the home boys and getting your own soldiers. You show them the way. My reputation grew. My oldest son was born while I was locked up in county [jail]. I saw him through glass. All the damage you have done starts getting to you. To avoid looking at it up close you start doing drugs. More drugs all the time and eventually cocaine, alcohol and crystal methamphetamine. I was fighting with my girl. By that time we had four kids. Because of the drugs, drinking and gang life I was out of control. I became abusive to her and to the kids. There is a lot I regret out of those years. During that time I was stabbed, shot twice, and had a brick cracked over my head. I had my battle scars. To some they were badges of honor. In time they became something else. I’ve been in and out of jail in the county, and done time in prison. More than I want to remember.

neighborhood. My cousins were in the gangs and I noticed the homies having everything. They had control, girls – they had all the things I wanted. They had everthing: the luxuries, cars, respect. They had it all. I started kicking it with them, living that way myself. I started hanging with the gangs and became what they called “a wannabe.” I wanted to prove myself. I wanted to be the real deal. A real gangster. That was my main and only goal. School wasn’t important. In order to get into the gang you had to prove yourself. That meant “putting in work.” For some that involved shooting people, stealing, doing whatever needed to be done, and doing it without fear. So that’s where I went. I was now thirteen. I started to know more people, started getting respect. I wanted people to fear me. You go from respect to fear. You want to be the hardest gangster you can be.


Eastwind Newsletter

With God there are no borders. - Eric Vizcarra When you drink you try to forget your problems. Then you start losing everything. You look for your home boys and where are they? They’re either dead or locked up. What a life. You see that you’ve been shot because of a one dollar handkerchief. It seems wasted. I lost everything. I lost the respect of my parents; they didn’t want to claim me as their son. My girl was gone. I had lost my kids. It was all gone. The only thing I had was my car. I was invited to church one time. A seed was planted that God used later.

Finally I hit my lowest point. I knew church was the only place I could turn to. On Sunday I pulled into the parking lot of the Vineyard Church. I sat in my car watching people go in, one after another. I couldn’t make myself go in, always figuring I’d follow the next one. But I didn’t. I thought, “forget this,” and drove down the street thinking to myself, “I’m a gangster! Surely I can go in.” I turned the car around and went back and sat in the car some more. I still couldn’t make myself go in. But finally, I took the step.

I had never cried like I did as I gave everything to God. I felt peace for the first time. When I walked in the door someone wanted to hand me a pamphlet. I blew him off and sat down. People were praising God. I had so many questions. I was angry. But it seemed that the pastor was answering every question I had in my heart. One after another he answered them. A peace started to come over me. They did an altar call and the Lord just smacked me. I was trying to be hard, act gangster as I walked forward. The closer I got to the front the more I broke down. I had never cried like I did as I gave everything to God. I felt peace for the first time. It’s been three years. Nothing was easy after that. It’s not easy leaving the gang. But the Lord got me through it.

World Impact’s Program for Released Offenders World Impact is one of Eastminster’s supported missions partners. A part of World Impact’s ministry is to work with individuals who have been released from prison and assist them as they re-enter society. World Impact ministers to them by offering a Christian environment in which they can grow spiritually as well as work to receive valuable job training and references for future employment. Through their two local thrift stores, men like Eric receive wages, training and resume assistance, as well as being encouraged in their social and ministry skills.

How you can help You can help support this important ministry by donating items you no longer need to the World Impact Thrift Stores (2323 East Central Avenue and 1353 North Waco). Your donations help ensure this ministry can continue. You can also support the ministry by volunteering at one of the stores. Opportunities include sorting donations or working the cash register. Learn more and volunteer at

Walking with Christ is difficult. On the one hand I left everything, the only world I knew, and it was the hardest thing I ever did. Yet knowing Christ was with me has made it possible.

Serve with Central Kansas Prison Ministry

I had the opportunity to lead one of the guys to Christ that came out of a rival gang. In fact, he was one of the guys who shot me. It was a big deal to me, to see him come to Christ. Others from the gang started coming to Bible study. With God there are no borders.

Central Kansas Prison Ministries is another of Eastminster’s supported missions, and you can get involved by mentoring an inmate in a Kansas correctional facility. After extensive training, volunteers are paired with inmates who have common likes and interests. The volunteer then meets with the inmate once a month, and writes them one letter a month. Upcoming training dates for this opportunity are:

As I look to the future I want to serve God. It is his life. I am trying to get my family to follow Christ. It is tough, but I know with Christ there are things possible that I could never do on my own. Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” I have battle scars and they are part of my testimony. But they are also reminders of what not to go back to. There is absolutely nothing in this world that will satisfy. Only knowing the love and the forgiveness of Christ, being in the center of his will, will satisfy.

Monday and Tuesday, November 5 and 6 6 to 10 p.m. each night at the El Dorado Correctional Facility administration building Visit for more information and to sign up to volunteer. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Glory Heard Around the World Pastor Bob shares on Eastminster’s opportunity to host a choir from Russia – and why it’s so near to his heart.


ne of the truths of Scripture is that God is Lord of all – Lord of every tribe, tongue and nation. What a perfect way to worship him, then, when we gather those from different countries and languages to sing his praise. On October 7, Eastminster will welcome the Bryansk Russian Church Choir to Wichita. Pastor Bob Hopper knows this choir well. The talented group hails from one of the churches in rural Russia where Bob and his wife, Tacey, have been involved for many years helping to plant churches. “This event will be a special evening at Eastminster,” shares Bob. “Because so many appreciate music and cross-cultural exposure, this will be an excellent event for members of Eastminster to invite others to. It’s an opportunity to get neighbors, coworkers and friends into our building.” The 20-voice choir will sing the majority of pieces in Russian, though two to three songs will be in English, and the congrega-

Gloria! An Evening of Praise Featuring the Bryansk Russian Church Choir Sunday, October 7 • 7 p.m. • Sanctuary

Experience the majesty of hearing God glorified in another language. A guest choir of 20 voices, the Bryansk Russian Church Choir, will declare the glory of God through song. What a wonderful reminder that the One we serve is the same throughout the world and across cultures and languages! You won’t want to miss this phenomenal evening of music and praise from this talented choir. Invite your friends and neighbors for this special performance, as well as a short message from Pastor Bob Hopper. The 20 choir members will need a place to stay for the weekend. If you’d be willing to host one or more guests on October 6 and 7, contact Jennifer Garrett at 634.0337, ext. 209, or


Eastwind Newsletter

tion can sing along. “Every four years this choir takes a US tour. The group sounds like a professional choir, but they are unpaid. They see it as a ministry, even though their talent is of professional quality,” says Bob. The event is free, but an offering will be accepted to go toward church buildings in Russia. “When a church is planted in that country, people begin meeting there as soon as there’s a roof on the building,” explains Pastor Bob. “The facilities are unfinished and there is no heat even in the middle of frigid Russian winters. Can you imagine attending church in those conditions? I think we often forget how easy we have it here in America. What a chance to bless others in conditions much less favorable than our own.”

Three Key Benefits Pastor Bob believes there are three unique benefits to hosting an event like this one. First, there is a spiritual benefit. “It’s a foretaste of heaven,” says Bob. “Revelation 5 shares that every tribe, tongue and nation will gather to praise the Lord. It’s a prelude to what we will experience in eternity.” Second, an event like this engages the community with the local church. “This is your chance to invite those who may not walk through our doors on Sunday to an event that’s of interest to them, and is not threatening. They will enjoy the music, but also hear a brief presentation of the gospel. It’s a great outreach opportunity!” Third, the evening will provide funds to complete the construction of church buildings. “This work is even more important than providing shelter for church-goers, though that’s certainly key. The Bryansk church is a Baptist church. In Russian culture, Baptists are looked down upon. But culturally, the construction of a building gives credibility. Most Russian Orthodox churches have huge and elaborate facilities. To have a building adds credibility to the ministry of these church plants in the midst of a buildingconscious culture.” There is no doubt October 7 will be an evening of great praise and blessing as we enjoy the talent of the Bryansk Choir. But it will also be much more than that – an opportunity to invite others to experience the church and hear the gospel, and the opportunity to support our brothers and sisters in Christ from around the world as they work to spread the hope of Jesus. Join us for an evening of praise, community and outreach as we enjoy hearing the Lord praised in another language.

Form and Function An interview with our Facilities Director, Dana Widler everything into each day that needs done is probably my biggest challenge.

You may see the friendly faces of our Facilities staff from time to time, but what you may not see is the behind-the-scenes work that goes into keeping such a large and vibrant organization as Eastminster ticking. Of course Facilities handles things like cleaning the building and removing trash, but often their work goes beyond just maintenance to making sure each ministry has just what it needs to function at its best. Wether that’s ensuring our safety by installing security cameras, managing building temperatures, beautifying the church’s landscaping or simply setting up for a meeting – Facilities is happy to do whatever it takes to keep the church running well and looking beautiful. What is your favorite part about serving in Facilities? I enjoy the variety of the job. I work on plumbing, electrical, different control systems, painting, etc. I also do budgeting and personnel for the facilities area. So I enjoy doing different things each day with a mix of inside and outside work. What is your biggest challenge in Facilities? Time is probably the thing I wish I had more of. It seems like I just get to work and only get part on the things done I was hoping to accomplish. So cramming

What are some changes or improvements you’ve made to the facilities or grounds recently? Tell us about the purposes of these projects and the benefits they’ll have for our congregation. Installing new electronic locks on the exterior doors and adding more new cameras to monitor our parking areas have just been done. This will help us to better protect the property and people here. New sidewalks by the bell tower and replacing the sidewalk piece at the south narthex entrance should help people from slipping or tripping, since these spots were becoming problem areas. One of my first tasks upon coming to Eastminster four years ago was to upgrade the building controls system. The Sanctuary was among the first to be retrofitted with the new controls system. The new controls helped point out several ongoing problems with air velocity and humidity in that area. We installed new dampers that would push more air out the top of the vents instead of the sides which blew directly on the congregation. The new vents helped give better air distribution to the choir and organ areas and the installation of new humidity sensors will allow the air handlers and humidifiers to run when needed to maintain the proper humidity levels in that area.

If you could make one change to the facilities of Eastminster – with no thought of cost or time – what would it be? It would be nice to be able to do some remodeling and new construction. I would like to remodel the front and MPR restrooms. It would be nice to have a children’s gym, additional area for storage, a bigger shop area and be able to remodel or build a new kitchen.

How do you see Facilities being of benefit to the ministries and congregation of Eastminster? Why is this area so important? I see the church as a training center and it is the Facilities department’s job to keep it functioning at the highest level possible in order for its members to be equipped and trained and then sent out. I worked at Fort Riley for several years and the base was used to train, equip and care for the soldiers. The church should be used in the same manor: to train, equip and care for the congregation. They are then ready to be sent to the FOB’s (forward operating bases) – our schools, businesses and mission fields to carry out the Lord’s work. Eastminster Presbyterian Church



P ROM I S E p r o j e c t

one church. one heart. one dream. The Mission Study Implementation Team, known as the MSIT, would like to update you on some big things God is doing at Eastminster. Imagine for a moment what a church would look like if it was perfectly aligned with the heart of God – completely in tune with his spirit and his purposes. Imagine the impact that church could have for the gospel, the lives that could be touched, the families transformed. It’s an incredible thing to think about, isn’t it? This fall marks the beginning of a new chapter in Eastminster’s history, one God has been writing since the beginning of time. This new chapter is the result of work your leadership has been doing over the past few months to discern and align ourselves with God’s unique purpose for Eastminster. This process began last winter and consisted of a Mission Study including hiring a church consultant, interviewing staff, pastors and elders, and surveying our church members. Through this process, it was made clear that we could do several things to more closely follow God’s heart for his church at Eastminster. To carry this out, we re-aligned our church structure. The session, as the spiritual leaders of the church, will now have eight main Councils, encompassing all the ministries of the church. These Councils are: Prayer, Worship, Discipleship, Congregational Life, Local and US Missions, World Missions, Membership Development and Administration. The results of the past months of work are finally here, and they are what we’re calling The Promise Project. It is named for the idea found in Philippians 1 - that God promises to continue the good work he started in us to shape our church to be more and more like his Son. From the beginning, God was telling a story through Eastminster, a story about the hope found in Jesus Christ. Today that story continues in the form of The Promise Project. We want to make sure you’re fully informed as we move forward. You can find details and an overview of each area of ministry in


Eastwind Newsletter

our Promise Project booklet, available at the church or at We ask that you would look it over, pray about the good work God is doing here, and also prayerfully consider where God might be leading you to get involved or serve. The booklet also includes a timeline of the action steps that will be taken over the next few months to put these Councils in place. The Councils won’t begin their work until January, so during the coming months the MSIT will be working to facilitate the transition between current committees and future Councils – and to help members get involved in the new areas of ministry. This booklet also includes a list of Frequently Asked Questions, which might be helpful to you as you work through this information. In her report, our church consultant Carolyn Weese called this time a new beginning for Eastminster...and The Promise Project is at the heart of that. This is more than session action - this is a new day for our church as we move forward on the path God has planned for us. We want you to know that YOU can be a part of that process. Everyone who’s a part of Eastminster is welcome to join in an area of ministry where they feel called. Each Council will be led by an elder, but made up mostly of members of our church family. Under each Council are Teams – the groups that will carry out the ministry of that area. If you have been wondering how to take part in shaping the life and ministry of the church, this is your chance! We welcome and invite anyone interested in serving at Eastminster to let us know what area of ministry you feel called to, so we can begin working with you to see which Council or Team would be a good fit. This is a truly exciting time in the life of Eastminster. We have seen God’s hand at work in so many ways in this process, and we are thrilled we get to walk the unique path he has laid out for us as a church. Would you continue to pray for your elders, pastors, staff and the MSIT as we work to align our church with God’s heart? We believe this is a new day for Eastminster, and we could not be more excited to embark on the journey God has prepared for us.

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Staff and congregants are chosen to form teams w

Team Players

Transition plan is approved and set into motion. Councils and team leads are announced. New structure is ready to take effect in January 2013.

A Change Can Do You Good

at 634.0337 or email to be a part of a new council or team.

wWondering how to get involved? This is your chance! Call the church

Council and team ministry plans (called charters) are finished and given to session.

The Finish Line

Council leads and staff begin planning for the coming year

The Grand Plan

Staff is restructured to fit new ministry goals

Ready to Serve

Leadership works to transition from current structure to new councils

Old Meets New

Key Phrases MSIT: Mission Study Implementation Team. This is the action team who will be responsible for carrying out steps directed by session. Includes elders, two deacons, a staff person and each of the congregants from the eight focus groups. Council: The new name for our top-level committees. There are eight, which you can read more about in the Promise Project booklet. Team: Sub-committees under each council that will carry out ministry in that area.

Council Cores are formed for the eight councils (2 elders, staff, congregation member from focus group)

Servant Leaders

Council leadership defines each of their teams (the ministries and activities included in that council)

MSIT is off and running


Team Spirit


The Promise is Born

Beginning in September, you’ll be able to share your dreams for Eastminster within our eight areas of ministry. Watch for more details on how you can share your dream for our church.

Dream BIG



Promise Project Timeline


Equipping Families Brandi Tanksley is the newest member of the Eastminster staff, serving in Children’s Ministries. the next generation to know the Lord. I would love to help bring parents and church leaders even closer together. “With Orange you combine the two primary influences that impact a kid’s life. Orange connects parents and leaders with the same strategy and the same end goal.” I would love to help implement this here at Eastminster. What are your future plans for your career and ministry? Ask anyone that knows me and they’ll tell you I’m a planner. However, I am coming to realize more and more that ultimately it comes down to what God has in store for me. I am excited to see how God is going to use me throughout my ministry. To him be the glory for ever and ever. Amen! Brandi Tanksley joined the Eastminster staff in August as our Associate Director of Children’s Ministries. We asked her to share a little about her family, her role at the church, and even her vision for building up faith at home! Tell us a little about yourself. I grew up in the small town of Buhler. I have lived in Kansas my whole life! My husband, Jesse, and I are high school sweethearts. He moved into my high school at the beginning of our junior year, and we have been together ever since. We now have four beautiful children: Aubrey 9, Mady 6, Lincoln 4 (or Batman as some of you may know him as), and Jackson 3. Jesse currently works as an attorney for Stinson, Morrison, Hecker. When did you meet Jesus? I was fortunate to grow up in a loving, Christian household. I came to know Jesus at a very early age. Why do you have a passion for Children’s Ministries? I have always had a deep love and passion for working with children. Children amaze me! They are so knowledgeable and they say the most innocent, sweet and funny things. Their minds are like sponges; they soak everything up so easily. They are able to memorize Scripture in a matter of minutes, while it may take me days now as an adult. I’m convinced that the early years are some of the years of greatest opportunity for the gospel. What are some goals or dreams you have for your ministry at Eastminster? Family. Family. Family. Thanks to Mary Stephens, I am thinking “Orange.” Orange is a resource to help equip families and


Eastwind Newsletter

What is God teaching you right now? God is currently teaching me patience and how to be my husband’s help meet. What’s currently on your reading list? Right now I am reading Created to Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. I am loving it! Ministry can be tough. What do you do to relax and have fun? I love to read, watch movies, to photograph people at all life’s stages, and spend time with my loving family.

Family Think Tank Sunday, September 16, 12:30 – 1:45 p.m.; Gym Parents, join us for an afternoon of brainstorming and discussion on how we can help support and equip you in the adventure called parenting. This event is for parents of little ones through high school. You can enjoy pizza on us while having guided talks with one of our ministry team leaders about the joys and challenges you face in raising your children up as godly individuals. We want to know what’s working for you at Eastminster, where we can improve, and how we can best equip you to lead your family. RSVP to Barbara at 634.0337, ext. 215, or by September 12.

Pastor Search Team Update What’s happening with the group of 15 God has raised up to find our next leader.


ur Pastor Search Team has been working tirelessly to seek out God’s direction and leading for who should be our next senior pastor. Led by elder Susan Lear, the team meets at least twice a month as well as spending time praying, studying Scripture and reading relevant books to prepare themselves to begin interviewing candidates. Keep them in your prayers! You can read their specific prayer requests for the search process at The Team Amy Babst Wayne Becker Doug Crow Bonnie Dakan Dale Gibbens Kathy Hammar Rhonda Johnson Ray Jones

Drew Kice Susan Lear (chair) Melanie Moore Patty Oberg Sarah Pritchard Rick Schaulis Jack Schurman

Their Work The team meets the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 7 p.m. You are invited to be a part of the search process through supporting our search team with prayer. This is something the entire church body can get involved in. The Parlor will be open during team meetings so that we can join together and pray for this effort to find God’s next leader for our church. Their Wisdom Right now the team is searching Scripture for God’s leading, as well as reading several relevant books: Eagles in Tall Steeples by Carolyn Weese, The Elephant in the Boardroom by Carolyn Weese and 15 Characteristics of Effective Pastors by Kevin Mannoia and Larry Walkemeyer. “We encourage any members who might be interested to read these books as well. We have found them to be very helpful and relevant to our church in its transition,” says Susan. They have also met with Pastor Bob for training on how to look for a godly leader. Pastor Bob led the team through the Uniquely You personality and spiritual gift assessment so they would be equipped to use their unique strengths in the search process. Stay Updated Look for updates from the team on The Journey blog ( and on regularly scheduled Sundays during worship. You’ll hear from the Pastor Search Team on September 16, October 14, November 11 and December 16.

The Timeline MARCH • The team was elected by the church body. APRIL • The team elected its officers and set meetings and agendas. • Requested and acknowledged prayer group laboring in support of the search process. MAY through JULY • The team was equipped by Pastor Bob Hopper. This includes: • EPC orientation to Book of Order, Confessions and EPC Search Committee Policy and Procedures • EPC theology and practice taught to team members • Required reading assigned and completed • Team review of Mission Study survey results presentation • Team study and discussion of Mission Study report • Discussion and determination of leadership paradigm for an Eastminster Senior Pastor, character, competencies, convictions, call. • Developed community among members of the team. JUNE • Developed a communication plan for regular communication with session and congregation during worship and in written form, announcements and prayer requests. Monthly report to session, monthly report to congregation. JUNE-JULY • Discerned spiritual gifts and professional skills of each member to enhance the strength of the team and utilize the various gifts of the Holy Spirit in evidence among us. • Reviewed the work of session on the Mission Study and the future organization of the church and its eight Councils. AUGUST • Created a church profile (CIF) • This includes: church history, personality, ministry, facility and statistics • Created the ideal pastor profile based on the needs of the church, needed gifts, experience, passion and descriptive profile. SEPTEMBER and BEYOND • Develop plan for process of pastor applications and resumes • Post CIF • Begin to receive applications (called PIFs) • Research candidates • Narrow the field • Home stretch: Presbytery/session/congregation. Weekend visit by candidate. Congregational vote. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


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Eastminster Presbyterian Church 1958 N. Webb Road • Wichita, Kansas 67206 316.634.0337 •

Worship Services Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

The goal of Eastwind is to support the five Core Commitments of Eastminster Presbyterian Church: Know God, Grow in God, Connect in God, Serve God and Glorify God. Director of Communications: Courtney Browning (

Wednesday Night EDGE Begins September 12 Men’s Life Begins September 25 Tuesdays, 6:15 a.m., Student Center During Men’s Life, we open up the Bible and look at principles on becoming the man God desires us to be. What keeps us from living such a life? What can you do to pursue it? The good news is that God doesn’t meet us in the monastery, but rather on Main Street.

Trip to Kenya November 19 – December 3 Pastor Kermit will lead a trip to Kenya and Ethiopia to visit our partners at the Makobe Children’s Home to celebrate their 10 year anniversary. If you’re interested in joining all or part of this trip, contact Marcia Davis at


Eastwind Newsletter

All are invited to Wednesday Night EDGE, a night for the entire church family. EDGE stands for Every Disciple Growing and Equipped. Children and middle school kids can attend special programs, while adults can choose from one of our great classes. Middle School @ 6 in the Student Center Just for Kids • Children’s Choir @ 6 in B-10 Together we’ll learn worship songs, as well as the importance of praising the Lord. • Nursery through Kindergarten in the Children’s Wing @ 6:30 • Summit Seekers (first through fifth grade) @ 6:30 Kids will discover the treasure of God’s promises combined with the fun and excitement of the great outdoors. For Adults • Signposts: A Roadmap Through the Old Testament with Jon Grissom • Letters From Grandpa: Thoughts on Relating Biblical Concepts to Life with Marvin Martin • It Starts at Home: Confidently Teaching Your Kids About God Meets October 3 – November 14 • Hospital and Homebound Visitation Class with Dick Gorham September 19 only

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